title>Specification of reporting and processing of motor vehicle product defect clue - GB/T 39892-2021 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Specification of reporting and processing of motor vehicle product defect clue

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 39892-2021

Standard Name:Specification of reporting and processing of motor vehicle product defect clue

Chinese Name: 汽车产品缺陷线索报告及处理规范

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2021-03-09

Date of Implementation:2021-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, services, company (enterprise) organization and management, administration, transport>>Quality>>03.120.99 Other standards related to quality

Standard Classification Number:General>>Standardization Management and General Regulations>>A00 Standardization, Quality Management

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

Publication date:2021-03-01

other information

drafter:Sun Ning, Tian Jingjing, Song Li, Wang Yan, Bai Tie, Fei Fan, Zhang Dezhi, Xiao Lingyun, Xu Sihong, Li Huitong, Liang Hongyi, Huang Rong, Huang Lin, Tian Qianli, Sun Xiaoming, Wu Yousheng, Wang Changlin, Jiang Zhaocai, Zhang Hui, etc.

Drafting unit:China National Institute of Standardization, Defective Product Management Center of the State Administration for Market Regulation, China Consumers Association, Guangqi Honda Automobile Co., Ltd., Dongfeng Motor Corporation, Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen Automobile Co., Ltd., China Radio and Television Traffic Media Co., Ltd., etc.

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee on Product Defects and Safety Management Standardization (SAC/TC 463)

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee on Product Defects and Safety Management Standardization (SAC/TC 463)

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39892-2021.Specification of reporting and processing of motor vehicle product defect clue.
1 Scope
GB/T 39892 specifies the submission method of defect clue report for automobile products, the content requirements of defect clue report, the processing of defect clue report and the feedback of defect clue report.
GB/T 39892 is applicable to any unit or individual submitting defect clue report, defect product recall technical organization processing defect clue report and automobile product manufacturer analyzing and feedbacking defect clue report.
2 Normative reference documents
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all reference documents with a date, only the version with the date is applicable to this document. For all reference documents without a date, the latest version (including all amendments) is applicable to this document.
GB 16735 Road vehicle vehicle identification number (VIN)
GB 16737 Road vehicle world manufacturer identification number (WMI)
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB 16735 and GB 16737 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Automobile product defect
Motor vehicle product defect
A situation that is common in automobile products of the same batch, model or category and does not meet the national standards or industry standards for ensuring personal and property safety, or other unreasonable risks that endanger personal and property safety, due to design, manufacturing, labeling, etc.
Defect clue report
Defect clue report ||
tt||Information on possible defects of a product submitted by any unit or individual to the defective product recall technical organization.
Technical agency
of defective product recall ||tt
||An organization that carries out specific technical support work for defective product recall management.
of defect clue report ||
tt||The process by which the technical agency of defective product recall checks the validity and uniqueness of defect clue reports and removes invalid defect clue reports.
This standard specifies the submission method, content requirements, handling and feedback of defect clue reports for automotive products. This standard applies to the submission of defect clue reports by any unit or individual, the handling of defect clue reports by the technical agency of defective product recall, and the analysis and feedback of defect clue reports by automotive product manufacturers.

Some standard content:

A 00
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Specification of reporting and processing of motor vehicle product defect clue2021-03-09Release
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Administration of Standardization
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Submission method of defect clue report
5 Requirements for defect clue report content
6 Processing of defect clue report||tt| |Feedback on defect clue report
Appendix A (Informative Appendix)
Automotive product defect clue report
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.12009. GB/T39892—2021
This standard was proposed and assigned by the National Technical Committee for Product Defect and Safety Parts Management (SAC/TC463). The drafting parties of this standard are: China National Institute of Standardization, Defective Product Management Center of the State Administration for Market Regulation, China Consumers Association, GAC Motors Co., Ltd., Dongfeng Motor Co., Ltd., Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen Automobile Co., Ltd., Huoguang Transportation Media Co., Ltd., Sina Technology (China) Co., Ltd., and CRRC Cloud Commerce (Beijing) Information Technology Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are Sun Yu, Tian Pinpin, Song Li, Shang Yan, Bai Tie, Fei Fan, Zhang Dezhi, Xiao Lingyun, Xu Sihong, Li Huitong, Liang Hongyi, Huang Rong, Huang Lin, Chuan Ganli, Sun Xiaoming, Wu Yousheng, Wang Changlin, Jiang Zhaocai, Zhang Hui, Guo Ge, Wang Xiaoxia, Liu Ting and Wang Wen. rrKaeerkAca-
1 Scope
Automotive Product Defect Clue Reporting and Handling Specification GB/T39892—2021
This standard specifies the submission method of defect clue report for automotive products, the content requirements of defect clue report, the handling of defect clue report and the feedback of defect clue report.
This standard applies to any unit or individual submitting defect clue report, defect product recall, whether the technical organization handles the defect clue report, and the analysis and feedback of the defect clue report by the automotive product manufacturer. 2 Normative Reference Documents
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all referenced documents with dates, the versions with dates apply to this document. For all undated referenced documents, the latest version (including all amendments) shall apply to this document. GB16735 Road Vehicle Vehicle Identification Code (VIN) GB16737 Road Vehicle World Manufacturing Identification Code (WMI) 3 Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB16735 and GB16737 and the following terms and definitions shall apply to this document. 3.1
Automobile Product Defect
Motor Vehicle Proluct Defect
The situation that is common in the same batch, model or category of automobile products due to design, manufacturing, labeling, etc., does not meet the national standards and industry standards for ensuring personal and property safety, or other unreasonable risks that endanger personal and property safety. 3.2
Defect Clue Report Defect Clue Report Information about possible defects in a product submitted by any unit or individual to the defective product recall technical agency. 3.3
Defective Product Recall Technical Agency Lechnical Agency or Defective Proluctre Call The organization that carries out the specific technical support work of defective product recall management. 3.4
Screening of defect clue report
The process by which the defective product recall technical organization checks the validity and uniqueness of the defect clue report and removes invalid defect clue reports.
Defect clue report feedbackfcclbackofdefcctclucrcportThe process by which the automobile product manufacturer analyzes the causes of automobile product failures, disposal measures, and whether they are heritable, based on the defect clue report transferred by the defective product recall technical organization. 3.6
Technical service bulletin
technical service bulletin
A notice on the fault disposal plan issued by the automobile product manufacturer for the failure of automobile products within a specific range, 1
Note: The content of the notice includes but is not limited to the applicable vehicle sales model, explanation of the cause of the failure, maintenance work instructions, required parts information or software upgrade plan, etc. 4 Methods for submitting defect clue reports
Any unit or individual can submit defect clue reports of automobile products to the defect clue technical organization through the Internet, telephone, email, letter, etc.
Consumer rights protection organizations, automobile professional media and other organizations can submit the automobile product quality complaint information they obtain to the defect clue technical organization. The submitted information should meet the requirements for defect clue reports. 5 Requirements for defect clue reports
5.1 General
Defect clue reports should include automobile product information, fault information and reporter information. For examples of defect clue reports, please refer to Appendix A. The submission of defect clue report should comply with the following principles: a) Timeliness principle: Defect clue report should be submitted in time after the automobile product fails; b) Objectivity principle: Defect clue report should objectively and truthfully reflect the failure of automobile products; c) Completeness principle: The content of defect clue report should be complete, accurate, comprehensive and standardized: 5.2 Automobile product information
5.2.1 Automobile product information content
Automobile product information should include: VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), manufacturer name, automobile brand, model series, purchase date and mileage 5.2.2 Automobile product information requirements
Automobile product information should meet the following requirements
a) VIN should be consistent with the motor vehicle factory certificate or motor vehicle driving license; b) The manufacturer name, automobile brand and model series of the automobile product should be consistent with the motor vehicle factory certificate, the imported motor vehicle inspection form or the motor vehicle registration certificate;
The purchase date should be consistent with the date of issuance of the motor vehicle sales invoice; d) The mileage should be consistent with the vehicle odometer. 5.3 Fault Information
Fault information shall include: fault location, fault description, traffic accident information and fault repair measures. The content of each information is as follows:
The fault location is usually divided into engine, combustion system, transmission system, brake system, steering system, suspension system, wheels and tires, body and interior, airbags and seat belts, instrument/lighting/electronic and electrical system, advanced driving assistance system, special devices and equipment for new energy vehicles, etc.:
b) Fault description shall include: fault time, atmospheric conditions, road conditions, vehicle speed, driving status (such as straight driving, turning, accelerating or braking, etc.), fault phenomenon, frequency of fault occurrence, etc.: Example:
On the evening of October 2, 2019, the weather was fine. The car was driving on the road in the city at a speed of 40km/h. During the acceleration process, the vehicle suddenly stalled and the instrument warning light was on. After the vehicle was parked on the side of the road, it could not be restarted. The vehicle was taken to the 1S store for rescue. 2
c) Traffic accident information should include: whether the fault caused a traffic accident (if a delayed traffic accident occurred, a traffic accident handling report can be submitted), whether a fire occurred, whether casualties occurred, the number of casualties and description of casualties: d) Fault repair measures should include: whether the fault has been repaired, repair plan, name of replaced parts, whether the fault has been eliminated, etc. 5.4 Reporter information
The reporter information should include: the name of the unit or individual submitting the defect clue report, the phone number, and the region where the defect clue report is located. 6 Defect clue report handling
6.1 General Provisions
The defective product return technical organization shall screen, count and classify the received automobile product defect clue reports, and transfer the automobile product defect clue reports that meet the requirements to the automobile product manufacturer for defect clue report feedback. The processing of defect clue reports shall follow the following principles:
Targeted principle: The processing of defect clue reports focuses on the relevant situations where the automobile product may have defects, and other issues are not included in a)
Fairness principle: The processing of defect clue reports shall be objective and fair, and shall not be selective or biased for purposes other than automobile product defect clue analysis. 6.2 Defect Clue Report Screening
6.2.1 Validity Check
The validity check of defect clue reports shall include VIN, fault description, reporter's phone number, etc. For defect clue reports that do not meet the validity requirements, the defect clue reporter shall be notified to make corrections, and those that still do not meet the requirements after correction shall be eliminated. The following situations should be eliminated:
VIN does not meet the numbering requirements of GB16735 and GB16737; a)
The fault description only reflects consumer disputes, service quality and suspected problems; b)
The reporter's phone number is invalid.
6.2.2 Uniqueness Check
The uniqueness check of defective line report should include VIV, fault description and other contents. Defective line report that does not meet the uniqueness requirements should be eliminated.
For the same automobile product (same VIN), defect clue reports with exactly the same fault description or similar fault description without substantial difference are regarded as duplicate information and should be eliminated.
6.3 Defect clue report forwarding
The defective product recall technical organization shall promptly forward the information that meets the defect clue report content requirements to the automobile product manufacturer for defect clue report feedback, and keep the record of the forwarding of automobile product defect clue report. 7 Defect clue report feedback
After receiving the defect clue report forwarded by the defect product recall technical organization, the automobile product manufacturer shall conduct a technical analysis of the cause of the fault and provide feedback. The defect clue report feedback shall include but not be limited to the following aspects: a) Verify VINV, purchase date, mileage, fault location, fault description and traffic accident information in the defect clue report -riKacerKAca-
GB/T 39892—2021
and other contents;
use user return visits, on-site inspections, etc. to confirm whether the fault phenomenon is reproduced, evaluate the frequency of the fault, find the cause of the fault, formulate fault handling measures, etc.; confirm the accurate fault mode corresponding to the fault description in the defect clue report and whether a defective automobile product recall notice has been issued for this type of fault mode of this model. If so, confirm whether the VIN is within the scope of the defective automobile product recall;
confirm whether a technical service bulletin has been issued for this type of fault mode of this model. If so, confirm whether the VIN is within the scope of the defective automobile product recall;
confirm whether a technical service bulletin has been issued for this type of fault mode of this model. If so, confirm whether the VIN Within the scope of application of the technical service announcement; e)
Combined with the defect clue report, fault claim information, sales information, etc., a comprehensive analysis is made on the commonality of the failure mode of this model:
The passband should complete the technical analysis within 1C working days after receiving the defect clue report transferred by the defective product recall technical organization; after completing the technical analysis of the defect clue report, the technical analysis results shall be fed back to the defective product recall technical organization: g)
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Automobile Product Defect Clue Report
An example of an automobile product defect clue report is shown in Table A.1. Table A.1 Example of a defect clue report for an automobile product Basic information Vehicle identification number (VIN) Manufacturer name Vehicle brand Model series Purchase date Mileage 2. Fault description Fault assembly Description of fault Repair and elimination measures 3. Accident situation Whether a traffic accident occurred Fire Whether casualties and number of casualties 4. Reporting information ||Reporter's name
About the engine
x ??Series
On the evening of October 20, 2013, the weather was dark and the car was accelerating at a speed of 40km/h on a city road. The car suddenly stalled and the fault light on the dashboard lit up. After the vehicle was pulled over, it was restarted and taken to the 4S shop through roadside assistance. After the vehicle was inspected at the 4S shop: the fuel pump assembly was replaced.
xx Province XX City
Note: The automobile product defect clue report includes the following content: -rKaeerkca-
GB/T 39892-2021
Scan the code on the genuine service model
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Automobile Product Defect Clue Reporting and Handling Specification (G1B/T 39592—2021
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2, Hepingli West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Lihe North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (1300:) Website: spe.org.cn
Service hotline: 460-168-3010
First edition in March 2021
Book number: 1b5066: 1-6693
Copyright reserved
Infringements will be investigated3 Defect clue report transfer
The defective product recall technical organization shall promptly transfer the information that meets the defect clue report content requirements to the automobile product manufacturer for defect clue report feedback, and keep the record of the transfer of automobile product defect clue report. 7 Defect clue report feedback
After receiving the defect clue report transferred by the defective product recall technical organization, the automobile product manufacturer shall conduct a technical analysis of the cause of the fault and provide feedback. The defect clue report feedback shall include but is not limited to the following aspects: a) Verify VINV, purchase date, mileage, fault location, fault description and traffic accident information in the defect clue report-riKacerKAca-
GB/T 39892—2021
and other contents;
use user return visits, on-site inspections, etc. to confirm whether the fault phenomenon is reproduced, evaluate the frequency of the fault, find the cause of the fault, formulate fault handling measures, etc.; confirm the accurate fault mode corresponding to the fault description in the defect clue report and whether a defective automobile product recall notice has been issued for this type of fault mode of this model. If so, confirm whether the VIN is within the scope of the defective automobile product recall;
confirm whether a technical service bulletin has been issued for this type of fault mode of this model. If so, confirm whether the VIN is within the scope of the defective automobile product recall;
confirm whether a technical service bulletin has been issued for this type of fault mode of this model. If so, confirm whether the VIN Within the scope of application of the technical service announcement; e)
Combined with the defect clue report, fault claim information, sales information, etc., a comprehensive analysis is made on the commonality of the failure mode of this model:
The passband should complete the technical analysis within 1C working days after receiving the defect clue report transferred by the defective product recall technical organization; after completing the technical analysis of the defect clue report, the technical analysis results shall be fed back to the defective product recall technical organization: g)
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Automobile Product Defect Clue Report
An example of an automobile product defect clue report is shown in Table A.1. Table A.1 Example of a defect clue report for an automobile product Basic information Vehicle identification number (VIN) Manufacturer name Vehicle brand Model series Purchase date Mileage 2. Fault description Fault assembly Description of fault Repair and elimination measures 3. Accident situation Whether a traffic accident occurred Fire Whether casualties and number of casualties 4. Reporting information ||Reporter's name
About the engine
x ??Series
On the evening of October 20, 2013, the weather was dark and the car was accelerating at a speed of 40km/h on a city road. The car suddenly stalled and the fault light on the dashboard lit up. After the vehicle was pulled over, it was restarted and taken to the 4S shop through roadside assistance. After the vehicle was inspected at the 4S shop: the fuel pump assembly was replaced.
xx Province XX City
Note: The automobile product defect clue report includes the following content: -rKaeerkca-
GB/T 39892-2021
Scan the code on the genuine service model
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Automobile Product Defect Clue Reporting and Handling Specification (G1B/T 39592—2021
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2, Hepingli West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Lihe North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (1300:) Website: spe.org.cn
Service hotline: 460-168-3010
First edition in March 2021
Book number: 1b5066: 1-6693
Copyright reserved
Infringements will be investigated3 Defect clue report transfer
The defective product recall technical organization shall promptly transfer the information that meets the defect clue report content requirements to the automobile product manufacturer for defect clue report feedback, and keep the record of the transfer of automobile product defect clue report. 7 Defect clue report feedback
After receiving the defect clue report transferred by the defective product recall technical organization, the automobile product manufacturer shall conduct a technical analysis of the cause of the fault and provide feedback. The defect clue report feedback shall include but is not limited to the following aspects: a) Verify VINV, purchase date, mileage, fault location, fault description and traffic accident information in the defect clue report-riKacerKAca-
GB/T 39892—2021
and other contents;
use user return visits, on-site inspections, etc. to confirm whether the fault phenomenon is reproduced, evaluate the frequency of the fault, find the cause of the fault, formulate fault handling measures, etc.; confirm the accurate fault mode corresponding to the fault description in the defect clue report and whether a defective automobile product recall notice has been issued for this type of fault mode of this model. If so, confirm whether the VIN is within the scope of the defective automobile product recall;
confirm whether a technical service bulletin has been issued for this type of fault mode of this model. If so, confirm whether the VIN is within the scope of the defective automobile product recall;
confirm whether a technical service bulletin has been issued for this type of fault mode of this model. If so, confirm whether the VIN Within the scope of application of the technical service announcement; e)
Combined with the defect clue report, fault claim information, sales information, etc., a comprehensive analysis is made on the commonality of the failure mode of this model:
The passband should complete the technical analysis within 1C working days after receiving the defect clue report transferred by the defective product recall technical organization; after completing the technical analysis of the defect clue report, the technical analysis results shall be fed back to the defective product recall technical organization: g)
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Automobile Product Defect Clue Reportwww.bzxz.net
An example of an automobile product defect clue report is shown in Table A.1. Table A.1 Example of a defect clue report for an automobile product Basic information Vehicle identification number (VIN) Manufacturer name Vehicle brand Model series Purchase date Mileage 2. Fault description Fault assembly Description of fault Repair and elimination measures 3. Accident situation Whether a traffic accident occurred Fire Whether casualties and number of casualties 4. Reporting information ||Reporter's name
About the engine
x ??Series
On the evening of October 20, 2013, the weather was dark and the car was accelerating at a speed of 40km/h on a city road. The car suddenly stalled and the fault light on the dashboard lit up. After the vehicle was pulled over, it was restarted and taken to the 4S shop through roadside assistance. After the vehicle was inspected at the 4S shop: the fuel pump assembly was replaced.
xx Province XX City
Note: The automobile product defect clue report includes the following content: -rKaeerkca-
GB/T 39892-2021
Scan the code on the genuine service model
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Automobile Product Defect Clue Reporting and Handling Specification (G1B/T 39592—2021
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2, Hepingli West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Lihe North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (1300:) Website: spe.org.cn
Service hotline: 460-168-3010
First edition in March 2021
Book number: 1b5066: 1-6693
Copyright reserved
Infringements will be investigated
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