This standard specifies the graphic symbols for ladders and bulwarks in ship layout drawings. GB 3894.5-1983 Graphic symbols for ladders and bulwarks in ship layout drawings GB3894.5-1983 Standard download decompression password:
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UDC 003.62/.63:629.12.011.57 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB 3894.583 Graphic symbols on the arrangement plans of ships -Stairs and bulwarks Published on October 28, 1983 National Bureau of Implementation in 1984-0501 National Standard of the People's Republic of China Graphic symbols on the arrangement plans of ships -Stairs and bulwarks This standard is equivalent to ISO 1964-1975, No. 8, and has a few supplementary figures and numbers in the drawings of this standard. LDC003. ... The standard specifies basic graphic symbols, which can be used in combination with other graphic symbols. The special equipment, machines, etc. mentioned in this standard can be represented by graphic symbols similar to their actual shapes, but they should be indicated on the drawings. Upwards Stairs upwurts, freestanding Stairs upwards with raom lelow Stairs Irurt belurw Stairs frum below showing theut atthederk Superimposed stairs Published by the National Bureau of Standards on 1983-10-28 Drawing title 1984-05- 01 Implementation Sideways GB 3894.583 Continued Table 1 Liti (appropriate type of door to be shown) Vertical ludder a. Parallel running stirs 6. Indoor T-shaped stairs Superimpsed stairs of T-shaped stairs *ISO1964—1975 Only this graphic symbol. 2 Grating Fixed railing, synbul lu indicale number of ruils Chain railing symbol lo indicule aumber of rails Graphical symbols Graphic symbols Wooden bulwark GB3894.5—83 Continued Table 2 Wonden bulwark Freeing puris in bclwark Additional notes: This international standard was proposed by China National Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, and the Basic Standard Management Subcommittee was responsible for drafting the standard. The main drafters of this standard are Cuo Yunlan and De Shejun. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.