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HG/T 2529-1993 Fluorescence logging sheet

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2529-1993

Standard Name: Fluorescence logging sheet

Chinese Name: 荧光测井片

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)


Date of Implementation:1994-07-01

Date of Expiration:2004-08-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Information Chemicals>>G81 Photosensitive Materials

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HG/T 2529-1993 Fluorescence Logging Sheet HG/T2529-1993 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

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Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
HG/T 2529 —93
Fluorescent Logging Plate
Published on 1993-09-06
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
1994-07-01 Implementation
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Well Logging Film
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging, marking, storage and transportation requirements for fluorescent well logging films. This standard is applicable to fluorescent logging films.
2 Reference Standards
GB/T6843 Determination of Melting Point of Photosensitive Material Coating GB9045 Determination of Resolution of Photosensitive Material
GBT9860 Determination of Water Absorption of Photosensitive Material GB/T9861 Determination of Scratch Resistance of Photographic Film During Development GB11500 Measurement of Photographic Transmission Density Geometric conditions GB11501 Spectral conditions for photographic density measurement GB/T15061 Silver salt photosensitive materials - General rules for photosensitivity determination Part 1 Exposure conditions for samples applicable to incandescent tungsten light and simulated daylight
3 Product classification and specifications
3.1 Product classification
This product is made of polyester film base as support, coated with positive color gelatin silver halide emulsion and gelatin protective layer. This product is divided into three types of polyester film bases according to the thickness of the support: 100um, 75um and 65jm. This product is divided into type I and type II according to performance. 3.2 Specifications
The common specifications of this product are the following three rolls: 100m film base is 225mm×46m
75 The film base is 225 mm × 70m65 m The film base is 225 mm × 75m Other specifications can also be provided according to user requirements 4 Technical requirements
4.1 Photographic properties and physicochemical properties
The photographic properties and physicochemical properties shall meet the requirements of Table 1 Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on September 6, 1993 and implemented on July 1, 1994
Minimum density Dmln
Contrast coefficient Y
Sensitivity S
Maximum density Drar
Resolution, c/mm
Melting point.
Water absorption, %
Anti-scratch during washing N
Magnetic characterization of image
4.2 Other performance properties
4.2.1 Appearance quality of raw film
The surface of the film should be clean, without fingerprints, oil stains, delamination, drawing, stripes, adhesion and mechanical scratches, and the film roll should be neatly wound.
Quality of transparent film
The film is directly developed and fixed to become transparent film without exposure. The emulsion layer of the film should not bubble or fall off, and there should be no static electricity marks, spots and marks caused by light leakage that affect the image quality. 4.2.3 Gray film quality
Film processing and gray film, the sample shall not have density unevenness, spots, stripes and other defects that affect the image quality.
4.3 Size
Film size shall comply with the requirements of Table 2:
Film type
100 μm film base
75 μm film base
65 μm film base
Nominal size
225 mm
Cut size
Limit deviation
HG/ T 2529 93
The limit deviation of other specifications of film shall also comply with the relevant provisions of Table 2. 5 Test method
5.1 Determination of general photographic properties
5.1.1 Test conditions and sampling
The test shall be carried out at a temperature of 23℃±2℃. The test is conducted in an environment with a relative humidity of 45% to 55%. Unless otherwise specified in this standard, the test is conducted under the above conditions. The film used for the test shall be sampled after the above conditions are balanced. Two pieces slightly longer than the wedge are taken from any part 1.5m after the head or tail of the film roll as the sample.
5.1.2 Teng light
The exposure of the sample shall be conducted on a dimming type photosensitive instrument, with a light source color temperature of 5500K and a light time of 1/208. Other conditions shall comply with the relevant requirements of GB/T15061.
5.1.3 Sample washing
The sample shall be washed within 2h after exposure. Fresh liquid shall be used for sample washing. Washing and processing technology
The washing adopts a single-piece manual display method. The developer light shall not be changed for more than 6 pieces per 100m. The developer shall be moved up and down during development at 80 to t20 times per minute. The processing and control conditions shall be carried out according to Table 3. Table 3
5.1.3, 2X-15 developer formula
X~15 developer formula is as shown in Table 4:
Drug name
Distilled water
Anhydrous sodium sulfite
Anhydrous sodium sulfite
Potassium bromide
Add steamed filling water to
pH10.4±0.2 (20)
Processing liquid
X-15 (D-72)
D-1 (i.e. F-5)
20℃ ±0. 5℃
GB11180 photographic paper
GB10550 photographic grade
GE 10552 photographic grade
GB10556 photographic grade
GB/T649 chemical paper
5. 1. 3. 3 Fixing solution D-1 formula
Fixing solution D-1 formula is shown in Table 5:
Drug name
Steamed stuffing water
Sodium thiosulfate
Anhydrous sulfite
Glacial acetic acid
Distilled water added to
pH5. 6±0.2 (20t)
5.1.4 Density measurement and curve drawing
GB10551 Photographic grade
GB10550 Photographic grade
GB/T676 Chemically pure
G/T1275 Chemically pure
GB10554 Photographic grade
The measured density of the sample shall be the national standard visual diffuse transmission density. The geometric conditions of the density measurement shall comply with the provisions of GB11500. The spectral conditions of the density disk shall comply with the provisions of GB11501. The optical density value of the sample wedge has been processed by the measuring disk. The density value is the vertical coordinate and the logarithm of the exposure light is the horizontal coordinate. Draw the photosensitivity characteristic curve of the film, as shown in the figure:
5.1.5 Calculation of general photographic performance index values Minimum density Dai
Schematic diagram of photosensitivity characteristic curve
Unexposed sample, developed under standard conditions, the measured density is the minimum density, 5. 1. 5. 2 Contrast coefficient
HG / T 2529 93
The angle between the extension line of the straight part of the characteristic curve and the horizontal axis, 5. 1. 5. 3 Sensitivity S
Sensitivity is calculated according to formula (2):
Where: H,+1.0-—
5.2 Resolution determination
The exposure fluorescence corresponding to point M on the characteristic curve, the density of point M is equal to the minimum density plus 1.0. Follow the method specified in GB 9045.
5.3 Determination of physical and chemical properties (6-9 in Table 1)
5.3.1 Determination of melting point of emulsion layer
According to the method specified in GB/T 6843.
5.3.2 Determination of water absorption
According to the method specified in GB/T9860.
5.3.3 Determination of scratch resistance during processing
According to the method specified in GB/T9861
5.3.4 Image stability Sample
Take a film with a representative image of about 100 μm in length and that has been processed normally, divide it into two sections for aging. Aging
One section is subjected to aging test, and the other section is not
Aging conditions are 60℃ ±2℃, relative condensation 70%±2%: one section of the sample is placed in the specified temperature and condensation environment, so that it can be exposed to the surrounding air for aging for 7 days. Result judgment
Visually compare the aged sample with the unaged sample. The sample whose density change does not affect the use effect is qualified
.5.4 Inspection of other performance
5.4. 1 Inspection of raw film
Under a safe light, visually inspect the rolled film. The two ends of the roll should be even. Remove 1.5m from the head or tail of the film roll and take a random section of dust film for visual inspection under a white light. The film quality should meet the requirements of 4.2.1. 5.4.2 Inspection of transparent film
Remove 1.5m from the head or tail of the film roll and take a random section of raw film. Without exposure, directly develop it to make a transparent film. The quality of the disc should meet the requirements of 4.2.2.
5.4.3 Inspection of gray film
Remove 1.5m from the head or tail of the film roll and take a random section of raw film. After moderate and uniform waist light, develop it to a density of about 1.0. Visually inspect the gray film. Its quality should meet the requirements of 4.2.3. 5.5 Dimensions
The width shall be measured with a measuring tool with an accuracy of 0.1mm, and the length shall be measured with a meter. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Factory inspection
HG/ T 2529 -- 93
This product shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer according to the inspection batch and inspection rate specified in Table 6. Only qualified products can be shipped out of the factory. Table 6
Inspection items
General photographic properties
Resolution, c/mm
Physical and chemical properties
Other performance
6. 2 Type inspection
Inspection means
The output of each coating emulsion number is a batch
The output of each coating emulsion number is a batch
The output of each coating emulsion number is a batch
The output of each equipment per shift is a batch
The output of each coating emulsion number is a batch
Inspection frequency
Measure once per axis"
Measure once per batch
Measure once per batch
Measure twice per batch
Measure once per axis
When any of the following conditions are found in this product, type inspection shall be carried out. Type inspection shall include all items specified in this standard Item, when new products are finalized and identified;
The structure, raw materials, emulsion and coating formula of old products. When there are major changes in the production process: when the product is resumed or transferred to a wider production after a long-term suspension; when it is in normal production for a long time, periodic inspections should be carried out; when there is a big difference between the factory inspection result and the last type inspection.,3 Acceptance inspection
Take the axis as the unit, and sample 5% of the total number of rolls for each axis, with at least one roll (tube). If the acceptance is qualified, the film of the axis should be accepted. If there are unqualified indicators, 20% of the total number of rolls (shorts) of the film of the axis number will be sampled for re-inspection, and those that are qualified in the re-inspection items should be accepted. || tt||6.4 Quality Assurance Clauses
The films accepted by the user department in accordance with 6.3 can be returned after verification due to quality problems within the warranty period and under the storage and normal use conditions specified in this standard. If the films with quality problems exceed 20% of the total number of rolls, the entire roll can be returned. 6.5 Arbitration
If the supply and demand parties cannot reach a consensus on the film quality issues, the arbitration unit shall be arbitrated. The arbitration unit shall be selected by agreement between the film production unit and the user unit, and the arbitration determination shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 7 Packaging and Marking
71 The smallest packaging unit of this type of film is roll, and the film is packed in emulsions. The agent layer is rolled inward on the film shaft, and then wrapped with moisture-proof paper, aluminum foil and two layers of light-proof black paper from the inside to the outside, and then sealed in a plastic bag, and then packed in an iron cylinder, one roll per stick, and then packed in a paper box, one stick per box. Labels are affixed to the iron cylinder and the paper box. The label content includes product trademark, product name, product standard number, specification, model, warranty period and manufacturer, etc.
7.2 After packaging, this product is packed into a transport box. The transport box is a wooden box or a paper box. The outside of the box is marked with: registered trademark, product name, specification model: number, quantity, net weight, gross weight, manufacturer, and words or logos such as "handle with care", "moisture-proof and sun-proof", and "anti-radiation source". 8 Transportation and storage
&1 During transportation, the film must not be exposed to sunlight, rain, radiation or severe vibration. 82 The storage of film shall meet the following requirements
8.2.1 The storage temperature shall be less than 21°C, and the relative humidity shall be ≤65%,6
HG / T 2529 93
8.2.2 The film shall remain in its original packaging, at least 15cm from the ground and wall, and shall not be exposed to direct sunlight. 8.2.3 The film shall not be damaged by harmful gases such as hydrogen sulfide, aldehydes and recording steam, as well as radioactive substances. 8.3 Warranty period
Starting from the date of packaging, the film shall be guaranteed for 2 years if it is transported, stored and used under the conditions specified in this standard. Additional Notes:
This standard was proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard was drafted by the First Film Factory of China Lucky Film Company, and the Second Film Factory of China Lucky Film Company, the Photosensitive Chemistry Research Institute of China Lucky Film Company, Tianjin Photosensitive Materials Company, and Wuxi Film Factory participated in the drafting. The drafter of this standard was Long Chengfang, and the co-drafters were Zhao Jinyi, Wang Shulang, Ma Yuming, and Wang Lei.
Chemical Industry Standards of the People's Republic of China
Fluorescence Well Logging
HG/ T 2529 -- 93
Editor: Chemical Industry Standard Editorial Department
(Standardization Research Institute of Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal Code: 100013
Printer: Standardization Research Institute of Ministry of Chemical Industry
Copyright reserved. No reproduction allowed
Format: 880×12301/16Number of words on a sheet: 14000First edition in May 1994
First printing in June 1994
Number of copies: 1—500
Cost: RMB 3.30
HG/T 2529—935 ArbitrationbzxZ.net
If the supply and demand parties cannot reach a consensus on the quality of the film, the arbitration unit shall be arbitrated. The arbitration unit shall be selected by the film production unit and the user unit through agreement. The arbitration determination shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 7 Packaging and marking
71 This type of film is in rolls as the smallest packaging unit. The film is wound on the film shaft with the emulsion layer inward, and is wrapped with moisture-proof paper, aluminum foil and two layers of light-proof black paper from the inside to the outside, and then sealed in a plastic bag, and then packed in an iron cylinder, one roll per sheet, and then packed in a paper box, one sheet per box. Labels are affixed to the iron cylinder and the paper box. The label content includes product trademark, product name, product standard number, specification, model, warranty period and manufacturer, etc.
7.2 After packaging, this product is put into a transport box. The transport box is a wooden box or a carton. The outside of the box shall be marked with: registered trademark, product name, specification number, quantity, net weight, gross weight, manufacturer, and words or logos such as "handle with care", "moisture-proof and sun-proof", and "radiation-proof". 8 Transportation and storage
&1 During transportation, the film shall not be exposed to sunlight, rain, radiation, or severe vibration. 82 The storage of film shall meet the following requirements
8.2.1 The storage temperature shall be less than 21°C, the relative humidity shall be ≤65%, 6
HG / T 2529 93
8.2.2 The film should be kept in its original packaging, at least 15cm from the ground and the wall, and should not be exposed to direct sunlight. 8.2.3 The film should not be damaged by harmful gases such as hydrogen sulfide, aldehydes and recording steam, as well as radioactive substances. 8.3 Warranty period
Starting from the date of packaging, the film is transported, stored and used under the conditions specified in this standard for a warranty period of 2 years. Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard was issued by the Chemical Industry This standard was drafted by the First Film Factory of China Lucky Film Company, and the Second Film Factory of China Lucky Film Company, the Photosensitive Chemistry Research Institute of China Lucky Film Company, Tianjin Photosensitive Materials Company, and Wuxi Film Factory participated in the drafting. The drafter of this standard is Long Chengfang, and the drafters are Zhao Jinyi, Wang Shulang, Ma Yuming, and Wang Lei. The People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standards
Fluorescence Well Logging
HG/ T 2529 -- 93
Editor: Chemical Industry Standards Editorial Department
(Standardization Research Institute, Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal Code: 100013
Printer: Standardization Research Institute, Ministry of Chemical Industry
Copyright reserved. No reproduction allowed
Format: 880×12301/16Number of words on a sheet: 14000First edition in May 1994
First printing in June 1994
Number of copies: 1—500
Cost: RMB 3.30
HG/T 2529—935 Arbitration
If the supply and demand parties cannot reach a consensus on the quality of the film, the arbitration unit shall be arbitrated. The arbitration unit shall be selected by the film production unit and the user unit through agreement. The arbitration determination shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 7 Packaging and marking
71 This type of film is in rolls as the smallest packaging unit. The film is wound on the film shaft with the emulsion layer inward, and is wrapped with moisture-proof paper, aluminum foil and two layers of light-proof black paper from the inside to the outside, sealed in a plastic bag, and then packed in an iron cylinder, one roll per sheet, and then packed in a paper box, one sheet per box. Labels are affixed to the iron cylinder and the paper box. The label content includes product trademark, product name, product standard number, specification, model, warranty period and manufacturer, etc.
7.2 After packaging, this product is put into a transport box. The transport box is a wooden box or a carton. The outside of the box shall be marked with: registered trademark, product name, specification number, quantity, net weight, gross weight, manufacturer, and words or logos such as "handle with care", "moisture-proof and sun-proof", and "radiation-proof". 8 Transportation and storage
&1 During transportation, the film shall not be exposed to sunlight, rain, radiation, or severe vibration. 82 The storage of film shall meet the following requirements
8.2.1 The storage temperature shall be less than 21°C, the relative humidity shall be ≤65%, 6
HG / T 2529 93
8.2.2 The film should be kept in its original packaging, at least 15cm from the ground and the wall, and should not be exposed to direct sunlight. 8.2.3 The film should not be damaged by harmful gases such as hydrogen sulfide, aldehydes and recording steam, as well as radioactive substances. 8.3 Warranty period
Starting from the date of packaging, the film is transported, stored and used under the conditions specified in this standard for a warranty period of 2 years. Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard was issued by the Chemical Industry This standard was drafted by the First Film Factory of China Lucky Film Company, and the Second Film Factory of China Lucky Film Company, the Photosensitive Chemistry Research Institute of China Lucky Film Company, Tianjin Photosensitive Materials Company, and Wuxi Film Factory participated in the drafting. The drafter of this standard is Long Chengfang, and the drafters are Zhao Jinyi, Wang Shulang, Ma Yuming, and Wang Lei. The People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standards
Fluorescence Well Logging
HG/ T 2529 -- 93
Editor: Chemical Industry Standards Editorial Department
(Standardization Research Institute, Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal Code: 100013
Printer: Standardization Research Institute, Ministry of Chemical Industry
Copyright reserved. No reproduction allowed
Format: 880×12301/16Number of words on a sheet: 14000First edition in May 1994
First printing in June 1994
Number of copies: 1—500
Cost: RMB 3.30
HG/T 2529—93
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