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JB/T 7863-1999 Tea Machinery Terminology

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7863-1999

Standard Name: Tea Machinery Terminology

Chinese Name: 茶叶机械 术语

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1999-09-17

Date of Implementation:2000-01-01

Date of Expiration:2008-03-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Agriculture>>Agricultural machinery, tools and equipment>>65.060.99 Other agricultural machinery and equipment

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture, Forestry>>Agricultural and Forestry Machinery and Equipment>>B93 Agricultural and Sideline Products and Feed Processing Machinery

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced JB/T 7863-1995 (original standard number GB 8057-1987); replaced by JB/T 7863-2007

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:National Agricultural Machinery Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:National Agricultural Machinery Standardization Technical Committee

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 7863-1999 This standard is a revision of JB/T 7863-95 "Tea Machinery Terminology". During the revision, only editorial changes were made according to relevant regulations, and the main technical content remained unchanged. This standard specifies the terms related to the functions and main parts of tea tree pruning machines, tea plucking machines, tea primary processing machines, and tea refining machinery. This standard is applicable to tea pruning machines, tea plucking machines, tea primary processing machines, and tea refining machinery. This standard was first issued on July 23, 1987 as GB 8057-87 and was adjusted to JB/T 7863-95 in April 1996. JB/T 7863-1999 Tea Machinery Terminology JB/T7863-1999 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

ICS 65.060.99
Standard of the Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Tea Machinery
Tea Machine Terminology
Published on 1999-09-17
National Bureau of Machinery Industry
Implemented on 2000-01-01
This standard is a revision of JB/T7863--95 "Tea Machinery Terminology". During the revision, the original standard was edited, and the main technical content remained unchanged. This standard replaces JB/T7863—95 from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed and managed by the National Agricultural Machinery Standardization Technical Committee. The responsible drafting unit of this standard: China Agricultural Mechanization Science Research Institute. The main drafter of this standard: Liu Jinrong.
1 Scope
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Tea Machine
Tea Machine--Terminology
JB/T 7863-1999
Replaces JB/T7863-95
This standard specifies the terms related to tea tree pruning machines, tea plucking machines, tea primary processing machines, tea refining processing machines and their functions and main components.
This standard applies to tea tree pruning machines, tea plucking machines, tea primary processing machines, tea refining processing machines (collectively referred to as tea machinery) 2
General terms
2.1 Shape of tree-crown The shape of the top surface of the pruned tea tree is divided into arc-shaped crown and flat-shaped crown. Height of tree-crown
The vertical distance from the highest point of the tea tree crown to the ground is expressed in centimeters (cm). 2.3
The horizontal distance between the two sides of the crown of a tea tree, expressed in centimeters (cm). Picking surface'pickingsurface
The surface formed by the germination site of the new shoots of the tea tree. 2.5
The branches, leaves, and buds growing from the growth point of the new shoots, including the opposite leaves and the stationary leaves. New shoot densitynew-tipdensity
The number of new shoots sprouting from tea trees within a unit picking area, expressed in pieces/square meter (pieces/m\). New shoot lengthnew-tiplength
The length from the growth point of the new shoots to the bud tip, expressed in centimeters (cm). Hundred new-tipweighthundrednew-tipweight2.8
The total mass of 100 new shoots without natural damage, diseases and insect pests, expressed in grams/hundred (g/hundred). 2.9 Third-grade fresh leaf Third-grade fresh leaf Medium tender fresh leaf. Taking strip tea as an example, it is generally suitable for processing into the national third-grade raw tea purchase standard sample fresh leaf. Intact bud-leaf
Harvested intact new shoots, single leaves, etc. Lightly damaged bud-leaf Lightly damaged bud-leaf 2.11
Buds and leaves with less than one-third of the damaged part. 2.12
Badly damaged bud-leaf Buds and leaves with one-third to two-thirds of the damaged part. Approved by the State Bureau of Machinery Industry on September 17, 1999 and implemented on January 1, 2000wwW.bzxz.Net
Broken bud-leaf
JB/T 7863-1999
Broken branches, stems, and thatch leaves with more than two-thirds of the damaged part. 2.14 Old's talk and old leaf Lignified stalk and keratinized leaf. 2.15
Bud-leaf with stalk
Bud-leaf with old stalk.
Tea primary processing 2.16
Processing of fresh leaves into raw tea.
Processing leaves
Tea leaves being processed or waiting to be processed during the primary processing. 2.18 Storing of green leaf
Storage process to maintain the quality of fresh leaves.
Primary tea processing process to quickly destroy the activity of enzymes in fresh leaves under high temperature conditions, emit a certain amount of moisture and remove the grassy smell, making the leaves soft.
Water-removing leaves
Water-removing leaves
Leaves being processed after the green leaves have been removed.
The process of tea making in the first stage of tea production is to moderately promote the activity of enzymes in fresh leaves under certain temperature and humidity conditions, release a certain amount of water, and make the leaves soft.
Withering leaves
Withering leaves
Leaves in process after withering.
Leaves in process that do not meet the process requirements during storage and transportation and primary processing, such as red stem leaves, yellow leaves, burnt leaves, red leaves, sour leaves, etc. contained in withered leaves or withered leaves. Twisting
The process of tea making in the first stage of tea production is to use rubbing methods to destroy the tissue cells of tea leaves, squeeze out the tea juice, and make the leaves into strips. Superharge
2.25 Pressurizing
In the process of rubbing, a certain pressure is applied to the leaves in process, which can be divided into light pressure, medium pressure, and heavy pressure. 2.26 Twisting leaves
The leaves that have been dug and kneaded.
The first step of tea making is to rub and cut the leaves. Rolling-cutting leaves
The leaves that have been kneaded and cut.
The first step of tea making is to make the leaves continue to lose water and form the color, aroma and shape of the tea. It is generally divided into frying, drying and sun drying. 2.30 Roasting
The process of drying eyebrow tea or pearl tea with a roasting machine. Roasting is generally divided into two green, three green and Hui drying. Two green first-step roasting
The first step of roasting is to make the rolling leaves lose water. According to the different machines used, there are two green roasting and two green roasting. 2.32First-step roasting leaves are processed leaves after the second-step roasting.
Second-step roasting
The second-step roasting process is to make the second-step roasting leaves continue to lose water and make them compact. The third-step roasting leaves are 2.34
The processed leaves are processed after the third-step roasting.
Final roasting
The third-step roasting leaves are further dehydrated, continue to make them compact and become the final roasting process of raw tea. Fermentation
Under certain temperature and humidity conditions, the process of promoting the oxidation, polymerization and condensation of the substances contained in the processed leaves to form the unique color and fragrance of black tea is the first process of tea. It is also called "Niehong". Fermented leaves fermented leaves
The processed leaves after fermentation are also called "wet red leaves". Block--separatingandsifting2.38
The process of breaking up lumps and distinguishing the length, thickness and thickness of rolled or cut leaves. 2.39
Dryingfurnace drying
The process of dehydrating and drying the leaves in the process of tea using high-temperature hot air. One-stage drying
The drying method of the leaves in the process of tea is completed at one time under the action of high-temperature hot air. Two-stage drying
The drying method of the leaves in the process of tea is divided into two stages: gross fire and gross fire. 2gross fire
The drying process of the leaves in the process of tea is dehydrated and dried into gross fire tea. 3gross fire tea
The leaves in the process of tea are dried after gross fire.
After being spread out to cool, the raw tea is dehydrated and dried again under the action of high-temperature hot air to become the drying process of raw tea. Spreading for cooling
During the initial processing of tea leaves, the process of spreading and cooling various leaves in process and raw tea. 2.46gross tea
Tea leaves that have been fully processed and have a moisture content of less than 6%. Tea refining process 2.47
The process of reprocessing raw tea into refined tea. Repeated fire
The refining process of removing excess moisture absorbed by raw tea during storage and transportation. 2.49 Re-roasting
The refining process of drying, tightening and bringing out the aroma of eyebrow tea and pearl tea. 2.50
Processing products
In the process of refining. Various teas being processed or to be processed. Sifting
The refining process of using sieves of different mesh numbers to distinguish the length, thickness, weight and weight of the products. According to the different screening principles, it can be divided into flat round sieve, shaking sieve and floating sieve.
Sifting number
The sieve number is indicated by the aperture of the sieve mesh. For example, if the aperture of the sieve mesh is Φ1.6, it is sieve No. 16. tea of ​​sifting number
Sifting number tea
The sieve under each sieve is called the sieve number tea of ​​each sieve. Head tea
coarse tea
The sieve on the sieve with the largest sieve number when the raw tea is first screened. Tea cutting
The refining process of cutting tea leaves.
The refining process of sorting tea leaves by wind power. Stalk-sorting
The refining process of removing tea stems from tea leaves. Polishing
The refining process of tightening tea leaves and improving color by friction. Blending uniform blending
The process of blending and mixing teas of different sieve numbers into refined tea in a certain proportion. 3 Terms of tea machinery performance indicators
3.1 Terms of tea picking machine performance indicators
Bud-leaf integrity rateintactbud-leafrate3.1.1
The ratio of the mass of intact buds and leaves in the picked fresh leaves to the mass of fresh leaves, expressed as a percentage (%). 3.1.2Processable tea rateprocessabletearateThe ratio of the sum of the mass of intact buds and leaves, slightly injured buds and leaves, seriously injured buds and leaves, and buds and leaves with stems in the picked fresh leaves to the mass of fresh leaves, expressed as a percentage (%).
3.1.3Unpieked rateunpiekedrate
The ratio of the mass of buds and leaves that have not been picked on the cutting surface to the sum of the mass of picked fresh leaves, lost buds and leaves, and unpicked buds and leaves, expressed as a percentage (%).
Loss rate lossrate
The ratio of the mass of fresh leaves lost in tea-making buds and leaves (including small tender leaves) that have been picked but not collected in a unit length of tea row to the sum of the mass of fresh leaves picked and the mass of lost fresh leaves, expressed as a percentage (%). 3.2 Terms of tea processing machinery performance indicators
3.2.1 Heat consumption heat consumption
When using heat energy to heat tea leaves, the heat consumed by evaporating each kilogram of water is expressed in kilojoules per kilogram of water (kJ/kg·H,O).
3.2.2 Coal consumption rate
When using heat energy to process tea leaves, the mass of standard coal consumed for processing each kilogram of leaves is expressed in kilograms per kilogram (kg/kg).
processingalbetea rate ofprocessing leaves
The ratio of the mass of various processed leaves after being directly dried into raw tea to the mass of the processed leaves, expressed as a percentage (%). It can also be calculated using the moisture content of processed leaves according to formula (1):
Where: R—processing rate of processed leaves, %;
H—moisture content of processed leaves, %;
—conversion factor when the moisture content of raw tea is 6%. 3.3 Terminology of performance indicators of withering machines and withering machines 3.3.1 Degree of water removal (1)
The ratio of the mass of withered leaves to the mass of fresh leaves, expressed as a percentage (%). It can also be calculated by the water content of the withered leaves and the water content of the fresh leaves according to formula (2):
Where: D, degree of withering;
H,-water content of the withered leaves, %;
H——water content of the fresh leaves, %.
3.3.2 Degree of withering
The ratio of the mass of withered leaves to the mass of fresh leaves, expressed as a percentage (%). It can also be calculated by the water content of withered leaves according to formula (3): 1-H, × 100%
Where: D. degree of withering;
H.——water content of withered leaves, %.
3.3.3 Appropriate measure rate (2)
The ratio of the mass of leaves in the withered leaves or withered leaves that meet the requirements of the tea making process to the mass of the withered leaves or withered leaves, expressed as a percentage (%).
The ratio of the mass of bad leaves contained in the withered leaves or the withered leaves to the mass of the withered leaves or the withered leaves, expressed as a percentage (%). 3.4 Terminology of performance indicators of rolling and cutting machines 3.4.1 Stripping rate
The ratio of the mass of stripped leaves in the rolled leaves, the second green leaves, and the third green leaves that meet the requirements of the tea making process to the mass of the rolled leaves, the second green leaves, and the third green leaves (excluding old stems, old leaves, and inclusions), expressed as a percentage (%). 3.4.2 Brokentearate
The ratio of the mass of the rolled leaves, the second green leaves, and the third green leaves that are directly baked under the 16th sieve to the mass of the leaves after drying, expressed as a percentage (%).
Cell-damaging rate
The ratio of the area of ​​the kneaded leaves stained by 10% potassium dichromate solution to the area of ​​the leaves, expressed as a percentage (%). Broken tea extraction rate 3.4.4
The ratio of the mass of broken tea under the specified sieve and on the specified sieve contained in the kneaded and cut leaves directly dried by the kneading machine to the mass of the kneaded and cut leaves after drying, expressed as a percentage (%). 3.4.5 Effective utilization rate of direct tea-infusing for five minutes The ratio of the water extract rate of the kneaded and cut leaves (black tea should be fermented) directly dried for ten minutes and brewed with boiling water for 5 minutes to the total weight of the water extract contained, expressed as a percentage (%).
3.4.6 Solidity degree
The volume (mL) of broken tea in a unit mass of kneaded and cut leaves directly dried when vibrated under certain conditions. Temperature rise of rolling-cutting leaves 3.4.73
The difference between the temperature of the rolled-cut leaves just after leaving the tea outlet of the rolling-cutting machine and the temperature of the leaves before rolling-cutting, expressed in degrees Celsius (℃). Flour-tea rate
The ratio of the mass of powdered tea under the sieve of a specified sieve number in the raw tea to the mass of the raw tea, expressed in percentage (%). 3.5 Dryer performance index terms
Capacity of water loss per hour
fcapacityof losswater
When the tea dryer is drying tea leaves or the frying and drying machine is performing the second or third green operation, the mass of water evaporated per hour is expressed in kilograms of water/hour (kg.H,O/h). 3.5.2 Drying intensity drying intensity The mass of water evaporated per square meter of effective leaf spreading area and per hour of the tea dryer is expressed in kilograms of water/(square meter·hour) [kg.H,O/(m2·h)].
3.6 Terminology of screening machine performance indicators
3.6.1 Sifting net rate
After the raw tea or the finished product is sieved by a certain sieve of the sieving machine, the difference between the mass of the sieve-surface tea and the sieve-number tea contained in the sieve-surface tea that can pass through the sieve to the mass of the sieve-surface tea, expressed as a percentage (%). Error-sifting rate
After the raw tea or the finished product is sieved by a certain sieve of the sieving machine, the difference between the mass of the sieve-surface tea and the sieve-number tea contained in the sieve-surface tea to the mass of the sieve-number tea, expressed as a percentage (%).
3.6.3 Productivity of unit effective sifting-area The mass of raw tea or finished tea sieved per square meter of effective sifting-area per hour by the sifting machine, expressed in kilograms per (square meter·hour) [kg/(m2:h)].
3.7 Terminology of performance indicators of stalk-removing machine
3.7.1 Sorting net rate
The ratio of the mass of tea stalks removed by sifting to the mass of tea stalks in the finished product before sifting, expressed in percentage (%). Error-sorting rate
The ratio of the mass of tea leaves contained in the tea stalk material removed by the stalk-removing machine to the mass of the tea stalk material removed, expressed in percentage (%). 3.7.3 Productivity of unit sorting working range Productivity of unit sorting working range The mass of work-in-process that can pass through per meter of the working width of the tea tree pruning machine per hour is expressed in kilograms/(meter·hour) [kg/(m·h)].
4 Terminology of tea tree pruning machine and tea picking machine
4.1 Portable tea picking machine portable type tea picking machine The machine that the operator holds by hand and the power drives the cutter to complete the tea picking operation. According to the different power sources, it can be divided into motorized type and electric type.
Stretcher type tea picking machine
Stretcher type tea picking machine All machine parts and small power machine are installed on a stretcher, and the machine is carried and operated by two people to complete the tea picking operation. lwalking type tea picking machine 4.3·Hand-held tea picking machine
A machine that uses a hand-held self-propelled chassis and drives a side-hung, height-adjustable cutter to complete the tea picking operation. Self-propelled tea picking machine 4.4
A machine that uses a self-propelled chassis that can walk across the tree rows and drives a height-adjustable cutter to complete tea picking. 4.5 Portable tea pruning machine portable tea pruning machine A machine in which the operator uses a small power machine held by hand to drive the cutter to prune the tea trees. Stretcher type tea pruning machine 4.6
All parts and small power machines are installed on a stretcher, and two people carry and operate the machine to prune the tea trees. Wheel type tea pruning machine wheel type tea pruning machine 4.7
A tea pruning machine that is pulled by manpower and the cutter is driven by a small power machine. Spiral-knife cutter 4.8
A cutter composed of a spiral blade cylinder that rotates and a straight fixed blade. Dise-blade cutter dise-blade decuster 4.9
A cutter composed of two or more sets of disc-shaped blades rotating in opposite directions. 4.10 Flat-straight blade rod flat-straight blade rod A reciprocating cutter with equally spaced trapezoidal teeth on one side, the teeth and the blade rod forming a straight and integral cutting member. curved blade rod
Curved blade rod
A reciprocating cutter with equally spaced trapezoidal teeth on one side, the teeth and the blade rod forming an integral cutting member with a certain radius of curvature.
5 Terms for tea primary processing machinery
Caldron type water-removing machine 5.1
A machine that uses a heated iron pot to generate high temperature for tea leaf removal. According to the number of pots, it is divided into single pot, double pot, three pot, and four pot tea removal machines.
5.2 Cylinder type water-removing machine A machine that can continuously perform tea-killing operations by heating and rotating steel drums to generate high temperatures. 5.3 Slot type water-removing machine A machine that can continuously perform tea-killing operations by heating semi-cylindrical slots to generate high temperatures. 5.4 Cylinder-slot type water-removing machine A machine that can continuously perform tea-killing operations by heating semi-cylindrical slots to generate high temperatures. 5.5 Inclination of caldron The angle between the pot mouth plane and the horizontal plane after the wok is installed. 5.6 Drum diameter diameter of cylinder The inner wall diameter of the main working section of the cylinder.
Slot diameter diameter of slot
The inner wall diameter of the slot.
Depth of slot
Depth of slot
The distance from the plane of the slot opening to the bottom of the inner wall. Roasting-leaf device
A device used for frying tea leaves, also known as a stir-fryer. Roasting-leaf cavity
The cavity formed by the frying pan and the inverted cone-shaped component arranged on its upper part prevents the tea leaves from being thrown out of the machine during frying. Guide-leaf plate
A part with a certain guide angle installed on the inner wall of the drum. According to different operating requirements and guide angles, it is divided into leaf inlet guide plate, working guide plate and leaf outlet guide plate. Humidity-discharging device 5.12
A device arranged at the leaf outlet of the drum-type tea-withering machine, which can discharge the water vapor generated during the withering from the drum and can adjust the moisture removal capacity. Tea kneading machine teatwisting machine 5.13
A machine that kneads tea leaves into strips and squeezes out tea juice by relative rotation between a kneading barrel and a kneading plate. According to the form of movement, it can be divided into: a single-action tea kneading machine with a kneading barrel that rotates and a stationary kneading plate; a double-action tea kneading machine with both a kneading barrel and a kneading plate that rotate. Twisting barrel
Twisting barrel
The cylindrical part of the kneading machine that contains the leaves; the cylinder that contains the rotor in the rotor-type tea kneading and cutting machine and has working parts on the inner wall; the cylinder that contains the hammer rotor in the hammer-type tea kneading and cutting machine and has a smooth inner wall. 5.15 Diameter of twisting barrel The diameter of the outer wall of the kneading barrel.
Twisting barrel frame twisting barrel
The component that installs the kneading barrel, pressure device and other components and is driven by the crankshaft to move in rotation. 5.17 Twisting disc
A disc component with a certain inclination angle and a certain number of ribs on the surface. 5.18
Inside inclination of twisting discThe angle between the generatrix of the kneading disc surface and the radial plane. 9
5.19 Edge bone
A curved or straight part installed on the surface of the kneading disc to play a kneading role. Drift inclination of edge bone5.20
The angle between the line connecting the inner and outer end points of the edge bone and the center of the kneading disc. Side play
The minimum gap between the outer side of the kneading barrel and the inner side of the kneading disc. Maximum working gapmaximworkinggap5.22
The gap between the lower end plane of the kneading barrel and the upper surface of the inner end of the bone. Minimum working gap minimum working gap 5.23
The gap between the lower end plane of the kneading barrel and the upper surface of the outer end of the rib. Linear speed of twisting 5.24
The product of the center distance of the crank arm and its angular velocity of rotation, expressed in meters per second (m/s). 5.25 Twisting lid
A disc-shaped part connected to the pressure device so that the leaves in the kneading barrel are evenly pressurized. 5.26 Lever-weight type supercharge device lever-weight type supercharge device a device that applies pressure to the leaves in the kneading process through a kneading cover, which is composed of a lever and a movable counterweight slider thereon. Single-column screw type supercharge device 5.27
A device that applies pressure to the leaves in the kneading process by rotating the screw in the single column to move the kneading cover up and down. 5.28
Double-columnscrewtypesuperchargedeviceDouble-columnscrewtypesuperchargedeviceDouble-columnscrewtypesuperchargedeviceDouble-columnscrewtypeauto-superchargedevice5.29||tt| ... Withering trough
A device in which an axial fan delivers air of a certain temperature and humidity to wither the fresh leaves laid on the long trough net curtain. Box type withering machine box type withering machine 5.34
A machine in which a perforated plate with fresh leaves is dragged by a chain to move in the box, and a fan delivers air of a certain temperature and humidity into the box for withering.
5.35 Overiapping withering machine Overiapping withering machine is similar to several layers of withering troughs, and the net curtain on which fresh leaves are laid runs forward and backward under mechanical control, and the leaves are received or discharged from the upper layer to the lower layer, and withered under the action of air of a certain temperature and humidity. Tray rolling-cutting machine 5.36
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