Some standard content:
JB/T 10053-1999
This standard is a revision of ZBK84004-89 "Water for Lead-acid Batteries". The format and rules of this standard are GB/T1.1-1993 to ensure the uniformity of standard writing and to be consistent with international standards as much as possible. Compared with ZBK84004-89, this standard has the following changes: - Added preface;
- Chapters and articles are reorganized according to the changes in content; -4.1 (added sampling);
-4.2 (added appearance inspection);
-4.9.3 Added ammonium ferrous sulfate solution to reagents and solutions; -4.9.4 Added ratio correction.
This standard will replace ZBK84004-89 from the date of implementation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Lead-acid Battery Standardization Technical Committee. This standard was drafted by Shenyang Battery Research Institute. The main drafter of this standard: Zhuang Yajing.
This standard was first issued in March 1989 and revised for the first time in 1998. 108
1 Scope
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Water For Lead Acid Storage Batteries
Water For Lead Acid Storage BatteriesJB/T 10053—1999
Replaces ZBK84004—89
This standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection principles, marking, packaging, transportation, storage and use of water for lead-acid batteries. This standard applies to water for lead-acid batteries. This standard does not apply to water for sealed lead-acid batteries. 2 Referenced Standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. At the time of publication of the standard, the versions shown are valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T 1. 4--1988
GB/T 622--1989
GB/T 625—1989
GB/T 626-1989
GB/T 629--1981
GB/T 631—1989
GB/T 643—19 88
GB/T 647--1993
GB/T 655--1994
GB/T 661--1992
GB 1254—1990
GB/T 1266—1986
GB/T 1272-1988
GB/T 1288 — 1992 | | tt | 6
HG 3—1067—1977
HG 2306--1980
Guidelines for standardization work on chemical analysis methods Standardization and compilation of chemical reagents Hydrochloric acid
Chemical reagents ... t||Sodium hydroxide
Potassium permanganate
Potassium nitrate
Ammonium persulfate
Ammonium ferrous sulfate
Working standard reagent Sodium oxalate
Sodium chloride
Potassium iodide
Sodium potassium tartrate
Disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
Hydroxyamine hydrochloride
Working standard reagent (capacity)
Silver nitrate
Chemical reagent
Chemical reagent
Chemical reagent
Water for lead-acid batteries should meet the requirements of Table 1. Approved by the State Bureau of Machinery Industry on August 6, 1999 Potassium chromate
Mercury chloride
Potassium hydroxide
Implementation on January 1, 2000
Residue content
Manganese (Mn) content
Iron (Fe) content
Chlorine (CI) content
Indicator name
Nitrate (as N) content
Ammonium (NH) content
Potassium permanganate reducing substances (as O) content Alkaline earth metal oxide (as CaO) content Resistivity (25℃) α·cm
Determination method
4.1 Sampling
4.1.1 Sampling conditions
Samples must be placed in the production site, use site or warehouse at room temperature. 4.1.2 Sampling method
Colorless, transparent
For the test conducted according to this standard, at least 5L of representative water sample should be taken, and the water sample should be filled in a clean, airtight plastic or glass container. 4.1.3 Sample preservation method
The sample must be placed at room temperature, without direct sunlight, and covered to prevent impurities from entering. 4.2 Appearance inspection
Inspection method
Visually inspect the color of the sample water surface in a brightly lit room to see if it is colorless and transparent. 4.3 Determination of residue content
4.3.1 Principle
Take a part of the thoroughly mixed water sample, place it in an evaporator III with constant mass, evaporate it to dryness on a water vapor bath or in an oven, and then dry it at 105-110℃.
4.3.2 Apparatus
- 100ml of porcelain evaporating blood (or the same volume of quartz evaporating blood);- high temperature furnace;
steam bath;
- drying oven.
4.3.3 Determination steps
Place the washed and dried evaporating blood in a high temperature furnace at 550±50℃ for 2h, then cool, dry and weigh until the mass is constant, and put it in a desiccator for later use. Take 100ml of water sample in the above evaporation III, put it on a steam bath or in an oven to evaporate. If an oven is used, the temperature should be controlled at 98℃ to prevent the water sample from boiling and splashing. Dry the evaporated water sample in an oven at 105-110℃ for 2h, cool, dry and weigh until the mass is constant.
4.3.4 Calculation of results
The residue content X (mg/L) is calculated according to formula (1): 110
Wherein: m2
Mass of residue and evaporated blood, g;
mi--mass of hair dish, g;
V-volume of water sample, ml.
4.4 Determination of manganese content
4.4.1 Principle
JB/T 10053-1999
In the presence of silver nitrate, soluble manganese compounds are oxidized to permanganate with ammonium persulfate and the result is determined by colorimetric comparison with the standard color column. 4.4.2 Instrument
--a general laboratory instrument.
4.4.3 Reagents and solutions
-Nitric acid (GB/T626) analytical grade, 1+1 solution; silver nitrate (GB/T670) analytical grade, 5% solution;--ammonium persulfate (GB/T655) analytical grade; manganese standard solution 0.010mg/ml.
Weigh 0.1000g of metallic manganese (99.99%) in a 200ml beaker, add 1+110ml nitric acid solution, heat to dissolve, cool and transfer to a 1000ml volumetric flask with water, dilute to scale, and shake well. As a manganese standard stock solution (0.100mg/ml), each time it is used, take 10ml of the stock solution and accurately dilute to 100ml as a manganese standard solution. 4.4.4 Determination steps Drawing of standard curve
Put 0.00, 0.50, 1.50, 2.50, 4.00, 5.00 ml of manganese standard solution into 50 ml colorimetric tubes respectively, add water to about 40 ml, add 1.5 ml of 1+1 nitric acid solution to each tube, and shake well. 1 ml of 5% silver nitrate solution, shake well. 0.5 g of ammonium persulfate, place in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes, dilute to the scale with water after cooling, mix well, and measure the absorbance value at a wavelength of 525 nm with the reagent blank as the reference. Determination of water sample
Put 50.0 ml of water sample into a conical flask, add 1.5 ml of 1+1 nitric acid solution.5ml, heat and evaporate to about 40ml, add 1ml of 5% silver nitrate solution and 0.5g of ammonium persulfate, place in a boiling water bath for 10min, cool and transfer to a 50ml colorimetric tube, dilute to the scale with water, mix well, and follow the same standard curve operation steps. Visual colorimetry can also be used. 4.4.5 Calculation of results
The manganese content corresponding to the absorbance is found from the standard curve. The manganese content X (mg/L) in the water sample is calculated according to formula (2): m-mX1000
Where: m—the manganese content in the water sample found from the standard curve, mg; V is the volume of the water sample, ml.
4.5 Determination of iron content
4.5.1 Principle
Divalent iron ions react with o-phenanthroline in aqueous solution to form an orange-red chromium complex with an absorption peak at 510nm. The absorbance of the colored solution is proportional to the concentration of divalent iron ions. The color intensity remains unchanged between pH 3 and 9 and is stable for a long time. 4.5.2 Instruments
-General laboratory instruments.
4.5.3 Reagents and solutions
JB/T 10053--1999
Hydrochloric acid (GB/T622) analytical grade, 1+9 solution; nitric acid (GB/T626) analytical grade, 1+1 solution; nitrogen water (GB/T631) analytical grade;
Phenanthroline (GB/T1293) analytical grade, 0.12% solution; hydroxylamine hydrochloride (HG3-967) analytical grade, 10% solution: iron standard solution 0.010mg/ml.
Weigh 0.1000g of metallic iron (99.99%) into a 200ml beaker, add 10ml of 1+1 nitric acid solution, heat to dissolve, boil to remove nitrogen oxides, cool, transfer to a 1000ml volumetric flask, dilute to the mark with water, mix well, and use as the iron standard stock solution. Each time you use it, take 10ml of the stock solution and accurately dilute it to 100ml as the iron standard solution. 4.5.4 Determination steps Drawing of standard curve
Pipette 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.50 ml of iron standard solution into 50 ml colorimetric tubes respectively, dilute to the mark with water, add 1 ml of 1+9 hydrochloric acid solution into each tube, mix well, add 1 ml of 10% hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution, shake well, 1 ml of 0.12% o-phenanthroline solution, shake well, then add 0.2 ml of ammonia water, shake well, and use a spectrophotometer to measure the absorbance at a wavelength of 510 nm. Determination of water sample
Pipette 50.0 ml of water sample into 50 ml colorimetric tubes, add 1 ml of 1+9 hydrochloric acid solution, and follow the same steps for making standard curve. Visual colorimetry can also be used.
4.5.5 Calculation of results
Find out the iron content corresponding to the absorbance from the standard curve. The iron content X (mg/I) in the water sample is calculated according to formula (3): =m×1000
Wherein: m—iron content in the water sample found from the standard curve, mg; V—volume of the water sample, ml.
4.6 Measurement of chlorine content
4.6.1 Principle
Silver nitrate reacts with chloride to form silver chloride precipitate. Potassium chromate is used as an indicator. When the chloride in the water sample reacts with silver nitrate completely, the added silver nitrate reacts with potassium chromate to form red silver chromate. Because the solubility of silver chloride is less than that of silver chromate, the appearance of silver chromate indicates that the chloride in the solution has been completely precipitated and the reaction has reached the end point. 4.6.2 Instruments
—General laboratory instruments.
4.6.3 Reagents and solutions
—Sodium chloride (GB/T1266) analytical grade, standard solution C1-1=1mg/ml. Take analytical grade sodium chloride in a clean medium, heat to 500~600℃, cool and weigh 1.6480g, dissolve in water, transfer to a 1000ml volumetric flask, and dilute to the mark with water. This solution contains 1 mg of chloride ions per ml.
Silver nitrate (GB/T670) analytical grade, standard solution. Take analytical grade silver nitrate and place it in an oven at 105~110℃ for 1h, take it out and place it in a desiccator to cool, weigh 2.3950g, place it in a beaker, add water to dissolve it, pour it into a 1000ml volumetric flask, and dilute to the mark with water. This solution is equivalent to 0.50mg of chloride per ml. Standardization of silver nitrate standard solution:
Put 10.0ml of sodium chloride standard solution in porcelain evaporator III, add 10.0ml of water, and add 20.0ml of water in another evaporating dish as a blank for comparing the end point color during titration.
Add 1ml of potassium chromate solution to each dish, and use a burette to add silver nitrate standard solution respectively, and stir continuously with a glass rod until a light brick red color is generated.
JB/T 10053—1999
X is the amount of chloride equivalent to 1ml of silver nitrate solution (mg). V
Where: V-amount of sodium chloride standard solution, ml; V,-amount of water to silver nitrate standard solution, ml; V2-amount of silver nitrate standard solution when calibrating sodium chloride solution, ml; Correct the concentration of silver nitrate solution so that 1.00ml is equivalent to 0.50mg of chloride. Potassium chromate (HG3-918) analytical grade, 5% solution; (4)
Weigh 5g potassium chromate, dissolve in a small amount of water, add silver nitrate standard solution until the red precipitate does not fade, stir evenly, leave overnight, filter with filter paper, and dilute the filtrate with water to 100ml. Phenolic acid (HGB3039) analytical grade, 0.5% solution; weigh 0.5g phenolphthalein, dissolve in 50ml95% ethanol, add 50ml water; sulfuric acid (GB/T625) analytical grade, 0.025mol/L solution; sodium hydroxide (GB/T629) analytical grade, 0.025mol/L solution. 4.6.4 Determination steps
Pick 100ml of water sample in the evaporated water, add 4 drops of phenol solution, adjust the pH value of the water sample with 0.025mol/l sulfuric acid or 0.025mol/l sodium hydroxide solution to make the red color just turn colorless, take another 100ml of ion exchange water in another evaporated water, add 1ml of potassium chromate solution to each, use a burette to drop into the silver nitrate standard solution, and stir continuously with a glass rod until a light brick red color is produced. 4.6.5 Calculation of results
The chlorine content X (mg/L) in the water sample is calculated according to formula (5): (Vz-V1)×0.50X1000
Where: V2——the amount of silver nitrate standard solution used for water sample titration, ml; V,——the amount of silver nitrate standard solution used for ion exchange water titration, ml; V——the volume of water sample, ml.
4.7 Determination of nitrate content
4.7.1 Principle
Strychnine reacts with nitrate in sulfuric acid solution to form a yellow compound, the color intensity of which is proportional to the nitrate concentration. The determination conditions of this method are relatively strict, and the standard color series and water samples should be strictly kept under the same conditions. This method uses visual colorimetry, and can also be measured spectroscopically at a wavelength of 410nm.
4.7.2 Instruments
General laboratory instruments.
4.7.3 Reagents and solutions
-Sulfuric acid (GB/T625) analytical grade, solution 500+75; monohydrochloric acid (GB/T622) analytical grade;
Strychnine (hazardous area 32003) analytical grade-p-aminobenzenesulfonic acid (HG3--992) analytical grade solution. Weigh 1.0g of strychnine sulfate or 0.78g of strychnine and 0.10g of p-aminobenzene iodic acid, dissolve in water, dissolve in 70ml of hot water, add 3ml of hydrochloric acid, cool, and dilute to 100ml. (This solution can be used for several months. It is best to store it in a brown bottle at 5°C. Strychnine is a highly toxic drug, so use it with extra caution.) - Potassium nitrate (GB/T 647) standard solution, NOs-N 0.010 mg/ml. Weigh 0.7216g of potassium nitrate and dissolve it in water. Dilute it to 1000ml in a volumetric flask. This solution is the potassium nitrate stock solution. The concentration of NO3-N is 0.100mg/ml. Prepare a new potassium nitrate standard solution every week, and take 10.0ml of the stock solution and dilute it accurately to 100ml. 4.7.4 Determination steps Preparation of standard color
JB/T 10053-1999
Pipette 0.00, 0.10, 0.30, 0.50, 0.70, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00 ml of potassium nitrate standard solution respectively. Add 1 ml of strychnine-p-aminobenzenesulfonic acid solution to a 50 ml beaker (make up to 2 ml with water if less than 2 ml). Then carefully add 10 ml of sulfuric acid solution, mix thoroughly, place in a dark place for 10 minutes, add 10 ml of water to each cup, and prepare another 50 ml beaker to pour back and forth several times for thorough mixing. Place in a dark place for 10 minutes and transfer to a 50 ml colorimetric tube to form a standard color. Water sample determination
While preparing the standard color column, take 2.0ml of water sample into a 50ml beaker and add 1ml of strychnine-p-aminobenzene solution. The following determination steps are the same as the standard color column preparation steps. Determine by visual colorimetry.
4.7.5 Calculation of results
From the corresponding standard color column, the content of NO:-N is obtained. The nitrate nitrogen (NO:-N) in the water sample is calculated by (6): m_m×1000
Where: m——the content of NO:-N in the corresponding standard color column, mg; V——the volume of the water sample, ml.
4.8 Measurement of ammonium (NH+) content
4.8.1 Principle
NH+ in ammonium salts reacts with OH- to generate NH~ and H2O. Ammonia reacts with potassium mercuric iodide in an alkaline solution to form a light yellow to brown complex, the chromaticity of which is proportional to the nitrogen content. When the nitrogen content is in the range of 0.05 to 5 mg/., the colorimetric method can obtain good results. 4.8.2 Instruments
4.8.3 Reagents and solutions
——Ammonia-free water Add 25 ml of 5% sodium hydroxide solution to each liter of ion exchange water and boil for 1 hour;
——Sodium hydroxide (GB/T629) analytical grade, 5% solution;
——Mercuric chloride (HG3-1068) analytical grade;
——Potassium hydroxide (HGB-3006) analytical grade, 50% solution;
——Sodium potassium tartrate (GB/T1288) analytical grade, 50% solution;
——Alkaline mercuric iodide reagent.
Dissolve 50g potassium iodide in 50ml ammonia-free water, and dissolve 35g mercuric chloride in 150ml boiled ammonia-free water. Slowly inject the hot mercuric chloride solution into the potassium iodide solution while stirring until the red precipitate is no longer dissolved. Filter with glass wool, add 300ml potassium hydroxide solution and 5ml mercuric chloride solution to the filtrate, and then dilute to 1L with ammonia-free water. The solution is stored in a brown bottle. If there is precipitation, wait for the precipitation to settle and then take the supernatant for use. Ammonium chloride standard solution 0.010mg/ml. Weigh 0.2970g of analytically pure ammonium chloride (GB/T658) dried at 90℃ and dissolve it in ammonia-free water. Dilute it to 100ml in a volumetric flask as ammonium standard stock solution (NH+) 0.100mg/ml. Each time it is used, take 10ml of ammonium standard stock solution and accurately dilute it to 100ml as ammonium standard solution.
4.8.4 Determination steps Drawing of standard curve
Put 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00ml of ammonium standard solution in a 50ml colorimetric tube, dilute to 50ml with ammonia-free water, add 0.5ml of potassium sodium tartrate solution and 1ml of alkaline mercuric iodide reagent, mix well and let stand for 10min. 114
JB/T 10053-1999
On a spectrophotometer, at a wavelength of 450nm, with the reagent blank as reference, measure the absorbance value. Draw a standard curve with the number of milligrams of ammonium in the standard solution as the horizontal axis and the corresponding absorbance as the vertical axis. Water sample determination
Take 50 ml of water sample into a 50 ml colorimetric tube and add 0.5 ml of potassium sodium tartrate solution. The following is the same as the standard curve analysis steps. 4.8.5 Calculation of results
Find the ammonium (NH+) content corresponding to the absorbance from the standard curve. The ammonium (NH4) content in the water sample X (mg/L) is calculated according to formula (7) xw
Where: m——ammonium content in the water sample found from the standard curve, mg; V——volume of water sample, ml.
4.9 Determination of content of reduced potassium permanganate substance (O) 4.9.1 Principle
Inject an excess of potassium permanganate solution into the sample to fully oxidize the reducing substances, and back titrate with ammonium ferrous sulfate solution to calculate the content of reduced potassium permanganate substance.
4.9.2 Instruments
—General laboratory instruments.
4.9.3 Reagents and solutions
Sulfuric acid (GB/T625): analytical grade;
-Sodium oxalate (GB/T1254): standard reagent; Ammonium ferrous sulfate (GB/T661): analytical grade, C[(NH4),Fc(SO),]=0.01mol/I. Solution, weigh 4g (NH,) Fe (S0) 2 · 6H20 and dissolve it in 100mL 1 + 1 sulfuric acid solution, dilute with water to 1000mL; Potassium permanganate (GB/T643): analytical grade, C (1/5KMn) 4) = 0.1mol/I. standard solution: (This standard solution is used to prepare C (1/5KMO) = 0.01mol/I. standard solution a) Preparation
Weigh 3.3g potassium permanganate, dissolve it in 1050ml water, gently boil for 20-30min, place in a dark place for one week, filter with glass wool, and store the filtrate in a brown bottle with a ground-mouth stopper. b) Calibration
Weigh 0.2g of sodium oxalate dried at 105-110℃ for 2h, accurate to 0.0001g, dissolve in 50ml of water, add 8mL of concentrated sulfuric acid, and titrate with potassium permanganate solution C(1/5KMnO)=0.1mol/l. When the end point is near, heat to 70-80℃, continue titrating until the solution turns pink and remains for 30s, and do a blank test at the same time. c) Calculate
The concentration of potassium permanganate C(1/5KMnO4) is calculated according to formula (8): C(1/5 KMnO)=
Where: m——the mass of sodium oxalate weighed, g; V——the amount of potassium permanganate solution used, ml.; m
M(1/2Na2C20,)——the molar mass of sodium oxalate, g/mol. (8)
When using, dilute the potassium permanganate standard solution with C(1/5KMnO)=0.1mol/L accurately with water to C(1/5KMnO)=0.01 mol/L.
4.9.4 Determination steps Ratio correction
C(1/5 KMnO)=0.01 The ratio of the amount of potassium permanganate standard solution (ml) of 0.01mol/L C[(NH4)2Fe(SO4)2]-0.01mol/L ammonium ferrous sulfate solution (ml.), expressed as K, is calibrated and calculated as follows: Measure 100ml of laboratory analytical water, put it in a 250ml conical flask, add 8ml of sulfuric acid, use a burette to accurately add 10ml of potassium permanganate standard solution of C(1/5KMnO4)-0.01mol/l., heat to 70-80℃, cool to room temperature, accurately add 10ml of ammonium ferrous sulfate solution of C[(NH4)2Fe(SO4)2]=0.01mol/L, and immediately drip with C(1/5KMnO4)=0.01mol/L potassium permanganate standard solution until it turns light purple, which is the end point. K=
Wherein: V-amount of potassium permanganate standard solution, ml, Vi-amount of ammonium ferrous sulfate solution, ml. Sample determination
Take 100ml of water sample and inject it into a 250ml conical flask, add 8ml of sulfuric acid, accurately add 10ml of potassium permanganate solution, heat to 70-80℃, cool to room temperature, accurately add 10ml of ammonium ferrous sulfate solution with C[(NH4)Fe(SO)2]=0.01mol/L, and immediately drip with C(1/5KMnO)=0.01mol/L potassium permanganate standard solution until it turns pale purple, which is the end point. 4.9.5 Calculation of results
The content of potassium permanganate reducing substances is expressed as oxygen consumption X (mg/1.), calculated according to formula (10): X = (Vi-KV.) × C (/5 KMnO,) × 0. 08×100Vx0.01
Wherein: Vi—volume of potassium permanganate solution consumed in titration, ml; Vz—volume of potassium permanganate solution consumed in titrating 10 ml of ammonium ferrous sulfate solution, ml; C(1/5KMnO,)——concentration of potassium permanganate solution, moi/L; V—volume of water sample, ml;
0.08——mass of oxygen ()) equivalent to 1 ml of 0.01 mol/l potassium permanganate standard solution, mg; K——milliliters of potassium permanganate standard solution equivalent to 1 ml of ammonium ferrous sulfate solution with C[(NH),Fe(S),)]=0.01 mol/L. 4.10 Determination of alkaline earth metal oxide content 4.10.1 Principle
When the chrome black T indicator is present in the water sample, it forms a wine-red complex with the calcium and magnesium ions in the water sample. The instability constant of these complexes is greater than the instability constant of the complex formed by EDTA (disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, the same below) and calcium and magnesium ions. Therefore, after adding EDTA, the calcium and magnesium ions are taken out of the complex formed by the indicator and the indicator is freed. When the pH is 10, EDTA first forms a complex with calcium ions and then with magnesium ions. At the end point of the titration, the solution presents the blue color of the chrome black T indicator. 4.10.2 Instruments
General laboratory instruments.
4.10.3 Reagents and solutions
—EDTA (GB/T 1401) analytical pure standard solution. Weigh 3.72g EDTA and dissolve it in water, dilute it to 1000ml, and store it in a plastic bottle or a hard glass bottle. The concentration of this solution is about 0.01mol/L. Use the following method to calibrate its accurate concentration: weigh 0.6538g of metallic zinc (99.99%) and dissolve it in a small amount of hydrochloric acid, dilute it to 1000ml in a volumetric flask with water, and shake it up. This solution is a 0.0100mol/L zinc standard solution. Draw 25.00ml zinc standard solution in a 250ml conical flask, add 25ml water, adjust the pH value of the solution to slightly alkaline with nitrogen water, add 5ml buffer, add 5 drops of chrome black T indicator, and titrate with EDTA standard solution until the solution turns blue as the end point. Calculate the concentration of EDTA standard solution by formula (11).
Wherein: Ci—is the concentration of the zinc standard solution, mol/l; V,—is the volume of the zinc standard solution, ml; V-is the volume of the EDTA standard solution used for titration, ml. Hydrochloric acid (GB/T622) analytically pure, 1+1 solution; nitrogen water (GB/T631) analytically pure, 1+1 solution; nitrogen-ammonium chloride buffer solution.
Weigh 20g of ammonium chloride (GB/T658) analytically pure and dissolve it in 500ml of water, add 100ml of concentrated nitrogen water, and dilute with water to 1000ml. Chrome black T (HGB3086) analytically pure, 0.5% solution. Weigh 0.5g of Chrome black T, dissolve it in 10ml of buffer, and dilute it to 100ml with anhydrous ethanol. This solution is effective for about one month. The indicator prepared by the following method can be effective for a long time: weigh 10g of chrome black T, add 100g of sodium chloride (GB/T1266), grind evenly, plug tightly and set aside.
4.10.4 Determination steps
Take 100ml of water sample in a conical flask, adjust the water sample to slightly alkaline with ammonia water, add 10ml of buffer solution, add 5 drops of 0.5% chrome black T indicator or add a small spoon of solid indicator, and immediately titrate with EDTA standard solution until the solution changes from wine red to blue, that is, the end point is reached.
4.10.5 Calculation of results
The results are expressed as the content of calcium oxide X (mg/L), calculated according to formula (12): x=cxV×100×56.08
Wherein: C--EDTA standard solution concentration, mol/L; Vi--EDTA standard solution dosage, ml; V--water sample volume, ml;
56.08--molar mass of calcium oxide, g. 4.11 Determination of resistivity
4.11.1 Principle
The reciprocal of resistivity is conductivity. Use a conductivity meter to measure the resistance of the water sample and the resistance of a potassium chloride solution of known conductivity at the same temperature. 4.11.2 Instruments
--Conductivity meter;
Conductivity electrode.
4.11.3 Determination steps
According to the instructions of the conductivity meter used, this instrument generally follows the following steps: preheating, zeroing, calibration, preheating and measurement (determination by decreasing the maximum conductivity step by step).
4.11.4 Calculation of results
The conductivity is directly read from the instrument in μS/cm. Its reciprocal is the resistivity in Q·cm. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 Inspection classification
5.1.1 Identification inspection When the water used to manufacture lead-acid batteries is put into production, it must be accompanied by an identification inspection voucher, and its technical conditions shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 3. The test method shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 4. It is allowed to use other instruments to detect impurities in battery water, but the method specified in this standard shall be used in arbitration. When the main design, process, materials and parts (components) of the water used to manufacture lead-acid batteries are changed or when production is resumed after suspension, an identification test should be carried out.
5.1.2 Quality consistency test Group A test (batch by batch)
When the water used to manufacture lead-acid batteries is identified and tested and put into normal production, the resistivity can be selected as a representative test item. This is used to test and control the consistency of water quality. When the resistivity is unqualified, other tests must be carried out in accordance with the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. Group B test (batch by batch)
If the quality of the water used for lead-acid batteries that has been stored for a long time is in doubt before use, the following tests should be carried out. For water stored in non-iron and non-PVC containers, the resistivity measurement shall be carried out. If qualified, other tests shall be continued according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. If unqualified, re-testing is allowed. After qualified re-testing, other tests shall be continued according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. For water stored in iron containers, the resistivity and iron content shall be tested. If qualified, other tests shall be continued according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. If unqualified, re-testing is allowed. After qualified re-testing, other tests shall be continued according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard.
For water stored in PVC containers, the resistivity and chlorine content shall be tested. If qualified, other tests shall be continued according to the requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. If unqualified, re-testing is allowed. After qualified re-testing, other tests shall be continued according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. Group C inspection (periodic)
When the method of making water for lead-acid batteries is changed or the water source changes, periodic inspections should be carried out until the water quality meets the technical requirements of Chapter 3.
Select resistivity as a representative test item. If qualified, continue to carry out other inspections according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. 5.2 Judgment rules
5.2.1 For the inspection of water samples in normal production, the qualified or unqualified shall be judged according to the resistivity specification of this standard. 5.2.2 The inspection of the first batch of water samples and water samples under various special circumstances shall be carried out in two steps. First, the resistance shall be measured. If qualified, other inspections shall be carried out according to the requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard to judge whether it is qualified or not. 5.2.3 When there is doubt about the water sample, it can be re-sampled for inspection. The judgment rules shall be implemented according to 5.2.1 or 5.2.2. 5.2.4 For water that has passed the inspection, each storage container shall be equipped with a certificate of compliance signed by the inspector. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage and use 6.1 Marking
6.1.1 The storage container of water for lead-acid batteries shall be marked in a clearly visible position. 6.1.2 Product marking
The product marking consists of the following three parts, which are arranged in the order of Table 2: Table 2
Product name
Water for lead-acid batteries
6.1.3 Marking example
Distilled water
Technical characteristics
Ion exchange water
Electrodialysis water
Reverse osmosis water
Electrodialysis-ion exchange water
Reverse osmosis-ion exchange water
Water for lead-acid batteries prepared by ion exchange method. Water for lead-acid batteries: Ion exchange water JB/T10053-1999. 6.2 Packaging
Standard number
6.2.1 Water for lead-acid batteries should be packed in special sealed containers such as plastic, ceramic or glass. Ceramic jars or glass bottles can be placed in wooden boxes. The container should be lined with grass or wood shavings and other shockproof insulation. 6.2.2 Each batch of water for lead-acid batteries should be accompanied by a quality certificate, including: manufacturer name, product name, trademark, product ex-factory date (or number) or production batch number, analysis results, net weight (gross weight), inspection unit seal and this standard number. 6.2.3 The manufacturer name, product name, net weight (gross weight) and this standard number should be marked on the obvious part of the packaging box. 6.3 Transportation
Transportation conditions: Handle with care during loading and unloading, and avoid vibration during transportation to prevent the storage container from breaking. 6.4 Storage
6.4.1 Storage place: Special warehouse or site. 6.4.2 Storage conditions: Room temperature, no direct sunlight, no foreign impurities. 6.4.3 Storage period: The limit is the qualified inspection before use. 6.5 Use
When using lead-acid batteries with water, dumping or pipe discharge method can be adopted. 1195 Use
When using lead-acid batteries for water, dumping or pipe discharge can be used. 1195 Use
When using lead-acid batteries for water, dumping or pipe discharge can be used. 1195 Use
When using lead-acid batteries for water, dumping or pipe discharge can be used. 1195 Use
When using lead-acid batteries for water, dumping or pipe discharge can be used. 1195 Use
When using lead-acid batteries for water, dumping or pipe discharge can be used. 1195 Use
When using lead-acid batteries for water, dumping or pipe discharge can be used. 1195 Use
When using lead-acid batteries for water, dumping or pipe discharge can be used. 1195 Use
When using lead-acid batteries for water, dumping or pipe discharge can be used. 1195 Use
When using lead-acid batteries for water, dumping or pipe discharge can be used. 1195 Use
When using lead-acid batteries for water, dumping or pipe discharge can be used. 1193 Reagents and solutions
—EDTA (GB/T 1401) analytical pure standard solution. Weigh 3.72g EDTA and dissolve it in water, dilute to 1000ml, and store it in a plastic bottle or hard glass bottle. The concentration of this solution is about 0.01mol/L. Its accurate concentration is calibrated by the following method: Weigh 0.6538g of metallic zinc (99.99%) and dissolve it in a small amount of hydrochloric acid, dilute to 1000ml with water in a volumetric flask, and shake well. This solution is a 0.0100mol/1 zinc standard solution. Pipette 25.00ml zinc standard solution into a 250ml conical flask, add 25ml water, adjust the pH value of the solution to slightly alkaline with nitrogen water, add 5ml buffer, add 5 drops of chrome black T indicator, and titrate with EDTA standard solution until the solution turns blue as the end point. Calculate the concentration of EDTA standard solution by formula (11).
Wherein: Ci—is the concentration of the zinc standard solution, mol/l; V,—is the volume of the zinc standard solution, ml; V-is the volume of the EDTA standard solution used for titration, ml. Hydrochloric acid (GB/T622) analytically pure, 1+1 solution; nitrogen water (GB/T631) analytically pure, 1+1 solution; nitrogen-ammonium chloride buffer solution.
Weigh 20g of ammonium chloride (GB/T658) analytically pure and dissolve it in 500ml of water, add 100ml of concentrated nitrogen water, and dilute with water to 1000ml. Chrome black T (HGB3086) analytically pure, 0.5% solution. Weigh 0.5g of Chrome black T, dissolve it in 10ml of buffer, and dilute it to 100ml with anhydrous ethanol. This solution is effective for about one month. The indicator prepared by the following method can be effective for a long time: weigh 10g of chrome black T, add 100g of sodium chloride (GB/T1266), grind evenly, plug tightly and set aside.
4.10.4 Determination steps
Take 100ml of water sample in a conical flask, adjust the water sample to slightly alkaline with ammonia water, add 10ml of buffer solution, add 5 drops of 0.5% chrome black T indicator or add a small spoon of solid indicator, and immediately titrate with EDTA standard solution until the solution changes from wine red to blue, that is, the end point is reached.
4.10.5 Calculation of results
The results are expressed as the content of calcium oxide X (mg/L), calculated according to formula (12): x=cxV×100×56.08
Wherein: C--EDTA standard solution concentration, mol/L; Vi--EDTA standard solution dosage, ml; V--water sample volume, ml;
56.08--molar mass of calcium oxide, g. 4.11 Determination of resistivity
4.11.1 Principle
The reciprocal of resistivity is conductivity. Use a conductivity meter to measure the resistance of the water sample and the resistance of a potassium chloride solution of known conductivity at the same temperature. 4.11.2 Instruments
--Conductivity meter;
Conductivity electrode.
4.11.3 Determination steps
According to the instructions of the conductivity meter used, this instrument generally follows the following steps: preheating, zeroing, calibration, preheating and measurement (determination by decreasing the maximum conductivity step by step).
4.11.4 Calculation of results
The conductivity is directly read from the instrument in μS/cm. Its reciprocal is the resistivity in Q·cm. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 Inspection classification
5.1.1 Identification inspection When the water used to manufacture lead-acid batteries is put into production, it must be accompanied by an identification inspection voucher, and its technical conditions shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 3. The test method shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 4. It is allowed to use other instruments to detect impurities in battery water, but the method specified in this standard shall be used in arbitration. When the main design, process, materials and parts (components) of the water used to manufacture lead-acid batteries are changed or when production is resumed after suspension, an identification test should be carried out.
5.1.2 Quality consistency test Group A test (batch by batch)
When the water used to manufacture lead-acid batteries is identified and tested and put into normal production, the resistivity can be selected as a representative test item. This is used to test and control the consistency of water quality. When the resistivity is unqualified, other tests must be carried out in accordance with the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. Group B test (batch by batch)
If the quality of the water used for lead-acid batteries that has been stored for a long time is in doubt before use, the following tests should be carried out. For water stored in non-iron and non-PVC containers, the resistivity measurement shall be carried out. If qualified, other tests shall be continued according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. If unqualified, re-testing is allowed. After qualified re-testing, other tests shall be continued according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. For water stored in iron containers, the resistivity and iron content shall be tested. If qualified, other tests shall be continued according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. If unqualified, re-testing is allowed. After qualified re-testing, other tests shall be continued according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard.
For water stored in PVC containers, the resistivity and chlorine content shall be tested. If qualified, other tests shall be continued according to the requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. If unqualified, re-testing is allowed. After qualified re-testing, other tests shall be continued according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. Group C inspection (periodic)
When the method of making water for lead-acid batteries is changed or the water source changes, periodic inspections should be carried out until the water quality meets the technical requirements of Chapter 3.
Select resistivity as a representative test item. If qualified, continue to carry out other inspections according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. 5.2 Judgment rules
5.2.1 For the inspection of water samples in normal production, the qualified or unqualified shall be judged according to the resistivity specification of this standard. 5.2.2 The inspection of the first batch of water samples and water samples under various special circumstances shall be carried out in two steps. First, the resistance shall be measured. If qualified, other inspections shall be carried out according to the requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard to judge whether it is qualified or not. 5.2.3 When there is doubt about the water sample, it can be re-sampled for inspection. The judgment rules shall be implemented according to 5.2.1 or 5.2.2. 5.2.4 For water that has passed the inspection, each storage container shall be equipped with a certificate of compliance signed by the inspector. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage and use 6.1 Marking
6.1.1 The storage container of water for lead-acid batteries shall be marked in a clearly visible position. 6.1.2 Product marking
The product marking consists of the following three parts, which are arranged in the order of Table 2: Table 2
Product name
Water for lead-acid batteries
6.1.3 Marking example
Distilled water
Technical characteristics
Ion exchange water
Electrodialysis water
Reverse osmosis water
Electrodialysis-ion exchange water
Reverse osmosis-ion exchange water
Water for lead-acid batteries prepared by ion exchange method. Water for lead-acid batteries: Ion exchange water JB/T10053-1999. 6.2 Packaging
Standard number
6.2.1 Water for lead-acid batteries should be packed in special sealed containers such as plastic, ceramic or glass. Ceramic jars or glass bottles can be placed in wooden boxes. The container should be lined with grass or wood shavings and other shockproof insulation. 6.2.2 Each batch of water for lead-acid batteries should be accompanied by a quality certificate, including: manufacturer name, product name, trademark, product ex-factory date (or number) or production batch number, analysis results, net weight (gross weight), inspection unit seal and this standard number. 6.2.3 The manufacturer name, product name, net weight (gross weight) and this standard number should be marked on the obvious part of the packaging box. 6.3 Transportation
Transportation conditions: Handle with care during loading and unloading, and avoid vibration during transportation to prevent the storage container from breaking. 6.4 Storage
6.4.1 Storage place: Special warehouse or site. 6.4.2 Storage conditions: Room temperature, no direct sunlight, no foreign impurities. 6.4.3 Storage period: The limit is the qualified inspection before use. 6.5 Use
When using lead-acid batteries with water, dumping or pipe discharge method can be adopted. 1193 Reagents and solutions
—EDTA (GB/T 1401) analytical pure standard solution. Weigh 3.72g EDTA and dissolve it in water, dilute to 1000ml, and store it in a plastic bottle or hard glass bottle. The concentration of this solution is about 0.01mol/L. Its accurate concentration is calibrated by the following method: Weigh 0.6538g of metallic zinc (99.99%) and dissolve it in a small amount of hydrochloric acid, dilute to 1000ml with water in a volumetric flask, and shake well. This solution is a 0.0100mol/1 zinc standard solution. Pipette 25.00ml zinc standard solution into a 250ml conical flask, add 25ml water, adjust the pH value of the solution to slightly alkaline with nitrogen water, add 5ml buffer, add 5 drops of chrome black T indicator, and titrate with EDTA standard solution until the solution turns blue as the end point. Calculate the concentration of EDTA standard solution by formula (11).
Wherein: Ci—is the concentration of the zinc standard solution, mol/l; V,—is the volume of the zinc standard solution, ml; V-is the volume of the EDTA standard solution used for titration, ml. Hydrochloric acid (GB/T622) analytically pure, 1+1 solution; nitrogen water (GB/T631) analytically pure, 1+1 solution; nitrogen-ammonium chloride buffer solution.
Weigh 20g of ammonium chloride (GB/T658) analytically pure and dissolve it in 500ml of water, add 100ml of concentrated nitrogen water, and dilute with water to 1000ml. Chrome black T (HGB3086) analytically pure, 0.5% solution. Weigh 0.5g of Chrome black T, dissolve it in 10ml of buffer, and dilute it to 100ml with anhydrous ethanol. This solution is effective for about one month. The indicator prepared by the following method can be effective for a long time: weigh 10g of chrome black T, add 100g of sodium chloride (GB/T1266), grind evenly, plug tightly and set aside.
4.10.4 Determination steps
Take 100ml of water sample in a conical flask, adjust the water sample to slightly alkaline with ammonia water, add 10ml of buffer solution, add 5 drops of 0.5% chrome black T indicator or add a small spoon of solid indicator, and immediately titrate with EDTA standard solution until the solution changes from wine red to blue, that is, the end point is reached.
4.10.5 Calculation of results
The results are expressed as the content of calcium oxide X (mg/L), calculated according to formula (12): x=cxV×100×56.08
Wherein: C--EDTA standard solution concentration, mol/L; Vi--EDTA standard solution dosage, ml; V--water sample volume, ml;
56.08--molar mass of calcium oxide, g. 4.11 Determination of resistivity
4.11.1 Principle
The reciprocal of resistivity is conductivity. Use a conductivity meter to measure the resistance of the water sample and the resistance of a potassium chloride solution of known conductivity at the same temperature. 4.11.2 Instruments
--Conductivity meter;
Conductivity electrode.
4.11.3 Determination steps
According to the instructions of the conductivity meter used, this instrument generally follows the following steps: preheating, zeroing, calibration, preheating and measurement (determination by decreasing the maximum conductivity step by step).
4.11.4 Calculation of results
The conductivity is directly read from the instrument in μS/cm. Its reciprocal is the resistivity in Q·cm. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 Inspection classification
5.1.1 Identification inspection When the water used to manufacture lead-acid batteries is put into production, it must be accompanied by an identification inspection voucher, and its technical conditions shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 3. The test method shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 4. It is allowed to use other instruments to detect impurities in battery water, but the method specified in this standard shall be used in arbitration. When the main design, process, materials and parts (components) of the water used to manufacture lead-acid batteries are changed or when production is resumed after suspension, an identification test should be carried out.
5.1.2 Quality consistency test Group A test (batch by batch)
When the water used to manufacture lead-acid batteries is identified and tested and put into normal production, the resistivity can be selected as a representative test item. This is used to test and control the consistency of water quality. When the resistivity is unqualified, other tests must be carried out in accordance with the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. Group B test (batch by batch)
If the quality of the water used for lead-acid batteries that has been stored for a long time is in doubt before use, the following tests should be carried out. For water stored in non-iron and non-PVC containers, the resistivity measurement shall be carried out. If qualified, other tests shall be continued according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. If unqualified, re-testing is allowed. After qualified re-testing, other tests shall be continued according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. For water stored in iron containers, the resistivity and iron content shall be tested. If qualified, other tests shall be continued according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. If unqualified, re-testing is allowed. After qualified re-testing, other tests shall be continued according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard.
For water stored in PVC containers, the resistivity and chlorine content shall be tested. If qualified, other tests shall be continued according to the requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. If unqualified, re-testing is allowed. After qualified re-testing, other tests shall be continued according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. Group C inspection (periodic)
When the method of making water for lead-acid batteries is changed or the water source changes, periodic inspections should be carried out until the water quality meets the technical requirements of Chapter 3.
Select resistivity as a representative test item. If qualified, continue to carry out other inspections according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. 5.2 Judgment rules
5.2.1 For the inspection of water samples in normal production, the qualified or unqualified shall be judged according to the resistivity specification of this standard. 5.2.2 The inspection of the first batch of water samples and water samples under various special circumstances shall be carried out in two steps. First, the resistance shall be measured. If qualified, other inspections shall be carried out according to the requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard to judge whether it is qualified or not. 5.2.3 When there is doubt about the water sample, it can be re-sampled for inspection. The judgment rules shall be implemented according to 5.2.1 or 5.2.2. 5.2.4 For water that has passed the inspection, each storage container shall be equipped with a certificate of compliance signed by the inspector. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage and use 6.1 Marking
6.1.1 The storage container of water for lead-acid batteries shall be marked in a clearly visible position. 6.1.2 Product marking
The product marking consists of the following three parts, which are arranged in the order of Table 2: Table 2
Product name
Water for lead-acid batteries
6.1.3 Marking example
Distilled water
Technical characteristics
Ion exchange water
Electrodialysis water
Reverse osmosis water
Electrodialysis-ion exchange water
Reverse osmosis-ion exchange water
Water for lead-acid batteries prepared by ion exchange method. Water for lead-acid batteries: Ion exchange water JB/T10053-1999. 6.2 Packaging
Standard number
6.2.1 Water for lead-acid batteries should be packed in special sealed containers such as plastic, ceramic or glass. Ceramic jars or glass bottles can be placed in wooden boxes. The container should be lined with grass or wood shavings and other shockproof insulation. 6.2.2 Each batch of water for lead-acid batteries should be accompanied by a quality certificate, including: manufacturer name, product name, trademark, product ex-factory date (or number) or production batch number, analysis results, net weight (gross weight), inspection unit seal and this standard number. 6.2.3 The manufacturer name, product name, net weight (gross weight) and this standard number should be marked on the obvious part of the packaging box. 6.3 Transportation
Transportation conditions: Handle with care during loading and unloading, and avoid vibration during transportation to prevent the storage container from breaking. 6.4 Storage
6.4.1 Storage place: Special warehouse or site. 6.4.2 Storage conditions: Room temperature, no direct sunlight, no foreign impurities. 6.4.3 Storage period: The limit is the qualified inspection before use. 6.5 Use
When using lead-acid batteries with water, dumping or pipe discharge method can be adopted. 119100ml zinc standard solution is placed in a 250ml conical flask, 25ml water is added, the pH value of the solution is adjusted to slightly alkaline with nitrogen water, 5ml buffer is added, 5 drops of chrome black T indicator are added, and the solution is titrated with EDTA standard solution until the solution turns blue as the end point. The concentration of the EDTA standard solution is calculated by formula (11).
Wherein: Ci--is the concentration of the zinc standard solution, mol/l; V,--is the volume of the zinc standard solution, mlV--is the volume of the EDTA standard solution used for titration, ml. Hydrochloric acid (GB/T622) analytical grade, 1+1 solution; nitrogen water (GB/T631) analytical grade, 1+1 solution; nitrogen-ammonium chloride buffer solution.
Weigh 20g of ammonium chloride (GB/T658) analytical grade and dissolve it in 500ml of water, add 100ml of concentrated nitrogen solution, and dilute with water to 1000ml. Eriochrome Black T (HGB3086) analytical grade, 0.5% solution. Weigh 0.5g of Eriochrome Black T, dissolve it in 10ml of buffer, and dilute it to 100ml with anhydrous ethanol. This solution is effective for about one month. The indicator prepared by the following method can be effective for a longer period of time: weigh 10g of Eriochrome Black T, add 100g of sodium chloride (GB/T1266), grind it evenly, and plug it tightly for use.
4.10.4 Determination steps
Take 100ml of water sample in a conical flask, adjust the water sample to slightly alkaline with ammonia water, add 10ml of buffer solution, add 5 drops of 0.5% chrome black T indicator or add a small spoon of solid indicator, and immediately titrate with EDTA standard solution until the solution changes from wine red to blue, which means the end point is reached.
4.10.5 Calculation of results
The result is expressed as the content of calcium oxide X (mg/L), calculated according to formula (12): x=cxV×100×56.08
Where: C--EDTA standard solution concentration, mol/L; Vi--EDTA standard solution dosage, ml; V--water sample volume, ml;
56.08--molar mass of calcium oxide, g. 4.11 Determination of resistivity
4.11.1 Principle
The reciprocal of resistivity is conductivity. Use a conductivity meter to measure the resistance of the water sample and the resistance of the potassium chloride solution with known conductivity at the same temperature. 4.11.2 Instrument
—Conductivity meter;
Conductivity electrode.
4.11.3 Determination steps
According to the instructions of the conductivity meter used, this instrument generally follows the following steps: preheating, zeroing, calibration, preheating and measurement (determination by decreasing the maximum conductivity step by step).
4.11.4 Calculation of results
Read the conductivity directly from the instrument in μS/cm. Its reciprocal is the resistivity in Q·cm. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 Inspection classification
5.1.1 Identification inspection When the water for manufacturing lead-acid batteries is put into production, it must be accompanied by an identification inspection voucher, and its technical conditions shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 3. The test method shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 4. It is allowed to use other instruments to detect impurities in battery water, but the methods specified in this standard shall be used in arbitration. When the main design, process, materials and parts (components) of the water for manufacturing lead-acid batteries are changed or when production is resumed after suspension, an identification inspection shall be carried out.
5.1.2 Quality consistency inspection Group A inspection (batch by batch)
When the water for manufacturing lead-acid batteries is inspected and put into normal production, resistivity can be selected as a representative inspection item. This is used to check and control the consistency of water quality. When the resistivity is unqualified, other tests must be carried out according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. Group B test (batch by batch)
If the quality of water for lead-acid batteries that has been stored for a long time is in doubt before use, the following tests should be carried out. For water stored in non-iron and non-PVC containers, the resistivity should be measured. If it is qualified, other tests should be carried out according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. If it is unqualified, re-testing is allowed. After the re-test is qualified, other tests should be carried out according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. For water stored in iron containers, resistivity and iron content should be tested. If it is qualified, other tests should be carried out according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. If it is unqualified, re-testing is allowed. After the re-test is qualified, other tests should be carried out according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard.
For water stored in polyvinyl chloride containers, the resistivity and chlorine content tests should be carried out. If qualified, other tests should be carried out according to the requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. If unqualified, re-testing is allowed. After re-testing, other tests should be carried out according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. Group C test (periodic)
When the production method of lead-acid battery water is changed or the water source changes, periodic tests should be carried out until the water quality meets the technical requirements of Chapter 3.
Resistivity is selected as a representative test item. If qualified, other tests should be carried out according to the technical requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard. 5.2 Judgment rules
5.2.1 For the test of water samples in normal production, the test is judged according to the resistivity specification of this standard. 5.2.2 The test of the first batch of water samples and water samples in various special cases is carried out in two steps. First, the resistance is measured. If qualified, other tests are carried out according to the requirements of Chapter 3 of this standard to judge whether it is qualified or not. 5.2.3 If there is any doubt about the water sample, re-sampling can be carried out, and the judgment rules shall be implemented according to 5.2.1 or 5.2.2. 5.2.4 For water that has passed the inspection, each storage container shall be equipped with a certificate signed by the inspector. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage and use 6.1 Marking
6.1.1 The storage container of water for lead-acid batteries shall be marked in a clearly visible position. 6.1.2 Product Labeling
The product labeling consists of the following three parts and is arranged in the order of Table 2: Table 2
Product Name
Water for lead-acid batteries
6.1.3 Labeling Example
Distilled water
Technical Characteristics
Ion exchange water
Electrodialysis water
Reverse osmosis water
Electrodialysis-ion exchange water
Reverse osmosis-ion exchange water
Water for lead-acid batteries prepared by ion exchange method. Water for lead-acid batteries: Ion exchange water JB/T10053-1999. 6.2 Packaging
Standard number
6.2.1 Water for lead-acid batteries should be packed in special sealed containers such as plastic, ceramic or glass. Ceramic jars or glass bottles can be placed in wooden boxes. The container should be lined with grass or wood shavings and other shockproof insulation. 6.2.2 Each batch of water for lead-acid batteries should be accompanied by a quality certificate, including: manufacturer name, product name, trademark, product ex-factory date (or number) or production batch number, analysis results, net weight (gross weight), inspection unit seal and this standard number. 6.2.3 The manufacturer name, product name, net weight (gross weight) and this standard number should be marked on the obvious part of the packaging box. 6.3 Transportation
Transportation conditions: Handle with care during loading and unloading, and avoid vibration during transportation to prevent the storage container from breaking. 6.4 Storage
6.4.1 Storage place: Special warehouse or site. 6.4.2 Storage conditions: Room temperature, no direct sunlight, no foreign impurities. 6.4.3 Storage period: The limit is the qualified inspection before use. 6.5 Use
When using lead-acid batteries with water, dumping or pipe discharge method can be adopted. 119100ml zinc standard solution is placed in a 250ml conical flask, 25ml water is added, the pH value of the solution is adjusted to slightly alkaline with nitrogen water, 5ml buffer is added, 5 drops of chrome black T indicator are added, and the solution is titrated with EDTA standard solution until the solution turns blue as the end point. The concentration of the EDTA standard solution is calculated by formula (11).
Wherein: Ci--is the concentration of the zinc standard solution, mol/l; V,--is the volume of the zinc standard solution, mlV--is the volume of the EDTA standard solution used for titration, ml. Hydrochloric acid (GB/T622) analytical grade, 1+1 solution; nitrogen water (GB/T631) analytical grade, 1+1 solution; nitrogen-ammonium chloride buffer solution.
Weigh 20g of ammonium chloride (GB/T658) analytical grade and dissolve it in 500ml of water, add 100ml of concentrated nitrogen solution, and dilute with water to 1000ml. Eriochrome Black T (HGB3086) analytical grade, 0.5% solution. Weigh 0.5g of Eriochrome Black T, dissolve it in 10ml of buffer, and dilute it to 100ml with anhydrous ethanol. This solution is effective for about one month. The indicator prepared by the following method can be effective for a longer period of time: weigh 10g of Eriochrome Black T, add 100g of sodium chloride (GB/T1266), grind it evenly, and plug it tightly for use.
4.10.4 Determination steps
Take 100ml of water sample in a conical flask, adjust the water sample to slightly alkaline with ammonia water, add 10ml of buffer solution, add 5 drops of 0.5% chrome black T indicator or add a small spoon of solid indicator, and immediately titrate with EDTA standard solution until the solution changes from wine red to blue, which means the end point is reached.
4.10.5 Calculation of results
The result is expressed as the content of calcium oxide X (mg/L), calculated according to formula (12): x=cxV×100×56.08
Where: C--EDTA standard solution concentration, mol/L; Vi--EDTA standard solution dosage, ml; V--water sample volume, ml;
56.08--molar mass of calcium oxide, g. 4.11 Determination of resistivity
4.11.1 Principle
The reciprocal of resistivity is conductivity. Use a conductivity meter to measure the resistance of the water sample and the resistance of the potassium chloride solution with known conductivity at the same tempe
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