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Air composition—Quality control for observational data—Reactive gases

Basic Information

Standard ID: QX/T 510-2019

Standard Name:Air composition—Quality control for observational data—Reactive gases

Chinese Name: 大气成分观测数据质量控制方法 反应性气体

Standard category:Meteorological Industry Standard (QX)

state:in force

Date of Release2019-09-30

Date of Implementation:2020-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.060 Geology, Meteorology, Hydrology

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Subjects>>A47 Meteorology

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:Meteorological Press


Publication date:2019-10-01

other information

drafter:Lin Weili, Ma Zhiqiang, Pu Weiwei, Gao Wei, Ma Qianli, Yu Dajiang

Drafting unit:China Meteorological Administration Meteorological Detection Center, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Environmental Meteorological Forecast and Warning Center, Yangtze River Delta Environmental Meteorological Forecast and Warning Center, Shangdianzi Regional At

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Climate and Climate Change Standardization Technical Committee on Atmospheric Composition Observation, Forecast and Warning Services (SAC/TC 540/SC 1)

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee for Climate and Climate Change Standardization Technical Committee on Atmospheric Composition Observation, Forecast and Warning Services (SAC/TC 540/SC 1)

Publishing department:China Meteorological Administration

competent authority:National Technical Committee for Climate and Climate Change Standardization Technical Committee on Atmospheric Composition Observation, Forecast and Warning Services (SAC/TC 540/SC 1)

Introduction to standards:

Standard No.: QX/T 510-2019
Standard Name: Quality Control Method for Observational Data of Atmospheric Composition - Reactive Gases
English Name: Air compesition-Quality control for observational data-Reactive gases
Standard Format: PDF
Release Time: 2019-09-30
Implementation Time: 2020-01-01
Standard Size: 703K
Standard Introduction: This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009.
This standard was proposed and managed by the Sub-Technical Committee on Atmospheric Composition Observation, Forecast and Warning Services of the National Technical Committee for Climate and Climate Change Standardization (SAC/TC540/SC1).
Drafting units of this standard: Meteorological Observation Center of China Meteorological Administration, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Environmental Meteorological Forecast and Warning Center, Yangtze River Delta Environmental Meteorological Forecast and Warning Center, Shangdianzi Regional Atmospheric Background Station, Lin'an Regional Atmospheric Background Station, Longfengshan Regional Atmospheric Background Station, Minzu University of China
Main drafters of this standard: Lin Weili, Ma Zhiqiang, Pu Weiwei, Gao Wei, Ma Qianli, Yu Dajiang Trace reactive gases in the atmosphere, such as SO2, NOx, CO and O3, are an important type of atmospheric components. They participate in the oxidation capacity of atmospheric gases and are related to human health, climate and environmental changes, etc. The problem is close
Chemical reactions promote the formation of secondary aerosols and acid rain
To standardize the quality control of online observation data of reactive gases and ensure the accuracy, reliability and comparability of observation data This standard specifies the quality control method of online observation data of reactive gases in atmospheric composition observation, including data collection, data inspection and marking, observation data correction, quality control comprehensive analysis and identification
This standard is applicable to the quality control of online observation data of reactive gases (SO, NOx, CO, O3, etc.) at observation sites. Other reactive gases can be used for reference.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated reference, only the dated version is applicable to this document. For any undated reference, the latest version (including all amendments) is applicable to this document.
QX/T118—2010 Quality control of surface meteorological observation data
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions are applicable to this document
Reactive gas
Gases with strong chemical reactivity in the atmosphere that can undergo rapid atmospheric chemical reactions and transform into other components
[QX/T124-2011, definition 3.3]
Quality control
Operational techniques and activities to ensure that observation records meet the required quality
[QX/T66-2007, definition 3
[QX/T39—2005, definition 3.3]
This standard specifies the quality control method for online observation data of reactive gases in atmospheric composition observation, including data collection, data inspection and marking, observation data correction, quality control comprehensive analysis and identification. This standard is applicable to the quality control of online observation data of reactive gases (SO2, NOx, CO, O3, etc.) at observation sites, and can be used as a reference for other reactive gases.

Some standard content:

Meteorological Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Air composition-Quality control for observational data-Reactive gases
gasesIndustry Standard Information Service Platform
Release on 2019-09-30
China Meteorological Administration
Implementation on 2020-01-01
Industry Standard Information Service Platform
Normative reference documents
Terms and definitions
Data collection
Data inspection and marking
Observation data correction
Comprehensive analysis and identification of quality control
Appendix A (Informative Appendix)
Data correction method based on calibration information of observation process QX/T510—2019
Industry Standard Information Service Platform
Industry Standard Information Service Platform
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1—2009. QX/T510-—2019
This standard is proposed and managed by the Sub-Technical Committee on Atmospheric Composition Observation, Forecast and Warning Service (SAC) TC540/SC1 of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Climate and Climate Change.
The drafting units of this standard are: Meteorological Observation Center of China Meteorological Administration, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Environmental Meteorological Forecast and Warning Center, Yangtze River Delta Environmental Meteorological Forecast and Warning Center, Shangdianzi Regional Atmospheric Background Station, Lin'an Regional Atmospheric Background Station, Longfengshan Regional Atmospheric Background Station, and Minzu University of China. The main drafters of this standard are: Lin Weili, Ma Zhiqiang, Pu Weiwei, Gao Wei, Ma Qianli, and Yu Dajiang. Industry Standard Information Service Platform
The trace reactive gases in the atmosphere, such as SO2, NOx, CO and O, are an important type of atmospheric components. They participate in atmospheric chemical reactions, promote the formation of secondary aerosols and acid rain, affect the atmospheric oxidation capacity, and are closely related to human health, climate and environmental changes, etc.
This standard is formulated to regulate the quality control of online observation data of reactive gases and ensure the accuracy, reliability and comparability of observation data.
Industry Standard Information Service Platform
1 Scope
Reactive Gases
Quality Control Methods for Atmospheric Composition Observation Data This standard specifies the quality control methods for online observation data of reactive gases in atmospheric composition observation, including data collection, data inspection and marking, observation data correction, quality control comprehensive analysis and identification. This standard applies to the quality control of online observation data of reactive gases (SOz, NOx, CO, O, etc.) at observation sites, and other reactive gases can be used as a reference.
2 Normative Reference Documents
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated referenced documents, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, its latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. QX/T1182010 Quality Control of Surface Meteorological Observation Data 3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
Reactive gas
Gases with strong chemical reactivity in the atmosphere that can undergo rapid atmospheric chemical reactions and transform into other components. Management Standard Information Service Platform
[QX/T124—2011. Definition 3.3]
Quality control
Operational techniques and activities to ensure that observation records meet the required quality. 3.3
Data about data.
[QX/T39—2005. Definition 3.3]
4 Data collection
4.1 Basic requirements
4.1.1 Data should include observation data and metadata. Observation data and metadata should be collected as comprehensively and completely as possible. 4.1.2 Observation data should include observation time, observation element data, data unit, etc. 4.1.3 Metadata should include observation site information, field and laboratory record information, instrument information, observation process quality control information, etc. 1
4.2 Metadata
4.2.1 Site information
Including site name, site number, longitude and latitude, altitude, site type, terrain characteristics, surrounding pollution sources, site history, etc. 4.2.2 Field and laboratory record information
Including process information such as instrument maintenance, testing, and calibration 4.2.3 Instrument information
Including instrument name, model, serial number, instrument status (flow rate, internal temperature, internal pressure, etc.). 4.2.4 Observation process quality control information Zero/span check information
Including zero/span check start and end time, span corresponding standard concentration, etc. Note: Zero check information refers to the response information of the analytical instrument obtained by using zero air; span check information refers to the response information of the analytical instrument obtained by adding a certain amount of standard gas to zero air. Multi-point calibration information
Includes the start and end time of multi-point (not less than 5 points) calibration, operator, calibration data and regression results, etc. Standard gas information
Includes the standard gas cylinder number, manufacturer, concentration, pressure, uncertainty, replacement time, usage, standard value transfer (traceability) information, etc. Standard instrument information
Includes instrument serial number, response coefficient, instrument flow, internal temperature, internal pressure, standard value transfer (traceability) information, etc. Industry Standard Information
5 Data Check and Mark
5.1 Data Format and Time Series Check
5.1.1 The structure of the observed data and the length of each data record should be checked. Service Platform
5.1.2 Data missing should be checked according to the observation frequency, missing time should be supplemented, duplicate records should be removed, etc. Missing values ​​should be replaced with -999.9. 5.2 Data Marking
Data should be marked according to the information content in Chapter 4. Marking symbols are shown in Table 12
Marking Information
Power Failure
Warming Up
Testing (TEST)
Zero Check (ZeroCheck)
Span Check (SpanCheck)
Multi-point Calibration (Multi-points Calibration)CrazyData
Regular data marking symbol
Marking symbol
Data missing or distorted due to power failure
Data in the warm-up phase of the instrument
Data in the debugging or online maintenance phase of the instrument
Data during the zero check of the instrument
Data during the cross check of the instrument
Data during the multi-point calibration
QX/T510—2 019
Obviously unreasonable data and known abnormal sampling data. The data during the switching between different gas lines to gas line stability in the cycle inspection or self-adjustment program set for a certain type of instrument changes abnormally. It may be normal data or abnormal data. It is necessary to further combine other conditions to make a judgment to make up for the missing time. The missing data is replaced by -999.9. The instrument fails or the instrument parameter alarm occurs. However, there is still data recorded. The observation process is polluted and affects the normal observation. Data balance refers to the process of restoring to a certain period of time before normal observation due to restart, instrument preheating, pipeline switching, etc. 6 Observation data correction
6.1 General requirements
6.1.1 The observation data should be corrected based on the results of multi-point calibration, and the zero/span check results are used to assist in the correction of observation data. 6.1.2 Determine the time interval applicable to different data correction methods based on the changes in the zero/span check results over time. Standard information
6.2 The data based on the calibration information of the observation process can be corrected. For specific correction methods, please refer to Appendix A.
Data correction based on the standard value transfer results should be corrected twice according to the higher-level standard traceability or value transfer results. Data Correction Description Document
A data correction description document should be prepared to describe the data correction process in detail, including the selection of correction parameters and the time interval applied, the correction history version, the value traceability, the correction personnel information, notes, etc. Comprehensive analysis and identification of quality control
Comprehensively analyze the data marked as CD and QD in 5.2 to identify whether they are correct or not. 7.1.2 Provide data quality control identification according to the provisions of 3.2.9 of QX/T1182010. 3
A.1 Adjacent value adjustment method
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix]
Data correction method based on observation process calibration information For the correction of short-term data (such as less than 1 month), the multi-point calibration equation with the closest occurrence time or the zero/span check result can be used to correct the data within a specific time period. A.2 Arithmetic mean method
This method can be used when the instrument response is relatively stable (such as the change in response drift is less than 2%). Calculate the arithmetic mean of the slope and intercept of multiple multi-point calibration equations within a specific time period, and reconstruct a new calibration equation for data correction A.3 Interpolation method
When the instrument response is not subject to human interference and change, the interpolation method can be used to obtain the multi-point calibration equations corresponding to different times for data correction. The zero check result and the slope of the multi-point calibration equation are plotted against time to perform curve fitting. First, the zero check value is fitted with time, and the zero value at each moment is obtained according to the fitting equation. The corresponding zero value is subtracted from the observed value to obtain the new time series value. Secondly, the slope of the multi-point calibration equation is fitted with time, and the slope correction value at each moment is obtained according to the fitting equation. The new time series value is multiplied by the corresponding slope correction value to complete the data correction. A.4 Interval Distinction Method
When the instrument is shut down due to objective reasons, important parts are damaged, zero/span adjustment, etc., resulting in discontinuous changes in the instrument response, the interval distinction method is used for data correction. The time interval can be divided and determined by referring to the results of 4.2.4. In different time intervals, according to the drift of the instrument standard information service platform
response, one of the above methods (adjacent value adjustment method, arithmetic average method, interpolation method) can be used to correct the data. 4
HJ/T193—2005 Technical Specification for Automatic Monitoring of Ambient Air QualityQX/T39—2005
Core Metadata for Meteorological Datasets
Specifications for Ground-Based Meteorological Observations Part 22: Quality Control of Observation RecordsQX/T712007
Specifications for Ground-Based Ozone Observations
QX/T124—2011 Classification and Coding of Atmospheric Composition Observation DataQX/T272—2015 Monitoring Method for Atmospheric Sulfur Dioxide: Ultraviolet Fluorescence Method[6]
QX/T273—2015 Monitoring Method for Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide: Infrared Gas Filter Correlation MethodQX/ T510—2019
[7]Lin Weili, Xu Xiaobin, Zhang Xiaochun. Error problems and suggestions of standard gas in reactive gas observation[J], Environmental Chemistry, 2011, 30(6):1140-1143
[8]Lin Weili, Xu Xiaobin, Yu Dajiang, et al. Quality control of reactive gas observation at atmospheric background station in Longfengshan area[J], Meteorology, 2009, 35(11):93-100
[9]]Lin Weili, Xu Xiaobin, Wang Lifu, et al. Online observation of reactive gas at atmospheric background station in Akdala area[J], Meteorological Science and Technology, 2010.38(6):661-667
[10]]Jin Junli, Zhang Xiaochun, Lin Weili, et al. Functional design and implementation of reactive gas observation data processing system for atmospheric background stations [J]. Meteorological Science and Technology, 2012.40 (5): 738-744 [11] Monitoring Network Department of China Meteorological Administration. Global Atmosphere Monitoring Observation Guide [M]. Beijing: Meteorological Press, 2003 [12] ISO 4224:2000 Ambient air-Determination of carbon monoxide-Non-dispersive infrared spectrcmetric method
[13] ISO10498:2004 Ambient air-Determination of sulfur dioxide-Ultraviolet fluorescence method [14] ISO 13964:1998 Air quality-Determination of ozone in ambient air-Ultraviolet photometric method
[15] WMO.Global AtmosphereWatch Measurements Guide:WMOTDNo.1073[M],2001[i6JUSEPA,Quality Assurance HandbookforAirPollutionMeasurementSystems,VolumeII:Part1AmbientArrQualityMonitoringProgramQuality SystemDevelopment,OfficeofAirQualitativeInformationServicePlatform
tyPlanning andStandaidsReerch Triangle Park, NC 27711,EPA-454/R-98-004[MJ,1998S
People's Republic of China
Meteorological Industry Standard
Reactive Gas
No. 46, Zhongguancun South Street, Haishi District, Beijing Postal Code: 06081
Service Multi-Platform
Website: http://ww.qx.rom
Issuing Department: 010-68408042
Beijing Zhongke Printing Co., Ltd. Printing Toilet
Format: 880mmX1230mm
First edition in October 2019
Printing sheet: 0.75
First printing in October 2019
Book number: 135029-6080
If there is any printing error
Price: 15.00 yuan
Replaced by the distribution department of our company
Copyright reserved
Infringement must be investigated
Report phone: (010)684063013 Interpolation method
When the instrument response is not disturbed or changed by human intervention, the interpolation method can be used to obtain the multi-point calibration equation corresponding to different times for data correction. Plot the zero check results at different times, the slope of the multi-point calibration equation and time, and perform curve fitting. First, fit the zero check value with time, and obtain the zero value at each moment according to the fitting equation. Subtract the corresponding zero value from the observed value to obtain the new time series value. Secondly, fit the slope of the multi-point calibration equation with time, and obtain the slope correction value at each moment according to the fitting equation. Multiply the new time series value by the corresponding slope correction value to complete the data correction. A.4 Interval difference method
When the instrument response changes discontinuously due to objective reasons such as shutdown, damage to important parts, zero/span adjustment, etc., the interval difference method is used for data correction. The time interval can be divided and determined with reference to the results of 4.2.4. In different time intervals, according to the drift of the instrument standard information service platform
response, one of the above methods (adjacent value adjustment method, arithmetic mean method, interpolation method) can be used to correct the data. 4
HJ/T193—2005 Technical Specifications for Automatic Monitoring of Ambient Air QualityQX/T39—2005
Core Metadata of Meteorological Data Sets
Specifications for Ground Meteorological Observations Part 22: Quality Control of Observation RecordsQX/T712007
Specifications for Ground Ozone Observations
QX/T124—2011 Classification and Coding of Atmospheric Composition Observation DataQX/T272—2015 Atmospheric Sulfur Dioxide Monitoring Method Ultraviolet Fluorescence Method[6]
QX/T273—2015 Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide Monitoring Method Infrared Gas Filter Correlation MethodQX/ T510—2019
[7]Lin Weili, Xu Xiaobin, Zhang Xiaochun. Error problems and suggestions of standard gas in reactive gas observation[J], Environmental Chemistry, 2011, 30(6):1140-1143
[8]Lin Weili, Xu Xiaobin, Yu Dajiang, et al. Quality control of reactive gas observation at atmospheric background station in Longfengshan area[J], Meteorology, 2009, 35(11):93-100
[9]]Lin Weili, Xu Xiaobin, Wang Lifu, et al. Online observation of reactive gas at atmospheric background station in Akdala area[J], Meteorological Science and Technology, 2010.38(6):661-667
[10]]Jin Junli, Zhang Xiaochun, Lin Weili, et al. Functional design and implementation of reactive gas observation data processing system for atmospheric background stations [J]. Meteorological Science and Technology, 2012.40 (5): 738-744 [11] Monitoring Network Department of China Meteorological Administration. Global Atmosphere Monitoring Observation Guide [M]. Beijing: Meteorological Press, 2003 [12] ISO 4224:2000 Ambient air-Determination of carbon monoxide-Non-dispersive infrared spectrcmetric method
[13] ISO10498:2004 Ambient air-Determination of sulfur dioxide-Ultraviolet fluorescence method [14] ISO 13964:1998 Air quality-Determination of ozone in ambient air-Ultraviolet photometric method
[15] WMO.Global AtmosphereWatch Measurements Guide:WMOTDNo.1073[M],2001[i6JUSEPA,Quality Assurance HandbookforAirPollutionMeasurementSystems,VolumeII:Part1AmbientArrQualityMonitoringProgramQuality SystemDevelopment,OfficeofAirQualitativeInformationServicePlatform
tyPlanning andStandaidsReerch Triangle Park, NC 27711,EPA-454/R-98-004[MJ,1998S
People's Republic of China
Meteorological Industry Standard
Reactive Gas
No. 46, Zhongguancun South Street, Haishi District, Beijing Postal Code: 06081
Service Multi-Platform
Website: http://ww.qx.rom
Issuing Department: 010-68408042
Beijing Zhongke Printing Co., Ltd. Printing Toilet
Format: 880mmX1230mm
First edition in October 2019
Printing sheet: 0.75
First printing in October 2019
Book number: 135029-6080
If there is any printing error
Price: 15.00 yuan
Replaced by the distribution department of our company
Copyright reserved
Infringement must be investigated
Report phone: (010)684063013 Interpolation method
When the instrument response is not disturbed or changed by human intervention, the interpolation method can be used to obtain the multi-point calibration equation corresponding to different times for data correction. Plot the zero check results at different times, the slope of the multi-point calibration equation and time, and perform curve fitting. First, fit the zero check value with time, and obtain the zero value at each moment according to the fitting equation. Subtract the corresponding zero value from the observed value to obtain the new time series value. Secondly, fit the slope of the multi-point calibration equation with time, and obtain the slope correction value at each moment according to the fitting equation. Multiply the new time series value by the corresponding slope correction value to complete the data correction. A.4 Interval difference method
When the instrument response changes discontinuously due to objective reasons such as shutdown, damage to important parts, zero/span adjustment, etc., the interval difference method is used for data correction. The time interval can be divided and determined with reference to the results of 4.2.4. In different time intervals, according to the drift of the instrument standard information service platform
response, one of the above methods (adjacent value adjustment method, arithmetic mean method, interpolation method) can be used to correct the data. 4
HJ/T193—2005 Technical Specifications for Automatic Monitoring of Ambient Air QualityQX/T39—2005
Core Metadata of Meteorological Data Sets
Specifications for Ground Meteorological Observations Part 22: Quality Control of Observation RecordsQX/T712007
Specifications for Ground Ozone Observations
QX/T124—2011 Classification and Coding of Atmospheric Composition Observation DataQX/T272—2015 Atmospheric Sulfur Dioxide Monitoring Method Ultraviolet Fluorescence Method[6]
QX/T273—2015 Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide Monitoring Method Infrared Gas Filter Correlation MethodQX/ T510—2019
[7]Lin Weili, Xu Xiaobin, Zhang Xiaochun. Error problems and suggestions of standard gas in reactive gas observation[J], Environmental Chemistry, 2011, 30(6):1140-1143
[8]Lin Weili, Xu Xiaobin, Yu Dajiang, et al. Quality control of reactive gas observation at atmospheric background station in Longfengshan area[J], Meteorology, 2009, 35(11):93-100
[9]]Lin Weili, Xu Xiaobin, Wang Lifu, et al. Online observation of reactive gas at atmospheric background station in Akdala area[J], Meteorological Science and Technology, 2010.38(6):661-667
[10]]Jin Junli, Zhang Xiaochun, Lin Weili, et al. Functional design and implementation of reactive gas observation data processing system for atmospheric background stations [J]. Meteorological Science and Technology, 2012.40 (5): 738-744 [11] Monitoring Network Department of China Meteorological Administration. Global Atmosphere Monitoring Observation Guide [M]. Beijing: Meteorological Press, 2003 [12] ISO 4224:2000 Ambient air-Determination of carbon monoxide-Non-dispersive infrared spectrcmetric method
[13] ISO10498:2004 Ambient air-Determination of sulfur dioxide-Ultraviolet fluorescence method [14] ISO 13964:1998 Air quality-Determination of ozone in ambient air-Ultraviolet photometric method
[15] WMO.Global AtmosphereWatch Measurements Guide:WMOTDNo.1073[M],2001[i6JUSEPA,Quality Assurance HandbookforAirPollutionMeasurementSystems,VolumeII:Part1AmbientArrQualityMonitoringProgramQuality SystemDevelopment,OfficeofAirQualitativeInformationServicePlatform
tyPlanning andStandaidsReerch Triangle Park, NC 27711,EPA-454/R-98-004[MJ,1998S
People's Republic of China
Meteorological Industry Standard
Reactive Gas
No. 46, Zhongguancun South Street, Haishi District, Beijing Postal Code: 06081
Service Multi-Platform
Website: http://ww.qx.rom
Issuing Department: 010-68408042
Beijing Zhongke Printing Co., Ltd. Printing Toilet
Format: 880mmX1230mm
First edition in October 2019
Printing sheet: 0.75
First printing in October 2019
Book number: 135029-6080
If there is any printing error
Price: 15.00 yuan
Replaced by the distribution department of our company
Copyright reserved
Infringement must be investigated
Report phone: (010)684063011998 Air quality-Determination of ozone in ambient air-Ultraviolet photometric method
[15]WMO.Global AtmosphereWatch Measurements Guide:WMOTDNo.1073[M],2001[i6JUSEPA,QualityAssuranceHandbookforAirPollutionMeasurementSystems,VolumeII:Part1AmbientArrQualityMonitoringProgram Quality SystemDevelopment,Officeof AirQu ali Standard Information Service Platform
ty Planning and Standaids Reerch Triangle Park, NC 27711,EPA-454/R-98-004[MJ,1998S
People's Republic of China
Meteorological Industry Standard
Reactive Gas
QX/T510—2019| |tt||No. 46, Zhongguancun South Street, Haishi District, Beijing Postal Code: 06081
Multi-platform service
Website: http://ww.qx.rom
Issuing Department: 010-68408042
Beijing Zhongke Printing Co., Ltd. Printing toilet
Format: 880mmX1230mm
First edition in October 2019
Printing sheet: 0.75
First printing in October 2019||tt| |Book number: 135029-6080
If there is any printing error
Price: 15.00 yuan
Replaced by the publishing department of our companywwW.bzxz.Net
Copyright reserved
Infringement must be Report hotline: (010) 684063011998 Air quality-Determination of ozone in ambient air-Ultraviolet photometric method
[15]WMO.Global AtmosphereWatch Measurements Guide:WMOTDNo.1073[M],2001[i6JUSEPA,QualityAssuranceHandbookforAirPollutionMeasurementSystems,VolumeII:Part1AmbientArrQualityMonitoringProgram Quality SystemDevelopment,Officeof AirQu ali Standard Information Service Platform
ty Planning and Standaids Reerch Triangle Park, NC 27711,EPA-454/R-98-004[MJ,1998S
People's Republic of China
Meteorological Industry Standard
Reactive Gas
QX/T510—2019| |tt||No. 46, Zhongguancun South Street, Haishi District, Beijing Postal Code: 06081
Multi-platform service
Website: http://ww.qx.rom
Issuing Department: 010-68408042
Beijing Zhongke Printing Co., Ltd. Printing toilet
Format: 880mmX1230mm
First edition in October 2019
Printing sheet: 0.75
First printing in October 2019||tt| |Book number: 135029-6080
If there is any printing error
Price: 15.00 yuan
Replaced by the publishing department of our company
Copyright reserved
Infringement must be Report hotline: (010) 68406301
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.