GB/T 15766.3-2000 Auxiliary lamps for filament lamps of road motor vehicles
Some standard content:
This standard is based on the International Electrotechnical Commission IEC60983 standard "Small Bulbs" first edition in February 1995, Chapter 1 General Principles, Chapter 2 Auxiliary Bulbs for Road Motor Vehicles, and is revised from GB/T15766.3-1995. It is equivalent to it in terms of technical content, and the format is in accordance with the provisions of GB/T1.11993. The loose-leaf number, broadcast diagram and identification diagram number of this standard are consistent with IFC60983. The name of the second edition of IEC60983 standard has been changed from the first edition of "Lumber for Road Motor Vehicles - Auxiliary Bulbs" in March 1999 to "Small Bulbs", and the types of bulbs have also been expanded from a single auxiliary bulb for road motor vehicles to flashlight bulbs (Chapter 3) and mining headlight bulbs (Chapter 4), and general principles (Chapter 1) and two appendices have been added. As this standard is Part 3 (CGB/T15766.3): Auxiliary Bulbs under the general title of "CB15766 Filament Bulbs for Road Motor Vehicles", this standard is still named "Filament Bulbs for Road Motor Vehicles - Auxiliary Bulbs", and does not include Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 and two appendices of IEC60983 which are not related to Filament Bulbs for Road Motor Vehicles - Auxiliary Bulbs. Compared with the first edition in 1995, this standard adds reference standards, definitions, loose-leaf numbering system, markings, technical requirements and test procedures, and recommended guidelines for the use of filament lamps. Therefore, in the GB15766 series of standards for filament lamps for road motor vehicles, this standard has stronger independence, clearer requirements, and is easier to implement. The number of types of lamps in this standard is the same as in the first edition, and no new varieties have been eliminated or added, but the loose-leafs and loose-leaf numbers have been rearranged, and the loose-leafs are supplemented with type names that were not given in the first edition. GB15765, under the general title of "Filament lamps for road motor vehicles", includes the following three parts: Part 1 (GB15766.1): Dimensions, photoelectric performance requirements Part 2 (GB/T15766.2): Performance requirements Part 3 (GB/T15766.3): Auxiliary lamps This standard will replace GB/T15766.31995 from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed by the State Bureau of Light Industry. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Electric Light Source and Its Accessories Branch of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Lighting Appliances. This standard was drafted by Anyang Light Bulb Factory in Henan Province. The main drafters of this standard are: Wu Sanduo, Ma Wensong, Zhang Hui GB/T15766.3—2000
IEC Foreword
1) IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is a global standardization organization composed of electrotechnical committees (IEC national committees) from all over the world. The purpose of IEC is to promote international cooperation on standard issues in the electrical and electronic fields. For this purpose, in addition to other activities, IEC also publishes international standards. The formulation of standards is entrusted to various technical committees: Any IEC national committee that is interested in the topic under discussion can participate in the formulation of the standard. All countries, governments and non-governmental organizations that have liaison relations with IEC can also participate in the formulation of standards. IFC. and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) have mutual agreements and close cooperation. 2 The formal decisions and agreements of the IFC on technical matters express the international consensus on various issues to the greatest extent possible, because each technical committee is represented by representatives of the interested national committees. 3) Recommended standards, technical specifications, technical reports or guidelines published for international use are adopted in some sense by the national committees.
4) In order to promote international unification, the IEC national committees should ensure that IEC international standards are used as much as possible in their national and regional standards. Any differences between IEC standards and national or regional standards should be clearly stated in the latter. 5) The IEC committees do not provide any mark indicating conformity and are not responsible for any equipment that claims to conform to an IEC committee standard.
International Standard IEC 60983 has been prepared by IEC Technical Committee 34 "Light Lamps and Related Accessories" Subcommittee 34A "Light Lamps".
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1990 and the first revision (1991), and constitutes a technically revised version. The text of this standard is based on the following documents;
DIS (Draft International Standard)
The full information on the balloting of this standard can be found in the balloting report indicated in the table above: Appendix A forms an integral part of this standard.
Appendix B is for information only.
Voting Report
1 Overview
1.1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Filament lamps lor road vehicles-For supplementary purposes
Replaces GB/T 15766. 3-1995
This standard deals with small lamps for use in road motor vehicles that are not covered by regulations and therefore not included in GB15766.1. It specifies the basic requirements (size, optoelectronic properties) as well as performance requirements such as life and torsional strength. 1.2 Cited Standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All versions are subject to revision. Parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T7451—1987 Terminology of electric light sources
GB15766.1--2000 Dimensions and photoelectric performance requirements of filament lamps for road motor vehicles (idtIEC60809,1995) GB/T15766.2--2000 Performance requirements of filament lamps for road motor vehicles (idtIEC60810:i993) IEC60050(845):1987 International Electrotechnical Terminology (1EV)--Chapter 845: Lighting IEC60061-1:1969 Lamp holders, lamp holders and gauges for controlling their convertibility and safety - Part --: Lamp holders ISO)2859 Sampling procedure for performance inspection 1.3 Definitions
The following definitions are used in this standard:
1.3.1 Tungsten halogen lamp Tungsten halogen lamp A gas-filled filament lamp containing halogen or halogen compound (IFV845-07-10). 1.3.2 Nominal voltage nominalvoltage
used to name the voltage of the lamp,
1.3.3 Nominal wattagenorinal wattage used to name the power of the lamp.
1. 3.4 Test voltagetest voltage specifies certain properties of the lamp and the voltage applied when testing these properties. 1. 3.5 Rated value
The value of a component, device or equipment under specified working conditions specified in the product standard given by the manufacturer, 1. 3.6 Tolerance
The allowable deviation from the specified value, usually expressed as a percentage of the value. 1.3.7 Limit value
When the lamp is working under the specified conditions, its various performances must meet the minimum and/or maximum values. 1.3.8 Initial readings Approved by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision on October 17, 2000, implemented on July 1, 2001
The photoelectric performance value measured after the aging time. 1.3.9 Aging time Agcing time
The burning time required for an unused lamp to achieve stable photoelectric performance. 1.3.10 Lifetime
The total time the lamp works before failure. The time considered as the end of life according to the criterion IFV45-07-61) Note: Lamp life is usually expressed in hours. 1.3.11 Average life averagelife
same type--the arithmetic mean of the life test results of a batch of bulbs. [1.3.12 Truncated average life tife In order to calculate the old, the life test is carried out to a predetermined time, the arithmetic mean of the life test results of a batch of bulbs. 1.3.13 iumen mintenanee The ratio of the luminous flux of a lamp burning for a given time under the test voltage to the initial luminous flux. (IEV845-07-65, revised) This test is usually expressed in tube fractions. 1.3.14 Reference plane reference: plane
The plane determined by the lamp cap as the reference plane, and the position of certain parts of the lamp is measured according to it. 1.3.15 Reference axis reference axis The axis determined by the lamp cap as the reference plane, and the position of certain parts of the lamp is measured according to it. 1.316 Type type
Different lamps in basic characteristics such as voltage, power or glass bulb design constitute different types, which are specified in the same lamp data sheet by different type numbers, such as 15766.3GB/T-2251 and 15766.3 GB/T 2252 in the lamp data sheet 5766.3-GB/T-2250.
1.3.17 Designation
ELIR refers to the type standardized by European countries. JIS refers to the type standardized by Japanese Industrial Standards, and SAE refers to the type standardized by the Society of Automotive Engineers (USA). 1.4 Bulb Data Sheet Numbering System
The first group of digits indicates the standard number \15766.3\, and the accompanying sheet is the word book "GB/T\. The second group of digits consists of four digits, and the first digit indicates the corresponding IEC 60983, the second and third digits indicate the active identification number, the fourth digit indicates the bulb type except zero, the number zero is part of the loose-leaf identification number, the third group of digits indicates the edition number of the data, when the data is more than one page, each page may have different edition numbers, the data loose-leaf edition remains the same,
Requirements and test conditions
2.1 General requirements
The design of a good filament bulb should keep it in good working condition during normal use, and in addition, there are no design and manufacturing defects in appearance.
Each bulb should have an identification mark to ensure accurate replacement, and the following content should be clearly and durably marked on the bulb: 1-The name or trademark of the manufacturer or seller. Commercial code or bulb name and/or nominal voltage, in addition, other content can also be printed, such as nominal power. Compliance is tested by wiping the bulb 155 with a soft cloth that is not wet with water. After this test, the mark should be clear. 2.3 Technical requirements and test procedures
2. 3. 1 Bulb dimensions
GB/T 15766. 3 2000
The external dimensions of the bulb and the height of the optical center shall comply with the requirements of the corresponding lamp market. 2.3.2 Glass bulb
The glass bulb shall not have scratches or spots that may affect the optical performance of the bulb. 2.3.3 Lamp cap
The lamp cap shall comply with the requirements specified in the corresponding test of IFC60061. 2.3.4 Initial reading
After aging, the power and luminous flux of the bulb under the test voltage shall meet the requirements specified in the corresponding test. When measuring the maximum luminous flux, a suitable integrating photometer shall be used.
2.3.5 Life
During the life test, the bulb shall be operated at a DC voltage or a frequency of 40 Hz to 69 Hz. The reference axis and the filament axis are in a horizontal position and the room temperature does not exceed 30°C. The supply voltage shall not fluctuate. However, a time fluctuation (≤1 min) of not more than 1% of the test voltage is permitted. The life test shall be terminated at 150 hours of the rated truncated mean life value specified in the corresponding lamp data sheet, at which time the lamp tested shall be considered to have a life of 150% of the specified value. The average life of the test samples shall not be less than: - For 13 to 19 sample lamps: 90% of the life value specified in the corresponding lamp data sheet - For 20 to 25 sample lamps: 92.5% of the recommended life value specified in the lamp data sheet. 2.3.6 Luminous flux maintenance factor
If this requirement is required, the lumen maintenance factor shall comply with the value specified in the corresponding lamp data sheet. Lamp lamps with unqualified lumen maintenance factor shall be considered to have a life of 75% of the rated recommended life value. 2.3.7 Torque Strength
When the corresponding data sheet specifies a torque strength for the lamp type, the lamp shall withstand the specified torque strength without visible relative looseness between the lamp cap and the glass bulb.
During the test, the lamp cap shall remain stable and not deformed. The torque shall be gradually increased in a clockwise direction until the specified value is reached. 2.3.8 Photoelectric Performance Measurements
The photoelectric performance test shall be carried out at the test voltage. 3 Recommended Guidelines for Use of Tungsten-Halogen Lamps
If tungsten-halogen lamps covered by this standard are provided, it is recommended that the following points be included in any use guidelines: Tungsten-halogen lamps are subject to high heat dissipation during operation. In any case, care should be taken to avoid touching the glass bulb. If the glass bulb of a quartz glass lamp has been touched, it should be cleaned with a lint-free soft cloth soaked in ethanol before use. -Bulbs with scratches or other damage on the glass bulb shall not be used. Note: In some cases, the lamp manufacturer gives information on the pressure gas in the lamp and recommends protective measures. 4 Filament lamp data sheets
4.1 List of lamps included in each data sheet, designation
Nominal voltage
GB/T 15766. 3 2000
Nominal power
W2. 1× 5. 5d
15766. 3-GB/T-201I
15766. 3·GB/T-2051
15756.3 GB/T-2053
15766. 3-GE/T-2152
15766. 3-GB/T-2153
15766. 3-CB/T-2201
15766. 3-GB/T-2202
15765. 3-G/F-2301
Data sheet
15766. 3-GB/1-2010
15766. 3-CB/T-2300
Nominal voltage,
Standard rated power,
Test voltage.
Rated power.
Rated luminous flux,
Rated average life span of cutting eyebrow,
Resistance strength change,
1) in academic consideration.
GB/T 15766. 3 --2000
Motor vehicle lamp data sheet
Lamp holder: BASs
Specified values and tolerances
15766. 3-GB/T-2011
2. C= 15%
13上1. 5
This figure only shows the size that is important for interchangeability
Type 15765.3-C/1 -2100
BA9s lamp holder complies with IFC60061 sheet No. 7001-14 reference back
15766. 3 GB/T-2012
Type 15766.3 -GB/T-2012
There shall be no projection or soldering tin which exceeds the maximum permissible diameter of the lamp cap in the entire length of the lamp cap.
Designation: EUR?JIS7SAE
Nominal voltage,
Nominal power,
Test voltage,
Rated power,
Rated luminous flux,
Rated truncated flat life,
Torsion strength,
1) is under consideration.
GB/T 15766.32000
Road Motor Vehicle Lamp Data Sheet
Lamp Holder: 8A9s
Specified Values and Tolerances
15766. 3 GB/T 2052
17. 5 max
This figure only shows the dimensions that are important for interchangeability. BA9s lamp holder complies with IEC60061 Sheet No. 7004.14, base push surface
Type 15786. 3
There shall be no projections or soldering tin that exceeds the maximum permissible diameter of the lamp cap throughout the entire length of the lamp cap. 15766.3-GB/T.2050E
15766. 3-GB/T-2053
11. ? max
Nominal voltage,
Nominal power,
Test voltage,
Rated luminous flux,
Rated average life span.
Torsion strength,
1) Under consideration
GB/T 15766. 3—2000
Road motor vehicle lamp data sheet
Lamp holder: BA9s
Specified values and allowable values
15765. 3-GB/T-2101
This figure shows only the dimensions that are important for interchangeability. The standard surface
Type 15766.3-GB/T2101
BA9s lamp holder complies with IEC60061 sheet No. 7004-141. Base cone
There should be no protrusion or solder that exceeds the maximum allowable diameter of the lamp cap in the entire length of the lamp cap15766.3-GB/T-2100-1
Meeting name: EUR/IS/SAE
Nominal voltage,
Nominal power,
Test voltage,
Rated power,
Rated luminous flux,
Rated average life of the tail,
Lateral deviation
GB/T 15766. 32000
Data sheet for lamps for road motor vehicles
Lamp holder.BA9
Specified values and tolerances
11=6 years
g tnax
15766.3-CB/T 2153
1) The maximum locking angle between the center of the lamp and two mutually perpendicular planes, both of which are included in the basic transmission, and the pin line is included in the center.
This figure only shows the dimension C
which is important for interchangeability.
BA95 lamp cap complies with IEC60061 loose leaf No. 7004-14. There should be no protrusions or solder that exceed the maximum allowable diameter of the lamp cap throughout the entire length of the lamp cap. 15766, 3-GB/T-2150-1
Individual color
Nominal voltage,
Nominal power,
Test voltage
Rated power,
Specified luminous flux,
Specified tail average life,
Luminous flux maintenance factor (750h shield),
Road motor vehicle lamp data sheet
Lamp holder: W2×4. 63
Specified values and tolerances
15766. 3 GB/T-2201
This drawing only shows the dimensional reference surface that is important for interchangeability
W2X4.6d lamp holder complies with IFC60061 loose-leaf No. 7004-94. *According to ANSI C81.61, SAF type can have W2.1X4.9d lamp cap: 15766.3-GB/T-2200-1
15766.3-GB/T 2202
Nominal voltage,
Nominal power,
Test voltage,
Rated power,
Rated luminous flux,
Approximate life at the end of load,
) is under consideration.
Road motor vehicle lamp data sheet
Lamp holder; W2.1×9.5d
Specified value and charge
10.29 1n8x
12.7±2. 2
This figure only shows the important dimensions of the other party
W2.1X9.5d lamp holder conforms to IFC60062 loose leaf number 7004-91 According to AVSIC81.51, SAE type can have W2,1×9.2d lamp holder 15766.3GB/T-2250-1
15.29 max
12. 7=2, 23-GB/T2102
There shall be no projection or soldering over the entire length of the lamp cap which exceeds the maximum permissible diameter of the lamp cap 15766.3-GB/T-2100-1
Meeting name: EUR/IS/SAE
Nominal voltage,
Nominal power,
Test voltage,
Rated power,
Rated luminous flux,
Rated average life of the tail,
Lateral deviation
GB/T 15766. 32000
Road motor vehicle lamp data sheet
Lamp cap.BA9
Specified values and tolerances
15766. 3-GB/T-2151
15. 0±1. 0
11=6 years
g tnax
15.0±1. 0
15766.3-CB/T 2153
1) The maximum locking direction of two mutually perpendicular planes relative to the center of the lamp, both of which contain basic transmission lines and contain pin lines.
This drawing shows only the dimensions C
of the lamp holder which are important for interchangeability.
BA95 lamp holder complies with IEC60061 leaflet No. 7004-14. There shall be no projections or soldering tin which exceed the maximum permissible diameter of the lamp holder over the entire length of the lamp holder. 15766, 3-GB/T-2150-1
Individual color
Nominal voltage,
Nominal power,
Test voltage
Rated power,
Specified luminous flux,
Specified tail average life,
Luminous flux maintenance factor (750h shield),
Road motor vehicle lamp data sheet
Lamp holder: W2×4. 63
Specified values and tolerances
15766. 3 GB/T-2201
This drawing only shows the dimensional reference surface that is important for interchangeability
W2X4.6d lamp holder complies with IFC60061 loose-leaf No. 7004-94. *According to ANSI C81.61, SAF type can have W2.1X4.9d lamp cap: 15766.3-GB/T-2200-1
15766.3-GB/T 2202
Nominal voltage,
Nominal power,
Test voltage,
Rated power,
Rated luminous flux,
Approximate life at the end of load,
) is under consideration.
Road motor vehicle lamp data sheet
Lamp holder; W2.1×9.5d
Specified value and charge
10.29 1n8x
12.7±2. 2
This figure only shows the important dimensions of the other party
W2.1X9.5d lamp holder conforms to IFC60062 loose leaf number 7004-91 According to AVSIC81.51, SAE type can have W2,1×9.2d lamp holder 15766.3GB/T-2250-1
15.29 max
12. 7=2, 23-GB/T2102
There shall be no projection or soldering over the entire length of the lamp cap which exceeds the maximum permissible diameter of the lamp cap 15766.3-GB/T-2100-1
Meeting name: EUR/IS/SAE
Nominal voltage,
Nominal power,
Test voltage,
Rated power,
Rated luminous flux,
Rated average life of the tail,
Lateral deviation
GB/T 15766. 32000
Road motor vehicle lamp data sheet
Lamp cap.BA9
Specified values and tolerances
15766. 3-GB/T-2151
15. 0±1. 0
11=6 years
g tnax
15.0±1. 0
15766.3-CB/T 2153
1) The maximum locking direction of two mutually perpendicular planes relative to the center of the lamp, both of which contain basic transmission lines and contain pin lines.
This drawing shows only the dimensions C
of the lamp holder which are important for interchangeability.
BA95 lamp holder complies with IEC60061 leaflet No. 7004-14. There shall be no projections or soldering tin which exceed the maximum permissible diameter of the lamp holder over the entire length of the lamp holder. 15766, 3-GB/T-2150-1
Individual color
Nominal voltage,
Nominal power,
Test voltage
Rated power,
Specified luminous flux,
Specified tail average life,
Luminous flux maintenance factor (750h shield),
Road motor vehicle lamp data sheet
Lamp holder: W2×4. 63
Specified values and tolerances
15766. 3 GB/T-2201
This drawing only shows the dimensional reference surface that is important for interchangeability
W2X4.6d lamp holder complies with IFC60061 loose-leaf No. 7004-94. *According to ANSI C81.61, SAF type can have W2.1X4.9d lamp cap: 15766.3-GB/T-2200-1
15766.3-GB/T 2202
Nominal voltage,
Nominal power,
Test voltage,
Rated power,
Rated luminous flux,
Approximate life at the end of load,
) is under consideration.
Road motor vehicle lamp data sheet
Lamp holder; W2.1×9.5d
Specified value and charge
10.29 1n8x
12.7±2. 2
This figure only shows the important dimensions of the other party
W2.1X9.5d lamp holder conforms to IFC60062 loose leaf number 7004-91 According to AVSIC81.51, SAE type can have W2,1×9.2d lamp holder 15766.3GB/T-2250-1
15.29 max
12. 7=2, 2
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