GB/T 2693-2001 Fixed capacitors for electronic equipment Part 1: General specification
Some standard content:
GB/T 2693-2001
This standard is compiled based on the International Electrotechnical Commission IEC60384-1:1999 "Fixed capacitors for electronic equipment Part 1: General specification", and its technical indicators and writing format are equivalent to it. This standard is the second revision of GB/T2693-1990. The main revisions are as follows: "Classification of flame retardancy, flame retardancy and flame retardancy" is added to the terminology; "Subcontracting, capability approval procedure, rework and repair, manufacturers outside the NSI geographical area of IECQ and intermediate values within the approved range" are added to the quality assessment procedures;
Test and measurement procedures have added "Dielectric absorption, accelerated steady-state damp heat, flame retardancy, high surge current and voltage transient overload" and other test contents;
Added Appendix C and Appendix D.
This standard will replace GB/T2693-1990 from the date of implementation. Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C and Appendix D of this standard are the appendices of the standard. Appendix E and Appendix F of this standard are informative appendices. This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Information Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Resistor and Capacitor Components for Electronic Equipment. This standard was drafted by the China Electronics Technology Standardization Institute. The main drafter of this standard is Li Shuping.
This standard was first published in 1986 and revised for the first time in 1990. 106
IEC Foreword
1) IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is a world standardization organization composed of national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The purpose of IEC is to promote international cooperation on standardization issues in the field of electrical and electronic engineering. To this end, among other activities, IEC publishes international standards. The formulation of international standards is undertaken by technical committees. Any IEC National Committee concerned with the content involved may participate in the formulation of international standards. Any international, governmental and non-governmental organization with which IEC has relations may also participate in the formulation of international standards. IEC and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) maintain close cooperative relations based on conditions agreed upon between the two organizations. 2) IEC's formal resolutions or agreements on technical issues are made by technical committees with the participation of national committees with special concerns about these issues, and represent the international consensus on the issues involved as much as possible. 3) These resolutions or agreements are published in the form of standards, technical reports or guidelines, and are recommended for international use and, in this sense, recognized by the national committees.
4) In order to promote international unification, each IEC national committee has the responsibility to make its national and regional standards adopt IEC standards as much as possible. Any differences between IEC standards and corresponding national or regional standards should be indicated in the national or regional standards. 5) IEC has not established any procedures for the use of recognition marks. IEC is not responsible for claiming that a product conforms to the corresponding IEC standards. 6) Note that some parts of this standard may involve patent rights. IEC is not responsible for identifying any patent rights. International Standard IEC60384-1 was developed by IFC Technical Committee 40 (Capacitors and Resistors for Electronic Equipment). The third edition replaces the second edition (1982). The text of this standard is based on the following documents:
Final Draft International Standard
Voting Report
Voting Approval The detailed information of this standard can be found in the voting report listed in the table above. The QC number on the cover of this standard is the specification number of the IEC Electronic Components Quality Assessment System (IECQ). Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C and Appendix D are appendices to the standard. Appendix E and Appendix F are informative appendices.
1 General
1.1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment
Part 1: Generic specification
Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment-.Part 1:Generic specification This standard applies to fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment. GB/T 2693—2001
idt IEC 60384-1:1999
Replaces GB/T2693--1990
This standard specifies the standard terms, inspection procedures and test methods used in the sectional specifications and detailed specifications applicable to the quality assessment of electronic components. This standard may also be used for sectional specifications and detailed specifications for any other purpose. 1.2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. For IEC60068, the specified version is adopted. New versions and amendments published later are not adopted. GB/T2691-1994 Marking code for resistors and capacitors (idtIEC60062:1992) GB/T2471-1995 Priority coefficients for resistors and capacitors (idtIEC60063:1963. Including the first amendment (1967), the second amendment (1977))
GB5076-1985 Dimensional measurement of cylindrical capacitors with two axial leads (idtIEC60294:1969) IEC60027-1:1992 Text symbols for electrotechnical use Part 1: General IEC60050: International Electrotechnical Vocabulary
IEC60068-1:1988 Environmental testing Part 1: General principles and guidelines Amendment No. 1 (1992)
IEC60068-2-1:1990 Environmental testing Part 2 Part: Amendment No. 1 (1993)
Amendment No. 2 (1994)
Test Test A; Cold
IEC60068-2-2:1974 Environmental testing Part 2:————Test Test B: Dry heat
Amendment No. 1 (1993)
Amendment No. 2 (1994)
IEC60068-2-3:1 969 Environmental testing
Part 2:
First amendment (1984)
IEC60068-2-6:1995 Environmental testing
IEC60068-2-13:1983 Environmental testing
IEC60068-2-14:1984 Environmental testing
First amendment (1986)
IEC 60068-2-17:1994
Environmental testing
Part 2:
Part 2: 1
Test Ca: Steady-state damp heat
Test Fc: Vibration (sinusoidal)
Test M: Low air pressure
Part 2:—Tests
Part 2:
Test N: Temperature variation
Test Q: Sealing
National Quality Standards of the People's Republic of China Approved by the General Administration of Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on November 2, 2001 108
Implementation on May 1, 2002
IEC60068-2-20:1979 Environmental testing
Amendment No. 2 (1987)
Part 2:——Tests
Test T: Welding
Test U: Strength of terminals and integral mounting parts Part 2 :——-Test
IEC60068-2-21:1983 Environmental testing
Amendment No. 2 (1991)
Amendment No. 3 (1992)
IEC60068-2-27:1987 Environmental testing Part 2:--Test Test Ea and guidance: Impact IEC60068-2-29:1987 Environmental testing Part 2:--Test Test Eb and guidance: Collision Part 2 Division: - Test Db and guidance: Cyclic damp heat (12h + ten 12h1EC60068-2-30: 1980 Environmental testing
No. 1 Amendment (1985)
IEC60068-2-45: 1980 Environmental testing Part 2: - Test XA and guidance: Immersion in cleaning agents First Amendment (1993)
IEC60068-2-47:1982 Environmental testing Part 2: Requirements and guidelines for the installation of components, equipment and other products in mechanical tests such as shock (Ea), collision (Eb), vibration (Fc and Fd) and constant acceleration (Ga) Environmental testing Part 2 Test: Test 1
IEC 60068-2-58:1989E
Resistance to soldering heat of mounted components (SMD)
-Td: Solderability, resistance to solvents and surface of metallization IEC60249-2-4:1987 Base materials for printed circuits Part 2: Sectional specification I - Part 4: General purpose epoxy glass fiber copper clad laminates
IEC60410:1973 Sampling plans and procedures for inspection by attributes IEC60469-1:1987 Pulse technology and instrumentation - Part 1 Pulse terms and definitions IEC60469-2:1987 Pulse technology and instrumentation - Part 2 Pulse measurement and analysis IEC60617 Graphical symbols for electrical diagrams
General conditions
IEC60695-2-2:1991 Fire hazard tests - Part 2 Test methods - Chapter 2: Needle flame test Amendment No. 1 (1994)|| tt||IEC60717:1981 Method for determining the space required for capacitors and resistors with unidirectional terminals IEC61760-1:1998 Surface mounting technology - Part 1 Standard method for specification of surface mount components IECQC001002-3:1998 Rules of procedure for the quality assessment system (IECQ) for electronic components - Part 3 Approval procedure IECQC001003 Guidance documents
1ECQC001005 Register of manufacturers, products and services approved under the IECQ system (including ISO) 9000) IS() 1000:1992 Recommendations for the application of SI units, their multiples and some other units ISO9000 quality management system
2 Technical information
2.1 Units and symbols
Units, graphic symbols and text symbols should be selected from the following standards as far as possible. IEC 60027.IEC 60050.IEC60617.ISO 1000, if more detailed units, graphic symbols and text symbols are required, shall be derived according to the principles of the above documents. 2.2 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions.
2.2.1 Type type
A group of capacitors with similar design features and manufacturing processes that can be combined together for identification approval or quality conformity inspection.
These capacitors are usually summarized by a single detailed specification. 109
GB/T 2693—2001
Note: In some cases, capacitors specified in several detailed specifications can be considered to belong to the same type. 2.2.2 Style
A certain type of capacitor is usually subdivided according to size factors. A style can include several specifications, usually mechanical. 2.2.3 Grade
A term indicating additional general characteristics for the intended use. The term "grade" can only be used in combination with one or more words (such as long life grade), and cannot be expressed by letters or numbers alone. 2.2.4 Family (of electronic components) A group of electronic components that prominently indicate a specific physical characteristic and/or perform a specified function. 2.2.5 Sub family (of electronic components) A group of electronic components manufactured by similar process methods within a certain category. 2.2.6 DC capacitor dccapacitor A capacitor designed primarily for DC voltage. Note: DC capacitors are not suitable for AC power supply. 2.2.7 Polar capacitor (for electrolytic capacitors) Polar capacitor (for electrolytic capacitors) A capacitor connected according to the polarity indication voltage when used. 2.2.8 Bipolar capacitor (for electrolytic capacitors) Bipolar capacitor (for electrolytic capacitors) An electrolytic capacitor designed to withstand AC voltage and/or the direction of the applied DC voltage can be changed. 2.2.9 AC capacitor accapacitor A capacitor designed primarily for AC voltage. 2.2.10 Pulse capacitor A capacitor used for pulse current or pulse voltage. Note: The definitions of IEC60469-1 and IEC60469-2 are adopted. 2.2.11 Nominal capacitance (Cr) Rated capacitance (Ck) The capacitance value determined by the capacitor design and usually marked on the capacitor. 2.2.12 Category temperature range The ambient temperature range in which the capacitor can work continuously is determined by the capacitor design. Here it is given in terms of lower category temperature and upper category temperature. 2.2.13 Lower category temperature The lowest ambient temperature in which the capacitor can work continuously is determined by the capacitor design. 2.2.14 Upper category temperature The highest ambient temperature in which the capacitor can work continuously is determined by the capacitor design. 2.2.15 Rated temperature The highest ambient temperature in which the rated voltage can be applied continuously. 2.2.16 Rated voltage (dc) (Ur) The peak value of the maximum DC voltage or pulse voltage that can be applied continuously to the capacitor at any temperature between the lower category temperature and the rated temperature.
2.2.17 Category voltage (Ue) Category voltage (Ue) The highest voltage that can be continuously applied to the capacitor at the upper category temperature. 2.2.18 Temperature derated voltage The highest voltage that can be continuously applied to the capacitor at any temperature between the rated temperature and the upper category temperature. Note: If applicable, the voltage temperature curve between the rated temperature and the upper category temperature should be given in the relevant specifications. 2.2.19 Surge voltage ratio The ratio of the highest instantaneous voltage that can be applied to the capacitor terminals within a specified time at any temperature within the category temperature range to the rated voltage or the temperature derated voltage (as applicable). 110
GB/T 2693-—2001
Note: The number of times this voltage can be applied per hour should be specified. 2.2.20 Rated ripple voltage The maximum allowable AC voltage RMS value of a specified frequency superimposed on the DC voltage, at which the capacitor can work continuously at a specified temperature.
Note: The sum of the peak values of the DC voltage and AC voltage applied to the capacitor shall not exceed the rated voltage or the applicable temperature derating voltage. 2.2.21 Reverse voltage (for polar capacitors only) Reverse voltage (for polar capacitors only) Voltage applied to the capacitor terminals in the opposite direction of polarity. 2.2.22 Rated ripple current Rated ripple current The effective value of the maximum allowable AC current of a specified frequency, at which the capacitor can operate continuously at a specified temperature. 2.2.23 Time constant
The product of insulation resistance and capacitance, usually expressed in seconds. 2.2.24 Tangent of loss angle (tan) The power loss of the capacitor divided by the reactive power of the capacitor under a sinusoidal voltage of a specified frequency. 2.2.25 Sulf-healing
After a partial breakdown of the dielectric of the capacitor, the electrical characteristics of the capacitor quickly and substantially recover to the values before the breakdown. 2.2.26 maximum temperature of a capacitor the temperature of the hottest point on the outer surface of a capacitor.
Note: The terminals of a capacitor are considered to be part of the outer surface. 2.2.27 maximum temperature of a capacitor the temperature of the coldest point on the outer surface of a capacitor.
Note: The terminals of a capacitor are considered to be part of the outer surface. 2.2.28 Minimum storage temperature minimum storage temperature The lowest permissible ambient temperature that a capacitor can withstand without damage in a non-operating state. 2.2.29 Maximum storage temperature maximum storage temperature The maximum storage temperature is equal to the upper classification temperature of the capacitor. 2.2.30 Variation of capacitance with temperature Variation of capacitance with temperature can be expressed by capacitance temperature characteristic or capacitance temperature coefficient. 2.2.37 Temperature characteristic of capacitance The capacitance temperature characteristic is the maximum reversible change in capacitance that occurs within a given temperature range that does not exceed the classification temperature range. Generally, this change is expressed as a percentage of the capacitance at 20°C. Note: This term is mainly applicable to capacitors whose capacitance varies linearly and nonlinearly with temperature and cannot be accurately and definitely expressed. 2.2.32 Temperature coefficient of capacitance (α) The rate of change of capacitance with temperature measured within a specified temperature range. Usually expressed as 10-6/°C. Note: This term is mainly applicable to capacitors whose capacitance varies linearly and nonlinearly with temperature and cannot be accurately and definitely expressed. 2.2.33 Temperature cyclic drift of capacitance The maximum irreversible change in capacitance observed at room temperature during or after a specified number of temperature cycles. This irreversible change is usually expressed as a percentage of the capacitance related to the reference temperature, which is usually 20°C. NOTES 1 This term is mainly applicable to capacitors whose capacitance varies linearly and nonlinearly with temperature and cannot be accurately and accurately expressed. 2 The measurement conditions during and after the temperature cycle, the method of temperature cycling and the number of cycles should be specified. 2.2.34 Visible damage Visible damage that reduces the usability of the capacitor for its intended use. 2.2.35 Rated ac load The rated ac load is the maximum sinusoidal ac load that can be applied continuously to the terminals of the capacitor at any temperature between the lower category temperature and the rated temperature (see 2.2.15). It can be expressed as: a) rated AC voltage at low frequency;
b) rated AC current at high frequency;
c) rated reactive power at medium frequency.
This can be expressed in Figure 1:
Reactive power limit value
Figure 1 Relationship between reactive power and frequency
1For specific types of capacitors, it may be necessary to specify one or more of the above characteristics. Electricity
2Capacitors within the scope of this specification usually have a frequency of 50Hz~60Hz and a reactive power of less than 500var. Low frequency can be 50Hz~60Hz, 100Hz~120Hz or 400Hz. The voltage can reach 600V effective value at 50Hz~60Hz. However, for capacitors used in filter, transmitter or converter circuits, they can work under power supplies with a wide frequency range. At high frequencies and voltages up to 1000V effective value, the reactive power can reach 10kvar. 2.2.36 Rated pulse load Rated pulse load is the maximum pulse load that can be applied to the capacitor terminals at a certain pulse repetition frequency at any temperature between the lower category temperature and the rated temperature (see 2.2.15). It can be expressed in terms of a) and b) and any other item: a) peak pulse current per microfarad or du/dt (V/ms); b) relative duration of the charge and discharge cycle; c) current;
d) voltage peak value:
e) reverse voltage peak value;
f) pulse repetition frequency (see Note 1);
g) maximum active power.
For periodic pulses, these parameters are fixed. NOTE
For intermittent pulses, the duty factor should be specified. For random pulses, the total number of pulses expected in a given period should be specified. The effective value of the pulse current should be calculated according to of IEC 60469-1:1987. The choice of the time interval of intermittent or random pulses should correspond to the maximum temperature rise.
2.2.37 Pulse equivalent'circuit of a capacitor The pulse equivalent circuit of a capacitor consists of an ideal capacitor in series with residual inductance and equivalent series resistance (ESR). Note: For pulse operation, the equivalent series resistance is similar to but not equal to the equivalent series resistance measured with a sinusoidal voltage. The pulse equivalent series resistance should take into account the series of harmonics and losses in the pulse that vary with frequency. 2. 2.38 Temperature rise
The increase in the temperature of the capacitor relative to the ambient temperature caused by the losses of the capacitor when the capacitor operates under AC or pulse conditions.
2.2.39 Insulated capacitor Insulated capacitor refers to a capacitor whose potential difference may rise to a certain potential difference (but not less than the rated voltage) between all the lead terminals of the capacitor core and any conductive surface on the capacitor shell that is easily accessible during normal use. 2.2.40 Uninsulated capacitor Uninsulated capacitor refers to a capacitor whose potential difference may not rise to a certain potential difference (but not less than the rated voltage) between one or more lead terminals of the capacitor core and any conductive surface on the capacitor shell that is easily accessible during normal use. 2.2.41 Surface mount capacitor Surface mount capacitor A fixed capacitor with small size and various lead terminal forms suitable for use in hybrid circuits and printed circuit boards. 2.2.42 Passive flammability The ability of a component to withstand combustion caused by an external heat source (such as a flame). 2.2.43 Active flammability Combustion caused by a heat source within the component (self-ignition) (such as sparks caused by improper internal connections). 2.2.44 Category of passive flammability Category of passive flammability Flammability should be classified according to the longest burning time after the flame is applied for a specified time. 2.3 Priority values
2.3.1 Overview
Each sectional specification shall specify the priority values applicable to the sectional category, and the provisions of 2.3.2 shall apply to the nominal capacitance. 2.3.2 Preferred values for nominal capacitance
The preferred values for nominal capacitance shall be selected from the number system specified in GB/T 2471. 2.4 Marking
2.4.1 Overview
The sectional specification shall specify the criteria or other content of the marking required to be marked on the capacitor and (or) packaging. The priority order of marking on small capacitors shall be specified. 2.4.2 Code
When the value of capacitance, allowable deviation or manufacturing date is coded, the method should be selected from GB/T2691. 3 Quality assessment procedure
3.1 Overview
When this standard and any related standard use a complete quality assessment system, such as the International Electrotechnical Commission Electronic Component Quality Assessment System (IECQ), the requirements of 3.5 or 3.6 should be met. When these standard documents are used for areas that do not fall within the scope of the above quality assessment system, such as design verification or type testing, the procedures and requirements of 3.5.1 and 3.5.3b) can be used. However, each test and each part of the test should be carried out in the frequency sequence given in the test list. Before the capacitor is confirmed to comply with the procedures of these clauses, the manufacturer shall obtain approval in accordance with the provisions of IECQC001002-3. The following two methods can be used for the quality assessment and approval of capacitors: a) Approval according to Chapter 3 of IECQC001002-3:1998; b) Capacity approval according to Chapter 4 of IECQC001002-3:1998. For each sub-category of capacitors, the appraisal approval and capacity approval must have independent sub-specifications, and the capacity approval can only be used when the relevant sub-specifications have been promulgated.
3.1.1 Scope of application of qualification approval
Qualification approval applies to capacitors of a standard range manufactured with similar design and process in the same detailed specification. According to 3.5 and relevant sectional specifications, the test procedures specified in the detailed specification for the corresponding quality assessment level and performance level are directly applicable to the capacitors being qualified.
3.1.2 Scope of application of capability approval
Capability approval applies to capacitors manufactured with the same process based on the same design specification. Capability approval is particularly applicable to capacitors manufactured according to the special requirements of users.
Capability approval detailed specifications are divided into the following three categories: GB/T 2693--2001 Detailed specification of capability approved components (CQC) (including test equipment for process confirmation) A detailed specification shall be prepared for each capability approved component approved by the National Supervision and Inspection Agency (NSI). The detailed specification shall specify the purpose of the capability approved component and include all relevant test severity levels and scopes. Standard catalogue components
When the manufacturer requires capacitors to be approved according to the capability approval procedure and listed in the approved IECQ registered catalogue, a capability approval detailed specification consistent with the blank detail specification shall be prepared. This specification shall be registered by IECQ and the capacitors shall be listed in IECQC001005 approved according to the IECQ system (including IS09000). The content of the customized special component
detailed specification (generally called customized detail specification (CDS)) shall be negotiated between the manufacturer and the user in accordance with 4.4.3 of IECQC001002-3:1998. The more detailed content of the
detailed specification is given by the relevant sub-specification. Capability approval is the approval of the manufacturing facility based on the confirmation of the design specifications, process and quality control procedures, and the test results of the capability approved components, including all process confirmation test equipment. For details, see 3.6 and relevant sub-specifications. 3.2 Initial manufacturing stage
The initial manufacturing stage shall be specified in the sectional specification. 3.3 Subcontracting
Where subcontracting is used in the initial manufacturing stage and/or in subsequent stages, it shall comply with the provisions of 4.2.2 of IECQC001002:1998-3. The sectional specification may restrict subcontracting in accordance with the requirements of of IECQC001002-3:1998. 3.4 Structurally similar components
For the quality consistency test of identification approval, or identification approval and capability approval, the grouping of structurally similar components shall be specified in the relevant sectional specification.
3.5 Identification approval procedure
3.5.1 Qualification for identification approval
The manufacturer shall comply with the requirements of 3.1.1 of IECQC001002-3:1998. 3.5.2 Application for Qualification Approval
The manufacturer shall comply with the requirements of 3.1.3 of IECQC001002-3:1998. 3.5.3 Qualification Approval Test Procedure
One of the following two procedures shall be used: a) The manufacturer shall carry out batch inspection of three batches and periodic inspection of one batch in the shortest possible time to confirm compliance with the specification requirements. During the sampling of the inspection batches, there shall be no significant changes in the manufacturing process. The sample units shall be drawn from the batch in accordance with IEC60410 (see Annex A). The capacitance range and voltage range for which the qualification approval is granted shall be determined according to the sampling procedure specified in the sectional specification used at the time of sampling. Normal inspection shall be used, but when the sample is too small to be accepted as zero nonconforming products, the sample units shall be increased to meet the sample size required for acceptance as one nonconforming product. b) The manufacturer shall test according to the fixed sample size test schedule given in the sectional specification to confirm compliance with the specification requirements. The sample units constituting the sample shall be randomly selected from the products currently in production or in a manner approved by the NSI. For the above two procedures, the sample size and the number of nonconforming products allowed shall match. The test conditions and requirements shall be the same. 3.5.4 Grant of Qualification Approval
Qualification approval shall be granted after the procedures in 3.1.4 of IECQC001002-3:1998 have been satisfactorily completed. 3.5.5 Maintenance of Qualification Approval
Qualification approval shall be maintained by routine tests that meet the quality consistency requirements (see 3.5.6). 3.5.6 Quality Conformity Inspection
GB/T 2693-2001
The blank detail specification attached to the section specification shall specify a list of tests for quality conformity inspection. This list shall specify the grouping, sampling and periodicity of batch-by-batch inspection and periodic inspection. Except for durability, the simplified conversion rules for group C inspection are allowed in all groups of group C inspection. The sampling plan and inspection level specified in IEC60410 shall be selected. If necessary, multiple lists may be specified.
3.6 Capability Approval Procedure
3.6.1 Overview
The technology for capability approval of fixed capacitors includes: - Complete design, material preparation and manufacturing technology (including control procedures and inspections): - The performance range declared for the process and product, that is, the performance range declared for the capability qualification components (CQC) and process control parameters (PCP);
- The scope of the mechanical structure for which approval is granted.
3.6.2 Qualification for capability approval
The manufacturer shall comply with the requirements of 4.2.1 of IECQC001002-3:1998. 3.6.3 Application for capability approval
The manufacturer shall comply with the requirements of 4.2.4 and relevant sub-specifications of IECQC001002-3:1998. 3.6.4 Capability Description
The capability shall be described in a capability manual prepared in accordance with 4.2.5 of IECQC001002-3:1998. The relevant sub-specifications shall specify the following details:
The manufacturer shall prepare a manual to the satisfaction of the NSI in accordance with Appendix D and use sub-specifications to supplement the description of the relevant technical capabilities. The manual shall include the following or at least the following: a general introduction and description of the technology involved; all aspects of contact with users, including the preparation of design specifications (if applicable), helping users to format their requirements, and a detailed description of the design rules to be adopted; a procedure for checking whether the design rules for manufacturing capacitors comply with the relevant manufacturing methods specified in the detailed specifications; a list of all materials used, including listing the corresponding procurement specifications and incoming material inspection specifications; and a full process flow chart. Quality control points and rework procedures shall be noted, and all process and quality control procedure documents shall also be included.
--Application for process approval according to sub-specifications;--Application for scope of approval according to the requirements of relevant sub-specifications;--List of CQCs used to assess capability, including an overview of each CQC and related supporting materials;--Detailed tables indicating the declared scope of capability as confirmed by a specific CQC design; Detailed specifications for each CQC;
Detailed control plan, including PCP (process control parameters) used in process control, general description of each PCP, and the relationship between the given PCP and the characteristics and performance of the finished capacitor; Guidelines for the use of structural similarity in the sampling process for quality consistency inspection; NSI should treat the capability manual as a confidential document, and the manufacturer may disclose part or all of the contents of the manual to a third party if it wishes. 3.6.5 Capability verification and validation
The manufacturer shall verify its capability in accordance with the following rules to verify whether it complies with the provisions of 4.2.6 and relevant sub-specifications of IECQC001002-3:1998: CQC used to verify capability
The process control parameters and capability approval components required to verify the capability range specified in the capability manual shall be determined by negotiation between the manufacturer and NS1.
GB/T 2693-2001
The negotiated CQC range shall be verified by testing. The CQC shall be designed, manufactured and its process parameters shall be controlled in accordance with the capability manual. The CQC shall meet the following requirements:
a) The CQC range used shall represent the full range of the applied capability. The selected CQC should be able to verify the various scope combinations that are available; b) The CQC should be one of the following:
- A capacitor specially designed to verify the scope of capability combination, a capacitor designed for general products;
- A combination of the above two situations, but the requirements of a) should be met. For CQCs specially designed and manufactured for capability approval, the manufacturer should use the same design specifications, the same materials and manufacturing processes as the released products.
Each CQC should develop a detailed specification, and the format should comply with the provisions of Appendix C. The detailed specification should state the purpose of the CQC and should include all relevant severities and test scopes. It may reference internal control documents that specify production test and record requirements to verify the control and maintenance of processes and capability specifications. Scope of capability
The scope of capability should be specified in the relevant sub-specifications. 3.6.6 Capability Approval Procedure
The manufacturer shall establish a procedure for assessing the capabilities applied for. The procedure shall be designed so that each scope of the application is verified by a corresponding CQC. The procedure shall include the following: a histogram or other chart showing the proposed timetable for each approval work, details of all CQCs to be used and their corresponding detailed specifications; a chart showing the characteristics confirmed by each CQC; and a control scheme adopted for process control. An overview of capability approval is shown in Figure 2.
Electrical equipment diagram
Select process control parameters
Develop control scheme
Start process control
Process control
Initial capability approval
Scope verification
Select capability adjustment components
Develop detailed specifications for capability adjustment components
Develop capability assessment component testing procedures
Batch inspection
Capability approval Overall process
3.6.7 Capability Approval Test Report
The report shall meet the requirements specified in Appendix D of this standard and shall include the following contents: Capability Manual Version Number and Date;
Procedure for capability approval according to 3.6.6;
- All test results obtained during the execution of the procedure;-- Test methods adopted;
- Report on measures taken in case of failure (see The report shall be signed by the designated management representative (DMR) as a true proof of the results obtained and submitted to the national authority designated by the country for capability approval.
3.6.8 Capability Description Summary
After capability approval is granted, the summary will be compiled into the official IECQC001005. The summary shall include a brief description of the manufacturer's capabilities and give sufficient information about the technical requirements and product structure of the approved manufacturer.
3.6.9 Changes that may affect the capability approval
Any changes that may affect the capability approval shall meet the requirements of 4.2.11 of IECQC001002-3:1998. 3.6.10 Initial capability approval
Conditions for granting approval:
-The scope selected by CQC meets the assessment requirements of CQC detailed specifications, and non-conforming items are not allowed;-The control plan has been fully implemented in the process control system. Failure handling procedures
See 4.2.10 of IECQC001002-3:1998 and the following details: When the sample unit does not meet the test requirements, the manufacturer shall notify NSI and clearly take one of the measures specified in a) and b) below: a) Modify the scope of the applied capability; b) Study the cause of the failure to determine which of the following reasons it belongs to: - Failure of the test itself. Such as failure of the test equipment or operating error; design failure or process failure.
If the cause of failure is determined to be a failure of the test itself, then either the sample unit is considered to have failed, or after taking necessary corrective actions. The tests in the test schedule are repeated with a new sample unit (as applicable). The sample unit shall be subjected to all tests in the order given in the test schedule used for the failed sample unit. If the cause of failure is determined to be a design failure or a process failure, a test program shall be implemented to verify that the cause of failure has been eliminated and all corrective actions have been implemented, including paperwork. After the corrective actions have been taken, the test program in which the failure occurred is repeated with a new CQC. After the manufacturer has completed all the above activities, it shall report to the NSI and attach a copy of the capability approval test report (see 3.6.7). General Scheme for Selecting PCP and CQC Each manufacturer shall prepare a process flow chart based on the examples given in the relevant section specifications. For all the process steps included in the process flow chart, the manufacturer shall specify the corresponding control requirements.
The manufacturer shall indicate the control points according to the examples given in the relevant section specifications. Process Control Test Plan
The test plan shall form part of the process control system adopted by the manufacturer. When statistical process control (SPC) is used, it shall be implemented in accordance with the basic requirements of SPC, which means that SPC is mandatory at the process nodes. For each process step that requires the use of production equipment, the manufacturer shall control it at the specified intervals and compare the control parameters read with the control parameters and implementation ranges specified by the manufacturer. CQC Verification Capability Test Plan
The CQC test plan for verification capability shall be specified in the relevant sectional specifications. 117
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