title>Rules for design of graphical symbols for use in the technical documentation—Part 2:Specification for graphical symbols in a computer sensible form,including graphical symbols for a reference library,and requirements for their interchange - GB/T 16901.2-2013 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
Home > GB > Rules for design of graphical symbols for use in the technical documentation—Part 2:Specification for graphical symbols in a computer sensible form,including graphical symbols for a reference library,and requirements for their interchange
Rules for design of graphical symbols for use in the technical documentation—Part 2:Specification for graphical symbols in a computer sensible form,including graphical symbols for a reference library,and requirements for their interchange

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 16901.2-2013

Standard Name:Rules for design of graphical symbols for use in the technical documentation—Part 2:Specification for graphical symbols in a computer sensible form,including graphical symbols for a reference library,and requirements for their interchange

Chinese Name: 技术文件用图形符号表示规则 第2部分 图形符号(包括基准符号库中的图形符号)的计算机电子文件格式规范及其交换要求

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2013-12-17

Date of Implementation:2014-04-09

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:General, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation>>Graphic Symbols>>01.080.01 General Graphic Symbols

Standard Classification Number:General>>Basic Standards>>A22 Terms and Symbols

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces GB/T 16901.2-2000

Procurement status:IEC 81714-2:2006 MOD

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2014-04-09

other information

drafter:Gao Yongmei, Qiang Yi, Bai Dianyi, Zhang Liang, Chen Yongquan, Dong Lianlian, Xu Yunchi.

Drafting unit:China Machinery Productivity Promotion Center, General Research Institute of Machinery Science, China National Institute of Standards, and China Electronics Technology Standardization Institute.

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for the Preparation of Electrical Information Structure Documents and Graphical Symbols Standardization, National Technical Committee for Graphical Symbols Standardization (SAC/TC 27, SAC/TC 59)

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Electrical Information Structure Documentation and Graphic Symbols and National Technical Committee for Standardization of Graphic Symbols (SAC/TC27 and SAC/TC59)

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

competent authority:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Electrical Information Structure Documentation and Graphic Symbols, National Technical Committee for Standardization of Graphic Symbols (SAC/TC 27, SAC/TC 5

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 16901.2-2013 Rules for the representation of graphic symbols in technical documents Part 2 Specifications for computer electronic file formats of graphic symbols (including graphic symbols in the reference symbol library) and requirements for their exchange GB/T16901.2-2013 |tt||Standard compressed package decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This part of GB/16901 specifies the requirements for graphic symbols described in the reference symbol library in the computer electronic file format and the requirements for their exchange between computer-aided tools. This part is applicable to the reference symbol library and can be used as the basis for the preparation of technical documents, the exchange of files and graphic symbol libraries between computer-aided tools. This part does not contain the physical file format specifications required for exchange.
class="f14" style="padding-top:10px; padding-left:12px; padding-bottom:10px;"> GB/T16901 "Rules for the Representation of Graphical Symbols for Technical Documents" is divided into 3 parts:
———Part 1: Basic rules;
———Part 2: Specification for the computer electronic file format of graphic symbols (including graphic symbols in the reference symbol library) and their exchange requirements;
———Part 3: Classification and coding of connection points and networks. This
part is the second part of GB/T16901.
This part is drafted according to the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009.
This part is revised and adopted by IEC81714-2:2006 "Rules for the Representation of Graphical Symbols for Product Technical Documents Part 2: Specification for the computer electronic file format of graphic symbols including graphic symbols in the reference symbol library and their exchange requirements" using the translation method. ||tt ||
The Chinese documents that have a consistent correspondence with the international documents normatively referenced in this standard are as follows:
———GB/T1988—1998 Information technology Seven-bit coded character set for information interchange (ISO/IEC646:1991,eqv)
———GB/T2659—2000 Codes for country and region names of the world (ISO3166-1:1997,eqv)
———GB/T4880.1—2005 Codes for language names Part 1: Two-letter codes (ISO639-1:2002,MOD)
———GB/T14691—1993 Technical drawing fonts (ISO3098-1:1974,eqv)
———GB/T17151.1—1997 Computer graphics information processing system programmers hierarchical interactive graphics systems Part 1: Functional
description (ISO/IEC9592-1:1989, eqv)
———GB/T16901.1—2008 Rules for the representation of graphical symbols for technical documents Part 1 Basic rules (ISO81714-1:1999, MOD)
———GB/T17564.1—2011 Standard data element types and related classification schemes for electrical projects Part 1: Definition principles and methods (IEC61360-1:2009, IDT)
This part replaces GB/T16901.2—2000 "Rules for the representation of graphical symbols Graphical symbols for product technical documents Part 2: Computer electronic file format specification for graphic symbols (including graphic symbols in the reference symbol library) and their exchange requirements".
Editorial changes have also been made to this part, including the following:
———The description of the series of standards has been removed from the foreword;
———The changes from the previous version of the standard have been added to the foreword;
———The IEC foreword has been deleted;
———A note has been added after the definition of term 3.1.2;
———The order of terms has been adjusted, and the terms in 3.4 of the 2000 version have been deleted and arranged in order;
———The term 3.4.1 "graphic element" has been changed to "graphic element";
———The "notes" in 6.2.2 and 6.2.3 have been modified;
———The content of 6.4 has been significantly changed;
———The title of 6.6 has been changed to "Structure for creating graphic symbols";
———The title of Figure 12 has been changed to "General symbols and their arrangement in graphic symbols";
——Major changes have been made to the contents of 6.16, 6.17 and 6.18;
——Major changes have been made to the contents of Appendix D.
This part is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for the Preparation of Electrical Information Structure Documents and Graphical Symbols and the National Technical Committee for Graphical Symbols (SAC/TC27 and SAC/TC59). The
responsible drafting units of this part: China Machinery Productivity Promotion Center, China Academy of Mechanical Science, China Standards Research Institute, China Electronics Technology Standardization Research Institute.
The main drafters of this part: Gao Yongmei, Qiang Yi, Bai Dianyi, Zhang Liang, Chen Yongquan, Dong Lianlian, Xu Yunchi. The
previous versions of the standards replaced by this part are:
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated referenced documents, only the dated versions apply to this document. For any undated referenced documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T4728 (all parts) Graphical symbols for electrical schematics [IEC60617 (allpants)]
GB/T5094.1—2002 Principles and reference codes for the structure of industrial systems, devices and equipment and industrial products Part 1: Basic rules (IEC61346-1:1996, IDT)
GB/T5094.2—2003 Principles and reference codes for the structure of industrial systems, devices and equipment and industrial products Part 2: Classification and classification codes of items (IEC61346-2:2000, IDT)
GB/T6988.1 Preparation of electrical technical documents Part 1: Rules (IEC61082-1, IDT)
GB/T10609.4—2009 Technical drawings - Requirements for microfilm originals (ISO6428:1982, IDT)
GB/T16656.201—1998 Industrial automation systems and integrated product data representation and exchange Part 201: Application protocol: Explicit drawing (ISO10303-201:1994, IDT)
GB/T16901.3—2009 Rules for the representation of graphic symbols for technical documents - Part 3: Classification and coding of connection points and networks (IEC81714-3:2004, IDT)
GB/T17450—1998 Technical drawing lines (ISO128-20:1996, IDT)
GB/T17564.1—2005 Standard data element types and related classification schemes for electrical components Part 1: Definition principles and methods (IEC61360-1:2004, IDT)
GB/T17564.4 Standard data element types and related classification schemes for electrical components Part 4: IEC standard data element types and component category reference set (IEC61360-4, IDT)
GB/T18594—2001 Technical product document fonts CAD fonts for Latin letters, numbers and symbols (ISO3098-5:1997, IDT)
GB/T18656—2002 Identification of terminals within industrial systems, devices and equipment and industrial product systems (IEC61666:1997, IDT)
GB/T18686—2002 Representation of drawings for use in technical drawing CAD systems (ISO128-21:1997, IDT)
GB/T19679—2005 Information technology - Coded graphic character set for the drafting of electrotechnical documents and the exchange of information (IEC61286:2001, IDT)
Foreword III
1 Scope1
2 Normative references1
3 Terms and definitions2
4 Marking6
4.1 Marking of reference points and connection points6
4.2 Text alignment mark6
5 Reference symbol7
6 6.1
General 7
6.2 Graphical symbol variants 7
6.3 Proportions 10
6.4 Modular dimensions of the basic symbol library 10
6.5 Layer technology 11
6.6 Structure for creating graphical symbols 11
6.7 Text 13
6.8 Connection points 15
6.9 Reference points of basic symbols 17
6.10 Schematic connection point identification 18
6.11 Arrangement and layout of symbols 19
6.12 Identification block 20
6.13 Description data block 21
6.14 Default position of identification and description blocks __________22
6.15 Creation of reference symbols not included in GB/T 4728 and ISO 1461722
6.16 Classification of graphic symbols23
6.17 Description of symbols24
6.18 Reference symbol identifiers24
Appendix A (Informative Appendix) About GB/T 4728 and ISO 14617 26
Appendix B (Informative Appendix) Exchange of schematics and reference symbol libraries27
Appendix C (Informative Appendix) Application reference model30
Appendix D (Informative Appendix) Product identification49
Appendix E (Informative Appendix) Data type, value format, recommended length, default value50
Appendix F (Informative Appendix) Drawing requirements54
Appendix G (Informative Appendix) Text Requirements 56
Appendix H (Normative Appendix) Pattern Definition Examples 59
Appendix I (Normative Appendix) Reference Symbol Library Version---Consistency Requirements 60
Appendix J (Normative Appendix) Requirements for Global Definitions in the Reference Symbol Library 61
Appendix K (Normative Appendix) Data Element Type Specifications 63
References 68

Some standard content:

ICS 01.080.01
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 16901.2—2013
Rules for dcsign of graphical symbols for use in the technical documentationPart 2: Specification for computer electronic file format of graphical symbols (including graphical symbols in reference library) and requirements for interchange
Rules for dcsign of graphical symbols for use in the technical documentationPart 2: Specification for graphical symbols in a computcr scnsible form:includinggraphical symbols for areferencelihraryand requirements for thcir interchange(IE( 81711-2:2016.MOD)
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of ChinaStandardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Normative Documents
Terms and Definitions
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Marking of reference points and connection points
Textual reference marking
Standard symbol layout
Symbols (including symbols from the standard number library) 6.1
Graphic symbol variantswwW.bzxz.Net
Modules of the standard number library
Technical application
Creating the structure of the number
Connection points
Reference points of standard number symbols
Indicative connection point marking
Arrangement and layout of symbols
Identification speed
Description data block
Default position of identification and description block
Production of standard symbols in (1728) S01+617 Classification of graphic symbols
Description of symbols
To state symbol identifier
Weak record A (informative record) About (3T:728 and [S01617 Appendix β (informative record)
Appendix ((informative record)
Appendix 11 ((informative record)
Appendix E (informative record) Appendix F (Informative Appendix)
Appendix ((Informative Appendix)
Appendix H (Normative Appendix)
Exchange of schematics and reference symbol libraries
Reference model
Product identification
Data type, value format, recommended length, default value Drawing requirements
Text requirements
Pattern definition
DownloadFromhttp://bbs.infoeach.comGB/T 16901.2—2013
GB/T 16901.2—2013
Weak record 1: Normative appendix]
DownloadFromhttp://bbs.infoeach.comBenchmark symbol library version one
Bag requirements
Record! (Current standard note attached) The requirements of the overall meaning of the benchmark symbol are in Appendix K (Normative Appendix) The number of children's inflammation type regulations reference documents
GT16 technical definition of the H-shaped symbol teaching rules are divided into 3 parts: Part 1: Quantity standard;
GB/T 16901.2--2013
"-trend? Part: Graphic symbols (including the final symbols in the benchmark symbol standard) in the computer file format regulations and their exchange requirements: Part 2: Connection points, European network classification and coding. This part is.T_6 Part 2 || TT || This part is drafted in accordance with the current rules given in 1.1209: This part is for the purpose of translation, revision and amendment. S1-: Product Technical Specifications Part 1: Graphics Symbols, including the graphics in the reference number library, for the standardization of computer files and their exchange requirements! The international standard for the use of non-standard documents is as follows: GBT988--1988 Technical Information Exchange! Also known as the International Standard Code: IS0-16:9]25:2 World Wide Web Code (S31]:197.)T1880.:20, Language Name Code Part 1:2 Motherboard Code) 639-1:22.M (D)--6:6 1993 Technical Graphics (180 3:53 1:197.)(1/11.1-19973 Grass machine graphics information processing system program layered interaction [polymorphic system 1 part: current function hunting description (150/TFC 0302 1::989.1GV (169320 Technical support parts with graphic representation rules Part 1S) 871:1:.095.Mo
GT17564:2011 Classical standard number of children's inflammation type and scientific and beautiful sharp model Part 1: Road division: Standard original deletion and method: 1E6162.1D
This part replaces (below 1220 Figure E price number to indicate the period of product technology # function graphic symbols Part 2 Figure
Shape derivative number color bracket reference symbol library graphic symbols computer design file format specification and children's delivery requirements This part also does, edits and collects·H body and publishes as follows: The previous difference is removed from the series standard:
Foreword adds "Edition rule changes:
-Delete the sound before IE:| |tt||Terminology 3,1.,2 completed and added notes:
Adjusted the order of the terms, deleted the term 31 in the 28th edition, and the terms 31 were not in order:
Terminology 31. "\Figure original" was changed to \Figure several\: 6.2.2 and 6.2.3 notes are revised
h, and there are major changes in the content;
The title of 6.6 is "to give social materials and structure"\Figure [2] The title is "graphic effect - general marks & their arrangement": the contents of 5.16, 6.17 and 6.18 were "reviewed"; the content of Appendix 1 was greatly modified or
This part is compiled by the National Information Consultation Document and the National Standardization Technical Foundation of Graphic Symbols (SA: 2 and SA[)GB/T1G901.2—2013
DownloadFromhttp:/bbs.infoeach.comThe responsible units for this part are: China Machinery Productivity Research Institute, China Machinery Science Research Institute, China National Standards Evaluation Institute, China Electric Power Technology Standardization Research Institute.
The main contributors to this part are: Gao Yongmei, Qiang Yi, Xiang Dian, Zhang Liang, Chen Shuiquan, Zai Lian, Xu Yichi. The version number of the standard replaced by this part is: G13T16901.2--2c03.
DownloadFromhttp://bbs.infoeach.comRules for the representation of graphic symbols in technical documents
Part 2: Specifications for computer electronic file formats of graphic symbols (including graphic symbols in the reference symbol library) and their exchange requirements
GB/T 16901.2—2013
This part of GB/169G1 specifies the requirements for the graphic symbols inserted in the computer electronic file format in the reference symbol library and the exchange requirements between computer-aided tools
This part is applicable to the reference symbol library and can be used as the basis for the preparation of technical documents, computer-aided tool documents and the exchange of graphic symbol libraries. This part does not specify the physical file format required for other conversions. 2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the use of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. This document is a reference document of the second phase, and its latest version (including all amendments) is applicable to this document: GB/T4728 (all parts) Electrical box diagram symbols / 1EC60617llpanis) - GB/T5094.126021. Industrial system, device and equipment and 1. Industrial product structure principles and reference codes Part 1: Basic principles ([E(: 613:6 1:1996.1T)
GB/TE094.22U03T Industrial system, device and equipment and 1. This product structure principles and reference codes Part 2: Classification and classification code of items (1F:61346-2:200, [) GB/T 6988.1 Preparation of documents for heavy gas technology Part 1: Rules (IFC: I082-1.1UT) GB/T 10609.200S Technical drawings Requirements for microfilm originals (IS () 6428: 1982.IJYT)) GB/T 16656.201-1998T Industry Automation systems and integrated products Data representation and exchange Part 201: Application notes: Product drawings [(150 [0303-261: 1994.UDTG1/16501.32089 Technical documents using graphical symbols Part 3: Classification and organization of connection points and networks (IEC 8171: 3:2004.IDT)
GB/T[7456-1998 Technical Drawing Drawing (1S0) 128-20:1995.IDT) (GJ3/T17564.120G5 Standard data element types and classification schemes for electrical components Part 1: Definition principles and methods (IEC 61360-1.200-, IDT
Standard data element types and related classification schemes for electrical components Part 4: 1, Standard data element types (G1371 17564.4
Types and component categories Standard set IF'6:860-1.JT) Technical product document fonts Latin letters, digital symbols CAD fonts (IS) H098-5: GB/T 1859.1--20G1
T Identification of industrial systems, devices and equipment and internal terminals of industrial product systems (1E: 61666: 1997, GB/T 18656 2002
G3/T 18a8G
Technical drawings (AI) Representation of system graphics (150) 12821: 1997, 1DT) 2002
GE/T 15679-2005
(1EC 61286: 2001, IDT)
Information technology Sichuan Electric T Coded character set for drafting technical documents and information exchange 1
DownloadFromhttp://bbs.infoeach.comGB/T 16901.2—2013
DownloadFromhttp://bbs.infoeach.comIE.6]56 Multi-system equipment Color measurement and management Part 1: Color management Part 2: Color measurement and management Part 3: Color measurement and management Part 4: Color measurement and management Part 5: Color measurement and management Part 6: Color measurement and management Part 7: Color measurement and management Part 8: Color measurement and management Part 9: Color measurement and management Part 10: Color measurement and management Part 11: Color measurement and management Part 12: Color measurement and management Part 13: Color measurement and management Part 14: Color measurement and management Part 15: Color measurement and management Part 16901.2—2013
DownloadFromhttp://bbs.infoeach.comIE.6]56 Multi-system equipment Color measurement and management Part 1: Color management Part 1: Color measurement and management Part 15: Color measurement and management Part 16901.2—2013
DownloadFromhttp://bbs.infoeach.comIE.6]56 Multi-system equipment Color measurement and management Part 1: Color management Part 1: Color measurement and management Part 1 lianogyCompi.tgtaphuaidragororcsiagGraphicelKernu Svslen(GKSI Part 1:Funetioral cestription)IS0/ISO95921,1S97Computer Graphics Information Processing SystemProgrammer's Hierarchical Interaction1Graphics System Part:Uniform Description(Inierrnatior. l::uology (ni:puler gtaplics ztul imegt p:orsssing Programming's Hit:rrelicrl Interac:ive Grrpaics Systern (PHHGS)-Part 1,Funetioral ceser:ption)IS6391:202Multiple Name Codes Part 1 2 Word Codes (otforthe rprcuntatiunof auexulanguages-Part:A.pha2code:
S0 3030:197 Document Fonts Part 0: General Requirements (Tehnical roduedocurenmanicn:cttering Par: G: General regulations 3 66:199 "Code for names of places in the world (todes fur tht: epresea:an tf nim: o :nmmriesud their sihdivision:-Part 1: (onntry rode)Is()[2s:ls2 technical drawings Liu Difficulty in copying originals lcchnical crawingsReir:incrts frr microropsig?
IS0)6:23-1:198 information technology non-woven fabrics and their subordinate departments identification tree Part 1: Organization identification process illusion identification (Iniormaion tectnology Sirueture for :he dentifieatiot of organizations tnd organivatiorparis.--Part : leien:fiestion of orgaurization identiticarion schuns1S0)8.711-1:19 Rules for the use of graphic symbols in technical documents Part · Basic rules (T)sig: cghicsymbols for uxe ir: the cehn.eal dorumeneation cf products--Pert l: 3asic ru.ts)3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions specified in GB/T16601.1 and GB/T5094.1 and the following technical definitions are applicable to standard documents. 3.1 Graphic symbols used in documents
Function symbolunlin synmbol
Indicates an object with clear functions and has only input and output function nodes. Note: Non-example of symbol: 3.1.7 Derivative symbol: 15.\Part 3.1.2
Product symbolpruductsymbol
Indicates a graphical object with clear functions and has nodes, especially when implemented in an editor or software. Note: Product number example, B2 symbol dream S non-box door) 3.1.3
Graphical symbol instance graphical symboloccurrence in ten simplified. And contains the graphic symbol of the number period associated with the represented object. 3.1.4
Reference symbol relercncc symho]
It has a simplified diagram and graphic symbol instance representing the data expression space associated with the image. There are few graphic symbols with clear research marks. Note: Figure 12 and Figure 12 show the graphic approximation of the step! Music example DownloadFromhttp://bbs.infoeach.com3.2 Node
Connection point
connect node
DownloadFromhttp://bbs.infoeach.comThe point used to connect objects,
Note: Connection is ester:
GR/T 16901.2—2C13
11 The physical connection between conductor (or) melting point or (or) circuit system, energy base or logistics path. 2! The connection between software modules, etc. is not for transmission. 3.2.2
(Schematic) Connection point (schematit:) The location of the connection with a graphic symbol.
Note 1: The meaning of the connection point is shown in the new design. Note 2: (Note that the meaning of the connection point can also have a graphic shape. They are just a guide map that is associated with the required average point. 3.2.3
Node name
The identifier of the connection point.
Connected connection point classification code
cuded connection node class
The classification code of the connection point,
(schematic) electrical node (schematic) connection point for connecting electrical network expression
Schematic function node (schematic) function node for connecting functional network expression. 3.2.7
(schemalie) linkage nole
(schematic) connection point
The connection point for connecting the mechanical connection network expression. Note: Figure is an example of a node and a network, mechanical connection of relay elements
t, mechanical connection of relay elements using half-split representation Figure 1 Connection point connection representation example
DownloadFromhttp://bbs.infoeach.comGB/T 16901.2—2013
DownloadFromhttp://bbs.infoeach.comc>Mechanical connection diagram between motor and generator (Bin
schemali) matter nade
(schematic) material node
The connection point for connecting the material transmission network expression, Note: Matter refers to gas, liquid or solid, 3.2.9
(schematic) optical node
(schematic)optical node
A connection point for connecting optical fiber networks
(schematic>wave node (schematic)wav nideA connection point for connecting wave propagation networks. Note: Glass transmission networks such as infrared (body), radio transmission, 3.3 Space use
Space opening
A possible definition for writing information associated with the object represented by the graphic symbol instance. 3.3.2
Descriptive hlock
Provides a space for expressing descriptive information
Identifying block
Provides a space for expressing a retrieval code.
Connect block
Provides a space for data associated with the connection point 3.3.5
Text text
A collection of words, numbers and (or) other titles that convey information that can be interpreted by the reader, 3.4 Graphic construction
graphical primitivcs
Children used for drawing in computer-aided drafting systems, such as straight lines, arcs, polylines, ellipsis symbols, etc. 3.4.2
scaling facter
scaling factor
the factor by which the coordinates of all determined points on a symbol are enlarged or reduced relative to the size of the underlying symbol primitiveDownloadFromhttp://bbs.infoeach.comDownloadFromhttp://bbs.infoeach.com3.5 Arrangement of graphic symbols in schematic drawings
embedded areacmbedded area
the area containing graphic symbols
cunnecling lint directions
connecting line directions
the rules for drawing connecting lines connecting schematic connecting points. 3.6 Graphic symbol management
Layer lnyer
Standard data groups that can be manipulated or displayed individually: 3.6.2
symbol elassification
Symbol classification
Classification of objects represented by graphic symbols,
Symbol classification codesyrnlulclassificalioncudeThe classification code of the object represented by the graphic symbol. 3.6.4
symbol deseription
symbol description
text description of the meaning of the symbol
symbol namesymbol name
identification of a graphic symbol in the reference symbol library
symbol typesynboltype
GB/T 16901.2—2013
classification attribute of the graphic symbol (such as simplified symbol management in AF system), which attribute allows specific values ​​(such as end-to-end exposure, separate form, concentrated form, etc.) 3.6.7
variant name
name identification of symbol variant
3.7 text
character boxcharacter hady
Defines the shape of the horizontal and vertical boundaries of a single character Note: The character box of a font has a relative width (element IS) E2-) 3.7.2
Character appearance ratio character expansion factor character expansion factor The ratio of the width of a character,
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DownloadFromhttp://bbs.infoeach.com Character alignment character justification The alignment of characters within their character standard.
Character spacing factor
Character spacing factor
The spacing between adjacent characters
Uller spacing
Typical font
Character box of all characters has a uniform width. Note: The width of the character is determined by the aspect ratio (determined by the product: 3.7.6
Proportional lettering
Ratio font
Character fonts in which the character box of each character has its own width. Note: The character box of the character box has its own width. 3.7.7
Line spacing factor line distance [atlor determines the distance between the baseline and the font of the character. 4 Marks
Marks of reference points and connecting points
The following marks are for non-compilation purposes in this part:
Reference point
Connecting point
The reference point and connecting point
When it is necessary to indicate the (schematic) connecting point type, the asterisk * in the above standard is used separately (the characters indicating the connecting point type specified in 13T16901.3 are used instead of the asterisk * in the above standard). 2 Text alignment marks
According to According to the provisions of GH18594--2901, the alignment should be numbered as shown in Figure 2. See the addition. In this part, the following symbols indicate the arrangement of the connection block, description block, identification block and the alignment of the text. 7
Text alignment code
5 Reference symbol
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In order to produce stable and high-quality products at a low cost and in a short time, we should pay attention to the following aspects: 1) The diagram contains many pictograms and symbols. Each symbol involves the general expression of the information of the object. In order to make this information readable, you need to pay attention to the different flows of information in the diagram and the overall interpretation of the diagram when making graphic symbols: 2) In order to reduce the load of drawing, all graphic symbols can be stored in the base symbol virtual mountain; 3) In order to minimize the operation of diagram data, only one base symbol should be used. In this way, the system does not need to use the instance of a graphic symbol defined in the database as a general symbol in the system, but only needs to use the corresponding symbol definition in the related reference symbol method:
The reference symbol in the database can be used to define the uncertainty of the environment in which the graphic symbol is defined. Therefore, when using the graphic symbol in the diagram, the data variables related to the object represented by the graphic symbol are assigned to their values ​​to connect the graphic symbol with the diagram. At this time, the missing data set by the graphic symbol definition in the reference symbol database is usually replaced by the valid data of the graphic symbol instance in the diagram. Only by making graphic symbols in a consistent way can the increasingly cross-industry interoperability standards be met in terms of diagram production and use of graphic symbols, and more requirements for the environment and data sharing are provided (see Appendix). To obtain consistent graphic symbols, reference symbols and reference symbol libraries can be used. Most of the graphic symbols in (1/ and IS) 11617 are used as the basis for reference symbols. However, the standard does not have any requirements for the effectiveness of the symbol in the computer-aided design system. This part defines the requirements for this purpose. For details, see Appendix A. The reference symbol library in the software can be used to provide a common understanding of the function of the product when working in a multi-point environment. Transformation mechanism:
Effective generation of symbol definition:
"- While increasing the blood support of the dynamic design concept, while maintaining good quality;--Supporting the reuse of graphic derivative symbols at different stages of its management by means of minimal size change, such as graphic shadow symbol adjustment, etc.:
-Control the existing functions of the Ax system
6 Symbols (including symbols in the reference symbol library) 6.1 General provisions
The following social supplementary period rules of this part are used to determine the management elements of the symbol. The rules of this part also apply to the basic screening number Graphic symbols and components of dreams.
A baseband symbol is equipped with some only the complete change of the case position to represent the method and the graphic crack in the article figure and the data associated with the represented object. In this part, the content of these positions will be visualized in the meaning area. The appendix of the standard gives the relevant data type and length recommendation of the positions that can be confirmed in this part. Note: If it can be explained, the non-center line given in the bed section shall be confirmed according to the center line of the material. Note 2: The original part referred to in this part will be completely (161.1 The requirements of the current drawing are the same as those of the printing equipment that the drawing company is not equipped with at present. 6.2 Graphic symbol variations
6.2.1 General
Taking into account the flow of control (information, signal) and process (material, energy) in the graphic symbol itself, it is assumed that the reading direction of the lines or other labels associated with the graphic symbol is parallel to the control flow. In the diagram, it may be necessary to use up to eight different variations of the graphic symbol. These variations are not further specified in this section. The use of these variations in diagrams is: DownloadFromhttp://bbs.infoeach.com
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