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Core metadata of logistics information resource

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 40208-2021

Standard Name:Core metadata of logistics information resource

Chinese Name: 物流信息资源核心元数据

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2021-05-21

Date of Implementation:2021-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and management of companies (enterprises), Administration, Transport>>Transport>>03.220.01 Transport General

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A20 Comprehensive Technology

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2021-05-01

other information

drafter:Ye Jing, Zhao Nanxi, Li Sicong, Li Ran, Shao Xiaojing, Sun Xiaoyun, Li Zheng, Zhu Fujia, Chen Yuanxin, Xu Lifeng, Chen Hao, Zhang Yongpei, Wang Hong, Shi Jin

Drafting unit:Highway Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, China Article Coding Center, Shenzhen SF Tyson Holdings Group Co., Ltd., Shandong Institute of Standardization, Shenzhen Institute of Standards and Technology, Zhejiang Institute of Standardiza

Focal point unit:National Logistics Information Management Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 267)

Proposing unit:National Logistics Information Management Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 267)

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 40208-2021.Core metadata of logistics information resource.
GB/T 40208 gives the classification of logistics information resources, specifies the core metadata model, metadata description method, core metadata description and general requirements for core metadata extension. And gives the core metadata code table.
GB/T 40208 is applicable to the cataloging, database construction, and publication of logistics information resources, as well as data exchange and network query services related to sharing.
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute the essential terms of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, for dated references, only the version corresponding to the date applies to this document; for undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 7027 Basic principles and methods for information classification and coding
GB/T 7408 Data elements and exchange formats Information exchange date and time representation
GB/T 18391.1-2009 Information technology Metadata Registration System (MDR) Part 1: Framework
GB/T 21063.2 Government information resource directory system Part 2: Technical requirements
GB/T 26768 Basic data elements for road and water freight transport
GB/T 26816-2011 Core metadata for information resources
GB 32100-2015 Coding rules for unified social credit codes for legal persons and other organizations
JT/T 697.7 Basic data elements for transportation information Part 7: Basic data elements for road transportation information
JT/T 747.3 Directory system for transportation information resources Part 3 Part: Core metadata
JT/T 919.1 Transportation logistics information exchange Part 1: Data elements.
RFC 2396 Uniform Resource Identifiers
This document gives the classification of logistics information resources, specifies the core metadata model, metadata description method, core metadata description and general requirements for core metadata extension, and gives the core metadata code table. This document is applicable to the cataloging, database construction, and publication of logistics information resources, as well as data exchange and network query services related to sharing.

Some standard content:

ICS 03.220.01
CCS A 20
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Core metadata of logistics information resource
Core metadata of logistics information resource2021-05-21Release
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration
GB/T 40208—2021
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Core metadata model
LML model symbols
LML model diagram
5 Metadata description method
Basic requirements
Chinese name
English name
Data type
Abbreviation name
Maximum number of occurrences
6 Core metadata description
6.1 Metadata entity description
6.2 Metadata element description
? Core metadata extension - general requirements
7.1 Extension principles
7.2 Extension types
7.3 Implementation and methods of extension
Appendix A (normative) Classification of logistics information resources
Appendix B (normative) List of core metadata codes for logistics information resources
Appendix C (informative) Examples of application of core metadata for logistics information resources References
This document is drafted in accordance with the provisions of GB/T1.1
2020 Guidelines for Standardization Work
Part 1: Structure and Drafting Rules for Standardization Documents.
Please note that some contents of this document may involve patents. The issuing agency of this document does not assume the responsibility for identifying patents. This document is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Logistics Information Management (SAC/TC267). This document was initiated by: Highway Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, China Article Coding Center, Shenzhen SF Tyson Holding Group Co., Ltd., Shandong Institute of Standardization, Shenzhen Institute of Standards and Technology, Zhejiang Institute of Standardization, Qingdao Institute of Standardization. The main drafters of this document are: Ye Jing, Zhao Nanxi, Li Sicong, Li Shan, Bu Xiaojing, Sun Xiaoyun, Li Zheng, Zhu Fujia, Chen Yuanxin, Xu Lifeng, Chen Hao, Mi Shuipei, Gan Hong, Shi Jin.
1 Scope
Core metadata of logistics information resources
This document gives the classification of logistics information resources, specifies the general requirements of core metadata model, metadata description method, core metadata description and core metadata extension, and gives the core metadata code table. This document is applicable to the compilation, database construction, publication, and data exchange and network query services related to sharing of logistics information resources. 2 Normative reference documents
The contents of the following documents constitute the essential terms of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, for reference documents with an entry date, only the version corresponding to the entry date is applicable to this document. For reference documents without an entry date, the latest version (including all amendments) is applicable to this document:
GB/ 7408
Basic principles and methods of information classification and codingData elements and exchange formats, information exchange period and time representationGB/18391.1:2009Information technologyMetadata registration system (MDR) Part 1: FrameworkGB/21063.2Government information resource registration system Part 2: Technical requirementsGB26768Basic data elements for road and water freight transportationGB/268162011Core metadata for information resourcesGB321002015Social credit code coding rules for legal persons and other organizationsJT/T697.7Basic data elements for transportation informationPart 7:Basic data elements for road transportation informationJT/T 747.3
JT/T 910.1
Transportation information resource registration systemPart 3: Core metadataTransportation logistics information exchangePart 1: Data elementsRFC2396Uniform Resource Identification (Uniform Resource Identification) 3 Terms and definitions
GB/18391.1-2009 and GB/126816-2011 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document 3.1
Logistics information resource logisticsinformationresource Various data, documents, charts, etc. generated in the process of logistics business, services and management, recorded and stored in electronic form 3.2
Core metadata of logistics information resource coremetadata of logistics informationresource Metadata elements and data entities that describe the basic attributes of logistics information resources. 3.3
Metadata that defines and describes other data.
[Source: GB/T18391.1-2009.3.2.16] 3.4
Characteristics of an object or entity.
GB/T 40208—2021
[Source: GB/ 18391.1 2009.3.1.1]3.5
Metadata element metadataelement
The basic unit of metadata,
Note: Metadata elements are unique in metadata entities. Source. GB/268162011.3.3
Metadata entity metadata entity
A group of metadata elements that describe the relevant characteristics of information resources. Note: It can contain one or more metadata entities. L Source GB/268162011.3.4
Class class
A description of a set of objects with the same attributes, operations, methods, relationships and semantics [Source: GB/-- 18391.12009, 3.1.24 Core metadata model
4.1 UML model symbols
The core metadata of logistics information resources adopts Unified Modeling Language (L:ML) to describe the relationship between metadata entities and metadata elements, using 1M small! The class represents the metadata entity. The graphic symbols are shown in Table 1. Table 1I:MI. Symbol Description
4.2 UMI. Model Diagram
Class. Represents the aggregation of metadata entities. It is used to create the relationship between the parts and the whole of the entity. Class 2
contains the abbreviation of class 1
1.1, indicating that the data entity is mandatory. The appearance of
indicates that the metadata entity is mandatory and appears at least times.
can appear multiple times
indicates that the metadata entity is
can appear multiple times
indicates that the metadata entity is
optional and appears at most once
The core metadata of logistics information resources is composed of nine metadata entities: basic information, information resource classification information, information resource provider information, information resource format information, data meta information, open attribute information, service information, charging information, and metadata maintenance and expansion information. The UMI model diagram is shown in Figure 1.
Basic information
Information resource name: String
+Information resource identifier: Suug
+Keyword: String
Information resource summary: String
+Information resource source system: String
+Information resource release date: Date
WRL address:
+Information resource update date: Date
Information resource format information
+Format classification; String
+Storage type: String
Data element information
+Data element name: String
+Data element number: String
+Data type: String
+Update period: String.
5Method for describing metadata
5.1 Basic requirements
Core metadata of logistics information resources
Basic information, basic information
Information resource classification information: Information resource classification information Information resource provider information: Information resource provider information + Information resource format information: Information resource format information Data meta information: Data meta information
+Open attribute information: Open attribute information
Charging information: Charging information
Service information: Service information
Metadata maintenance information: Metadata maintenance information O1..1
Open attribute information
+Whether open to the public: Boolean
+Open type: String
+Open condition: String
Charging information
+Whether charging: String
+Charging standard: String
Service information
Obtaining method: String
+Sharing type: String
+Service address: String
+Service type: String g
Figure 1 UML diagram of core metadata of logistics information resources GB/T40208—2021
Information resource classification information
+Category name: String
+Classification code: String
Information resource provider information
+Resource provider name: String
+Uniform social credit code: String
+Contact address: String
+Contact phone number: String
+Tel. Email: String
Metadata maintenance information
+Metadata maintainer name: String
+Metadata maintainer address: String
+Metadata maintainer contact number: String+Metadata update date: Date
The core metadata of logistics information resources is defined and described by metadata entities and metadata indices. The attributes used include: Chinese name, definition, English name, data type, value range, abbreviation name, constraints/conditions, maximum number of occurrences, and remarks. 5.2 Chinese name
A Chinese tag is assigned to a metadata element or metadata entity. The metadata Chinese name shall be unique within the scope of this document. The metadata element name shall also be unique within the metadata entity. The Chinese name can be found in the titles of each article in Chapter 6. 5.3 Definition
An explanation of the meaning of a metadata element or metadata entity so that the metadata element or metadata entity can be conceptually distinguished from other metadata elements or metadata entities.
5.4: English name
A Chinese name is assigned to a metadata element or metadata entity. It is expressed in full English. The compound words formed are seamlessly connected, where:
a) The English name of the metadata element adopts LC (Lower CamelCase) format, that is, the first word is all lowercase, and the first letter of each of the remaining words is uppercase, and these words are combined into a whole. b) The English name of the metadata entity adopts Ucc (Uppcr Camcl Case) method. That is: replace the letters of each word with a capital letter and combine the words:
GB/T 40208—2021
Data type
Defines the valid value range of metadata elements and the provisions for valid operations on values ​​within the value range, such as digital type, character type, period type, unary type, Boolean type, etc.: The metadata entity in the document is a composite type
5.6 Value range
Describes the set of values ​​allowed for the metadata element. 5.7
Abbreviation name
Metadata element index The English abbreviation name of the metadata entity. The abbreviation name should meet the following requirements: The abbreviation and the name are in the document It should be unique within the scope; the box name should not include any spaces, dashes, underscores or separators, etc. b)
For commonly used English abbreviations, use commonly used abbreviations; for identifiers based on English names or other custom identifiers, on the premise of maintaining uniqueness, take the first three letters of each word as its short name abbreviation identifier. When such word collection cannot guarantee uniqueness, the word collection bit should be extended, and the band instrument should increase one bit: If this still cannot guarantee uniqueness, continue to extend the collection as before until uniqueness is guaranteed.
Attributes that indicate whether a data element or a data entity must be selected include: a) M: Required, indicating that the metadata entity or metadata element must be selected; (:-Required under certain conditions, it must be selected when the conditions defined by the constraints are met. Conditional mandatory is used for one of the following possibilities:
1) When choosing from multiple options, at least one option is required and should be used: 2) When a metadata element is already used, select the metadata entity or metadata element: 3) When: a When a specific value has been selected for a metadata element, select another metadata element.: Optional, a metadata entity or metadata element that can be selected or not in actual use. An optional metadata entity can contain mandatory metadata elements, but it becomes mandatory only when the optional entity is selected: If an optional metadata entity is not used, the metadata elements (including mandatory elements) contained in the entity are also not selected. 5.9
Maximum number of occurrences
The maximum number of times a metadata element or metadata entity may appear repeatedly in actual use. "1" is used to indicate only one occurrence, and \N\ is used to indicate multiple occurrences.
5.10 Remarks
Further supplementary description of the metadata element or metadata entity, selected as needed. 6 Core metadata description
6.1 Metadata entity description
6.1.1 Basic information
Definition: Describe the basic information of logistics information resources4
English name: BasicInlormation
Data type: Composite
Abbreviation: BasIu
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
Remarks: Basic information includes information resources Source name, information resource identifier, link character, information resource summary, information resource source system, information resource release date, LRL address and information resource history 2 Information resource classification information
Definition: Describes the corresponding classification information of logistics information resources English name: ResourceCalegoryInformation Data type: Composite
Abbreviation name: ResCatInf
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 4
Remarks: Information source classification information includes category name and classification code. 6.1.3 Information of information resource provider
Definition: The name, address, telephone number and other contact information of the logistics activity participants (including various logistics enterprises, platform enterprises, government management departments, intermediary agencies, etc.) who provide logistics information resources and are responsible for the integrity, correctness and authenticity of the information resources. English name: ResourcePrcviderlnformation Data type: Composite
Abbreviation: ResProlnf
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
Note: The information of information resource provider includes the name of the resource provider, unified social credit code, contact address, contact telephone number and email address.
Information resource format information
Definition: Description of different existence modes of logistics information resources English name: ResourceFormatInformation Data type: Composite
Abbreviation: RcsFormInl
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
Remarks: Information resource format information includes format classification and storage type. 6.1.5
5Data element information
Definition: Detailed information on specific data items in logistics information resourcesEnglish name: DatalnformationData type: Composite
Abbreviation: Datalnf
Constraints/conditions: 0
GB/T 40208—2021
Maximum number of occurrences: N
Remarks: Data element information includes data element name, data element number, data type and update cycle. 6Open attribute information
Definition: Description of the release and opening conditions of logistics information resources to the societyEnglish name: PublicationInfornationData type: Composite
Abbreviation: Publiclielnf
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
Remarks: Open attribute information includes whether it is open to the society, the type of opening and the conditions of opening. 6.1.7 Charging Information
Definition: Description of the charging situation of logistics information resources English name: Chargelnformation
Data type composite
Abbreviation: ChargeInl
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
Remarks: Charging information includes whether to charge and the charging standard. 6.1.8 Service Information
Definition: Description of the service received by logistics information resources English name: Servicelnformalion Data type: composite
Abbreviation: ServInfo
Constraints/conditions: 0
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
Remarks: Service information includes acquisition method, sharing type, service address and service type 6.1.9
Metadata maintenance information
Definition: Relevant information responsible for maintaining metadata English name·MetadataMaintcnanecInformation Data type: composite
Abbreviation: MetaMaintInl
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: N
Remarks: Metadata maintenance information includes the name of the metadata maintainer, the address of the metadata maintainer, the contact number of the metadata maintainer and the metadata update period.
2 Metadata element description
Basic information
Information resource name
Definition: Formal title describing the content of logistics information resource English name: rcsourccTitle
Data type: character medium
Value range: Plain text
Abbreviation: resTitle
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Information resource identifier
Definition: Unique and unchanging identification code of logistics information resource English name: resourceldentifier Data type: character medium
Value range: The coding structure is shown in B.1 in Appendix B Abbreviation: reslD
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Keywords
Definition: A term used to describe the content of logistics information resource. English name of source topic: keyword
Data type: Ningfu Chinese
Value range: free text
Abbreviation: keyword
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: N Information resource abstract
Definition: A text that summarizes the content of logistics information resources. English name: abstract
Data type: string
Domain: Text
Abbreviation: abstract
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum occurrences: 1 Information resource source system
Definition: The name of the system that describes the logistics information resources released by the resource provider English name: soureSyslem
GB/T 40208—2021
Data type: character
Domain: Baishan Wenmu
Authorized name: sourSys
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
6Information resource publication date
Definition: The date when the resource provider publishes the shared logistics information resourceEnglish name: resourcePublicationDateData type: date
Value range: connect GH/T 7408 execution, the format is YYYY-MM-DD Abbreviated name: resPubDat
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
7URL address
Definition: The network address where logistics information resources can be obtained. English name: URLAddress
Data type: Chinese
Value range: Free text, as specified in RFC2396. Written name: LRLAddr
Constraints/conditions: 0
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
8Information resource update date
Definition: The date of information resource update
English name: resourceUplateDateData type: Date type
Domain: According to GB/T7408. The format is CCYY-MM-DDAbbreviation: resUpdDate
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
Information resource classification Information Category name
Definition: The name of a specific category in each dimension of logistics information resources. English name: culegoryName
Data type: string
Value range: See Table A, 1 Table A.4 in Appendix A. Category name\column abbreviation: caiNatnt
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
-rrKaeerKAca-| |tt|| Classification code
Definition: Code indicating the category of logistics information resources English name: categoryCode
Data type: Ning Fuzhong
Value slope: See Appendix A Table A, 1-~ Table A, 4 "Code column abbreviation name: caiCorde
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
3 Information resource provider information
Resource provider name
Definition: Name of the organization that provides logistics information resources English name: organizationName
Data type: Ningfu Zhong
Value range: Baishan Text
Abbreviation: orgName
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Unified social credit code
Definition: Every legal entity and other organization has a unique, lifelong legal identity identification code throughout the country English name: uniformSocialCreditCode Data type: string
Value range: in accordance with GB32100
Abbreviation: USCC
Constraints/conditions: 0
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Contact address
2015 regulations
Definition: The communication address of the resource provider English name: co ntactAddress
Data type: Character
Value range: Free text
Abbreviation: cntAdd
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Contact phone
Definition: Contact phone number of the resource provider
English name: conLactPhone
Data type: Character
-rrKaeerKAca-7Charging information
Definition: Description of the charging situation of logistics information resources English name: Chargelnformation
Data type composite
Abbreviation: ChargeInl
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
Remarks: Charging information includes whether to charge and charging standards. 6.1.8 Service information
Definition: Description of the service received by logistics information resources English name: Servicelnformalion Data class: composite
Abbreviation: ServInfo
Constraints/conditions: 0|| tt||Maximum number of occurrences: 1
Remarks: Service information includes acquisition method, sharing type, service address and service type 6.1.9
Metadata maintenance information
Definition: Relevant information responsible for maintaining metadata English name·MetadataMaintcnanecInformation Data type: composite
Abbreviation: MetaMaintInl
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: N
Remarks: Metadata maintenance information includes the metadata maintainer name, metadata maintainer address, metadata maintainer contact number and metadata update period.
2 Metadata element description
Basic information
Information resource name
Definition: Formal title describing the content of logistics information resource English name: rcsourccTitle
Data type: character medium
Value range: Plain text
Abbreviation: resTitle
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Information resource identifier
Definition: Unique and unchanging identification code of logistics information resource English name: resourceldentifier Data type: character medium
Value range: The coding structure is shown in B.1 in Appendix B Abbreviation: reslD
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Keywords
Definition: A term used to describe the content of logistics information resource. English name of source topic: keyword
Data type: Ningfu Chinese
Value range: free text
Abbreviation: keyword
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: N Information resource abstract
Definition: A text that summarizes the content of logistics information resources. English name: abstract
Data type: string
Domain: Text
Abbreviation: abstract
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum occurrences: 1 Information resource source system
Definition: The name of the system that describes the logistics information resources released by the resource provider English name: soureSyslem
GB/T 40208—2021
Data type: character
Domain: Baishan Wenmu
Authorized name: sourSys
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
6Information resource publication date
Definition: The date when the resource provider publishes the shared logistics information resourceEnglish name: resourcePublicationDateData type: date
Value range: connect GH/T 7408 execution, the format is YYYY-MM-DD Abbreviated name: resPubDat
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
7URL address
Definition: The network address where logistics information resources can be obtained. English name: URLAddress
Data type: Chinese
Value range: Free text, as specified in RFC2396. Written name: LRLAddr
Constraints/conditions: 0
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
8Information resource update date
Definition: The date of information resource update
English name: resourceUplateDateData type: Date type
Domain: According to GB/T7408. The format is CCYY-MM-DDAbbreviation: resUpdDate
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
Information resource classification Information Category name
Definition: The name of a specific category in each dimension of logistics information resources. English name: culegoryName
Data type: string
Value range: See Table A, 1 Table A.4 in Appendix A. Category name\column abbreviation: caiNatnt
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
-rrKaeerKAca-| |tt|| Classification code
Definition: Code indicating the category of logistics information resources English name: categoryCode
Data type: Ning Fuzhong
Value slope: See Appendix A Table A, 1-~ Table A, 4 "Code column abbreviation name: caiCorde
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
3 Information resource provider information
Resource provider name
Definition: Name of the organization that provides logistics information resources English name: organizationName
Data type: Ningfu Zhong
Value range: Baishan Text
Abbreviation: orgName
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Unified social credit code
Definition: Every legal entity and other organization has a unique, lifelong legal identity identification code throughout the country English name: uniformSocialCreditCode Data type: string
Value range: in accordance with GB32100
Abbreviation: USCC
Constraints/conditions: 0
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Contact address
2015 regulations
Definition: The communication address of the resource provider English name: co ntactAddress
Data type: Character
Value range: Free text
Abbreviation: cntAdd
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Contact phone
Definition: Contact phone number of the resource provider
English name: conLactPhone
Data type: Character
-rrKaeerKAca-7Charging information
Definition: Description of the charging situation of logistics information resources English name: Chargelnformation
Data type composite
Abbreviation: ChargeInl
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
Remarks: Charging information includes whether to charge and charging standards. 6.1.8 Service information
Definition: Description of the service received by logistics information resources English name: Servicelnformalion Data class: composite
Abbreviation: ServInfo
Constraints/conditions: 0|| tt||Maximum number of occurrences: 1
Remarks: Service information includes acquisition method, sharing type, service address and service type 6.1.9
Metadata maintenance information
Definition: Relevant information responsible for maintaining metadata English name·MetadataMaintcnanecInformation Data type: composite
Abbreviation: MetaMaintInl
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: N
Remarks: Metadata maintenance information includes the metadata maintainer name, metadata maintainer address, metadata maintainer contact number and metadata update period.
2 Metadata element description
Basic information
Information resource name
Definition: Formal title describing the content of logistics information resource English name: rcsourccTitle
Data type: character medium
Value range: Plain text
Abbreviation: resTitle
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Information resource identifier
Definition: Unique and unchanging identification code of logistics information resource English name: resourceldentifier Data type: character medium
Value range: The coding structure is shown in B.1 in Appendix B Abbreviation: reslD
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Keywords
Definition: A term used to describe the content of logistics information resource. English name of source topic: keyword
Data type: Ningfu Chinese
Value range: free text
Abbreviation: keyword
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: N Information resource abstract
Definition: A text that summarizes the content of logistics information resources. English name: abstract
Data type: string
Domain: Text
Abbreviation: abstract
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum occurrences: 1 Information resource source system
Definition: The name of the system that describes the logistics information resources released by the resource provider English name: soureSyslem
GB/T 40208—2021
Data type: character
Domain: Baishan Wenmu
Authorized name: sourSys
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
6Information resource publication date
Definition: The date when the resource provider publishes the shared logistics information resourceEnglish name: resourcePublicationDateData type: date
Value range: connect GH/T 7408 execution, the format is YYYY-MM-DD Abbreviated name: resPubDat
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
7URL address
Definition: The network address where logistics information resources can be obtained. English name: URLAddress
Data type: Chinese
Value range: Free text, as specified in RFC2396. Written name: LRLAddr
Constraints/conditions: 0
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
8Information resource update date
Definition: The date of information resource update
English name: resourceUplateDateData type: Date type
Domain: According to GB/T7408. The format is CCYY-MM-DDAbbreviation: resUpdDate
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
Information resource classification Information Category name
Definition: The name of a specific category in each dimension of logistics information resources. English name: culegoryName
Data type: string
Value range: See Table A, 1 Table A.4 in Appendix A. Category name\column abbreviation: caiNatnt
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
-rrKaeerKAca-| |tt|| Classification code
Definition: Code indicating the category of logistics information resources English name: categoryCode
Data type: Ning Fuzhong
Value slope: See Appendix A Table A, 1-~ Table A, 4 "Code column abbreviation name: caiCorde
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
3 Information resource provider information
Resource provider name
Definition: Name of the organization that provides logistics information resources English name: organizationName
Data type: Ningfu Zhong
Value range: Baishan Text
Abbreviation: orgName
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Unified social credit code
Definition: Every legal entity and other organization has a unique, lifelong legal identity identification code throughout the country English name: uniformSocialCreditCode Data type: string
Value range: in accordance with GB32100
Abbreviation: USCC
Constraints/conditions: 0
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Contact address
2015 regulations
Definition: The communication address of the resource provider English name: co ntactAddress
Data type: Character
Value range: Free text
Abbreviation: cntAdd
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Contact phone
Definition: Contact phone number of the resource provider
English name: conLactPhone
Data type: Character
Metadata maintenance information
Definition: Relevant information responsible for maintaining metadata English name·MetadataMaintcnanecInformation Data type: Composite
Abbreviation: MetMaintInl
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: N
Remarks: Metadata maintenance information includes the name of the metadata maintainer, the address of the metadata maintainer, the contact number of the metadata maintainer and the metadata update period.
2 Metadata element description
Basic information
Information resource name
Definition: Formal title describing the content of logistics information resource English name: rcsourccTitle
Data type: character medium
Value range: Plain text
Abbreviation: resTitle
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Information resource identifier
Definition: Unique and unchanging identification code of logistics information resource English name: resourceldentifier Data type: character medium
Value range: The coding structure is shown in B.1 in Appendix B Abbreviation: reslD
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Keywords
Definition: A term used to describe the content of logistics information resource. English name of source topic: keyword
Data type: Ningfu Chinese
Value range: free text
Abbreviation: keyword
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: N Information resource abstract
Definition: A text that summarizes the content of logistics information resources. English name: abstract
Data type: string
Domain: Text
Abbreviation: abstract
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum occurrences: 1 Information resource source system
Definition: The name of the system that describes the logistics information resources released by the resource provider English name: soureSyslem
GB/T 40208—2021
Data type: character
Domain: Baishan Wenmu
Authorized name: sourSys
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
6Information resource publication date
Definition: The date when the resource provider publishes the shared logistics information resourceEnglish name: resourcePublicationDateData type: date
Value range: connect GH/T 7408 execution, the format is YYYY-MM-DD Abbreviated name: resPubDat
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
7URL address
Definition: The network address where logistics information resources can be obtained. English name: URLAddress
Data type: Chinese
Value range: Free text, as specified in RFC2396. Written name: LRLAddr
Constraints/conditions: 0
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
8Information resource update date
Definition: The date of information resource update
English name: resourceUplateDateData type: Date type
Domain: According to GB/T7408. The format is CCYY-MM-DDAbbreviation: resUpdDate
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
Information resource classification Information Category name
Definition: The name of a specific category in each dimension of logistics information resources. English name: culegoryName
Data type: string
Value range: See Table A, 1 Table A.4 in Appendix A. Category name\column abbreviation: caiNatnt
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
-rrKaeerKAca-| |tt|| Classification code
Definition: Code indicating the category of logistics information resources English name: categoryCode
Data type: Ning Fuzhong
Value slope: See Appendix A Table A, 1-~ Table A, 4 "Code column abbreviation name: caiCorde
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
3 Information resource provider information
Resource provider name
Definition: Name of the organization that provides logistics information resources English name: organizationName
Data type: Ningfu Zhong
Value range: Baishan Text
Abbreviation: orgName
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Unified social credit code
Definition: Every legal entity and other organization has a unique, lifelong legal identity identification code throughout the country English name: uniformSocialCreditCode Data type: string
Value range: in accordance with GB32100
Abbreviation: USCC
Constraints/conditions: 0
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Contact address
2015 regulations
Definition: The communication address of the resource provider English name: co ntactAddress
Data type: Character
Value range: Free text
Abbreviation: cntAdd
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Contact phone
Definition: Contact phone number of the resource provider
English name: conLactPhone
Data type: Character
Metadata maintenance information
Definition: Relevant information responsible for maintaining metadata English name·MetadataMaintcnanecInformation Data type: Composite
Abbreviation: MetMaintInl
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: N
Remarks: Metadata maintenance information includes the name of the metadata maintainer, the address of the metadata maintainer, the contact number of the metadata maintainer and the metadata update period.
2 Metadata element description
Basic information
Information resource name
Definition: Formal title describing the content of logistics information resource English name: rcsourccTitle
Data type: character medium
Value range: Plain text
Abbreviation: resTitle
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Information resource identifier
Definition: Unique and unchanging identification code of logistics information resource English name: resourceldentifier Data type: character medium
Value range: The coding structure is shown in B.1 in Appendix B Abbreviation: reslD
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Keywords
Definition: A term used to describe the content of logistics information resource. English name of source topic: keyword
Data type: Ningfu Chinese
Value range: free text
Abbreviation: keyword
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: N Information resource abstract
Definition: A text that summarizes the content of logistics information resources. English name: abstract
Data type: string
Domain: Text
Abbreviation: abstract
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum occurrences: 1 Information resource source system
Definition: The name of the system that describes the logistics information resources released by the resource provider English name: soureSyslem
GB/T 40208—2021
Data type: character
Domain: Baishan Wenmu
Authorized name: sourSys
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
6Information resource publication date
Definition: The date when the resource provider publishes the shared logistics information resourceEnglish name: resourcePublicationDateData type: date
Value range: connect GH/T 7408 execution, the format is YYYY-MM-DD Abbreviated name: resPubDat
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
7URL address
Definition: The network address where logistics information resources can be obtained. English name: URLAddress
Data type: Chinese
Value range: Free text, as specified in RFC2396. Written name: LRLAddr
Constraints/conditions: 0
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
8Information resource update date
Definition: The date of information resource update
English name: resourceUplateDateData type: Date type
Domain: According to GB/T7408. The format is CCYY-MM-DDAbbreviation: resUpdDate
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
Information resource classification Information Category name
Definition: The name of a specific category in each dimension of logistics information resources. English name: culegoryName
Data type: string
Value range: See Table A, 1 Table A.4 in Appendix A. Category name\column abbreviation: caiNatnt
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
-rrKaeerKAca-| |tt|| Classification code
Definition: Code indicating the category of logistics information resources English name: categoryCode
Data type: Ning Fuzhong
Value slope: See Appendix A Table A, 1-~ Table A, 4 "Code column abbreviation name: caiCorde
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1bzxz.net
3 Information resource provider information
Resource provider name
Definition: Name of the organization that provides logistics information resources English name: organizationName
Data type: Ningfu Zhong
Value range: Baishan Text
Abbreviation: orgName
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Unified social credit code
Definition: Every legal entity and other organization has a unique, lifelong legal identity identification code throughout the country English name: uniformSocialCreditCode Data type: string
Value range: in accordance with GB32100
Abbreviation: USCC
Constraints/conditions: 0
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Contact address
2015 regulations
Definition: The communication address of the resource provider English name: co ntactAddress
Data type: Character
Value range: Free text
Abbreviation: cntAdd
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Contact phone
Definition: Contact phone number of the resource provider
English name: conLactPhone
Data type: Character
-rrKaeerKAca-5Information resource source system
Definition: The system name of the resource provider that publishes the logistics information resources. English name: soureSyslem
GB/T 40208—2021
Data type: Character
Domain: Baishan Wenmu
Original name: sourSys
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
6Information resource publication date
Definition: The date on which the resource provider publishes the shared logistics information resources. English name: resourcePublicationDateData type: Date
Value range: Connected to GH/T 7408 execution, the format is YYYY-MM-DD Abbreviated name: resPubDat
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
7URL address
Definition: The network address where logistics information resources can be obtained. English name: URLAddress
Data type: Chinese
Value range: Free text, as specified in RFC2396. Written name: LRLAddr
Constraints/conditions: 0
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
8Information resource update date
Definition: The date of information resource update
English name: resourceUplateDateData type: Date type
Domain: According to GB/T7408. The format is CCYY-MM-DDAbbreviation: resUpdDate
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
Information resource classification Information Category name
Definition: The name of a specific category in each dimension of logistics information resources. English name: culegoryName
Data type: string
Value range: See Table A, 1 Table A.4 in Appendix A. Category name\column abbreviation: caiNatnt
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
-rrKaeerKAca-| |tt|| Classification code
Definition: Code indicating the category of logistics information resources English name: categoryCode
Data type: Ning Fuzhong
Value slope: See Appendix A Table A, 1-~ Table A, 4 "Code column abbreviation name: caiCorde
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
3 Information resource provider information
Resource provider name
Definition: Name of the organization that provides logistics information resources English name: organizationName
Data type: Ningfu Zhong
Value range: Baishan Text
Abbreviation: orgName
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Unified social credit code
Definition: Every legal entity and other organization has a unique, lifelong legal identity identification code throughout the country English name: uniformSocialCreditCode Data type: string
Value range: in accordance with GB32100
Abbreviation: USCC
Constraints/conditions: 0
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Contact address
2015 regulations
Definition: The communication address of the resource provider English name: co ntactAddress
Data type: Character
Value range: Free text
Abbreviation: cntAdd
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Contact phone
Definition: Contact phone number of the resource provider
English name: conLactPhone
Data type: Character
-rrKaeerKAca-5Information resource source system
Definition: The system name of the resource provider that publishes the logistics information resources. English name: soureSyslem
GB/T 40208—2021
Data type: Character
Domain: Baishan Wenmu
Original name: sourSys
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
6Information resource publication date
Definition: The date on which the resource provider publishes the shared logistics information resources. English name: resourcePublicationDateData type: Date
Value range: Connected to GH/T 7408 execution, the format is YYYY-MM-DD Abbreviated name: resPubDat
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
7URL address
Definition: The network address where logistics information resources can be obtained. English name: URLAddress
Data type: Chinese
Value range: Free text, as specified in RFC2396. Written name: LRLAddr
Constraints/conditions: 0
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
8Information resource update date
Definition: The date of information resource update
English name: resourceUplateDateData type: Date type
Domain: According to GB/T7408. The format is CCYY-MM-DDAbbreviation: resUpdDate
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
Information resource classification Information Category name
Definition: The name of a specific category in each dimension of logistics information resources. English name: culegoryName
Data type: string
Value range: See Table A, 1 Table A.4 in Appendix A. Category name\column abbreviation: caiNatnt
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
-rrKaeerKAca-| |tt|| Classification code
Definition: Code indicating the category of logistics information resources English name: categoryCode
Data type: Ning Fuzhong
Value slope: See Appendix A Table A, 1-~ Table A, 4 "Code column abbreviation name: caiCorde
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1
3 Information resource provider information
Resource provider name
Definition: Name of the organization that provides logistics information resources English name: organizationName
Data type: Ningfu Zhong
Value range: Baishan Text
Abbreviation: orgName
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Unified social credit code
Definition: Every legal entity and other organization has a unique, lifelong legal identity identification code throughout the country English name: uniformSocialCreditCode Data type: string
Value range: in accordance with GB32100
Abbreviation: USCC
Constraints/conditions: 0
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Contact address
2015 regulations
Definition: The communication address of the resource provider English name: co ntactAddress
Data type: Character
Value range: Free text
Abbreviation: cntAdd
Constraints/conditions: M
Maximum number of occurrences: 1 Contact phone
Definition: Contact phone number of the resource provider
English name: conLactPhone
Data type: Character
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