title>Product of geographical indication—Yuyao bayberry - GB/T 19690-2008 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Product of geographical indication—Yuyao bayberry

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 19690-2008

Standard Name:Product of geographical indication—Yuyao bayberry

Chinese Name: 地理标志产品 余姚杨梅

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2008-06-25

Date of Implementation:2008-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Food technology>>Fruits, vegetables and their products>>67.080.10Fruits and their products

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture and Forestry>>Cash Crops>>B31 Fruit and Vegetable Planting and Products

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces GB 19690-2005

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Plan number:20065076-T-469

Publication date:2008-10-01

other information

Release date:2005-03-23

drafter:Wang Guoyun, Cen Guanjun

Drafting unit:Yuyao Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau, Yuyao Agriculture and Forestry Bureau, Yuyao Forestry Specialty Product Technology Promotion Center

Focal point unit:National Origin Product Standardization Working Group

Proposing unit:National Origin Product Standardization Working Group

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

competent authority:National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the terms and definitions, geographical indication product protection scope, requirements, test methods, inspection rules and signs, labels, packaging, transportation and storage of Yuyao bayberry. This standard applies to Yuyao bayberry approved for protection by the national quality supervision, inspection and quarantine administrative department in accordance with the "Geographical Indication Product Protection Regulations". GB/T 19690-2008 Geographical Indication Product Yuyao Bayberry GB/T19690-2008 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, geographical indication product protection scope, requirements, test methods, inspection rules and signs, labels, packaging, transportation and storage of Yuyao bayberry. This standard applies to Yuyao bayberry approved for protection by the national quality supervision, inspection and quarantine administrative department in accordance with the "Geographical Indication Product Protection Regulations".

The provisions in the following documents become the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, parties that reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version is applicable to this standard.
GB2762 Limits of Contaminants in Foods
GB2763 Maximum Residue Limits of Pesticides in Foods
GB4285 Standards for Safe Use of Pesticides
GB7718 General Rules for Labelling of Prepackaged Foods
GB/T8321 (All Parts) Guidelines for Rational Use of Pesticides
GB/T8855 Sampling Methods for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
GB/T12456 Determination of Total Acid in Foods
NY5013 Environmental Conditions for Origin of Pollution-free Food and Fruit Products
JJF1070 Rules for the Metrological Inspection of Net Content of Pre-packaged Commodities
Order of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine [2004] No. 66 Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Weighting and Metrology of Retail Commodities
Order of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine [2005] No. 75 Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Metrology of Pre-packaged Commodities
ISO 2173:2003 (E) Determination of Soluble Solids Content of Fruit and Vegetable Products - Refractometer Method

Some standard content:

1 Scope
Geographical Indication Products
Yuyao Bayberry
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, geographical indication product protection scope, requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, labeling, packaging, transportation and storage of Yuyao Bayberry.
This standard applies to Yuyao Bayberry approved for protection by the national quality supervision, inspection and quarantine administrative department in accordance with the "Geographical Indication Product Protection Regulations".
2 Normative References
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties to an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version shall apply to this standard. GB2762 Limits of Contaminants in Food
Maximum Residue Limits of Pesticides in Food
Standards for Safe Use of Pesticides
GB7718 General Rules for Labeling of Prepackaged Foods
GB/T8321 (All Parts) Guidelines for Rational Use of PesticidesGB/T8855 Sampling Methods for Fresh Fruits and VegetablesGB/T12456 Determination of Total Acid in FoodsNY5013 Pollution-free Forest Food Environmental conditions of the origin of fruit products JJF1070 Rules for the metrological inspection of the net content of quantitatively packaged goods Order of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine [2004] No. 66 Measures for the supervision and management of retail commodity weighing and measurement Order of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine [2005] No. 75 Measures for the supervision and management of quantitatively packaged goods ISO2173:2003 (E) Determination of soluble solids content of fruit and vegetable products Refractometer method 3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1
Yuyao bayberry
Yababerry produced within the scope of protection of geographical indication products and meeting the requirements of this standard. 3.2
Strain of biqi
Main cultivated variety of Yuyao bayberry. The fruit is oblate, with an average single fruit weight of about 9.0g, the fruit surface is light purple-red to purple-black, the top of the flesh column is blunt, the flesh is fine and soft, sweet and sour, juicy, fragrant, and the core is small. Early shepherd's purse honey plum and late shepherd's purse honey plum are new varieties selected from water chestnut species, and the harvest period is about one week earlier or later. 3.3
Strain of crystal bayberry
One of the main varieties of Yuyao bayberry, also known as Xishan white bayberry. The fruit is spherical, with an average single fruit weight of about 11g, the fruit surface is white or yellow-milky white, sometimes slightly red, the flesh column is blunt, the flesh is soft and juicy, the taste is sweet and slightly sour, and the core is slightly larger. 1
Strain of pink bayberry
One of the main varieties of Yuyao bayberry, also known as Xishan bayberry, a local famous product. The fruit is spherical, with an average single fruit weight of about 10.5g. The fruit surface is pink or purple-red, the flesh column is round and blunt, the flesh is soft and juicy, the taste is sweet and slightly sour, and the core is medium-sized. 3.5
Flesh column
The juicy capsule-like body of the edible part of the fruit. 4 Scope of protection of geographical indication products
Limited to the scope approved for protection by the national quality supervision, inspection and quarantine administrative department in accordance with the "Geographical Indication Product Protection Regulations", that is, within the administrative area of ​​Yuyao City at 29°39'56\~30°21'58\ north latitude and 120°52'12\~121°25'15\ east longitude, see Appendix A. 5 Requirements
5.1 Environment
Should meet the requirements of NY5013.
5.1.1 Geography
Located at the foothills on both sides of the Yaojiang River Basin, the terrain is gentle, the slope is generally below 25°, the altitude is below 500m, and there are abundant water resources around. 5.1.2 Soil
Slightly acidic sandy loam, which is conducive to drainage, with a pH value of 4.5-6.5. 5.1.3 Climate
Sufficient sunshine throughout the year, abundant rainfall, mild climate, and four distinct seasons. It is an oceanic climate coverage area and a typical northern subtropical monsoon climate zone.
5.2 Cultivation technology
5.2.1 Variety selection
It is advisable to select excellent varieties such as early shepherd's purse honey plum, shepherd's purse, late shepherd's purse honey plum, crystal variety, and pink variety. 5.2.2 Garden construction
It is advisable to select sandy loam, soft texture, and slopes with good drainage for the construction of new bayberry bases. 5.2.3 Seedlings
Should have strong branches, full buds, well-developed root systems, and no pests or mechanical injuries. 5.2.4 Planting
The time should be from late February to late March, and the density should be (4m~5m)×(5m~6m). 5.2.5 Tree management
Perform shaping and pruning in a timely and appropriate manner, and adopt methods such as pinching, thinning, pulling branches, and supporting branches for management. 5.2.6 Garden management
In autumn and winter, expand the hole and improve the soil year by year with the trunk as the center; in autumn and winter or spring, take mountain topsoil, turf mud, etc. for soil cultivation. Young trees should be continuously cultivated and weeded within the diameter of the tree circle of about 1m, or grow grass without tillage, and cover the ground with grass. 5.2.7 Fertilization
Before planting the seedlings, apply sufficient basal fertilizer to the planting holes and cover with 15cm to 20cm thick fertile topsoil. Apply quick-acting fertilizer to young trees, 2 to 3 times a year. Apply fruit-enhancing fertilizer and basal fertilizer to mature trees once each. Apply fruit-enhancing fertilizer before the summer shoots grow in May each year, and apply basal fertilizer in October. For mature trees with alternate bearing years, apply topdressing fertilizer in the year of heavy bearing. It is generally recommended to apply fertilizer from the end of June to early July of the same year. 5.2.8 Adjustment of the amount of flowers and fruits
It is recommended to use pruning, thinning flowers and fruits and other methods. 2
5.2.9 Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests
Prevent and control diseases and insect pests in a timely manner according to the occurrence patterns of diseases and insect pests. The use of pesticides in pest control shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB4285.GB/T8321 (all parts). Pesticides that are expressly prohibited by the state shall not be used, and the safe interval of pesticides shall be strictly implemented. 5.3 Harvesting
The fruit maturity and harvesting date vary depending on the variety and site conditions. Generally, they are harvested in batches from early June to early July. Early shepherd's purse honey plum, water chestnut species, and late shepherd's purse honey plum are harvested when the color changes from red to purple-red or purple-black; crystal bayberry is harvested when it turns white or yellow-milky white; pink bayberry is harvested when it turns pink or purple-red. 5.4 Quality grades
It is divided into special grade, first grade, and second grade. 5.5 Sensory index
The sensory index should meet the requirements of Table 1.
Sensory index
Early shepherd's purse
Single fruit weight/g
Water chestnut variety late shepherd's purse
Crystal bayberry
Pink bayberry
Early shepherd's purse
Water chestnut variety
Late shepherd's purse
Water quality bayberry
Pink bayberry
Diseases and pests
Fruit injury rate/%
Special grade
Fruit shape is regular
The top of the flesh column is round and blunt,
No flesh thorns
First grade
The fruit shape is basically regular,
Minor defects are allowed||t t||Light purple to purple-black
Purple to purple-black
White or yellowish milky white
Pink to purple-red
The top of the flesh column is round and blunt or
Slightly sharp, without flesh thorns
The fruit shape is allowed to have defects,
No serious deformed fruit
The flesh column is allowed to be sharp,
With slight flesh thorns
Fresh, sweet and sour, soft and juicy, no peculiar smell, no mold and mildew
Note: Bayberry fruit with a single thorn or crush injury exceeding 1/10 of the total fruit surface area is judged as injured fruit. 5.6 Physical and chemical indicators
The physical and chemical indicators should meet the requirements of Table 2.
Table 2 Physical and Chemical Indicators
Soluble solids/%
Total acid (calculated as citric acid)/%
Special Grade
Product Partner Network httn
First Grade
Second Grade
5.7 Hygiene Indicators
5.7.1 Pollutant Limit Indicators
Should comply with the relevant provisions of GB2762.
5.7.2 Pesticide Maximum Residue Limit Indicators
Should comply with the relevant provisions of GB2763.
5.8 Net Content Allowable Shortage, Net Content Negative Deviation 5.8.1 The allowable shortage of net content of quantitatively packaged products shall be implemented in accordance with the Order [2005] No. 75 of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine. 5.8.2 The negative deviation of the net content of non-quantitative packaged products shall be implemented in accordance with the Order of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine [2004 No. 66. 6 Test methods
6.1 Sensory indicators
6.1.1 The shape, color and flesh of the fruit shall be inspected by visual inspection. 6.1.2 The flavor shall be inspected by tasting.
6.1.3 The inspection of pests and diseases shall be carried out by visual inspection with the aid of a 5x magnifying glass. 6.1.4 The weight of a single fruit shall be weighed with an electronic scale with a resolution of 0.1g, and the average weight of 30 single fruits shall be randomly taken as the weight of a single fruit. 6.1.5 The fruit injury rate shall be inspected by visual inspection, and 100 single fruits shall be randomly inspected. 6.2 Physical and chemical indicators
6.2.1 The soluble solids shall be implemented in accordance with ISO2173:2003 (E). 6.2.2 The total acid shall be implemented in accordance with GB/T12456. 6.3 Hygiene indicators
6.3.1 Contaminant limit indicators
Tested according to the method specified in GB2762.
6.3.2 Pesticide maximum residue limit indicators
Tested according to the method specified in GB2763.
6.4 Net content allowable shortage and net content negative deviation are tested according to JF1070.
7 Inspection rules
7.1 Batch
Products of the same unit, the same variety, the same packaging and the same storage conditions are regarded as an inspection batch. 7.2 Sampling method
Implemented according to GB/T8855.
7.3 Inspection classification
7.3.1 Delivery inspection
Each batch of products shall be inspected and qualified by the quality inspection department of the delivery party and attached with a certificate of conformity before delivery. Delivery inspection items include sensory indicators, packaging and marking, net content allowable shortage or net content negative deviation, etc. 7.3.2 Type inspection
Type inspection items are all items specified in Chapter 5. Type inspection should be carried out in any of the following circumstances: a) When the results of the two sampling inspections differ greatly; b) When the production environment changes significantly due to human or natural factors; c) When the national quality supervision and inspection agency proposes type inspection requirements. 7.4 Judgment rules
7.4.1 If the physical and chemical indicators, hygiene indicators, net content allowable shortage or net content negative deviation are all qualified, and the total percentage of unqualified products of sensory indicators4
does not exceed 10%, the batch of products shall be judged as qualified. GB/T19690-2008
7.4.2 If the hygiene indicators or physical and chemical indicators are unqualified, or the total percentage of unqualified products of sensory indicators exceeds 10%, the batch of products shall be judged as unqualified.
Note: The "total percentage of unqualified products in sensory indicators" in 7.4.1 and 7.4.2 of this standard refers to the cumulative percentage of unqualified products after testing of fruit shape, color and other items.
7.4.3 If the packaging is unqualified or the net content is unqualified, double sampling can be carried out from the same batch of products for re-inspection. If the re-inspection fails, the batch of products will be judged unqualified. Re-inspection is limited to one time.
8 Marking, labeling, packaging, transportation and storage 8.1 Labeling and marking
8.1.1 It should meet the requirements of GB7718.
8.1.2 The label should be neat, clear and intact. 8.1.3 After approval for use, the special mark for geographical indication product protection can be used on the packaging of bayberry. 8.2 Packaging
8.2.1 Use clean, non-toxic and odorless packaging boxes. The packaging boxes should be strong, pressure-resistant, clean and have good protective effects. 8.2.2 Different varieties should be packaged separately.
8.3 Transportation
8.3.1 Products should be transported quickly after acceptance, and should be kept refrigerated for long-distance transportation. 8.3.2 During transportation, products should be loaded and unloaded lightly to prevent mechanical damage. Use transportation vehicles with good vibration reduction performance. 8.3.3 Non-polluting transportation vehicles should be used, and they should not be mixed with other toxic and hazardous items. 8.4 Purchase and storage
8.4.1 The place should be clean, hygienic and ventilated, and should not be mixed with toxic, harmful, smelly and polluted items. 8.4.2 They should be kept refrigerated.
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Yuyao Yangmei Geographical Indication Product Protection ScopeYuyao Yangmei Geographical Indication Product Protection ScopeSee Figure A.1. Bay
Yuyao Yangmei Geographical Indication Product Protection ScopeFigurehttp
Hejia Lengsuo1. Bay
Yuyao Yangmei geographical indication product protection scope map http
Hejia Lengsuo1. Bay
Yuyao Yangmei geographical indication product protection scope map http
Hejia Lengsuo
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