title>GB 8702-1988 Electromagnetic radiation protection regulations - GB 8702-1988 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB 8702-1988 Electromagnetic radiation protection regulations

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 8702-1988

Standard Name: Electromagnetic radiation protection regulations

Chinese Name: 电磁辐射防护规定

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release1988-03-11

Date of Implementation:1988-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Environmental Protection, Health and Safety>>13.280 Radiation Protection

Standard Classification Number:Environmental Protection>>Environmental Protection Comprehensive>>Z05 Pollution Control Technical Specifications

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

Publication date:1988-06-01

other information

Release date:1988-02-03

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:By the Radiological Environmental Management Division of the National Environmental Protection Administration

Focal point unit:National Environmental Protection Administration Standards Division

Proposing unit:National Environmental Protection Administration Standards Division

Publishing department:National Environmental Protection Agency

competent authority:State Environmental Protection Administration

Introduction to standards:

These regulations apply to all units or individuals, all facilities or equipment that produce electromagnetic radiation pollution within the territory of the People's Republic of China. However, the protection limits of this regulation do not apply to medical or diagnostic exposures arranged for patients. GB 8702-1988 Electromagnetic Radiation Protection Regulations GB8702-1988 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

National Standards of the People's Republic of China
Regulations for electromagnetic radiation protection
Regulations for electromagnetic radiation protection
1.1 To prevent These regulations are formulated to prevent electromagnetic radiation pollution, protect the environment, safeguard public health, and promote the development of proper practices associated with electromagnetic radiation.
1.2 These regulations apply to all units or individuals, all facilities or equipment that produce electromagnetic radiation pollution within the territory of the People's Republic of China. However, the protection limits of this regulation do not apply to medical or diagnostic exposures arranged for patients. 1.3 The applicable frequency range of the protection limits in this regulation is 100kHz~300GHz. The relationship between protection limit and frequency = Figure: 1.4 The protection limit in this regulation is the upper limit of acceptable protection water, and includes various possible excess values ??of electromagnetic radiation pollution: 1.5 - all units that produce electromagnetic radiation pollution Or individuals, should strive to reduce their electrical radiation pollution levels based on the principle of "as low as reasonably possible".
1.6 All units or departments that produce electromagnetic radiation pollution can formulate their own management limits (standards). The management limits (standards) of each unit or department should be stricter than the limits in these regulations. 2 Electromagnetic radiation protection limits
2.1 Basic limits
2.1.1 Occupational exposure: During the 8h1 daily operation period, the whole body average specific absorption rate (SAR) should be less than I' for any continuous 6min o.iw/kg.
2.1.2 Public exposure: Within 24 hours a day, the whole body average specific absorption rate (SAR) for any 6 consecutive minutes should be less than 0.02W/kg. 2.2 Derived limits
2.2.1 Occupational exposure: During the 8h1. operation period every day, the average value of the field quantity parameters of the electromagnetic radiation field within any continuous 6min should meet the requirements of Table 1.
Yan Xingfanjiu
150100~ 30000
Table 1 Occupational Exposure Derived Limits
Electric Field Strength
(28) 2||tt ||(0.5V7)2
:,) Make sure the handheld efficiency value is based on the car. Parameter?
National Environmental Protection Agency approved magnetic field strength on March 11, 1988
(0.075)2)| |tt||(0.0015/7):
Power density
( 60.)
2) For reference only, not as a limit value. The frequency is in MHz; the data in the table has been rounded. 2.2.2 Public exposure: Within 24 hours a day, the half-mean value of the field quantity parameters of the environmental electromagnetic radiation field within any continuous 6 minutes should meet the requirements of Table 2.
Table 2 Public Exposure Derived Limits
Frequency Range
30~3000||tt ||3000~15000
Electric field strength
(12) 2)
Magnetic field strength
0.17/ VT
Note: 1) It is the surface wave equivalent value for reference . 2) For comparison reference, not as a limit value; { in the table is the frequency, the unit is MHz; the data in the table have been rounded. Power density
2|| tt||2.2.3 When a radiator emits several frequencies or there are multiple radiators, the sum of the half-mean values ??of the field quantity parameters of its electromagnetic radiation field within any continuous 6 minutes should satisfy equation (1): MM| | tt | Exposure limits specified for electromagnetic radiation in frequency bands. (1)
2.2.4 For pulsed electromagnetic waves, in addition to meeting the above requirements, the instantaneous peak value shall not exceed 1000 times the limits listed in Tables 1 and 2. 2.2.5 In the vicinity of 1. industrial, scientific and medical radiation equipment with a frequency less than 100MHz, professional workers can work continuously for 8 hours under a magnetic field less than 1.6A/m.
3 Management of electromagnetic radiation sources
3.1 The following electromagnetic radiators are exempt from use 3.1.1 Mobile radio communication equipment with an output power equal to or less than 15W, such as land and maritime mobile communications Equipment and walkie-talkies, etc.
A radiator whose equivalent power radiates into an unshielded space is less than the value listed in Table 3. 3.1.2
Table 3 Equivalent radiated power frequency range of exempted electromagnetic radiators, MHz
equivalent Radiated power, W
3.2 The owner of all electromagnetic radiators whose power exceeds the exemption level listed in 3.1 must report to Declaration, registration, and supervision by the environmental protection department in the region.
3.2.1 Units or individuals that build or purchase electromagnetic radiators above the exemption level must submit an "Environmental Impact Report (Form)" to the environmental protection department in advance.
3.2.2 After the newly built or purchased electromagnetic radiator is put into operation, the spatial distribution of the electromagnetic radiation field must be measured on the spot. If necessary, draw protective zones based on actual measurements and set up warning signs. 3.3 All units or individuals that own electromagnetic radiators must strengthen the inherent safety design of electromagnetic radiators. 3.3.1. Electromagnetic radiation equipment used in industry, science and medicine must have a certificate that meets the "radio interference limit" when leaving the factory. The energy leakage levels of these devices should be checked regularly during operation, they should not be used at high energy leakage levels, and should avoid disturbing the daily lives of residents. 3.3.2 The distance of transmitting antennas for long-wave communication, medium-wave broadcasting, short-wave communication and broadcasting from densely populated areas must meet the safety limits of this regulation.
3.4 ??Workplaces with electromagnetic radiation levels exceeding the limits specified in 2.2.1 must be equipped with necessary occupational protective equipment. 3.5 Personnel who operate and manage equipment associated with electromagnetic radiation should receive electromagnetic radiation protection training. The training content should include: a. The nature and hazards of electromagnetic radiation; common protective measures, equipment and usage methods; b.
c. Personal protective equipment and how to use it;
d. Electromagnetic radiation protection regulations.
4 Electromagnetic Radiation Monitoring
4.1 For electromagnetic radiators that exceed the exemption level, the owner must monitor the electromagnetic radiation level in the workplace where the radiator is located and the surrounding environment, and will monitor Report the results to the local environmental protection department: 8. For newly built, renovated or expanded radiators, monitoring reports must be submitted within six months after they are put into use. Down. Existing radiators must be submitted for monitoring and sale within six months after this regulation comes into effect. 4.21 Workplace monitoring:
4.2.1 When the operating frequency of the electromagnetic radiator is lower than 300MHz, the electric field intensity and magnetic field intensity in the workplace should be measured separately. When the operating frequency of the electromagnetic radiator is greater than 300MHz, only the electric field intensity can be measured. 4.2.2 The measuring instrument should try to use a field strength meter or energy leakage meter with an omnidirectional probe. When using a non-omnidirectional probe, the probe direction must be continuously adjusted during the remaining period until the maximum field strength value is measured. The frequency response non-uniformity and accuracy of the instrument should be less than ±3dB. 4.2.3 The measuring instrument probe should be placed as far as possible at the actual operating position of the staff when there are no operators present. 4.3 Environmental monitoring:
4.3.1 Most of the electromagnetic radiation in the environment can be regarded as plane waves, so only the electric field strength needs to be measured. However, in places where it cannot be regarded as a plane wave, the electric field strength and magnetic field strength need to be measured separately. 4.3.2 Measuring instruments can use field strength meters, spectrum analyzers, microwave receivers, etc. The measurement error should be less than ±3dB, and the frequency error should be less than 1/50 of the center frequency of the measured frequency band. 4.3.3 For specific environmental measurements of a certain radiator, it should be based on the antenna type of the measured radiator, within 2000m from the antenna Select a point to measure in the maximum radiation direction or select a point to measure according to the azimuth according to the radiation pattern. 4.3.4 For general electromagnetic radiation environment monitoring points, measurement can usually be carried out by dividing the grids at certain intervals based on the ten main traffic lines.
4.3.5 The measuring point should be selected in an open area and should be away from the influence of power lines, high-voltage lines, telephone lines, trees and buildings. 4.4 Evaluation of monitoring results:
4.4.1 When .1. the electromagnetic radiation level in the workplace exceeds the limit, the working status and protective measures of the electromagnetic radiator must be inspected to identify the cause, and measures should be taken Effective governance measures. 4.4.2 When an electromagnetic radiator causes the environmental electromagnetic radiation level to exceed the limit of this regulation, measures must be taken as soon as possible to reduce the radiation level, and the reasons for excessive radiation exposure and the reasons for excessive radiation exposure must be reported to the environmental protection department in accordance with GB8702-88
Prepare measures for governance. 4.4.3 In. When evaluating the high radiation level, the contribution of several radiation frequencies that may exist in a certain radiator and the contribution of multiple radiators should be taken into account, that is, equation (2) should be satisfied:
MM | |tt | Exposure limits specified for electromagnetic radiation. 5: Monitoring quality assurance
5.1 Electromagnetic radiation monitoring must develop a monitoring plan and implementation plan in advance. (2)
5.1.1 The location of monitoring points should be selected to make the monitoring results representative. Different monitoring plans should be adopted for different monitoring purposes. 5.1.2 The instruments used for monitoring must be consistent with the measured object in terms of frequency, range, response time, etc., in order to ensure that true measurement results are obtained.
5.1.3 When monitoring, try to avoid or minimize interference, and estimate the maximum error that unavoidable interference may cause to the measurement results.
5.1.4 Sufficient data volume must be obtained during monitoring to ensure the statistical accuracy of the measurement results. 5.2 Monitoring instruments and devices (including antennas or probes) must be calibrated regularly. 5.3 The selection of abnormal data during monitoring and the data processing of monitoring results should be handled according to statistical principles. 5.4 Complete documentation should be established for electromagnetic radiation monitoring. Calibration certificates of instruments and antennas, monitoring plans, monitoring point layouts, original measurement data, statistical processing procedures, etc. must all be saved for review. 5.5 Any archived or reported monitoring results must be reviewed by professionals who are not directly involved in this work but are familiar with this content.
6 Glossary
6.1 Electromagnetic radiation: The phenomenon of energy propagating through space in the form of electromagnetic waves. 6.2 Specific absorption rate (specificabsorptionirateSAR): refers to the electromagnetic radiation power absorbed by an organism per unit mass, that is, the absorbed dose rate.
6.3 Power density (powerdensity): The magnitude of electromagnetic waves at a certain point in space is expressed by the power per unit area, and the unit is W/m2.
Or the value of the upslope Yinting loss at a certain point in space. 6.4 Equivalent radiation power: 6.4.1 Below 1000MHz, the equivalent radiation power is equal to the product of the nominal power of the machine and the antenna gain for a half-wave antenna. 6.4.2 Above 1000MHz, the equivalent radiated power is equal to the product of the nominal power of the machine and the gain of the omnidirectional antenna. 6.5 Thermal effect: refers to the changes directly related to thermal effects produced by tissues or systems after absorbing electromagnetic radiation energy.
6.6 Non-thermal effect: After absorbing electromagnetic radiation energy, changes in tissues or systems that are not related to direct thermal effects.
100||tt| |10t
104| |tt||Figure 1 Relationship between protection limits and frequency
(w /V)H
Additional notes:
This standard is approved by the National Environmental Protection Administration Proposed by the Standards Office. This standard was organized and compiled by the Radiation Environmental Management Division of the National Environmental Protection Administration. The National Environmental Protection Administration is responsible for interpreting this standard.3 Power density (powerdensity): The magnitude of electromagnetic waves at a certain point in space is expressed by the power per unit area, and the unit is W/m2.
Or the value of the upslope Yinting loss at a certain point in space. 6.4 Equivalent radiation power: 6.4.1 Below 1000MHz, the equivalent radiation power is equal to the product of the nominal power of the machine and the antenna gain for a half-wave antenna. 6.4.2 Above 1000MHz, the equivalent radiated power is equal to the product of the nominal power of the machine and the gain of the omnidirectional antenna. 6.5 Thermal effect: refers to the changes directly related to thermal effects produced by tissues or systems after absorbing electromagnetic radiation energy.
6.6 Non-thermal effect: After absorbing electromagnetic radiation energy, changes in tissues or systems that are not related to direct thermal effects.
100||tt| |10t
104| |tt||Figure 1 Relationship between protection limits and frequency
(w /V)H
Additional notes:
This standard is approved by the National Environmental Protection Administration Proposed by the Standards Office. This standard is organized and compiled by the Radiation Environmental Management Division of the National Environmental Protection Administration. The National Environmental Protection Administration is responsible for interpreting this standard.3 Power density (powerdensity): The magnitude of electromagnetic waves at a certain point in space is expressed by the power per unit area, and the unit is W/m2.
Or the value of the upslope Yinting loss at a certain point in space. 6.4 Equivalent radiation power: 6.4.1 Below 1000MHz, the equivalent radiation power is equal to the product of the nominal power of the machine and the antenna gain for a half-wave antenna. 6.4.2 Above 1000MHz, the equivalent radiated power is equal to the product of the nominal power of the machine and the gain of the omnidirectional antenna. 6.5 Thermal effect: refers to the changes directly related to thermal effects produced by tissues or systems after absorbing electromagnetic radiation energy.
6.6 Non-thermal effect: After absorbing electromagnetic radiation energy, changes in tissues or systems that are not related to direct thermal effects.
100||tt| |10t
104| |tt||Figure 1 Relationship between protection limits and frequency
(w /V)H
Additional notes:
This standard is approved by the National Environmental Protection Administration Proposed by the Standards Office. This standard is organized and compiled by the Radiation Environmental Management Division of the National Environmental Protection Administration. The National Environmental Protection Administration is responsible for interpreting this standard.
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