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JB/T 6229-1992 Inspection methods and limits for direct hydrogen cooling of turbine generator rotors

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 6229-1992

Standard Name: Inspection methods and limits for direct hydrogen cooling of turbine generator rotors

Chinese Name: 汽轮发电机转子直接氢冷通风道 检验方法及限值

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1992-06-16

Date of Implementation:1993-01-01

Date of Expiration:2005-11-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Electrical Engineering>>Rotating Electric Machines>>K20 Rotating Electric Machines General

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by JB/T 6229-2005

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JB/T 6229-1992 Inspection methods and limits for direct hydrogen cooling of turbine generator rotors JB/T6229-1992 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Inspection Method and Limits of Direct Hydrogen Cooling Air Ducts for Steam Turbogenerator Rotors
Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the inspection method of direct hydrogen cooling air ducts for steam turbine generator rotors and the equivalent wind speed limit that should be reached in the air duct when a certain wind pressure is applied to the rotor air duct. This standard applies to domestic motor manufacturers for the inspection of rotor air ducts when manufacturing direct hydrogen-cooled steam turbine generators with air gap ventilation or slot bottom auxiliary slot ventilation for rotor cooling; it also applies to the inspection of rotor air ducts during installation, handover and overhaul in domestic power plants. This standard does not apply to steam turbine generators with side milling slot air gap ventilation for rotor coil cooling, and its inspection method and limit shall be in accordance with the relevant manufacturing enterprise standards.
2 Inspection equipment and materials
One blower with a total pressure of not less than 1600Pa and a flow rate of not less than 0.9m*/s; one set of FS-type tangential photoelectric anemometer and display instrument with a starting wind speed of not more than 0.4m/s; one special volute-type air inlet chamber;
One 0~2000Pa pressure gauge;
One rubber tube with an inner diameter of 25mm and a length of 6m;
One piece of 3200mm×440mm×5mm felt;
Sufficient rubber plugs for blocking air holes.
3 Preparation before inspection
3.1 The manufacturer's inspection is carried out once before the rotor sleeve guard ring and after overspeed. The power plant inspection is carried out after the rotor is pulled out during the motor overhaul. 3.2 Before inspection, the rotor surface and each air duct should be cleaned, such as removing metal powder, insulating dust, debris and other debris. 3.3 The inspection site must be clean and the indoor air must be clean. 3.4 Starting from the rotor excitation end guard ring, number the air holes in each wind zone. The wind zone numbering is based on the first wind zone close to the excitation end, and the following order is analogous
3.5 Fix the felt around the rotor end to replace the guard ring (only applicable to manufacturers). 3.6 Install the special volute air inlet chamber on the shaft and the rotor end guard ring, and connect the pressure gauge probe to the special volute air inlet chamber. 3.7
Use special rubber plugs to block all the inlet and outlet holes of the rotor slot (except the outlet holes for air intake from the end). 4 Inspection method
4.1 Inspection of the ventilation duct at the rotor end
4.1.1 Start the blower. Adjust the wind pressure in the special volute air inlet chamber to 1000±50Pa by changing the inlet area of ​​the blower.
4.1.2 Connect the tangential photoelectric anemometer, insert the anemometer mouth into the air outlet, record the stable reading on the display, and fill in the corresponding air duct in Appendix A Table A1 approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry on June 16, 1992 and implemented on January 1, 1993.
4.1.3 Use the above method to inspect each ventilation duct at the frequency end and steam end of the rotor one by one, and then plug all the air outlets with special rubber plugs. Note: For rotors with a two-way system for cold unloading of the coil, the air duct that concentrates the air from the crescent at the end of the rotor cannot be inspected at present, so it is necessary to strengthen management in manufacturing to ensure quality.
4.2 Inspection of the ventilation duct of the rotor slot
4.2.1 The inspection of the rotor slot can be carried out by the single air duct inspection method. It supplies air to each air duct separately through a rubber tube from a special volute air inlet chamber sleeved at the end. The air supply method is that the air duct in the wind zone near the excitation end takes air from the steam end, and the air duct in the wind zone near the steam end takes air from the excitation end. Take the domestic 200MW generator as an example. Counting from the excitation end, Z., Z., the wind zone takes air from the steam end, Z., Z. The wind zone takes air from the excitation end (see Figure 1). A
1-Special volute air inlet chamber; 2--Rubber tube; 3-Rotor excitation end guard ring; 4-Twin photoelectric anemometer and display instrument; 5-Pressure gauge; 6-Blower; Z1~Zg-Indicates each wind zone of the rotor 4.2.2 Start the blower, connect the induced draft rubber tube to the special volute air inlet chamber, and adjust its wind pressure so that the wind pressure at the outlet of the induced draft rubber tube is 1 000i50Pa.
4.2.3 Take out the special rubber plugs in the air inlet and outlet of the air duct to be inspected, connect the tangential photoelectric anemometer, and insert the anemometer mouth into the air outlet. At this time, the display should show zero value, otherwise adjust the zero value by removing the rubber plugs in some air outlets near the special volute-type air inlet chamber in the slot where the air duct to be inspected is located.
4.2.4 Connect the air outlet of the rubber tube to the air inlet. At this time, try to prevent the air inlet and outlet from surging. Record the stable readings on the display and fill in the corresponding air duct in Table A2 of Appendix A. 4.2.5 After the inspection, plug the special rubber plugs taken out into the original holes. Inspect each air duct in the rotor slot according to the above method. 4.3 Inspection of the ventilation duct in the rotor slot According to the specific conditions of each manufacturer, the inspection method described in Appendix B can also be used. 4.4 When the rotor ventilation duct is a slot bottom auxiliary slot ventilation method, the inspection method described in Appendix C shall be used. 5. Test data processing
5.1 Calculate the average wind speed measured in the wind holes of each wind zone. 5.2 Multiply the measured wind speed by the conversion coefficient to obtain the equivalent wind speed in the ventilation duct. The conversion coefficient is calculated as follows: K
Where: K
. Conversion coefficient:
-flow area at the anemometer measurement point, m\; S
Area of ​​a single wind hole on a single coil, m\;The angle between the flow velocity direction in the ventilation duct and the rotor axial direction, an acute angle is taken for the rotor slot ventilation duct, and an inspection limit is taken for the rotor end ventilation duct
6.1 The inspection limit values ​​for the ventilation ducts at the ends of the rotor coil are as follows: a.
The average equivalent wind speed of the ventilation duct at each end is not allowed to be lower than 10m/s; ventilation ducts with an equivalent wind speed lower than 6m/s are not allowed to exist; ventilation ducts with an equivalent wind speed lower than 8m/s are not allowed to exceed 10, and no more than 1 is allowed per slot at each end. 6.2 The inspection limits of the ventilation ducts in the rotor coil slots are as follows: a.
The average equivalent wind speed of the ventilation ducts in each wind zone is not allowed to be lower than 4m/s; b.
The ventilation ducts with an equivalent wind speed lower than 2m/s are not allowed to exist; c.
The number of ventilation ducts with an equivalent wind speed lower than 2.5m/s in the entire rotor slot is not allowed to exceed 15, and each slot is not allowed to have more than 2, and these 2 are not allowed to appear in adjacent positions.
6.3 When the rotor ventilation duct is a slot bottom sub-slot ventilation method, its inspection limit shall be in accordance with the provisions of Appendix C. 313
The recording table format is shown in Table A1 and Table A2.
Work number
(or unit number)
Average wind speed
Appendix A
Record form format
)Wind zone
Wind zone air supply
Work number
(or unit number)
Average wind speed
Inspection equipment and materials
)Wind zone
Wind zone air supply
Appendix B
Inspection method for the whole area air supply of the rotor slot ventilation duct (supplement)
One blower with a total pressure of not less than 1600Pa and a flow rate of not less than 0.9m2/s; b.
Two hot ball anemometers with a measuring range of 0.05-30m/s; two measuring tubes with an inner diameter of 17mm and a length of 200mm;>Secondary
Two volute-type air inlet chambers, one of which is made of canvas at the end and one is made of steel plate at the slot; sufficient rubber plugs for blocking air holes;
One 02000Pa pressure gauge.
Inspection method
Air supply in the wind area
The inspection method for the slot is to blow forward first and then blow backward, that is, a ventilation duct is inspected by the method of secondary inspection to see if it is unobstructed. B2.2 Forward Blowing Test
B2.2.1 Fix the slotted volute air inlet chamber on an air inlet area, and remove the special rubber plugs in all the air holes on the adjacent air outlet area. Start the blower and adjust the wind pressure in the volute to 1000±50Pa by changing the blower population area. B2.2.2 Use a measuring tube and a hot-bulb anemometer to measure the outlet wind speed of each outlet in the air outlet area, and then record it in the corresponding air duct in Appendix A Table A2.
B2.2.3 Use the above method to perform a forward blowing test on the entire rotor air inlet area. B2.3 Back Blowing Test
B2.3.1 Fix the slotted volute air inlet chamber on an air outlet area, and remove the special rubber plugs in all the air holes on the adjacent air inlet area. Start the blower. Adjust the wind pressure in the volute to 1000±50Pa by changing the blower population area. 315
Not professional
B2.3.2 Measure and record the outlet wind speed at the air inlet using the method in B2.2.2B2.3.3 Use the above method to conduct back-blowing inspection on the entire rotor outlet area. Appendix C
Inspection method and limit value of the slot bottom auxiliary slot ventilation duct of direct hydrogen-cooled rotor of steam turbine generator
Inspection equipment
One blower with a total pressure of not less than 1600Pa and a flow rate of not less than 0.9m/s; one hot-bulb anemometer with a measuring range of 0~30m/s; one 0~2000Pa pressure gauge;
One canvas volute air inlet chamber and one sealing cover; sufficient rubber plugs for blocking the ventilation duct.
C2 Preparation before inspection
Inspection is carried out after the rotor is assembled.
The inspection site must be clean and the indoor air must be clean. Visually inspect each slot bottom auxiliary slot and slot ventilation hole and remove any foreign matter found. Install the canvas volute air inlet chamber on the fan seat and the shaft at one end, and install the sealing cover on the fan seat and the shaft at the other end. Use special rubber plugs to plug all slot wedge vents, and the rotor large tooth vents must also be plugged tightly. C2.5
C3 Inspection method
C3.1 Start the blower, and adjust the pressure in the volute to 1000±50Pa by changing the blower population area. C3.2 Remove the special rubber plug of the vent to be inspected, open the hot ball anemometer, place its probe at the center of the slot mold outlet, record the wind speed reading after stabilization, and then plug the hole again with a special rubber plug. C3.3 Inspect all slot wedge vents at one end one by one according to the above method, and record the readings. C3.4
After the inspection of one end, move the canvas volute air inlet chamber, blower and sealing cover to the other end and follow the steps C3.1 to C3.3. After the inspection is completed, remove the inspection tools used and visually inspect each slot bottom sub-slot and slot wedge ventilation hole again to confirm that there is no foreign matter blocking the inspection limit
The average wind speed of each slot ventilation duct is not allowed to be lower than 8m/s; ventilation ducts with a wind speed lower than 4m/s are not allowed to exist; the number of ventilation ducts below 6m/s on the entire rotor is not allowed to exceed 15, and no more than 2 per slot. Additional notes:Www.bzxZ.net
This standard was proposed and coordinated by the Harbin Large Electric Motor Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. This standard was drafted by the Harbin Large Electric Motor Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Wang Guoqian, Ouyang Quanan, Cai Rongshan, Yuan Changming, Lai Xiushen316
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