title>JB/T 5063-1991 General technical requirements for handling robots - JB/T 5063-1991 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 5063-1991 General technical requirements for handling robots

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 5063-1991

Standard Name: General technical requirements for handling robots

Chinese Name: 搬运机器人 通用技术条件

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-06-11

Date of Implementation:1992-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery>>J07 Electronic Computer Applications

associated standards

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:National Industrial Automation System Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:National Industrial Automation System Standardization Technical Committee

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods and inspection rules for handling robots. This standard applies to all types of handling robots. Multifunctional robots mainly used for handling should also be used as a reference. JB/T 5063-1991 General Technical Requirements for Handling Robots JB/T5063-1991 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Transporting Robot
General Technical Conditions
Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods and inspection rules for transporting robots. JB/T 5063-91
This standard applies to all types of transporting robots. Multifunctional robots mainly used for transporting should also be used as a reference. 2 Reference standards
GB 191
Packaging, storage and transportation pictorial symbols
General technical requirements for hydraulic systems
GB 3766
GB 4879
GB 5048
GB 11291
Technical requirements for mildew-proof packaging
Rust-proof packaging
Safety of data processing equipment
Moisture-proof packaging
Electromagnetic compatibility test specification for electronic measuring instrumentsGeneral technical requirements for pneumatic systems
Safety specification for industrial robots
GB/T 12645
ZB J50 002
ZB J28 001
3 Classification
Industrial robot performance test method
General technical conditions for machine tool digital control system Industrial robot acceptance rules
3.1 According to the coordinate type, it is divided into:
a. Rectangular coordinate handling robot;
b. Cylindrical coordinate handling robot;
c. Spherical coordinate handling robot;
d. Articulated handling robot.
3.2 According to the driving mode, it is divided into:
a. Hydraulic handling robot;
b. Pneumatic handling robot;
c. Electric handling robot.
3.3 According to the servo mode, it is divided into:
a. Servo handling robot
b. Non-servo handling robot.
3.4 ​​According to the load weight, it is divided into
a. Extra light handling robot, rated load ≤1kg; b. Light handling robot, rated load>1-10kg Approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China on June 11, 1991 176
Implemented on July 1, 1992
JB/T 5063 91
c. Medium handling robot, rated load>10~50kg; d. Heavy handling robot, rated load>50~100kg: e. Super heavy handling robot, rated load>100kg. 3.5 According to the working environment, it is divided into:
a, indoor-general environment handling robot;
b. Special environment handling robot.
3.6 According to the installation method, it is divided into:
a, ground fixed handling robot;
b. Suspension handling robot;
c: Attached handling robot
d. Movable handling robot.
4 Performance
The performance parameters of the handling robot shall be specified in the product standard, including the following items; a. Coordinate type;
b. Number of axes;
c. Rated load (the selection of rated load value shall adopt the basic series R10 of the priority number system), d. Limit load;
e. Motion range of each axis;
f. Working space:
g. Maximum single axis speed;
h. Maximum composite speed;
1. Cycle time:
i. Posture accuracy and repeatability;
k. Basic motion control method;
1. Program storage capacity;
m. Input and output interface;
Ⅱ. Programming method;
0. Driving method;
p. Power source parameters and power consumption;
q. Dimensions and weight.
5 Technical requirements
5.1 General requirements
5.1.1 The handling robot (hereinafter referred to as the robot) shall be manufactured in accordance with the design drawings and process documents approved by the prescribed procedures. 5.1.2 The materials used to manufacture the robot and the purchased components and parts shall be re-inspected by the inspection department when entering the factory and shall comply with the relevant standards. 5.1.3 When the robot is equipped with a gripper, its performance shall comply with the standards. 5.2 Appearance and structure
5.2.1 The robot structure shall have a reasonable layout, convenient operation room, beautiful appearance and easy maintenance. 5.2.2 In the robot complete set of equipment, all fastening parts shall not be loose. The moving parts shall be in good lubrication and cooling condition. 5.2.3 Words, symbols and signs shall be clear and correct. The axis number and its direction of movement shall be marked on each axis joint. 5.2.4 The robot surface shall not have cracks, obvious dents and deformation; the paint film and coating shall be uniform, without defects such as blistering, scratches, shedding and wear; metal parts shall not have rust and other mechanical damage. 177
JB/T 5063 - 91
5.2.5 Mechanical interface If a circular mechanical interface is used, it shall comply with the provisions of Appendix A (Supplement). 5.3 Function
5.3.1 Switches, buttons, displays, alarms and interlocking devices shall function normally. 5.3.2 The movement of each axis of the manipulator shall be stable and normal. 5.3.3 In various operation modes, instructions and actions shall be coordinated and consistent. 5.4 Hydraulic system
The hydraulic system of a hydraulically driven robot shall comply with the provisions of GB3766. The pressure fluctuation value of the hydraulic source shall comply with the provisions of the product standard.
5.5 Pneumatic system
The pneumatic system of a pneumatically driven robot shall comply with the provisions of GB7932. 5.6 Safety
5.6.1 Basic requirements
The safety of the robot shall comply with the provisions of GB11291. 5.6.2 Grounding
The robot manipulator, control device, and power source must all have a grounding point. If the grounding point cannot be clearly indicated, an obvious grounding symbol "1" shall be marked near it.
The resistance between the grounding point and the metal parts of the robot that may be energized due to insulation damage shall not exceed 0.1. 5.6.3 Insulation resistance
The insulation resistance between the robot power AC power circuit and the shell shall be no less than 10MQ. 5.6.4 Dielectric strength
The robot power AC power circuit and the adjacent non-energized conductor shall be able to withstand the dielectric strength test of an AC (50Hz) voltage of 1500V for 1 min without breakdown, flashover, or arcing. 5.7 Continuous operation
The robot shall operate continuously for 120 hours at rated load and working speed. It shall work normally. 5.8 Noise
The noise generated by the robot when it is running without load shall be specified in the product standard. 5.9 Power adaptability
When the voltage of the power supply network fluctuates, the robot shall work normally at +10%, -15% of the rated voltage and the frequency is 50Hz±1Hz. 5.10 Electromagnetic compatibility
5.10.1 Radiation sensitivity
The robot shall work normally when it is interfered with by radio frequency. The specific value shall be specified by the product standard. 5.10.2 Magnetic field sensitivity
The robot shall work normally when it is interfered with by strong magnetic field. The magnetic field strength shall be specified by the product standard. 5.11 Environmental conditions
5.11.1 Environmental climate adaptability
The robot shall be able to maintain normal operation when used, transported and stored under the environmental conditions in Table 1. Other items shall be specified by the product standard. Table 1
Environmental conditions
Environmental temperature
Relative humidity
Atmospheric pressure
Working conditions
0~40 ℃
A90%(40 )
Note: For robots in special environments, the environmental conditions are specified by the product standards. 178
86~106 kPa
Storage and transportation conditions
≤93%(40 C)
5.11.2 Vibration resistance
JB/T 5063-91
The robot's manipulator and control device should work normally when subjected to vibrations with a frequency of 5~55Hz and an amplitude of 0.15mm. 5.12 Transport resistance
The robot should remain normal after being packaged and transported as required. 5.13 Reliability
The reliability of the robot is measured by the mean time between failures (MTBF) and the mean time to repair (MTTR). The specific values ​​should be specified in the product standard. Generally, the MTBF is not less than 2000h. The MTTR is not more than 30min. 5.14 Completeness
5.14.1 The robot should include a complete set of equipment such as a manipulator, a control device, a power source device, connecting pipelines, and a gripper that can be purchased by the user. 5.14.2 When the robot leaves the factory, it shall be equipped with accessories for normal production use, spare parts for maintenance and special tools. 5.14.3 When the robot leaves the factory, it shall provide characteristic data sheets, technical specifications or technical documents such as operation, installation and maintenance specifications and product quality certificates.
6 Test method
6.1 Test conditions
See Article 5.1 of ZBJ28001.
6.2 Appearance and structure
Inspect according to Article 5.2 of ZBJ28001 and it shall meet the requirements 6.3 Functional inspection
See Article 5.3 of ZBJ28001.
6.4 Performance test
6.4.1 Measurement of displacement of each axis
See Article 5.4.1 of ZBJ28001.
6.4.2 Workspace measurement
See Article 5.4.2 of ZBJ28001.
6.4.3 Maximum single-axis speed measurement
See Article 8.1 of GB/T12645.
6.4.4 Maximum composite speed measurement
See Article 8.2 of GB/T12645.
6.4.5 Cycle time
From the moment the robot grabs the workpiece, it runs along the workspace posture test points P:~P4. Completing one pick-and-place handling action is a work cycle. Use an electronic stopwatch to measure the time required for 10 work cycles and calculate the average value. Repeat 3 times, and the value should meet the requirements of the product standard. 6.4.6 Posture accuracy
See Article 9.2 of GB/T12645.
6.4.7 Posture repeatability
See Article 9.1 of GB/T12645.
6.5 Safety test
6.5.1 Ground resistance measurement
See Article 2.2.5 of GB4943.
6.5.2 Insulation resistance measurement
See Article 3.4 of ZBJ50002.
6.5.3 Electric strength test
See Article 3.5 of ZBJ50002
Continuous operation test
See Article 5.6 of ZBJ28001.
Noise test
See Article 5.7 of ZBJ28001.
Power adaptability test
See Article 5.8 of ZBJ28001.
6.9 Electromagnetic sensitivity test
6.9.1 Radiation sensitivity test
JB/T 5063
Perform the test equipment and methods specified in GB6833.5. During the test, the operation should be normal. 6.9.2 Magnetic field sensitivity test
Perform the test equipment and methods specified in GB6833.2. During the test, the operation should be normal. 6.10 Environmental climate adaptability test
See Article 5.10 of ZBJ28001.
6.11 Vibration test
See Article 5.11 of Z3J28 001.
6.12 Transportation test
See Article 5.12 of ZBJ28001.
6.13 Reliability test
See the product standard regulations.
7 Inspection rules
See Chapter 3 of ZBJ28001.
8 Inspection items
See Table 2.
Appearance and structure
Hydraulic system
Pneumatic system
Motion range of each axis
Working space
Maximum single axis speed
Maximum speed
Cycle time
Position accuracy
Position repeatability
Ground resistance
Insulation resistance
Electrical strength
Technical requirements| |tt||Test method
Export inspection
Type inspection
Test items
Continuous operation
Power supply adaptability
Radiation sensitivity
Magnetic field sensitivity
Environmental climate adaptability
Vibration resistance
Transportation resistance
Power consumption
Note: “” refers to the test items.
Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
9.1 Marking
JB/T 5063 - 91
Continued Table 2
Technical requirements
Article 5.10.1
Article 5.10.2
Article 5.11.1
Article 5.11.2
9.1.1 The robot product shall be equipped with a label. The label shall include the following contents: a. Product name;
b. Product model;
c. Rated load:
d. Power source parameters and power consumption;
e. Overall dimensions and weight:
f. Production number:
Name of manufacturer;
h. Year and month of manufacture.
9.1.2 Packaging mark
The outer surface of the packaging box shall be marked with a graphic mark in accordance with the provisions of GB191. 9.2 Packaging
9.2.1 Before packaging the robot, the movable arm of the manipulator must be firmly fixed. 9.2.2 The base of the manipulator and other devices must be firmly fixed to the bottom plate of the packaging box. 9.2.3 The control device should be packed separately.
The packaging materials should comply with the provisions of GB4768, GB4879 and GB5048. 9.2.41
9.2.5 If there are other special packaging requirements, they should be specified in the product standards. The packaging box should contain the following documents:
a. Characteristic data sheet and product certificate; b. Instruction manual and installation diagram:
c. Random spare parts, accessories and their list,
d. Packing list and other relevant technical information. 9.3 Transportation
During transportation and loading, the packaging boxes should be kept in an upright position and should not be stacked. Inspection method
Factory inspection
Type or inspection
9.4 Storage
The ambient temperature of the warehouse for long-term storage of robot products is 0-40℃ and the relative humidity is not more than 80%. The surrounding environment should be free of corrosive and flammable gases, strong mechanical vibration, impact and strong magnetic field. The storage period and maintenance requirements are specified by the product standard 181
Pitch circle diameter 4.
Series 1
4-d-7H uniform distribution
Series 2
JB/T 5063—91
Appendix A
Circular mechanical interface dimension chart
6—d4—7H uniform distribution
Figure A1[
Circular mechanical interface
Note: 1) Pitch circle diameter d, preferably series 1. Circular mechanical interface dimensions
2) Hole depth is determined according to the material of the end effector connection device. Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Industrial Automation Systems. t2
This standard is drafted by the Beijing Institute of Automation of the Mechanical Industry of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. 182
[ 0. 02 A5 Safety test
6.5.1 Ground resistance measurement
See Article 2.2.5 of GB4943.
6.5.2 Insulation resistance measurement
See Article 3.4 of ZBJ50002.
6.5.3 Dielectric strength test
See Article 3.5 of ZBJ50002
Continuous operation test
See Article 5.6 of ZBJ28001.
Noise test
See Article 5.7 of ZBJ28001.
Power adaptability test
See Article 5.8 of ZBJ28001.
6.9 Electromagnetic sensitivity test
6.9.1 Radiation sensitivity test
JB/T 5063
Perform the test equipment and methods specified in GB6833.5. During the test, the operation should be normal. 6.9.2 Magnetic field sensitivity test
Perform the test equipment and methods specified in GB6833.2. During the test, the operation should be normal. 6.10 Environmental climate adaptability test
See Article 5.10 of ZBJ28001.
6.11 Vibration test
See Article 5.11 of Z3J28 001.
6.12 Transportation test
See Article 5.12 of ZBJ28001.
6.13 Reliability test
See the product standard regulations.
7 Inspection rules
See Chapter 3 of ZBJ28001.
8 Inspection items
See Table 2.
Appearance and structure
Hydraulic system
Pneumatic system
Motion range of each axis
Working space
Maximum single axis speed
Maximum speed
Cycle time
Position accuracy
Position repeatability
Ground resistance
Insulation resistance
Electrical strength
Technical requirements| |tt||Test method
Export inspection
Type inspection
Test items
Continuous operation
Power supply adaptability
Radiation sensitivity
Magnetic field sensitivity
Environmental climate adaptability
Vibration resistance
Transportation resistance
Power consumption
Note: “” refers to the test items.
Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
9.1 Marking
JB/T 5063 - 91
Continued Table 2
Technical requirements
Article 5.10.1
Article 5.10.2
Article 5.11.1
Article 5.11.2
9.1.1 The robot product shall be equipped with a label. The label shall include the following contents: a. Product name;
b. Product model;
c. Rated load:
d. Power source parameters and power consumption;
e. Overall dimensions and weight:
f. Production number:
Name of manufacturer;
h. Year and month of manufacture.
9.1.2 Packaging mark
The outer surface of the packaging box shall be marked with a graphic mark in accordance with the provisions of GB191. 9.2 Packaging
9.2.1 Before packaging the robot, the movable arm of the manipulator must be firmly fixed. 9.2.2 The base of the manipulator and other devices must be firmly fixed to the bottom plate of the packaging box. 9.2.3 The control device should be packed separately.
The packaging materials should comply with the provisions of GB4768, GB4879 and GB5048. 9.2.41
9.2.5 If there are other special packaging requirements, they should be specified in the product standards. The packaging box should contain the following documents:
a. Characteristic data sheet and product certificate; b. Instruction manual and installation diagram:
c. Random spare parts, accessories and their list,
d. Packing list and other relevant technical information. 9.3 Transportation
During transportation and loading, the packaging boxes should be kept in an upright position and should not be stacked. Inspection method
Factory inspection
Type or inspection
9.4 Storagewww.bzxz.net
The ambient temperature of the warehouse for long-term storage of robot products is 0-40℃ and the relative humidity is not more than 80%. The surrounding environment should be free of corrosive and flammable gases, strong mechanical vibration, impact and strong magnetic field. The storage period and maintenance requirements are specified by the product standard 181
Pitch circle diameter 4.
Series 1
4-d-7H uniform distribution
Series 2
JB/T 5063—91
Appendix A
Circular mechanical interface dimension chart
6—d4—7H uniform distribution
Figure A1[
Circular mechanical interface
Note: 1) Pitch circle diameter d, preferably the first series. Circular mechanical interface dimensions
2) Hole depth is determined according to the material of the end effector connection device. Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Industrial Automation Systems. t2
This standard is drafted by the Beijing Institute of Automation of the Mechanical Industry of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. 182
[ 0. 02 A5 Safety test
6.5.1 Ground resistance measurement
See Article 2.2.5 of GB4943.
6.5.2 Insulation resistance measurement
See Article 3.4 of ZBJ50002.
6.5.3 Dielectric strength test
See Article 3.5 of ZBJ50002
Continuous operation test
See Article 5.6 of ZBJ28001.
Noise test
See Article 5.7 of ZBJ28001.
Power adaptability test
See Article 5.8 of ZBJ28001.
6.9 Electromagnetic sensitivity test
6.9.1 Radiation sensitivity test
JB/T 5063
Perform the test equipment and methods specified in GB6833.5. During the test, the operation should be normal. 6.9.2 Magnetic field sensitivity test
Perform the test equipment and methods specified in GB6833.2. During the test, the operation should be normal. 6.10 Environmental climate adaptability test
See Article 5.10 of ZBJ28001.
6.11 Vibration test
See Article 5.11 of Z3J28 001.
6.12 Transportation test
See Article 5.12 of ZBJ28001.
6.13 Reliability test
See the product standard regulations.
7 Inspection rules
See Chapter 3 of ZBJ28001.
8 Inspection items
See Table 2.
Appearance and structure
Hydraulic system
Pneumatic system
Motion range of each axis
Working space
Maximum single axis speed
Maximum speed
Cycle time
Position accuracy
Position repeatability
Ground resistance
Insulation resistance
Electrical strength
Technical requirements| |tt||Test method
Export inspection
Type inspection
Test items
Continuous operation
Power supply adaptability
Radiation sensitivity
Magnetic field sensitivity
Environmental climate adaptability
Vibration resistance
Transportation resistance
Power consumption
Note: “” refers to the test items.
Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
9.1 Marking
JB/T 5063 - 91
Continued Table 2
Technical requirements
Article 5.10.1
Article 5.10.2
Article 5.11.1
Article 5.11.2
9.1.1 The robot product shall be equipped with a label. The label shall include the following contents: a. Product name;
b. Product model;
c. Rated load:
d. Power source parameters and power consumption;
e. Overall dimensions and weight:
f. Production number:
Name of manufacturer;
h. Year and month of manufacture.
9.1.2 Packaging mark
The outer surface of the packaging box shall be marked with a graphic mark in accordance with the provisions of GB191. 9.2 Packaging
9.2.1 Before packaging the robot, the movable arm of the manipulator must be firmly fixed. 9.2.2 The base of the manipulator and other devices must be firmly fixed to the bottom plate of the packaging box. 9.2.3 The control device should be packed separately.
The packaging materials should comply with the provisions of GB4768, GB4879 and GB5048. 9.2.41
9.2.5 If there are other special packaging requirements, they should be specified in the product standards. The packaging box should contain the following documents:
a. Characteristic data sheet and product certificate; b. Instruction manual and installation diagram:
c. Random spare parts, accessories and their list,
d. Packing list and other relevant technical information. 9.3 Transportation
During transportation and loading, the packaging boxes should be kept in an upright position and should not be stacked. Inspection method
Factory inspection
Type or inspection
9.4 Storage
The ambient temperature of the warehouse for long-term storage of robot products is 0-40℃ and the relative humidity is not more than 80%. The surrounding environment should be free of corrosive and flammable gases, strong mechanical vibration, impact and strong magnetic field. The storage period and maintenance requirements are specified by the product standard 181
Pitch circle diameter 4.
Series 1
4-d-7H uniform distribution
Series 2
JB/T 5063—91
Appendix A
Circular mechanical interface dimension chart
6—d4—7H uniform distribution
Figure A1[
Circular mechanical interface
Note: 1) Pitch circle diameter d, preferably the first series. Circular mechanical interface dimensions
2) Hole depth is determined according to the material of the end effector connection device. Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Industrial Automation Systems. t2
This standard is drafted by the Beijing Institute of Automation of the Mechanical Industry of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. 182
[ 0. 02 A1.2 Packaging Marks
The outer surface of the packaging box shall be marked with a graphic mark in accordance with the provisions of GB191. 9.2 Packaging
9.2.1 Before packaging the robot, the movable arm of the manipulator must be firmly fixed. 9.2.2 The base of the manipulator and other devices must be firmly fixed to the bottom plate of the packaging box. 9.2.3 The control device should be packed separately.
The packaging materials should comply with the provisions of GB4768, GB4879 and GB5048. 9.2.41
9.2.5 If there are other special packaging requirements, they should be specified in the product standards. The packaging box should contain the following documents:
a. Characteristic data sheet and product certificate; b. Instruction manual and installation diagram:
c. Random spare parts, accessories and their lists,
d. Packing list and other relevant technical information. 9.3 Transportation
During transportation and loading, the packaging boxes should be kept in an upright position and should not be stacked. Inspection method
Factory inspection
Type or inspection
9.4 Storage
The ambient temperature of the warehouse for long-term storage of robot products is 0-40℃ and the relative humidity is not more than 80%. The surrounding environment should be free of corrosive and flammable gases, strong mechanical vibration, impact and strong magnetic field. The storage period and maintenance requirements are specified by the product standard 181
Pitch circle diameter 4.
Series 1
4-d-7H uniform distribution
Series 2
JB/T 5063—91
Appendix A
Circular mechanical interface dimension chart
6—d4—7H uniform distribution
Figure A1[
Circular mechanical interface
Note: 1) Pitch circle diameter d, preferably series 1. Circular mechanical interface dimensions
2) Hole depth is determined according to the material of the end effector connection device. Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Industrial Automation Systems. t2
This standard is drafted by the Beijing Institute of Automation of the Mechanical Industry of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. 182
[ 0. 02 A1.2 Packaging Marks
The outer surface of the packaging box shall be marked with a graphic mark in accordance with the provisions of GB191. 9.2 Packaging
9.2.1 Before packaging the robot, the movable arm of the manipulator must be firmly fixed. 9.2.2 The base of the manipulator and other devices must be firmly fixed to the bottom plate of the packaging box. 9.2.3 The control device should be packed separately.
The packaging materials should comply with the provisions of GB4768, GB4879 and GB5048. 9.2.41
9.2.5 If there are other special packaging requirements, they should be specified in the product standards. The packaging box should contain the following documents:
a. Characteristic data sheet and product certificate; b. Instruction manual and installation diagram:
c. Random spare parts, accessories and their lists,
d. Packing list and other relevant technical information. 9.3 Transportation
During transportation and loading, the packaging boxes should be kept in an upright position and should not be stacked. Inspection method
Factory inspection
Type or inspection
9.4 Storage
The ambient temperature of the warehouse for long-term storage of robot products is 0-40℃ and the relative humidity is not more than 80%. The surrounding environment should be free of corrosive and flammable gases, strong mechanical vibration, impact and strong magnetic field. The storage period and maintenance requirements are specified by the product standard 181
Pitch circle diameter 4.
Series 1
4-d-7H uniform distribution
Series 2
JB/T 5063—91
Appendix A
Circular mechanical interface dimension chart
6—d4—7H uniform distribution
Figure A1[
Circular mechanical interface
Note: 1) Pitch circle diameter d, preferably the first series. Circular mechanical interface dimensions
2) Hole depth is determined according to the material of the end effector connection device. Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Industrial Automation Systems. t2
This standard is drafted by the Beijing Institute of Automation of the Mechanical Industry of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. 182
[ 0. 02 A
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