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Specification for archival management of construction projects

Basic Information

Standard ID: DA/T 28-2018

Standard Name:Specification for archival management of construction projects

Chinese Name: 建设项目档案管理规范

Standard category:Archives Industry Standard (DA)

state:in force

Date of Release2018-04-08

Date of Implementation:2018-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:General, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation>>Informatics, Publishing>>01.140.20Informatics

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A14 Library, Archives, Documentation and Information Work

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces DA/T 28-2002

Publication information

Publication date:2018-11-23

other information

drafter:Wang Yanmin, Wang Hongmin, Li Zhaoxia, Liu Changran, Wang Jianfeng, Fang Yanping

Drafting unit:National Archives Administration

Focal point unit:National Archives Administration

Proposing unit:National Archives Administration

Publishing department:National Archives Administration

competent authority:National Archives Administration

Introduction to standards:

Standard number: DA/T 28-2018
Standard name: Specification
for archival management of construction projects English name: Specification for archival management of construction projects ||
tt||Standard format: PDF
Release time: 2018-04-08
Implementation time: 2018-10-01
Standard size: 1.07M
Standard introduction: This standard was drafted according to the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009.
This standard replaces DAT28-2002 "Document Filing Requirements and Archives Management Specifications for Major National Construction Projects". Compared with DAT002, the main technical changes are as follows:
-The main element is adjusted from "archives of major national construction projects" to "archives of construction projects"
Added the organization and responsibilities of project archives work, and the construction of system specifications
-Added project document management and project archives management
Added the archiving of project electronic documents and electronic archives management
Added and adjusted the contents of the appendix.
This standard is proposed and managed by the State Archives Administration.
Drafting unit of this standard: State Archives Administration
Main drafters of this standard: Wang Yanmin, Wang Hongmin, Li Zhaoxia, Liu Changran, Wang Jianfeng, Fang Yanping. This standard replaces DAT28-2002, which was first issued on November 29, 2002. This standard specifies the organization and duties of construction project archives, and establishes the formation, archiving requirements and principles and methods of project archives management of construction project documents.
This standard applies to new construction, reconstruction, expansion and technical transformation construction projects.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all referenced documents with dates, only the versions with dates apply to this document.
For any undated referenced documents, the latest version (including all amendments) shall apply to this documentGBT106093-2009 Method for folding reproductions of technical drawings
GBT11821 Specification for photo archive management
GBT11822 General requirements for the composition of scientific and technological archives files
GB/T1894-2016 Specification for archiving of electronic documents and management of electronic archives
DAT12-2012 Rules for archives of all archives
DAT15 Specification for the management and protection of magnetic media archives
DAT31-2017 Technical specifications for digitization of paper archives
DAT38 Technical requirements and application specifications for electronic document archiving optical discs
DAT50 Specification for archiving and management of digital photos
This standard specifies the organization, responsibilities and duties of archival work for construction projects, and establishes the formation of construction project documents, archiving requirements and principles and methods for project archive management. This standard is applicable to construction projects such as new construction, reconstruction, expansion and technical transformation.
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces DA/T 28-2002 "Document Filing Requirements and Archives Management Specifications for National Major Construction Projects". Compared with DA/T 28-2002, the main technical changes are as follows:
——The main element is adjusted from "archives of national major construction projects" to "archives of construction projects";
——The organization and responsibilities of project archives work and the construction of system norms are added;
——Project document management and project archives management are added;
——Project electronic document filing and electronic archives management are added;
——The contents of the appendix are added and adjusted.
This standard is proposed and managed by the State Archives Administration.
The drafting unit of this standard: State Archives Administration.
The main drafters of this standard are Wang Yanmin, Wang Hongmin, Li Zhaoxia, Liu Changran, Wang Jianfeng and Fang Yanping.
This standard replaces DA/T 28-2002, which was first issued on November 29, 2002.
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated referenced documents, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated referenced documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 10609.3—2009 Folding method for reproduction of technical drawings
GB/T 11821 Specification for photo archive management
GB/T 11822 General requirements for the composition of scientific and technological archives
GB/T 18894—2016 Specification for archiving electronic documents and electronic archives
DA/T 12—2012 Specification for archives
DA/T 15 Specification for the management and protection of magnetic media archives
DA/T 31—2017 Technical specification for digitization of paper archives
DA/T 38 Technical requirements and application specifications for electronic document archiving CDs
DA/T 50 Specification for archiving and management of digital photos

Some standard content:

Archives Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Replaces DA/T28-2002
Specification for archival management of construction projects
Specification for archival management of construction projects2018-04-08 Issued
National Archives Administration
2018-10-01 Implementation
Normative Reference Documents
Terms and Definitions
Organization and Duties of Project Archives Work. System Norm Construction
Project Document Management
Project Archives Management
Project Electronic Document Archiving and Electronic Archives Management. 10 Transfer of Project Archives
Appendix A (Normative Appendix)
Appendix B (Normative Appendix)
Stamps for construction drawings and completion drawings
Table of archiving scope and storage period for construction project documents DA/T28—2018
This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GBT1.1-2009. DA/T28—2018
This standard replaces DA/T28—2002 "National Major Construction Project Document Archiving Requirements and Archives Sorting Specifications". Compared with DA/T28—2002, the main technical changes are as follows:
The main element is adjusted from "National Major Construction Project Archives" to "Construction Project Archives";-Added the organization and responsibilities of project archives work, and the construction of system specifications: added project document management and project archives management: added project electronic file archiving and electronic archives management: added and adjusted the contents of the appendix.
This standard is proposed and managed by the State Archives Administration. The drafting unit of this standard: State Archives Administration. The main drafters of this standard are: Wang Yanmin, Wang Hongmin, Li Zhaoxia, Liu Changran, Wang Jianfeng, Fang Yanping. This standard replaces DA/T28-2002, which was first issued on November 29, 2002. I
1 Scope
Construction Project Archives Management Specification
DA/T 282018
This standard specifies the organization and responsibilities of construction project archives work, and establishes the formation, filing requirements and principles and methods of project archives management of construction project documents.
This standard applies to new construction, reconstruction, expansion and technical transformation and other construction projects. Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T10609.3—2009 Folding method for technical drawing reproductionsGB/T11821 Specification for photo archive management
2 General requirements for the composition of scientific and technological archives filesGB/T11822
GB/T18894—2016 Specification for electronic document archiving and electronic archive managementDA/T12—2012 Specification for archive files
Specification for the management and protection of magnetic carrier archives
DA/T31-2017 Technical specification for digitization of paper archives Technical requirements and application specifications for electronic document archiving CDsDA/T38
Terms and definitions
Specification for digital photo archiving and management
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
construction project
construction project
refers to the activities such as construction and installation that form fixed assets, which are constructed according to an overall design, are independently composed, have unified economic accounting, have independent organizational forms and implement unified management. 3.2
unit of project
unit engineering
refers to the project with independent design documents, which can be independently organized for construction, but cannot independently exert production capacity or project benefits after completion. 3.3
part of project
refers to the project divided according to the location and structural form of the unit project. 3.4
project owner
refers to the organization that organizes and manages the implementation of the project and is responsible for the overall process of the project construction. Projectparticipant
refers to all units that participate in the project construction and bear specific legal responsibilities, mainly including survey, design, construction, general contracting, supervision, equipment manufacturing, third-party testing and other units.
Documents and materials in the form of text, charts, audio and video, and physical objects formed during the entire process of project construction. 3.7
record of theprophase
Preliminary documents
refers to the documents formed during the preparation, project establishment, bidding, contract agreement, survey and design, land acquisition and demolition, resettlement of immigrants and engineering preparation of the project.
Frecord of the construction processConstruction documents
refers to the documents formed during the construction of the project that reflect the construction and installation of the project. 3.9
refers to the drawings that truly reflect the results of the construction of the project after the completion of the project. 3.10
Record of the supervision refers to the document that is formed or obtained by the engineering supervision unit in the process of fulfilling the construction project supervision contract, recorded and preserved in a certain form. 3.11
Record of test on completion
refers to the document formed during the project completion acceptance process. 3.12
Digital project record refers to the document that is generated in digital equipment and environment, stored in digital form on tapes, disks, CDs and other carriers, and read, processed, recorded and reflected by digital equipment such as computers for project construction and management activities. It includes text electronic files, image electronic files, graphic electronic files, video electronic files, audio electronic files, etc. 3.13
Filing of the project record The process in which the relevant departments of the construction unit's engineering management and the participating units submit the completed and preservation-worthy project files to the construction unit's archives management agency through systematic sorting.
Project archives project archive
refers to the project files that have been identified, sorted and filed. 3.15
digital project archive
project electronic archive
refers to a set of related electronic files and related process information generated during the project construction process, which have preservation value and are archived.
transfer of the project archive refers to the process in which the construction unit transfers the relevant project archives to the operation management unit, the project competent department or the relevant archives management agency according to the contract, agreement or regulations.
descriptive file of the project archive refers to a special file formed by the archives management agency in the process of managing a certain project, including project overview, section division, archiving situation description of participating units, archive collection and sorting situation description, handover list and other relevant materials describing the project archive management situation. 4 General provisions
The construction unit shall be responsible for the overall work of the project archives and implement unified management, unified system and unified standards. In terms of business, it shall accept the supervision and guidance of the archives administrative department and the superior competent department. 4.2
The construction unit and participating units shall strengthen the project archive management and allocate the personnel, funds, facilities and equipment and other management resources required for the project archive work.
The project archive work shall be integrated into the project construction, synchronized with the project construction management, and included in the project construction plan, quality assurance system, project management procedures, contract management and job quality responsibility system. 4.4
The construction unit and participating units shall strengthen the project file process management, strengthen the project file management through node control, and realize the whole process control from the formation and circulation of project files to archiving management. 4.5
Project archives should be complete, accurate, systematic, standardized and safe, and meet the needs of project construction, management, supervision, operation and maintenance activities in terms of evidence, responsibility and information. 5 Organization and responsibilities of project archives work
5.1 Organization of project archives work
5.1.1 The construction unit shall clarify the leaders in charge of project archives work, establish or clarify the archives management organization that is compatible with the project construction management, and equip archives personnel who meet the needs of project archives work. The archives personnel should be kept stable during the project construction period. 5.1.2 Project archives personnel should have archives professional knowledge and skills, master certain project management and related engineering technology professional knowledge, and receive project archives management training.
5.1.3 The construction unit's engineering management related departments and the customer participating units should be equipped with dedicated personnel or designated personnel to be responsible for the project file management work, and they shall not be replaced at will during the project construction period.
5.1.4 The construction unit shall establish a project archive management work network with the archive management organization as the core, and the relevant engineering management departments and participating units participating, and establish a communication and coordination mechanism. 5.2 Project archive work responsibilities and duties
5.2.1 Construction unit Implement the laws, regulations and standards and specifications of the state on project archive work. According to the actual project construction management, formulate and improve the system, specifications and procedures for project document management and archive management, and organize and coordinate the relevant engineering management departments and participating units to implement When signing contracts and agreements with participating units, special chapters or clauses should be set up to clarify the project document management responsibilities, including the quality requirements, archiving scope, archiving time, number of archiving sets, sorting standards, media, format, fees and liability for breach of contract for the formation of project documents. The terms of the supervision contract should also clarify the supervision unit's responsibility for the inspection and review of the documents and archives of the supervised projects. When evaluating the performance of the contract with the construction units, the implementation of the project document management clauses shall be evaluated. When approving the payment of the contract, the archiving of the project documents shall be reviewed, and whether the project documents are managed and archived as required shall be a prerequisite for the payment of the contract. Before the project starts, a project archive work plan shall be formulated to explain the project document management and archiving to the construction units. A project document management and archiving assessment mechanism shall be established to assess the formation, accumulation and archiving of project documents. Incorporate the informationization of project archives into the construction of project management informatization, make overall planning and implement synchronously. According to the relevant regulations of the archives administrative management department and the competent department, register the project archive management, and make preparations and rectifications for the acceptance of project archives.
5.2.2 Construction unit archive management organization Supervise and guide the formation, collection, arrangement and archiving of project documents of the relevant engineering management departments and construction units of the unit, and review the document management and archiving system and specifications formulated by the construction units for the project. Organize archival business training for project management related personnel and archival personnel. Participate in important meetings, major events, phased inspections and acceptance, and completion acceptance of project construction. Responsible for reviewing the integrity of project file archiving and the standardization and systematicity of sorting. Responsible for the reception, sorting, storage, appraisal, statistics, use and transfer of project files. 5.2.3 Construction unit engineering management related departments Make requirements for the standardization of engineering technical documents, and organize the integrity, accuracy, validity and standardization of archived documents of survey, design, supervision, construction, general contracting, testing, supply and other units. Receive, send, register, accumulate, collect, sort and archive the project files formed by this department. When there are changes in organizations and personnel, the project files should be counted and handed over in a timely manner, and the handover procedures should be handled. 5.2.4 Construction Participants Establish a document management system that meets the requirements of the construction unit and report to the construction unit for confirmation. 3 Be responsible for the collection, organization and archiving of documents for the project undertaken. DA/T28—2018 The supervision unit is responsible for reviewing the integrity, accuracy, systematicness, effectiveness and standardization of the archived documents of the supervised project. For projects that implement general contracting, the general contractor is responsible for the organization and coordination of the collection, organization and archiving of project documents within the scope of the general contracting. And in accordance with the provisions of 5.1, 5.2.1, 5.2.2 and 5.2.3, establish a project archive work organization within the scope of the general contracting and perform the duties and responsibilities of project archive management. Each subcontractor is responsible for the collection, organization and submission of its subcontracted documents to the general contractor for review, and the general contractor shall sign the review opinion. Facilities and equipment that meet the needs of work and meet the requirements of safe storage should be equipped, and measures should be taken to ensure the safety of project documents. 6 System and specification construction
6.1 Requirements for the system and specification system of the construction unit
Before the project starts, the construction unit should abide by relevant laws, regulations, rules and regulations and standards and specifications, and establish a management system and business specification system covering all types of project documents and archives in accordance with the principles of clear responsibilities, clear processes, effective measures and specific requirements. 6.2 Contents of project document management business specifications
The following contents are included but not limited to the following contents in the document management business specifications: a) Project document management process, file format, numbering, filing requirements, etc.; b) The preparation unit, preparation requirements, review process and responsibilities of the completion drawing; c) The responsible entity, stage, node, location, content, technical parameters, filing requirements, etc. for the recording of photos and audio and video files. 6.3 Contents of archive management business specifications
The archive management business specifications of the construction unit shall include but not be limited to the following contents: a) Project archive management methods:
b) Archive classification plan:
c) Filing scope and archive retention period table: d) Sorting and cataloging details.
6.4 Incorporation into project management system specifications
The construction unit shall put forward requirements for archive management in the relevant systems and specifications of project management. 6.5 System requirements for participating units
The project department of the participating unit shall formulate project document management systems and business specifications that are compatible with the requirements of the construction unit. 6.6 Revision and improvement requirements
The construction unit and participating units shall revise and improve the management system and business specifications in a timely manner. 7 Project document management
7.1 Formation of project documents
7.1.1 Preliminary project documents and management documents shall comply with relevant national laws and regulations and relevant industry regulations: Engineering and technical documents shall comply with relevant national and industry technical specifications and standards. 4
DA/T 28—2018
7.1.2 Important activities and events, original topography, progress of the project image during the construction process, hidden projects, key node processes, important parts, geological and construction defect treatment, project quality, safety accidents, important core samples, etc. should be documented in the form of photos and audio and video files. 7.1.3 Project documents should be standardized in format, accurate in content, clear and neat, standardized in numbering, complete in signature and stamping procedures, and meet durability requirements. 7.1.4 Archived project documents should be originals. When a copy is archived for some reason, it should be stamped with the official seal of the unit providing the copy or the archive certification seal to ensure consistency with the original.
7.2 Preparation of completion drawings
7.2.1 Preparation requirements for completion drawings When the project is completed, a completion drawing should be prepared, and the completion drawing is generally prepared by the construction unit. The as-built drawings shall be complete, accurate, standardized, clear, and fully modified to truly reflect the actual situation at the time of project completion. All documents related to the changes, such as design changes, engineering contact forms, technical approval forms, negotiation forms, material changes, meeting minutes, memoranda, construction and quality inspection records, shall be summarized and reviewed by the supervisor as the basis for the preparation of as-built drawings. The construction drawings shall be prepared according to the engineering technical specifications according to the unit engineering, sub-engineering, and specialty, and shall be accompanied by as-built drawing preparation instructions and a drawing catalog.
The contents of the as-built drawing preparation instructions shall include the engineering overview, preparation unit, preparation personnel, preparation time, preparation basis, preparation method, changes, number of as-built drawings and sets, etc. If there is no change in the construction drawings, the completion drawing preparation unit shall stamp and sign the completion stamp on each of the construction drawings (see Appendix A Figure AD: If there are general drawings that can be modified and supplemented on the original construction drawings, they can be modified directly on the original drawings and stamped with the completion stamp. The name, number and clause number of the document on which the modification is based should be indicated at the modification. If it cannot be clearly expressed with graphics or data, it should be explained in words in the drawing frame. The construction drawings shall be redrawn in any of the following circumstances: a) Major changes in structural form, process, layout, project, etc. are involved; b) The area of ​​the drawing changes exceeds 20%; c) The contract stipulates that all changes must be redrawn or the area of ​​change exceeds the proportion stipulated in the contract. The redrawn completion drawings shall be numbered according to the original drawings, with the word "Completed" added to the end of the drawing number, or "Completion Stage" shall be indicated in the title bar of the new drawing. The drawing size, scale, text size and font of the redrawn construction drawings shall be consistent with the original drawings. The title bar of the redrawn completion drawings by the construction unit shall contain identification items such as the name of the construction unit, the name of the drawing, the preparer, the reviewer, the drawing number, the scale, the preparation date, etc., and shall be stamped with the construction drawing review stamp signed by the relevant responsible person of the supervision unit (see Appendix A Figure A2). If the design unit compiles the as-built drawings as required by the industry or the construction unit or the construction unit entrusts the design unit to compile the as-built drawings, the as-built drawings review stamp shall be stamped and signed on the as-built drawings compilation instructions, drawing catalog and as-built drawings. Standard drawings and general drawings repeated for the same building or structure may not be compiled into the required work drawings, but the drawing number shall be listed in the drawing self-record, indicating the location of the drawing and indicating in the as-built drawings compilation instructions: As-built drawings shall be compiled separately for different buildings and structures. The construction unit shall be responsible for organizing or entrusting a qualified unit to compile the project master plan and the comprehensive pipeline as-built drawings. When using construction drawings to compile acid drawings, new drawings shall be used, and photocopied white drawings shall not be used to compile construction drawings. The construction drawing stamp and as-built drawings review stamp shall be stamped in red ink on the blank space near the title bar. The completion drawings shall be uniformly folded in accordance with the provisions of GB/T10609.3. 7.2.2 Review and signing of completion drawings After the completion drawings are prepared, the supervision unit shall review the completeness, accuracy, system and specification of the completion drawings. 5wwW.bzxz.Net
DA/T 28—2018 The contents of the completion drawing stamp and the completion drawing review stamp shall be filled in completely and clearly, and shall be signed by the relevant responsible persons. Signatures on behalf of the construction unit are not allowed. With the consent of the construction unit, professional qualification seals may be used instead of signatures. For foreign-related projects, the completion drawings provided by the foreign party shall be signed and confirmed by the relevant responsible persons of the foreign party. 7.2.3 Number of completion drawings The number of completion drawings shall meet the needs of the project construction unit, operation management unit, relevant departments or project supervisory units. The number of completed drawings shall be in accordance with the contract terms and relevant regulations. 7.3 Collection and organization of project documents
7.3.1 Collection All project documents of various forms and carriers that are generated during the project construction and have the value of reference and utilization shall be collected in full. The construction unit shall formulate an archiving scope and retention period table that conforms to the actual project in accordance with the archiving scope and retention period table in Appendix B, combined with the project construction content, industry characteristics, management model and other characteristics. Project documents shall be collected in time after the processing is completed, and a pre-filing system shall be implemented. 7.3.2 Organization Project documents shall be organized by the unit or department that formed the documents. The organization work includes the value appraisal, classification, filing, arrangement, cataloging, binding and other contents of project documents. The organization of project files should follow the formation rules and set characteristics of project files, maintain the organic connection of files in the file, classify scientifically, and organize files reasonably for easy storage and use. Project files should be identified based on the scope of archiving to determine whether they should be archived. Project files should be classified according to the formation stage, profession, content and other characteristics. Project file organization
Preliminary project files and project management files should be organized according to the reasons and time sequence. Among them, bidding and tendering, contract documents should be organized according to the bidding section and contract, survey and design documents should be organized according to the stage, and professional construction technical documents should be organized according to the unit project. The sub-projects or devices are organized by stage, structure, and specialty: Information system development documents are organized by application system: Equipment documents are organized by specialty, system, and set: Supervision (manufacturing supervision) documents are organized by contract section and reason for supervision and document type: Scientific research project documents are organized by scientific research projects (topics): Production preparation, trial operation, and practical work acceptance documents are organized in the order of engineering stage and reason. The documents in the volume are generally printed first and finalized last: the original document is first and the attachment is last: the reply document is first and the incoming document is last; the text is first and the drawings are last. Arrangement of project files.
Preliminary project documents and project management documents are arranged by subject and reason. Construction documents are arranged by comprehensive management, construction technical support, construction (installation) records, inspection and testing, and assessment and acceptance. Information system development documents are arranged by requirements, design, implementation, testing, operation, and acceptance. Equipment documents are arranged by quality certification, unpacking acceptance, random documents, installation and commissioning, inspection and testing, and operation and maintenance. Supervision (manufacturing) documents are arranged in the order of basis and work documents. Scientific research project documents are arranged by topic opening, program demonstration, research and experiment, stage results, and final acceptance: production preparation, trial operation, and completion acceptance documents are arranged by subject and reason. File cataloging, file binding, volume box, form specifications and materials should comply with the provisions of GB/T11822. For files bound in full volumes, the files in the volume should be numbered consecutively. The arrangement of paper photos shall comply with the provisions of GB/T11821: digital photos may refer to the provisions of DA/T50. The arrangement of magnetic carrier files such as audio tapes and video tapes shall comply with the provisions of DA/T15. Physical archives shall be arranged according to the classification scheme. The arrangement of core samples shall comply with the provisions of industry specifications. 7.4 Archiving
7.4.1 Project files shall be archived in a timely manner. Preliminary documents should be filed at the end of the relevant work: Management documents should be filed annually, and cross-year documents generated by the same reason should be filed in the year of completion. Construction documents should be filed after the project is completed and accepted. Projects with long construction periods can be filed in stages or by unit projects or sub-projects: Information system development documents should be filed after system acceptance: Supervision documents should be filed after the completion and acceptance of the supervised project: Scientific research project documents should be filed after the final acceptance: Production preparation and trial operation documents should be filed at the end of the trial operation: Drum acceptance documents should be filed after acceptance.
7.4.2 The quality of archived documents should comply with the relevant provisions of 7.1 and 7.2. 7.4.3 After the construction documents are filed and self-checked by the construction unit (for projects that implement general contracting, the subcontractor should first submit them to the general contractor for review), they will be reviewed by the supervision unit, the construction unit's engineering management department, and the construction unit's archives management agency in turn. After the information system documents are filed, they will be submitted to the supervision unit, the construction unit's information management department, and the archives management agency for review. After the supervision documents and third-party inspection documents are filed and self-checked, they will be reviewed by the construction unit's engineering management department and the archives management agency in turn. Each review link should form a closed loop of records and rectification.
7.4.4, after the documents formed by the various departments of the construction unit are filed and approved by the department head, they will be filed with the construction unit's archives management agency.
7.4.5 The filing unit (department) shall compile a handover list (including handover procedures, number of files, and file directory) in accordance with the requirements of the construction unit's archives management agency, and both parties shall check and hand over and file them after they are correct. 8 Project Archives Management
8.1 Project Archives Arrangement
8.1.1 The construction unit shall formulate a project archives classification plan in combination with relevant regulations, industry characteristics and project actual conditions. The archives classification plan shall comply with the principles of logic, practicality and scalability and remain relatively stable. 8.1.2 The archives organization of the construction unit shall uniformly summarize and organize all project archives and arrange them on the shelves according to the project archives classification plan. The audio and video archives recording the parts of the project should be uniformly numbered with the paper archives of the unit's project and stored and kept together with other audio and video archives. 8.1.3 The archives organization of the construction unit shall compile a catalog of project archives and establish a project archives management volume in accordance with the provisions of DAT12. 8.2 Appraisal of Project Archives
8.2.1 The archives organization of the construction unit shall appraise the value of the archives according to the retention period table and determine its retention period. When there are documents with different retention periods in the same volume, the retention period of the volume shall be the longer one. 8.2.2 The retention period of project archives is divided into two types: permanent and periodic. The periodic period is generally divided into 30 years and 10 years. 8.3 Storage of project archives
8.3.1 The construction unit and participating units shall provide necessary facilities and equipment for the safe storage of project archives to ensure the safety of archives. 8.3.2 The archives warehouse of the construction unit shall meet the requirements of fire prevention, theft prevention, waterproof, moisture-proof, high temperature prevention, ultraviolet radiation prevention, dust prevention, and prevention of harmful organisms (mildew, insects, and rats). The archives management agency shall establish an archives warehouse management system and strengthen daily warehouse management. 8.4 Utilization of project archives
8.4.1 The construction unit shall establish an archive utilization system and make provisions for the scope, objects, and approval methods of utilization. 8.4.2 The original archives are generally consulted in the reading room, and the utilization effect is fed back. 8.4.3 The archive management agency of the construction unit shall compile necessary compilation and research materials according to the needs of project construction and operation management, such as compilation of special documents, project events, commonly used atlases, special research, etc. 8.5 Statistics of project archives
The archive management agency of the construction unit shall conduct statistics on the receipt, storage, and utilization of archives and establish a statistical ledger. 9 Archiving of electronic files and management of electronic archives of projects 9.1 Archiving of electronic files of projects
9.1.1 The project management information system shall have the function of electronic file management and archiving, and be able to effectively control the formation and circulation of electronic files of projects, ensure their authenticity, completeness and security, and be able to timely track, check and supplement the electronic files and their metadata related to changes in project design, equipment, materials, construction, etc. during the formation and circulation process. 9.1.2 The construction unit shall determine the scope of archiving of electronic files of projects based on the scope of archiving of paper files and the actual situation of the project. 9.1.3 The department that forms electronic files of projects shall be responsible for the archiving of electronic files. The archive management agency shall be responsible for the guidance, coordination of the archiving of electronic files of projects, and the reception, storage and utilization of electronic archives. 9.1.4 After the processing is completed, the electronic files of projects shall be collected and completed in real time according to the archiving requirements: When organizing the electronic files of projects, they shall be organized into multi-level file information packages in accordance with the project archive classification plan and in accordance with the provisions of The file information packages shall contain metadata such as project electronic files and process information. Version information, background information, etc. 9.1.5 The electronic files of the project are generally archived physically. When archiving paper project files, the electronic files of the project that have been sorted shall be handed over to the archive management agency through online or offline archiving, and the content, format, relevant instructions and description shall be consistent with the paper project files, and the two shall be associated.
9.1.6 The electronic files of the project shall be in a file format that complies with national standards or can be converted into a file format that complies with national standards, which is conducive to information sharing and long-term preservation. The file format of the electronic files of the project shall comply with the format requirements for the long-term preservation of electronic files stipulated by the state. 9.1.7 After the electronic files of the project are sorted out, the forming department shall be responsible for the identification and inspection of the file information package, including whether the content is complete and complete. Whether the format meets the requirements, and the consistency with the content of paper or other carrier files. 9.1.8 After the electronic file information package of the project is identified and inspected by the forming department, the relevant responsible person shall confirm the archiving and assign the archiving mark. The archiving mark shall contain information such as the archiving person, archiving time, and file information package name. 9.1.9 When archiving in an offline manner, the electronic files with the archiving mark should be copied to a durable storage medium, and the storage medium should be set to a write-prohibited state. The storage media are CDs, tapes, hard disks, etc. 9.1.10 The medium or equipment for storing electronic files should be labeled, and the label should indicate the carrier serial number, category number, case start and end number. Classification, storage period, deposit date, etc. If the storage medium is a CD, the archiving label should comply with the provisions of DA/T38. 9.1.11 When archiving project electronic files, the archive management agency should inspect them and fill in the "Electronic File Archiving Registration Form" (format see GBT18894) 1 After passing the inspection, the handover procedures shall be handled 9.1.12 Image electronic files and video electronic files should have prominent themes, accurate exposure and clear images. The resolution of image electronic files should reach 300dpi or above, and video electronic files should be shot with more than 2 million pixels. 9.1.13 For digital photos reflecting the same content, representative output paper photos should be selected. The selected digital photos should have a clear theme, and the images should be clear and complete.
9.2 Project electronic file management
9.2.1 The electronic files of the project can be organized in accordance with the classification scheme of paper files. 9.2.2 The storage, validity assurance, appraisal and utilization of the electronic files of the project shall comply with the provisions of GB/T18894. 9.2.3 The construction unit shall establish a project electronic file management system to manage all electronic files of the project. The system shall have basic functions such as receiving registration, classification organization, appraisal and disposal, authority control, retrieval and utilization, safe backup, statistical printing, transfer output, and system management. 9.2.4 The project file information management system connected to the intranet shall establish an operation log, and ensure that the file data is effectively protected through identity authentication, access control, information integrity verification, fire prevention, intrusion detection and other technical means and management methods to prevent accidental or accidental causes.3 The construction unit shall establish a project electronic archive management system to manage all electronic archives of the project. The system shall have basic functions such as receiving registration, classification organization, identification and disposal, authority control, retrieval and utilization, safe backup, statistical printing, transfer output, and system management. 9.2.4 The project archive information management system connected to the intranet shall establish an operation log and ensure that the archive data is effectively protected through identity authentication, access control, information integrity verification, fire prevention, intrusion detection and other technical means and management methods to prevent accidental or accidental loss.3 The construction unit shall establish a project electronic archive management system to manage all electronic archives of the project. The system shall have basic functions such as receiving registration, classification organization, identification and disposal, authority control, retrieval and utilization, safe backup, statistical printing, transfer output, and system management. 9.2.4 The project archive information management system connected to the intranet shall establish an operation log and ensure that the archive data is effectively protected through identity authentication, access control, information integrity verification, fire prevention, intrusion detection and other technical means and management methods to prevent accidental or accidental loss.
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