This standard specifies the method for determining the color of yellow-seeded rapeseed seeds of Brassica napus by the color exposure time index method. This standard is applicable to the determination of the color of yellow-seeded rapeseed seeds of Brassica napus. NY/T 1288-2007 Identification of the color of yellow-seeded rapeseed seeds of Brassica napus NY/T1288-2007 Standard download decompression password:
This standard specifies the method for determining the color of yellow-seeded rapeseed seeds of Brassica napus by the color exposure time index method. This standard is applicable to the determination of the color of yellow-seeded rapeseed seeds of Brassica napus.
Some standard content:
ICS65.020.01 Agricultural Industry Standard of the People's Republic of NY/T 1288-—2007 Seed Colour Identification Method of Yellow-Seeded Rapeseed(Brassica napus L.)Exposal Time Coefficient (ETC) Method2007-04-17 Issued Implementation on 2007-07-01 Issued by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China and is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China. The responsible drafting units of this standard are: Chongqing Seed Science Management Station and Southwest Agricultural University. Drafters of this standard: Xian Hong, Huang Shilun, Dong Qingquan, Li Jiana, Yin Jiaming, Chen Li NY/T1288—2007 1 Scope Identification of the color of yellow-seeded rapeseed seeds of Brassica napus This standard specifies the method for determining the color of yellow-seeded rapeseed seeds of Brassica napus using the noise light time index method. This standard is applicable to the determination of the color of yellow-seeded rapeseed seeds of sweet vegetable type. 2 Normative references NY/T 1288—2007 The clauses in the following documents become clauses of this standard through non-standard references. For any dated application document, all subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties to an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to discuss whether the latest versions of these documents can be used: For any undated application document, the latest version shall apply to this standard. GB/I3543.2 Inspection Procedure for Seeds of Crop Plants 3 Terms and Definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1 Exposure time index cxphusaltimecoefficient, ETC The exposure time of seed samples measured by an automatic illuminator under a stereo microscope. 3.2 Seed colour grade Seed colour grade. Note: Seed colour grade is expressed by the exposure time index measured by an automatic illuminator under a stereo microscope. 4 Principle The brightness of rapeseed seeds is related to its hue. The lighter the hue, the greater the brightness, and the less exposure time measured by the automatic illuminator; the darker the hue, the smaller the brightness, and the more exposure time measured by the automatic illuminator. The color of seeds can be identified by exposure time. 5 Instruments and Equipment 5.1 Stereo microscope. 5.2 Automatic illuminator. 5.3 Supplementary light source (20W), 2 pcs. 5.4 Supplementary light source transformer (0~6V), input 220V, output 5Vs5.5 Voltage stabilizer: output 220V 5.6 Culture tube: diameter 6cml. 5.7 Volumetric tube: 10 rmL 6 Determination steps 6.1 Sampling Perform according to GB/T3543.2. 6.2 Determination NY/T 1288-—2007 Connect and install the microscope, voltage stabilizer, automatic illuminator, supplementary light source and transformer, place a white A4 paper on the microscope base, fix it with a microscope lens, mark the position of the culture medium, and make the object to be measured and the optical path of the microscope lens axial: the determination is carried out in a dark room, no other light sources are required, including natural light. Take 10 mL of mature, plump and impurity-free seeds with a measuring cylinder, pour them into the culture medium, shake them flat, place them at the marked position, adjust them, and read the exposure time through the white dynamic illuminator when the daylight microscope observation is the clearest. Convert the exposure time to the exposure time number. 7 Reference conditions for instrument determination 7.1 Stereo microscope: objective magnification 10×: iris aperture, maximum: photographic eyepiece 3.3×: transmitted light source voltage, 0V. 7.2 Automatic light source: Fomat, 35; ASA, 100; Compensation coefficient, 4; Correction coefficient, 1; Illumination mode, Auto: Input voltage, 220V7.3 Supplementary light source: The lamp stand is symmetrically fixed on the microscope lifting code, and the lamp stand (rotatable) is perpendicular to the vertical direction. The supplementary light source lamp (without lampshade) is fixed on the lamp stand. Adjust the lamp stand so that the inner side of the light source lamp holder is close to the microscope, and adjust the lamp body to form an angle of about 45\/135\ with the vertical direction. 8 Determination of measurement results 8.1 Calculation of exposure time index The exposure time index is calculated according to formula (1): FTC-(1--A/B)×10- Where: Illumination time index; A The exposure time of the seeds to be tested; 8.2 Determination The illumination time of CNPC 821 seeds. 8.2.1 The exposure index>3.50 is yellow, and the exposure index 3.50 is non-yellow seeds. 8.2.2 Seed color grades are divided into 6 levels, 0~2 is non-yellow seeds (including black seeds), 3~5 is yellow seeds. Table 1 Grain color grade and exposure time index table Grain color grade Light isolation time index 4.80-3.81 3.80~3.51 3.50--2.91 2.9D~1.20 Less than 1.20 Full noble or pure noble Yellow peril, yellow is Brown yellow, darker Reddish brown or reddish black Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.