title>JB/T 6522-1992 Technical requirements for circuit breakers for narrow-gauge industrial and mining electric locomotives - JB/T 6522-1992 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 6522-1992 Technical requirements for circuit breakers for narrow-gauge industrial and mining electric locomotives

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 6522-1992

Standard Name: Technical requirements for circuit breakers for narrow-gauge industrial and mining electric locomotives

Chinese Name: 窄轨工矿电机车用断路器 技术条件

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1992-08-06

Date of Implementation:1993-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Electrical Engineering>>Electrical Equipment and Apparatus>>K63 Traction Electrical Equipment

associated standards

Procurement status:neq IEC 60077:1968

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:1993-01-01

other information

drafter:Lai Yukai, Wu Zhongzeng

Drafting unit:Xiangtan Traction Electrical Equipment Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry

Focal point unit:Xiangtan Traction Electrical Equipment Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry

Proposing unit:Xiangtan Traction Electrical Equipment Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry

Publishing department:Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the technical requirements for the main circuit breakers of narrow-gauge industrial and mining electric locomotives with a rated voltage of DC750V or less. This standard applies to circuit breakers used for overload, short-circuit protection and power switching in the main circuits of narrow-gauge industrial and mining electric locomotives with a rated voltage of DC750V or less. JB/T 6522-1992 Technical requirements for circuit breakers for narrow-gauge industrial and mining electric locomotives JB/T6522-1992 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Technical Conditions for Circuit Breakers for Narrow Gauge Mining Electric Locomotives 1992-12-21 Issued
The Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China implemented on 1993--05-01
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Technical Conditions for Circuit Breakers for Narrow Gauge Mining Electric Locomotives This standard adopts the International Electrotechnical Commission IEC Publication 77 "Electric Traction Equipment Rules". 1 Main Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the technical requirements for the main circuit breakers of narrow gauge mining electric locomotives with a rated voltage of DC750V and below: This standard applies to circuit breakers used for overload, short circuit protection and power switches in the main circuits of narrow gauge mining electric locomotives with a rated voltage of DC750V and below.
For circuit breakers equipped with electronic trip devices, the assessment requirements for their electronic devices are specified by the product technical conditions. 2 Reference standards
3. Rated parameters
Basic environmental test procedures for electrical and electronic products Test Db; Alternating damp heat test method Priority number and priority number system
·Rated current of electrical equipment
Rated voltage of DC power traction
Standard direction of movement of operating parts for controlling electrical equipment Basic technical conditions for traction electrical appliances
Basic test methods for traction electrical appliances
Method for compiling product models of traction electrical appliances
3.1 The rated voltage, maximum and minimum working voltage of the circuit breaker shall comply with the provisions of GB.999, but the highest rated voltage shall be up to DC750\V. 3.2 The rated current of the circuit breaker should preferably be the value specified in GB762. If the value specified in this standard cannot be used, it should be as consistent as possible with the rounded value of the R20 or R40 series in GB321. 3.3 The rated current of the auxiliary contact of the circuit breaker should be selected from 2, 5, 10, and 20A. 4 Technical requirements
4.1 The circuit breaker should ensure reliable operation under the following conditions. 4.1.1 The altitude shall not exceed 1200m (if exceeded, it shall be determined by the user and the manufacturer through consultation). 4:1.2 The maximum temperature of the surrounding air shall be +40℃ and the minimum temperature shall be -40℃ (for circuit breakers equipped with electronic trip devices, the working performance indicators and protective measures when used below -25℃ shall be determined by the user and the manufacturer through consultation). 4.1.3: The average maximum relative humidity of the wettest month shall not exceed 90% (at the same time, the average minimum temperature of the month shall not exceed +25℃). 4.1.4 The inclination relative to the normal position shall not exceed 10°. 4.1.5 With respect to the vertical, lateral and longitudinal directions of the locomotive, it has a sinusoidal vibration with a frequency f of 1 to 50Hz, and its amplitude is not greater than A, A. is: 25 (mm), when f is .1 to 10Hz;
(mm), when f is greater than 10 to 50Hz. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry on December 21, 1992, and implemented on March 5, 2001
4.1.6 With respect to the locomotive, it has an impact with an acceleration not greater than 30m/s. 4.1.7 There are protective devices against rain, snow and splash. 4.1.8 In places without explosion danger, and there is no gas and conductive dust in the air that is enough to corrode metal and destroy insulation. 4.2 The special requirements of circuit breakers used in gas coal mines, hot areas, high altitude areas and other special environments should also comply with the provisions of relevant standards and product technical conditions.
4.3 The circuit breaker shall be manufactured according to the drawings and process specifications approved by the prescribed procedures. 4.4 The installation dimensions and vulnerable parts of the circuit breakers of the same model shall be interchangeable. 4.5 The structure of the circuit breaker shall be easy to disassemble and assemble with general tools. If special tools are required, they shall be provided by the manufacturer. 4.6 The wiring terminals of the circuit breaker shall be contained in the shell. There shall be enough space in the shell to ensure that the external leads can be well connected to the terminals. If the shell is metal, there shall be enough electrical clearance between the shell cover and the live parts during the closing and opening of the shell cover. The inner surface of the shell cover shall be partially or completely isolated by insulating arc-resistant material gaskets, and the gaskets must be firmly fixed to the shell. 4.7 The shell of the circuit breaker shall be easy to open at will, but it shall be reliably buckled after closing, and shall not be separated or opened due to operation or movement.
4.8 The hand-held part of the circuit breaker operating mechanism should be well insulated from the live part, and the manual operating handle should be a fully insulated handle to ensure personal safety. The operating force should not exceed 200N. 4.9 The movement direction of the circuit breaker operating mechanism and handle should comply with the relevant provisions of GB4205. 4.18 The circuit breaker should be able to directly switch to manual closing, manual disconnection, and overcurrent tripping. The display of the "closed" and "disconnected" positions of its contacts should be prominently marked at the corresponding position of the operating handle. When the release is tripped, its hand can be automatically retained in the specified position, and the circuit breaker's schematic disconnection time is not more than 0.06$. 4.11 The overcurrent release device of the circuit breaker should be adjustable, and its current setting range should be at least 23le (Te is the rated current). The corresponding position of each setting value should be marked on its scale plate, and the deviation of its action value is calculated according to the following formula: Action value deviation (%) = Action set alarm value × 100% setting value
Under the condition of no perturbation, the tolerance is ±5%, and during the endurance test, the tolerance is ±7.5%. 4.12 Under the moving and impact conditions specified in Articles 4.1.5 and 4.1.6, the circuit breaker should not cause mechanical damage, loose fasteners, malfunctions, and other phenomena that affect the normal operation of the circuit breaker. 4.13 When the circuit breaker is subjected to rated current, the allowable temperature rise limit of each component is shown in Table 1. Table 1
Parts name
Contacts whose working temperature does not affect the contact pressure
Contacts whose working temperature affects the contact pressure
Electrical contacts connected by screws or rivets
Single-layer current conductor
Material and type
Contacts made of purple steel or copper-based alloy
Silver or silver-based alloy contacts
Contacts made of ceramic alloys of other metals
Thin yellow steel sheets
Yellow steel and bronze elastic contacts
Purple-toned elastic contacts
Brass or copper
Yellow steel or purple steel (the contact is tinned)
Yellow steel or purple steel (the contact is silvered)
Copper or aluminum
Temperature rise limit
According to the metal used The performance of the material is determined, and is limited to not damaging the adjacent parts. Parts name
Flexible connection
Insulating coil and conductive metal parts in contact with insulating materials
Continued Table 1
Material and type
Purple steel (coated at contact)
Insulated parts
A-level insulation
E-level insulation
B-level insulation
F-level insulation
H-level insulation
The temperature rise of the insulating wire is measured by the resistance method: Note: ①
The value of the temperature rise limit should be limited to not damaging the adjacent parts, otherwise it should be determined by the temperature rise limit of the relevant parts. ?
The minimum electrical clearance and minimum creepage distance of the circuit breaker shall comply with the provisions of ZBK63002: The insulation of the circuit breaker shall be able to withstand the power frequency (50Hz) and test voltage (effective value) specified in Table 2 -1-min; no breakdown or flashover occurs Table 2
Rated voltage·
6 01~750
Position where voltage is applied
Between live parts that are interconnected with each other and between live parts that are insulated from each other and between live parts that are insulated from each other and between open contacts with arc extinguishing covers to ground
Between live parts that are insulated from each other and between open contacts with arc extinguishing covers to ground
Between the hand-held part of the operating lever and the live parts Note: Ue in the table refers to the rated voltage of the appliance or component; for contacts, it refers to the working voltage of the contacts. 4.16
Test voltage
The circuit breaker is subjected to alternating damp heat test according to GB2423.4. The test severity is as follows: high temperature 40℃, test cycle 6d. After the test, the insulation performance of the product shall meet the following requirements. The insulation resistance of the circuit breaker shall not be lower than the specification in Table 3. However, for sintered clay parts, asbestos water filters, and steel paper tubes (boards) as insulating materials, 4.16.1
For components, the qualified standard of insulation resistance shall be specified in the product technical conditions. Table 3
The insulation of the circuit breaker shall be able to withstand 85% of the specified value in Table 2 of Article 4.15, and shall not experience breakdown or flashover. 4.16.21
The breaking capacity of the main contacts of the circuit breaker shall be as specified in Table 4. The installation conditions during the test shall be as close as possible to the actual installation conditions. The maximum peak value of the overvoltage generated between the contacts during the test shall not exceed 3kV: During the test, no continuous arcing shall occur, and the arc spray distance shall not exceed the safety range specified in the product technical conditions. Mn
Maximum breaking capacity
Rated making and breaking capacity
Critical breaking capacity
Connection bar
Rated voltage
Breaking conditions
Maximum voltage
Rated making and breaking current
Rated voltage
Maximum voltage
Maximum breaking current
Rated making and breaking current
0.1By the minimum static setting value
(but not less than 50A)
Time constant
The maximum breaking current in Table 4 must comply with the maximum short-circuit current in the protected circuit; the rated making and breaking current shall be consistent with the maximum setting current of the automatic tripping mechanism: when conducting the maximum breaking capacity and rated breaking capacity tests, the circuit breaker itself is used for breaking. The capacity of the auxiliary contact of the circuit breaker is specified in Table 5. During the test, each time is 5s. The power-on time is not less than 0.5$, and 504.18
Note: If the rated voltage is lower than 24V, the connection and disconnection conditions refer to the corresponding power setting in the 1.1X24V column of Table 5; if the rated voltage is higher than 110V, the connection and disconnection conditions refer to the corresponding power setting in the 1.1×110V column of Table 5. The mechanical life of the circuit breaker is not less than 2×10\ times. 4.19
5 Test acceptance rules
5.1 The test of the circuit breaker is divided into type test and inspection test. 5.2 Type tests should be conducted in the following cases: a.
When new products are trial-produced;
When the changes in the structure, process or materials of the product are sufficient to affect certain performances of the circuit breaker, partial or full type tests should be conducted; For products that are regularly mass-produced, regular type tests or partial type tests should be conducted every 3 to 5 years, and the test items and duration shall be specified by the product technical conditions.
5.3When conducting the type tests of Articles 5.2.a and 5:2.b, the tested products shall be no less than 2 units for each test item, and each type test item shall be qualified.
When conducting the type test of Article 5.2.c, the tested products shall be selected from the products that have passed the inspection test, with a minimum of 2 units. If there is a certain requirement in the test, and both products fail to meet the requirements, the batch shall be considered unqualified. If one unit fails to meet a certain requirement, double the number of products shall be taken for retesting of this item. If there is still one unit that fails to meet the requirements, the batch shall be considered unqualified. 5.4 Each product shipped out of the factory shall be inspected and tested by the manufacturer. Users can check whether the products shipped out of the factory meet the requirements of the technical conditions. If any item does not meet the technical conditions, it will be deemed unqualified. 5.5 The items of type test and inspection test are shown in Table 6. 5-4
General inspection
Action value tolerance test
Endurance and impact test
Temperature rise test
Insulation performance test
Switching capacity test
Mechanical life test
Rated voltage withstand test
Wet heat test
Type test
Note: When the inspection test of item 2 in Table 6 is carried out, the action value tolerance can be carried out without vibration. The test method is in accordance with ZBK63003.
Inspection test
Due to the limitation of test conditions, some items of type test can be tested and assessed by loading according to the requirements of product technical conditions after consultation between the manufacturer and the user.
6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
Each circuit breaker should be marked in a conspicuous place: 6.1
Rated parameters;
Factory serial number:
Standard number:
Manufacturer name;
Manufacture year and month.
The packaging of the circuit breaker should be able to prevent the product from being damp or damaged during transportation. 6.2
6.3, each circuit breaker product must be accompanied by a certificate of conformity when leaving the factory. Provide at least one instruction manual to each user, and the manual should provide the code and name of the vulnerable parts. :
6.4 Under the condition that the user complies with the storage and use methods of the circuit breaker, within one year from the date of shipment from the manufacturer, if the product is damaged or cannot work normally due to poor manufacturing quality, the manufacturer shall promptly repair or replace the product or replace the parts for the user free of charge. Additional instructions:
This standard was proposed and coordinated by the Xiangtan Traction Electrical Equipment Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. This standard was initiated by the Xiangtan Traction Electrical Equipment Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main initiates of this standard are Lai Yukai and Wu Zhongzeng. 5~55 The items of type test and inspection test are shown in Table 6. 5-4
General inspection
Action value tolerance test
Endurance and impact test
Temperature rise test
Insulation performance test
Switching capacity test
Mechanical life test
Rated voltage withstand test
Wet heat test
Type test
Note: When the inspection test of item 2 in Table 6 is carried out, the action value tolerance can be carried out without vibration. The test method is carried out in accordance with ZBK63003.
Inspection test
Due to the limitation of test conditions, some items of type test can be tested and assessed by loading according to the requirements of product technical conditions after consultation between the manufacturer and the user.
6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
Each circuit breaker should be marked in a conspicuous place: 6.1
Rated parameters;
Factory serial number:
Standard number:
Manufacturer name;
Manufacture year and month.
The packaging of circuit breakers should prevent the products from getting damp or damaged during transportation. 6.2
6.3, each circuit breaker product must be accompanied by a certificate of conformity when leaving the factory. Provide at least one instruction manual to each user, and the code and name of vulnerable parts should be provided in the manual. :
6.4 Under the condition that the user complies with the storage and use instructions of the circuit breaker, within one year from the date of shipment from the manufacturer, if the product is damaged or cannot work normally due to poor manufacturing quality, the manufacturer shall promptly repair or replace the product or replace parts for the user free of charge. Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed and coordinated by the Xiangtan Traction Electrical Equipment Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. This standard was initiated by the Xiangtan Traction Electrical Equipment Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main initiators of this standard are Lai Yukai and Wu Zhongzeng. 5~55 The items of type test and inspection test are shown in Table 6. 5-4
General inspection
Action value tolerance test
Endurance and impact test
Temperature rise test
Insulation performance test
Switching capacity test
Mechanical life test
Rated voltage withstand test
Wet heat test
Type test
Note: When the inspection test of item 2 in Table 6 is carried out, the action value tolerance can be carried out without vibration. The test method is carried out in accordance with ZBK63003.
Inspection test
Due to the limitation of test conditions, some items of type test can be tested and assessed by loading according to the requirements of product technical conditions after consultation between the manufacturer and the user.
6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
Each circuit breaker should be marked in a conspicuous place: 6.1
Rated parameters;
Factory serial number:
Standard number:
Manufacturer name;
Manufacture year and month.
The packaging of circuit breakers should prevent the products from getting damp or damaged during transportation. 6.2
6.3, each circuit breaker product must be accompanied by a certificate of conformity when leaving the factory. Provide at least one instruction manual to each user, and the code and name of vulnerable parts should be provided in the manual. :
6.4 Under the condition that the user complies with the storage and use instructions of the circuit breaker, within one year from the date of shipment from the manufacturer, if the product is damaged or cannot work normally due to poor manufacturing quality, the manufacturer shall promptly repair or replace the product or replace parts for the user free of charge. Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed and coordinated by the Xiangtan Traction Electrical Equipment Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. This standard was initiated by the Xiangtan Traction Electrical Equipment Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main initiators of this standard are Lai Yukai and Wu Zhongzeng. 5~5
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