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Construction standards for tea plant breeding base

Basic Information

Standard ID: NY/T 2710-2015

Standard Name:Construction standards for tea plant breeding base

Chinese Name: 茶树良种繁育基地建设标准

Standard category:Agricultural Industry Standards (NY)

state:in force

Date of Release2015-02-09

Date of Implementation:2015-05-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Food Technology>>Tea, Coffee, Cocoa>>67.140.10 Tea

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture and Forestry>>Cash Crops>>B35 Tobacco and Beverage Crops and Products

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Agriculture Press

Publication date:2015-05-01

other information

drafter:Li Xiaogang, Huang Jie, Niu Minglei, Zhang Xiaolin, Li Li, Zeng Jianming, Hong Junjun

Drafting unit:Beijing Founder United Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.

Focal point unit:Development Planning Department, Ministry of Agriculture

Proposing unit:Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Supervision Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture

Publishing department:Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China

competent authority:Development Planning Department, Ministry of Agriculture

Introduction to standards:

NY/T 2710-2015 Construction Standard for Tea Tree Seed Breeding Base NY/T2710-2015 Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard can be used as the basis for compiling tea tree seed breeding base project planning, proposals, feasibility study reports, and preliminary design documents. This standard is applicable to the decision-making, implementation, supervision, inspection, acceptance and other projects of tea tree seed breeding base projects invested and constructed by the government. Other similar projects invested by other social investors can refer to it for implementation.
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard was proposed by the Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Supervision Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Development Planning Department of the Ministry of Agriculture.
The drafting cooperation unit of this standard is Beijing Fangzheng Lian Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this standard are: Li Xiaogang, Huang Jie, Niu Minglei, Zhang Xiaolin, Li Li, Zeng Jianming, Hong Junjun.
77 The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB 3095-2012 Ambient Air Quality Standards
GB 5084-2005 Farmland Irrigation Water Quality Standards
GB/T 8321.3-2000 Guidelines for the Rational Use of Pesticides (III)
GB 9137 Maximum Permissible Concentrations of Air Pollutants for Protecting Crops
GB 11767-2003 Tea Seedlings
GB 15618 Soil Environmental Quality Standards
GB/T 18621 Greenhouse Ventilation and Cooling Design Code
GB/T 50363 Technical Code for Water-Saving Irrigation Engineering
GB 50016 Code for Fire Protection Design of Construction
GB 50039 Code for Fire Protection in Rural Areas
GB 50052 Design Code for Power Supply and Distribution Systems
GB 50153 Unified Standard for Reliability Design of Building Structures
GB 50189 Energy-saving Design Standard for Public Buildings
GB 50223 Classification Standard for Seismic Fortification of Building Engineering
GB 50288 Code for Design of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
JTG 01-2003 Technical Standard for Highway Engineering
NY/T 2019-2011 Technical Specification for Short-spiked Cutting of Tea Trees
NY/T 5018-2001 Technical Specification for Production of Pollution-free Food Tea
NY 5020-2001 Environmental Conditions for Origin of Pollution-free Food Tea
NYJ/T 60-2005 Construction Standard for Multi-span Greenhouses
Jiaogonglufa [2004] No. 372 Interim Technical Requirements for Rural Highway Construction

Some standard content:

ICS 67.140.10
Agricultural Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
NY/T 2710—2015
Construction standards for tea plant breeding base2015-02-09Issued
Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1—2009. This standard was proposed by the Agricultural Products Quality and Safety Supervision Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture and is under the jurisdiction of the Development Planning Department of the Ministry of Agriculture. Drafting unit of this standard: Engineering Construction Service Center of the Ministry of Agriculture: Drafting cooperation unit of this standard: Beijing Founder United Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd., main drafters of this standard: Li Xiaogang, Huang Jie, Niu Minglei, Zhang Xiaolin, Li Li, Zeng Jianming, Hong Junjun NY/T2710—2015
1 Scope
Construction standard of tea tree breeding base
NY/T 2710—2015
This standard can be used as the basis for compiling the planning, proposal, feasibility study report and preliminary design documents of tea tree breeding base project. This standard applies to the decision-making, implementation, supervision, inspection, acceptance and other work of tea tree breeding base project invested and constructed by the government: other similar projects invested by the government can refer to it for implementation.
2 Normative reference documents
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any referenced document with a date, only the version with the date applies to this document. For any referenced document without a date, the most recent version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB3095—2012 Ambient Air Quality Standards GB5084—2005 Farmland Irrigation Water Quality Standards (GB/T8321.3—2000 Guidelines for the Rational Use of Pesticides (III) GB9137 Maximum Permissible Concentration of Air Pollutants for Protecting Crops GB11767—2003 Tea Seedlings
GB15618 Soil Environmental Quality Standards
GB/T18621 Greenhouse Ventilation and Cooling Design Specifications GB/T 50363
3 Technical Specifications for Water-Saving Irrigation Engineering
Code for Fire Protection of Building Design
Rural Fire Protection Specifications
GB 50039
GB 50153
Design specification for power supply and distribution system
Standard for reliability design of building structure
Design standard for energy-saving of public buildings
Classification standard for anti-fogging of building engineering
Design specification for irrigation and drainage engineering
JTGB01—2003 Technical standard for highway engineering NY/T2019—2011 Technical Specification for Tea Tree Short-spiked Profiling NY/T5018--2001 Technical Specification for Pollution-free Food Tea Production NY5020—2001 Environmental Conditions for Pollution-free Food Strip-leaf Production Areas NYJ/T60—2005 Construction Standards for Multi-span Greenhouses Jiaogonglufa [2004] No. 372 Interim Technical Requirements for Rural Road Construction 3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
quality tea cultivar clonal seedling breeding hasetea tree quality breeding base
A place for breeding high-quality tea tree seedlings and cuttings, generally composed of variety garden, original seed garden, high-quality breeding seedlings, tea processing demonstration garden, etc.
Varieties of tea gardenNY/T2710—2015
A garden for preserving tea tree quality living species, displaying and reserving tea tree quality species to be promoted. 3.3
Original seed mother gardenbreeder's seeds gardenA garden that provides cuttings for tea tree quality cuttings and breeding seedlings3.4
High-quality breeding seedlingstea plant clonal seedliugs breeding nurscry A garden where tea tree seedlings are propagated by short cuttings. 4 General Provisions
4.1 In order to standardize the construction of government-invested tea tree seed breeding bases, unify the construction content of projects, reasonably determine the construction scale, correctly grasp the construction level, scientifically estimate the construction investment, promote technological progress, and improve investment benefits and engineering construction quality, this construction standard is specially formulated. 4.2 Tea tree seed breeding is the foundation of the development of the tea industry. It is the key to improving tea production, quality and benefits. The construction of tea tree seed breeding bases should be accelerated.
4.3 The construction of the base should focus on the overall requirements of agricultural and rural economic development, and implement the national tea industry policies and development plans. 4.3.1 With the service industry as the main platform, market demand as the guide, based on local characteristic tea tree resources, scientifically introduce suitable varieties, optimize variety structure, increase yield, improve tea quality, and realize the specialization, scale, standardization and integration of tea tree seedling production. 4.3.2 Give full play to the functions of breeding, display, training, research and radiation driving role. Improve economic benefits, ecological benefits and social benefits, increase farmers' income, and fully promote the sustainable development of tea industry and local economy. 4.4 The base should reasonably determine the scale and content of construction. It can be invested and built at one time. It can also be improved or constructed in stages on the original basis. 4.4.1 The base should be scientifically planned, save land, protect the environment, prevent pollution, and improve the output rate and resource utilization rate of the ten fields. 4.4.2 Government investment mainly supports the construction of base introduction test, original seed mother parent, improved seed breeding, quality inspection, demonstration and display of improved seed and good method, as well as the application of advanced art technology, machinery and equipment configuration, etc. 4.4.3 When improving or sub-constructing, the subsequent projects should follow the principle of filling in the gaps to determine the construction content, and ensure that it is organically combined with the previous construction content: to promote the base to form a more reasonable and more complete tea tree improved seed breeding function. 4.5 The quality grading indicators, inspection methods, testing rules, packaging and transportation requirements of the asexual tea tree seed cuttings and knots produced in Dingdi should comply with the provisions of GR11767-2003. The use of topical drugs in the production process should comply with the provisions of (GB/T8321.3-2000. 4.6 In addition to implementing this document, the construction of the base should also comply with the relevant national standards, specifications, and regulations in force, and strictly implement the mandatory standards for construction, structure, water supply, power supply, ventilation, fire protection, and security. 5 Base requirements and scale
5.1 Base requirements
5.1.1 The scale of base construction should be determined based on the local economic and social development conditions, tea production and market development needs, as well as the technical level and management capacity of the construction unit, and should comply with the national and local industrial development plans. Relatively concentrated and contiguous, moderately scaled development 5.1.2 The main bases are The varieties to be bred and propagated should be selected from the varieties that have been identified (identified or recognized) as high-quality and market-prospective varieties by provincial or higher variety identification institutions.
5.1.3 The quality of the introduced tea tree clones and seedlings should meet the requirements of GB11767-2003. It is prohibited to introduce seedlings that have not been quarantined or have failed quarantine.
5.1.4 The coverage area of ​​the base breeding varieties should be promoted, and the areas that have been promoted or are planned to be promoted should reach a certain scale. 5.2 Base scale
5.2.1 The base area shall not be less than 300 mu. Among them, the area of ​​breeding seedlings of improved varieties shall account for 30% of the prohibited area, and not less than 100 mu. The base area shall not be less than 100,000 to 200,000 good clones of tea trees, 2
6 Base site selection and construction conditions
6.1 Base site selection
NY/T 27102015
6.1.1 The site selection should be in accordance with the urban and rural construction plan and industrial development plan. Choose a flat land or gently sloping hilly land with good ecological environment, convenient transportation, gentle terrain, sufficient water source, easy drainage and irrigation, and more than 501ⅡI away from the lower line of the highway. 6.1.2 The tea garden should be flat or gently sloping, and the slope should be less than 25°. 6.2 Construction conditions
6.2.1 The soil structure of the garden should be good, the soil should be fertile, and have good drainage and irrigation conditions. The thickness of the effective first layer for seedling cultivation should reach more than 0.1In, and the effective soil layer of other gardens should reach more than 0.8m. 6.2.2 The pH of the upper soil should be between 4.5 and The soil, air, and irrigation water quality should comply with NY5020:2001GB15618.GB30952012, G1B5084-2005, GB 9137
7 Technology and techniques
7.1 Process flow
7.1.1 Process flow of tea tree seedling breeding,See Figure 1. [Shenyuanze Breeding Area
Seedling Breeding Area
Technical Research
Quality Parts
Variety Preservation and Display
Original Seed Cultivation
Cutting CultivationbzxZ.net
Seedling Cultivation
Management and Protection Room
Production Promotion
Variety Garden
Original Seed Mother Wood Division
Fine Seed Cultivation
Chachuan Engineering
Demonstration Room
Figure Process Flow
Base Fresh Call
Parent Leaf Addition Test Face Demonstration
NY/T 2710—2015
7.1.2 Tea tree seedling cultivation should comply with the provisions of VY/T2019—2011. 7.2 Technical requirements
7.2.1 Variety preservation and display The preservation and display base mainly introduces and breeds tea varieties. Tea tree seedling breeding bases with technological innovation capabilities are encouraged to carry out introduction experiments, such as strengthening internal variety testing, and constantly screening tea varieties that have been planted and promoted in suitable areas. Variety gardens require good water source conditions, complete facilities, and strong ability to resist natural disasters. 7.2.2 Original seed mother parent cultivation The purity of the original seed mother parent variety is required to reach 100%. The base should continue to carry out original seed garden construction and variety renewal. The original seed mother parent cultivation zone must have excellent soil fertility conditions. The effective nutrient supply meets the requirements of high-yield tea gardens, among which the organic matter content is ≥1.5%, the total nitrogen (N) content is ≥0.10%, the available phosphorus (P () extracted by dilute hydrochloric acid) content is 10mg/kg, and the available potassium (K extracted by ammonium cerate) content is 100mg/kg. The construction standard of the original seed mother garden should be high. The garden should be equipped with complete irrigation and drainage facilities. The tea garden operation road, row spacing and land flatness should meet the requirements of mechanized operation and meet the needs of cutting transportation. The cultivation of original seed mother requires good monthly management and expansion conditions, and should be equipped with pruning, fertilization, disease and pest control and other facilities and equipment to ensure the quality of cuttings. When supplementing the missing plants and broken rows before the garden is established, the seedlings of the same age should be supplemented. 7.2.3 Seedling breeding of improved varieties Seedling breeding of improved varieties includes three links: cutting cultivation, seedling cultivation and seedling production. The facilities and equipment for seedling breeding of improved varieties should meet the requirements of seedling breeding production capacity. Seedling breeding requires that the nursery should be well-maintained, with sufficient resources in the surrounding area and good irrigation and drainage facilities. The irrigation system should be complete and connected to the surrounding traffic arteries to facilitate mechanical operations and seedling transportation. Choose appropriate seedling raising methods according to regional and climatic conditions and equip with appropriate facilities and equipment. Tea areas with good climatic conditions during the seedling raising period should adopt open-air seedling raising, and the nursery should establish 1.8m to 2.0m high flat shed-type sunshade facilities and simple wintering facilities; tea areas with poor climatic conditions during the seedling raising period should adopt facility seedling raising and build greenhouses or sheds with steel frame structures to improve the survival rate of cutting seedlings over the winter. 8 Base structure
8.1 Base composition
The construction of the tea tree breeding base consists of a source breeding area, a seedling breeding area, a comprehensive management area, and agricultural machinery and equipment. According to the terrain, vegetation, roads, water systems, etc., the park will be divided into regions according to the functions of seed breeding, seedling breeding, comprehensive management and supporting facilities. 8.2 Seed breeding area
8.2.1 The seed breeding area includes the variety garden and the original seed mother garden, with a total area of ​​no less than 200 mu. 8.2.2 The main function of the variety garden is to preserve tea tree varieties and display varieties to the outside world: the area of ​​the variety garden should be 10% of the base scale. 8.2.3 The original seed garden (earing garden) should have sufficient function to cultivate and produce tea tree varieties to meet the seed source needs of the breeding farm and the surrounding seedling farms (households). The area of ​​the original seed garden should be 50% of the base scale, with at least 15 varieties planted, and the area of ​​each variety should be at least 10 mu. The annual production capacity of tea tree improved varieties should reach 700 kg/mu. 8.3 Seedling breeding area
8.3.1 Seed breeding area 1 should be composed of improved varieties of seedlings, and a factory-based seedling workshop can also be set up according to the business functions and construction conditions of the project unit.
8.3.2 Improved seedlings are bred using short-spiked cutting technology; the actual seedling area of ​​improved seed breeding nursery should be at least 30% of the base scale, and should not be less than 100 mu (without considering crop rotation factors). The contiguous area should be greater than 50 mu, and the annual improved tea should not be less than 10 million plants. 8.3.3 Factory-based seedling nursery consists of tissue culture room, intelligent greenhouse, seedling hardening field, etc.; the scale of the chemical breeding workshop should be based on the breeding capacity. wcutKAca
and industrial 2 technology.
8.4 Comprehensive management area
8.4.1 It is composed of technical research and quality management department, tea processing department, management and guarantee department, and the total land area shall not exceed 3% of the total land area of ​​the land: and shall not exceed 20 square meters. The total building area shall not exceed 1800 square meters. Among them, the technical research and quality management room shall not exceed 400 square meters, the industrial demonstration room shall not exceed 800 square meters, and the management and guarantee room shall not exceed 600 square meters. m2, 8.5 Agricultural machinery and equipment
Mainly including inspection and testing equipment, production machinery, plant protection equipment, tea processing equipment, other equipment, etc. 8.6 Summary of base composition and scale
The summary of its composition and scale is shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Summary of base composition and scale
Seed cultivation area
Seedling cultivation area
Comprehensive management area
9 Planning layout and construction content
9.1 Planning layout| |tt||Variety garden.
Original seed garden
Breed seed breeding area
Technical research and quality management room
Tea processing demonstration room
Management and maintenance room
Should be 10% of the base area
50% of the base area
Should not be less than 30% of the base area. The day should not be less than 10C, should be greater than 400㎡
Should not be greater than 800m
No more than 600 m
The tea tree breeding base should be planned and designed in a unified manner in combination with the local overall planning, base functions, construction scale, topography, transportation, environment and other comprehensive conditions to achieve a reasonable layout of areas, gardens, houses, forests, roads and water. The planning and construction of the base should be conducive to protecting and improving the ecological environment of the tea area, maintaining the ecological balance of the tea garden, giving full play to the excellent species of tea tree varieties, and facilitating drainage, irrigation and mechanical operation of the tea garden. 9.1.1 Plane layout
The plane planning layout of the base should be reasonably arranged according to the functional requirements, including three functional areas: seed source cultivation, seedling breeding and comprehensive management. Each functional area should be relatively independent and interconnected through roads. In each functional area, the plots should be divided into operation units of varying sizes according to the terrain conditions, generally 4.5 mu to 19.5 mu.
9.1.2 Vertical layout
The base should be arranged vertically according to the terrain conditions. Slopes above 25° should be used as forest land or water ponds; steep slopes of 15\~25\ can be used to build terraced tea gardens according to the terrain conditions, with the same width of the same terrace, and the curves follow the situation, and the small curves are straightened: Slopes within 15° and flat land can be used to build tea gardens and comprehensive management facilities: Low-lying land can be used to build water ponds. 9.1.3 Road planning
Road planning should be conducive to the layout of tea gardens, convenient for transportation and farming, and occupy as little arable land as possible. The main road and branch roads of tea gardens on gently sloping hills can be set at the top of the hill. For mountain tea gardens with larger slopes, the main road should be set at the foot of the slope, and the branch roads and working roads can be set in an S shape. It is forbidden to open straight roads on steep slopes to avoid water erosion and inconvenience in tea garden operations. The main road and branch roads on flat land should be set in a straight line as much as possible to reduce the floor area and improve labor efficiency.
9.1.4 Planning of irrigation and drainage facilities
The irrigation and drainage facilities should have the functions of water conservation, water supply, drainage and water conservation. They should be set up according to the terrain and combined with road planning, so that light rain does not leave the garden, and medium and heavy rain can store energy and drain. All facilities meet the requirements of mechanized and automated operations. 9.1.5 Planning of shelterbelt network
The construction of shelterbelt network should be combined with roads and irrigation and drainage facilities, and should not hinder the mechanized management of tea gardens. Tree species should be fast-growing, have good protection effects, have deep root distribution, have no common diseases and harms with tea trees, and are suitable for local natural conditions. Trees and shrubs should be combined, conifers and broad-leaved trees should be combined, evergreen trees and deciduous trees should be combined, and varieties that can be used as green manure should be the main ones: 9.1.6 Planning of housing construction
The construction land for all types of housing should be determined.The land suitable for tea planting should be selected based on the convenience of production management. The distance between buildings should comply with the current national planning, fire protection, lighting and other relevant regulations. The tea processing room should be within 5km from the tea garden and should be separated from the office and living areas. 9.2 Seed cultivation area
9.2.1 Deep plowing and leveling of the garden, digging of planting trenches, and application of basal fertilizer Deep plowing and leveling of the upper land should be carried out according to the topographic classification of the land, with a depth of more than 0.6m, and digging of planting trenches according to the determined planting specifications. And apply fertilizer. For gentle slopes and flat land with a slope of less than 15°, the soil can be deep-plowed and leveled. For plots with a slope of more than 15°, terraced gardens should be built in combination with deep plowing. The depth of the planting ditch should reach 0.3m~6.4m, and the width should reach 6.4. In the Jiangnan tea area, Jiangbei tea area, southwest and south China medium and small leaf tea areas, double-row and double-plant planting is adopted, with a maximum row spacing of 1.6m; a small row spacing of 0.3m, and a plant spacing of 0.3m; single-row and single-plant planting is adopted in the southwest and south China leaf tea areas. The row spacing is 1.6m, and the plant spacing is 0.3m. The basal fertilizer should be mainly farmyard manure or cake fertilizer, and the amount of farmyard manure is 45000kg/htn. The amount of cake fertilizer is 4500kg/htm\~7 500 kg/hm2 The deep plowing and leveling of the garden, digging of planting furrows, fertilization, pest control and other related technical requirements shall be implemented in accordance with the regulations of NY/T5018-2001.
9.2.2 Construction of variety gardens and original seed mother gardens The purity of original seed seedlings of national or provincial varieties introduced from breeding units should be 100%. When different varieties or tea gardens with the same production are built at the same time, they must be separated by roads, and the row spacing of the mother garden can be appropriately enlarged compared with the general leaf picking tea garden. The original seed mother garden should have a deep soil layer, fertile soil, gentle terrain, sufficient sunlight, and good irrigation and drainage conditions. 9.2.3 The infrastructure construction of the variety garden and the mother tree garden mainly includes irrigation, drainage, roads, power supply, etc. For specific requirements, please refer to o.6.
9.3 Seedling breeding area
9.3.1 Land leveling
The seedling breeding area should be leveled in the whole garden to create conditions for open-air seedling cultivation and facility seedling cultivation. Each nursery should be relatively level to ensure that there is no water accumulation in the rainy season.
9.3.2 Seedbed construction
The seedbed construction should meet the requirements of improved seedling breeding, and adopt an east-west orientation. The length is generally 10m~-2)m, the width is 1.0m~1.2m, and the height is 2.2m~~2.4m. The width of the ditch should be 0.25m~-0.3m, the depth should be 0.15m~0.2m, the side ditch should be wide at the top and wide at the bottom, the bottom of the ditch should be flat, the side ditch should be low at both ends and high in the middle along the length direction, and the slope should be 3.5m. It is convenient for drainage in rainy season. The surface of the field is paved with 0.07m~-0.99m thick and the core layer is kept at 0.05~0.07. The depth of the ditch is 4-0.5m and the width is 0.3m.
9.3.3 Greenhouse construction In the northern tea-growing areas and high-altitude tea-growing areas, long-term low temperature and freezing weather often occur in winter, which can easily cause fatal effects on the overwintering of seedlings. The construction of greenhouses is a key technical measure to improve the survival rate and efficiency of seedlings. The greenhouse shed should be of the multi-span type, with each span of 6m or 8m, shoulder height of 1.8m, ceiling height of 3m~4.5m, and length within 50m. The covering material should be double-layer film or PVC hollow board. The light transmittance of PVC board should be ≥80%. 6
NY/T2710—2015 Internal and external double sunshade systems should be set. The external sunshade should use black plastic sunshade net with a light shielding degree of 70%; the internal sunshade should use floating film; aluminum-plated internal sunshade insulation curtain. The sunshade system should be electrically controlled. According to the needs, a wet fan cooling, side ventilation and ceiling ventilation system can be set. The design standard shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of (B/T18621. A white dynamic sprinkler system should be equipped. The water stagnation atomization index should be reasonably adjusted according to the growth cycle of the tea core. 9.3.4 Seedling net room construction The back frame of the net room should adopt a Sichuan hot-dip galvanized steel frame structure or a cold column-steel frame mixed structure. The height of the net room is 1.8m~-2m. The width should be an integer multiple of 1.5m, and the length should not exceed 50 m, the top should be flat. The sunshade system of the net house can adopt an electric or manual opening and closing system, and the sunshade material should adopt a black plastic sunshade net with a shading degree of 70%. The net house should adopt indoor movable plastic arch shed for insulation. The frame material can be galvanized pipe or bamboo. The net house should adopt an automatic spray irrigation and fertilization system. 9.3.5 Other construction contents of the seedling breeding area. For specific requirements, please refer to 9.69.4 Comprehensive management area
9.4.1 Technical research and quality management room Occupied by variety preservation laboratory, seedling breeding and quality control laboratory The building is composed of a laboratory, a tea quality inspection laboratory, a training center and an office. The building structure should be a brick-concrete structure or a reinforced concrete frame structure, and should be decorated in accordance with ordinary laboratories. The building area should not be greater than 400m. Laboratories for variety preservation, seedling breeding and quality control, tea quality inspection, etc. should be equipped with laboratory tables, laboratory cabinets, and laboratory instruments and equipment. Training and office rooms can be equipped with training room tables, chairs and office furniture as needed. 9.4.2 Tea processing demonstration room Fresh tea processing room The structure of the tea processing demonstration room can be brick-concrete structure, light steel structure or steel structure. The tea processing demonstration room should meet the relevant requirements of Taiwan tea enterprise quality certification. The scale of the tea processing demonstration room should not be larger than 800m, The fresh leaf spreading and processing demonstration laboratories should be equipped with relevant complete sets of equipment according to the requirements of the processing experiments. The storage of improved tea samples should be refrigerated.
9.4.3 Management and support rooms Including administrative management, logistics management, enterprise The building structure should adopt brick-concrete structure or reinforced concrete frame structure, and be decorated according to the general office, storage and logistics rooms. The building area shall be calculated according to the number of administrative and logistics management personnel. The building area standard shall not exceed 20m2, and the total building area shall not exceed 400m2. Office facilities shall be set up according to the general office room. The scale of the storage room shall be determined according to the number of raw materials and equipment. The storage scale of the warehouse shall be able to meet the storage requirements of materials required for a production season, and the total building area shall not be less than 200) m2. 9.4.4 Relevant standards and specifications that should be implemented in the buildings of the comprehensive management area The construction project shall comply with the relevant national and industry standards, the design service life of the building structure shall be 50 years, and the safety level of the building structure shall be level 1. It shall comply with the provisions of GB 50153. The building seismic fortification category is the standard fortification category, using Class C. It should comply with the provisions of (GB50223.7
NY/T2710—2015 The fire hazard category of fresh leaf spreading and small laboratory is the inner category. The fire resistance level should not be lower than Class D. The fire hazard category of fine tea samples is the inner category, and the fire level should be Class I. The fire resistance level of technical research and quality management rooms and management and support rooms should be Class II. Reduce the provisions of GB50016, The building energy-saving design should be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB50189 or local energy-saving standards. In addition to complying with the standards and specifications cited in this document, the buildings in the comprehensive management area should also comply with the standards and specifications cited in this document. , other construction engineering standards should also be implemented in accordance with relevant regulations.
9.5 Agricultural machinery and equipment
9.5.1 Inspection and testing equipment
Inspection and testing equipment mainly include soil nutrient rapid tester, soil moisture rapid tester, optical microscope, electronic flatbed, constant temperature drying oven, pesticide residue rapid tester, ultra-clean working table, tea moisture monitor, tea screening machine, etc. 9.5.2 Production machinery
Production machinery mainly includes tea tree pruning machine, mobile sprinkler equipment, cultivator, deep tillage machine, fertilizer applicator, etc. The number of various types of machinery is selected according to project needs and equipment performance. In principle, it should not be less than 2 sets. 9.5.3 Plant protection equipment
Plant protection equipment mainly includes intelligent insect monitoring lamp, frequency vibration insecticidal lamp, motorized fog machine, white moving trap, pest book remote monitoring system, small weather station, etc.
9.5.4 Tea processing test equipment
Tea processing test equipment includes tea primary processing test production line, vacuum nitrogen filling packaging and sealing machine, dry evaluation table, evaluation table, sample cabinet, tea evaluation tray, cup, spoon, etc.
9.5.5 Other equipment
Determine the number of office equipment and production and transportation vehicles according to work needs. 9.6 Other construction projects
9.6.1 Road projects The roads are divided into main roads, branch roads and working roads. The width of the main T road is not less than 4.5m. The width of the double lane is not less than 6.5m, and they should be connected to the road traffic line outside the base, and reach the main functional areas of the base. Freight vehicles with a length of more than 9m can be driven. The road surface is paved with cement concrete or asphalt concrete. The specific method shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of JTG BG1-2003. The width of the branch road is not less than 3㎡, and it should be connected to the main road. It reaches all blocks and can drive agricultural transportation vehicles. The road surface is paved with cement concrete or asphalt concrete. The specific method shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of ITGB012003. The width of the working road shall not be less than 1.2m and shall be connected to the supporting road. It can be used for the driving of tea garden machinery. The road surface shall be paved with sandstone, mud-bound gravel or paved stone. The main method can be implemented in accordance with the provisions of Traffic Highway Development No. 2004-372. 9.6.2 Irrigation and drainage engineering It mainly includes water source engineering, reservoir, irrigation and drainage facilities, etc. Water source engineering. It should ensure that the park has sufficient water source for production irrigation. Reservoirs or water can be built and effective water supply can be guaranteed. The construction of new water projects shall be in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the province where the project is located. Water pool. The shape and size shall be determined according to needs: it shall be evenly arranged within the scope of the base. The wall can be made of cement bricks, slabs, blocks or concrete. The bottom plate should be concrete. Brick steps shall be set in the pool. The reservoir shall be effectively connected to the water source through channels and canals. Irrigation and drainage facilities are composed of main canals, branch canals and fixed or mobile sprinkler irrigation systems. The main canals and branch canals should use anti-seepage ditches or low-pressure pipes such as concrete, slurry, and geomembrane. Irrigation and drainage facilities should form an integral whole, and each system and area should be effectively connected to ensure energy-conducting irrigation and waterlogging drainage. The planning and design of irrigation and drainage projects should comply with the provisions of GB50288 and GB/T50363. 8
9.6.3 Fertilizer pools and garbage collection pools
They should be set up as needed. The bottom should be made of geotextile membrane or other anti-seepage materials. The surrounding pool walls should be made of anti-seepage concrete or other anti-seepage materials. When brick walls are used, waterproof mortar should be used for masonry and plastering. Cover plates should be set on the pool body to ensure the safety of vehicles and personnel. 9.6.4 Power distribution and fire protection engineering The power supply of the tea tree seedling breeding base should be introduced from the local power supply network. 10kV power supply should be built. Power distribution room or box-type substation should be built. And the backup power supply should be set according to the local power supply situation. The base area should be equipped with street lighting system, telephone and network system. The electrical design of the base should comply with the provisions of GB50052. The fire protection facilities in the comprehensive management area shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of GB50039. 9.6.5 Ancillary engineering facilities
Including fences (including metal fences), gates, monitoring, boiler effect rooms, ancillary rooms in the garden, etc., the specific construction content shall be determined according to the requirements. 10 Main technical and economic indicators
10.1 Investment estimation
10.1.1 According to actual needs and the principle of filling in the gaps, the content and scale of each part of the base construction should be determined rationally and the corresponding investment should be estimated. 10.1.2 The investment estimation of the base construction should be based on the current cost quota and cost information documents of the construction site and be consistent with the local construction level. 10.1.3 The total investment of the base construction includes five parts: construction engineering costs, field engineering costs, purchase costs of agricultural machinery and equipment, and other construction costs and interest reserves. The scale and reference unit price of construction engineering and field engineering are shown in Appendix A. The content and reference unit price of agricultural machinery and equipment are shown in Appendix A. Other construction costs
Other construction costs include construction unit management fees, project preparatory work consulting fees, project inspection and design fees, bidding agency service fees, project supervision fees, construction project environmental impact consulting service fees, etc. Other construction costs are calculated in accordance with the "Capital Construction Financial Management Regulations", "Construction Project Preparatory Work Consultation Fees Interim Regulations", "Project Inspection and Design Fee Standards", "Tender Agency Service Fee Management Interim Measures", "Construction Project Supervision and Related Service Fee Management Regulations", "Construction Project Environmental Impact Consultation Fee Standards, etc. Reserve Fund
The reserve fund is calculated at 5% to 8% of the sum of the four items of construction and installation engineering costs, construction engineering costs, machinery and equipment purchase costs and other construction costs.
10.2 Labor quota
The labor quota for item H is as follows: Table 2.
Table 2 Project Labor Quota
Functional Area Name
Cihe Management Area
Seedling Cultivation Area
Seedling Cultivation Area
Department Name
Technical Department
Production Management Department
Marketing Department
Fixed T Personnel
Management Personnel
1 Person/300 Mu
1 Person/300 Mu
Technical Personnel
3 Person/360
5 Person/300
5 Person-~10 Person/10 mu Seedling toilet
4 persons/300 City
6 persons/300 Out
Note: The number of personnel in the small staffing table does not include temporary workers used during the peak period of labor (fertilization, plant protection, tea picking, etc., such personnel will change with the construction of the current model, especially the scale of the demonstration area); the technical department of the seed breeding area and the production management department of the seed breeding area will be equipped with management and technical personnel according to the total scale of the base area of ​​300.
10.3 Seedling unit product production cost
NY/T 27102015
The seedling unit product production cost includes pruning and opening fees, comprehensive fees, technical management fees, facility depreciation fees, production investment fees, survival guarantee fees, etc., see Appendix B.
-iiiKwcutKAca5 The planning and design of irrigation and drainage should comply with the provisions of GB50288 and GB/T50363. 8
9.6.3 Fertilizer pool, garbage collection pool
It should be set up as needed. The bottom should be made of geotextile membrane or other anti-seepage materials. The surrounding pool walls should be made of anti-seepage concrete or other anti-seepage materials. When brick walls are used, waterproof mortar masonry and plastering should be used. A cover plate should be set on the pool body to ensure the safety of vehicles and personnel. 9.6.4 Power distribution and fire protection engineering The power supply of the tea tree seedling breeding base should be introduced from the local power supply network. 10kV power supply should be built. Power distribution room or box-type substation should be built: and a backup power supply should be set up according to the local power supply situation. The base area should be equipped with street lighting system, telephone and network system. The electrical design of the base shall comply with the provisions of GB50052. The fire protection facilities in the comprehensive management area shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of GB50039. 9.6.5 Ancillary engineering facilities
Including fences (including metal fences), gates, monitoring, boiler rooms, ancillary rooms in the garden, etc., the specific construction content shall be determined according to the requirements. 10 Main technical and economic indicators
10.1 Investment estimation
10.1.1 According to actual needs, follow the principle of filling in the gaps, rationally determine the content and scale of the construction of each part of the base, and estimate the corresponding investment. 10.1.2 The investment estimation of the base construction shall be based on the current cost quota and cost information documents of the construction site, and be consistent with the local construction level. 10.1.3 The total investment in base construction includes five parts: construction engineering costs, field engineering costs, agricultural machinery and equipment purchase costs, and other construction costs and interest reserves. The construction scale and reference unit price of construction engineering and field engineering are shown in Appendix A. The construction content and reference unit price of agricultural machinery and equipment are shown in Appendix A. 10.1. 3.3 Other construction costs
Other construction costs include construction unit management fees, project preparatory work consulting fees, engineering inspection and design fees, bidding agency service fees, engineering supervision fees, and construction project environmental impact consulting service fees. Other construction costs are calculated in accordance with the "Regulations on Financial Management of Capital Construction", "Interim Regulations on Fees for Consultation of Preliminary Work of Construction Projects", "Charge Standards for Project Design", "Interim Measures for the Management of Fees for Bidding Agency Services", "Regulations on the Management of Fees for Construction Project Supervision and Related Services", "Charge Standards for Environmental Impact Consultation of Construction Projects", etc. Reserve Fund
The reserve fund is calculated at 5% to 8% of the sum of the four items of construction and installation engineering costs, construction engineering costs, equipment and equipment purchase costs, and other construction costs.
10.2 Labor quota
Item H labor quota see Table 2.
Table 2 Project Labor Quota
Functional Area Name
Cihe Management Area
Seedling Cultivation Area
Seedling Cultivation Area
Department Name
Technical Department
Production Management Department
Marketing Department
Fixed T Personnel
Management Personnel
1 Person/300 Mu
1 Person/300 Mu
Technical Personnel
3 Person/360
5 Person/300
5 Person-~10 Person/10 mu Seedling toilet
4 persons/300 City
6 persons/300 Out
Note: The number of personnel in the small staffing table does not include temporary workers used during the peak period of labor (fertilization, plant protection, tea picking, etc., such personnel will change with the construction of the current model, especially the scale of the demonstration area); the technical department of the seed breeding area and the production management department of the seed breeding area will be equipped with management and technical personnel according to the total scale of the base area of ​​300.
10.3 Seedling unit product production cost
NY/T 27102015
The seedling unit product production cost includes pruning and opening fees, comprehensive fees, technical management fees, facility depreciation fees, production investment fees, survival guarantee fees, etc., see Appendix B.
-iiiKwcutKAca5 The planning and design of irrigation and drainage should comply with the provisions of GB50288 and GB/T50363. 8
9.6.3 Fertilizer pool, garbage collection pool
It should be set up as needed. The bottom should be made of geotextile membrane or other anti-seepage materials. The surrounding pool walls should be made of anti-seepage concrete or other anti-seepage materials. When brick walls are used, waterproof mortar masonry and plastering should be used. A cover plate should be set on the pool body to ensure the safety of vehicles and personnel. 9.6.4 Power distribution and fire protection engineering The power supply of the tea tree seedling breeding base should be introduced from the local power supply network. 10kV power supply should be built. Power distribution room or box-type substation should be built: and a backup power supply should be set up according to the local power supply situation. The base area should be equipped with street lighting system, telephone and network system. The electrical design of the base shall comply with the provisions of GB50052. The fire protection facilities in the comprehensive management area shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of GB50039. 9.6.5 Ancillary engineering facilities
Including fences (including metal fences), gates, monitoring, boiler rooms, ancillary rooms in the garden, etc., the specific construction content shall be determined according to the requirements. 10 Main technical and economic indicators
10.1 Investment estimation
10.1.1 According to actual needs, follow the principle of filling in the gaps, rationally determine the content and scale of the construction of each part of the base, and estimate the corresponding investment. 10.1.2 The investment estimation of the base construction shall be based on the current cost quota and cost information documents of the construction site, and be consistent with the local construction level. 10.1.3 The total investment in base construction includes five parts: construction engineering costs, field engineering costs, agricultural machinery and equipment purchase costs, and other construction costs and interest reserve. The construction scale and reference unit price of construction engineering and field engineering are shown in Appendix A. The construction content and reference unit price of agricultural machinery and equipment are shown in Appendix A. 10.1. 3.3 Other construction costs
Other construction costs include construction unit management fees, project preparatory work consulting fees, engineering inspection and design fees, bidding agency service fees, engineering supervision fees, and construction project environmental impact consulting service fees. Other construction costs are calculated in accordance with the "Regulations on Financial Management of Capital Construction", "Interim Regulations on Fees for Consultation of Preliminary Work of Construction Projects", "Charge Standards for Project Design", "Interim Measures for the Management of Fees for Bidding Agency Services", "Regulations on the Management of Fees for Construction Project Supervision and Related Services", "Charge Standards for Environmental Impact Consultation of Construction Projects", etc. Reserve Fund
The reserve fund is calculated at 5% to 8% of the sum of the four items of construction and installation engineering costs, construction engineering costs, equipment and equipment purchase costs, and other construction costs.
10.2 Labor quota
Item H labor quota see Table 2.
Table 2 Project labor quota
Functional area name
Cihe Management Area
Seedling Cultivation Area
Seedling Cultivation Area
Department name
Technical Department
Production Management Department
Marketing Department
Fixed T people
Management personnel
1 person/300 mu
1 person/300 mu
Technical personnel
3 people/360
5 people/300
5 people-~10 Person/10 mu Seedling toilet
4 persons/300 City
6 persons/300 Out
Note: The number of personnel in the small staffing table does not include temporary workers used during the peak period of labor (fertilization, plant protection, tea picking, etc., such personnel will change with the construction of the current model, especially the scale of the demonstration area); the technical department of the seed breeding area and the production management department of the seed breeding area will be equipped with management and technical personnel according to the total scale of the base area of ​​300.
10.3 Seedling unit product production cost
NY/T 27102015
The seedling unit product production cost includes pruning and opening fees, comprehensive fees, technical management fees, facility depreciation fees, production investment fees, survival guarantee fees, etc., see Appendix B.
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