GB/T 15169-2003 Skill assessment of welders for steel fusion welding
Some standard content:
GB/T 15169—2003
This standard is a revision of GB/T15169—1994 "Methods for Qualification Examination of Manual Welders for Fusion Welding of Steel". During the revision process, this standard, on the basis of ISO9606:1994 and its supplement ISO9606/Amd:1998, adopted the latest European draft standard prENISO9606-1:2002 "Test of welders for fusion welding - Part 1: Steel" (this draft is completely identical to the ISO draft). In order to ensure the applicability and coordination of the standard, this standard has made necessary processing of the normative reference documents during the equivalent conversion. Compared with the original standard, this standard has the following changes in technical content: 1. The welder examination focuses more on the operation assessment, and the assessment of business knowledge is not rigidly stipulated; 2. The examination rules and scope of approval are mainly based on the main parameters of the welder examination; the material grouping, test methods and acceptance rules focus on the international unified requirements. This standard shall replace GB/T15169-1994 from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed by the China Machinery Industry Federation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Welding Standardization Technical Committee. The responsible drafting units of this standard are: Harbin Welding Research Institute, Harbin Welding Technology Training Center, and Dongfang Boiler Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: Pu Dongguang, Wang Lin, Qin Guang, and Zou Jie. I
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1 Scope
Steel Fusion Welding Welder Skill Assessment
This standard specifies the welder examination method for steel fusion welding. GB/T 15169-2003
In order to ensure that the examination is suitable for different product types, regions and examination institutions, this standard provides systematic welder skill assessment rules. This standard focuses on assessing the welder's skills in manually operating welding tongs, welding guns, and welding torches to weld qualified welds. This standard applies to manual welding and semi-automatic welding methods. This standard does not apply to fully mechanized or automated welding methods. 2 Normative references
The clauses in the following documents become clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, parties to an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version applies to this standard. GB/T3375 Welding terms
GB/T5185 Metal welding and brazing process designation code on drawings GB/T16672-1996 Definition of inclination and rotation angle of weld working position GB/T19418—2003 Guide to quality classification of defects of arc welded joints of steel ISO9017:2001 Destructive inspection of welds of metallic materials Fracture test ISO/TR15608 Guide to classification system of welded metallic materials 3 Terminology
This standard adopts the relevant definitions of GB/T3375 and the following terms. 3.1
a person who uses his hands to weld by holding a welding gun, welding torch or welding tongs. 3.2
a person appointed to verify compliance with the applicable standard. 3.3
an organization appointed to verify compliance with the applicable standard. 3.4
a backing pre-placed along the back of the joint to ensure penetration of the root of the joint and the formation of the back of the weld. 3.5
root pass
a pass welded at the root of the joint in multi-layer welding. 3.6
filling run
In multi-layer welding, the weld run deposited after the root run and before the capping run GB/T 15169—2003
capping run
capping run
In multi-layer welding, the weld run visible on the weld surface after welding is completed. 3.8
weld metal thicknessweld metal thicknessThe thickness of the weld excluding the excess height.
4 Symbols and abbreviations
4.1 Overview
The following symbols and abbreviations should be used when filling in the welder's qualification certificate (see Appendix A). 4.2 Welding method codes
This standard covers the following manual welding and semi-automatic welding methods (see GB/T5185 for welding method codes): 111
Manual arc welding (electrode arc welding)
Flux-cored arc welding (self-shielded)
Wire submerged arc welding (single wire)
Tubular wire submerged arc welding
Metal inert gas shielded welding (MIG)
Metal non-inert gas shielded welding (MAG)Tubular wire non-inert gas shielded welding
Tungsten polar gas shielded welding (TIG)
Plasma arc welding
Oxyacetylene welding
4.3 Abbreviations
Abbreviations of test pieces Abbreviation code
Nominal weld thickness (calculated weld thickness of fillet weld)BWButt weld
DOuter diameter of pipe
FWFillet weld
Test piece width
Test piece length
Test length
Weld metal thickness of butt weld (for a single welding method, it is the plate thickness or pipe wall thickness)S
Weld metal thickness of welding using welding method 1S2
Weld metal thickness of welding using welding method 2Test piece thickness (plate thickness or pipe wall thickness)
Weld leg size of fillet weld (some industries in my country usually use K to indicate weld leg size)4.3.2 Abbreviations for welding materials
No filler Metal
A Acid coating
B Alkaline coating or core
C Cellulose coating
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M Core-metal powder
Core-rutile, fast solidification slag
R Rutile coating or core, slow solidification slagRA Rutile acid coating
RB Rutile alkaline coating
Rutile cellulose coating
RR Rutile thick coating
S Solid wire/filler wire
Core-rutile or alkaline/fluoride
Core-alkaline/fluoride, slow solidification slag core -Alkaline/fluoride, fast solidifying slag Y
Flux core - other types
4.3.3 Abbreviations for other welding factors bs Double-sided welding
Left-side welding
mb Backing welding
No backing welding
Right-side welding
No root cleaning or grinding on the back
sl Single layer
ss Single-sided welding
4.3.4 Abbreviations for bending test
Minimum elongation required by material specification
d Diameter of elbow (or inner roller)
Thickness of bending specimen
5 Main parameters and scope of approval
5.1 Overview
GB/T 15169—2003
The welder examination is based on the main parameters. This standard defines the scope of approval for each main parameter. Except as stated in 5.7 and 5.8, all test pieces shall be welded using the main parameters. If the welder performs welding work outside the scope of approval, a new test is required. The main parameters are:
welding method;
type of test piece (plate and pipe);
type of weld (butt weld and fillet weld); parent material;
welding material;
- size (parent material thickness and pipe outer diameter); welding position;
welding details (backing, single-sided welding, double-sided welding, single-layer, multi-layer, left welding method, right welding method). 5.2 Welding method
Each test generally only approves one welding method. A new test is required to change the welding method. However, non-inert gas shielded welding that changes solid wire to metal powder core wire (or vice versa), that is, changing the welding method from 135 to 136 (or vice versa), does not require a new test (see Table 3).
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GB/T 15169—2003
Allow welders to use multiple processes to weld a test piece to obtain approval for two (or more) welding methods. Table 1 gives the scope of approval for a single welding method and multiple welding methods for butt welds. Table 1 Scope of approval for single or multiple processes for butt welds Welding method for test piece
Welding method 2
Welding method 1
Welding method 2
Welding with backing
5.3 Test piece type
Welding method 2
Welding without pad
Joint method 1
The test shall be carried out on plate or tube and the following criteria shall be applied: Single welding method joint
According to Table 4
Welding method 1:
Welding method 2:
According to Table 4
Welding method 1:
Welding method 2:
a) The weld on the tube (outer diameter D25 mm) is suitable for the weld on the plate; b) The weld on the plate is suitable for the weld on the tube under the following conditions: - Tube outer diameter D≥150mm, welding positions PA, PB and PC; - Tube outer diameter D≥500mm, all other welding positions. Type of weld
The test shall be conducted on butt welds or fillet welds and shall be conducted in accordance with the following criteria: Scope of approval
Joints with various welding methods
According to Table 4
t= si + s2
According to Table 4
Welding method 1 only for
root welding
Butt welds are suitable for butt welds on any type of joints, except for branch connections; a)
If welded under the same conditions, the welding of butt welds is suitable for fillet welds. When fillet welds are mainly welded in production, b)
the welder shall be subjected to corresponding fillet weld tests.
Butt welds of pipes without backing are suitable for branches with angles greater than 60° and the same range as shown in Tables 1 to 8. For branch pipes, the scope of approval is based on the outer diameter of the branch pipe; if the production workpiece is mainly branch pipe welding or involves complex branch pipe connections, the welder should receive special training and should be tested for branch pipe connections when necessary. 5.5 Parent material
5.5.1 Each material group
In order to reduce the number of tests, steels with similar welding characteristics are grouped according to ISO/TR15608. 5.5.2 Scope of approval
For welding of any steel in a certain group, the welder test for all other steels in the group and other groups specified in Table 2 is valid.
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When welding parent materials outside this group, a separate test is required. GB/T15169---2003
Approval of dissimilar steel joints: When filler metals in Group 8 or Group 10 (see Table 2) are used, they will be applicable to all combinations of Group 8 (or Group 10) and other groups.
The examination of forging materials is applicable to welding between castings and between castings and forgings in the same group. Table 2 Approval scope of parent materials
Approval scope
Parent materials of test pieces
1.1 1.2 1.4
Note: - indicates the group for which the welder is approved; - indicates the group for which the welder is not approved. Parent material groups are divided according to ISO/TR15608, see Appendix E for details. 5.6
Welding materials
Approval with filler metal (such as: 141, 15 and 311 welding methods) is applicable to welding without filler metal, but not vice versa. See Table 3 for the approval scope of welding materials.
Table 3 Approval scope of welding materials"
Welding materials used in the examination
Solid welding wire (S)
Flux-cored welding wire (M)
A, RA, RB, RC, RR, R
Solid welding wire (S)
Indicative requirements
Approval scope
Flux-cored welding wire (M)
Standard specifications
Flux-cored welding wire (B)
Flux-cored welding wire
(RP, V, W, YZ)
GB/T 15169—2003
Welding materials used in the examination
Flux-cored wire (B)
Flux-cored wire
(R, PV, W, YZ)
Table 3 (continued)
A, RA, RB, RC, RR, R
Scope of approval
Note: X indicates the welding materials for which the welder is approved; \· indicates the welding materials for which the welder is not approved. aFor abbreviations, see 4.3.2.
bThe type of coating used for the non-backing weld during the welder examination should be the same as that used in actual production. 5.7||t t||Welder tests for butt welds are based on parent material thickness or pipe outside diameter. Tables 4 and 5 specify the range of approval. Note: The exact thickness or diameter dimension is not actually important, but the basic principles behind the values in Tables 4 and 5 should be followed. Table 6 specifies the range of approval for material thickness for fillet welds. For branch pipe welding, the critical values for parent material thickness in Table 4 and the critical values for pipe outside diameter in Table 5 apply as follows: Riding type: parent material thickness and outside diameter of branch pipe: Insertion type or through-type: parent material thickness of main pipe or shell and outside diameter of branch pipe. For test pieces of different outside diameters and material thicknesses, the test should be for: a)
The thinnest and thickest parent materials approved in Table 4 b)
According to Table 5, the minimum and maximum outer diameters of the pipes are approved. Table 4 Approval range of parent material thickness of butt weld test pieces Parent material thickness of test piece t
a Oxyacetylene welding (311): t~~1.5t. b Oxyacetylene welding (311): 3~1.5t
Outer diameter of test piece D
Table 5 Test piece diameter and approval range
For hollow structures, D is the size of the smaller side Approval range
t to 2ta
3 to 2th
Approval range
≥0 .5D (minimum 25)
Table 6 Acceptance range of parent material thickness of fillet weld test piece Material thickness t
a of the test piece is shown in Table 9.
Welding position
Approval range
The acceptance range of each welding position is given in Table 7. These welding positions and codes refer to GB/T16672. Standard Granting Network
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Unit is mm
Unit is mm
Unit is mm
The test piece shall be welded in the normal position specified in GB/T16672. The J-L045 and H-L045 welding positions on the pipe approve all pipe angles on the production workpiece. GB/T 15169-2003
Welding two pipes of the same diameter (one in the PF position and one in the PC position), also includes the scope of approval for pipes welded in the H-L045 position.
Welding two pipes of the same diameter (one in the PG position and one in the PC position), also includes the scope of approval for pipes welded in the J-L045 position.
Pipes with a diameter D ≥ 150 mm can be welded in two welding positions (PF or PG at 2/3 of the circumference, PC at 1/3 of the circumference) using only one test piece.
Table 7 Approval scope of welding positions
PF (plate)
PF (tube)
PG (plate)
PG (tube)
Note: X indicates those welding positions for which the welder is approved; a In addition, the requirements of 5.3 and 5.4 must be referred to. PE
Approval range
Indicates welding positions for which the welder is not approved. bPB and PD test positions apply to fillet welds (see 5.4b), and can only be approved for fillet welds in other positions. 5.9 Other welding factors
Tables 8 and 9 give the approval range for other welding factors. When welding using oxyacetylene welding, a new test is required when changing from left welding to right welding or vice versa. Table 8 Scope of approval for butt welds
Scope of approval
Welding factors of test piece
Single-sided welding/without backing (ssnb)
Single-sided welding/with backing (ssmb)
Double-sided welding (bs)
Single-sided welding/without backing
(ss nb)
Single-sided welding/with backing
(ss mb)
Note: × indicates welds for which the welder is approved: - indicates welds for which the welder is not approved. Standard
Double-sided welding
Test piece"
Single layer (sl)
Multi-layer (ml)
Table 9 Acceptance range of fillet welds
Single layer (sl)
Note: X indicates the type of weld layer that is approved; - indicates the type of weld layer that is not approved. a The effective thickness of the weld should be within a certain range, 0.5t≤a≤0.7t. Test and Inspection
6.1 Supervision
The welding and inspection of the test piece shall be carried out under the supervision of the examiner or the examination body. Scope of approval
Multi-layer (ml)
Before welding begins, the examiner and the welder shall be marked on the test piece. In addition, all test pieces shall be marked with the welding position on the test piece. For fixed pipe welds, the welding position shall be marked. If the welding conditions are not correct or it is found that the welder does not have the required skills (e.g. too much rework), the examiner or the examination body shall The test organization may terminate the test.
6.2 Shape and size of the test piece
The shape and size of the test piece (see 5.7) are required to be as shown in Figures 1 to 4. The test length should be at least 150mm. If the circumference of the pipe is less than 150mm, additional test pieces are required, but the number of test pieces shall not exceed 3.
Unit: mm
Note: t is the material thickness of the test piece.
Figure 1 Plate butt weld specimen size
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Note: α is the effective thickness of the weld; t is the material thickness of the specimen; 2 is the weld leg size. Figure 2 Plate fillet weld specimen size
Note: D is the outer diameter of the pipe; t is the material thickness (wall thickness) of the specimen. Figure 3 Pipe butt weld specimen size
Unit is millimeter
0.5 t≤a≤0.7 -
Unit is millimeter
Unit is millimeter
t is the thickness of the thinner piece
0.5t≤a≤0.7 t
Note: α is the effective thickness of the weld; D is the outer diameter of the pipe; l1 is the length of the test piece; t is the material thickness (plate thickness or wall thickness) of the test piece; is the size of the weld leg. Figure 4 Dimensions of the test piece for pipe fillet weld
6.3 Welding conditions
The welder examination shall comply with the welding procedure specification (WPS) or welding procedure pre-specification (pWPS) compiled in accordance with relevant standards or regulations. The welding during the examination shall meet the following requirements: the welding time of the test piece shall be consistent with the working time under normal production conditions; the test piece shall have at least one arc stop and restart on the root weld and the cover weld, and shall be marked within the inspection length range so that 9
GB/T 15169-2003
The welding of the test piece shall comply with the preheating (or heat input control) requirements of the pWPS or WPS;-When no bend test is required, the post-weld heat treatment required by the pWPS or WPS may be omitted;-Except for the cap weld, the welder is allowed to remove minor defects by grinding, gouging or other methods used in production under the condition of obtaining the consent of the examiner (or the examination body). 6.4 Inspection method
Each completed weld shall be inspected in the welded state in accordance with the provisions of Table 10. The additional inspection required by Table 10 shall be carried out after the appearance inspection is passed. When a permanent backing is used for the inspection, it shall be removed before the inspection. In order to clearly show the weld, the macro specimen shall be prepared and etched on one side. Polishing is generally not required. When performing radiographic inspection, two additional transverse bend tests (one forward bend, one back bend or two side bends) or two fracture tests are required. For butt welds welded by welding methods 131, 135, 136 (metal powder cored wire only) and 311, an additional forward bend and a back bend are required (see Table 10, Note b).
Test method
Test method
Visual inspection
Radiographic inspection
Bend test
Fracture test
a Radiographic inspection, bend test or fracture test are optional for butt welds
(plate or pipe)
Fillet welds and branch pipe connections
Not applicable
bWhen conducting radiographic inspection, bend or fracture test must also be added for welding methods 131, 135, 136 (metal powder cored wire only) and 311 (see 6.4). ℃ Where necessary, the fracture test may be replaced by at least two magnetic particle specimens. d For ferritic steels with a thickness of ≥ 8 mm, the radiographic examination may be replaced by ultrasonic examination. e The fracture test of pipes may be replaced by radiographic examination. f For an outside diameter D ≤ 25 mm, the bend or fracture test may be replaced by a notched tensile test of the entire test piece (see Figure 8 for an example). 6.5 Test pieces and test specimens
6.5.1 General
Details on the types, dimensions and preparation of test pieces and test specimens are given in 6.5.2 to 6.5.5. In addition, the requirements for destructive tests are described.
6.5.2 Butt welds of plates and pipes
When radiographic examination is performed, the weld length on the test piece shall be inspected in the welded state (without removing the weld reinforcement) as shown in Figure 5a), Figure 7a) and Figure 7b).
When fracture testing is performed, the test piece shall be cut into several test specimens of equal width. The length of each test specimen shall be greater than or equal to 40 mm. The notch shape can be processed according to ISO9017 requirements. When doing transverse bending or lateral bending tests, for the base material with elongation A≥20%, the diameter of the elbow (or inner roller) should be 4t and the bending angle should be 180°. For the base material with elongation A<20%, the following formula should be used: d = 100 t/A- t
d—…-diameter of the elbow or inner roller;
t-—thickness of the bending specimen;
The minimum elongation required by the base material standard is obtained.
GB/T 15169—2003
When doing transverse bending tests, the entire length to be tested should be cut into several specimens of equal width, and all specimens should be tested. When doing lateral bending tests only, at least 4 groups of specimens should be cut evenly within the length to be tested. One of the specimens must be taken from the arc starting and stopping area within the white test length. For plates with a thickness greater than 12 mm, the transverse bend test may be replaced by two side bend tests. For pipes, the number of additional fracture or transverse bend specimens for 131, 135, 136 (metal powder cored wire only) or 311 welding methods when conducting radiographic inspection shall be determined according to the welding position. For PA or PC welding positions, one back bend and one forward bend test shall be conducted (see Figure 7a), and for all other welding positions, two back bend and two forward bend tests shall be conducted [(see Figure 7b)]. 25
Note: 1 is the width of the test plate; 2 is the length of the specimen; l is the test length. r
a) Add T to make an even number of specimens
b) Test length of the specimen
Note: In addition, to ensure that the specimen breaks at the weld, a longitudinal notch may be made on the center line of the weld on the tensile side of the specimen. Figure 5 Preparation and fracture test of plate butt weld specimens 6.5.3 Plate fillet welds
For fracture tests (see Figure 6), the specimen may be divided into several specimens if necessary. Each specimen shall be placed and fractured in accordance with ISO) 9017 and inspected after fracture.
For macroscopic inspection, at least four specimens shall be taken at equal distances within the test length. 11bz80s0
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Note: α is the effective thickness of the weld; t is the material thickness of the specimen; 2 is the size of the weld leg. Figure 2 Plate fillet weld specimen size
Note: D is the outer diameter of the pipe; t is the material thickness (wall thickness) of the specimen. Figure 3 Pipe butt weld specimen size
Unit is mm
0.5 t≤a≤0.7 -
Unit is mm
Unit is mm
t is the thickness of the thinner piece
0.5t≤a≤0.7 t
Note: α is the effective thickness of the weld; D is the outer diameter of the pipe; l1 is the length of the specimen; t is the material thickness (plate thickness or wall thickness) of the specimen; is the size of the weld leg. Figure 4 Dimensions of pipe fillet weld test piece
6.3 Welding conditions
Welder examinations shall be conducted in accordance with the welding procedure specification (WPS) or welding procedure pre-specification (pWPS) compiled in accordance with relevant standards or regulations. Welding during the examination shall meet the following requirements: The welding time of the test piece shall be consistent with the working time under normal production conditions; The test piece shall have at least one arc stop and restart on the root weld and the cap weld, and shall be marked within the inspection length for inspection; The welding of the test piece shall comply with the preheating (or heat input control) requirements of the pWPS or WPS; - When there is no bend test requirement, the post-weld heat treatment required in the pWPS or WPS may be omitted; - Except for the cap weld, welders are allowed to remove minor defects by grinding, planing or other methods used in production with the consent of the examiner (or examination body). 6.4 Inspection Methods
Each completed weld shall be inspected in the as-welded condition in accordance with Table 10. The additional inspections required by Table 10 shall be made after the visual inspection has been passed. When a permanent backing is used for the inspection, it shall be removed before inspection. In order to clearly show the weld, the macro specimen shall be prepared and etched on one side. Polishing is not generally required. When conducting radiographic inspection, two additional transverse bend tests (one forward bend, one back bend or two side bends) or two fracture tests are required. For butt welds welded with 131, 135, 136 (metal powder cored wire only) and 311 welding methods, one forward bend and one back bend are required (see Table 10, Note b).
Test method
Test method
Appearance inspection
Radiographic inspection
Bending test
Fracture test
a Radiographic inspection, bending or fracture test are optional for butt welds
(plate or tube)
Fillet welds and branch pipe connections
Not applicable
bWhen performing radiographic inspection, 131, 135, 136 (metal powder core wire only) and 311 welding methods must also be supplemented with bending or fracture tests (see 6.4). ℃If necessary, the fracture test can be replaced by at least two magnetic particle specimens. dFor ferritic steels with a thickness of ≥8 mm, radiographic inspection can be replaced by ultrasonic inspection. eThe fracture test of pipes can be replaced by radiographic inspection. f When the outside diameter D≤25mm, the bending or fracture test may be replaced by a notched tensile test of the entire test piece (see Figure 8 for an example). 6.5 Test pieces and test specimens
6.5.1 General
Details on the types, dimensions and preparation of test pieces and test specimens are given in 6.5.2 to 6.5.5. In addition, the requirements for destructive tests are also stated.
6.5.2 Butt welds of plates and pipes
When radiographic testing is performed, the weld length on the test piece shall be inspected in the welded state (without removing the weld excess height) as shown in Figure 5a), Figure 7a) and Figure 7b).
When fracture testing is performed, the test piece shall be cut into several test specimens of equal width. The test length of each test specimen shall be greater than or equal to 40mm. The notch shape may be processed in accordance with ISO9017 requirements. When doing transverse bending or lateral bending test, for the base material with elongation A≥20%, the diameter of the elbow (or inner roller) should be 4t and the bending angle should be 180°. For the base material with elongation A<20%, the following formula should be used: d = 100 t/A- t
d—…-diameter of the elbow or inner roller;
t-—thickness of the bending specimen;
The minimum elongation required by the base material standard is obtained.
GB/T 15169—2003
When doing transverse bending test, the entire length to be tested should be cut into several specimens of equal width, and all specimens should be tested. When doing lateral bending test only, at least 4 groups of specimens should be cut evenly within the length to be tested. One of the specimens must be taken from the arc starting and arc stopping areas within the white test length. For plates with a thickness greater than 12 mm, the transverse bend test may be replaced by two side bend tests. For pipes, the number of additional fracture or transverse bend test specimens for 131, 135, 136 (metal powder cored wire only) or 311 welding methods when conducting radiographic examinations shall be determined according to the welding position. For PA or PC welding positions, one back bend and one forward bend test shall be conducted (see Figure 7a), and for all other welding positions, two back bend and two forward bend tests shall be conducted [(see Figure 7b)]. 25
Note: 1 is the width of the test plate; 2 is the length of the test piece; l is the test length. r
a) Add T to make an even number of test specimens
b) Test length of the test specimen
Note: In addition, to ensure that the test specimen breaks at the weld, a longitudinal notch may be made on the center line of the weld on the tensile side of the test specimen. Figure 5 Preparation and fracture test of plate butt weld specimens 6.5.3 Plate fillet welds
For fracture tests (see Figure 6), the specimen may be divided into several specimens if necessary. Each specimen shall be placed and fractured in accordance with ISO) 9017 and inspected after fracture.
For macroscopic inspection, at least four specimens shall be taken at equal distances within the test length.
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Note: α is the effective thickness of the weld; t is the material thickness of the specimen; 2 is the size of the weld leg. Figure 2 Plate fillet weld specimen size
Note: D is the outer diameter of the pipe; t is the material thickness (wall thickness) of the specimen. Figure 3 Pipe butt weld specimen size
Unit is mm
0.5 t≤a≤0.7 -
Unit is mm
Unit is mm
t is the thickness of the thinner piece
0.5t≤a≤0.7 t
Note: α is the effective thickness of the weld; D is the outer diameter of the pipe; l1 is the length of the specimen; t is the material thickness (plate thickness or wall thickness) of the specimen; is the size of the weld leg. Figure 4 Dimensions of pipe fillet weld test piece
6.3 Welding conditions
Welder examinations shall be conducted in accordance with the welding procedure specification (WPS) or welding procedure pre-specification (pWPS) compiled in accordance with relevant standards or regulations. Welding during the examination shall meet the following requirements: The welding time of the test piece shall be consistent with the working time under normal production conditions; The test piece shall have at least one arc stop and restart on the root weld and the cap weld, and shall be marked within the inspection length for inspection; The welding of the test piece shall comply with the preheating (or heat input control) requirements of the pWPS or WPS; - When there is no bend test requirement, the post-weld heat treatment required in the pWPS or WPS may be omitted; - Except for the cap weld, welders are allowed to remove minor defects by grinding, planing or other methods used in production with the consent of the examiner (or examination body). 6.4 Inspection Methods
Each completed weld shall be inspected in the as-welded condition in accordance with Table 10. The additional inspections required by Table 10 shall be made after the visual inspection has been passed. When a permanent backing is used for the inspection, it shall be removed before inspection. In order to clearly show the weld, the macro specimen shall be prepared and etched on one side. Polishing is not generally required. When conducting radiographic inspection, two additional transverse bend tests (one forward bend, one back bend or two side bends) or two fracture tests are required. For butt welds welded with 131, 135, 136 (metal powder cored wire only) and 311 welding methods, one forward bend and one back bend are required (see Table 10, Note b).
Test method
Test method
Appearance inspection
Radiographic inspection
Bending test
Fracture test
a Radiographic inspection, bending or fracture test are optional for butt welds
(plate or tube)
Fillet welds and branch pipe connections
Not applicable
bWhen performing radiographic inspection, 131, 135, 136 (metal powder core wire only) and 311 welding methods must also be supplemented with bending or fracture tests (see 6.4). ℃If necessary, the fracture test can be replaced by at least two magnetic particle specimens. dFor ferritic steels with a thickness of ≥8 mm, radiographic inspection can be replaced by ultrasonic inspection. eThe fracture test of pipes can be replaced by radiographic inspection. f When the outside diameter D≤25mm, the bending or fracture test may be replaced by a notched tensile test of the entire test piece (see Figure 8 for an example). 6.5 Test pieces and test specimens
6.5.1 General
Details on the types, dimensions and preparation of test pieces and test specimens are given in 6.5.2 to 6.5.5. In addition, the requirements for destructive tests are also stated.
6.5.2 Butt welds of plates and pipes
When radiographic testing is performed, the weld length on the test piece shall be inspected in the welded state (without removing the weld excess height) as shown in Figure 5a), Figure 7a) and Figure 7b).
When fracture testing is performed, the test piece shall be cut into several test specimens of equal width. The test length of each test specimen shall be greater than or equal to 40mm. The notch shape may be processed in accordance with ISO9017 requirements. When doing transverse bending or lateral bending test, for the base material with elongation A≥20%, the diameter of the elbow (or inner roller) should be 4t and the bending angle should be 180°. For the base material with elongation A<20%, the following formula should be used: d = 100 t/A- t
d—…-diameter of the elbow or inner roller;
t-—thickness of the bending specimen;
The minimum elongation required by the base material standard is obtained.
GB/T 15169—2003
When doing transverse bending test, the entire length to be tested should be cut into several specimens of equal width, and all specimens should be tested. When doing lateral bending test only, at least 4 groups of specimens should be cut evenly within the length to be tested. One of the specimens must be taken from the arc starting and arc stopping areas within the white test length. For plates with a thickness greater than 12 mm, the transverse bend test may be replaced by two side bend tests. For pipes, the number of additional fracture or transverse bend test specimens for 131, 135, 136 (metal powder cored wire only) or 311 welding methods when conducting radiographic examinations shall be determined according to the welding position. For PA or PC welding positions, one back bend and one forward bend test shall be conducted (see Figure 7a), and for all other welding positions, two back bend and two forward bend tests shall be conducted [(see Figure 7b)]. 25
Note: 1 is the width of the test plate; 2 is the length of the test piece; l is the test length. r
a) Add T to make an even number of test specimens
b) Test length of the test specimen
Note: In addition, to ensure that the test specimen breaks at the weld, a longitudinal notch may be made on the center line of the weld on the tensile side of the test specimen. Figure 5 Preparation and fracture test of plate butt weld specimens 6.5.3 Plate fillet welds
For fracture tests (see Figure 6), the specimen may be divided into several specimens if necessary. Each specimen shall be placed and fractured in accordance with ISO) 9017 and inspected after fracture.
For macroscopic inspection, at least four specimens shall be taken at equal distances within the test length. 11
Fillet welds and branch connections
Not applicable
bWhen radiographic testing is performed, welding methods 131, 135, 136 (metal powder cored wire only) and 311 must also be supplemented with a bend or fracture test (see 6.4). ℃If necessary, the fracture test may be replaced by at least two magnetic particle test specimens. dFor ferritic steels with a thickness of ≥ 8 mm, the radiographic test may be replaced by an ultrasonic test. eThe fracture test of pipes may be replaced by radiographic testing. fFor an outside diameter D ≤ 25 mm, the bend or fracture test may be replaced by a notched tensile test of the entire test piece (see Figure 8 for an example). 6.5 Test pieces and test specimens
6.5.1 General
Details on the types, dimensions and preparation of test pieces and test specimens are given in 6.5.2 to 6.5.5. In addition, the requirements for destructive tests are stated.
6.5.2 Butt welds of plates and pipes
When conducting radiographic inspection, the inspected length of the weld on the test piece shall be inspected in the welded state (without removing the weld excess height) as shown in Figure 5a), Figure 7a) and Figure 7b).
When conducting fracture tests, the inspected length of the test piece shall be cut into several specimens of equal width. The inspected length of each specimen shall be greater than or equal to 40mm. The notch shape may be processed according to the requirements of ISO9017. When conducting transverse bending or lateral bending tests, for base materials with an elongation of A ≥ 20%, the diameter of the elbow (or inner roller) shall be 4t and the bending angle shall be 180°. For the base material with elongation A<20%, the following formula should be used: d = 100 t/A- t
d—…-diameter of elbow or inner roller;
t-—thickness of bending specimen;
The minimum elongation required by the base material standard is obtained.
GB/T 15169—2003
When doing transverse bending test, the entire length to be tested should be cut into several specimens of equal width, and all specimens should be tested. When only doing lateral bending test, at least 4 groups of specimens should be cut evenly within the length to be tested. One of the specimens must be taken from the arc starting and arc stopping areas within the white test length. For plates with a thickness greater than 12mm, the transverse bending test can be replaced by 2 lateral bending tests. For pipes, the number of additional fracture or transverse bend test specimens for 131, 135, 136 (metal powder cored wire only) or 311 welding methods for radiographic examination shall be determined according to the welding position. For PA or PC welding positions, one back bend and one forward bend test shall be performed (see Figure 7a). For all other welding positions, two back bend and two forward bend tests shall be performed [see Figure 7b]. 25
Note: 1 is the width of the test plate; 2 is the length of the test piece; l is the test length. r
a) Add T to even-numbered test specimens
b) Test length of the test specimen
Note: In addition, to ensure that the test specimen breaks at the weld, a longitudinal notch may be made on the center line of the weld on the tensile side of the test specimen. Figure 5 Preparation and fracture test specimens for plate butt welds 6.5.3 Plate fillet welds
For fracture tests (see Figure 6), the test specimen may be divided into several test specimens if necessary. Each specimen shall be placed and broken in accordance with IS0)9017 and inspected after breaking.
When conducting macroscopic inspection, at least 4 specimens shall be taken at equal distances within the test length. 11
Fillet welds and branch connections
Not applicable
bWhen radiographic testing is performed, welding methods 131, 135, 136 (metal powder cored wire only) and 311 must also be supplemented with a bend or fracture test (see 6.4). ℃If necessary, the fracture test may be replaced by at least two magnetic particle test specimens. dFor ferritic steels with a thickness of ≥ 8 mm, the radiographic test may be replaced by an ultrasonic test. eThe fracture test of pipes may be replaced by radiographic testing. fFor an outside diameter D ≤ 25 mm, the bend or fracture test may be replaced by a notched tensile test of the entire test piece (see Figure 8 for an example). 6.5 Test pieces and test specimens
6.5.1 General
Details on the types, dimensions and preparation of test pieces and test specimens are given in 6.5.2 to 6.5.5. In addition, the requirements for destructive tests are stated.
6.5.2 Butt welds of plates and pipes
When conducting radiographic inspection, the inspected length of the weld on the test piece shall be inspected in the welded state (without removing the weld excess height) as shown in Figure 5a), Figure 7a) and Figure 7b).
When conducting fracture tests, the inspected length of the test piece shall be cut into several specimens of equal width. The inspected length of each specimen shall be greater than or equal to 40mm. The notch shape may be processed according to the requirements of ISO9017. When conducting transverse bending or lateral bending tests, for base materials with an elongation of A ≥ 20%, the diameter of the elbow (or inner roller) shall be 4t and the bending angle shall be 180°. For the base material with elongation A<20%, the following formula should be used: d = 100 t/A- t
d—…-diameter of elbow or inner roller;
t-—thickness of bending specimen;
The minimum elongation required by the base material standard is obtained.
GB/T 15169—2003
When doing transverse bending test, the entire length to be tested should be cut into several specimens of equal width, and all specimens should be tested. When only doing lateral bending test, at least 4 groups of specimens should be cut evenly within the length to be tested. One of the specimens must be taken from the arc starting and arc stopping areas within the white test length. For plates with a thickness greater than 12mm, the transverse bending test can be replaced by 2 lateral bending tests. For pipes, the number of additional fracture or transverse bend test specimens for 131, 135, 136 (metal powder cored wire only) or 311 welding methods for radiographic examination shall be determined according to the welding position. For PA or PC welding positions, one back bend and one forward bend test shall be performed (see Figure 7a). For all other welding positions, two back bend and two forward bend tests shall be performed [see Figure 7b]. 25
Note: 1 is the width of the test plate; 2 is the length of the test piece; l is the test length. r
a) Add T to even-numbered test specimens
b) Test length of the test specimen
Note: In addition, to ensure that the test specimen breaks at the weld, a longitudinal notch may be made on the center line of the weld on the tensile side of the test specimen. Figure 5 Preparation and fracture test specimens for plate butt welds 6.5.3 Plate fillet welds
For fracture tests (see Figure 6), the test specimen may be divided into several test specimens if necessary. Each specimen shall be placed and broken in accordance with IS0)9017 and inspected after breaking.
When conducting macroscopic inspection, at least 4 specimens shall be taken at equal distances within the test length. 11
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