This standard specifies the type and size, basic parameters and technical requirements of NAD, NAZD, NBD, NBZD, NCD, NCZD, NAF, NCF, NAZF, NBZF and NCZF series NGW planetary gear reducers. This standard is mainly applicable to metallurgy, mining, transportation, building materials, light industry, energy and traffic industries. JB/T 6502-1993 NGW planetary gear reducer JB/T6502-1993 standard download decompression password:
Some standard content:
J19 | |tt | | JB | | tt | |tt||Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China Released Implemented on 1994-07-01 3 4 5 6 7 Theme content and scope of application Quoted standards Types and sizes Basic parameters Technical requirements·||tt ||Test and inspection items. Marking, packaging, transportation, storage Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D||tt ||Appendix E Head The load-bearing capacity and selection of reducer (supplementary part) Reducer load classification (reference part) The actual transmission ratio of the reducer (reference part) reduction Moment of inertia of the input shaft of the reducer (reference part) times Nominal radial load at the midpoint of the shaft extension of the output (input) shaft of the reducer (reference part).+++.++.+ (1) (1) (1) (39) (39) (46) (46 ) (47) (68) (71) (72) (73) People's Republic of China Machinery Industry standards NGW planetary gear reducer 1 Subject content and scope of application JB/T650293 This standard specifies NAD, NAZD, NBD, NBZD.NCD, Type dimensions, basic parameters and technical requirements of NCZD, NAF, NBF, NCF, NAZF, NBZF and NCZF series NGW type planetary gear reducers (hereinafter referred to as reducers). This standard is mainly applicable to metallurgical mining, transportation, building materials, light industry, energy, transportation and other industries. The high-speed shaft speed of the reducer is 1500~600r/min according to its specifications. The peripheral speed of the reducer gear transmission is not greater than 15m/s for spur gears and not greater than 20m/s for helical gears. The working environment temperature of the reducer is -40℃ to 45℃. When it is lower than 0℃, the lubricating oil should be preheated to above 10℃ before starting. The reducer can run in both forward and reverse directions, 2 reference standard GB191 GB1356 GB1357 GB9439 GB10095||tt ||GB11368 GB/T13384 ZBJ19005 3 types and sizes Packaging, storage and transportation icons Basic tooth gallery of involute cylindrical gears | |tt | ||General technical conditions for mechanical and electrical product packaging Loading test method for cylindrical gear reducer 3.1 Overall dimensions and assembly type 3.1.1 The overall dimensions and assembly type of NAD200~560 reducer should be Comply with the requirements of Figure 1 and Table 1. 3.1.2 The overall dimensions and assembly type of NAD560~2000 reducers should comply with the requirements in Figure 2 and Table 2. 3.1.3 The overall dimensions and assembly type of NAZD200~560 reducers should comply with the requirements in Figure 3 and Table 3. 3.1.4 The overall dimensions and assembly type of NAZD560~1600 reducers should comply with the requirements of Figure 4 and Table 4. 3.1.5 The overall dimensions and assembly type of NBD250~560 reducers should comply with the requirements in Figure 5 and Table 5. 3.1.6 The overall dimensions and assembly type of the NBD560~2000 reducer should comply with the requirements in Figure 6 and Table 6. 3.1.7 The overall dimensions and assembly type of NBZD250~560 reducer should comply with the requirements of Figure 7 and Table 7. The overall dimensions and assembly type of the NBZD560~1600 reducer should comply with the requirements in Figure 8 and Table 8. 3.1.8 3.1.9 3.1.10 3.1.11 The overall dimensions and assembly type of the NCD315~560 reducer should comply with Figure 9 and Table 9 According to the regulations, the overall dimensions and assembly type of the NCD560~2000 reducer should comply with the regulations in Figure 10 and Table 10. The overall dimensions and assembly type of NCZD315~560 reducers should comply with the requirements of Figure 11 and Table 11. 3.1.12 The overall dimensions and assembly type of NCZD560~2000 reducers should comply with the requirements of Figure 12 and Table 12. 3.1.13 The overall dimensions and assembly type of NAF200~560 reducers should comply with the requirements of Figure 13 and Table 13. 3.1.14 The overall dimensions and assembly type of NBF250~560 reducer should comply with the requirements of Figure 14 and Table 14. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on 1993-09-03 Implemented on 1994-07-01 1 JB/T 6502--93 Outline of NCF315~560 reducer The dimensions and assembly type should comply with the requirements of Figure 15 and Table 15. 3.1.15 3. 1. 16 The overall dimensions and assembly type of the NAZF200~560 reducer should comply with Figure 16 and Table 16 Provisions. 3.1.17 The overall dimensions and assembly type of the NBZF250~560 reducer should comply with the requirements of Figure 17 and Table 17. 3.1.18 The overall dimensions and assembly type of the NCZF315~560 reducer should comply with the requirements of Figure 18 and Table 18. 3.2 Reducer code and marking method The reducer code includes model, level, connection, type, specification, nominal transmission ratio, assembly type, and standard number. Its marking symbol: N- A B C D NGW type: Level 1 Planetary gear reducer: First- and second-stage planetary gear reducer: ~Three-stage planetary gear reducer; Base connection: F flange connection|| tt||Defined axis column gear. Reducer marking method: Reducer Standard number Assembly type Nominal transmission ratio Specifications Connection method Level Model 3.3 结果在线: 凯速器N C 2 D 450 100 JB/T6502 —93 标准号 第1种电影型式 公称传动比i=100 包装450 底座联结 三级 NGW型 (9u)c JB/T650293 国 JB/T650293 8 98 2 o1 8 9 要 otst s601 09% 091 8 sy 喜事 uu E6 98 08|| tt||szt p 12 n en sor 0 088||tt| |OL 059 009 out ott 096 OTE or os 8 S8 os os 3 卡 002 081|| tt||S9T SST 2 s6 58 08 09 86||tt| |SE SE 08 O 5 08S 009 09元 00p 088 2 008 062 0E2 岛 96 8| |tt||162 012 6 8st 901 s8 s 820||tt ||S6 2 er 58 8211 62 02 oor 81 69 2 06 9 0 65 69 s' Es F9 s8t 65 4 ss 4g 伸 表| |tt||082 002 S9 S9 sor sot s9t s91||tt ||sor sor sor 78 so 8 囍 002 01 OST on OOT 08 2 8 (9u) D oot St S9 S8 09 os 5 0| |tt||(9u) 04 oT OLE 062 092 2 SE| |tt||591 t SEE 008 9 957 e 000||tt ||081 056 558 s 099 06S ses s9t SER S88 SE H o2ot 006 2 05 09s| |tt||oos s 0o0f SSE 6~g9 t SN E195~ S 6~g9 0069 95~ 15669 6269g~ 086~9|| tt||56895- 0086~g9 008\- 6~\9 26 29 6-* 9 &S9 089 9- ot9 6~9 or9 9s~||tt ||ts 6~9 95~t 公 CO N rVN SSEVN| |tt||STEOVN GRECIVN EN 型 4 JB/T 6S02-93 o||tt| |oo 2 圈 6502-93 JB/T sst 0026 0000|| tt||000T8 0 0002 0000 ztt 002 0009t||tt| |00011 068 000 Tor 959 00s 0029 of OS 2 08t 006 us ODOE 0 091 喜源| |tt||wu 28 8 p 028 0882 000 0002||tt ||080 0296 061 085 22 000 08 cot 0682 ost s 0ss ost ost 08 to at| |tt||0902 0091 0 O0 OPtt ooot 1 089||tt ||001001 oot! oot 00ST e 08 06 0021 08 06|| tt||+ 006 059 0c9 09s t 866 OSE||tt| |0961 ott ort 0091 oat 08 SEE PEE 0 % 29 s6e 08 262 9 08 s i9s| |tt||oost p92 ooti 6is TEE o o 69f||tt ||0F oot 262 9 202 [a9zt 06 D91||tt| |F6 191 e Bt t s o12 95 s061 ste 8 ez 16 18 os 0690 sse|| tt||$+ e 028 262 018 0 9s 9s||tt ||8 9 061 ET 69 82 91t str 98 $ 089 089 089 Ots ots s s| |tt||St 088 丧 2 Dst Dts 08 os||tt ||D8E ost 8 082 082 0 s9t 059 09s oos 0S 09E Ore 082 092 (9u) 098 0oP 080 09s 022 082 z ost 22| |tt||09E u otl 81 081 091 on o||tt ||(g) p D8F Dt 0021 0091 OPT D6TE||tt ||0982 006 2O88 6 6~6*9 08 9'5~||tt| |0968 6*9 o95~ 029869 0992 0262 06995 on||tt ||o 0822 056 088 064 069 529 SPS 58h ooor 006 008 o 09s 00s 900 0881| |tt||0891 OS SEE 82 0061 091 O9 S601||tt ||091 H 9 00T86~6*9 9 028269 0662 9's| |tt||9s~ 6~*9 0069 9\g~ 8 19s~ 0881| |tt||0121 6--9 9 osat gs~ 9 09ST g~||tt ||公 称 008VN 0091AVN OZYIVN COOINN G060 G8N EAVN JB/T 6502-93 图 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.