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HG/T 2690-1995 13X molecular sieve

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2690-1995

Standard Name: 13X molecular sieve

Chinese Name: 13X分子筛

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Implementation:2001-03-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Chemical Technology>>Chemical Products>>71.100.40 Surfactants and other additives

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Chemical additives, surfactants, catalysts, water treatment agents>>G75 catalyst

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HG/T 2690-1995 13X Molecular Sieve HG/T2690-1995 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
HG /T 2690—95
Published on April 11, 1995
Molecular sieve
Implementation on January 1, 1996
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Subject content and scope of application
HG / T 2690 — 95
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and packaging, marking, storage and transportation of 13× molecular sieve. This standard is applicable to the 13X molecular sieve for general gas drying, purification of raw gas in air separation units (removal of H, O and CO), and desulfurization of liquid hydrocarbons and natural gas (removal of H, S and mercaptans). Typical chemical composition: Na,O·A1,0,·(2.8±0.2)SiO2(67)H20Sio
Silicon-aluminum ratio:
Effective pore size: 9~10 A
2 Reference standard
-2. 6~3. 0
GB191 Pictorial symbol for packaging, storage and transportation
GB1250 Method for indicating and determining limiting values ​​GB/T6286 Method for determining bulk density of molecular sieves GB/T6287 Method for determining static water adsorption of molecular sieves GB/T6288 Method for determining particle size of granular sieves GB/T6678 General rules for sampling of chemical products
GB/T10505.13A Method for determining crushing strength of molecular sieves GB/T10 505.23A molecular sieve wear rate determination method GB/T10505.3A molecular sieve static ethylene and nitrogen adsorption determination method GB/T10505.43A molecular sieve package moisture content determination method 3 Technical requirements
3.1 Appearance: 13X molecular sieve is generally off-white, light gray or earthy red strip or spherical particles, 3.2 Strip 13X molecular sieve should meet the technical requirements of Table 1; spherical 13X molecular sieve should meet the technical requirements of Table 2. Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on April 11, 1995, and implemented on January 1, 1996
Abrasion rate, %
Static CO, adsorption, %
Anti-crushing force, N/strip
Anti-jade strength
Anti-crushing force variation coefficient
Static permanent adsorption %
Bulk bulk density, g/mL
HG/T 2690 —95
Table 1 Technical requirements of strip 13× molecular sieve
Rated length as a percentage of the total amount. %
Coefficient of variation of strip diameter
Moisture content of packaged product, %
@f. $-1. +mm
Superior product
First-class product
For 1.5~1.7mm strip molecular sieve, the rated length refers to the sample with a strip length of ~6mm, Note:
For 3.0~3.3mm strip molecular sieve, the rated length refers to the sample with a strip length of 2~9mm. Qualified product
Superior product
Table 2 Technical requirements for spherical 13X molecular sieve
Abrasion rate, %
Static CO, adsorption. %
Compressive strength
Point contact crushing force, N/particle
Crushing force variation coefficient
Static water adsorption, %
Loose bulk density, .g/mL
Particle size, %
Water content of packaged product, %
1. 70 ~2. 36 mm
Superior product
Qualified product
Qualified product
2. 364. 75 mm
Superior product
-grade product
Qualified product
4 Test method
4.1 The determination of loose bulk density of 13X molecular sieve shall be in accordance with GB/T6286,
4.2 The determination of static water adsorption of 13x molecular sieve shall be in accordance with GB/T 6287 determination,
4. 313x molecular sieve particle size determination
determined according to GB/T 6288.
4.413X molecular sieve crushing strength determination HG/T 2690-95
4.4.1 Spherical molecular sieve crushing strength determination according to GB/T10505.1, 4.4.2 Strip molecular sieve crushing strength determination. Method Summary
This method uses a particle strength tester. Pressure is applied to the strip sieve product after roasting, and the particle crushing resistance value is measured. The strength of the sample is evaluated by the average crushing resistance and the coefficient of variation of the crushing resistance. Apparatus
. Particle strength tester: range 0~300N, accuracy ±1.0%, pressure measuring platform: thin strip, width 3.18mm; machine strip width 6.35mm.
b. Porcelain: capacity 20mL;
Weighing bottle: inner diameter 40mm, height about 20mm; C. Box-type resistance furnace: temperature difference not more than ±10°C; d.
Vacuum dryer: inner diameter about 150mm Sample preparation
Use the quartering method to reduce the sample to 60 particles and set aside. Determination steps
Put the sample in a porcelain crucible, place it in a resistance furnace, and bake it at 550°C for 1 hour. Take out the porcelain crucible and immediately put it in a vacuum desiccator. Cover the crucible and the desiccator cover, evacuate and cool to room temperature, pour the sample into a weighing bottle, and cover it with the bottle cover. Place the sample sideways on the test platform of the particle size analyzer that has been pre-processed to have a certain width. Determine the crushing resistance of 30 samples one by one. Expression and calculation of analysis results
8. The crushing resistance of the sample is expressed in U and calculated according to formula (1): p=
Where: P—mean crushing resistance, N:
P:-single sample crushing resistance, N;
-number of sample particles
b. The coefficient of variation of the crushing force of the sample is represented by c and is calculated according to formula (2): (PP)2
Wherein: c
coefficient of variation;
P:——the crushing force of a single sample. N;
P—the average value of the crushing force. .N,
4.5Determination of 13X molecular sieve consumption rate
Determined according to GB/T10505.2
4.6Determination of water content of 13X molecular sieve packaging productsDetermined according to GB/T10505.4
47Determination of static carbon dioxide adsorption on 13X molecular sieve4. 7.1 Summary of method
Put the sample in a basket suspended on a quartz spring, heat and regenerate the sample under vacuum conditions, and then adsorb the evenly diffused carbon dioxide gas under a certain pressure. The adsorption weight gain of the sample is proportional to the corresponding elongation of the spring. The corresponding elongation of the spring is measured by a vertical height meter to calculate the static carbon dioxide adsorption plate. 4.7.2 Apparatus
See GB/T10505.3 for vacuum adsorption instrument.
4.7.3 Sample preparation
Powdered samples are placed in a drying oven, roasted at 200°C for 1h, and then placed in a coal burner for standby use. Granular samples are crushed and sieved to obtain a particle size of 0.85~1.18mm, reduced to 2~3g, and placed in a desiccator for standby use. 4.7.4 Determination steps Experimental device, sample loading and sample regeneration are carried out in accordance with GB/T10505.3. The vacuum degree of the vacuum system is less than 30 Pa.wwW.bzxz.Net
4.7.4. 2 Adsorption
The adsorption tube is covered with an ice water bath. The height of the basket after sample regeneration is measured with a vertical height gauge (accurate to 0.02mm). The piston of the adsorbate (CO2 gas) is slowly opened, and the spiral clamp is slowly loosened to allow the CO2 gas to diffuse into the adsorption system after passing through the drying tube. The gas pressure is controlled to rise to a liquid level difference of 250±5mm on both sides of the mercury column of the U-type pressure gauge, so that the adsorption reaches equilibrium, that is, when the elasticity no longer increases, the height of the basket is measured (accurate to 0.02mm).
4.7.5 Representation and calculation of analysis results
The static CO2 adsorption amount X is calculated according to formula (3): X-
Where: H. -Empty basket height, mm;
H-—Height of sample basket after regeneration, mm;
H—Height of sample basket when adsorption equilibrium is reached, nm: 4.7.6 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of the parallel determination values ​​shall be taken as the determination result. The absolute difference of the parallel determination results shall not exceed 0.8%. 5 Inspection rules
5.113X molecular sieve shall be inspected by the quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all products shipped out of the factory meet the requirements of this standard.
5.2 Each batch of 13× sieves shipped out of the factory should have a quality certificate in a certain format, which includes the following contents: manufacturer name, product name, specification grade, trademark, batch number or production date, product net weight and standard number. 5.313× sieves shall be inspected by batch, and the batch shall not be taken more than 2 days. 5.4 According to Article 6.6 of GB/T6678, the number of sampling units shall be determined. When sampling, the sample shall be taken from 1/4 of the center depth of the sampler. The sample quantity for each barrel shall not be less than 100 (the sampling of moisture content of packaged products shall be in accordance with GB/T10505.4), and the total sampling amount shall not be less than 21g. In the production and packaging line, sampling shall be carried out at certain time intervals. 5.5 Divide the sample into 1kg by quartering method and pack it into two clean and dry containers (the sample packaging container shall comply with the provisions of 9.1 of HG/T2690-95 GB/T6678). Paste labels and indicate the manufacturer name, sample name, specification, grade, product batch number or production date and quantity, sampling date and sampler. One copy is for inspection and the other is for retention sample for six months for inspection. 5.6 If one of the indicators in the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, samples shall be taken from the packaging barrel with twice the amount of new white specified in 5.4 for re-inspection. If only one indicator does not meet the requirements of this standard, the whole batch of 13× molecular sieve of the corresponding grade shall be unqualified products. 5.7 The user has the right to inspect whether the received 13X molecular sieve meets the requirements of this standard within one month after receiving the goods in accordance with the provisions of this standard. If there are special circumstances, the two parties can decide by mutual agreement. Acceptance time, 5.8 When the supply and demand parties have any objection to the product quality, arbitration shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China". 5.9 This standard adopts the rounded value comparison method specified in GB1250 to determine whether the inspection results meet the standard requirements. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.113× molecular sieve is packaged in missing packaging (or the packaging method is agreed upon by the supply and demand parties), with a net weight of 25±0.25kg, 40±0.4kg, or 135±t.0kg per barrel.
62 The packaging should have the following marks: manufacturer name and address, product name, specification, grade, batch number (or production date), trademark, net weight, this standard number, etc., and the "moisture-averse" mark specified in GB191 should be marked. 6.3 It shall not be exposed to moisture during storage and transportation. Additional remarks: This standard is proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. The Shanghai Research Institute of Chemical Industry of the Ministry of Chemical Industry is responsible for the technical management of this standard. This standard was drafted by the Shanghai Research Institute of Chemical Industry of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Xue Meijun and Yang Lili. The People's Republic of China Chemical Industry Standards 13X Molecular 13X HG /T 2G90 95 Edited by the Chemical Industry Standards Editing and Publishing Group (Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry) Postal Code: [00011 Printing Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry Copyright Exclusive Reproduction is prohibited Format 880×1230 1/16 Number of words on a sheet: 10000 First edition in October 1995
First printing in October 1995
Number of prints: 1-500
Cost: 5.00 yuan
S6-0692 L/0H
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