JB/T 2001.63-1999 This standard is a revision of JB 2066-84 "Filters for hydraulic pump stations (Pg=31.5×100000Pa)". This standard specifies the type, size and technical requirements of filters. This standard applies to filters that play a coarse filtration role in high-pressure pipelines of water pump stations with a nominal pressure of 31.5MPa. This standard was first issued in 1984. JB/T 2001.63-1999 Filters for water system pump stations (PN=31.5MPa) JB/T2001.63-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
IC.s$ 23.110 Standard of the Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China JB/T 2001.1~2001.74—1999 Water system assembly and parts1999-06-28 Issued State Machinery Industry Bureau 2(-01-U1 Implementation Standard of the Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China Filter for water system pump station WatersygtemFllterfotwateraccumtlator(PN=31.5 MPa ] This standard specifies the type, size and technical requirements of filters. JB/T2001.63-1999 JB2366-84 4 Applicable to the filter with nominal pressure of 3.MPa. 2. Type and size The type and size of the filter shall be in accordance with the provisions of Figure 1 and the table. 1: 2-: Figure 4: 5 G-core: 7-flow: 8-connecting flange, 9-water meter: 10-radiator Approved by the State Machinery Industry Bureau on June 28, 1999, and implemented on January 1, 2000 IB: 21m 57 JB20U1.53.2 :w: 2nm1 63.3 iB/T 200:.53.4 I : 615bZxz.net JB.T 200:.53 6 B20U1 5J.1 JB 20: 63 3 IB-T 200:.63.4 2001.63.3 B/: 2001 .63 6 JR/T 2901.37 5 technical requirements 1-2 # 18 127×22 132×25 219×35 273*45 JB/T2001.63—1999 3.1 Nominal force 31.5MPu, test force 42MPa19 Guaranteed Kmn, cellar and shell are not cross-sea and drop! Late phenomenon. 3.2 Before assembly, fill the test amine on the potential sand must be corrected to remove the impact. 4 Marking example Number of 65mm approx. through the end: Filter UN6JB/T200:.63 Quantity 1999 4 xM3G Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.