GB/T 8446.3-2004 Heat sinks for power semiconductor devices Part 3: Insulation and fasteners
other information
Release date:1988-12-22
Review date:2004-10-14
drafter:Sang Chun, Song Xizhen, Xu Dongxing, Xia Botao
Drafting unit:Xi'an Rectifier Research Institute
Focal point unit:National Power Electronics Standardization Technical Committee
Proposing unit:China Electrical Equipment Industry Association
Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
competent authority:China Electrical Equipment Industry Association
Some standard content:
&The heat sink for electric semi-conductor devices is divided into parts: Part 1: Special series
Part: Thermal and flow test methods:
Part 1, Insulation and compression parts,
Part 3 of G8446:
GB/T 8446.3—2001
This part is less than 4 (/1445.31288) of semi-conductor insulation and compression parts. This part is divided into CB/T8415.3—18 and has the following changes: the marked book structure and writing plan have changed greatly, the previous version (86 version> is based on 4K/1.1981. This version of the wood part: According to GT1.1-2.2
your full applicable scope is expanded, the previous version is suitable for manufacturing type radiator .This edition is also applicable to profile light heaters (15N% of the year edition, Chapter 1 of the wood version), 1 "area" (Chapter 2 of the grass version and packaging) and adds eight insulation products (cover) series (accumulated when the frame and the spring camp slow analysis FX series:
Add two types of parts and six types of fasteners for 8 and A4 cold heaters in Table 12 of Chapter 2; 3.1.2 and 4.1. 23; Add two-line insulators for Guang85 and 55.5 water-cooled radiators (198 edition of the first warning machine 2.1 of the table 5 of the benefit of
The original S14 fasteners have three different sizes, and the appearance is changed to a sweeping size of the bad love (19 years of collection, 2 of my 14 essence of 4.2.Ju),
The shape of the training piece and the training pad have changed greatly in 1 year of the stock 1 figure and Figure 7 of this version of 3.2.5 of the village doctor:
Several weeks of pressure F B1 lower giant plate H0 1 foot 1 and foot 132 are respectively collected as: 201215H edition 2 table 7 and table 4.2 table 8 and table: - the previous version of the fixed type test can be accepted as the temperature ring test final 135 edition, 2: wood stock, 2): the overall inspection of the external inspection whether the extraction force AQ1. The value is the original 1.: your second is 1.51. edition: 3.1 this composition 1: the commercial period of the cycle inspection - year image changed to 4 (1955 edition. 2 stocks. 2): cycle control cooling absolute pressure resistance, high delivery, extremely strong change and temperature ring test expansion rate , the main original combination is determined to be 1 for the combination of the sequence number of U samples 1\annual average 3.2, this version of the 5.2> Sichuan Guang Appendix A detailed table · This large unified book to or may be the sample of the health: report to the relevant standards. The necessary changes are not required: 1 "this standard" is changed to "this part": 2 "external dimensions" · collection\size\
3) the national standard for the listing of international literature office number (), change to the international cup standard", 1) the absolute explosion number and tight 2 model description text relatively changed (15% of the shares of 1.1: the collection of 5 .1) GB/T3446 is one of the series of standards consisting of various micro-heaters for power semiconductor devices: This series of standards includes:
JB Heat treatment technology for devices
Outline dimensions of profiles for electric power semiconductor components JBT817:
JE/T877 Heat pipe heat sink for electric power semiconductor components JE/T9684 Selection of heat sinks for electro-optical semiconductor devices
This part of the appendix is a normative appendix.
This part was proposed by China Electrical Equipment Industry Association. This part was exported by Xi'an Power Equipment Technology Research Institute. This part starts from: Yancheng Caifu Jinqi Yuemen Co., Ltd., Zhongbei Rectifier Devices, Jiangming Silicon Devices Co., Ltd., Mianzhou Xiangbo Electric Electronics Co., Ltd., Beijing Hengtaigu Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Zhejiang East Gas Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Xi'an Zhongli Electronic Technology Research Institute. The main initiators of this part are: Ancun, Mi Zhiqian, Xu Lexing, Xia Bofa, Zhu Lihai Xiaoping, Lu Zhengbai, An Xianman, this part was first issued in December 2018 as 8.31 Road: 1 National || tt || Heat dissipation for power semiconductor devices
Part 3 Insulating parts and fasteners
(HT Mega-energy This part specifies the insulation and fastening systems of radiators, technical requirements, test rules and requirements for packaging and transportation.
This part is applicable to insulating and fastening parts of radiators with semi-conductor components (including pressure relief valves) as insulation and intermediate parts of radiators, and is also applicable to insulating and fastening parts of radiators with profiles of different installation dimensions and standards as well as the ends of radiators. 2 Normative references
The following documents become part of this part by reference: For any document with a date indicated, all subsequent revisions (excluding those resulting from such revisions) do not apply to this part. However, if the parties to this part agree that the latest revisions to this document are possible, for any document with an unspecified date, its latest revision shall apply.
GBT131 Surface roughness number (GB/1031195.E5 (G6: 92acg)/4587-1945 Semiconductor components mechanical and climatic integration (d.1F62749: 199 =) (B/T6445.1-2004 Large semiconductor heat sinks Part 1, series 3 insulation components
3.1 Model and series of welded screw components
3.1.1 Model of insulation components
(two digits, etc.)
one letter 1
3 .1.2 Series classification of insulating parts
Product serial number of insulating parts
Series code of insulating parts
indicates the type of flat radiator parts such as wind turbines, etc. <S indicates the type of water-cooled flat plate radiator parts such as heat sink parts, etc. The insulating parts of water-cooled radiators are divided into color insulating tube series, S series and insulating pad series (SK series) and upper insulating pad series (SKIX series > lower insulating pad series SKIX series): For the product models of each series of parts and the heat sink models used, please see support 1.GB/T 8446.3—2004
Xu Xingyu series
Insulation system
: Ke technology device model
and shape solid section E core series
SKX series
SKuX series
For production technology investment model
Like material placement
: Table plus a kind of insulation rate stop grid or select the position, subject to the requirements of it Sichuan two or single heater 12 single applicable to F1112. And S3 heat
The size of the insulation
3.2.1 FC series annular insulation case transformer size points meet the requirements of Figure 1 meaning 2 is: Figure 1 FG series
For the model
of the reduction
16, 6
The median is in accordance with the dimensions of 3.2.27. The series dimensions are in accordance with 2 and Table 1. The national 2Fz series absolute part number is -05 = t. 2
Note: The H size can be verified according to the device size. Insulation market
GB/ 8446.3-2004
R/T $44G.3—20C4
3.2.3 The dimensions of the series tubular flanges shall comply with Figure 3 and the table, that is, Figure 3S is related to the insulation component size
3.2.4 The size of the SK1x series lower effective gasket shall comply with the provisions of 4, 5 and 5. Figure 5514
Medium-sized square meters
3.2.5The dimensions of SKCX series F insulating spacers meet the requirements of Table 6 for use 120
Figure 6$k01,$K02,SK03
Figure 7skc4.Sk05.SK
Insulation type special
3.3 Technical requirements for shrinkage parts
3.3.1 Appearance and surface
Insulation size!
42+; 1
C8/r 8446.3—2U04
Single for the rice
The appearance of the absolute part should be free of defects such as burrs and lines, the surface should be smooth, the internal texture should be solid, without shrinkage holes, pores and other defects, and the surface granularity Ra should be within the maximum value of i..
GE/T 8446.3—2004
3.3,2 Insulation withstand voltage
The insulation withstand voltage of F series insulation bushings, IZ series insulation oxygen shall not be less than V effective value, and the insulation withstand voltage of S series insulation bushings and SK series insulation shall not be higher than 5nnV (effective value. 3.3.3 Mechanical strength
The single-edge components shall withstand the following minimum forces according to the group components. The minimum force shall be 20kN for FG series FC12, FC1, FG1F, FC17, FG17A, and 31kN for FG series SK11, SK0, SK1A, SK12, SK52 5K0325kNSK1.Kc45aSKI5.SKJ6SKn5.SKa5R0kN3.3.4 High temperature performance
The components must be placed in 10GC for 3) mir without deformation and deterioration. 4 Solidity
4.1 Model and series of solid components
4.1.1 Model of solid components
The model of weak solid components is determined as follows:
(two digits)
(one word)
The variety card number of the solid component
The series code of fasteners
indicates the parts of air-cooled flat-plate radiators
(the parts of water-cooled flat-plate radiators) 4. 2. Classification of fastener series
Air-cooled and other heat-tight fasteners are divided into upper bed constant (FHIX series), single pressure shu (FBX series), pad right (F series), flat pad (FO series), disc-shaped yellow (E\I series), cumulative five sets (FT series\ and spring-type yellow pressure decision H2X series> and other series. The fasteners of water-cooled micro-heaters are divided into pressure masks (SA series> purple plate B series) flat ban (series) and joint type Spring fee (ST series) and other series, the above series are special fasteners for heat sinks with conductor devices. In addition, the fasteners of the heat sensitive device also include standard fiber screws and nuts. The fasteners of each series of products are used for the heat sink type, see table? Table 7
[Pressure altar 1 series
Pressure FX series
Step on the spring FT series
Pressure frame series
Folding [2 series
To reach the heat path
Full solid number
Substantial series technical cooling
Yi SA series
Mounting plate series
Plain medical version
Coal morphology
Corresponding heat release data number
Fixed parts model
GB/T 8446. 32004
Note, because of the high front or rear specifications of the medical solid model in the table, the specifications are not available in the market for one or three years, four types of heat exchangers, F type oil hand SF11SF.2 SF13-75. Note 2, F, SF12 and SF-75 small air purifiers are not available in cabinets, and there is no following calendar. 4.2 Dimensions of the parts
4.2.1 The dimensions of the FH1X series should comply with Figure 8! And the specifications of Figure 5. $F12.FB13, FR5FH184
Figure 9FB16, FB17, FB18
GH,T 8446.3—2004
Hunan Firmware Industry No.
Specification Station Part No.
Polymerization Solid Works
FX series lower stop plate size is in accordance with the provisions of the clutch master table. .
Figure 1DFBOX series
Unit is mm
12, 5*
Purple parts flat
Polymerization companion size!
FR series elastic plate size is in accordance with the provisions of Figure 1 and the table,
Figure 112 series
Deep group parts model
Solid size!
-6. F=3. 3
M E_3, 17
1n in. 15
1. 1 0. 15
Head 8,/1 8446. 3—2002
Unit meter
In the heat circuit, the yellow plate is made of T1D22, F1123, F121 type, one piece for +FT, F621, F/, FH2, R2A plate is two pieces. GB/T844E.3—2002
4.2.4 The size of the series of fixing frames shall comply with the requirements of Figure 12 and Table 11. X
12 series
85 1 6. 3
Note: The size of the small fiber tube is not variable. 5
Part size
- 56_1
20 1 :
Unit square card
.0× 3
M12>:364 series of solid frame size should be consistent with the provisions of Figure 12 and Table 11. X
Around 12 series
85 1 6. 3
Note: The size of the small fiber technology tube can not be changed 5
Parts size
- 56_1
20 1 :
Unit square card
.0× 3
M12>:364 series of solid frame size should be consistent with the provisions of Figure 12 and Table 11. X
Around 12 series
85 1 6. 3
Note: The size of the small fiber technology tube can not be changed 5
Parts size
- 56_1
20 1 :
Unit square card
.0× 3
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