title>CJJ 46-1991 Urban Land Classification Code - CJJ 46-1991 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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CJJ 46-1991 Urban Land Classification Code

Basic Information

Standard ID: CJJ 46-1991

Standard Name: Urban Land Classification Code

Chinese Name: 城市用地分类代码

Standard category:Urban construction industry standards (CJ)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-09-27

Date of Implementation:1992-04-01

Date of Expiration:2008-10-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A24 Classification Code

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Architecture & Building Press

Publication date:1992-04-01

other information

drafter:Jia Haiyue, Luo Xi, Tang Jing, Liang Yanzhen

Drafting unit:Beijing Urban Planning and Design Institute

Publishing department:Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard is formulated to unify the urban land classification code, computerize the urban land classification statistics and retrieval work, and share the urban land data resources nationwide. This standard is applicable to the computer statistics of urban land in cities with municipalities. CJJ 46-1991 Urban Land Classification Code CJJ46-1991 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net
This standard is formulated to unify the urban land classification code, computerize the urban land classification statistics and retrieval work, and share the urban land data resources nationwide. This standard is applicable to the computer statistics of urban land in cities with municipalities.

Some standard content:

Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Urban Land Classification Code
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Urban Land Classification Code
Editor: Beijing Urban Planning and Design Institute Approval Department: Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China Effective Date: April 1, 1992||tt ||Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Notice on the Release of the Industry Standard "Urban Land Classification Code"
(91) Jianbiaozi No. 642
According to the requirements of the Ministry of Construction's (88) Chengbiaozi No. 141 document, the "Urban Land Classification Code" compiled by the Beijing Urban Planning and Design Institute has been reviewed and approved as an industry standard, with the number CJJ46-91, and will be implemented from April 1, 1992. This standard is managed by the China Urban Planning and Design Institute, the technical unit responsible for urban planning standards of the Ministry of Construction, and its specific interpretation and other work are the responsibility of the Beijing Urban Planning and Design Institute. The Ministry of Construction's Standards and Norms Institute organizes the publication. Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China
September 27, 1991
Engineering Construction Standards Full-text Information System
Engineering Construction Standards Full-text Information System
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Appendix 1
Appendix 3
Coding method
Urban land classification code
Urban land classification code and code comparison table Explanation of terms used in this standard
Additional instructions
Engineering Construction Standards Full-text Information System
Engineering Construction Standards Full-text Information System
Chapter 1 General
Article 1.0.1 This standard is formulated to unify the urban land classification code, computerize the urban land classification statistics and retrieval work, and share urban land data resources across the country.
Article 1.0.2
This standard applies to the computer statistics of urban land in cities with municipalities.
Article 1.0.3 In addition to implementing this standard, the classification code of urban land should also comply with the requirements of the relevant national standards and specifications in force. Engineering Construction Standards Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standards Full Text Information System
Chapter 2 Coding Method
Article 2.0.1 This standard adopts a hierarchical code, using four Arabic numerals to represent the large, medium and small categories of urban land. The large category is represented by the first two codes; the medium category and small category are represented by the third and fourth codes respectively. Its code structure must comply with the provisions of Figure 2.0.1:
First level code (major category)
Second level code (middle category)
Third level code (sub-category)
Figure 2.0.1 Code structure
If there is no sub-category under the middle category, the sub-category code of the middle category must be represented by "0".
The "other" category in the middle category and sub-category in Article 2.0.3 must be represented by the code "9".
Engineering 2 Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Chapter 3
Urban Land Classification Code
Article 3.0.1
Urban land classification code must comply with the provisions of the current national standard "Urban Land Classification and Planning and Construction Land Standard" (GBJ137). Article 3.0.2
Urban land classification code must comply with Table 3.0.2. Urban land classification code table
Engineering construction standard full text information system
Residential land
Class I residential land
Residential land
Category name
Public service facility land
Road land
Class II residential land
Residential land
Public service facility land
Road land
Class III residential land
Residential land
Public service facility land
Road Road land
Four types of residential land
Residential land
Public service facility land
Road land
Public facility land
Administrative office land
Municipal office land
Non-municipal office land
Engineering construction standard full-text information system
Engineering construction standard full-text information system
Category name
Commercial and financial land
Commercial land
Financial and insurance land||t t||Land for trade consultation
Land for service industry
Land for hotel industry
Land for market
Land for culture and entertainment
Land for press and publication
Land for cultural and art groups
Land for radio and television
Land for book exhibition
Land for cinema and theater
Land for recreation
Land for sports
Land for sports stadiums
Land for sports training
Land for medical and health care
Land for hospital|| tt||Land for health and epidemic prevention
Land for physical therapy
Land for education, scientific research and design
Land for colleges and universities
Land for secondary specialized schools
Land for adult and amateur schools
Land for special schools
Land for scientific research and design
Land for cultural relics and historical sites
Land for other public facilities
Industrial land
Type-1 industrial land
Type-2 industrial land
Type-3 industrial land
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Warehousing Land
Ordinary Warehouse Land
Category Name
Hazardous Goods Warehouse Land
Storage Yard Land
Foreign General Use Land
Railway Land
Highway Land
Highway Land
Second, Second, and Third-class Highway Land
Land for Long-distance Passenger Stations
Land for Pipeline Transportation
Port Land
Seaport Land
River Port Land
Airport land
Road and square land
Road land
Main road land
Secondary road land
Branch road land
Other road land
Square land
Traffic square land
Recreation and assembly square land
Social parking lot landbzxz.net
Motor vehicle parking lot land
Non-motor vehicle parking lot land
Municipal public facilities land
Supply facility land
Water supply land
Power supply land
Fuel supply Land for gas
Land for heating
Engineering construction standard full text information system
Engineering 6 standard full text information system
Land for transportation facilities
Land for public transportation
Land for freight transportation
Category name
Land for other transportation facilities
Land for postal and telecommunications facilities
Land for environmental sanitation facilities
Land for rainwater and sewage treatment
Land for fecal garbage treatment
Land for construction and maintenance facilities
Land for funeral facilities
Land for other municipal public facilities||tt ||Public green space
Street green space
Production and protection green space
Garden production green space
Protection green space
Special land
Military land
Foreign affairs land
Security land
Water areas and other land
Irrigated paddy fields
Other cultivated land
Village and town construction land
Village and town residential land
Village and town enterprise land
Village and town highway land
Other village and town land
Abandoned land
Open-pit mine land Land
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Urban Land Classification Code and Code Comparison Table Category Name
Residential Land
First Class Residential Land
Residential Land
Public Service Facility Land
Road Land
Second Class Residential Land
Residential Land
Public Service Facility Land
Road Land
Third Class Residential Land
Residential Land
Public Service Facility Land
Road Land||tt ||Four types of residential land
Residential land
Public service facility land
Road land
Public facility land
Administrative office land
Municipal office land
Non-municipal office land
Commercial and financial land
Commercial land
Financial and insurance land
Engineering construction standard full-text information system
Engineering construction standard full-text information system
Category name
Trade consulting land
Service industry land
Hotel industry land||tt ||Market Land
Culture and Entertainment Land
Press and Publishing Land
Cultural and Art Group Land
Radio and Television Land
Book Exhibition Land
Cinema and Theater Land
Amusement Land
Sports Land
Sports Stadium Land
Sports Training Land
Medical and Health Land
Hospital Land
Sanitary and Epidemic Prevention Land
Rest and Recuperation Land
Education, Scientific Research and Design Land
University Land
Secondary Vocational School Land||t t||Land for adult and amateur schools
Land for special schools
Land for scientific research and design
Land for cultural relics and historical sites
Land for other public facilities
Industrial land
Class I industrial land
Class II industrial land
Class III industrial land
Warehousing land
Ordinary warehouse land
Hazardous goods warehouse land
Storage yard land
General land for foreign affairs
Railway land
Engineering 8 Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.