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HG/T 20562-1994 Regulations for calculating the number of locomotives and rolling stock owned by chemical enterprises

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 20562-1994

Standard Name: Regulations for calculating the number of locomotives and rolling stock owned by chemical enterprises

Chinese Name: 化工企业自备铁路机车和车辆数量计算规定

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)


Date of Implementation:1996-03-01

Date of Expiration:2004-08-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Comprehensive Chemical Industry>>G08 Marking, Packaging, Transportation, Storage

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces CD 30 A4-1984

Publication information

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HG/T 20562-1994 Regulations for the calculation of the number of self-owned railway locomotives and rolling stock of chemical enterprises HG/T20562-1994 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Regulations on the Calculation of the Number of Self-owned Railway Locomotives and Vehicles of Chemical Enterprises
Main Editor: Nanjing Chemical Industry (Group) Company Design Institute Approved by: Chemical Industry
Effective Date: March 1, 1995 Engineering Construction Standard Editing Center of the Ministry of Chemical Industry
1995 Beijing
1 General Principles
1.0.1 In order to unify the calculation methods, steps, calculation formulas and selection parameters of the number of self-owned railway locomotives and vehicles of chemical enterprises, this regulation is specially formulated. 1.0.2 This regulation is applicable to the calculation of the number of self-owned railway locomotives and vehicles of chemical enterprises that are newly built or expanded with national standard gauge railways. 1.0.3 The number of self-owned railway locomotives and vehicles in this regulation is calculated according to the vehicle handover method between the railway and the factory.
1.0.4 Ordinary vehicles and tank cars commonly used by chemical enterprises in railway transportation are all provided by the railway department. However, when an enterprise has short-distance special trains or needs to provide its own vehicles for in-plant transportation, the number of vehicles can be calculated based on the transportation volume and transportation distance. Tank trucks dedicated to chemical enterprises (such as acid and alkali and liquid ammonia tank trucks, petrochemical product tank trucks, etc.) should be provided by the production enterprises.
1.0.5 In addition to implementing these regulations, the calculation of the number of self-provided railway locomotives and vehicles of chemical enterprises shall also comply with the requirements of relevant standards and specifications of the state, railway departments, etc. 1
2 Terms, symbols, codes
2.0.! Number of locomotives in interval operation N1
The number of locomotives required for traction in the special line section from the connection station (handover station) to the factory and the short-distance special train section. 2.0.2 Number of enterprise train pairs n
Designed number of enterprise night train pairs (including single-unit operation) 2.0.3 Locomotive interval operation time t1
The time for self-owned locomotives to run one way on railway dedicated lines and short-distance special train intervals. 2.0.4 Locomotive technical operation time t
The time for locomotives to wait for the opening of intervals, switches and signals at the station.
2.0.5 Locomotive net operation time T
The effective time for the actual operation of enterprise self-owned locomotives day and night 2.0.6 Number of shunting operation locomotives Nz
The number of self-owned locomotives required for train disassembly, marshaling and car pick-up and delivery operations in the factory.
2..7 Unbalanced coefficient of railway transportation outside Guangdong K
Fluctuation of annual arrival and departure volume of enterprises in railway transportation outside Guangdong 2.0.8 Unbalanced coefficient of railway transportation within Guangdong·K, Fluctuation caused by railway transportation such as internal transportation of industrial and commercial railways, slag removal and short-distance special trains. 2.0.9 Net load of vehicles 9
Actual average loading weight of vehicles in the railway department. 2.0.10 Shunting rate P
The ability of a shunting locomotive to disassemble and dispatch vehicles in a unit time, 2
2.0.11 Number of slag removal locomotives, N3
The number of self-owned locomotives required for factory slag removal transportation. 2.0.12 Number of slag transportation times nslag
The number of times the enterprise's self-owned railway locomotive transports waste slag every day and night. 2.0.13 Round trip time of slag transportation t
The time required for a locomotive to transport waste slag once. 2.0.14 Slag unloading time t
Total time for all slag cars to be unloaded.
2.0.15 Locomotive maintenance reserve coefficient K tree
The ratio of the total number of annual maintenance days of self-owned locomotives to the annual transportation days (365 days), which is the locomotive maintenance reserve value.
2.0.16 Total number of self-owned locomotives N
The sum of self-owned railway locomotives required by enterprises for interval traction shunting operations and slag unloading. 2.0.17 Number of self-owned railway ordinary vehicles n:
The number of ordinary vehicles configured for internal transportation, slag unloading and short-distance special trains. 2.0.18 Turnover time of self-owned ordinary vehicles tsThe time taken for self-owned ordinary vehicles to turn over once from loading and shipping to unloading and returning.
2.0.19 Vehicle full load coefficient K4
The ratio of the actual load of the vehicle to the rated load of the vehicle. 2.0.20 Vehicle maintenance standby coefficient K car
The self-owned vehicle cannot be put into transportation due to maintenance. The maintenance standby coefficient that must be set to ensure uninterrupted transportation throughout the year (365 days). 2.0.21 Self-owned vehicle day and night working hours T
The day and night working hours of the company's own railway ordinary vehicles. 2.0.22 The number of self-owned railway tank cars for external transportation nz The number of various types of self-owned tank cars configured by the company for external transportation. 2.0.23 Tank car external turnover time
The time required for a tank car to go back and forth on the way to the user unit. 2.0.24 Tank car unloading time t
The time the tank car stays for unloading after arriving at the user unit. 2.0.25 Tank car heating time t:
The time required for heating and thawing frozen products in winter when unloading. 2.0.26 Tank car waiting time tg
The time required for the tank car to pick up, inspect, load and wait for departure in the enterprise. 2.0.27 Tank car factory turnover time t10
The time required for the tank car to turn around once in the enterprise. 2.0.28 The number of self-owned railway tank car factory transportation vehicles The number of various types of tank cars configured for internal transportation in the enterprise. 3 Calculation and statistics of railway transportation volume
3.0.1 The annual railway freight transportation volume of the enterprise is the main basis for calculating the number of self-owned railway locomotives and vehicles, so the railway transportation volume of the enterprise should be calculated accurately and the statistics should be complete. 3.0.2 The calculation and statistics of the railway freight transportation volume of the enterprise, except for internal transportation, slag discharge, short-distance special train transportation and special circumstances, the enterprise products are all delivered. .3.0.3 The quantity of raw materials, fuels, intermediate products, finished products, waste slag, waste materials and equipment materials transported by the enterprise by rail should be correctly filled in according to the requirements of Appendix A and Appendix B of these regulations.
3.0.4 The calculation unit of railway transportation volume is tons, with an accuracy of integers. The calculation unit of internal transportation or pickup and delivery distance of enterprises is kilometers, with an accuracy of one decimal place. 5
4 Conditions for setting up self-owned railway locomotives
4.0.1 When the enterprise's freight transportation is in accordance with the actual vehicle handover system of the railway department, self-owned railway locomotives can be set up.
4.0.2 When the enterprise's railway freight turnover is large, there are many dismantling and marshaling operations in the factory, the vehicle is frequently mobilized, and the net operating time of the locomotive per shift is more than 4 hours, self-owned railway locomotives can be set up.
4, 0.3 If the factory's railway freight turnover and factory shunting operations are not large, but the connection station, the nearest railway station or the adjacent enterprise cannot rent a railway locomotive, which affects the railway transportation of the enterprise's goods: self-owned railway locomotives can be set up. 4.0.4 Although locomotives can be rented at the dedicated line connection station, the nearest railway station or the neighboring enterprise, if it is confirmed through technical and economic comparison that renting locomotives is not reasonable, self-owned railway locomotives can also be set up.
4.0.5 When the raw materials, fuels, semi-finished products and finished products of the enterprise need to be transported by rail between warehouses, yards, docks and workshops or slag discharge, self-owned railway locomotives can be set up. 4.0.6 When there is a short-distance special railway transportation organized by the enterprise and the railway department cannot provide locomotives, self-owned railway locomotives can be set up.
4.0.7 If the railway connection station is an electrified railway and the electric locomotives are not yet able to enter the enterprise railway, self-owned railway locomotives can be set up. 6
Model selection
5.0.1 The selection of the type of locomotives owned by the enterprise shall be determined mainly based on the following technical factors The limited slope, traction weight and minimum curve radius of the enterprise's railway dedicated line and the adjacent railway trunk (branch) line; The effective length and number of tracks of the railway dedicated line connection station (or handover station) and the enterprise station;
, The production nature and working environment of the enterprise. 5.0.2 It is advisable to select locomotives that can be used for both interval traction and in-plant shunting, and reduce the number of locomotives to improve locomotive utilization and facilitate maintenance. 5.0.3 Consider the current market supply of railway locomotive types. bzsos
Calculation of the number of self-owned railway locomotives
6.0.1 The total number of self-owned railway locomotives required by an enterprise should be the sum of locomotives required for interval operation, shunting, in-plant transportation and slag removal. If there are several factory stations or independent locomotive operation areas in a large enterprise: the number of locomotives should be calculated separately according to the station (area) and rounded off.
6.0.2 The annual working days of self-owned railway locomotives are 365 days, and two shifts are used for day and night operation (12 hours/shift).
The number of self-owned railway locomotives in interval operation is calculated according to formula (6.0.3): Ni 2nm(t+t2)
Where: N,-
Number of interval operation units (units);
n trains--number of enterprise train pairs/Gan);
t1-interval operation time of a locomotive. When the dedicated line has a long uphill slope in one direction, the round trip time of the locomotive is obviously different, and the round trip time must be calculated separately (hours;
Among them:
locomotive technical operation time, generally taken as 0.33 hours/time; net working time of a locomotive, the net working time of steam locomotives during the day and night is 14 hours/day, and that of diesel locomotives is 15 hours/day. tL/u (hour)
Locomotive running distance in the zone (one-way distance km) Average speed of locomotive running in the zone (km/hour), which can be selected according to Table 6.0.3 of this regulation.
-:com Average speed of self-owned railway locomotives in interval operation Interval distance (km)
Average speed (km/h)
Below 2
Above 10
The number of self-owned railway locomotives for enterprise shunting operations is calculated according to formula (6.0.4): QKi+QK
Locomotive for shunting operations Number of units (units);
-Annual railway transportation volume outside the factory (tons/year): Q2-Annual railway transportation volume within the factory (tons/year); (6.0.4)
K.-Unbalance coefficient of railway transportation outside the factory, which can be selected according to Table 6.0.41: K,
-Unbalance coefficient of railway transportation within the factory
Annual working days of railway (days/year):
The average net load weight of railway vehicles is g-55 tons: The full load coefficient of the vehicle can be determined according to the loading situation, generally taking K.-0.9, and K4=0.85 for liquefied petroleum gas; shunting rate, locomotive-number of shunted vehicles per hour, which can be selected according to Table 6.0.4-2 (one heavy vehicle/hour).
Unbalanced coefficient of railway transportation outside the factory
Enterprise railway transportation (10,000 tons/year)
Below 150
:com Various American standard industry data free download table 6.0.4-1
Above 300
Enterprise railway transportation volume
(10,000 tons/year)
Below 50
Table 6.0.4-2
Above 300
Note: ①
Railway transportation volume includes the sum of transportation volume of foreign, domestic, short-distance special trains, slag discharge, etc. ②
In addition to transportation volume, the selection of shunting rate should also consider factors such as shunting distance, number of shunting tracks, and whether cargo space is concentrated. If the shunting distance is long and the cargo positions are scattered, the P value is selected and the lower value is used. wwW.bzxz.Net
The number of self-provided railway locomotives required for slag discharge is calculated according to formula (6.0.5): 6. 0. 5
Where: N is the number of slag discharge locomotives (units);
n is the number of slag transport times (times/day);
ts--the round trip time for slag transport (hours/time): t4
Slag unloading time, self-turning 0.167 hours/vehicle, manual unloading 1 hour/vehicle. When unloading in batches, the unloading time should be calculated cumulatively. The total number of self-provided railway locomotives required by the enterprise shall be calculated according to formula (6.0.6): 6.0.62
Total number of self-provided locomotives (units)
Klokine-locomotive maintenance and standby coefficient
7 Conditions for setting up self-provided railway vehicles
Enterprises have railway transportation within the enterprise (between the yard, warehouse and workshop) and between the enterprise and the internal and external docks of the factory: the yard and storage area outside the factory. For production cooperation between the mines, short-distance special trains are organized for railway transportation. 7. 0.24
Factory slag needs to be transported by rail.
General tank cars of the Ministry of Railways cannot bear the transportation of liquid or gaseous chemical products with corrosive, pressurized, heat-insulating, etc. 7. 0. 4
, and the production enterprises should prepare special tank cars by themselves, and set them up according to the principle of delivery by the supplier enterprises.
7.0.5 When enterprises have liquid or gaseous chemical materials that need to be frequently picked up from suppliers, and through technical and economic comparison, it is indeed unreasonable to use the car rental method, they can also set up their own railway tank cars.
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