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JB/T 8429-1996 Mechanical noise vocabulary

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8429-1996

Standard Name: Mechanical noise vocabulary

Chinese Name: 机械噪声词汇

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1996-09-03

Date of Implementation:1997-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Environmental Protection>>Environmental Protection General>>Z04 Basic Standards and General Methods

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:1997-07-01

other information

drafter:Xie Dehai, Gao Deyuan, Li Guangming, Wang Xiaoyan

Drafting unit:Institute of Environmental Protection Technology and Equipment, Institute of Mechanical Science

Focal point unit:National Acoustic Standardization Technical Committee Noise Technical Committee

Proposing unit:National Acoustic Standardization Technical Committee Noise Technical Committee

Publishing department:Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the vocabulary (including terms and definitions) and the English names of terms and their indexes used in mechanical noise control projects. This standard lists a total of 273 mechanical noise terms, which are divided into five parts according to different types: acoustic basis, mechanical noise, noise measurement and analysis technology, noise control methods and equipment, and acoustic test and analysis instrument terms, which basically include all the contents of mechanical noise terms. It can be used as a reference when formulating mechanical noise control and measurement method regulations and standards. The terms listed in this standard (Chinese or English), for the terms in parentheses (), generally indicate terms that have been used in the past and are not recommended for use in this standard. The text in square brackets [] indicates that it can be omitted. JB/T 8429-1996 Mechanical Noise Vocabulary JB/T8429-1996 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 8429-96
Mechanical Noise Vocabulary
Published on September 3, 1996
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on July 1, 1997
? Required academic basis
Machine sound protection
4 Deep noise measurement and analysis technology
5 Limit point control force and the equipment.
Multi-functional acoustic test chemist
Record A (accurate detection appendix)
Machine operation sound terminology index
JB:T 42·96
This standard lists the academic basis of machine production technology evaluation 273·According to the types of machine vibration noise, noise measurement technology. The control methods are also divided into academic basis, machine equipment, noise measurement technology, and control methods. The first part is summarized in the Chinese version.
Wood standard f: Acoustic Standardization Technical Committee is the main body of the drafting of this standard by the sub-technical committee: Mechanical Engineering Association Institute of Environmental Protection Technology and Equipment. This standard is mainly drafted by: Xie Jianli, Shang Zhang, Li Guangshi, Xia Xiaodian Fan Ya
Standard of the Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Mechanical Noise Vocabulary
This standard certifies the vocabulary used in machine field energy control engineering (including terms and definitions) and their English names and indices. This standard lists the different types of machines and their academic foundations. Mechanical prohibitions, The basic contents of these analysis techniques include: the formulation of sound control equipment, the measurement and protection of sound flow, the method of sound quality, and the standard method of sound quality control, which can be adopted according to the teaching method. This standard includes many Chinese and English terms (generally speaking, the terms used in the past and the future are not allowed in this standard, and the professional words can be omitted: 2 Basics of Acoustics
2. Waves so [wave]
When the medium circulates, the centrifugal force, the displacement of the particle, the speed of the particle, etc. or the changes in the position or 2.2 ""
Standing wave one pass effect for the point, money
1 also can not say the month section category.\E section, displacement" "point transport" "2 installation field characteristics of small non-zero called
2-3|secret amine mi-.
indicates the wave characteristics of the report fast for the report of the big point, line or, cattle: heart many pieces of internal Xie Ming difficult benefits list female six pressure card "" after the Sa Li "" flow point pet text rate "etc., 2.4 wave surface by the ur
traveling wave in the time should be used at each point of the batch certificate. Wave
quality two 2.6
The wave propagates in the direction of the material: the wave below lwre
is equal to the wave in the plane of the vertical direction. 2.8 Surface wavetSAw is a wave that moves vertically in the surface of the material and decreases in amplitude with depth. 2. Spherical wave shrica.wr
is a spherical wave.
2.1 Cymdal wave wave
was defined as a coaxial cylindrical wave.
nsihearware,ratatioral wave
approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on September 3, 1995
implemented on July 1, 1997
was a wave whose main shape and volume remain unchanged in the medium. It can be proved by a number that the flow of the pool field can be effectively released in the winter. 2. 12 mountain crossing bering wave, rx.ral wr carbon change (ban) with this file horizontal development
2. [3 test wave sta\d.ng wave
design ten models with the same beauty free travel very Beijing extension one Sha two shape my two points standard wave. Standing wave waiting point is a certain space can be a section! Section and topic
2.14 scholar light ahnkwavc
The transmission of impact in operation is reduced, and the characteristics are that the impact position is positive, the air force must be used as much as possible, and the degree of attenuation must be adjusted. Note: From a scientific point of view, it is a small value relative to the quantity, and the impact is effective! 2.15 Sound wuundtay
is emitted from the source, representing the direction of its propagation, and the high-frequency properties are not taken into account. Note: In the same nature, the line is the distance between the tower and the effect of the book. 2lhnroesi]mslectien
represents the distance between the surface of the medium. The angle of entry is 2.1_aroustie[tlt-ink
caused by the irregular radiation, the volume and the diffraction of the wave. 2.18 Refraction
caused by the time variation of the wave array due to the discontinuity of the falling code in the stack or its pool 2.19 Refraction Lacugtie refracuon
caused by the speed range of the material in the medical insurance The real door of the door can be changed by the library, 2.ainterlererceEut ibe Rn.and wavel, wae irlerlercnce new book relative to the intention of the self-wave addition phenomenon obtained when the turning point is a certain amplitude and system with sound waves push the space and time can be compared.
2. 21 sound field anund icld
seek surface in the still wave heart in the place
2.22whe wise
use fixed width measurement time to know the continuous production of uniform night market,! Infection production with the rate of space epidemic does not follow the collection. Note: white sound is not fixed light money guarantee more
2.23 red sound pinkrnise
has a proportional frequency of three-frequency band width love measurement time · Haoya continuous related sound quality, play red noise edge rate spectrum band and frequency component.
Gaussian noise aasonranklonis
its value distribution when the soldiers high period of the announcement of the non-edited limit to 2.25 blanket concept Lu todoise
range change when the same out, its existence may be slightly different sound level fluctuations account market. Note: use the question to "its small 1 is proved.
in the observation cumulative time level generation is very special market. :The sound design makes the prosperous limit with the right speed "proper\condition, indicates that within the time limit and the home time, the degree of recognition of the non-state product 2.27 especially the standard bath gdomno15c
stock time compensation is not purple to determine the test product report first. There is no rule to call the non-value drop sometimes ask the market point statistics public market now rush. In the middle, the yuan or academic product is not certain "to produce,
when there is sound wave, the quality of the music static positive difference, unit, belongs to the Ska on a. Generally speaking, ★ is the effective sound production, which is produced during a period of time. It is a scientific calculation of the length of the entire period of time. It is the average value of the middle and peak sound pressure levels of the main sound output, such as the sound pressure at the main position to the sound output.
is a unit of level, its logarithm is the 10th root of 13, single image dB, 1d….1, decibel can be compared with power, 1 can be compared with half of the power, such as level square, power point square, internal intensity, production density, position square, speed level, addition degree, force square and work cost, etc.
2 leads to the general formula:
Formula 10.ww
sound pressure ratio,||t t||2.30 Pressure level (snundprcrsurleel) The logarithm of the ratio of the sound pressure to the standard sound pressure multiplied by 10 times 20. The unit is decibel, 3. The reference sound pressure must be specified. Note: Commonly used reference products are: a in air), pPa in water, 231 Sound intensity (degrees): 1.J) tenndintansify (xaundeaergyfluxderay.Roundpowerdenaity) At the base point, the average sound energy passing through a unit area with the same direction in a unit time, the unit loan is watt per square meter.
In a certain situation, the sound intensity is equal to about half the sound energy per unit area in a straight line. When the sound wave is vertical, the sound intensity can be shown by the formula:
The speed of the particle time:
The ratio of the whole object or the length of the shadow to the sound intensity can be calculated. 2 standard self-average point or make or compensate the courtyard in the universal "or f-=pve
effective standard
norlai degree.lz/m
2.32 sound intensity level $curd innasilyIrrai by the end and the base constant sound intensity ratio as the logarithm multiplied by 1C, unit: minutes! d. Note, the sound intensity is
z.33 method through the normal nund ictensity radiation surface,
2.34 German sound level msrmal si.l ml.fansi1y xel The sound level is charged in 1nlL/, unit: decibel dB.m11Gw/m3
2.35 Doppler effect Doppleretter
The observation rate of the observation point caused by the change of the effective transmission distance between the source and the observation point at any time is changed. The inverse expression f,=,+(1n
present handwriting rate, Hx
source frequency, H
present point to source (refers to the rapid change of the lower quality>, m/s! Source example observation or relative to the quality of the construction, can be avoided in the static medium, m/3:
f! Most of you can (Darpkrshifr). 2.36fe)apre n sound,relepity f sound,soand velocity The speed at which sound propagates in a medium, unit: m/s2.37
E An
When a system is subjected to an excitation, the rate of response reaches an extreme when the rate of response is greater than the inherent rate of response; any small change in the rate of response will reduce the response. Note that this may be due to displacement or acceleration, and the two rates are different, so it is possible to explain their differences. 2.3 Esoma ejuericy, rexmanleerry common resistance,
2.39 left common antireaonace
Any small frequency change in the system during forced vibration will cause the resonance frequency to respond to the phenomenon of Pegasus anti:esnnarcfrequenc2-40
common frequency.
resistance frequency al
free frequency vibration in mechanical system generated only by the system's chronic force and elastic force. 2.42 fundamental frequency) The frequency of the sinusoidal quantity in the two phases will be opposite to the common period. 6) The lowest mass frequency in the vibration system, the periodic vibration rrriodievilratian
the vibration represented by the number of repetitions of the same value for each increase in the variable. Resonance coefficient rudirtiun ueFFinitr:12.44
The ratio of the airborne sound power radiated by the vibration of the structure to the average sound power of the structure: transmission efficiencyadiatiafcieac
The ratio of the energy converted or radiated to the total input. 2.46
The excitation indexrarlielisnimdtex
The logarithm of the excitation coefficient is taken as 10.10g:isolid-bomesoundsercturc-bornegon2.47
The sound transmitted in the solid in the form of structural vibration. Natural FrequencyNaturalErequency
The frequency of the system during self-vibration. In many systems, the natural frequency is the normal vibration rate. Acoustic impedance specifis asuustiu impedanee Cunit arhg acouxlic impedanre?2.49
The complex ratio of the output of a point in refining jade to the velocity of the particle unit: fear [ska per meter, a·sm. 2.50
Characteristic attachment (acotstiecharactcrtiempcdaeecoustientrinsiimedencc) is the ratio of the effective sound pressure of a plane self-propagating wave at a point in the medium to the effective velocity through the point, unit: [Pa/m.
1 The ratio of the speed of sound (c>) to the speed of sound (c>), 2.2l首ju* ue,Nmpte1nne.2urc scur.c) has a single sound production:
b) The instantaneous value is a sound wave whose instantaneous value is a single positive time function, 2. S2 W -hreahold cf nadebil:ty. earing ilt:el cldUnder certain conditions, in a series of bean difference tests conducted with a standard tube, a certain percentage of the subjects can correctly distinguish the final low impact pressure. The guide of the science: the method of the creator and the location of the sound pressure must be explained, Jiang
! Unless otherwise specified, the legal person's standard of the course is conceivable, February teaching old instructions.
3In multiple three-way collection, it refers to the method of using the mutual return sound drift. It can be created by the difference between the center of the object and the natural position, and the method of flow can be used without any explanation. t
The point is more effective than the normal collection step,
2.5Equal load mal-laudnesscateu
Typical response curve of the same pure head and the relationship between the teacher's standard. 2.54Bcoustiecmiain
The instantaneous holy elastic wave generated by the internal speed of the material. 1. The energy released by the external stress is called sweeping point. 2. The radiation soandradintien
generates vibration. In this protection, part of the energy is transmitted to the tower in the form of its own school through its transformed card. 3. Mechanical sound
throat backgroundnois
in the process of inspection, it will exist in the system of secretion or recording of the light. 3.2 Environmental soundamlinrinnisc, nvironmeatal noise is the sound of a certain environment. There are several different types of sound sources: 3.3 Point sound source: the source diameter is smaller than the wave length, which is a pulsating spherical source (K is the wave radius, J.4 Linear noise: many sources are not fast, such as vehicle noise on highways, which are shaped and have a concentrated surface that can be compared with the length of the radiated wave. A band is: 36 aircrai rosc
mainly refers to the flight sound of the aircraft, especially the sound of the aircraft taking off and landing. 37 aircraft call sound wr-mi
refers to the suction sound produced by the airport, but sometimes it also refers to the suction sound inside the aircraft system, except for the aircraft taking off and landing, the sound of the aircraft being repaired, the sound of the engine being adjusted, etc. 3.8 sand cleaning sound is caused by blast=leunrgis
sand blasting to clean the belt and then use compressed air to spray the material, and then spray the material on the workpiece to correct the sound of the machine. 3.9 machine noise1a=
the sound produced by the elasticity, friction, heat, impact and alarm of the parts during operation or mechanical processing. 3.10 working noise rise
: The sound produced by the relevant actions of parts, such as cutting, shearing, molding, and the related five actions of printing parts.
3.11 Casing noise
The operating noise radiated from the filling parts to the outside, including the noise transmitted through the casing surface. 3.12 Magnetic noise In electric machines and generators, the vibration caused by the alternating micro-interruptions and rotations produces a circular alternating force.
A kind of aerodynamic noise produced when high-speed gas is ejected from the pipe to the atmosphere. Exhaust noise
The sound produced by the exhaust of the engine through the exhaust pipe. 3.15 Regenerative noise is the noise generated by airflow in the muffler or at the muffler port. Its size is related to the airflow speed and the airflow passing through the muffler. Regenerative noise will reduce the required function of the muffler and even make it fully effective. 3.16 Aerodynamic noise is the noise caused by the non-steady-state migration of air and the interaction between air and objects. 3. Anti-noise is the noise caused by the noise generated by the non-measured parts of the sound source. It is a kind of noise that exists at the same time as the muffler.
3.18 Vehicle stationary vehekencioiatatnnayatac The noise emitted when the vehicle is stationary and the engine remains in a specified operating state. 3.19 Vehicle running noise nnisnmnin:vehieleThe engine noise and non-noise of the vehicle running, as well as the friction noise between the wheels and the road station, the noise of no-load protection, idngno15c
When the machine equipment is in the six-position state (or the object being processed>moves, the noise generated by the public and the mountain, 3.21
Carrying sound Irn: 1nis
When the machine is driven by the driven object (point 2), the sound of this study is often concentrated. Gear noise gearrcise
The sound emitted by the inner wheel when the two wheels mesh with each other for a number of times during the transmission. Aijing (sonic explosion) Amniehaon
3.24 Locomotive internal radiated noise The noise generated by the impact of the aircraft during supersonic flight is transmitted to the ground. 3.25 Locomotive radiated noise The noise generated by the locomotive noise source propagating outwards with air as the medium. 3.26 Traffic noise The noise generated by the locomotive and the engine when the train is running. 3.27 Traffic noise nais2
The motor vehicle, tram, car, train, airplane, supercar, etc. are produced when driving in the city, 3. Is it Shanging5i
JB/door B429-96
The liquid control part of the control body is used to control the sound of the air inside for a long time, and the sound of the mouth is temporarily emitted. For example, the sound of the mouth will continue for a certain period of time after the sound of the clock is struck, 3.29 The sound of the naturalhorsc
same body structure single report makes the whole air wave contact with its surface, resulting in the energy produced, 3.30 The sound of the beam <the sound of the tooth) tnpac:nnise object is very close to the high sound level (more than 05) and wait for the state of the state to be short from the peak level when the high level does not exceed .5. Note: The result! The internal impact or .15* internal production level is seen as the continued production 3.31 called mulvenoig
by a or home buried red sound of dry production, 3.32 severe increase in sound aceluralinnaoisc two things should be very confusing when describing the old to retreat people such as speed and in the tension when the competition is relatively improved after the shift, the control card before and after the violent movement and the owner of the production of
girl speed noise has nothing to do with the body's movement, and they are all transmitted and shot, the product of the body speed occurs instantly, so it can be beneficial, but sometimes the value of choice is very high.
3.3 Combustion sound (fire noise) is the low-frequency sound produced by the combustion of fuel into heat energy. Fire noise is the sound generated by the explosion between fuel and air. The sound source in the single-pole flame is an irregular combustion zone. Noise or mixed flames have a broadband spectrum and no discrete frequency components.
4 Noise measurement and analysis technology
4.1. Scientific measurement
The science of studying acoustic pressure measurement technology. wwW.bzxz.Net
4.2 rrihirety
machine city is the machine and the busy fashion of the pan-nation,
six: record this special can be determined between the components such as the transmission of the flash: the scope of the machine core has been tested, 4.f:anucnynterat
two sound senses of its oil signal test of the two ministers, it should be high frequency and low frequency car ratio to express the number of the passband with 2 as the base single this is times the depth.
three, the system can be a decade (decade) 4.4 bandwidth:el
wave filter minus 3 when the two frequency width travel. The filter uses 4.5 times the octave
of two single frequencies or the frequency of the wrong signal, 4.61/octave oneairdncrave
of two fundamental frequencies compared to 3. r./f:=27
where: the limit frequency is called, Hz:
—.-under the actual service, I
—is, and -1/3, - is 1/3 times the range.4frurryectrm
The time value of the laborer is expressed as a frequency distribution graph. Let: the following may be found, continue to make the sum of the two examinations 7
4.8 spectrum analysis [rert:en.yaralysis
The sound pressure level of the late production, the sound level or the sound vibration number according to the tearing rate order and the sound intensity of the new car is considered to be the surface number of the new car.
49 High frequency (discrete noise) li-erelnnie teaching structure with several probability components, that is, only a few groups or discontinuous noise 4.10 position wark saor:
The position refers to the author's piece of data of the machine pregnancy near a certain garbage bone or when the task is performed a certain position. In the presence of the person who is in the machine but not the person who is in the machine, in the pass position bystaider's [posilion4.12
the typical position of the person present is the person who is in the machine and the person who is guarding the machine, and the person who is in the position of the operator.
The period of operation is a time zone in which the machine completes a current reverse process (such as the washing machine's flow, bleaching and ten shadow models exploration period
The benchmark (box) relerentesox
The training package is from the source at the end of the day, or the most important time in the country The imaginary surface of a small shape, a surface with a specific size, characteristicsourccdimension4.17
is formed by the base body and its reflection value in the period of the expansion step image formed by the inquiry line length, the measurement distance
is the distance between the reference standard and the box-shaped measurement surface, the radius, easiarenradis
is the diameter of the spherical body,
is the imaginary surface of the sound source at a certain distance, it is the source of the industry! One and more reflection surfaces, points are on the same, and the measurement is usually taken as a hemisphere or rectangle, hexasphere or hexasphere. The value of the measurement msred val:e
The measured value is the actual measured value of the single-tube torque obtained by the appropriate test method. The three-state display should also be used to obtain the desired result.
4.22 Label 1al:c.
The brand is suitable for the label. It needs to be included in the product documentation of the specified value (label>..aaxdaluc lahclled a.uc14. 23
It is a single machine or a noise emission value specified for all machines in the machine. It is expressed as an integer and is a "maximum value". When the machine is new, a certain proportion of the single machine in the batch of machines should be adjusted below the value. When the A1 technology is used for the sound radiation, the specified power can be expressed as a maximum value. The environment you are in K, cironmer:tel tarrteon:. 4.74
When the sound level measured by the field is not a reflection of the sound level of the mouth, it is necessary to correct the sound level in the environment, and the sound level at the time of the sound absorption can be obtained.
The total sound absorption level is calculated according to the following formula:
Where: A
Test standard sound absorption, m, A=u,:
The following sound absorption coefficient:
3. The total surface area of ​​the test is also calculated in m. 4.25 Sample size
Multiple subsamples are taken from a population to provide information about the population: and as a basis for possible judgment of the total or total production process. For example, randomly select (or determine) one or more machines from a batch of machines (or reserve (or set)).
4.6 Sample size is the sum of the sample measurement values, which can be used as an estimate of the average value of a batch (or population). 4.28 Sample standard deviation Sstandard deviation af a The standard deviation of sample 5 is given by the following formula,
The standard deviation of control 5 can be used as the standard deviation of batch (or compensation). 4.29size af th5atch
The number of years (the number of machine efficiency or magnetic and acoustic radiation values ​​before and after the batch) included in the batch 4.30Machine marhine
Parts, parts have no discussion with the production, and the combination of machine skills is not transferred. 4.Machine report bath (lo) achievement
All machines of the same series produced by the mass production are usually made according to the company's technical specifications, and the company's label is always used to indicate its media transmission:
432-Du device bethJc):!mchines
According to the fixed micro-multiple, the same label is afraid of the workmanship, and the number of times the model is a group of plans, 4 joint description mountain inter-demonstration Jabel rd ncieeemisaianI.WA (IWA) quantity (contention) machine's A (measured version> power to do, layer: B (A). AA) batch (car parts machine A weighted same use level, single. Long refers to the batch device to protect the author's weighted sound pressure level, especially the clear sink can be from the damage device complete" wind production A: weighted> sound positive level request. 4.H batch (total companion average arithraeercann:abat:harapopularisne in Za or overall operation sound relative Yi Bo is the total and divided by the stock social quantity this total embrace disk that is: N
4.35友生国际编atar.dardcevaLlouo.repcaabil The source of the noise in the vehicle is determined under standard conditions, that is, the noise source is measured under the same conditions (sample test room, soft kidney receiver) in the same depth of the room with the same sound quality. The standard value of the noise value is obtained under standard conditions. That is, the noise source is measured under different conditions (different time and room, test room, and instrument) under the same conditions, and the sound quality is obtained by the method. Therefore, the reproducibility standard also stands out:
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.