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JB/T 5054.3-2000 Product drawing design file format

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 5054.3-2000

Standard Name: Product drawing design file format

Chinese Name: 产品图样设计文件 格式

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release2000-03-30

Date of Implementation:2000-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:General, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation >> 01.110 Technical Product Documentation

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery>>J01 Technical Management

associated standards

alternative situation:JB/T 5054.3-1999

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:2000-10-01

other information

drafter:Meng Xianpei, Song Zhendong

Drafting unit:China Machinery Industry Standardization Technical Association, Mechanical Science Research Institute

Focal point unit:National Technical Product Document Standardization Technical Committee

Proposing unit:National Technical Product Document Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:State Machinery Industry Bureau

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 5054.3-2000 This standard is based on the needs of enterprises to implement computer-aided design (CAD), and refers to the provisions of GB/T17825-1999 "CAD file management", and modifies and adjusts JB/T 5054.3-1999 "Product drawing and design file format". This standard specifies the product drawings and design files of the machinery industry, including the format and filling rules of CAD drawings and design files. This standard applies to the format of mechanical industry product drawings and files or CAD files. This standard was first issued in 1990 as ZB/T J01 035.3-90, and the standard number was adjusted to JB/T 5054.3-1999 in April 1999. JB/T 5054.3-2000 Product drawing design file format JB/T5054.3-2000 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Drawing and design document of product2000-03-30 Released
National Bureau of Machinery Industry
2000-10-01 Implementation
Based on the needs of enterprises to implement computer-aided design (CAD), this standard refers to the provisions of GB/T17825-1999 (CAD file management) and modifies and adjusts JB/T5054.3-1999 "Product Drawing and Design File Format" (formerly ZB/TJ01035.3-90): 1. The content of the standard is adjusted according to the requirements of GB/T17825 "CAD file management", such as the consistency of the format and filling requirements of the drawings, and the provisions of the storage code requirements are added. 2. The writing method of filling in the design file is adjusted to match the filling in the drawing format. The writing is basically the same. 3. The various recommended formats are adjusted to appendices. Appendix A (standard appendix) is the format of the drawing title bar: Appendix B (standard appendix) is the format of the drawing detail column, code column, and additional column: Appendix C (suggested appendix) is the design file format. The sizes of various formats are for reference only.
4. The format of CAD files has been added.
This standard will replace JB/T5054.3-1999 from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed and coordinated by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Technical Product Documents. The drafting units of this standard: China Machinery Industry Standardization Technical Association, Mechanical Science Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard: Meng Xianpei, Song Zhendong. 16
Mechanical Industry Standards of the People's Republic of China
Product Drawings and Design Documents
Drawing and design document of productFormat
JB/T 5054.32000
Replaces JB/T5054.3—1999
This standard specifies the format and filling rules of drawings and design documents of mechanical industrial products, including CAD drawings and design documents (hereinafter referred to as drawings and documents or CAD files).
This standard applies to the format of drawings and documents or CAD files of mechanical industrial products. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and the parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T 10609.J-1989
GB/T 10609.2—1989
GB/T 146891993
GB/T 14690—1993
JB/T 5054.4--2000
JB/T 5054.6—2000
3 Product drawing format
3.1 General requirements
Technical drawing
Technical drawing
Technical drawing
Technical drawing
Title bar
Details column
Drawing size and format
Basic format of CAD file management
CAD file management storage and maintenance
Numbering principle
Product drawings and design documents
Product Drawings and design documents
Change method
a) Product drawings should have a drawing frame, title bar, code bar and additional bar, and assembly drawings or installation drawings should generally have a detail bar; b) The line type, font, year, month, day and the requirements for microfilming of each column should comply with the provisions of GB/T10609.1: c) The form and format of the various symbols configured in the CAD drawing should comply with the provisions of GB/T17825.2; d) The position of the title bar on the drawing should comply with the provisions of GB/T14689. 3.2 Title bar
3.2.1 A title bar must be set in the lower right corner of each drawing. 3.2.2 The title bar consists of the name and code area, mark area, change area and signature area. The content and size of each area are shown in Appendix A (Standard Appendix) Format 1, Format 2 and Format 3. 3.2.3 Filling in the title bar
Approved by the State Machinery Industry Bureau on March 30, 2000, implemented on October 1, 2000 Name and code area
JB/T 5054.32000
a) Unit name, fill in the name and code of the unit that draws the drawing: b) Drawing name, fill in the name of the drawn object, such as gears, transformers, rotor pumps, etc.: c) Drawing code, fill in the code of the drawn object, composed of numbers and letters. The code can refer to the provisions of JB/T5054.4. d) Storage code, fill in the code of different storage media, which should comply with the provisions of GB/T17825.10. Marking area
a) Material mark, fill in the mark of the material used for the drawing object of the part drawing. The material mark should comply with the provisions of the relevant material standards and fill in the complete material mark. If the material marking is not specified in the relevant material standards, it should be filled in with reference to the general provisions of the relevant standards for material marking. If there is a standard such as material selection specification, it can be filled in according to the provisions of such standards. b) Drawing marking, fill in the mark of the production stage of the drawing. The marking code is filled in from left to right according to the following provisions: "s"-prototype (sample) trial drawing marking code: "A"-small batch trial drawing marking code; "B"-formal production drawing marking code. c) Weight, fill in the net weight of the product and parts and components. When the unit is kilogram, do not mark the unit; d) Scale, fill in the scale used when drawing the drawing, which should comply with the provisions of GB/T14690: e) Total × sheets, ×th sheet, fill in the total number of drawings with the same code. If there is only one sheet, it can be left blank; 1 blank, fill in the content specified by yourself (such as the number of pieces per unit) when necessary. Change area
Each box is filled in from bottom to top according to the provisions of JB/5054.6. The change area can also be placed in other appropriate positions of the drawing. Signature area
Sign according to the approval procedures stipulated by each enterprise, such as design, proofreading, review, process, standardization, and approval. 3.3 Detailed file
3.3.1 The detailed column should generally be placed above the title bar. If necessary, it can be used as an attached page of the assembly drawing and installation drawing. Its requirements should comply with the provisions of GB10609.2. Two detailed column formats are recommended, see Appendix B (Standard Appendix) Format 4 and Format 5. 3.3.2 Filling in the detailed column
The detailed column should be filled in from bottom to top according to the provisions of each grid. a) Serial number, fill in the serial number of the corresponding component on the drawing; b) Code, fill in the code of the corresponding component on the drawing. Standard parts shall be standard codes; c) Storage code, which shall comply with the provisions of GB/T17825.10; d) Name, fill in the name of the corresponding component on the drawing. Standard parts shall be filled in according to the marking method specified in the standard; e) Quantity, fill in the number of pieces required for each corresponding component in the drawing; f) Material, fill in the material mark of each corresponding component; g) Weight, in accordance with the provisions of of this standard; h) Total weight, fill in the sum of the weights of the required number of pieces of each corresponding component in the assembly drawing; i) Remarks, fill in necessary supplementary instructions (such as partition code, surface treatment, outsourcing, no drawing, etc.). 18
3.4 ​​Code Column
3.4.1 The code column is located in the upper left corner of the drawing. The drawing code and storage code should be filled in. They should be consistent with the drawing code and storage code in the title bar. 3.4.2 The drawing code and storage code in the code column should be 180° with the text or code in the title bar. 3.5 Supplementary File
The supplementary column should be placed outside the left drawing frame and within the cutting line. Its content is specified in Appendix A (Standard Appendix). 3.5.2
Filling in the additional columns
a) For registration of general and borrowed parts, fill in the assembly drawing code of this drawing, and register one by one from top to bottom: b) The tracing and proofreading personnel sign in the corresponding column (except for CAD drawings); c) The total number of the old base drawing and the total number of the base drawing shall be numbered by the archives department according to the requirements for the storage of the base drawing: d) Signature and date, signed by the person receiving the drawing in the archives department, and the date of receipt of the drawing. 4 Design file format
4.1 The design document formats recommended by this standard are: a) Document directory, its content is shown in Appendix C (suggested appendix) format 6; b) Drawing directory, its content is shown in Appendix C format 7; c) Detailed list, its content is shown in Appendix C format 8, 9, 10, 11; d) Summary table, its content is shown in Appendix C format 9, 10, 11; e) Design document cover, its content is shown in Appendix C format 12; the inside cover is shown in Appendix C format 13; the first page is shown in Appendix C format 14, 15: the continuation page is shown in Appendix C format 16, 17, 18.
4.2 Filling in forms
4.2.1 General requirements
a) According to the specific conditions of each enterprise, strive to be simple and clear under the premise of meeting production management; b) The filling method of the name and code area, mark area, change area, and additional area shall comply with the relevant provisions of 3.2.3 of this standard; c) The product model, name, part code, material, quantity, etc. in all design documents, tables, and drawings of the same series of products shall be filled in consistently. Standard parts should be filled with the standard number and the name and mark specified in the standard. 4.2.2 Filling in the common columns in each table
a) Dimensions, fill in the specification code of the drawing radial surface; b) Code, fill in the drawing code, storage code or standard code: c) Name and specification, fill in the name of the corresponding component and the necessary specifications; Note: The filling of the specifications of purchased parts can be extended to the "Material" column. d) Quantity, fill in the number of components used in a set of products; e) Total quantity, fill in the sum of the quantities used in a set of products; \) Assembly, fill in the components (components) assembled by the parts and components. Among them: Code, fill in the code of the part or component (component); Quantity (number of pieces), fill in the number of components used to assemble a set of products; g) Remarks, fill in necessary supplementary instructions. Such as purchased, no drawings, manufacturer, etc.; 4.2.3 File directory
File code, fill in one by one according to the design file number, and fill in the standard number for the standard. 19
4.2.4 Drawing Catalog
JB/T 5054.32000
a) The drawing catalog should be filled in one by one according to the drawing code, and the total number of sheets should be counted. When there are several drawings of different formats under the same code, they should be filled in separately according to the format size.
b) Drawings with bundle numbers should be filled in according to the increasing numbers of the code; drawings with classification numbers should be compiled by category, and each category should be filled in according to the increasing numbers of its code.
4.2.5 Detailed List
The detailed list should be filled in in detail item by item, level by level, according to the composition structure of the product. The detailed list can be compiled by product or component.
a) When reducing the product, the order is generally as follows: supporting products:
special parts (basic parts);
-borrowed parts:
purchased parts;
-standard parts (such as fasteners, operating parts and enterprise standard parts.*·): - materials shipped with the product.
Note: There should be a gap between each section.
b) Application instructions for several formats:
Format 9 is a comprehensive detailed list.
The left side of the table (except the process route) is filled in by the design department; the process route should be listed in the various types of work of the enterprise, and the process department shall fill it out separately according to the processing process of parts and components. -Format 11 can be used as a detailed list of series products. Among them: the number of parts of this product, fill in the number of components used in a set of basic products; the number of parts, fill in the number of certain parts belonging to the basic product; the number of parts borrowed from other products or components, fill in the number of parts or components borrowed by this series of derived products or components. When filling in, fill in the content of the basic product first, and then fill in the derived products one by one, and each product should be separated by several lines. 4.2.6 Summary table
The summary table is based on the detailed table or detailed column, and is classified, comprehensively sorted and compiled. Summary tables generally include: Special parts (basic parts) summary table: supporting products, parts (basic parts, common and borrowed parts, product modules) summary table: common and borrowed parts summary table: series product module summary table: purchased parts summary table; standard parts summary table, etc. The above tables can be compiled separately, or two or three categories can be combined and compiled in one table, but a title should be added before each category, and a gap should be left between each category. 4.2.7 Cover
The cover design should be arranged evenly and appropriately. If the product name and model are long, the model can be written on a separate line. Trademarks or factory logos can be placed in appropriate locations.
A toolbar can be set inside the cover (see format 13) and used together with the first page without a title bar (format 18). 4.2.8 First page
The first page is recommended to have two formats, framed and frameless (see formats 14 and 15). Fill in the source of information and the department that submitted it in the title bar: 20
a) Source of information: Fill in the document code that the document mainly refers to or is based on: b) Submitting department: Fill in the name of the department that compiled it. 4.2.9 Continuation page
Three formats are recommended for the continuation page (see formats 16, 17, and 18) and can be selected as needed. Formats 17 and 18 can also be used as the first page of a document that does not require a title bar.
If there is no file code, the file column is blank, but the storage code and product model or code should be filled in: 21
JB/T 5054.32000
Appendix A
(Appendix to the standard)
Title bar format
A1 The title bar format sees format 1, format 2 and format 3. For the title bar of any CAD drawing, "storage code" should be added below the "drawing code".
A2 The position of each area of ​​the title bar should comply with the provisions of GB/T10609.1, and its content can be expanded when necessary, 22
JB/T 5054.32000
2 Figure.
(Storage code)
(Drawing code)*·): — Materials shipped with the product.
Note: There should be a gap between each section.
b) Application instructions for several formats:
Format 9 is a comprehensive detailed list.
The left side of the table (except the process route) is filled in by the design department; the process route should be listed in the various types of work of the enterprise, and the process department should fill it in separately according to the processing process of parts and components. Format 11 can be used as a detailed list of series products. Among them: the number of parts of this product is filled in with the number of components used in a set of basic products; the number of parts is filled in with the number of certain parts belonging to the basic product; the number of parts borrowed from other products or components is filled in with the number of parts or components borrowed by the derived products or components of this series. When filling in, fill in the content of the basic product first, and then fill in the derived products one by one, and each product should be separated by several lines. 4.2.6 Summary table
The summary table is based on the detailed table or detail column, and is classified, comprehensively sorted and compiled. The summary table can generally include: summary table of special parts (basic parts); summary table of supporting products and components (basic components, common and borrowed parts, product modules); summary table of common and borrowed parts; summary table of series product modules; summary table of purchased parts; summary table of standard parts, etc. The above tables can be compiled separately, or two or three categories can be combined and compiled in one table, but a title should be added before each category, and a gap should be left between each category. 4.2.7 Cover
The cover design should be arranged evenly and appropriately spaced. If the product name and model are long, the model can be placed on a new line. The trademark pattern or factory logo can be set in an appropriate position.
A toolbar table can be set in the cover, see format 13, and used together with the home page without a title bar (format 18). 4.2.8 Home page
The home page is recommended to have framed and frameless formats, see formats 14 and 15. Fill in the source of data and the department that proposed the document in the title bar: 20
a) Source of data: fill in the document code that the document mainly refers to or is based on: b) Proposing department: fill in the name of the department that compiled it. 4.2.9 Continuation page
Three formats are recommended for the continuation page (see formats 16, 17, and 18) and can be selected as needed. Formats 17 and 18 can also be used as the first page of a document that does not require a title bar.
If there is no document code, the document column is not filled in, but the storage code and product model or code should be filled in: 21
JB/T 5054.32000
Appendix A
(Standard Appendix)
Title bar formatwwW.bzxz.Net
A1 The title bar format is shown in format 1, format 2, and format 3. For the title bar of any CAD drawing, "Storage Code" should be added below the "Drawing Code".
A2 The location of each area of ​​the title bar should comply with the provisions of GB/T10609.1. If necessary, its content can be expanded. 22
JB/T 5054.32000
2 Figure.
(Storage code)
(Drawing code)*·): — Materials shipped with the product.
Note: There should be a gap between each section.
b) Application instructions for several formats:
Format 9 is a comprehensive detailed list.
The left side of the table (except the process route) is filled in by the design department; the process route should be listed in the various types of work of the enterprise, and the process department should fill it in separately according to the processing process of parts and components. Format 11 can be used as a detailed list of series products. Among them: the number of parts of this product is filled in with the number of components used in a set of basic products; the number of parts is filled in with the number of certain parts belonging to the basic product; the number of parts borrowed from other products or components is filled in with the number of parts or components borrowed by the derived products or components of this series. When filling in, fill in the content of the basic product first, and then fill in the derived products one by one, and each product should be separated by several lines. 4.2.6 Summary table
The summary table is based on the detailed table or detail column, and is classified, comprehensively sorted and compiled. The summary table can generally include: summary table of special parts (basic parts); summary table of supporting products and components (basic components, common and borrowed parts, product modules); summary table of common and borrowed parts; summary table of series product modules; summary table of purchased parts; summary table of standard parts, etc. The above tables can be compiled separately, or two or three categories can be combined and compiled in one table, but a title should be added before each category, and a gap should be left between each category. 4.2.7 Cover
The cover design should be arranged evenly and appropriately spaced. If the product name and model are long, the model can be placed on a new line. The trademark pattern or factory logo can be set in an appropriate position.
A toolbar table can be set in the cover, see format 13, and used together with the home page without a title bar (format 18). 4.2.8 Home page
The home page is recommended to have framed and frameless formats, see formats 14 and 15. Fill in the source of data and the department that proposed the document in the title bar: 20
a) Source of data: fill in the document code that the document mainly refers to or is based on: b) Proposing department: fill in the name of the department that compiled it. 4.2.9 Continuation page
Three formats are recommended for the continuation page (see formats 16, 17, and 18) and can be selected as needed. Formats 17 and 18 can also be used as the first page of a document that does not require a title bar.
If there is no document code, the document column is not filled in, but the storage code and product model or code should be filled in: 21
JB/T 5054.32000
Appendix A
(Standard Appendix)
Title bar format
A1 The title bar format is shown in format 1, format 2, and format 3. For the title bar of any CAD drawing, "Storage Code" should be added below the "Drawing Code".
A2 The location of each area of ​​the title bar should comply with the provisions of GB/T10609.1. If necessary, its content can be expanded. 22
JB/T 5054.32000
2 Figure.
(Storage code)
(Drawing code)
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