GB/T 2680-1994 Determination of visible light transmittance, direct sunlight transmittance, total solar energy transmittance, ultraviolet transmittance and related window glass parameters for architectural glass
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Architectural glass
Determination of light transmittance, solardirect transmittance,total solar energy transmittance,ultraviolet transmittance and related glazing factors
Determination of light transmittance, solardirect transmittance,total solar energy transmittance and ultraviolet transmittance for glass in building and related glazing factors This standard adopts the international standard ISO9050-1990 "Architectural glass - Determination of total solar energy transmittance,ultraviolet transmittance and related glazing parameters". Subject content and scope of application
GB/T 2680-94
Replaces GB2680-81
-Visible light transmittance, direct solar transmittance,solar This standard specifies the determination conditions and calculation formulas for the visible light transmittance (reflection) ratio, direct solar transmittance (reflection, absorption) ratio, total solar energy transmittance, ultraviolet transmittance (reflection) ratio, hemispherical emissivity and shielding factor of architectural glass. This standard applies to the determination of the optical properties of architectural glass and its single-layer and multi-layer window glass components. 2 Measurement conditions
2.1 Samples
2.1.1 For general architectural glass and single-layer window glass components, slices of glass of the same material are used. 2.1.2 For multi-layer window glass components, a combination of slices of single-piece glass of the same material is used. 2.2 Standard samples
2.2.1 In the determination of spectral transmittance, an air layer of the same thickness as the sample is used as a reference standard. 2.2.2 In the determination of spectral reflectance, a reference white board configured with the instrument is used as a reference standard. 2.2.3 In the determination of spectral reflectance, a standard specular reflector is used as a working standard, such as an aluminum-coated mirror, instead of a completely diffuse reflector.
2.3 Instruments
2.3.1 The spectrophotometer is equipped with a specular reflection device when measuring spectral reflectance. 2.3.2 Wavelength range
Ultraviolet region 280~380nm;
Visible region 380~780nm;
Sunlight region 350~1800nm;
Far infrared region 4.5~25μm.
2.3.3 Wavelength accuracy
, within ±lnm;
Ultraviolet-visible region
Near infrared region
Far infrared region
Within ±5nm;
Within ±0.2μm,
Approved by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision on December 30, 1993, 122
Implementation on October 1, 1994
2.3.4 Photometric measurement accuracy
GB/T 2680-94
Ultraviolet-visible region within 1%, repeatability 0.5%; near infrared region within 2%, repeatability 1%;
Far infrared region within 2%, repeatability 1%.
2.3.5 Half-width of the spectrum
UV-visible region: 10nm or less;
Near infrared region: 50nm or less;
Far infrared region: 0.1μm or less.
Wavelength interval
UV region: 5nm;
Visible region: 10nm;
Near infrared region: 50nm or 40nm;
Far infrared region: 0.5μm.
2.4 Geometric conditions of illumination and detection
2.4.1 In the determination of spectral transmittance, the angle between the optical axis of the illumination beam and the normal of the sample surface shall not exceed 10°, and the angle between any light ray in the illumination beam and the optical axis shall not exceed 5°. The geometric conditions of vertical illumination and vertical detection are expressed as vertical/vertical (abbreviated as 0/0). 2.4.2 In the determination of spectral reflectance, the angle between the optical axis of the illumination beam and the normal line of the sample surface shall not exceed 10°; the angle between any light ray in the illumination beam and the optical axis shall not exceed 5°. The geometric conditions of t° illumination and t angle detection are adopted, expressed as t°/t (abbreviated as t/t). 3 Determination of each parameter
The determination of the following parameters must comply with the conditions specified in the technical requirements in Chapter 2 of this standard and the corresponding clauses of each parameter. 3.1 Visible light transmittance
The visible light transmittance is calculated by formula (1):
(8o D, . t(a) .V(a) - d.
D,V(a) .ds
D,- t(A) +V(A) +A4
D,. V(A) .AA
Visible light transmittance of the sample, %;
t(λ)——Visible light spectral transmittance of the sample, %;D;——Relative spectral power distribution of standard illuminant D5, see Table 1;——Photopic spectral luminous efficiency;
Aa——Wavelength interval, here is 10nm. 123
GB/T 2680—94
Table 1 Relative spectral power distribution D of standard illuminant D6s, multiplied by photopic spectral luminous efficiency V(input) and wavelength interval △^
D, V(a). a
3.1.1 Monolithic glass or single-layer window glass component t()) is the measured visible light spectral transmittance. 3.1.2 The double-glazed component
T(>) is calculated using formula (2):
T,(A) : T2(A)
Wherein: (in)—visible light spectral transmittance of the double-glazed component, %; (>)—visible light spectral transmittance of the first piece of glass (outdoor side), %; tz(a)-
visible light spectral transmittance of the second piece of glass (indoor side), %, D,+ V(). AA
i(>)The first piece of glass is the measured visible light harmonic reflectance when light is incident from the indoor side to the outdoor side; %; P2(in)The second piece of glass is the measured visible light spectral reflectance when light is incident from the outdoor side to the indoor side. 3.1.3 The tensile strength of triple-glazed components is calculated using formula (3):
GB/T 2680-94
ti(a) - t2(u) + t3(a)
(1-e(a) . z()(p() : p,()-() . pr() : p() Where: (>)
—visible light spectral transmittance of the three-layer window glass component, %; T3(a)-
visible light spectral transmittance of the first glass (indoor side), %; (3)
P2(^)--—-visible light spectral reflectance of the second (middle) glass, measured under the condition that light is incident from the indoor side to the outdoor side, %; ps(a)-
visible light spectral reflectance of the third glass (indoor side), measured under the condition that light is incident from the outdoor side to the indoor side, %;
t)(), t2(), pi(), p2()---same as formula (2). 3.2 Visible light reflectance
Visible light reflectance is calculated using formula (4):
D, - p(a) - V(a). di
[D, .Va) · d.
D, - p(A) . V(A) * AA
D, : V() .AA
β%——visible light reflectance of the sample,%, e(>)—visible light harmonic reflectance of the sample,%, DV(a), △>——same as formula (1).
3.2.1 Monolithic glass or single-layer window glass component 0()) is the measured visible light spectral reflectance. 3.2.2 The
p(>) of double-layer window glass components is calculated using formula (5):
p(a) =p(x)+
t(a) + p2(a)
1 -pi(a). p2(a)
The visible light spectral reflectance of double-layer window glass components, % Where: p(>)-
The visible light spectral reflectance measured for the first piece of glass (outdoor side) under the condition that light enters the indoor side from the outdoor side, %;
ti(), pi(), p2()—-same as formula (2). 3.2.3 The
p(a) of triple-layer window glass components is calculated using formula (6):
o(a) = p,(a) +
ti(a) - P2(a) - [1-p2(a) - pg(a)]+ti(a) . rs(u) : ps(a)[1pr(a) . p,() . (i-pz(a) . p(a)-()p,()ps()) Visible light spectral reflectance of triple-layer window glass components, %; Ti(a), t2(), pi(), pi(a), p2(), p2(), p()3.3 Distribution of incident sunlight
Same as formula (2) or formula (3).
Sunlight refers to radiation composed of near ultraviolet, visible light and near infrared light, with a wavelength range of 300 to 2500nm. This standard refers to sunlight directly transmitted through the atmosphere The light that is irradiated onto the light-receiving object does not include the reflected and scattered light from the ground and buildings. The solar radiation irradiates onto the window glass, and the incident part is,. It is divided into three parts: 125
transmitted part
reflected part-
absorbed part-α.
The relationship between the three is as follows:
In the formula:
direct transmittance of sunlight;
-direct reflectance of sunlight;
direct absorption of sunlight.
GB/T 2680—94
The window glass absorbs part α. The part transferred to the outdoor side through the window glass by heat convection is 4, and the part transferred to the indoor side is qde, where:
Where: q
The secondary heat transfer coefficient of the window glass to the outdoor side, %; The secondary heat transfer coefficient of the window glass to the indoor side, %. 3.4 Direct sunlight transmittance
The direct sunlight transmittance is calculated using formula (9): 250 0
Where: S,-relative spectral distribution of solar radiation, see Table 2 or Table 3; △--wavelength interval, nm;
sunlight spectral transmittance of the sample, %, the determination and calculation method is the same as t(λ) in the visible light transmittance in Article 3.1, only the wavelength range is different.
Table 2 When the air mass is 1, the relative spectral distribution S of the solar photosphere radiation multiplied by the wavelength interval △λ (published by CIE in 1972) a.nm
GB/T 2680--94
ZSx : 41== 0. 954
Table 3P·Relative spectral distribution of direct sunlight radiation when the Moon's atmosphere mass is 2 S.Multiplied by the wavelength interval
3.5Direct sunlight reflectance
Direct sunlight reflectance is calculated using formula (10): o
S,+ p() *AA
Where: o.-
GB/T 2680-94
-Direct sunlight reflectance of the sample, %; Spectral sunlight reflectance of the sample (the determination and calculation method is shown in 0 (input) of visible light reflectance in 3.2, only the wavelength range is different), %;
St, △>-m are the same as formula (9).
3.6 Direct sunlight absorption ratio
3.6.1 Monolithic glass or single-layer window glass components The direct sunlight absorption ratio of monolithic glass or single-layer window glass components must first be determined by measuring their direct sunlight transmittance and direct sunlight reflectance, and then calculated using formula (7). 3.6.2 Direct sunlight absorption ratio of the first and second glass sheets of a double-glazed unit The direct sunlight absorption ratio of the first glass sheet of a double-glazed unit is calculated using equations (11), (12), (13) and (14), and the direct sunlight absorption ratio of the second glass sheet is calculated using equations (11), (15) and (16):
ai(a) = 1 --ti(1) - pi(a)
α,(a) = 1 --t(a) -p(1)
αz(a) : ti(a)
1-p,(a). p,(a)
αz2()=1—2(a) —pz(a)
Wherein: α12
direct sunlight absorption ratio of the first or second glass of the double-layer window glass component, %; ... , the measured solar spectral absorption ratio under the condition that light is incident from the outdoor side to the indoor side, %; t,()--the solar spectral transmittance of the first glass, %, β(>)--the solar spectral reflectance of the first glass under the condition that light is incident from the outdoor side to the indoor side, %; T2(a)-
the solar spectral transmittance of the second glass, %; β,(>)--the solar spectral reflectance of the first glass under the condition that light is incident from the indoor side to the outdoor side, %; 02(a)-
the solar spectral reflectance of the second glass under the condition that light is incident from the outdoor side to the indoor side, %; Same as formula (9).
3.6.3 Direct absorption ratio of sunlight of the first, second and third glass sheets of a triple-glazed window component (12)
(16 )
The direct absorption ratio of sunlight of the first glass sheet of a triple-glazed window component is calculated using formula (17) and formula (18). The direct absorption ratio of sunlight of the second glass sheet is calculated using formula (17), formula (19) and formula (20); the direct absorption ratio of sunlight of the third glass sheet is calculated using formula (17), formula (21) and formula (22): 128
Where: α1(2.3)
GB/T 2680-94
+ai23(123,123)(A) di
αi23(123,123)(a) ·
+[i-pr(a)pz()) . (ip,()ps(a))=r(a) . pi(a)p(a)α123()=
r,()α,()[1-p2()p()j+ti()r,()α,(a)e(a)[1-pr()pz()) . (-p,()p()) -()pr()p(a)α2() 1-t2() -p2()
[i-pr(a)p2(a)) . (1-p2(a)ps(a))-t(a)pr(a)p,()αs()1—t3()-p3()
Three-layer window glass component, the direct absorption ratio of sunlight of the first (second and third) glass, %; (17)
Three-layer window glass component, the spectral absorption ratio of sunlight of the first, second and third glass, %; αi23(), α123(),α123()—
αz(>)—The solar spectral absorption ratio of the second glass of the triple-layer window glass under the condition that the light is incident from the indoor side to the outdoor side, %;
—The solar spectral absorption ratio of the third glass of the triple-layer window glass component under the condition that the light is incident from the outdoor side to the indoor side, %,
(>)—The solar spectral transmittance ratio of the third glass of the triple-layer window glass component, %;p2(a)
The solar spectral reflectance ratio of the second glass under the condition that the light is incident from the indoor side to the outdoor side, %;βs(>)The solar spectral reflectance ratio of the third glass under the condition that the light is incident from the outdoor side to the indoor side, %;i(),2(),p,(),p(),p(),α,(),αi()αz(),Sa—Same as 3. 6. 2.3.7 Hemispherical emissivity
Hemispherical emissivity is equal to the vertical emissivity multiplied by the coefficient of the corresponding glass surface: 0.94 for uncoated flat glass surface; 0.94 for glass surface coated with metal oxide film; 1.0 for glass surface coated with metal film or multilayer coating containing metal film. See Table 4 for the hemispherical emissivity of common glass.
Hemispherical emissivity ei
Glass type
Ordinary transparent glass
Vacuum magnetron cathode
Sputtered coated glass
Ion coated glass
Electrofloat glass
Hemispherical emissivity ei
Visible light transmittance ≤ 15%
Visible light transmittance > 15%
3.7.1 Vertical emissivity
GB/T 2680-—94
For vertically incident thermal radiation, the thermal radiation absorption rate αh is defined as the vertical emissivity, calculated according to formula (23) and formula (24): α = 1— — Ph
Wherein: αs\
Thermal radiation absorptivity of the sample, i.e. vertical emissivity, %; thermal radiation reflectivity of the sample, %;
Measured thermal radiation spectral reflectivity of the sample, %, G——Relative spectral distribution of thermal radiation at an absolute temperature of 293K, see Table 5. Table 5 Relative spectral distribution of thermal radiation at 293K G, wavelength, μm
3.8 Total solar transmittance
The total solar transmittance is calculated using formula (25): Wherein: g
Total solar transmittance of the sample, %;
Direct solar transmittance of the sample, %;
qSecondary heat transfer coefficient of the sample to the indoor side, %. 3.8.1 Wavelength of single-pane glass or single-layer window glass component·μm
t. is the direct sunlight transmittance of a single-layer glass or single-layer window glass component, which is calculated using formula (26) and formula (27): q;α×
where: 9:
GB/T 2680-94
Secondary heat transfer coefficient of a single-layer glass or single-layer window glass component to the indoor side, %; αe—-—same as 3.6.1;
h;—Heat transfer coefficient of the inner surface of the sample component, W/m2·K; he—Heat transfer coefficient of the outer surface of the sample component, h. =23W/m2·K; Hemispherical emissivity, same as 3.7, refer to Table 4. 3.8.2 Double-layer window glass component
t is the direct sunlight transmittance of the double-layer window glass component, which is calculated by formula (28): a., +αe +
wherein: q:—
double-layer window glass component, secondary heat transfer coefficient to the indoor side, %; G—thermal conductivity between the two sheets of double-layer window glass, W/m2·K; G-1/R, R is thermal resistance; αe, vαe,-same as 3.6.2;
h., h.same as 3.8.1.
3.8.3Triple-layer window glass component
t. is the direct sunlight transmittance of the triple-layer window glass component, and q: can be calculated using formula (29): +a, +a+ , +a +a
wherein: q;—
ae,ae, vae
; the secondary heat transfer coefficient of the triple-layer window glass component to the indoor side, %,; the thermal conductivity between the first and second glass of the triple-layer window, W/m2·K,; the thermal conductivity between the second and third glass of the triple-layer window, W/m2·K, same as 3.6.3;
same as 3.8.1.
3.9 Shielding coefficient
The shielding coefficient of various window glass components to solar radiation heat is calculated by formula (30): S
Wherein, S.-
Shielding coefficient of sample;
Total solar energy transmittance of a sample, %,
The theoretical value of total solar energy transmittance of ordinary transparent flat glass with a thickness of 3mm is 88.9%. 3.10 Ultraviolet transmittance
The ultraviolet transmittance is calculated by formula (31):
Wherein: - — Ultraviolet transmittance of a sample, %; GB/T2680-94
T(X)· △A
U — — Relative spectral distribution of ultraviolet radiation, see Table 6; Wavelength interval, A^=5nm;
.(31 )
r(1) - — Ultraviolet spectral transmittance of a sample (the measurement and calculation method are the same as those in (a) of visible light transmittance in Article 3.1, only the wavelength range is different), %.
Table 6 Relative spectral distribution of ultraviolet spherical radiation U. Multiply by wavelength interval △A, nm
3.11 Ultraviolet reflectance
Ultraviolet reflectance is calculated by formula (32):
Wherein: Pu-ultraviolet reflectance of the sample, %, GB/T2680-94
CU, Pa)·Ax
P(a)-ultraviolet spectral reflectance of the sample (its determination and calculation method are the same as p(a) in visible light reflectance in Article 3.2, only the wavelength range is different), %;
Ua-same as formula (31).
4 Measurement report
The content of the measurement report is as follows:
4.1 Indicate compliance with the requirements of this standard.
4.2 Measurement conditions
Instrument: name, model, light source type, lighting and detection geometric conditions; sample: number, measured thickness, measurement direction. 4.3 Measurement date and name of the person measuring.
4.4 Other necessary instructions.
Additional instructions:
This standard was proposed by the State Bureau of Building Materials Industry. This standard was drafted by the Qinhuangdao Glass Research Institute of the State Bureau of Building Materials Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Lu Wenping, Tan Jingya, Zhang Miaoqing, Liu Qiying, and Zhang Zhiyong. 1331 wavelength of single-layer glass or single-layer window glass component·μm
t. is the direct sunlight transmittance of single-layer glass or single-layer window glass component, which is calculated by formula (26) and formula (27): q;α×
where: 9:
GB/T 2680—94
secondary heat transfer coefficient of single-layer glass or single-layer window glass component to the indoor side, %; αe—-—same as 3.6.1;
h;—heat transfer coefficient of the inner surface of the sample component, W/m2·K; he—heat transfer coefficient of the outer surface of the sample component, h. =23W/m2·K; hemispherical emissivity, same as 3.7, refer to Table 4. 3.8.2 Double-layer window glass component
t. is the direct sunlight transmittance of the double-layer window glass component, which is calculated by formula (28): a., +αe +
where: q:—
double-layer window glass component, secondary heat transfer coefficient to the indoor side, %; G—thermal conductance between the two sheets of double-layer window glass, W/m2·K; G-1/R, R is thermal resistance; αe, vαe,-same as 3.6.2;
h., h.same as 3.8.1.
3.8.3 Triple-layer window glass component
t. is the direct sunlight transmittance of the triple-layer window glass component, and q: can be calculated using formula (29): +a, +a+ , +a +a
wherein: q;—
ae,ae, vae
; the secondary heat transfer coefficient of the triple-layer window glass component to the indoor side, %,; the thermal conductivity between the first and second glass of the triple-layer window, W/m2·K,; the thermal conductivity between the second and third glass of the triple-layer window, W/m2·K, same as 3.6.3;
same as 3.8.1.
3.9 Shielding coefficient
The shielding coefficient of various window glass components to solar radiation heat is calculated by formula (30): S
Wherein, S.-
Shielding coefficient of sample;
Total solar energy transmittance of a sample, %,
The theoretical value of total solar energy transmittance of ordinary transparent flat glass with a thickness of 3mm is 88.9%. 3.10 Ultraviolet transmittance
The ultraviolet transmittance is calculated by formula (31):
Wherein: - — Ultraviolet transmittance of a sample, %; GB/T2680-94
T(X)· △A
U — — Relative spectral distribution of ultraviolet radiation, see Table 6; Wavelength interval, A^=5nm;
.(31 )
r(1) - — Ultraviolet spectral transmittance of a sample (the measurement and calculation method are the same as those in (a) of visible light transmittance in Article 3.1, only the wavelength range is different), %.
Table 6 Relative spectral distribution of ultraviolet spherical radiation U. Multiply by wavelength interval △A, nm
3.11 Ultraviolet reflectance
Ultraviolet reflectance is calculated by formula (32):
Wherein: Pu-ultraviolet reflectance of the sample, %, GB/T2680-94
CU, Pa)·Ax
P(a)-ultraviolet spectral reflectance of the sample (its determination and calculation method are the same as p(a) in visible light reflectance in Article 3.2, only the wavelength range is different), %;
Ua-same as formula (31).
4 Measurement report
The content of the measurement report is as follows:
4.1 Indicate compliance with the requirements of this standard.
4.2 Measurement conditions
Instrument: name, model, light source type, lighting and detection geometric conditions; sample: number, measured thickness, measurement direction. 4.3 Measurement date and name of the person measuring.
4.4 Other necessary instructions.
Additional instructions:
This standard was proposed by the State Bureau of Building Materials Industry. This standard was drafted by the Qinhuangdao Glass Research Institute of the State Bureau of Building Materials Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Lu Wenping, Tan Jingya, Zhang Miaoqing, Liu Qiying, and Zhang Zhiyong. 1331 wavelength of single-layer glass or single-layer window glass component·μm
t. is the direct sunlight transmittance of single-layer glass or single-layer window glass component, which is calculated by formula (26) and formula (27): q;α×
where: 9:
GB/T 2680—94
secondary heat transfer coefficient of single-layer glass or single-layer window glass component to the indoor side, %; αe—-—same as 3.6.1;
h;—heat transfer coefficient of the inner surface of the sample component, W/m2·K; he—heat transfer coefficient of the outer surface of the sample component, h. =23W/m2·K; hemispherical emissivity, same as 3.7, refer to Table 4. 3.8.2 Double-layer window glass component
t. is the direct sunlight transmittance of the double-layer window glass component, which is calculated by formula (28): a., +αe +
where: q:—
double-layer window glass component, secondary heat transfer coefficient to the indoor side, %; G—thermal conductance between the two sheets of double-layer window glass, W/m2·K; G-1/R, R is thermal resistance; αe, vαe,-same as 3.6.2;
h., h.same as 3.8.1.
3.8.3 Triple-layer window glass component
t. is the direct sunlight transmittance of the triple-layer window glass component, and q: can be calculated using formula (29): +a, +a+ , +a +a
wherein: q;—
ae,ae, vae
; the secondary heat transfer coefficient of the triple-layer window glass component to the indoor side, %,; the thermal conductivity between the first and second glass of the triple-layer window, W/m2·K,; the thermal conductivity between the second and third glass of the triple-layer window, W/m2·K, same as 3.6.3;
same as 3.8.1.
3.9 Shielding coefficient
The shielding coefficient of various window glass components to solar radiation heat is calculated by formula (30): S
Wherein, S.-
Shielding coefficient of sample;
Total solar energy transmittance of a sample, %,
The theoretical value of total solar energy transmittance of ordinary transparent flat glass with a thickness of 3mm is 88.9%. 3.10 Ultraviolet transmittance
The ultraviolet transmittance is calculated by formula (31):
Wherein: - — Ultraviolet transmittance of a sample, %; GB/T2680-94
T(X)· △A
U — — Relative spectral distribution of ultraviolet radiation, see Table 6; Wavelength interval, A^=5nm;
.(31 )
r(1) - — Ultraviolet spectral transmittance of a sample (the measurement and calculation method are the same as those in (a) of visible light transmittance in Article 3.1, only the wavelength range is different), %.
Table 6 Relative spectral distribution of ultraviolet spherical radiation U. Multiply by wavelength interval △A, nm
3.11 Ultraviolet reflectance
Ultraviolet reflectance is calculated by formula (32):
Wherein: Pu-ultraviolet reflectance of the sample, %, GB/T2680-94
CU, Pa)·Ax
P(a)-ultraviolet spectral reflectance of the sample (its determination and calculation method are the same as p(a) in visible light reflectance in Article 3.2, only the wavelength range is different), %;
Ua-same as formula (31).
4 Measurement report
The content of the measurement report is as follows:
4.1 Indicate compliance with the requirements of this standard.
4.2 Measurement conditions
Instrument: name, model, light source type, lighting and detection geometric conditions; sample: number, measured thickness, measurement direction. 4.3 Measurement date and name of the person measuring.
4.4 Other necessary instructions.
Additional instructions:
This standard was proposed by the State Bureau of Building Materials Industry. This standard was drafted by the Qinhuangdao Glass Research Institute of the State Bureau of Building Materials Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Lu Wenping, Tan Jingya, Zhang Miaoqing, Liu Qiying, and Zhang Zhiyong. 133
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