title>HG 20546.2-1992 Chemical Plant Equipment Layout Design Engineering Regulations - HG 20546.2-1992 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG 20546.2-1992 Chemical Plant Equipment Layout Design Engineering Regulations

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG 20546.2-1992

Standard Name: Chemical Plant Equipment Layout Design Engineering Regulations

Chinese Name: 化工装置设备布置设计工程规定

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

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Standard ICS number:71.010

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Raw Materials Industry, Communications, Broadcasting Engineering>>P72 Petrochemical, Chemical Engineering

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HG 20546.2-1992 Chemical Plant Equipment Layout Design Engineering Regulations HG20546.2-1992 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Chemical Plant Equipment Layout Design Engineering Regulations HG20546.2—92
Scope of Application
1.0.1 This regulation is applicable to the layout design of chemical plants. When carrying out engineering design, the project manager may make appropriate supplements or adjustments to this engineering regulation based on the characteristics of the project, and then publish and implement it. .39.
2 Layout Points
2.1 Requirements for Process and Flow
2.1.1 The layout design of the device should meet the requirements of the process and flow. For example, vacuum, gravity flow, solid unloading, etc., all equipment should be arranged according to the elevation requirements of the pipeline instrument flow diagram (PID). Equipment for handling corrosive, toxic, and viscous materials should be arranged compactly according to the nature of the materials, and measures such as isolation walls should be taken when necessary. In addition, it should also be arranged according to the terrain, dominant wind direction, etc., so as not to affect the process requirements. For example, air intake and circulating water cooling towers. 2.2 Environmental protection, fire prevention and other safety production requirements 2.2.1 The fire protection distance of equipment, buildings, structures, etc. shall comply with the requirements of the current relevant fire protection regulations. Attention should be paid to environmental protection, pollution prevention and noise prevention, and the layout of equipment should be considered according to the classification of the degree of danger. The layout of electrical equipment using electric energy or motors should comply with the requirements of the current "Design Regulations for Electric Power Installations in Explosion and Fire Hazardous Places" of the country.
For the location of heating furnaces, compressors, control room and power distribution room, etc., the dominant wind direction should be considered. The flammable gas or steam leaked from the equipment should not blow to the heating furnace, so the heating furnace should be located in the upwind or sidewind direction. The smoke discharged from the smoke diagram should not blow to the compressor room or the control room. The power distribution room should be arranged in the upwind direction of the place where ammonia can leak. 2.3 Convenient operation
2.3.1 The layout of the device should consider creating good operating conditions for the operator, mainly including: the necessary operating channels and platform stairs and safe entrances and exits should meet the requirements of the regulations and reasonably arrange the equipment spacing and clearance height.
The location of the control room should be reasonable, away from dangerous areas and vibration equipment to avoid affecting the operation of the instrument. ·40
2.4 Easy to install and maintain
2.4.1 The installation and maintenance of equipment should use movable lifting equipment as much as possible. The following requirements should be met during the layout design stage: The entrance and exit of the road should be convenient for the entry and exit of the crane; The floor space and space required for handling and lifting; The cleaning area of ​​the filling in the equipment; During regular overhaul, all equipment can be overhauled at the same time; For the core pulling of the tube bundle of the heat exchanger, heating furnace, etc., sufficient space should be considered, and the tube bundle should be avoided from extending to the adjacent channel when being pulled out. Sufficient maintenance area should also be provided for the maintenance and replacement of rotating equipment components such as compressor drivers.
2.4.2 Fixed maintenance equipment is required in the following occasions: Manhole covers need to be equipped with hanging columns; Tower plates and tower internal parts need to be equipped with hanging columns; Indoor compressors, turbines, etc. need to be equipped with cranes; simple lifting facilities can be set up as appropriate for small compressors; Agitators in buildings need to be equipped with hanging beams or cranes. 2.5 Economic and reasonable requirements
Equipment layout should be economically reasonable on the premise of meeting process requirements, and pay attention to neatness and beauty. Except for pipelines with requirements for thermal expansion, equipment layout should consider that pipelines are as short and straight as possible. Some equipment can be arranged without following the process for economic purposes.
In order to consider neatness and beauty, the following layout methods can be adopted: 2.5.1 Towers arranged in rows can be equipped with joint platforms if possible. When heat exchangers are arranged side by side, it is recommended to align them with the center line of the pipes on the pipe gallery side. 2.5.2
2.5.3 The arrangement of centrifugal pumps should be aligned with the center line of the pump outlet pipe. 2.5.4 It is recommended that horizontal containers be aligned with the tangent line of the head on the side of the pipe gallery; heating furnaces, reactors, etc. are recommended to be aligned with the center line.
3 Clearance, clearance and related elevations
3.1 Minimum clear distance between equipment
3.1.1 The clear distance between equipment should first comply with the requirements of fire protection distance. For details, please refer to the provisions of the "Design Fire Protection Regulations for Refining and Chemical Enterprises" Petrochemical Chapter (YHS01-78) and the "Building Design Fire Protection Code" (GBI16-87). 3.1.2, Equipment spacing determined by non-fire protection factors or not specified in the fire protection code is shown in Table 3.1.2. Clearance zone between equipment or between equipment and buildings, structures (or obstacles)
Under the pipe gallery
Any area
Control room, switch room to heating furnace
Between two towers (considering the setting of platforms, not considering the size of foundations) [Outer wall of tower equipment to the column of the pipe gallery (or structure) Container wall or end of heat exchanger to the column of the pipe gallery (or structure) Maintenance passage between two rows of pumps
Between two adjacent pumps (considering foundations and pipelines) Maintenance passage between two rows of pumps or a single row of pumps to the wall The end face of the pump or foundation to the wall or column
Maintenance clearance between two horizontal heat exchangers||tt ||Clear distance between two horizontal heat exchangers when in operation (considering valves and pipes)Horizontal heat exchanger shell (lateral) to wall or column (when passing)Horizontal heat exchanger shell (lateral) to wall or column (when repairing)Clear distance in front of horizontal heat exchanger head (axial direction)Clear distance around flange edge of horizontal heat exchanger
Clear distance for pulling out heat exchanger tube bundle (L: tube bundle length)Two horizontal containers (parallel, no operation)Between two containers
Vertical container foundation to wall
Distance from vertical container manhole to platform edge (three sides)Vertical heat exchanger flange to platform edge (clear distance for maintenance)Around compressor (for maintenance and operation)
Minimum clearance (mm)
Clearance required for passages, walkways and
Maintenance clearance
3.2 Clearance height or vertical distance
Clearance height or vertical distance above roads, railways, passages and operating platforms
Main road (for large vehicles)
General road
Counted from the top of the railway track
Terminal or siding
Operation passage, platform
Maintenance passage of pump area under the corridor
Between two corridors
Bottom of the lowest beam of the corridor
Inclined ladder: the height of the rest platform between a ladder section Vertical spacing Straight ladder: the vertical spacing of the rest platform between a flight of stairsMaintenance space required between flanges of overlapping heat exchangers or other equipmentPipe pier
Clearance under the furnace for maintenance
Distance between the center line of the manhole and the platform below
Vertical container shell
Top head of flat container
Horizontal heat exchanger
Distance between the flange surface of the manhole and the platform belowDistance from the flange edge to the platform
Distance between the top flange surface of the body or cover and the platform belowVertical heat exchanger,
Note ①: For any overhead transmission line, the clearance height should be at least 6500mm. ·43·
Dimensions (mm)
1500 (minimum)
4000 (minimum)
5500 (maximum)
9000 (maximum)
450 (minimum)
1500 (maximum)
Bottom surface of column foot ( Foundation surface)
Bottom surface of centrifugal pump
Inclined ladder and straight ladder foundation
Horizontal container and heat exchanger Note ①
Vertical container and special equipment
Pile foundation and connecting beam
3.3 Elevation
Elevation (including grouting layer) Note 0
Height from the reference point
Medium and small pumps
Ring base or bottom of legs
Pipe gallery column foundation and foundation
Bottom of furnace bottom platform
Side burning or top burning
Operational channels required at the bottom of furnace
Operational channels not required at the bottom of furnace
Blowers, reciprocating pumps, horizontal and vertical compressors, etc. 0
600 (minimum)||tt ||As needed
Outdoor elevation (m)
100.300 standard
Indoor elevation (m)
100.600 (minimum)
E+0.600 (minimum)
99.700 note
99.550 free
As needed
As needed
Note: ① All elevations are based on 100.000m (corresponding to the benchmark soil 0) is used as the benchmark, and the absolute elevation corresponding to this elevation is determined by the general drawing professionals in the design.
② All concrete support elevations for equipment and structures (except inclined ladders and straight ladders) have included a secondary grouting layer height of at least 25mm.
③ The edge of the pavement connected to the surrounding of the open building should be at the same elevation as the edge of the building ground, and have an outward slope, and the slope of this ground should slope outward from the factory building. ·44·
② Small-sized pumps such as proportional pumps, jet pumps and other small gear pumps. The top surface elevation of the foundation can be located at 100.300m. And several small pumps can be installed on a common foundation. ③ Usually the indoor elevation of the combined arrangement device is E=100.150m. For independent buildings with non-combined arrangement, E-100.000m. For corrosive factories, E=100.300m. For areas with high rainfall intensity, the indoor elevation can be determined according to the project situation.
③ If there are underground pipelines passing through, the elevation of individual foundations can be lowered. ③ The foundation elevation of horizontal equipment should be determined according to the specific conditions of the drainage pipe at the bottom of the equipment and the inlet and outlet piping, but shall not be less than 100.600m
③ For devices that may produce flammable and explosive gases heavier than air, the indoor floor of the control room and the distribution room shall be 600mm higher than the outdoor floor. The indoor floor of offices and auxiliary living rooms shall not be less than 300mm higher than the outdoor floor. If the indoor floor is an open-plank floor, the height difference between indoor and outdoor shall not be less than 450mm. 3.4 Road and operation channel width
The minimum width of the main road is 6m, and the turning radius is 9m. 3.4.1
3.4.2 The minimum width of the secondary road is 3.5m, and the turning radius is 6m. 3.4.3 The minimum width of the sidewalks on both sides of the road is 1m. 3.4.4 The width of the operating channel in the device is generally 800-1000mm. The minimum width of the local area that is not often used is 650mm.
3.4.5 The minimum width of the inclined ladder is 800mm, and the width in front of the inclined ladder landing on the ground is 9001200mm. .45.
Operation platform and ladder
4.1 Operation platform
4.1.1 Platforms and ladders should be set up in places where operations and frequent maintenance are required during production. Only during maintenance, manholes within a height range of 3m from the ground can be operated. Instruments and valves can use movable platforms with straight or inclined ladders. 4.1.2 The dimensions of the platform should comply with the following provisions: The width of the platform is generally not less than 800mm. The clearance requirements above the platform are shown in Table 3.2. The width of the maintenance platform with special provisions is shown in Table 3.1.2. The most suitable height from the center line of the equipment manhole to the platform is 900mm. The allowable height range is shown in Table 3.2. The platform set up for the equipment feeding port should not be more than 1m away from the top surface of the feeding port. 4.1.3 Railings should be installed around the platform. Except for the entrance of the platform, skirting boards should be installed around the edge of the platform and around the opening of the platform.
4.1.4 Platforms may be installed at the following locations of the furnace: Flue blower; Burners and sight holes that are difficult to access on the ground. The width of the platform shall be ≥750mm on the side of the tubular furnace and ≥1000mm on the end; Soot blower; The gas collecting pipe (including detachable parts) shall only be provided with platform brackets. When maintenance is required, a temporary platform board or a movable platform shall be provided; Platform for sampling point
4.1.5 In order to consider the needs of operation and maintenance, small equipment or valves shall be more than 2.5m from the ground or higher than 1.8m on the platform, and the instruments on the equipment shall be more than 2m from the ground. Platforms or permanent ladders shall be installed according to Table 4.1.5. And consider the following two requirements: No platform is set on the flange pipe mouth on the container, the shut-off valve on the pipe gallery, the metal temperature measuring point on the container, the temperature and pressure measuring points on the pipeline, and the orifice plate on the lowest layer of the pipeline in the pipe gallery. ·46· When it is necessary to operate the manual valve during the operation of the device or in the event of an accident, it should be designed as follows:
(1) For valves of DN100 and below, the bottom of the handwheel cannot be higher than 1.8m above the platform or the ground. (2) For valves of DN150 and above, the handwheel height should be set at a position on the platform or on the ground that is convenient for operation.
If the valve cannot be installed as above, the valve should be equipped with an operating chain or extension rod. Operation and maintenance facilities
Permanent direct fishing
(Platform is located under the equipment)
(Platform is located on the side of the equipment)
Check valves of all sizes on the container
Gate valves and stop valves ≤DN80 on the containerGlass level gauge and test level cock
Pressure gauge on the container
Thermometer on the container
Level controller between 2.0m and 3.6m above the groundControl valves (regulating valves) of various sizes in pits with a depth greater than 1.8m and a length greater than 6.0m
Heat exchangers
Blind plates, sight glasses Mirror, filter
Safety valve of ≥DN80 (on vertical container)Electric valve
Clean point (as described in 5.2.7)
Gate valve and stop valve of ≥DN100 (on container)Safety valve of ≤DN80
Safety valve of ≥DN100 (on horizontal container)Level controller 3.6m above the ground
Sampling valve
4.2.1 Requirements for setting up vertical ladders
4.2 Ladders Vertical ladders can be set up for auxiliary operation platforms and operation platforms of containers that are not frequently inspected by the operation and maintenance personnel of the device. The auxiliary exit of the platform should have a vertical ladder, and the position of the ladder should meet the requirement that the horizontal distance from the main or auxiliary exit to any point of the platform is not more than 25m, and the dead end length of the platform should not be more than 6m. If the dead end is more than 6m, an additional exit ladder is required. For equipment with flammable and explosive hazards, if the horizontal distance between the platform of the structure is less than 25m, a safety ladder should also be added at an appropriate location. The ladder on the vertical equipment usually leads to the platform from the side. The front-entry ladder is used to lead to the platform above the top of the equipment. In addition to the ladder on the smoke diagram, the height of each section of the ladder is shown in Table 3.2 (if it exceeds the provisions in Table 3.2, but does not exceed 10m, it is also allowed to be undivided): If it exceeds, an intermediate rest platform should be added. It is advisable to use a staggered platform arranged in sections, and set it in combination with the height of the manhole of the equipment. When a ladder is set up from the ground, if the height is ≥4m, a safety protection circle should be added, which should be set up from 2.5m upwards; when the height of each section of the other ladders above is 2.5m, a safety protection circle should be added, which should be set up from 2.2m upwards. There should be no obstacles in the space through which the ladder climbs. For ladders without safety guards, the obstacle-free range in the space along the entire length of the ladder must be as specified in Table
Ladder slope
In the table:
X--Parallel distance from the center of the ladder to obstacles on both sides of the ladder:
YVertical distance between the obstacle and the ladder surface
Medical obstacle
Obstacle (wall) The width of the ladder should be 400~600mm. Automatic partition safety railings should be installed at the entrances and exits of all platform ladders. 4.2.2 Requirements for installing inclined ladders The main operating surfaces of the plant and the frame, and the areas where operators frequently patrol (reach the area at least once per shift) should use inclined ladders. The maximum height of a section of inclined ladder is shown in Table 3.2. The angle of the inclined ladder is 45°~59°, and the width of the inclined ladder is generally 800mm. Double-sided or single-sided railings are provided according to specific circumstances. When the height difference between the two platforms is ≤300mm, no intermediate step is required. When the height difference is greater than 300~530mm, an additional intermediate step is required.300m. For areas with heavy rainfall, the indoor elevation can be determined according to the project conditions.
③ If there are underground pipelines passing through, the elevation of individual foundations can be lowered. ③ The foundation elevation of horizontal equipment should be determined according to the specific conditions of the drainage pipe at the bottom of the equipment and the inlet and outlet piping, but shall not be less than 100.600m
③ For devices that may produce flammable and explosive gases heavier than air, the indoor floor of the control room and the distribution room should be 600mm higher than the outdoor floor. The indoor floor of offices and auxiliary living rooms should not be less than 300mm higher than the outdoor floor. If the indoor floor is an open-plank floor, the height difference between indoor and outdoor shall not be less than 450mm. 3.4 Road and operation channel width
The minimum width of the main road is 6m, and the turning radius is 9m. 3.4.1
3.4.2 The minimum width of the secondary road is 3.5m, and the turning radius is 6m. 3.4.3 The minimum width of the sidewalks on both sides of the road is 1m. 3.4.4 The general width of the operating channel in the device is 800-1000mm. The minimum width of the local area that is not often used is 650mm.
3.4.5 The minimum width of the inclined ladder is 800mm, and the width in front of the inclined ladder landing on the ground is 9001200mm. .45.
Operation platform and ladder
4.1 Operation platform
4.1.1 Platforms and ladders should be set up in places where operations and frequent maintenance are required during production. Only during maintenance, manholes, instruments and valves within a height of 3m from the ground can be operated using a movable platform with a straight ladder or an inclined ladder. 4.1.2 The size of the platform should comply with the following provisions: The width of the platform is generally not less than 800mm. The clearance requirements above the platform are shown in Table 3.2. The width of the maintenance platform with special provisions is shown in Table 3.1.2. The most suitable height between the center line of the equipment manhole and the platform is 900mm. The allowable height range is shown in Table 3.2. The platform set up for the equipment feeding port should not be more than 1m away from the top surface of the feeding port. 4.1.3 Railings should be installed around the platform. Except for the entrance of the platform, the edge of the platform and the surrounding of the platform opening should be equipped with skirting boards.
4.1.4 Platforms may be installed at the following locations of the furnace: Flue blower; Burners and sight holes that are difficult to access on the ground. The width of the platform shall be ≥750mm on the side of the tubular furnace and ≥1000mm on the end; Soot blower; The gas collecting pipe (including detachable parts) shall only be provided with platform brackets. When maintenance is required, a temporary platform board shall be added or a movable platform shall be provided; Platform for sampling point
4.1.5 In order to consider the needs of operation and maintenance, small equipment or valves shall be more than 2.5m from the ground or higher than 1.8m on the platform, and the instruments on the equipment shall be more than 2m from the ground. Platforms or permanent ladders shall be installed according to Table 4.1.5. And consider the following two requirements: No platform is set on the flange pipe mouth on the container, the shut-off valve on the pipe gallery, the metal temperature measuring point on the container, the temperature and pressure measuring points on the pipeline, and the orifice plate on the lowest layer of the pipeline in the pipe gallery. ·46· When it is necessary to operate the manual valve during the operation of the device or in the event of an accident, it should be designed as follows:
(1) For valves of DN100 and below, the bottom of the handwheel cannot be higher than 1.8m above the platform or the ground. (2) For valves of DN150 and above, the handwheel height should be set at a position on the platform or on the ground that is convenient for operation.
If the valve cannot be installed as above, the valve should be equipped with an operating chain or extension rod. Operation and maintenance facilities
Permanent direct fishing
(Platform is located under the equipment)
(Platform is located on the side of the equipment)
Check valves of all sizes on the container
Gate valves and stop valves ≤DN80 on the containerGlass level gauge and test level cock
Pressure gauge on the container
Thermometer on the container
Level controller between 2.0m and 3.6m above the groundControl valves (regulating valves) of various sizes in pits with a depth greater than 1.8m and a length greater than 6.0m
Heat exchangers
Blind plates, sight glasses Mirror, filter
Safety valve of ≥DN80 (on vertical container)Electric valve
Clean point (as described in 5.2.7)
Gate valve and stop valve of ≥DN100 (on container)Safety valve of ≤DN80
Safety valve of ≥DN100 (on horizontal container)Level controller 3.6m above the ground
Sampling valve
4.2.1 Requirements for setting up vertical ladders
4.2 Ladders Vertical ladders can be set up for auxiliary operation platforms and operation platforms of containers that are not frequently inspected by the operation and maintenance personnel of the device. The auxiliary exit of the platform should have a vertical ladder, and the position of the ladder should meet the requirement that the horizontal distance from the main or auxiliary exit to any point of the platform is not more than 25m, and the dead end length of the platform should not be more than 6m. If the dead end is more than 6m, an additional exit ladder is required. For equipment with flammable and explosive hazards, if the horizontal distance between the platform of the structure is less than 25m, a safety ladder should also be added at an appropriate location. The ladder on the vertical equipment usually leads to the platform from the side. The front-entry ladder is used to lead to the platform above the top of the equipment. In addition to the ladder on the smoke diagram, the height of each section of the ladder is shown in Table 3.2 (if it exceeds the provisions in Table 3.2, but does not exceed 10m, it is also allowed to be undivided): If it exceeds, an intermediate rest platform should be added. It is advisable to use a staggered platform arranged in sections, and set it in combination with the height of the manhole of the equipment. When a ladder is set up from the ground, if the height is ≥4m, a safety protection circle should be added, which should be set up from 2.5m upwards; when the height of each section of the other ladders above is 2.5m, a safety protection circle should be added, which should be set up from 2.2m upwards. There should be no obstacles in the space through which the ladder climbs. For ladders without safety guards, the obstacle-free range in the space along the entire length of the ladder must be as specified in Table
Ladder slope
In the table:
X--Parallel distance from the center of the ladder to obstacles on both sides of the ladder:
YVertical distance between the obstacle and the ladder surface
Medical obstacle
Obstacle (wall) The width of the ladder should be 400~600mm. Automatic partition safety railings should be installed at the entrances and exits of all platform ladders. 4.2.2 Requirements for installing inclined ladders The main operating surfaces of the plant and the frame, and the areas where operators frequently patrol (reach the area at least once per shift) should use inclined ladders. The maximum height of a section of inclined ladder is shown in Table 3.2. The angle of the inclined ladder is 45°~59°, and the width of the inclined ladder is generally 800mm. Double-sided or single-sided railings are provided according to specific circumstances. When the height difference between the two platforms is ≤300mm, no intermediate step is required. When the height difference is greater than 300~530mm, an additional intermediate step is required.300m. For areas with heavy rainfall, the indoor elevation can be determined according to the project conditions.
③ If there are underground pipelines passing through, the elevation of individual foundations can be lowered. ③ The foundation elevation of horizontal equipment should be determined according to the specific conditions of the drainage pipe at the bottom of the equipment and the inlet and outlet piping, but shall not be less than 100.600m
③ For devices that may produce flammable and explosive gases heavier than air, the indoor floor of the control room and the distribution room should be 600mm higher than the outdoor floor. The indoor floor of offices and auxiliary living rooms should not be less than 300mm higher than the outdoor floor. If the indoor floor is an open-plank floor, the height difference between indoor and outdoor shall not be less than 450mm. 3.4 Road and operation channel width
The minimum width of the main road is 6m, and the turning radius is 9m. 3.4.1
3.4.2 The minimum width of the secondary road is 3.5m, and the turning radius is 6m. 3.4.3 The minimum width of the sidewalks on both sides of the road is 1m. 3.4.4 The general width of the operating channel in the device is 800-1000mm. The minimum width of the local area that is not often used is 650mm.
3.4.5 The minimum width of the inclined ladder is 800mm, and the width in front of the inclined ladder landing on the ground is 9001200mm. .45.
Operation platform and ladder
4.1 Operation platform
4.1.1 Platforms and ladders should be set up in places where operations and frequent maintenance are required during production. Only during maintenance, manholes, instruments and valves within a height of 3m from the ground can be operated using a movable platform with a straight ladder or an inclined ladder. 4.1.2 The size of the platform should comply with the following provisions: The width of the platform is generally not less than 800mm. The clearance requirements above the platform are shown in Table 3.2. The width of the maintenance platform with special provisions is shown in Table 3.1.2. The most suitable height between the center line of the equipment manhole and the platform is 900mm. The allowable height range is shown in Table 3.2. The platform set up for the equipment feeding port should not be more than 1m away from the top surface of the feeding port. 4.1.3 Railings should be installed around the platform. Except for the entrance of the platform, the edge of the platform and the surrounding of the platform opening should be equipped with skirting boards.
4.1.4 Platforms may be installed at the following locations of the furnace: Flue blower; Burners and sight holes that are difficult to access on the ground. The width of the platform shall be ≥750mm on the side of the tubular furnace and ≥1000mm on the end; Soot blower; The gas collecting pipe (including detachable parts) shall only be provided with platform brackets. When maintenance is required, a temporary platform board shall be added or a movable platform shall be provided; Platform for sampling point
4.1.5 In order to consider the needs of operation and maintenance, small equipment or valves shall be more than 2.5m from the ground or higher than 1.8m on the platform, and the instruments on the equipment shall be more than 2m from the ground. Platforms or permanent ladders shall be installed according to Table 4.1.5. And consider the following two requirements: No platform is set on the flange pipe mouth on the container, the shut-off valve on the pipe gallery, the metal temperature measuring point on the container, the temperature and pressure measuring points on the pipeline, and the orifice plate on the lowest layer of the pipeline in the pipe gallery. ·46· When it is necessary to operate the manual valve during the operation of the device or in the event of an accident, it should be designed as follows:
(1) For valves of DN100 and below, the bottom of the handwheel cannot be higher than 1.8m above the platform or the ground. (2) For valves of DN150 and above, the handwheel height should be set at a position on the platform or on the ground that is convenient for operation.
If the valve cannot be installed as above, the valve should be equipped with an operating chain or extension rod. Operation and maintenance facilities
Permanent direct fishing
(Platform is located under the equipment)
(Platform is located on the side of the equipment)
Check valves of all sizes on the container
Gate valves and stop valves ≤DN80 on the containerGlass level gauge and test level cock
Pressure gauge on the container
Thermometer on the container
Level controller between 2.0m and 3.6m above the groundControl valves (regulating valves) of various sizes in pits with a depth greater than 1.8m and a length greater than 6.0m
Heat exchangers
Blind plates, sight glasses Mirror, filter
Safety valve of ≥DN80 (on vertical container)Electric valve
Clean point (as described in 5.2.7)
Gate valve and stop valve of ≥DN100 (on container)Safety valve of ≤DN80
Safety valve of ≥DN100 (on horizontal container)Level controller 3.6m above the ground
Sampling valve
4.2.1 Requirements for setting up vertical ladders
4.2 Ladders Vertical ladders can be set up for auxiliary operation platforms and operation platforms of containers that are not frequently inspected by the operation and maintenance personnel of the device. The auxiliary exit of the platform should have a vertical ladder, and the position of the ladder should meet the requirement that the horizontal distance from the main or auxiliary exit to any point of the platform is not more than 25m, and the dead end length of the platform should not be more than 6m. If the dead end is more than 6m, an additional exit ladder is required. For equipment with flammable and explosive hazards, if the horizontal distance between the platform of the structure is less than 25m, a safety ladder should also be added at an appropriate location. The ladder on the vertical equipment usually leads to the platform from the side. The front-entry ladder is used to lead to the platform above the top of the equipment. In addition to the ladder on the smoke diagram, the height of each section of the ladder is shown in Table 3.2 (if it exceeds the provisions in Table 3.2, but does not exceed 10m, it is also allowed to be undivided): If it exceeds, an intermediate rest platform should be added. It is advisable to use a staggered platform arranged in sections, and set it in combination with the height of the manhole of the equipment. When a ladder is set up from the ground, if the height is ≥4m, a safety protection circle should be added, which should be set up from 2.5m upwards; when the height of each section of the other ladders above is 2.5m, a safety protection circle should be added, which should be set up from 2.2m upwards. There should be no obstacles in the space through which the ladder climbs. For ladders without safety guards, the obstacle-free range in the space along the entire length of the ladder must be as specified in Table
Ladder slope
In the table:
X--Parallel distance from the center of the ladder to obstacles on both sides of the ladder:
YVertical distance between the obstacle and the ladder surface
Medical obstacle
Obstacle (wall) The width of the ladder should be 400~600mm. Automatic partition safety railings should be installed at the entrances and exits of all platform ladders. 4.2.2 Requirements for installing inclined ladders The main operating surfaces of the plant and the frame, and the areas where operators frequently patrol (reach the area at least once per shift) should use inclined ladders. The maximum height of a section of inclined ladder is shown in Table 3.2. The angle of the inclined ladder is 45°~59°, and the width of the inclined ladder is generally 800mm. Double-sided or single-sided railings are provided according to specific circumstances. When the height difference between the two platforms is ≤300mm, no intermediate step is required. When the height difference is greater than 300~530mm, an additional intermediate step is required.2 The dimensions of the platform shall comply with the following provisions: The width of the platform shall generally not be less than 800mm. The clearance requirements above the platform are shown in Table 3.2. The width of the maintenance platform with special provisions is shown in Table 3.1.2. The most suitable height between the center line of the equipment manhole and the platform is 900mm. The allowable height range is shown in Table 3.2. The platform set up for the equipment feeding port should not be more than 1m away from the top surface of the feeding port. 4.1.3 Railings should be installed around the platform. Except for the entrance of the platform, the edge of the platform and the surrounding of the platform opening should be equipped with skirting boards.
4.1.4 Platforms may be installed at the following locations of the furnace: Flue blower; Burners and sight holes that are difficult to access on the ground. The width of the platform shall be ≥750mm on the side of the tubular furnace and ≥1000mm on the end; Soot blower; The gas collecting pipe (including detachable parts) shall only be provided with platform brackets. When maintenance is required, a temporary platform board shall be added or a movable platform shall be provided; Platform for sampling point
4.1.5 In order to consider the needs of operation and maintenance, small equipment or valves shall be more than 2.5m from the ground or higher than 1.8m on the platform, and the instruments on the equipment shall be more than 2m from the ground. Platforms or permanent ladders shall be installed according to Table 4.1.5. And consider the following two requirements: No platform is set on the flange pipe mouth on the container, the shut-off valve on the pipe gallery, the metal temperature measuring point on the container, the temperature and pressure measuring points on the pipeline, and the orifice plate on the lowest layer of the pipeline in the pipe gallery. ·46· When it is necessary to operate the manual valve during the operation of the device or in the event of an accident, it should be designed as follows:
(1) For valves of DN100 and below, the bottom of the handwheel cannot be higher than 1.8m above the platform or the ground. (2) For valves of DN150 and above, the handwheel height should be set at a position on the platform or on the ground that is convenient for operation.
If the valve cannot be installed as above, the valve should be equipped with an operating chain or extension rod. Operation and maintenance facilities
Permanent direct fishing
(Platform is located under the equipment)
(Platform is located on the side of the equipment)
Check valves of all sizes on the container
Gate valves and stop valves ≤DN80 on the containerGlass level gauge and test level cock
Pressure gauge on the container
Thermometer on the container
Level controller between 2.0m and 3.6m above the groundControl valves (regulating valves) of various sizes in pits with a depth greater than 1.8m and a length greater than 6.0m
Heat exchangersbzxz.net
Blind plates, sight glasses Mirror, filter
Safety valve of ≥DN80 (on vertical container)Electric valve
Clean point (as described in 5.2.7)
Gate valve and stop valve of ≥DN100 (on container)Safety valve of ≤DN80
Safety valve of ≥DN100 (on horizontal container)Level controller 3.6m above the ground
Sampling valve
4.2.1 Requirements for setting up vertical ladders
4.2 Ladders Vertical ladders can be set up for auxiliary operation platforms and operation platforms of containers that are not frequently inspected by the operation and maintenance personnel of the device. The auxiliary exit of the platform should have a vertical ladder, and the position of the ladder should meet the requirement that the horizontal distance from the main or auxiliary exit to any point of the platform is not more than 25m, and the dead end length of the platform should not be more than 6m. If the dead end is more than 6m, an additional exit ladder is required. For equipment with flammable and explosive hazards, if the horizontal distance between the platform of the structure is less than 25m, a safety ladder should also be added at an appropriate location. The ladder on the vertical equipment usually leads to the platform from the side. The front-entry ladder is used to lead to the platform above the top of the equipment. In addition to the ladder on the smoke diagram, the height of each section of the ladder is shown in Table 3.2 (if it exceeds the provisions in Table 3.2, but does not exceed 10m, it is also allowed to be undivided): If it exceeds, an intermediate rest platform should be added. It is advisable to use a staggered platform arranged in sections, and set it in combination with the height of the manhole of the equipment. When a ladder is set up from the ground, if the height is ≥4m, a safety protection circle should be added, which should be set up from 2.5m upwards; when the height of each section of the other ladders above is 2.5m, a safety protection circle should be added, which should be set up from 2.2m upwards. There should be no obstacles in the space through which the ladder climbs. For ladders without safety guards, the obstacle-free range in the space along the entire length of the ladder must be as specified in Table
Ladder slope
In the table:
X--Parallel distance from the center of the ladder to obstacles on both sides of the ladder:
YVertical distance between the obstacle and the ladder surface
Medical obstacle
Obstacle (wall) The width of the ladder should be 400~600mm. Automatic partition safety railings should be installed at the entrances and exits of all platform ladders. 4.2.2 Requirements for installing inclined ladders The main operating surfaces of the plant and the frame, and the areas where operators frequently patrol (reach the area at least once per shift) should use inclined ladders. The maximum height of a section of inclined ladder is shown in Table 3.2. The angle of the inclined ladder is 45°~59°, and the width of the inclined ladder is generally 800mm. Double-sided or single-sided railings are provided according to specific circumstances. When the height difference between the two platforms is ≤300mm, no intermediate step is required. When the height difference is greater than 300~530mm, an additional intermediate step is required.2 The dimensions of the platform shall comply with the following provisions: The width of the platform shall generally not be less than 800mm. The clearance requirements above the platform are shown in Table 3.2. The width of the maintenance platform with special provisions is shown in Table 3.1.2. The most suitable height between the center line of the equipment manhole and the platform is 900mm. The allowable height range is shown in Table 3.2. The platform set up for the equipment feeding port should not be more than 1m away from the top surface of the feeding port. 4.1.3 Railings should be installed around the platform. Except for the entrance of the platform, the edge of the platform and the surrounding of the platform opening should be equipped with skirting boards.
4.1.4 Platforms may be installed at the following locations of the furnace: Flue blower; Burners and sight holes that are difficult to access on the ground. The width of the platform shall be ≥750mm on the side of the tubular furnace and ≥1000mm on the end; Soot blower; The gas collecting pipe (including detachable parts) shall only be provided with platform brackets. When maintenance is required, a temporary platform board or a movable platform shall be provided; Platform for sampling point
4.1.5 In order to consider the needs of operation and maintenance, small equipment or valves shall be more than 2.5m from the ground or higher than 1.8m on the platform, and the instruments on the equipment shall be more than 2m from the ground. Platforms or permanent ladders shall be installed according to Table 4.1.5. And consider the following two requirements: No platform is set on the flange pipe mouth on the container, the shut-off valve on the pipe gallery, the metal temperature measuring point on the container, the temperature and pressure measuring points on the pipeline, and the orifice plate on the lowest layer of the pipeline in the pipe gallery. ·46· When it is necessary to operate the manual valve during the operation of the device or in the event of an accident, it should be designed as follows:
(1) For valves of DN100 and below, the bottom of the handwheel cannot be higher than 1.8m above the platform or the ground. (2) For valves of DN150 and above, the handwheel height should be set at a position on the platform or on the ground that is convenient for operation.
If the valve cannot be installed as above, the valve should be equipped with an operating chain or extension rod. Operation and maintenance facilities
Permanent direct fishing
(Platform is located under the equipment)
(Platform is located on the side of the equipment)
Check valves of all sizes on the container
Gate valves and stop valves ≤DN80 on the containerGlass level gauge and test level cock
Pressure gauge on the container
Thermometer on the container
Level controller between 2.0m and 3.6m above the groundControl valves (regulating valves) of various sizes in pits with a depth greater than 1.8m and a length greater than 6.0m
Heat exchangers
Blind plates, sight glasses Mirror, filter
Safety valve of ≥DN80 (on vertical container)Electric valve
Clean point (as described in 5.2.7)
Gate valve and stop valve of ≥DN100 (on container)Safety valve of ≤DN80
Safety valve of ≥DN100 (on horizontal container)Level controller 3.6m above the ground
Sampling valve
4.2.1 Requirements for setting up vertical ladders
4.2 Ladders Vertical ladders can be set up for auxiliary operation platforms and operation platforms of containers that are not frequently inspected by the operation and maintenance personnel of the device. The auxiliary exit of the platform should have a vertical ladder, and the position of the ladder should meet the requirement that the horizontal distance from the main or auxiliary exit to any point of the platform is not more than 25m, and the dead end length of the platform should not be more than 6m. If the dead end is more than 6m, an additional exit ladder is required. For equipment with flammable and explosive hazards, if the horizontal distance between the platform of the structure is less than 25m, a safety ladder should also be added at an appropriate location. The ladder on the vertical equipment usually leads to the platform from the side. The front-entry ladder is used to lead to the platform above the top of the equipment. In addition to the ladder on the smoke diagram, the height of each section of the ladder is shown in Table 3.2 (if it exceeds the provisions in Table 3.2, but does not exceed 10m, it is also allowed to be undivided): If it exceeds, an intermediate rest platform should be added. It is advisable to use a staggered platform arranged in sections, and set it in combination with the height of the manhole of the equipment. When a ladder is set up from the ground, if the height is ≥4m, a safety protection circle should be added, which should be set up from 2.5m upwards; when the height of each section of the other ladders above is 2.5m, a safety protection circle should be added, which should be set up from 2.2m upwards. There should be no obstacles in the space through which the ladder climbs. For ladders without safety guards, the obstacle-free range in the space along the entire length of the ladder must be as specified in Table
Ladder slope
In the table:
X--Parallel distance from the center of the ladder to obstacles on both sides of the ladder:
YVertical distance between the obstacle and the ladder surface
Medical obstacle
Obstacle (wall) The width of the ladder should be 400~600mm. Automatic partition safety railings should be installed at the entrances and exits of all platform ladders. 4.2.2 Requirements for installing inclined ladders The main operating surfaces of the plant and the frame, and the areas where operators frequently patrol (reach the area at least once per shift) should use inclined ladders. The maximum height of a section of inclined ladder is shown in Table 3.2. The angle of the inclined ladder is 45°~59°, and the width of the inclined ladder is generally 800mm. Double-sided or single-sided railings are provided according to specific circumstances. When the height difference between the two platforms is ≤300mm, no intermediate step is required. When the height difference is greater than 300~530mm, an additional intermediate step is required.6m liquid level controller
sampling valve
4.2.1 Requirements for vertical ladders
4.2 Ladders Vertical ladders can be installed on auxiliary operation platforms and container operation platforms that do not need to be frequently inspected by the operation and maintenance personnel of the device. The auxiliary exit of the platform should have a vertical ladder. The position of the ladder should meet the requirement that the horizontal distance from the main or auxiliary exit to any point on the platform is not more than 25m, and the dead end length of the platform should not be more than 6m. If the dead end is more than 6m, an additional exit ladder is required. For equipment with flammable and explosive hazards, if the horizontal distance of the structure platform is less than 25m, a safety vertical ladder should also be added at an appropriate location. The vertical ladder on the vertical equipment usually leads to the platform from the side. The front-entry and exit vertical ladder is used to lead to the platform above the top of the equipment. for the vertical ladders on the smoke diagram, the height of each vertical ladder is shown in Table 3.2 (if it exceeds the requirements in Table 3.2, but does not exceed 10m, it is also allowed to be undivided): if it exceeds, an intermediate rest platform should be added. It is advisable to adopt a staggered platform arranged in sections, and set it in combination with the height of the equipment manhole. a vertical ladder is set up from the ground, if the height is ≥4m, a safety ring should be added, which should be set from 2.5m upwards; when the height of each section of the other vertical ladders above is 2.5m, a safety ring should be added, which should be set from 2.2m upwards. should be no obstacles in the space where the vertical ladder climbs. For ladders without safety guard rings, the range of obstacles in the entire length of the ladder must be as specified in Table
Ladder slope
In the table:
X--Parallel distance from the center of the ladder to obstacles on both sides of the ladder:
YVertical distance between the obstacle and the ladder surface
Medical obstacle
Obstacle (wall) The width of the ladder should be 400~600mm. Automatic partition safety railings should be installed at the entrances and exits of all platform ladders. 4.2.2 Requirements for setting up inclined ladders The main operating surfaces of the plant and the frame, and the areas where operators frequently patrol (reach the place at least once per shift) should use inclined ladders. The maximum height of a section of inclined ladder is shown in Table 3.2. The angle of the inclined ladder is 45°~59°, and the width of the inclined ladder is generally 800mm. Double-sided or single-sided
railings shall be provided according to the specific situation. When the height difference between the two platforms is ≤300mm, no intermediate step is required. When the height difference is greater than 300~530mm, an additional intermediate step shall be provided.6m liquid level controller
sampling valve
4.2.1 Requirements for installing vertical ladders
4.2 Ladders Vertical ladders can be installed on auxiliary operation platforms and container operation platforms that do not need to be frequently inspected by the operation and maintenance personnel of the device. The auxiliary exit of the platform should have a vertical ladder. The position of the ladder should meet the requirement that the horizontal distance from the main or auxiliary exit to any point on the platform is not more than 25m, and the dead end length of the platform should not be more than 6m. If the dead end is more than 6m, an additional exit ladder is required. For equipment with flammable and explosive hazards, if the horizontal distance of the structure platform is less than 25m, a safety vertical ladder should also be added at an appropriate location. The vertical ladder on the vertical equipment usually leads to the platform from the side. The front-entry and exit vertical ladder is used to lead to the platform above the top of the equipment. for the vertical ladders on the smoke diagram, the height of each vertical ladder is shown in Table 3.2 (if it exceeds the requirements in Table 3.2, but does not exceed 10m, it is also allowed to be undivided): if it exceeds, an intermediate rest platform should be added. It is advisable to adopt a staggered platform arranged in sections, and set it in combination with the height of the equipment manhole. a vertical ladder is set up from the ground, if the height is ≥4m, a safety ring should be added, which should be set from 2.5m upwards; when the height of each section of the other vertical ladders above is 2.5m, a safety ring should be added, which should be set from 2.2m upwards. should be no obstacles in the space where the vertical ladder climbs. For ladders without safety guards, the range of obstacles in the entire length of the ladder must be as specified in Table
Ladder slope
In the table:
X--Parallel distance from the center of the ladder to obstacles on both sides of the ladder:
YVertical distance between the obstacle and the ladder surface
Medical obstacle
Obstacle (wall) The width of the ladder should be 400~600mm. Automatic partition safety railings should be installed at the entrances and exits of all platform ladders. 4.2.2 Requirements for setting up inclined ladders The main operating surfaces of the plant and the frame, and the areas where operators frequently patrol (reach the place at least once per shift) should use inclined ladders. The maximum height of a section of inclined ladder is shown in Table 3.2. The angle of the inclined ladder is 45°~59°, and the width of the inclined ladder is generally 800mm. Double-sided or single-sided
railings shall be provided according to the specific situation. When the height difference between the two platforms is ≤300mm, no intermediate step is required. When the height difference is greater than 300~530mm, an additional intermediate step shall be provided.
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