This standard specifies the cylindrical commutator and collector ring for motors in a graphical form, as well as the definitions and terms related thereto. JB/T 8156-1999 Definitions and terms for commutator and collector ring JB/T8156-1999 Standard download decompression password:
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Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JB/T8156 1999-08-06 头鉷 2000-01-01小 哇鱻极懂 JB/T8156 This standard is a revision of JIB/T815695 "Definition and Terminology of Commutator and Collector Ring". The content of the standard is consistent with the provisions of the commutator\collector ring part in the international standard IEC60276 (1968, 1st edition) "Definition and Terminology of Brush, Grip, Commutator and Collector Ring". Compared with B/T8156-95, this standard has modified the writing format of the standard, and there is no difference in the technical content. This standard replaces JB8156-95 from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed and approved by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Rotating Motors. This standard was drafted by: Shanghai Electric Science Research Institute: This standard was drafted by: Guo Zhong. JB/T81561999 JB/T815695 This standard specifies in graphic form the circular commutators and collector rings for motors and the definitions and terms related thereto. coinmutators and collector rings2.1 Cylindrical commutator collector ring collector ring "belly grooved collector ring"2.4 recessed orunder cutmicaor insulation2.5 Chamfered commutator segments chamfered bars 5 flush mica or insulation 1999-08-06 tumor 2000-01-01 small cable 2.7 won down to the micas 2.8 music tlalspot high bar lowbar 2.11 raised mica (or insulation) higl or proud mica or insulation, rough commutator tough comminntator commutator markig 3.f membrane 3.2 line marks lining, streaking JB/T8156 J I.wi ii 3.3 streaking bauding 3.4 streaking ribbing 3.5 threading JB/T8156 3.6 grooving grooving 3,7 rising ridging 3.8 shaking copper dragging 3.9 burning buirming 3.10 copper copper picking JB/T8156 3.11 Marks marking a) Regular marks of commutator regular bar marking b) Irregular marks of commutator ifregular bar marking miscellaneous 4.1 Positive brush aiodic brush 4.2 Negative brush cathodic brush circumferential stagger axial stagger axiat stagger JB/T8156 5 Brush contact voltage drop brush contactdrop 4.6 Total voltage drop of single brush total single brush drop brush body voltage drop internal brush drop connection brush voltage drop flexibledrop total brush drop per brush pair6 JB/T8156 1 Commutator/brush potential 4.12 Brush potential distribution brush potent ial cu've 4.13 Mumbering of collector rings Mumbering of bnush tracks JB/T8156 lai880b1230 19XXXXling 德头鹿蛇 100044 万段X/X 张诀XXX,XXX 19XX集XX舱 X为沙鱼 德pxXX.XX翼 鱻极藕 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.