This standard specifies the codes for units of measurement used in administration, commerce, transport, science and technology, and industry for length, mass (weight), volume, and other quantities. The codes provided in this standard are applicable to manual and automatic information exchange between parties involved in international trade and other economic, scientific and technological activities. GB/T 17295-1998 Codes of units of measurement used in international trade GB/T17295-1998 Standard download decompression password:
This standard specifies the codes for units of measurement used in administration, commerce, transport, science and technology, and industry for length, mass (weight), volume, and other quantities. The codes provided in this standard are applicable to manual and automatic information exchange between parties involved in international trade and other economic, scientific and technological activities.
Some standard content:
GB/T 17295—1998 The Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting my country's Legal Units adopted by the State Council in 1984 stipulates: "In some scientific and technological fields, if there is a special need, some non-legal units of measurement may be used, but they must be consistent with the names and symbols stipulated by relevant international organizations." Based on this principle, in order to meet the needs of my country's foreign trade, this standard was formulated with the participation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE) Recommendation No. 201 & Code of Units for International Trade (1995 Edition). The names and symbols of the units of measurement are basically the same as those in the recommended standard: individual symbols have been appropriately modified according to GB310~3102-93. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE) Recommendation No. 20 not only includes the measurement primaries specified in the International System of Units (SI), but also includes other measurement units commonly used in international trade, and provides a transition period for the unification of SI. During the transition period, some measurement units that are not comparable to SI will be gradually eliminated. The original text of the UN/ECE Recommendation No. 2C includes the main text, Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C and Appendix D. The main text consists of 9 parts: preface, introduction, specification, application field, definition, reference text, code table collection principles, code structure and representation, and maintenance rules. Appendix A is a code element description. Appendix B, Appendix C and Appendix D It is the relevant content of measurement units listed in the form of a table. The measurement units marked with ※ in the code table of this standard are the legal measurement units of my country, which are equivalent to GB3102-93. When using this standard, the various standard application departments of my country should give priority to the legal measurement units of my country. This standard has made the following adjustments to the UN/ECE 20th recommended standard in terms of structure and content: 1. According to the provisions of GB/T1.11933, the main text has been re-arranged, the instructions in the original recommended standard that are not related to the use of this standard have been deleted, and the descriptions of this standard have been added with reference to GB310~3102-93. Description of technical contents. 2. Appendix A of the original recommended standard is an explanation of the code structure of accounting units in the first edition (1985 edition) of the recommended standard. The revised edition (1995 edition) is mainly to compile common codes, so Appendix A of the original recommended standard has been deleted, and the original 4 appendices have been reduced to 3 appendices. 3. The procedural content of the maintenance of the code table in China stipulated in the recommended standard is changed to the procedural content of my country's maintenance of this standard. 1. In order to comply with the relevant provisions of the compilation of information classification and coding standards in my country, based on Appendix B of the original recommended standard (i.e. Appendix A of this standard), add the column "General Code". 5. Appendix D of the original recommended standard is a comparison table of the first edition packaging type code (GB/T16472-1996) of the recommended standard and the American National Standards Institute standard data element 355 measurement unit code (A.VSIA.SC.X12T-355), which is used as Appendix C (indicative appendix) of this standard. 6. In order to meet the needs of my country's trading parties during the transition period, the conversion values of British units are added to the "conversion factors and notes" to accurately use units outside the SI system. Appendix A and Appendix B of this standard are standard appendices, and Appendix C is an indicative appendix. This standard is proposed by the China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding. The drafting units of this standard are: China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding, and the Unit System Office of the State Administration of Investment and Technology. The main drafters of this standard are Zhang Rongjing, Fang Qing, Li Ba, and Zhao Yan. 388 GB/T 17295-1998 UN/ECE Foreword UN/ECE Recommendation No. 20 Codes of Units of Measurement for Use in International Trade, a revised version, was formally adopted by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE) Working Group on Simplification of International Trade Procedures (WP.4) of the State Council Administrative Department for Standardization at its 52nd meeting in September 1995. Its number is: ECE/TRADE/R.888/Rev.4. The revised version of this recommended standard strives to achieve: standardization for easy communication by clarifying and simplifying the use of units of measurement! || to meet the needs of actual users; || to facilitate the maintenance and coordination of code entries. To this end, this standard provides a list of unit codes widely used in administration, commerce, transportation, science and technology. P.4 Consultations were held with ISO/TC12 with interested countries during the preparation of this standard, as well as with relevant bodies of the Inland Transport Committee of the European Community and other international organizations interested in the ECE Recommendation on Simplified Trade, in particular the World Customs Organization (WCO). Representatives of regional and national organizations participating in meetings of Expert Group 1 (Data Elements and Automatic Data Exchange) and of the Working Group also contributed to the preparation of this Recommendation. The Working Group on Simplified International Trade Procedures recommends that all parties involved in international trade use the unit codes described in this Recommendation when they need to use them. The units listed in this Recommendation provide users with an indication of physical quantities currently in use in international or regional trade. The units included do not include units of address or non-physical quantities, nor do they include units of measurement that were once in use but are no longer in use. SEs 1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Codes for units of measure used in international tradeGB/T17295--1998 This standard specifies the codes for units of measure used in administration, commerce, transportation, science and technology, and industry for length, mass (weight), volume, and other quantities. The codes provided in this standard are applicable to manual and automatic information exchange between parties involved in international trade and other economic, scientific and technological activities. 2 Referenced Standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised. Parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the listed standards. GB3100-93 International System of Units and Its Application (egvIS01000:1992) GB3101-93 Quantities, Units and Symbols - General Principles (egV15)31-01992) B3102.1-93 Quantities and Units of Space and Time (egIS0)31-1:1992) GB3102.2-93 Quantities and Units of Periods and Related Phenomena (egvIS0312:1992) GB3 102.3-93 Quantities and units of mechanics (eqvISO) 31-3: 1992) GB3102.4-93 Quantities and units of heat (envISO31-4: 1992) Quantities and units of electricity and magnetism (01S0) 31-5: 1992) GB3102.5-93 GB3102.6-93 Quantities and units of light and related electromagnetic radiation (e4V[SO31-6: 1992) GB 3102.7—93 Quantities and units of acoustics (cyISO 3]-7:1992) GB3102.8—93 Quantities and units of physical chemistry and molecular physics (cq1S031-8:1992) GB3102.9—93 Quantities and units of atomic physics and nuclear physics (eV1S031-9:1992) GB3102.10—93 Quantities and units of nuclear reactions and ionizing radiation (egvISO31-10:1992) GB 3102.12—93 Characteristic numbers (egvIS0 31-12:1992) GB3102.13—93 Quantities and units of solid state physics (VISO31-13:1992) GR964888 International System of Units Code (negLSO2955.1983) GB/T16472-1995 Codes for types of goods, packaging types and packaging materials 3 Definitions This standard uses the following definitions: Unit of measure A specific quantity defined and adopted by agreement, with which other quantities of the same kind can be compared, to indicate the value given relative to its size. 4 Code table collection principles 4-1 Taking into account the specific country of this standard, this code table is based on the legal measurement units of my country and includes other measurement units commonly used in international trade, and is divided into three levels: Level 1 (standard level): units in GB3IC2 expressed in SI, including relevant units in GB3100~3102 plus SI prefixes (decimal sieve units and fractional units); State Administration of Technical Supervision 199-03 -27 approved 1998-10-01 implementation GB/T17295—1998 Level 2 (equivalent standard level): units in centimeter-gram-second system (cgs)/foot-pound-second system (fps)/UK/ES that can be interchanged with SI units: Level 3 (prompt level); all the measurement units included are not suitable for inclusion in levels 1 and 2, but are only to meet the needs of actual users. 4.2 Principles for the inclusion of measurement units in the code table: only units with SI prefixes are included, such as units consisting of mega (M) and giga (G)! Units used to mark difficult screening numbers are not given codes as independent units, such as units composed of 10 megabytes and 100 megabytes. Numerical values are not measurement units, such as 10 and 25, and no code form is given. 5 Code structure and representation 5.1 This standard compiles universal codes for measurement units based on the letter codes for measurement units in the first edition of UN/ECE Recommendation No. 20 and the alphanumeric codes for measurement units in the American National Standards Institute Standard Data Element 355 (ANSI ASC X12T-355). 5.2 The code value of the universal code is represented by three alphanumeric characters of indefinite length (an..3). 5.3 Principles for compiling universal code values 5.3.1 It is preferred to use the existing code values in the first edition of UN/ECE Recommendation No. 20 or ANSI ASC X12T-355; when two code values indicate two measurement units at the same time, only the code value in the first edition of UN/ECE Recommendation No. 20 is retained. 5.3.2 When there is no existing code value, the new universal code is coded in the format of letter-number-number (ann) from A01 to Z99. 6 Composition and explanation of the code table 6.1 The code table consists of three parts: Appendix A (standard appendix) is a code table arranged by quantity and information of measurement units; Appendix B (standard appendix) is a code table arranged by the English name of measurement units; Appendix C (informative appendix) is a code table arranged by the universal code of measurement units. 6.2 Composition of the code table in Appendix A Appendix A is a code table of measurement units arranged by quantity and information. The columns include quantity, grade/category, use identification, unit name, conversion factor and remarks, representation symbol, universal code, and document reference number. 6.2.1 Abbreviation of physical quantity. The property of phenomena, objects and substances that is qualitatively distinguished and determined by quantification. The units of measurement in levels 1 and 2 (standard level and equivalent standard level) are listed in the title of this part according to their attributes. The units of measurement in level 3 are divided into 9 categories as defined in 6.2.2 Level/Category. In the case of large numbers, only one name is given for each quantity. When more than two names are given for a basis without distinction, they are in an intermediate position. Some Chinese names of quantities are enclosed in parentheses. The name in the parentheses is a synonym of the previous name (except for explanatory text). Some Chinese names of quantities are enclosed in square brackets. The characters in the square brackets are retained as the full name, and the abbreviation is omitted if the characters in the square brackets are omitted. The characters in the square brackets can be omitted without causing confusion or misunderstanding. 6.2.2 Level/Category The symbol of the standard level or indicative level of measurement unit, 1 represents SI unit, Decimal multiple units and fractional units and customary units (standard numbers). Decimal multiple units and fractional units are marked with S, and customary multiple units are marked with M. 2 Indicates SI equivalent units and customary multiples (equivalent standard level). Decimal multiple units and fractional units are marked with S, and slow multiple units are marked with M 3 Indicates 9 categories of units classified by information: 3.1 Defined units in level 1 and level 2 units3.2 Sales units 3.3 Packaging units 3-4 Shipping and transportation units 3.5 Special industrial units (various) 3.6 Information technology units 3.7 Integers/numbers or/coefficients 3.8 Multiple factors 3.9 Miscellaneous CB/T 17295--1998 The units of measurement in level 3 (except for the miscellaneous units in 3.5 and 3.9) are subdivided into: A—Units generally used internationally B—Units used at the regional level with broad international interests; C—Units used only in regions or industries. 6.2.3 Usage symbols X—These units are restricted in use. 2: These units will be phased out before 1999. They are included in the table for information purposes. 6.2.4 Unit names The naming of the Chinese names of English units is based on the provisions of Chapter 5 of GB 3100--93. The Chinese names of some units are enclosed in parentheses. The name in the parentheses is the name preceding it. The synonyms of the name (except for the English, American or explanatory words). Some Chinese names of measurement units contain square brackets. The characters in the square brackets are retained as the full name, and the characters in the square brackets are omitted to form the abbreviation. The characters in the square brackets can be omitted without causing confusion or misunderstanding. E.2.5 Conversion of national numbers and remarks When necessary, it is used to convert other units into SI values and other instructions. If the value in this column is accurate, the words "(accurate value)" are added after the value. E.2.6 Indication symbols Symbols for measurement units. The symbols used in this standard are internationally accepted symbols. E.2.7 General code Codes for measurement units expressed in a..3. 6.2.8 Cross-reference numbers Used for checking the order of the units in Appendix A, Appendix Book and Appendix I code table. E-2.9 The measurement units marked with * in the code table are the legal measurement units of my country as specified in GB3102. The names of the quantities, the names of the measurement units and the symbols are consistent with GB3102 (the symbols of public items adopt the international symbol ba). 6-3 Composition of the code table in Appendix B Appendix B is a code table arranged according to the English names of the measurement units. The columns include the name of the measurement unit, the symbol, the general code, the level/category, the use mark, and the cross-reference number. The content of each column is consistent with the content of the corresponding column in Appendix A. 6.4 Composition of the code table in Appendix C Appendix C is a code table arranged according to the general code of the measurement unit. The columns include the general code, the name of the measurement unit, the level/category, the use mark, the existing code, and the cross-reference number. The existing code column has four parts: the 3-digit code of the first edition of UN/ECE Recommendation No. 20; the 3-letter code of the first edition of UN/ECE Recommendation No. 20; the 2-letter/digital code of GB/116472; the 2-letter code of the American National Standards Institute Standard 355 Measurement Units (ANSI ASC X12T-355). 7 Maintenance Rules 7.1 The provided measurement unit code table is intended for easy maintenance, coordination and simplification. 7.2 This standard is maintained by the national standardization administrative department. If it is necessary to revise the code table of this standard: the update request should first be submitted to the national standardization administrative department, and then submitted to the international maintenance organization of this standard after review. 7.3 When a unit of measurement is deleted from the Codes: table, the generic code assigned to it will no longer be assigned to other units of measurement. 392 Chinese name Space and time E plane scale Solid angle Radius of curvature Cartesian coordinates English name Class/Use Category designation SPACE AND TIME (plane)anglc solid argle | | tt | GB/T 17295—1998 Appendix 4 (Standard Appendix) Table of measurement unit codes Table A1 Measurement unit codes arranged by quantity Unit name Chinese name Microradian [arc minute [arc second steradian dry meter (kilometer) nano[no] meter pico[kemeter femto[par astronomical unit parsec continental chain English name radian milliradian microradian degree minute sec ond ||tt | |tt||aingstrom asttonamicalunit parser Ifuthoit: Conversion numbers and remarks 0. 017 453 3 rad 2.50888×10-1rad 4. E28 14X100 rad same as gont 0, 015 707 96 tad 1352maccurate value) 10-10m(accurate value) 1. 495 978 7 X 3. 085 678 ×131* m 1.8288m only) Code number Chinese multiple names Semi-light Provincial Carl standard English name length bredth height thickness tadias radius of curvatute cartesian rordinates diameter length of path distance yolune Grade/use Category identification GB/T 17295—1998 Table Al (continued) Unit name Chinese name micro-inch milli-inch square meter square sub-meter ten acres square centimeter square decimeter square millimeter square inch square foot square yard square mile cubic meter cubic millimeter cubic centimeter cubic decimeter English name imiero-itack (statute ile) milli-inch light year squarcmnctre square hectare square centimetre square decimetre square millimctrc square inch square inchfoct square yurt squatemile cubic metre megalitre cubic millimetre cubic ccntimcire cubic decittetre mililitre bectolitre centi.itre conversion factors and notes 25.4 mm (exact value) 0. 304 8 m (exact value) 0. 914 4m (quasi-auxiliary value) 1609.344m (accurate value) 9. 460 730X1015m 100m (quasi-value) 10m (accurate value) 6.451 6 cm* (quasi-value) 0. 092 933 04m (accurate value) 0.835127-36 m (estimated value) 2.589 988km 4 046. 856 m2 20㎡ (accurate value) Code 9 Text name English name volume Grade/piece Category mark GB/T 17295—1998 Table A1 (continued) Single name City name Standard cubic English member Cubic Yingshan Cubic Yingchen Point square yard Gallon (fresh) Gallon (US) Pint (US) Pint (UK) Quart (UK)) Pin (US) Liquid pint (US) Dry pint (US) Reduced plate) Quart (US) Liquid pan (US) Bushel (UK) Bushel (US) Barrel (US) (for oil, etc.) River barrel (US) Ten gallons (US) Dry quart () Fuwen name decilitre microliLre kilolitre decalire siandardcubic cubie inch cuhic ioot eubicyard gallon(UK) Rallon(S) pint(US) piat(UK) iquid pit(uS) liquidquart(UJS)||dry pint(LS) fluid ounce,UK)| |tt||quart(tis) luid urre(US) buslel((EK) bushel(uis) (pctioleumelc.) dry barel(LS) dry gallon(US) dry quartt's) second rinute conversion factor and notes 26.316 85 dm enzyme value) 16. 387 064 cm* (accurate value) 38.31655 dm (accurate value) 0. 764 554 9 m3 4. 546 092 dm (accurate value) 3. 785 412 dn3 should have the meaning t.56826125dm (male jumping plant) 1.136523do G. 473 176 5 dm 0. 946 353 dn 0.5506105cm 28. 413 13 4 should have the definition 29. 573 5 cm 36.36872 dm2 35.23907dm 158. 987 3 tm [115. 627 1 dm 4. 404 884 dm* 1. 101 221 dma 53s (accurate value) 56008 (accurate value) gal(uK) galtts) pt(UK) JigFt(US) liggi(US drypt(us) uz(UK) floz(US) bushel(tK) bu(ts) barrel(Lis) bbl(US) drygal(t's) dry qt(US) Universal intercourse Surrogate mother festival number : BIL) HUR83\ Chinese name Angular velocity Angular acceleration Hu velocity Group velocity English name angularvelocity Grade/Use Category tag angular acelera- phese velocity groupvekocity GB/T 17295—1998 A1 (continued) Zone name Chinese name Nanosecond Week Year Degree per minute English name kilosecond mil.isecond micrasecond Banosecond rropical year radiart per srcod degree per square radian spriared meter per minute kilometer per hour millimeter per second centimeter per minute meter per minute foot per minute neirt per speed inch per second 5. 025 4 m /s (vibrant) inch per second linear speedincl)per second 2. 54X_0 =mjs (linear speed) 【Metric per second Wang Du[Xiao"Ye Hocl per second mil:pe:hour 0.3048m/s (accurate value) (accurate value) rat/s* Ei/tin rile/h Code C16197 2M 1 98 KNT'10G* Chinese name free fall gravitational acceleration English name arceleration acrelerationof freefall acceeratian die logravity cirature period and related phenomena membrane rotation frequency angular rate attenuation coefficient potential coefficient propagation coefficient frequency rotaticfal Frequency Grade/Use Category mark: GB/T 17295--1998 Table A1 (continued) Unit name Chinese name meter per second English name meter per second squared uiligel Conversion factors and remarks 0.31m/s (exact value) foot per secondfootpersecondlo.304bm/s second inch per second second (plus this degree) Squarod (exact value) inchper second [2. 54 × 10 -2 m/g2 squared(acceler- (accurate value) inch per secandsecond(vibration acceleration squared( vibra- ion aoceleratin reciptocal metre PERIOTIC AND REI.ATED PHENOMENAi angular frenuency, puEsatance wavelength wavenumber repetency atteuaticn coefficient phase cuefficien: propagation Coeficient dry fermentation megaberta lereherz [咖]梦[孩] g:gahertz revolutions per second revolutions per minute intensity per tcciprcal second revuluricts pet second Tevolu:icns Fer minute Teciproral minute fadian per serond reciprocal second anetre aagsr:on rcejrroral retre 1D-0m(estimated value) Code number MSK106 RIS120 RPM121 MTR125||tt| |A11126' C92127· Chinese name field[pond level power level coarse Ni coefficient logarithmic reduction| |tt||English name Grade/Use Building identification lever of a fieidl quattity nvei f powt:r quattity darpirng cceffieicrt Ingarithnic decremeal MECHANICS mass(weight)|| tt||GE/T 17295—1998 Table A1 (continued) Unit name Chinese name Neppel per second T gram ( Kilograms) tons (metric tons) pan (weighing) English) phase (US) Mowen name||tt| |Jereibel reciprocsl secand neper per secrnd microgram decagram decigram kilegrata L'entigrsn Conversion factor remarks C.1151293Np [8. 685 89 dB caaemelrieton)1000kg (accurate value) Hecitonme cailigrata bertagram jkilntonne TElegegra|| tt||pouric graita hunulredwrigtet hundred 0. 153592 37 kg (accurate value) 64.79891mg (accurate false) 50.80235kg pounds cwt/hundrad-|| tt||weight (US) 45.359287kg (accurate value) (UK)orlong 1.015 047 (US) itun(LS) 五(燕) Isicre(tik) 16.350233kg US) or short icn (Us) or short UK/US) ion (LIK/WS) Hygrometer or medicine ajrorhccarics' 0.907181 7 t 31.5034768g (accurate value) sut(u) ton(Us) Universal exchange North code Book pain number C975130 Cai131 C5G[132 KGM158 HGM144 CWi150 CWA151||tt ||Chinese name volume quantity, mass density specific volume, mass volume line degree, line Quality mouse English name rolunicmess reukR density, density level/brush building identification relstive maxs der- relative density specificvolume,||tt ||masgir vrlume lineardensity larmss GB/T 17295—1998 Table A1 (Ling) Unit name Japanese name: English name kilogram per cubic meter gram per cubic centimeter ton per square meter gram per milliliter gram per liter gram per cubic meter gram per cubic meter||tt ||Kilogram per cubic meter Ikilogram per r?. Calculation factors and notes Tbic. metre cubic1(60kg/m grampe (true value) tonune per cuhic l 000 kg/m (accurate value) gran per millitre 1 000 kg/m (accurate value) kilogram pet litre||tt ||1 000kg/ms (accurate value) 1 kg/m(accurate value) gramperlitre gram per cube mntlligram per cubic meter - bic metre megegrat per t bicmette 1 000 kg /m* kilogram er cu||tt| |1 000kg/m whole gram liter microgram per cubic meter cubic foot per gallon (U.S.) pound per square inch|| tt||cubic meter per dry gram deciliter quarter gram liter-year kilogram dink per meter hic decimetre milligratt per litre|| tt||microgram per cubic metre percubic 16. 018 5 kg/m puund per gallonf2.198 264X (US)|| tt||10\kg rn? pound per cubid 21 79.9 kg/m* cubic meure peri kilugrari decilitre pergram 0.1m*/kg(value)mililitre per kilo-10-5 m/kga kilogram pet tne. (exact value) gram per metre 10 centimeters kilogram per millimeter milligram per meter per foot xihaiyingyu (gtamper10) tentimeires kilagral per mil limetre miligranperme- potnd per loot pound Fer imh uf lEcngth [1. 488 15 kgm 17. 88 7 kg/m kg/dm? Jb/gal(Us) kg/rim Code number KMQ/156* D11158 C63171 A39172 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.