title>Detail specification for electronic components Silicon-target vidicon of type SF-1303 (Applicable for certification) - SJ/T 10032-1991 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Detail specification for electronic components Silicon-target vidicon of type SF-1303 (Applicable for certification)

Basic Information

Standard ID: SJ/T 10032-1991

Standard Name:Detail specification for electronic components Silicon-target vidicon of type SF-1303 (Applicable for certification)

Chinese Name: 电子器件详细规范 SF-1303型硅靶视像管(可供认证用)

Standard category:Electronic Industry Standard (SJ)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-04-08

Date of Implementation:1991-07-01

Date of Expiration:2010-01-20

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:General>>Standardization Management and General Provisions>>A01 Technical Management

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SJ/T 10032-1991 Electronic Devices Detailed Specification SF-1303 Silicon Target Video Tube (for certification) SJ/T10032-1991 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Electronic Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China SJ/T 1003291
Detailed Specification for Electronic Components
SF-1303 Silicon Target Video Tube
(Available for certification)
Published on April 8, 1991
Implemented on July 1, 1991
Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China Electronic Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Detailed Specification for Electronic Components
SF-1303 Silicon Target Video Tube
Dctail Epccification for electraulc eampmenlsSilicun--targel vidieon aF typesF-133 (available for certification)
This standard applies to SF-1303 type ton target visual tube (hereinafter referred to as visual tube), which is formulated in accordance with GB1147989 blank detailed specification and meets the requirements of B11478-80 batch general specification 3. China's electronic components quality certification must be based on the China Electronics Technology Standardization Institute, the People's Republic of China Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry approved on April 8, 1991, implemented on July 1, 1991
Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China
According to the measurement of 53479
SJ/T 1003291
Total 16 yuan
Detailed specification SF13D3 type silicon bar Yue original sound
1 Description and structure Shape and deflection mode: electromagnetic baking, electric front rotation surface straight, 426mm
Spectral range: 409~.[103r
Net note flying mode is divided into type
2 External shadow diagram (not for inspection)
See A A1
Outlet wiring network
See A2
3 Speed: speed, electric shock resistance
4 Break type assessment level
5 Transformation (not for inspection)
5.1 Machine installation position: See Appendix A A1
SJ:T 10332:-91
Parts line sample 2H line
Working position: arbitrary
Recommended G2S——2
Weight: about 55g
5.2 Damage temperature, account rise, ~50--7℃
Work, -40~·55
5.3 Acceptance limit (shareholder management for fixed value
All electrodes are pressed according to the potential of the hot wire center pressure
Hot wire gas cathode
Increase the wire push to the positive potential
Hot wire is set to the quality potential
First: - positive voltage (reverse pregnancy)
Focus electrode voltage
Control super low
Network electrode medium voltage
Surface sleepiness| |tt||Panel requirements
Signal pole voltage
6 Working case and typical characteristics (not for inspection) Hot wire (=6.3 attached)
Carrying size
Alternating line density
The sustained value that the video tube can reach under the following conditions: Modulation pole voltage:. 10V
First--rejection voltage 300V
Second signal voltage 1: 0.2-250~-300V
Segment voltage 50
Section field: X:
Scanning standard:: 25 line resistance,
Panel temperature: 35 ± 3
Signal voltage (=.x=10V)
Depression (hours)
J. 6 X 12. 5
Figure service report
a, TV sticky teaching representation
b.0 right line vehicle noise value should (A. only)
High reduction (light stop purpose 0)
. Trademark (print: "trademark")
b. Model SF-1803
Road editor or issue date
d, qualified mark or certification qualified mark,
3 Ordering information
The ordering force should be clearly stated on the order form Write down the following: Product model name; h. Detailed specification number: Test product name d. Others, 9 Related documents GB1117 General specification of image tube G111476 Detailed specification of image tube interface G811480 Test method 10 Supplementary information (non-test purpose) 10.1 Deflection line position, the image tube should be coaxially inserted into the deflection line test assembly, and the relative position should be fixed. See Figure A11 in Appendix A 0.2 The output impedance of the current is about 1C0M3 10.3 The external magnetic field should be shielded.
10.4 In order to obtain the best performance of the video tube, it is recommended to adjust the signal voltage appropriately when using the video tube! The test value is raised. If the signal voltage is too high, the potential of the amplifier will be increased. The sensitivity of the imager does not change with the increase of the signal voltage. It is hoped that the dynamic range of the amplifier is sufficient to ensure that when the output current increases, the amplifier will not be overloaded or cause failure. The operating environment of the imager should be within the range of 2C~3GC. If the voltage is too high, the dark current will be large. The panel quality will increase and the dark current will increase by about 10 times. Test and inspection requirements--Test conditions code\,\
H, - ti. av
Scan size, 0.ex12.mm
SJ/T 1003291
A Group---Test one by one
All heart pressure classes are also damaged, all times the test is non-destructive test or trial purchase
A1 division sister
direct purchase
signal current
a battery
use the image setting hospital
a2 group
convenient to use the small out T
fast fee fieldWww.bzxZ.net
a dance big call hall
a hot wire bottom
between the hot wire and the limit
is the positive potential
small hot relative
is the negative electric this
Wu monitoring policy
GB 11475 3, 5
I,CE= x
Stack fast age check level AQL.
Quantity C2
Method: The scanning line is parallel to the standard tube and the single and V
General test year parts-same as A group
The test with mark () is destructive test
Overall monitoring or test
Main dimensions
3. Tube filling diameter
According to the book list length
e. Bone needle length and Diameter
-Destructive test
Same as 4
Tests marked with (D) are destructive tests
Inspection or test
Center group
. Calculation
-Shadow and uniform
Mold surface guarantee height
C? Calculation
Transfer characteristics
Temporary operation effect
-Geometric nonlinearity
SJ/T 1003291
C Group 1
·Batch inspection
Figure A1 and Figure A
Periodic inspection
Inspection level: AQL
Inspection requirements
Test components
430 TV value response
or TV total
.1. 14- 2. 1
After the light is on, 6Dmzs
TC; for the section
electrical gauge wire
see Appendix C C3
test conditions—group A
tests with the mark (D) are knockout tests
test or type test
P1 stage
3. Total length of the emergency sound
b. Replacement of the mutual diameter
5.Direct inspection of mother ring
d, replacement needle diameter
point out the electrical research
constant width heat
one impact
D5 group
…head test island
: GH-3478
SJ/T 10132-91
assembly-approved test
comparison test piece
cause a small amount
industrial vehicle posture
non-working modification
t-553: xh
relative accuracy 905%-95%
t= aclh
Frequency 5~·55Hz
Vibration 2
Maximum intensity
Impact time 16as
Impact adjustment: vertical and horizontal 3 times each
Non-working state
Control safety requirements
and Figure A3
See Appendix C C4.1
See CC4.1
Remove C4 from C. 2
See Appendix C4.3
See the following record
A1 Appearance drawing
Appearance diagram A[as shown,
A2 Electrode wiring diagram
Warm wiring diagram as shown in Figure 2:
A3 Strip diagram
Dish diagram A3 New illustration.
Appendix A
Related graphics
Signal plate
First anode
Wang Po Ke money
A4 Regulated image tube position in the online diagram component
SJ/T 10032—91
Regulation tube online diagram toward the internal position of the parts see the oil distribution shown in Figure 4
Magnetic conduction
Alignment total surface
Field conversion diagram
Electric screen payment
Typical photoelectric conversion characteristic curve
Characteristic curve
(Complete test piece)
Typical optical center load conversion characteristic curve is shown in Figure: As shown, the typical amplitude response characteristic curve
Typical which value has the industry characteristic output line is shown in Figure 2.:
B3Typical photoelectric response curve
5J/1 100329:
Spatial flux (electric line)
The spectral response curve of the overall model is shown in Figure B3. Number
Pure from inn>
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