title>Digital products of fundamental geographic information 1: 10000, 1:50000 digital elevation models - CH/T 1008-2001 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Digital products of fundamental geographic information 1: 10000, 1:50000 digital elevation models

Basic Information

Standard ID: CH/T 1008-2001

Standard Name:Digital products of fundamental geographic information 1: 10000, 1:50000 digital elevation models

Chinese Name: 基础地理信息数字产品 1:10000、1:50000数字高程模型

Standard category:Surveying and mapping industry standards (CH)


Date of Release2001-03-05

Date of Implementation:2001-04-01

Date of Expiration:2010-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.040 Astronomy, Geodesy, Geography

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Surveying and Mapping>>A75 Surveying and Mapping Comprehensive

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by CH/T 9009.2-2010

Publication information

Publication date:2001-04-01

other information

drafter:Wang Zhanhong, Xiao Xuenian

Drafting unit:National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation Standardization Institute

Focal point unit:National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping

Proposing unit:National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping

Publishing department:National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping

Introduction to standards:

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This standard specifies the classification, product labeling, technical indicators and technical requirements of 1:10000, 1:60000 digital elevation model products. This standard is applicable to the production, quality assessment and product distribution of 1:10000 and 1:50000 digital elevation model products in digital surveying and mapping production and basic geographic information update and database construction.

Some standard content:

CH/T 1008---2001
This standard is prepared in accordance with GB/T1.3:1997
Part: Provisions for the Preparation of Product Standards. Foreword
"Guidelines for Standardization Work Unit 1: Rules for the Drafting and Expression of Standards Part 3
This standard is to meet the needs of 1:10000 and 1:50000 digital elevation model product production, quality control and product distribution in digital mapping production and basic geographic information update and database construction, with reference to the "1998 Digital Production Technology Interim Standard" compiled by the State Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation in July 1998 (Appendix). This standard is formulated based on the current production technology level and is the first time it has been released in China.
This standard is proposed and managed by the State Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation. The drafting unit of this standard: Surveying and Mapping Standardization Institute of the State Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation. The main drafters of this standard: Wang Zhanhong and Xiao Xuenian. 383
Surveying and Mapping Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Digital products of fundamental geographic information
1:10000, 1:50000 digital elevation modelsDigital products of fundamental geographic information1 : 10 000.1 : 50 000 digital elevation modelsCH/T 1008
This standard specifies the classification, product labeling, technical indicators and technical requirements of 1:10000, 1:50000 digital elevation model products.
This standard is applicable to the production quality assessment and product distribution of 1:10000, 1:50000 digital remote model products in digital surveying and mapping production and basic geographic information update and database construction. Referenced Standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. The versions shown in this standard are valid at the time of publication. All standards will be revised. The parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards: GB/T 18315--2001
Digital topographic map series and basic requirements
National basic scale topographic map classification and numbering GB/T177981999 Geospatial data transformation format G3/T18316:2001 Inspection and acceptance regulations and quality assessment of digital surveying and mapping products CH/T 1007-2001
3 Product Description
Metadata of basic geographic information digital products
Digital elevation model (DEM for short) is a data set defined in the X, Y domain (or longitude and latitude domain) to express the ground undulation shape in terms of elevation. It is an important component of my country's basic geographic information digital products. The most commonly used digital elevation model in China is the regular grid digital elevation model. 4 Product classification
4.1 Classification
Digital elevation model products are divided into six categories according to grid type and accuracy. The classification and code are shown in Table 1. Table 11: Classification grids of 10000 and 1:50000 digital elevation models
Regular grid DEM
Approved by the National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation on March 5, 2001
Implementation on April 1, 2007
Grid typebZxz.net
Irregular grid 1 DEM
4.2 Marking examples
CH/T 1008 --2001
Continued Table 1
Accuracy level
Product marking is used on product packaging and product labels. The product marking should include the product name, product classification code, tile number and the standard number of the adopted standard. The examples are as follows: a) 1:10000: irregular grid digital elevation model H50G092005 XX XXXXX × × -- XXX X Digital elevation model 1
Standard number of the standard adopted
Map sheet number
Product classification code
-Product name
b) 1: 50000-level regular grid digital elevation model Shubao elevation model
5 Technical indicators
5.1 Spatial positioning reference system
The positioning reference system of the digital elevation model shall be implemented in accordance with GB/T183152001. 5.2 Accuracy
Standard No. adopted
Map sheet number
Product classification code
Product name
The technical indicators of 1:10000 and 1:50000 digital elevation models are shown in Table 2. The mean elevation error in hidden areas such as forests can be calculated as 1.5 times the mean elevation error specified in Table 2. The elevation accuracy of DEM interpolation points is calculated as 1.2 times the grid point elevation accuracy. Twice the mean elevation error is the maximum error limit of the sampling point data.
Table 21: Technical indicators of 10000 and 1:50000 digital elevation models
Grid size
Elevation data location
Elevation error
(Level 1)
(Level 2)
(Level 3)
12. 5m(0. 625\)
1: 50 (00
flat ground 3m.F hilly ground m.mountain 8m-shanshan 1mflat ground 0.5m.hilly ground 1.2m.mountain 2.5m.high mountain 5.0m
flat ground 0.7m, hilly ground 1.7m, mountain 3.3m.high mountain 6.7m
flat ground 1.0m.hilly ground 2.5m.mountain 5.0m, away from mountain 10.0m
【flat ground 4m.hilly ground 7m.mountain 1m.road mountain om flat ground 6m.hilly ground 10n, mountain!cm high ground 2sm35.
6 technical requirements
CH/T 1008 ---2001
6.1 The digital elevation model shall be extended to the four sides (about 1(0Imm) on the map) according to the map outline range specified in GB/T13989--1992. The data shall be provided in units of rectangular coverage.
6.2 When storing the data of the regular grid digital elevation model, it shall be arranged in the order from west to east and from north to south. 6.3 It shall be connected with the adjacent digital elevation model. There shall be no cracks after the connection. The elevation values ​​of the overlapping parts shall be consistent. 6.4 The regular grid digital elevation model product can be generated by interpolation of the irregular grid digital elevation model. The generated regular Grid digital elevation models should be classified into the regular grid digital elevation model series of the corresponding level. 6.5 1:50000 digital elevation model can be generated by resampling 1:10000 digital elevation model, and the generated digital elevation model should be classified into the level-- product series.
6.6 The start and end grid points are important positioning reference points of the regular grid digital elevation model and should be correctly determined. a) When the grid coordinates are geodetic coordinates, the coordinates of the start and end grid points are calculated according to the following formulas (1) or (2), (3) or (1), (3)) or (6), (7) or (8) (the point position relationship is shown in Figure 1). B-INT(BNW/d+1)-d
L--INT(LNW/d) - d
Lt=INT(LSWId)- d.
B --INT(BSE/d) -d ...
B --INT(BSW/d) - d -
L±=INT(NE/d + 1)-d
Where: BeB, L, Lt
The longitude and latitude coordinates of the starting and ending grid points. The unit is (\); BNW, BNE, BSE, BSW, LNW, INE, LSE, LSW---The longitude and latitude coordinates of the inner gallery points, the unit is \); d The grid size, the unit is (\).
(B from 1. from)
Latitude B
IB t,t]
Longitude 1.
Figure 1 Schematic diagram of the relationship between the outline and the starting and ending points when the grid coordinates are geodetic coordinates 2)
b) When the grid coordinates are Gaussian plane coordinates, the coordinates of the starting and ending grid points are calculated according to the following formulas (9), (10), (11), and (12) (the point position relationship is shown in Figure 2).
X=INT(MIN(X,,X2,X..X,>/d) ·d...YE-INT(MAX(Y,-Y,,Y..Y)/d+1)-d386
Where.X..YX.YXY.X..Y. Gaussian coordinates of internal map outline points. The unit is mXstart.Ystart.Xpositive.Yt—·Gaussian coordinates of start and end grid points, in m; d-grid size, in m.
Digital elevation model products should contain metadata. The metadata content and filling rules shall comply with (H/T10072001 implementation 6.7
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of the relationship between map outline and start and end points when the grid coordinates are Gaussian plane coordinates 7 Product packaging
Digital elevation model products use CDs as the main storage medium The outer packaging shall include the trademark, product mark, production unit, production time, edition/year, price, etc. 8 Product testing method
The testing method of digital elevation model products shall be implemented in accordance with GB/T18316---2001. 9 Product inspection rules (quality assessment procedures) The inspection rules of digital elevation model products shall be implemented in accordance with GB/T18316--2001: 10 Product distribution format
The distribution format of digital elevation model products shall be implemented in accordance with GB/T17798-1999. 11 Confidentiality
The production, distribution and use of digital elevation model products shall be implemented in accordance with the "State Security Law of the People's Republic of China" and relevant regulations.
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