title>Specification for network real-time kinematic (RTK) surveys based on the reference stations using global navigation satellite system - GB/T 39616-2020 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Specification for network real-time kinematic (RTK) surveys based on the reference stations using global navigation satellite system

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 39616-2020

Standard Name:Specification for network real-time kinematic (RTK) surveys based on the reference stations using global navigation satellite system

Chinese Name: 卫星导航定位基准站网络实时动态测量(RTK)规范

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2020-12-14

Date of Implementation:2020-12-14

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.040 Astronomy, Geodesy, Geography

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Surveying and Mapping>>A75 Surveying and Mapping Comprehensive

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2020-12-01

other information

drafter:Guo Yufang, Deng Guoqing, Ge Zhonghua, He Shujing, Huang Gongwen, Ren Fu, Zhang Jing, Chen Ming, Wang Tiejun, Wu Tong, Xu Yantian, Shen Zhongshu, Zhao Lijian, Du Zhongjin, Wen Hanjiang, Xie Xiuping, Zhang Zhiyong, Cheng Yaxuan, Li Rongchun

Drafting unit:Institute of Surveying and Mapping Standardization, Ministry of Natural Resources, Zhejiang Provincial Surveying and Mapping Quality Supervision and Inspection Station, Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, National Basic Geographic Information C

Focal point unit:National Geographic Information Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 230)

Proposing unit:Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39616-2020.Specification for network real-time kinematic (RTK) surveys based on the reference stations using global navigation satellite system.
GB/T 39616 specifies the reference datum and basic requirements for the implementation of satellite navigation and positioning reference station network real-time kinematic survey (RTK) technology control survey and topographic survey, as well as the technical requirements and methods for field observation, data processing and detection.
GB/T 39616 is applicable to the corresponding level of satellite navigation and positioning reference station network real-time kinematic survey. Real-time kinematic survey using a single reference station or multiple reference stations can be carried out in accordance with this standard.
2Normative referenced documents
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated referenced documents, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated referenced documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 18314 Global Positioning System (GPS) Measurement Specification
CH 8016 Global Positioning System (GPS) Measurement Receiver Verification Procedure
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Global Navigation Satellite Systemglobal navigation satellite system; GNSS
A general term for satellite systems that provide positioning, navigation and timing services worldwide. Such as the Global Positioning System (GPS), GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS).
GNSS reference station network
A system consisting of several satellite navigation and positioning reference stations, data centers and data communication networks, used to provide data, positioning, navigation, timing, location, meteorological, earthquake and other services.
Real time kinematic measurement; RTK
A type of GNSS relative positioning technology, which mainly realizes high-precision dynamic relative positioning through real-time data links between base stations and mobile stations and carrier relative positioning fast solution technology.
​​ Reference station
A ground fixed observation station that conducts long-term continuous observation of satellite navigation signals, obtains observation data, and transmits the observation data in real time or regularly to the data center through communication facilities.
This standard specifies the reference benchmark and basic requirements for the implementation of control measurement and topographic measurement of satellite navigation and positioning base station network real-time kinematic measurement (RTK) technology, as well as the technical requirements and methods for field observation, data processing and detection. This standard applies to the real-time kinematic measurement of satellite navigation and positioning base station networks of corresponding levels. Real-time kinematic measurement using a single base station or multiple base stations can be implemented in accordance with this standard.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Specification for network real-time kinematic (RTK) surveysbased on the reference stations using global navigation satellite system2020-12-14 Issued
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration
2020-12-14 Implementation
Normative reference documents
Terms and definitions
Reference datum
Basic requirements
Control measurement
Topographic survey
Instrument and equipment requirements
Results inspection and data submission·
Appendix A (Informative Appendix)
Control point measurement results table
Appendix B (Informative Appendix)
Transformation residuals and transformation relationship table of reference control points 10
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1—2009. This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Geographic Information Standardization (SAC/TC230). GB/T39616-—2020
The drafting units of this standard are: Institute of Surveying and Mapping Standardization, Ministry of Natural Resources, Zhejiang Provincial Surveying and Mapping Quality Supervision and Inspection Station, Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, National Basic Geographic Information Center, Fujian Provincial Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Wuhan University, Geodetic Data Processing Center, Ministry of Natural Resources, Chongqing Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Ministry of Natural Resources
The main drafters of this standard are: Guo Yufang, Deng Guoqing, Ge Zhonghua, He Shujing, Huang Gongwen, Ren Fu, Zhang Jing, Chen Ming, Wang Tiejun, Wu Tong, Xu Yantian, Shen Zhongshu, Zhao Lijian, Du Zhongjin, Wen Hanjiang, Xie Xiuping, Zhang Zhiyong, Cheng Yaxuan, Li Rongchun. 1
Satellite navigation and positioning base station network real-time
dynamic measurement (RTK) specification
This standard specifies the reference benchmark and basic requirements for the implementation of control measurement and topographic measurement of satellite navigation and positioning base station network real-time dynamic measurement (RTK) technology, as well as the technical requirements and methods for field observation, data processing and detection. This standard applies to the real-time dynamic measurement of satellite navigation and positioning base station networks of corresponding levels. Real-time dynamic measurement using a single base station or multiple base stations can be carried out in accordance with this standard. Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T18314 Global Positioning System (GPS) Measurement Specification CH8016 Global Positioning System (GPS) Measurement Receiver Verification Procedure Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document
Global Navigation Satellite System
globalnavigationsatellitesystem; GNSS is a general term for satellite systems that provide positioning, navigation and timing services worldwide. Such as the Global Positioning System (GPS), GLONASS, Galileo and Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) 3.2
Satellite navigation and positioning reference station network GNSSreferencestationnetwork is composed of several satellite navigation and positioning reference stations, data centers and data communication networks, and is a system used to provide data, positioning, navigation, timing, location, meteorological, earthquake and other services. 3.3
Real time kinematic measurement
real time kinematic; RTK
A type of GNSS relative positioning technology, which mainly uses the real-time data link between the reference station and the mobile station and the carrier relative positioning fast solution technology to achieve high-precision dynamic relative positioning. 3.4
Reference station
Reference station
Conducts long-term continuous observation of satellite navigation signals, obtains observation data, and transmits the observation data to the ground fixed observation station of the data center in real time or at a fixed time through communication facilities. 3.5
Mobile station
A station set up by a mobile receiver within a certain range of the reference station. GB/T39616—2020
Network RTK
The data processing center processes the synchronous observation data of multiple reference stations within a certain range, generates differential data and broadcasts it through the network. The mobile stations in the area receive satellite signals and differential signals to achieve RTK positioning technology. 3.7
Antenna height
antenna height
The height from the phase center of the receiver antenna to the center mark surface of the measuring station during observation. 3.8
Elevation cut-off elevation mask; elevation cut-off can be used to observe satellite data. The lowest angle for receiving satellite data. 3.9
positional dilution of precision; PDOP Position dilution of precision factor
Description of the effect of satellite geometric distribution on the uncertainty of three-dimensional spatial coordinate components. 3.10
Fixed solution
fixed solution
Coordinate values ​​obtained when the integer ambiguity of satellite carrier phase observations is fixed to an integer. 3.11
Number of measurements
The number of observations with corresponding accuracy results obtained after the initialization of the same mobile station. 3.12
The starting time of a period and an event or the reference date of a measurement system. 4 Abbreviations
The following abbreviations apply to this document.
CGCS2000: China Geodetic Co0rdinate System 2000GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite SystemPDOP: Positional Dilution of PrecisionRTK: Real Time KinematicReference Datum
Coordinate System
The coordinate system adopts the China Geodetic Coordinate System 2000 (CGCS2000). 5.2
2Elevation Datum
The elevation datum should adopt the 1985 National Elevation Datum5.3
Time System
The time system should adopt Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). When Beijing Standard Time (BST) is used, the time zone difference should be considered for conversion with UTC. The time of the final result should adopt Beijing time and the Gregorian calendar. 2
6 Basic requirements
Network RTK plane measurement is divided into: first-level, second-level, third-level and basic map, and fragmented parts according to the accuracy level. Network RTK elevation measurement is divided into: non-standard and fragmented parts according to the accuracy level. 6.1
6.2 First-level, second-level, third-level plane control points and non-standard elevation control points are suitable for the control basis of laying out field digital mapping, photogrammetry and remote sensing, and can be used as the basis for the calculation of basic map measurement, photo control measurement, and fragmented point measurement. 6.3 Network RTK control points can be fully laid out at one time, and the line of sight conditions between control points can be determined according to needs. 6.4 According to the needs of the task, collect basic data such as control points and maps of CGCS2000 and local coordinate systems, and check and verify them. 6.5
Units that provide satellite navigation and positioning base station network services should have the corresponding surveying and mapping qualifications and the function of providing product services and technical services. Before providing network RTK services, the satellite navigation positioning base station network should pass the test and project acceptance as required. 6.6
Before network RTK measurement, the network RTK service should be processed according to the process of user application, registration review, and signing of agreement. 6.7
The basic technology of the network RTK mobile station should meet the following requirements: Carry out within the effective service area;
b) Obtain the authorization of the system service;
Set the time system, coordinate system, projection method, coordinate conversion relationship, etc. required for the work; d)
Before the observation begins, the instrument should be initialized and a fixed solution should be obtained. When a fixed solution cannot be obtained for a long time, it is advisable to re-acquire the service and perform the initialization operation again;
Reinitialize between each round of observation; e
During the operation, if the fixed solution is lost, reinitialize; f
The antenna height setting should be consistent with the antenna height measurement method: g)
It is not advisable to observe in hidden areas, large waters and near strong electromagnetic interference sources. 6.8 During network RTK measurement, the status of GNSS satellites should meet the requirements of Table I. Table 1 Basic requirements for GNSS satellite status
Observation window status
Number of satellites in the same system with a cut-off elevation angle above 15°≥6
PDOP value
≥4 and <6
6.9 Longitude and latitude records are accurate to 0.00001\, plane coordinates and elevation records are accurate to 0.001m, and antenna height is measured accurately to 0.001m. 6.10 The acquisition of normal height in network RTK elevation measurement can be achieved by using methods such as interpolation of the quasi-sky level surface model or fitting of elevation anomaly control points.
6.11 Security and confidentiality in network RTK measurement should meet the following requirements: a) The instruments, equipment, communication technology, etc. adopted should meet the security requirements of controlled management; b) Confidential data results such as control points and coordinate transformation relationships should meet relevant confidentiality and information security requirements 7 Control measurement
Plane control measurement
7.1.1 The point selection and point marking drawing of network RTK plane control points should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GB/T18314 7.1.2 The main technical requirements for network RTK plane control point measurement should meet the requirements of Table 2 3
Distance between adjacent points/m
Technical requirements for network RTK plane measurement
Meanwhile error in point position/cm
Note: The distance between adjacent points in difficult areas can be shortened to 2/3 of the value in the table. Relative mean error of side length
Number of measurement rounds
7.1.3 When measuring the plane coordinates of network RTK control points, the mobile station collects satellite observation data and receives differential correction data through data link. According to actual needs, the observed CGCS2000 coordinates can be converted into plane coordinates in the specified coordinate system through coordinate conversion method.
7.1.4 The acquisition of coordinate system conversion relationship shall meet the following requirements: a) When there is a coordinate system conversion relationship, the known parameters can be directly used. When there is no known conversion relationship, the parameter solution shall meet the following requirements: b)
1) When solving the conversion relationship between CGCS2000 and the local coordinate system, no less than 3 high-level control points shall be used as reference control points. The selected control points shall be evenly distributed and able to control the entire area. The coordinate conversion accuracy shall not exceed 2cm. During the conversion, the reliability of the reference control points should be checked according to the regional scope and specific conditions, and a reasonable mathematical model should be used to calculate and optimize various point combinations. The solution of the conversion relationship should not be carried out by the method of on-site point correction. 3)
7.1.5 The technology of the network RTK plane control point measurement mobile station should meet the following requirements a)
Before each operation, at least two known points of the same level or higher level should be checked, and the plane point position difference should not be greater than 7cm;
The network RTK plane coordinate conversion residual should not be greater than 2cm; The plane convergence value set before the network RTK observation should not be greater than 2cm; The tripod should be used for centering and leveling during the network RTK observation, the number of observation epochs for each measurement should not be less than 20, the sampling interval should not be less than 2s, and the plane coordinate difference of each measurement should not be greater than 4cm; e) bZxz.net
The average value of the plane coordinates of each measurement should be taken as the final result. Height control measurement
The main technical requirements for the geodetic height obtained by network RTK height control point measurement should meet the requirements in Table 3. 7.2.1
Table 3 Technical requirements for network RTK height measurement
Mean error/cm
7.2.2 The technology of network RTK height control point measurement mobile station should meet the following requirementsa)
The height convergence threshold set before network RTK observation should not be greater than 3cm; number of measurement rounds
Network RTK height control point measurement mobile station should use tripod centering and leveling during observation, and it is advisable to check the geodetic height of known pointsb
The difference in geodetic height should not be greater than 5cm, the number of observation epochs for each measurement round should not be less than 20, the sampling interval should not be less than 2s, and the difference in geodetic height of each measurement round should not be greater than 4cm;
c) The average geodetic height of each measurement round should be taken as the final result. 4
7.3 Data processing and inspection
7.3.1 The data collected in the field during network RTK control measurement should be backed up and inspected indoors and outdoors in a timely manner. 7.3.2
The field observation records of network RTK control measurement shall use the instrument's built-in memory card or data acquisition device. The field observation record items and output results of network RTK control measurement shall include the following contents: coordinate system, central meridian, projection mode; a)
Control point name (number), antenna height, observation time, solution type, PDOP value, number of satellites during data collection, etc.; b)
Control point plane and elevation convergence accuracy; control point number, latitude, longitude, geodetic height, latitude and longitude format is ddd.mmsssssss; d)
Control point geocentric coordinates, plane and elevation results, see Appendix A for details: f)
Control point point distribution map
7.3.3When coordinate conversion parameters need to be solved, the output results shall provide relevant information and point distribution map of the conversion control points. For information on control points, see Appendix B.
7.3.4 The results of the control points measured using the network RTK technology should be subject to 100% internal inspection and field inspection of no less than 10% of the total number of points. The inspection points should be evenly distributed in the survey area. When the total number of points is less than 30, there should be no less than 3 inspection points. 7.3.5 Field inspection can use the network RTK inspection method to measure known control points or use the same level of accuracy re-measurement method for comparative verification. The operation method shall be implemented in accordance with 7.1 and 7.2. Field inspection of plane control points can use methods such as corresponding level of satellite positioning static technology to determine coordinates and total station to measure side lengths and angles; field inspection of elevation control points can use methods such as corresponding level of geometric leveling and trigonometric height measurement. The corresponding technical indicators shall meet the requirements of Tables 4 and 5. Table 4 Technical requirements for network RTK plane control point detection Level
Side length verification
Mean error in distance measurement/mmRelative error of side length difference 15
Detection method
Trigonometric height measurement
Angle verification
Mean error in angle measurement (\)
Angle difference limit (\)
5 Technical requirements for network RTK height measurement and detection Elevation difference/mm
Note 1: L is the length of the leveling detection line, in kilometers (km). If it is less than 0.5km, it shall be calculated as 0.5km. Note 2: S is the length of the trigonometric height measurement side, in kilometers (km). If it is less than 0.5km, it will be calculated as 0.5km. 8 Topographic Survey
General Provisions
Coordinate Verification
Coordinate Mean Error/cm
Network RTK topographic survey content is divided into basic point measurement and fragment point measurement. The main technical indicators should meet the requirements of Table 6. 5
Control point
Fragmentary point
Table 6 Main technical indicators of RTK topographic measurement Mean error of point position on the map/mm
Mean error of elevation
1/10Basic contour interval
Meet the requirements of corresponding scale mapping
Note: The distance between adjacent points in difficult areas can be shortened to 2/3 of the value in the table. 8.2
Control point measurement
Adjacent point spacing/m
Control point markings should be marked with wooden stakes, iron stakes or other temporary signs, and a certain number of benchmarks can be buried if necessary. 8.2.1
Number of measurement rounds
When measuring network RTK control points, the method for obtaining the conversion relationship between CGCS2000 and the local coordinate system shall follow 7.1.4. 8.2.2
8.2.3 Network RTK basic point operation method shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant requirements in 7.1 and When measuring network RTK basic point, the mobile station shall use the tripod method for centering and leveling. The number of observation epochs for each survey shall be greater than 20, and the sampling interval shall be no less than 2s.
8.2.5 The plane coordinate transformation residual of network RTK basic point measurement shall not be greater than 0.07mm on the map. The elevation fitting residual of RTK basic point measurement shall not be greater than 1/12 basic contour distance
8.2.6 The position difference of each survey point of the plane measurement of network RTK basic point measurement shall not be greater than 0.1mm on the map, and the elevation difference of each survey shall not be greater than 1/10 basic contour distance. The average of each result shall be taken as the final result. 8.3 Fragmentary point measurement
8.3.1 When measuring fragmentary points with network RTK, the conversion relationship between CGCS2000 and the local coordinate system shall be obtained in accordance with 7.1.4, or it can be obtained by point correction at the survey site.
8.3.2 The plane coordinate conversion residual of the network RTK fragmentary point measurement shall not be greater than 0.1mm on the map. The elevation fitting residual of the RTK fragmentary point measurement shall not be greater than 1/10 of the basic contour interval.
8.3.3 The number of observation epochs for network RTK fragmentary point measurement shall be greater than When a group of terrain fragmentary point data exceeds 50 points in continuous measurement, it shall be re-initialized and a coincidence point shall be detected. The coordinate difference of the detected point shall not be greater than 0.7mm on the map.
8.3.5 When network RTK is used for continuous measurement (such as underwater terrain measurement), it shall be initialized once, the number of observation epochs shall be 1, and no detection shall be performed. 8.4 Data processing and inspection of results
Data collected in the field of network RTK topographic surveying should be exported from the data collector in a timely manner, and data backup should be performed. 8.4.1
8.4.2 The output content of the results should include the point number, latitude, longitude, and geodetic height. The latitude and longitude formats are ddd.mmsssssss. 8.4.3 The plane results of the basic points measured by the network RTK method should be 100% inspected in the office and no less than 10% of the total number of points should be inspected in the field. The inspection points should be evenly distributed in the survey area. When the total number of points is less than 30, there should be no less than 3 inspection points. Field inspection is carried out by network RTK basic point measurement or the measurement of point coordinates, side lengths and angles by a total station of the corresponding level. The test results shall meet the requirements of Table 7. Table 7 Test requirements for plane results of control points
Side length check
Mean error in distance measurement/mm
Poor side length
Relative error
Angle check
Mean error in angle measurement (\)
Poor angle limit (\)
Point check
Plane point position on the map
8.4.4 The elevation results of control points measured by RTK technology shall be subject to 100% internal inspection and field inspection of no less than 10% of the total number of points: the inspection points shall be evenly distributed in the survey area. When the total number of points is less than 30, the inspection points shall be no less than 3. Field detection is carried out by network RTK mapping point measurement or corresponding level of trigonometric height, geometric leveling and other methods, and the detection results should meet the requirements of Table 8. Table 8 Map point height result detection requirements
Instrument and equipment requirements
Receiving equipment requirements
The receiving equipment of network RTK measurement should meet the following requirements: It is advisable to use dual-frequency or multi-frequency receivers with technical indicators better than those required in Table 9; a)
Elevation is poor
≤1/7 basic contour distance
The receiving equipment includes receiver, antenna and antenna cable, data link equipment, data collector, etc.; b)
The mobile station receiving equipment should have a communication module and support relevant data communication protocols; The mobile station receiving equipment should have the function of receiving and processing standard differential data; d)
The mobile station should support the function of receiving and processing BDS data; The receiving equipment should be easy to operate, stable in performance, low in failure rate and high in reliability. Table 9 Technical requirements for receivers
Technical indicators
Plane nominal accuracy/mm
Note: d is the baseline length in millimeters (mm). 9.2
Inspection of receiving equipment
The inspection of the receiver shall meet the following requirements: The receiver and antenna models shall be consistent with the nominal and have a good appearance; a
Nominal elevation accuracy/mm
Various components and their accessories shall be matched, complete and intact, and fastened components shall not be loose or fall off; Data transmission equipment and software shall be complete, and data transmission performance shall be intact; The receiving equipment user manual and post-processing software operation manual and magnetic (optical) disk shall be complete: d)
The calibration of the receiver shall be carried out in accordance with CH8016 and shall be carried out in effective use. 10
Results inspection and data submission within the use period
Results inspection
Network RTK results inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the following requirements: whether the technical design, technical summary and inspection report meet the requirements; a) whether the receiver verification or calibration data are complete: c) whether the observation parameter settings, observation conditions, test results and output results meet the requirements; d)
Field inspection of the selection of control points, the quality of buried stones and the accuracy of control points; GB/T39616-2020
Field inspection of the accuracy of the basic points and fragmentary points in topographic surveying. 10.2 Data submission
After the network RTK measurement task is completed, the following data shall be submitted: a)
Technical design, technical summary, inspection report; Receiver verification or calibration data;
Records of control points to be submitted as needed; 7.3.2, 7.3.3 and various results data required by the technical design document. Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Control point measurement results table
The results table of plane and elevation control points is collated and submitted in the format shown in Table A.1. The plane coordinates in the table are the converted Gaussian plane coordinates, such as: CGCS2000, 1954 Beijing coordinate system, 1980 Xi'an coordinate system and local coordinate system, etc. Fill in one of them in the table. Table A.1
Latitude (°\)
Control point measurement results table
Longitude (°\)
Geoid height/m
Page of pages
(Plane coordinates, central meridian)
Vertic coordinate/m
Normal height/m
Date:4.3 The planar results of the topographic points measured by the network RTK method should be 100% inspected in the office and no less than 10% of the total points should be inspected in the field. The inspection points should be evenly distributed in the survey area. When the total number of points is less than 30, the inspection points should be no less than 3. The field inspection is carried out by network RTK topographic point measurement or the corresponding level of total station measurement of point coordinates, side length and angle. The test results shall meet the requirements of Table 7. Table 7 Test requirements for plane results of control points
Side length check
Mean error in distance measurement/mm
Poor side length
Relative error
Angle check
Mean error in angle measurement (\)
Poor angle limit (\)
Point check
Plane point position on the map
8.4.4 The elevation results of control points measured by RTK technology shall be subject to 100% internal inspection and field inspection of no less than 10% of the total number of points: the inspection points shall be evenly distributed in the survey area. When the total number of points is less than 30, the inspection points shall be no less than 3. Field detection is carried out by network RTK mapping point measurement or corresponding level of trigonometric height, geometric leveling and other methods, and the detection results should meet the requirements of Table 8. Table 8 Map point height result detection requirements
Instrument and equipment requirements
Receiving equipment requirements
The receiving equipment of network RTK measurement should meet the following requirements: It is advisable to use a dual-frequency or multi-frequency receiver with better technical indicators than those required in Table 9; a)
Elevation is poor
≤1/7 basic contour distance
The receiving equipment includes receiver, antenna and antenna cable, data link equipment, data collector, etc.; b)
The mobile station receiving equipment should have a communication module and support relevant data communication protocols; The mobile station receiving equipment should have the function of receiving and processing standard differential data; d)
The mobile station should support the function of receiving and processing BDS data; The receiving equipment should be easy to operate, stable in performance, low in failure rate and high in reliability. Table 9 Technical requirements for receivers
Technical indicators
Plane nominal accuracy/mm
Note: d is the baseline length in millimeters (mm). 9.2
Inspection of receiving equipment
The inspection of the receiver shall meet the following requirements: The receiver and antenna models shall be consistent with the nominal and have a good appearance; a
Nominal elevation accuracy/mm
Various components and their accessories shall be matched, complete and intact, and fastened components shall not be loose or fall off; Data transmission equipment and software shall be complete, and data transmission performance shall be intact; The receiving equipment user manual and post-processing software operation manual and magnetic (optical) disk shall be complete: d)
The calibration of the receiver shall be carried out in accordance with CH8016 and shall be carried out in effective use. 10
Results inspection and data submission within the use period
Results inspection
Network RTK results inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the following requirements: whether the technical design, technical summary and inspection report meet the requirements; a) whether the receiver verification or calibration data are complete: c) whether the observation parameter settings, observation conditions, test results and output results meet the requirements; d)
Field inspection of the selection of control points, the quality of buried stones and the accuracy of control points; GB/T39616-2020
Field inspection of the accuracy of the basic points and fragmentary points in topographic surveying. 10.2 Data submission
After the network RTK measurement task is completed, the following data shall be submitted: a)
Technical design, technical summary, inspection report; Receiver verification or calibration data;
Records of control points to be submitted as needed; 7.3.2, 7.3.3 and various results data required by the technical design document. Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Control point measurement results table
The results table of plane and elevation control points is collated and submitted in the format shown in Table A.1. The plane coordinates in the table are the converted Gaussian plane coordinates, such as: CGCS2000, 1954 Beijing coordinate system, 1980 Xi'an coordinate system and local coordinate system, etc. Fill in one of them in the table. Table A.1
Latitude (°\)
Control point measurement results table
Longitude (°\)
Geoid height/m
Page of pages
(Plane coordinates, central meridian)
Vertic coordinate/m
Normal height/m
Date:4.3 The planar results of the topographic points measured by the network RTK method should be 100% inspected in the office and no less than 10% of the total points should be inspected in the field. The inspection points should be evenly distributed in the survey area. When the total number of points is less than 30, the inspection points should be no less than 3. The field inspection is carried out by network RTK topographic point measurement or the corresponding level of total station measurement of point coordinates, side length and angle. The test results shall meet the requirements of Table 7. Table 7 Test requirements for plane results of control points
Side length check
Mean error in distance measurement/mm
Poor side length
Relative error
Angle check
Mean error in angle measurement (\)
Poor angle limit (\)
Point check
Plane point position on the map
8.4.4 The elevation results of control points measured by RTK technology shall be subject to 100% internal inspection and field inspection of no less than 10% of the total number of points: the inspection points shall be evenly distributed in the survey area. When the total number of points is less than 30, the inspection points shall be no less than 3. Field detection is carried out by network RTK mapping point measurement or corresponding level of trigonometric height, geometric leveling and other methods, and the detection results should meet the requirements of Table 8. Table 8 Map point height result detection requirements
Instrument and equipment requirements
Receiving equipment requirements
The receiving equipment of network RTK measurement should meet the following requirements: It is advisable to use dual-frequency or multi-frequency receivers with technical indicators better than those required in Table 9; a)
Elevation is poor
≤1/7 basic contour distance
The receiving equipment includes receiver, antenna and antenna cable, data link equipment, data collector, etc.; b)
The mobile station receiving equipment should have a communication module and support relevant data communication protocols; The mobile station receiving equipment should have the function of receiving and processing standard differential data; d)
The mobile station should support the function of receiving and processing BDS data; The receiving equipment should be easy to operate, stable in performance, low in failure rate and high in reliability. Table 9 Technical requirements for receivers
Technical indicators
Plane nominal accuracy/mm
Note: d is the baseline length in millimeters (mm). 9.2
Inspection of receiving equipment
The inspection of the receiver shall meet the following requirements: The receiver and antenna models shall be consistent with the nominal and have a good appearance; a
Nominal elevation accuracy/mm
Various components and their accessories shall be matched, complete and intact, and fastened components shall not be loose or fall off; Data transmission equipment and software shall be complete, and data transmission performance shall be intact; The receiving equipment user manual and post-processing software operation manual and magnetic (optical) disk shall be complete: d)
The calibration of the receiver shall be carried out in accordance with CH8016 and shall be carried out in effective use. 10
Results inspection and data submission within the use period
Results inspection
Network RTK results inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the following requirements: whether the technical design, technical summary and inspection report meet the requirements; a) whether the receiver verification or calibration data are complete: c) whether the observation parameter settings, observation conditions, test results and output results meet the requirements; d)
Field inspection of the selection of control points, the quality of buried stones and the accuracy of control points; GB/T39616-2020
Field inspection of the accuracy of the basic points and fragmentary points in topographic surveying. 10.2 Data submission
After the network RTK measurement task is completed, the following data shall be submitted: a)
Technical design, technical summary, inspection report; Receiver verification or calibration data;
Records of control points to be submitted as needed; 7.3.2, 7.3.3 and various results data required by the technical design document. Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Control point measurement results table
The results table of plane and elevation control points is collated and submitted in the format shown in Table A.1. The plane coordinates in the table are the converted Gaussian plane coordinates, such as: CGCS2000, 1954 Beijing coordinate system, 1980 Xi'an coordinate system and local coordinate system, etc. Fill in one of them in the table. Table A.1
Latitude (°\)
Control point measurement results table
Longitude (°\)
Geoid height/m
Page of pages
(Plane coordinates, central meridian)
Vertic coordinate/m
Normal height/m
Date:3 and various results data required by the technical design book. Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Control point measurement results table
The results table of plane and elevation control points is collated and submitted in Table A.1. The plane coordinates in the table are converted Gaussian plane coordinates, such as: CGCS2000, 1954 Beijing coordinate system, 1980 Xi'an coordinate system and local coordinate system, etc. Fill in one of them in the table. Table A.1
Latitude (°\)
Control point measurement results table
Longitude (°\)
Geoid height/m
Page of pages
(Plane coordinates, central meridian)
Vertic coordinate/m
Normal height/m
Date:3 and various results data required by the technical design book. Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Control point measurement results table
The results table of plane and elevation control points is collated and submitted in Table A.1. The plane coordinates in the table are converted Gaussian plane coordinates, such as: CGCS2000, 1954 Beijing coordinate system, 1980 Xi'an coordinate system and local coordinate system, etc. Fill in one of them in the table. Table A.1
Latitude (°\)
Control point measurement results table
Longitude (°\)
Geoid height/m
Page of pages
(Plane coordinates, central meridian)
Vertic coordinate/m
Normal height/m
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