title>GBJ 11-1989 Code for seismic design of buildings GBJ11-89 - GBJ 11-1989 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GBJ 11-1989 Code for seismic design of buildings GBJ11-89

Basic Information

Standard ID: GBJ 11-1989

Standard Name: Code for seismic design of buildings GBJ11-89

Chinese Name: 建筑抗震设计规范GBJ11-89

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1989-03-27

Date of Implementation:1990-01-01

Date of Expiration:2002-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Engineering Seismic Resistance, Engineering Fire Prevention, Civil Air Defense Engineering>>P15 Engineering Seismic Resistance

associated standards

alternative situation:TJ 11-1978; replaced by GB 50011-2001

Publication information

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GBJ 11-1989 Code for Seismic Design of Buildings GBJ11-89 GBJ11-1989 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Code for Seismic Design of Buildings
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National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Code for Seismic Design of Buildings
Editor Department: Former Ministry of Urban and Rural Construction and Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China Approval Department: Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China 990
Effective Date: 1
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System Notice on the Release of the National Standard Code for Seismic Design of Buildings (89) Jianbiaozi No. 145 According to the requirements of the former State Construction Commission (81) Jianfashezi No. 546, the former Ministry of Urban and Rural Construction and Environmental Protection, together with relevant departments, revised the Code for Seismic Design of Industrial and Civil Buildings TJ11-78 and renamed it the Code for Seismic Design of Buildings. After review by relevant departments, the Code for Seismic Design of Buildings GBJ11-89 is now approved as a national standard to be implemented on January 1, 1999. Code for Seismic Design of Industrial and Civil Buildings TJ11-78 was abolished on June 30, 1991. This code is managed by the Ministry of Construction and interpreted by the China Academy of Building Research. It is published and distributed by China Architecture & Building Press. Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China
March 37, 1989
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Announcement No. 1 on Partial Revision of National Standards for Engineering Construction
The national standard "Code for Seismic Design of Buildings" GBJ11-89 has been partially revised by the China Academy of Building Research in conjunction with relevant units. The relevant departments have reviewed it and now approve the provisions of the partial revision. From July 1, 1993, the provisions of the corresponding articles of the code will be abolished at the same time.
This is hereby announced.
Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China
March 15, 1993
Engineering Construction Standards Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standards Full Text Information System
Revision Notes
This code is revised by the China Academy of Building Research in conjunction with relevant design, scientific research and colleges and universities to the original "Code for Seismic Design of Industrial and Civil Buildings" TJ11-78 in accordance with the notice of the former State Construction Commission (81) Jianfashezi No. 546. During the revision process of this code, the code revision group conducted special research, investigated and summarized the experience and lessons of major earthquakes at home and abroad in recent years, adopted new scientific research results of earthquake engineering, considered my country's economic conditions and engineering practices, and proposed a revised draft. After extensively soliciting opinions from relevant design, construction, scientific research and teaching units and management departments across the country, after repeated discussions, revisions and trial designs, it was finally reviewed and finalized by our ministry in conjunction with relevant departments. bZxz.net
This code is divided into eleven chapters and seven appendices. The main contents of this revision are: adding seismic design requirements for houses in earthquake zones with a magnitude of 6, proposing two-stage design requirements for strength verification and deformation verification that reflect the seismic design principles, adopting structural seismic verification expressions based on probability theory, modifying site classification standards, design response spectra and the values ​​of design earthquake actions, improving saturated soil liquefaction discrimination and anti-liquefaction measures, supplementing structural seismic concept design regulations, seismic analysis methods and various seismic measures to improve the integrity of various types of buildings, deformation capacity and energy absorption capacity of components, and adding relevant chapters on seismic design of block houses, steel structure single-story workshops and earth, wood and stone houses.
This code must be used in conjunction with the "Building Structure Load Code" GBJ9-87 formulated and revised in accordance with the "Unified Standard for Building Structure Design" GBJ68-84 approved and issued by the state in 1984 and various national building structure design standards and specifications, and must not be mixed with various national building structure design standards and specifications that have not been formulated and revised in accordance with GBJ68-84.
Due to limited conditions, this code still has many problems to be further solved through investigation and scientific experiments in the future. Therefore, in the process of implementing this code, all units should combine the actual project, pay attention to summarizing experience and accumulating data. If you find any need for modification and supplementation, please send your opinions and relevant materials to the Institute of Earthquake Resistance of China Academy of Building Research for further revision in the future.
Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China
March 1989
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Main Symbols
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Basic Requirements for Earthquake-resistant Design
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Earthquake Influence and Site, Foundation
Plane and Elevation Arrangement·
Earthquake-resistant Structure Department·
Non-structural components:
Materials and construction
Site, foundation and base
Chapter 3
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Seismic verification of foundation
Seismic measures for foundation
Chapter 4 Earthquake action and seismic verification of structureSection 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
General provisions
Calculation of horizontal earthquake action
Vertical ground Calculation of earthquake action
Seismic verification of cross-section
Verification of earthquake deformation
Multi-story masonry houses
Chapter 5
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
General provisions
Main points of calculation
Construction measures for multi-story brick houses
Construction measures for multi-story block houses
Chapter 6 Multi-story and high-rise reinforced concrete housesSection 1
Section 2
Section 3
General provisions||tt| |Calculation points
Construction measures of frame structure
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Section 4 Construction measures of earthquake-resistant wall structure
Section 5 Construction measures of frame-seismic wall structure Chapter 7 Ground floor frame and multi-story internal frame brick house Section 1 General provisions
Section 2 Calculation points
Section 3 Construction measures
Chapter 8 Single-story industrial plant
Section 1 Single-story reinforced concrete column plant
Section 2 Single-story brick column plant.
Section 3
Single-storey steel structure factory building
Chapter 9 Single-storey vacant house
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Chapter 10
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Chapter 11
Section 1
Section 2
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix 6
Appendix 7
General provisions
Calculation points||tt ||Construction measures
, wood and stone structure houses
Raw earth houses in villages and towns
Wooden structure houses in villages and towns
Stone structure houses
Smoke stacks and water towers
Term explanation
Seismic verification of core section of frame nodes
Seismic verification of brick-filled wall frames
Seismic wall structure frame support floor slab design
Adjustment of earthquake effect of horizontal plane frame of single-story factory building Reinforced concrete column Longitudinal seismic verification of single-story factory building Explanation of terms used in this code
Additional explanation
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Main symbols
Actions and effects
FE, FE—standard values ​​of total horizontal and vertical seismic actions on the structure; Ge, Ge—representative values ​​of gravity load and equivalent total gravity load of the structure (component) during earthquake;
o——standard value of wind load;
S——seismic effect (bending moment, axial force, shear force, stress and deformation), or its basic combination with other load effects; M——bending moment;
N—axial force;
V——shear force,
—foundation bottom pressure;
one side displacement,
a——floor displacement angle.
Resistance and material properties
K-stiffness of structure (component);
R-bearing capacity of structural components;
[9-limit of floor displacement angle,
f, fr, fe-design value, standard value and seismic design value of various material strengths (including static bearing capacity of foundation).
Geometric parameters
A—member cross-sectional area,
As—rebar cross-sectional area;
B——total width of structure;
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Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
H——total height,
L——total length of structure (unit);
-the minimum distance from the combined force point of longitudinal tension and compression reinforcement to the edge of the section;
b——member cross-sectional width,
&-soil layer depth or thickness, steel bar or smokestack diameter; -eccentricity;
h——member cross-sectional height;
l——member length or span;
t—seismic wall thickness, slab thickness.
Calculation coefficient
G, E,
Action effect (internal force and deformation) coefficient; Action partial coefficient;
Bearing capacity seismic adjustment coefficient;
-Combination value coefficient, influence coefficient;
-Increase or adjustment coefficient of earthquake action effect (internal force and deformation) n
a, amax
Displacement vibration mode coordinates (relative horizontal displacement of vibration mode i particle in the x direction);
Displacement vibration mode coordinates G vibration mode i particle in the y direction relative horizontal displacement);
Horizontal seismic influence coefficient, its maximum value; Maximum value of vertical seismic influence coefficient;
5y—Structural (component) yield strength coefficient; —Calculation coefficient;
in—Component slenderness ratio, proportional coefficient; p——Reinforcement ratio, ratio;
9Rotation vibration mode coordinates, component compressive stability coefficient. Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
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T——Structural natural vibration period;
N—Number of penetration hammers;
IB—Liquidation index of foundation during earthquake; m—Average shear wave velocity of soil layer;
n——Total number, such as number of floors, number of mass points, number of steel bars, number of spans, etc. Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1.0.1 This specification is specially formulated to implement the principle of prevention first in earthquake work, reduce earthquake damage to buildings after earthquake-resistant fortification, avoid casualties and reduce economic losses.
Buildings designed according to this code, when subjected to frequent earthquakes with a lower intensity than the design intensity of the region, generally will not be damaged or need no repair and can continue to be used; when subjected to earthquakes with a design intensity of the region, they may be damaged, but can continue to be used after general repair or without repair; when subjected to the estimated rare earthquake with a higher intensity than the design intensity of the region, they will not collapse or suffer serious damage that endangers life. Article 1.0.2 This code applies to the seismic design of general buildings in areas with a seismic fortification intensity of 69 degrees.
The seismic design of buildings in areas with a seismic fortification intensity of 10 degrees and in industries with special requirements shall be implemented in accordance with relevant special regulations.
Article 1.0.3 The seismic fortification intensity shall be determined in accordance with the documents (drawings) approved and issued by the authority prescribed by the state. In general, the basic intensity can be used. For cities that have made earthquake disaster prevention plans, seismic fortification can be carried out according to the approved seismic fortification zoning (fortification intensity or design ground motion parameters).
Article 1.0.4 Buildings shall be divided into the following four categories according to their importance: Class A buildings - buildings with special requirements, such as buildings that will cause serious consequences if destroyed by earthquakes, etc., must be approved by the approval authority stipulated by the state; Class B buildings - buildings for lifeline projects in key national earthquake-resistant cities; Class C buildings - buildings other than Class A, B, and D; Class D buildings - minor buildings, such as buildings that are not likely to cause casualties and major economic losses if destroyed by earthquakes, etc.
Article 1.0.5 The seismic design of various types of buildings shall meet the following requirements: 1. The seismic action of Class A buildings shall be calculated according to the specially studied seismic motion parameters; the seismic action of other types of buildings shall be calculated according to the fortification intensity of the local area, but the full text information system of engineering construction standards
W.bzsoso.coIArticle 3 The seismic fortification intensity shall be determined according to the documents (drawings) approved and issued by the authority prescribed by the state. In general, the basic intensity can be used. For cities that have made earthquake disaster prevention plans, seismic fortification can be carried out according to the approved seismic fortification zoning (fortification intensity or design seismic motion parameters).
Article 1.0.4 Buildings shall be divided into the following four categories according to their importance: Class A buildings - buildings with special requirements, such as buildings that will cause serious consequences if destroyed by earthquakes, etc., which must be approved by the approval authority prescribed by the state; Class B buildings - buildings of lifeline projects in national key earthquake-resistant cities; Class C buildings - buildings other than Class A, B, and D; Class D buildings - minor buildings, such as buildings that are not likely to cause casualties and large economic losses if destroyed by earthquakes, etc.
Article 1.0.5 The seismic design of various types of buildings shall meet the following requirements: The seismic action of Class A buildings shall be calculated according to the specially studied seismic motion parameters; the seismic action of other types of buildings shall be calculated according to the fortification intensity of the local area, but the engineering construction standard full text information system
W.bzsoso.coIArticle 3 The seismic fortification intensity shall be determined according to the documents (drawings) approved and issued by the authority prescribed by the state. In general, the basic intensity can be used. For cities that have made earthquake disaster prevention plans, seismic fortification can be carried out according to the approved seismic fortification zoning (fortification intensity or design seismic motion parameters).
Article 1.0.4 Buildings shall be divided into the following four categories according to their importance: Class A buildings - buildings with special requirements, such as buildings that will cause serious consequences if destroyed by earthquakes, etc., which must be approved by the approval authority prescribed by the state; Class B buildings - buildings of lifeline projects in national key earthquake-resistant cities; Class C buildings - buildings other than Class A, B, and D; Class D buildings - minor buildings, such as buildings that are not likely to cause casualties and large economic losses if destroyed by earthquakes, etc.
Article 1.0.5 The seismic design of various types of buildings shall meet the following requirements: The seismic action of Class A buildings shall be calculated according to the specially studied seismic motion parameters; the seismic action of other types of buildings shall be calculated according to the fortification intensity of the local area, but the engineering construction standard full text information system
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