GB/T 15028.1-1994 Motorcycle handling stability terminology coordinate system and motion
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Terminology of controllability and stability of motorcycles
Coordinate systems and motions
Motorcycles---Terminology of controllability and stability---Basic principles of axis systems and kinematies1 Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the special terms of coordinate systems and motions for two-wheeled motorcycles and mopeds. This standard applies to two-wheeled motorcycles and mopeds, and can also be used as a reference for other motorcycles. 2 Referenced standards
GB5359.3 Terms and definitions for motorcycles Vehicle mass 3 Coordinate systems axis systems
3.1 Earth fixed axis system (X, Y, Z) GB/T 15028.1—94
A right-handed rectangular coordinate system fixed on the ground. The X and Y axes are in the horizontal plane, and the Z axis is vertically upward. The motion trajectory of the vehicle is described in the ground fixed coordinate system.
3.2 Vehicle axis system (a'y'z') A right-handed rectangular coordinate system fixed on the vehicle. When the vehicle is traveling in a straight line on a horizontal road, the ' axis always points horizontally in the direction of the vehicle's travel and is parallel to the longitudinal plane of the vehicle. The 3 axis points to the driver's left, and the 2 axis points vertically upward. The origin of the coordinate system is at the center of mass of the vehicle.
3.3 Vehicle-rider combination axis system (α' re y' res, z' res) A right-handed rectangular coordinate system fixed on the vehicle-rider system. When the vehicle is traveling in a straight line on a horizontal road, the ' axis always points horizontally in the direction of the vehicle's travel and is parallel to the longitudinal plane of the vehicle. The ' axis points to the driver's left, and the ' re axis points vertically upward. The origin of the coordinate system is at the center of mass of the vehicle-rider system. 3.4 Horizontal axis systems3.4.1 Horizontal vehicle axis system (α, y, z) This coordinate system is a right-handed rectangular coordinate system. Its origin is at the center of mass of the vehicle and moves with the vehicle body. The r-plane is always parallel to the XY plane of the ground fixed coordinate system. The α-axis is the projection of the α-axis of the vehicle coordinate system on the α-plane and points to the direction of the vehicle's advance. The α-axis points to the driver's left. The α-axis is parallel to the α-axis of the ground fixed coordinate system and points vertically upward. 3.4.2 Horizontal tyre axis system (αty.&) This coordinate system is a right-handed rectangular coordinate system. Its origin is at the theoretical center of the tire footprint. The α-axis is the intersection of the wheel plane and the road plane and points forward. The α-axis is perpendicular to the road plane, and its direction is vertically upward. The α-axis is on the road plane. The lower angles f and r are used to distinguish the horizontal coordinate systems of the front and rear tires. 3.5 Assembly axis system The coordinate systems of the components are all right-handed rectangular coordinate systems. Their origins are at the center of mass of the components. Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on April 4, 1994 162
Implementation on November 1, 1994
GB/T 15028.1—94
3.5.1 Steering assembly asis system (r'fu, y'fu, z'tu) This coordinate system is the coordinate system of the steering system. The 2 axis is parallel to the axis of the handlebar stem, pointing upward, and the ' axis is parallel to the wheel plane of the front wheel and points forward.
Note: The steering system includes the handlebar assembly, the front shock absorber assembly, the front wheel assembly and the front fender, as well as various accessories installed on the handlebar, such as headlights, peep mirrors, etc.
3.5.2 Steering assembly sprung part fixed axis system (rr, yr, zt) This coordinate system is a component coordinate system. Applicable to the sprung part of the steering system. The axes of the coordinate system are parallel to the axes of the steering system coordinate system and have the same direction.
3.5.3 Body fixed axis system (ru, yru, &ru) This coordinate system is the horizontal coordinate system of the vehicle body (excluding the steering system). The α axis points horizontally in the direction of the vehicle's forward movement and is parallel to the longitudinal plane of the vehicle, and the α axis points vertically upward. Note: All parts of the motorcycle except the steering system are collectively referred to as the body. 3.5.4 Body sprung part fixed axis system (ar, yr, z) This coordinate system is a horizontal component coordinate system. Applicable to the sprung part of the vehicle body (excluding the steering system). The axes of the coordinate system are parallel to the axes of the body fixed coordinate system and have the same direction. 3.6 Vehicle longitudinal plane vehiclelongitudinal plane The plane passing through the axis of the handlebar stem and parallel to the wheel plane of the rear wheel. 3.7 Ground contact axis 3.7.1 Conventional ground contact axis (aga) The axis passing through the theoretical centre of the front and rear tyre footprints, pointing in the direction of the vehicle's travel. 3.7.2 Geometrical ground contact axis (ag) The axis passing through the geometric centre of the front and rear tyre footprints, pointing in the direction of the vehicle's travel. 3.7.3 Effective ground contact axis (αge) The axis passing through the effective centre of the front and rear tyre footprints, pointing in the direction of the vehicle's travel. 3.8 Angular orientation of the vehicle The orientation of the vehicle's coordinate system (α', y',) relative to the ground fixed coordinate system (X, Y, Z) is represented by the three angular displacements of yaw angle (), pitch angle (0) and roll angle (g). The angles are measured from the time when the two coordinate systems coincide. 3.9 Rolling (banking) The angular displacement of the vehicle-driver system relative to the r-axis or re-axis. Roll can also be an angular displacement relative to the go or e axis, in which case it is called theoretical roll, geometric roll or effective roll respectively. 3.10 Pitching
Angular displacement of the vehicle-driver system relative to the \ axis or yr axis. 3.11 Yawing
Angular displacement of the vehicle-driver system relative to the axle or re axis. 4 Vehicle masses and positions of centre of gravity 4.1 Vehicle mass
According to the provisions of GB5359.3.
4.2 Sprung mass
The mass supported by the suspension. And according to the vehicle structure, the part of the mass acting on the spring, such as the drive shaft, drive chain, suspension, brake and steering system, etc.
4.3 Unsprung mass
The difference between the vehicle mass and the sprung mass.
GB/T 15028.1—94
4.4 Mass distribution ratio mass distribution ratio The percentage of the front and rear wheel loads to the vehicle mass under specified load conditions. 5 moments of inertia5.1 moments of inertia The moments of inertia relative to the coordinate axes passing through the center of mass of the vehicle, parts or components. The moments of inertia are expressed as I, I and I2.5.2 product of inertia
-Generally, the product of inertia is defined as I,. If it is relative to other axes instead of the α axis and the ' axis, it should be clearly specified and the lower angle should be changed accordingly.
motion variables
6 motion variables
6.1 Pitch angle (0)
, the angle between the axis and the XY plane. When facing the positive direction of the Y axis, the angular displacement of the α axis relative to the Y axis is in the clockwise direction, then the pitch angle is positive.
6.2 Raw angle (y)
The angle between the projection of the zu axis on the road surface and the X axis. When facing the positive direction of the Z axis, the angular displacement of the projection of the αu on the road surface relative to the Z axis is in the clockwise direction, then the yaw angle is positive. 6.3 Course angle (u) The angle between the horizontal speed of the vehicle and the X axis. When facing the positive direction of the Z axis, the angular displacement of the projection of the horizontal speed on the road surface relative to the Z axis is in the clockwise direction, then the course angle is positive. 6.4 Vehicle sideslip angle (β) The angle between the horizontal speed of the vehicle and the X axis.
6.5 Roll (bank) angle (g) The angle between the -2 plane and the -2 plane. If the driver sees the vehicle rolling clockwise during driving, the roll angle is positive. In addition, the angle between the plane passing through the gove axis and the vehicle's center of mass and the B axis is defined as the general roll angle (9g), the geometric roll angle (), and the effective roll angle ().
6.6 Resultant roll angles The angle between the plane passing through the go, g, ge axes and the vehicle-driver system's center of mass and the Z axis is defined as the theoretical resultant roll angle (Peo.res), the geometric resultant roll angle (g), and the effective resultant roll angle (Pe,res). Center of gravity speed speed of the centre of gravity()6.7
The speed of the center of mass of a zero, component or vehicle.
6.8 Horizontal vehicle speed horizontal vehicle speed (in) The horizontal component of the center of mass velocity of the vehicle.
6.9 Vehicle velocity (v) The velocity of a point on a vehicle relative to a fixed coordinate system on the ground. The following quantities are the components of the velocity vector in the directions of the axes of the vehicle coordinate system (z, y, 2').
6.9.1 Longitudinal velocity (v) The component of the velocity vector of a point on the vehicle in the direction of an axis. Side velocity (uy)
The component of the velocity vector of a point on the vehicle in the direction of an axis. 6.9.3
Normal velocity (u)
The component of the velocity vector of a point on the vehicle in the direction of an axis. 6.9.4 Forward velocity (ux)164
GB/T 15028.1-94
The component of the velocity vector of a point on the vehicle in the direction parallel to the axis. 6.9.5 Lateral velocity (u) The component of the velocity vector of a point on the vehicle in the direction parallel to the axis. 6.9.6 Vertical velocity (u) The component of the velocity vector of a point on the vehicle in the direction parallel to the axis. 6.9.7 Roll (bank) velocity (p) The angular velocity of a point on the vehicle relative to the α' axis. The angular velocities relative to the go, αz, and α axes are defined as: general roll velocity (9g.), geometric roll velocity (g), and effective roll velocity (). 6.9.8 Pitch velocity (0) The angular velocity of a point on the vehicle relative to the axis. 6.9.9
Yaw velocity
The angular velocity of a point on the vehicle relative to the Z axis. 6. 10 Acceleration vector of the centre of gravity (a) The acceleration of the centre of mass of a component or vehicle. 6.113
Vehicle acceleration (a) The acceleration of a point on a vehicle relative to a fixed coordinate system (X, Y, Z) on the ground. The following quantities are the components of the acceleration vector in the directions of the axes of the vehicle coordinate system (x, y, z). Longitudinal acceleration (a) 6.11.1
The component of the acceleration vector of a point on the vehicle in the direction of the y axis. 6.11.2 Side acceleration (ay) The component of the acceleration vector of a point on the vehicle in the direction of the y axis. 6.11.3 Normal acceleration (a) The component of the acceleration vector of a point on the vehicle in the direction of the z axis. Forward acceleration (a) 6.11.4
The component of the acceleration vector of a point on the vehicle in the direction parallel to the axis. Lateral acceleration (a) 6.11.5
The component of the acceleration vector of a point on the vehicle in the direction parallel to the axis. 6.11.6
Vertical acceleration (a.) The component of the acceleration vector of a point on the vehicle in the direction parallel to the axis. 6.11.7 Centripetal acceleration (a.) The component of the acceleration vector of a point on the vehicle in the direction perpendicular to the tangent (the tangent of the point on the trajectory) and parallel to the plane of the road.
7 Forces
All external forces acting on the vehicle can be combined into a force (F). This force can be divided into the following three components. 7.1 Longitudinal force (F) The component of the force (F) in the direction of the axis.
7.2 Side force (Fy)
The component of the force (F) in the direction of the y-axis, normal force (F,)
The component of the force (F) in the direction of the axis. moments
8 Moments
All external moments acting on the vehicle can be combined into a resultant moment (M). This moment can be decomposed into the following three components. 165
Lower reduction net
Pitch moment pitchmoment (M)
GB/T 15028.1—94
The moment that causes the vehicle to rotate relative to the axis. When facing the positive direction of the y' axis, the vehicle rotates clockwise, then the pitch moment is positive. 8.2 Yaw moment yawmoment (Mz)
The moment that causes the vehicle to rotate relative to the axis. When facing the positive direction of the axis, the vehicle rotates clockwise, then the yaw moment is positive. 8.3 Roll (bank) moment (Mx)The moment that causes the vehicle to rotate relative to the axis. When facing the positive direction of the ' axis, the vehicle rotates clockwise, then the roll moment is positive. In addition, the moments that rotate the vehicle relative to the g-axis are defined as: general roll moment (M), geometric roll moment (M), and effective roll moment (Me). When facing the positive direction of the corresponding axis, the vehicle rotates clockwise, and the moment is positive. 166
Standard search
Component coordinate system
Roll angle
Roll angular velocity
Roll moment
Lateral acceleration
Lateral velocity
Vehicle-driver coordinate system
Vehicle sideslip angle
Vehicle azimuth·
Vehicle acceleration
Vehicle horizontal velocity
Vehicle horizontal coordinate system
Vehicle speed
Vehicle mass·
Vehicle mass and position of center of mass
Vehicle longitudinal plane
Vehicle coordinate system',,
Body fixed coordinate system
Body sprung fixed coordinate system
Vertical acceleration
Vertical velocity
Ground fixed coordinate system
Normal acceleration
Normal force F
Normal velocity
GB/T 15028.1—94
Appendix A
Chinese index (sorted by Chinese pinyin)
Steering control system sprung fixed coordinate system
Steering control system coordinate system,',u,\3.5
Product of inertia
Combined roll angle
Yaw angle
Yaw angular velocity
Yaw moment
Lateral acceleration
Lateral force
Lateral velocity
Sprung mass
Unsprung mass Quantity·
Geometric footprint axis
Theoretical footprint axis
Tire horizontal coordinate system
Forward acceleration
Forward speed
Horizontal coordinate system
Centriplastic acceleration
Stroke angle
Trace axis:
Effective footprint axis
Motion variable·
GB/T 15028.1-94
Mass distribution rate·
Centre of mass acceleration
Centre of mass velocity
Moment of inertia·
Moment of inertia
Pitch angle
Pitch angular velocity
Rolling moment
Longitudinal acceleration
Longitudinal force F
Longitudinal velocity
Coordinate system·
GB/T 15028.1—94
Appendix B
English index
acceleration vector of the centre of gravityangular orientation of the vehicleassembly axis systems ..
axis systems
body fixed axis system
body sprung part fixed axis system centeripetal acceleration
conventional ground contact axiscourse angle
earth fixed axis system
effective ground contact axisforces
forward acceleration
forward velocity | | tt | | r, Yr, zr | velocity
longitudinal acceleration
longitudinal force
longitudinal velocity
mass distribution ratio
moment of inertia
moments of inertia
motion variables
normal acceleration
normal force
normal veloctiy
pitch angle
pitch moment
product of inertia
resultant roll angles ?
roll angle(bank angle)
side acceleration
side force
side velocity
GB/T 15028.1 — 94 | | tt | systemunsprung mass
vehicle acceleation
vehicle axis system
vehicle longitudinal plane
vehicle mass
vehicle masses and positions of center of gravityvehicle sidelip angle
vehicle velocity
vehicle-ride combination axis systemvertical acceleration
vertical velocity
yaw angle
yaw moment
yaw velocity
+' res+y' res +?' te?
In the figure:
(X,Y,z) --
GB/T 15028.1--94
Appendix C
Diagram of coordinate system and angle definition
Ground fixed coordinate system;
Vehicle horizontal coordinate system,
Theoretical footprint axis;
Tire horizontal coordinate system,
R,RR ---
Turn circle radius;
Center of mass;
Instantaneous turning circle center;
Positive load
Mid-stroke angle,
Yaw angle;
Vehicle slip angle,
-Vehicle horizontal speed;
Steering angle,
-Tire slip angle;
Distance between theoretical centers of front and rear tire footprints
Additional remarks:
GB/T 15028.1—94
This standard was proposed by China National Automotive Industry Corporation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Automobile Standardization. This standard was drafted by the Ordnance Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Han Huirong and Gao Yudong. Free information on various standards in the industry5
Product of inertia
Composite roll angle
Yaw angle
Yaw angular velocity
Yaw moment
Lateral acceleration
Lateral force
Lateral velocity
Sprung mass
Unsprung mass·
Geometric footprint axis
Theoretical footprint axis
Horizontal coordinate system of tire
Forward acceleration
Forward velocity
Horizontal coordinate system
Centriptal acceleration
Stroke angle
Travel axis:
Effective footprint axis
Kinematic variables·
GB/T 15028.1-94
Mass distribution rate·
Centre of mass acceleration
Centre of mass velocity
Moment of inertia·
Moment of inertia
Pitch angle
Pitch angular velocity
Rolling moment
Longitudinal acceleration
Longitudinal force F
Longitudinal velocity
Coordinate system·
GB/T 15028.1—94
Appendix B
English index
acceleration vector of the centre of gravityangular orientation of the vehicleassembly axis systems ..
axis systems
body fixed axis system
body sprung part fixed axis system centeripetal acceleration
conventional ground contact axiscourse angle
earth fixed axis system
effective ground contact axisforces
forward acceleration
forward velocity | velocity
longitudinal acceleration
longitudinal force
longitudinal velocity
mass distribution ratio
moment of inertia
moments of inertia
motion variables
normal acceleration
normal force
normal veloctiy
pitch angle
pitch moment
pitch velocity | 15028.1 — 94 | | tt | systemunsprung mass
vehicle acceleation
vehicle axis system
vehicle longitudinal plane
vehicle mass
vehicle masses and positions of center of gravityvehicle sidelip angle
vehicle velocity
vehicle-ride combination axis systemvertical acceleration
yaw angle
yaw moment
yaw velocity
+' res+y' res +?' te?
In the figure:
(X,Y,z) --
GB/T 15028.1--94
Appendix C
Diagram of coordinate system and angle definition
Ground fixed coordinate system;
Vehicle horizontal coordinate system,
Theoretical footprint axis;
Tire horizontal coordinate system,
R,RR ---
Turn circle radius;
Center of mass;
Instantaneous turning circle center;
Positive load
Mid-stroke angle,
Yaw angle;
Vehicle slip angle,
-Vehicle horizontal speed;
Steering angle,
-Tire slip angle;
Distance between theoretical centers of front and rear tire footprints
Additional remarks:
GB/T 15028.1—94
This standard was proposed by China National Automotive Industry Corporation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Automobile Standardization. This standard was drafted by the Ordnance Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Han Huirong and Gao Yudong. Free information on various standards in the industry5
Product of inertia
Composite roll angle
Yaw angle
Yaw angular velocity
Yaw moment
Lateral acceleration
Lateral force
Lateral velocity
Sprung mass
Unsprung mass·
Geometric footprint axis
Theoretical footprint axis
Horizontal coordinate system of tire
Forward acceleration
Forward velocity
Horizontal coordinate system
Centriptal acceleration
Stroke angle
Travel axis:
Effective footprint axis
Kinematic variables·
GB/T 15028.1-94
Mass distribution rate·
Centre of mass acceleration
Centre of mass velocity
Moment of inertia·
Moment of inertia
Pitch angle
Pitch angular velocity
Rolling moment
Longitudinal acceleration
Longitudinal force F
Longitudinal velocity
Coordinate system·
GB/T 15028.1—94
Appendix B
English index
acceleration vector of the centre of gravityangular orientation of the vehicleassembly axis systems ..
axis systems
body fixed axis system
body sprung part fixed axis system centeripetal acceleration
conventional ground contact axiscourse angle
earth fixed axis system
effective ground contact axisforces
forward acceleration
forward velocity | velocity
longitudinal acceleration
longitudinal force
longitudinal velocity
mass distribution ratio
moment of inertia
moments of inertia
motion variables
normal acceleration
normal force
normal veloctiy
pitch angle
pitch moment
pitch velocity | 15028.1 — 94 | | tt | systemunsprung mass
vehicle acceleation
vehicle axis system
vehicle longitudinal plane
vehicle mass
vehicle masses and positions of center of gravityvehicle sidelip angle
vehicle velocity
vehicle-ride combination axis systemvertical acceleration
vertical velocity
yaw angle
yaw moment
yaw velocity
+' res+y' res +?' te?
In the figure:
(X,Y,z) --
GB/T 15028.1--94
Appendix C
Diagram of coordinate system and angle definition
Ground fixed coordinate system;
Vehicle horizontal coordinate system,
Theoretical footprint axis;
Tire horizontal coordinate system,
R,RR ---
Turn circle radius;
Center of mass;
Instantaneous turning circle center;
Positive load
Mid-stroke angle,
Yaw angle;
Vehicle slip angle,
-Vehicle horizontal speed;
Steering angle,
-Tire slip angle;
Distance between theoretical centers of front and rear tire footprints
Additional remarks:
GB/T 15028.1—94
This standard was proposed by China National Automotive Industry Corporation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Automobile Standardization. This standard was drafted by the Ordnance Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Han Huirong and Gao Yudong. Free information on various standards in the industry1-94
Mass distribution rate·
Centre of mass acceleration
Centre of mass velocity
Moment of inertia·
Moment of inertia
Pitch angle
Pitch angular velocity
Rolling moment
Longitudinal acceleration
Longitudinal force F
Longitudinal velocity
Coordinate system·
GB/T 15028.1—94
Appendix B
English index
acceleration vector of the centre of gravityangular orientation of the vehicleassembly axis systems ..
axis systems
body fixed axis system
body sprung part fixed axis system centeripetal acceleration
conventional ground contact axiscourse angle
earth fixed axis system
effective ground contact axisforces
forward acceleration
forward velocity | velocity
longitudinal acceleration
longitudinal force
longitudinal velocity
mass distribution ratio
moment of inertia
moments of inertia
motion variables
normal acceleration
normal force
normal veloctiy
pitch angle
pitch moment
pitch velocity | 15028.1 — 94 | | tt | systemunsprung mass
vehicle acceleation
vehicle axis system
vehicle longitudinal plane
vehicle mass
vehicle masses and positions of center of gravityvehicle sidelip angle
vehicle velocity
vehicle-ride combination axis systemvertical acceleration
vertical velocity
yaw angle
yaw moment
yaw velocity
+' res+y' res +?' te?
In the figure:
(X,Y,z) --
GB/T 15028.1--94
Appendix C
Diagram of coordinate system and angle definition
Ground fixed coordinate system;
Vehicle horizontal coordinate system,
Theoretical footprint axis;
Tire horizontal coordinate system,
R,RR ---
Turn circle radius;
Center of mass;
Instantaneous turning circle center;
Positive load
Mid-stroke angle,
Yaw angle;
Vehicle slip angle,
-Vehicle horizontal speed;
Steering angle,
-Tire slip angle;
Distance between theoretical centers of front and rear tire footprints
Additional remarks:
GB/T 15028.1—94
This standard was proposed by China National Automotive Industry Corporation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Automobile Standardization. This standard was drafted by the Ordnance Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Han Huirong and Gao Yudong. Free information on various standards in the industry1-94
Mass distribution rate·
Centre of mass acceleration
Centre of mass velocity
Moment of inertia·
Moment of inertia
Pitch angle
Pitch angular velocity
Rolling moment
Longitudinal acceleration
Longitudinal force F
Longitudinal velocity
Coordinate system·
GB/T 15028.1—94
Appendix B
English index
acceleration vector of the centre of gravityangular orientation of the vehicleassembly axis systems ..
axis systems
body fixed axis system
body sprung part fixed axis system centeripetal acceleration
conventional ground contact axiscourse angle
earth fixed axis system
effective ground contact axisforces
forward acceleration
forward velocity | velocity
longitudinal acceleration
longitudinal force
longitudinal velocity
mass distribution ratio
moment of inertia
moments of inertia
motion variables
normal acceleration
normal force
normal veloctiy
pitch angle
pitch moment
pitch velocity | 15028.1 — 94 | | tt | systemunsprung mass
vehicle acceleation
vehicle axis system
vehicle longitudinal plane
vehicle mass
vehicle masses and positions of center of gravityvehicle sidelip angle
vehicle velocity
vehicle-ride combination axis systemvertical acceleration
vertical velocity
yaw angle
yaw moment
yaw velocity
+' res+y' res +?' te?
In the figure:
(X,Y,z) --
GB/T 15028.1--94
Appendix C
Diagram of coordinate system and angle definition
Ground fixed coordinate system;
Vehicle horizontal coordinate system,
Theoretical footprint axis;
Tire horizontal coordinate system,
R,RR ---
Turn circle radius;
Center of mass;
Instantaneous turning circle center;
Positive load
Mid-stroke angle,
Yaw angle;
Vehicle slip angle,
-Vehicle horizontal speed;
Steering angle,
-Tire slip angle;
Distance between theoretical centers of front and rear tire footprints
Additional remarks:
GB/T 15028.1—94
This standard was proposed by China National Automotive Industry Corporation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Automobile Standardization. This standard was drafted by the Ordnance Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Han Huirong and Gao Yudong. Free information on various standards in the industry
axis systems
body fixed axis system
body sprung part fixed axis systemcenteripetal acceleration
conventional ground contact axiscourse angle
earth fixed axis system
effective ground contact axisforces
forward acceleration
forward velocity | | tt | | r, Yr, zr |
horizontal tyre axis system
horizontal vehicle axis systemhorizontal vehicle speed
lateral acceleration
lateral velocity
longitudinal acceleration
longitudinal force
longitudinal velocity
mass distribution ratio
moment of inertia
moments of inertia
motion variables
normal acceleration
normal force
normal veloctiy
pitch angle
pitch moment
pitch velocity
product of inertia
resultant roll angles ?
roll angle(bank angle)
side acceleration
side force
side velocity
GB/T 15028.1—94
Electric industry product ticket pass product country
Chinese Central Committee
speed of the center of gravitysprung mass
steering assembly axis systemGB/T15028.1—94
Efu, yfu, zfu
steering assembly sprung part fixed axis systemunsprung mass
vehicle acceleation
vehicle axis system
vehicle longitudinal plane
vehicle mass
vehicle masses and positions of center of gravityvehicle sidelip angle||tt ||vehicle velocity
vehicle-ride combination axis systemvertical acceleration
vertical velocity
yaw angle
yaw moment
yaw velocity
+' res+y' res +?' te?| |tt||In the figure:
(X,Y,z) --
GB/T 15028.1--94
Appendix C
Diagram of coordinate system and angle definition
Ground fixed coordinate system;
Vehicle horizontal coordinate system,
Theoretical Track axis;
tire horizontal coordinate system,
R,RR ---
Turn circle radius;
Center of mass;
Instantaneous turning circle center;
Mid-stroke angle,||tt ||R,Rt,Rr>e
yaw angle;
vehicle sideslip angle,
-vehicle horizontal speed;
steering angle,||tt| |-Tire slip angle;
The distance between the theoretical centers of the front and rear tire footprints
Additional instructions:
GB/T 15028.1—94
This standard is issued by the General Administration of Automobile Industry of China The company proposed this standard. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Automobile Standardization Technical Committee. This standard was drafted by the Ordnance Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Han Huirong and Gao Yudong. ||Free industry information
axis systems
body fixed axis system
body sprung part fixed axis system centeripetal acceleration
conventional ground contact axiscourse angle
earth fixed axis system
effective ground contact axisforces
forward acceleration
forward velocity | | tt | | r, Yr, zr |
horizontal tyre axis system
horizontal vehicle axis systemhorizontal vehicle speed
lateral acceleration
lateral velocity
longitudinal acceleration
longitudinal force
longitudinal velocity
mass distribution ratio
moment of inertia
moments of inertia
motion variables
normal acceleration
normal force
normal veloctiy
pitch angle
pitch moment
pitch velocity
product of inertia
resultant roll angles ?
roll angle(bank angle)
side acceleration
side force
side velocity
GB/T 15028.1—94
Electric industry product ticket pass product country
Central Office of the People's Republic of China
speed of the center of gravitysprung mass
steering assembly axis systemGB/T15028.1—94
Efu, yfu, zfu
steering assembly sprung part fixed axis systemunsprung mass
vehicle acceleation
vehicle axis system
vehicle longitudinal plane
vehicle mass
vehicle masses and positions of center of gravityvehicle sidelip angle||tt ||vehicle velocity
vehicle-ride combination axis systemvertical acceleration
vertical velocity
yaw angle
yaw moment
yaw velocity
+' res+y' res +?' te?| |tt||In the figure:
(X,Y,z) --
GB/T 15028.1--94
Appendix C
Diagram of coordinate system and angle definition
Ground fixed coordinate system;
Vehicle horizontal coordinate system,
Theoretical Track axis;
tire horizontal coordinate system,
R,RR ---
Turn circle radius;
Center of mass;
Instantaneous turning circle center;
Mid-stroke angle,||tt ||R,Rt,Rr>e
yaw angle;
vehicle sideslip angle,
-vehicle horizontal speed;
steering angle,||tt| |-Tire slip angle;
The distance between the theoretical centers of the front and rear tire footprints
Additional instructions:
GB/T 15028.1—94
This standard is issued by the General Administration of Automobile Industry of China The company proposed this standard. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Automobile Standardization Technical Committee. This standard was drafted by the Ordnance Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Han Huirong and Gao Yudong. ||Free industry information
horizontal tyre axis system
horizontal vehicle axis systemhorizontal vehicle speed
lateral acceleration
lateral velocity
longitudinal acceleration
longitudinal force|| tt||longitudinal velocity
mass distribution ratio
moment of inertia
moments of inertia
motion variables
normal acceleration
normal force
normal veloctiy
pitch angle
pitch moment
pitch velocity
product of inertia
resultant roll angles ?
roll angle(bank angle)
side acceleration
side force
side velocity
GB/T 15028.1—94
Electric industry product ticket pass product country
Chinese Central Committee
speed of the center of gravitysprung mass
steering assembly axis systemGB/T15028.1—94
Efu, yfu, zfu
steering assembly sprung part fixed axis systemunsprung mass
vehicle acceleation
vehicle axis system
vehicle longitudinal plane
vehicle mass
vehicle masses and positions of center of gravityvehicle sidelip angle
vehicle velocity
vehicle-ride combination axis systemvertical acceleration
vertical velocity
yaw angle| |tt||yaw moment
yaw velocity |
(X,Y,z) --
GB/T 15028.1--94
Appendix C
Diagram of coordinate system and angle definition
Ground fixed coordinate system;
Vehicle level Coordinate system,
theoretical footprint axis;
tire horizontal coordinate system,
R,RR ---
Turn circle radius;
Center of mass;
Instantaneous turning circle center;
Mid-stroke angle,||tt ||R,Rt,Rr>e
yaw angle;
vehicle sideslip angle,
-vehicle horizontal speed;
steering angle,||tt| |-Tire slip angle;
The distance between the theoretical centers of the front and rear tire footprints
Additional instructions:
GB/T 15028.1—94
This standard is issued by the General Administration of Automobile Industry of China The company proposed this standard. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Automobile Standardization Technical Committee. This standard was drafted by the Ordnance Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Han Huirong and Gao Yudong. ||Free industry information
horizontal tyre axis system
horizontal vehicle axis systemhorizontal vehicle speed
lateral acceleration
lateral velocity
longitudinal acceleration
longitudinal force|| tt||longitudinal velocity
mass distribution ratio
moment of inertia
moments of inertia
motion variables
normal acceleration
normal force
normal veloctiy
pitch angle
pitch moment
pitch velocity
product of inertia
resultant roll angles ?
roll angle(bank angle)
side acceleration
side force
side velocity
GB/T 15028.1—94
Electric industry product ticket pass product country
Central Office of the People's Republic of China
speed of the center of gravitysprung mass
steering assembly axis systemGB/T15028.1—94
Efu, yfu, zfu
steering assembly sprung part fixed axis systemunsprung mass
vehicle acceleation
vehicle axis system
vehicle longitudinal plane
vehicle mass
vehicle masses and positions of center of gravityvehicle sidelip angle
vehicle velocity
vehicle-ride combination axis systemvertical acceleration
vertical velocity
yaw angle| |tt||yaw moment
yaw velocity |
(X,Y,z) --
GB/T 15028.1--94
Appendix C
Diagrams of coordinate systems and angle definitions
Ground fixed coordinate system;
Vehicle level Coordinate system,
theoretical footprint axis;
tire horizontal coordinate system,
R,RR ---
Turn circle radius;
Center of mass;
Instantaneous turning circle center;
Mid-stroke angle,||tt ||R,Rt,Rr>e
yaw angle;
vehicle sideslip angle,
-vehicle horizontal speed;
steering angle,||tt| |-Tire slip angle;
The distance between the theoretical centers of the front and rear tire footprints
Additional instructions:
GB/T 15028.1—94
This standard is issued by the General Administration of Automobile Industry of China The company proposed this standard. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Automobile Standardization Technical Committee. This standard was drafted by the Ordnance Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Han Huirong and Gao Yudong. ||Free industry information
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