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National organization codes and names

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 31286-2014

Standard Name:National organization codes and names

Chinese Name: 全国组织机构代码与名称

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2014-10-10

Date of Implementation:2014-10-10

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment >> 35.040 Character sets and information coding

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A24 Classification Code

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2014-10-10

other information

drafter:Zhao Nan, Xu Chenghua, Zhou Gang, Hong Youyou, Zhao Jie, Liu Tao, Ma Jianhui, Li Qian, Gao Jie, Liu Zhongrui, Wang Xiaohu, Jin Zhaohui, Fu Zhenxing, Li Hui, Yuan Lan, Chen Li, Zhang Yanqi, Sun Wenfeng, Sun Guangzhi, Yan Zhanhui, Wang Bo, Ma Yuchao, Su Meng

Drafting unit:National Organization Code Management Center, China National Institute of Standardization, Execution Bureau of the Supreme People's Court, Science and Technology Information Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, Statistics Department of the Gene

Focal point unit:National Information Classification and Coding Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC353)

Proposing unit:National Organization Code Management Center

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 31286-2014 National Organization Code and Name GB/T31286-2014 |tt||Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the organization code and name of organizations established in accordance with the law in China (except Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan). This standard applies to the unified identification and information processing of organizations, as well as the exchange and application of organizational data between industries, fields and systems.
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009.
This standard is proposed by the National Organization Code Management Center.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Information Classification and Coding Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC353).
The main drafting units of this standard are: National Organization Code Management Center, China National Institute of Standardization, Execution Bureau of the Supreme People's Court, Science and Technology Information Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, Statistics Department of the General Administration of Customs, Inspection Department of the General Administration of Customs, Statistics Department of China Banking Regulatory Commission, Planning and Development Department of the State Intellectual Property Office, Information Center of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Beijing Guofutai Credit Management Co., Ltd., Beijing Organization Code Management Center, Hebei Provincial Institute of Standardization, Shandong Provincial Institute of Standardization.
The main drafters of this standard are: Zhao Nan, Xu Chenghua, Zhou Gang, Hong Youyou, Zhao Jie, Liu Tao, Ma Jianhui, Li Qian, Gao Jie, Liu Zhongrui, Wang Xiaohu, Jin Zhaohui, Fu Zhenxing, Li Hui, Yuan Lan, Chen Li, Zhang Yanqi, Sun Wenfeng, Sun Guangzhi, Yan Zhanhui, Wang Bo, Ma Yuchao, Su Meng.
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, its latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB11714 National Organization Code Compilation Rules
GB/T16987 Organization Code Information Database (Basic Database) Data Format

Some standard content:

ICS 35.040
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
National organization codes and names
National organization codes and names2014-10-10 Issued
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China China National Standardization Administration
2014-10-10 Implementation
GB/T 31286—2014
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Basic principles
4.1 Uniqueness
Lifelong invariance
Coding rules
Maintenance processbzxz.net
Management mechanism
Appendix A (informative appendix)
Organization code and name examples
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1—2009. This standard was proposed by the National Organization Code Management Center. This standard was issued by the National Information Classification and Coding Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC353) and is under the jurisdiction of LI. GB/T31286—2014
The main drafting units of this standard are: National Organization Code Management Center, China Standardization Research Institute, Supreme People's Court Execution Bureau, Ministry of Public Security Science and Technology Information Bureau, General Administration of Customs Statistics Department, General Administration of Customs Investigation Department, China Banking Regulatory Commission Statistics Department, National Intellectual Property Administration Planning and Development Department, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security Information Center, Beijing Guofutai Credit Management Co., Ltd., Beijing Organization Code Management Center, Hebei Provincial Standardization Research Institute, Shandong Provincial Standardization Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are: Zhao, Xu Chenghua, Zhou Gang, Hong Youyou, Zhao Jie, Liu Tao, Ma Jianhui, Li Qian, Gao Jie, Liu Zhongrui, Wang Xiaohu, Jin Zhaohui, Fu Zhenxing Li Bian, Yuan Lan, Chen Li, Zhang Yanqi, Sun Wenfeng, Sun Guangzhi, Ge Zhanhui, Shi Bo, Ma Chao, Su Qiao, GB/T 31286—2014
The national organization code identification system is a basic system for my country's economic and social modernization management. It is of great significance to the establishment of a socialist market economic system and the promotion of social progress. The national organization code information is a national strategic information resource. It gives each organization in my country an identity identification. It plays an irreplaceable and important role in the construction of national e-government, e-commerce activities, ensuring information security, and building a national credit system. Developed countries such as the United States, Europe, Japan, and South Korea have implemented unified code identification for their organizations. However, my country's current mandatory national standard GB11714-1997 "Rules for the Compilation of Organization Codes" only stipulates the rules for the compilation of factory organization codes, and does not give the corresponding rules for each organization. During the implementation of the standard, different implementing entities may assign different codes to the same organization, which may easily cause code confusion among organizations across the country and is not conducive to the role of the organization code. This standard is proposed in accordance with GB11714-1997 and the "Organization Code Management Measures" issued by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine. It clearly assigns each organization in the country a unique identification organization code, clarifies the correspondence between the organization name and the code, avoids the phenomenon of different codes for the same organization, facilitates unified use by various departments and industries, promotes information sharing and exchange, and gives full play to the basic role of the national organization code in innovating social governance. 1 Scope
National Organization Code and Name
GB/T 31286—2014
This standard specifies the organization code and name of organizations legally established in my country (except Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan). This standard is applicable to the unified identification and information processing of organizations, as well as the exchange and application of relevant data of industries, fields and systems.
2 Normative reference documents
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all reference documents with dates, the versions with dates apply to this document. For all reference documents without dates, the latest versions (including all amendments) apply to this document G311714 National Organization Code Compilation Rules GB/T16987 Organization Code Information Database (Basic Library) Data Format 3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
The general name for enterprises, institutions, government agencies, social institutions and other units established in accordance with the law. [GB/T 20091—2006, Definition 2, 2]
Organization nameorganization nameThe name approved by the registration and approval authority of the state or government when registering an organization. 3.3
Organization codeorganization codeThe identification of an organization assigned by the organization code management department. Basic principles
4.1 Uniqueness
In the whole country, each organization has only one organization code as the identification of the organization, and each code only identifies one organization, that is, the organization and the code are in a corresponding relationship. 4.2 Lifelong immutability
Once issued, the organization code will accompany the entire process of the organization from establishment to termination, and will not change with changes in its administrative divisions, organization types, approval authorities and other attributes. When an organization is terminated according to law, its organization code will be cancelled and no longer activated. 1
5 Coding rules
The national organization code set should be coded in accordance with the coding rules specified in GB11714. 6
Maintenance process
The maintenance process of the national organization code and name is as follows: a) When an organization is approved for establishment according to law, it shall submit an application for code assignment to the organization code management department, and the organization code management department shall assign the organization code to the organization through the code work system in accordance with the compilation rules of GB11714. b)
Organization code;
After the name and other relevant information of the organization are changed according to law, the organization code management department shall submit a change application to the organization code consulting department; after the organization code management department conducts a technical compliance check, it shall maintain the organization code database, and the relevant information of the organization shall comply with the provisions of GB/T16987;
When the organization is terminated according to law, the organization code management department shall cancel its organization code. d)
7 Management mechanism
The organization code management department authorized by the State Council's standardization administrative department is responsible for the management of organization codes, compiles national organization codes, and establishes and maintains national organization codes and names. Appendix A of this standard provides exemplary organization codes and names. Note: In view of the huge number of national organization codes and names and their real-time changes, it is inconvenient to query and check them by paper crawling. Users can query them through the official website of national organization codes and names (http://nacao.org.cn/>). Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Examples of organization codes and names
Examples of organization codes and names are shown in Table A, 1. Table A.1
Organization code and name example
Organization code
69 0687830 | | tt | 10710
Organization name||tt ||Beijing Zhonghao Lihua Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. Beijing Zhongxing Trust Investment Co., Ltd. Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone Social Insurance Fund Management Center Beijing Fengtai District Land Utilization Affairs Center Beijing Tongzhou District Food and Drug Inspection Team Beijing Public Security Fire Brigade Rail Transit Detachment Beijing Dongcheng District Industry and Investment Promotion Bureau Beijing Ciweipin Association
Beijing Mentougou District Financial Chamber of Commerce
Beijing Jingkang Yiyuan Breeding Professional Cooperative
Beijing Daxing District Qingyundian Town Taichangzhuang Village Economic Cooperative Dajin Fubao Tongtai Metal Products Co., Ltd. Dajin Longxi Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.
Quanlu Jixian Kaiyi Land Acquisition Affairs Center
Dajin City Jixian Farm Institute of Plant Breeding and Cultivation, Office of Ethnic and Religious Affairs of the People's Government of Hebei District, Tianjin, Office of Garden and Municipal Affairs of Dagang Management Committee of Binhai New Area, Tianjin, Beichen Branch of Tianjin Food and Drug Administration, Tianjin Chemical Reagent Industry Association
Tianjin Dongqian District Ciyu Association
Villagers Committee of Xijuhe Village, Caozili Township, Wuqing District, Tianjin, Tianjin Buddhist Charity Merit Foundation
Tianjin Xinhua Law Firm
Shanghai Youpei Clothing Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Zunrui Medical Stool Investment Management Co., Ltd., Shanghai Licheng Middle School
Shanghai Jiashan District Housing Security and Rental Housing Management Bureau, Shanghai Yangpu District People's Government Cooperation and Exchange Office GB/T 31286—2014
GB/T 312862014
Organization tree code
733968 756
G71789500 | 45820X
26711543X||t t||761851897
Table A.1 (continued)
Shanghai Minhang District Water Conservancy Society
Shanghai Tea Society
Shanghai Xinmaquan Trading Company
Chongqing Ruiqin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Chongqing Kaizheng Electromechanical Co., Ltd.
Land Reserve in Hechuan District, Chongqing Management Center
Nantuo Ling Health Center, Peiling District, Chongqing
Forestry Bureau, Jiang District, Chongqing
Development and Reform Committee, Yubei District, Chongqing First Inspection Bureau of Local Taxation Bureau of Yaqing City
Trade Union Committee of Finance Bureau of Suiqing City
Name of Organization
Recycling Industry Association of Shapingdun District, Chongqing Chongqing Oriental Plastic Surgery Clinic
Villagers Committee of Niujupu Village, Shuangshi Town, Yongchuan District, Chongqing Guangdong Shangling Electric List Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Shizheng News Release Center
Guangdong Fangsonglin Education Center
Guangdong Dongjiang Guijia Wetland Park Management Office
Guangdong Shixing Industrial Park Management Committee
Guangdong Xuwen Economic Development Zone Finance Bureau
Guangdong Shanwei Xingdu Economic Development Zone Labor and Personnel Bureau Guangdong Qiu Lianjia Research Association
Guangdong Dongshan Middle School Alumni Association
Guangdong Wanli Enterprise Group Bankruptcy Settlement Group Shandong Yihe Mining Co., Ltd.
Shandong Liqiao Group Co., Ltd.
Shandong Sanyou Education and Training Center
Shandong Dongyue Health Center
Shanxi Jiubaqin Hotel Co., Ltd.
Shanxi Lan Forging Co., Ltd.
Shaanxi Xide Industrial Co., Ltd.
Shaanxi Wanchuan Trade Co., Ltd.
Bisu--Fan Metal Trading Co., Ltd.
Organization Code
403701473.| | tt | t||450724284
5018749 45
Table A.1 (continued)
Gansu Sanzhao Pawn Co., Ltd.
Xinle TCI.Coal Non Co., Ltd.
Xinliyi Industry and Trade Industrial Company
Public Service Center of Liaoning Special Vehicle Base
Public Utilities Management Office of Dongdaihe New District, Liaoning Province, Fengman Seismological Station of Jilin Province
Jilin Weimin Judicial Appraisal Office
Name of Organization
Heilongjiang Qitaihe Emerging Coal Chemical: I Circular Economy Industrial Park Public Management Committee Heilonghui Sino-Russian Science and Technology Cooperation and Industrialization Ningxin Hebei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Inner Mongolia Ulanfanbuxishi Geological Survey and Planning Team Inner Mongolia People's Broadcasting Station
Yinzhou Prison of Guangxi Zhuang Baizhi District
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Forest Public Security Bureau
Yunnan Yanglin Industrial Development Zone Management Committee Yunnan Chuxin Economic Development Zone Tongjia Taxation Bureau Songpan County State Taxation Bureau of Sichuan Province
Emergency Management Office of Sichuan Provincial People's Government Sichuan Boshen Lawyers Law Firm
Qinghai Lake Scenic Area State Taxation Bureau
Qinghai Lake Scenic Area Industrial and Commercial Administration Branch
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Zhongning County Xianjia Taxation Bureau Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Price Supervision and Inspection and Countermeasures Bureau Zhejiang Hui Dongfang Tongbei Group Employees' Stock Ownership Association China Peaceful Reunification Promotion Association
Fujian Donghai Xishu Art Promotion Association
Jiangsu Qicai Wind Industry Mother Tongue Development Foundation
Jiangsu Free Trade Zone Association
Hubei Traditional Chinese Medicine School Development Association
Anhui Judicial Accounting Society
Anhui Fertilizer Industry Employees and Technical Association
Jiangxi Wannian County Yuanchang Shiji Chicken Breeding Professional Cooperative Jiangxi "Xing Hydropower Development Co., Ltd. Yongqilin Power Station Hainan Liyu Dongcheng Breeding Professional Cooperative
Hefu Zhongyun Judicial Appraisal Center
GB/T 31286—2014
「1] Current Measures for the Administration of Organization Codes (Order No. 110 of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine)
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