title>JB/T 9114-1999 Rotary flatbed letterpress printing press - JB/T 9114-1999 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 9114-1999 Rotary flatbed letterpress printing press

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 9114-1999

Standard Name: Rotary flatbed letterpress printing press

Chinese Name: 圆压平凸版印刷机

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1999-07-12

Date of Implementation:2000-01-01

Date of Expiration:2008-01-23

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Imaging technology>>Printing technology>>37.100.10 Printing and copying equipment

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery and Equipment>>J87 Printing Machinery

associated standards

alternative situation:The product has been withdrawn from the market and the main technologies involved have been eliminated.

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:National Printing Machinery Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:National Printing Machinery Standardization Technical Committee

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 9114-1999 This standard is a revision of ZB J87 008-88 "Rotary Flatbed Letterpress". During the revision, technical content and editorial changes were made in accordance with relevant regulations. This standard specifies the types and basic parameters, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, storage and transportation of rotary letterpress printing presses. This standard is applicable to single-turn, double-turn and stop-turn letterpress printing presses. This standard was first issued on May 19, 19838 as JB 1123-83 and JB 1438-83, and was first revised and merged into ZB J87 008-88 on June 12, 1988. JB/T 9114-1999 Rotary Flatbed Letterpress JB/T9114-1999 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

ICs 37, 100. t0
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Flat-bed cylinder relief printing press
Flat-bed cylinder relief printing press1999-07-12 Issued
State Machinery Industry Bureau
2000-01-01 Implementation
This standard is a revision of ZB187008-88 flat-bed cylinder relief printing press. Compared with ZB187008-B8, the following technical contents have been changed: Safety requirements have been added.
“Registration error” Evaluation of paper feed accuracy and density: This standard replaces ZBJ87008-88 from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed and managed by the National Printing Machinery Standardization Technical Committee. Drafting units of this standard: Beijing Printing Machinery Research Institute, Harbin Printing Machinery Factory; The person who drafted this standard: Zhao Qi. :
1 Scope
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Flat-bed cylinder relief printing press
Flat-bed cylinder relief printing press JB/T9114-1999
No. 2R J4 438 - XX
This standard specifies the type and basic requirements, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, storage and transportation of flat plate printing presses.
This standard is applicable to one country's rotary and one country's stop-and-go rotary relief printing presses (hereinafter referred to as printing presses). 1 Cited standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard by being cited in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are all valid. All standards will be revised. The parties using this standard should consider the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards: GH E911590 ||tt || |tt||GB/T14436—1993
JB/T 5434-1991
JB/T 6530 -1992
QB/T 3594 : 1999
3 Types and basic parameters
3.1 Types are divided into the following types: a) Automatic continuous type; b) Paper continuous type. 3.2 Basic parameters
See Table 1 for the basic parameters.
Packing, storage and transportation, display signs
Transportation, packaging, receipt and delivery signs
Part 1: General technical conditions for industrial products, user manuals, general provisions
Coated paper
General technical conditions for product packaging
General provisions for product guarantee documents
Sheet-fed offset printing plate
Printing machine production model compilation method
Smart printing color oil plastic
Approved by the State Bureau of Machinery Industry on July 12, 1999, implemented on January 1, 2000
Shrimp format
Maximum instant speed and
Automatic line
Hand frequency paper type
! Number
187-! (9
a2 50Kh
1: Rotation speed less than 4200 times
3.3 The product model and name shall comply with the provisions of BT6530, 4 Technical requirements
Basic data
=53 DOD
(393546 )
4.1 Printing and fusing machines shall be manufactured in accordance with the provisions of this standard and in accordance with the drawings and technical documents approved by the regulations. 4
4.2 Automatic paper type dynamic brush machine shall ensure paper feeding, printing and maintenance automatic reverse or complete. The total rate of paper feeding interruption, paper jam, paper tearing, random sheets, etc. during the operation is not more than 0.5%, and the total rate of paper feeding failure such as paper jam, paper tearing, etc. in the workroom of the hand-twisted paper printing machine is not more than 0.5%.
4.3 When the dynamic paper printing machine has a low feed rate during the printing process, it should be able to automatically detect and send a stop signal. And automatically stop or automatically eliminate
d.4 Sheet thickness: U.04.0.60mm (26-350gm2)4.5 Comprehensive quality plate
a) For the printing press with the paper size of the automatic paper feeding type not more than 640mm×90mm, the paper feeding accuracy shall not be less than 0.10mm-F96%:
1 For the printing press with the paper size of the automatic paper feeding type not more than 640mm*0mm, the paper feeding accuracy shall not be less than 0.033mm:. ) The printing force is uniform and the difference is not more than 12%. The printing force is stable and the error is not greater than 0. The printed product has no obvious emerald green. 4.6 Idle operation performance
4.6.1 The machine runs smoothly, the transmission belt and all moving parts move accurately and coordinately, and there is no accidental movement: 4.6.2 The lubrication system works reliably, and the printing machine with oil storage has no leakage. 4.6.3 The full protection device should be reliable. 4.6.4 The temperature rise shall not be higher than 35.
4,7 Electrical quality
4.7! The wiring of the electrical system shall be neat, and all kinds of markings shall be complete, arranged in order, and the joints shall be in good working order. 4.7.2 The electrical system shall work normally and reliably. 4.7.3 All bare phosphorus parts of electrical equipment and machinery shall be connected to the protective grounding circuit: 4, 7, 4. The absolute voltage between the power circuit conductor and the protective grounding circuit shall not be less than 1M1. 4.7.5 All load-carrying and protective grounding circuits of electrical equipment shall be subjected to a withstand voltage test for at least 1s. The outer circuit of the low-voltage PLV electric music
4.8 Machine safety
4.8.1 All the outer shells that cannot be reached by people shall be net corners or combs: remove the leftovers. 8.2 The wheels, chains, etc. installed outside the wall panels of the machine shall be clean and have protective nets. 4.8.3 The control device shall be interlocked with the safety protection device. 4.8.4 For belt machines operated at low power, their flow control systems shall have the following devices: 4.9 The operating pressure shall be stable and reliable.
4.10 The noise level of the machine shall be less than 85 (
4.11 Appearance quality
4.11.1 The exposed surface shall not have defects such as scratches, rust, etc. 4.11.2 The plating of the outer steel parts shall be smooth, without any pores, sags, or local plating defects. 4.11.3 The oxide film of the outer ring parts shall be uniform and dense, with the same color, and shall not have defects such as unoxidized spots. 4.11.4 The exposed surface shall not have defects such as pores, sags, or depressions that damage the appearance. 4.11.5 The deep layer of the parts shall be smooth. The whole, color, and gloss must be uniform and consistent. If the painting method is used, the pattern must be uniform, the film must be plump, the particles must be clearly prominent, and there must be no adhesion. The paint joints are not allowed to have defects such as slag and bubbles. 4.11.6 The circuits and the runways should be arranged in a non-sequential manner. 5. Test methods
5.1 Idle operation test
During idle operation, the test shall be conducted in a state of idling and without paper feeding: 5.1.1 The printing press shall be subjected to an idle operation test for not less than 2 hours, and the machine shall be operated at a high altitude for not less than 30 minutes. The machine status shall be checked and shall comply with the provisions of 4.6.1-4.6.3.
5.1.2 After the idle operation test, the temperature shall be measured by a temperature meter to identify the bearing and calculate the temperature rise. It shall comply with the provisions of 4.6.4. 5.2 Electrical quality inspection
5.2.1 Cut off the power supply and conduct the electrical system according to the provisions of 4.7.1. 5.2.2 Repeatedly start and stop to check its The accuracy and stability of operation, the printer with speed regulation function shall be operated at the highest and lowest speeds within the specified range for less than 5 times, and the stability of the speed increase and decrease machine shall be checked according to the provisions of 4.7.2. 5.2.3 According to the reduced inspection method of 30.2 in GB/T5226.1-1996, the continuity of the grounding circuit shall comply with the provisions of 4.7.3. 5.2.4 According to the inspection method of 20.3 in GB/T5226.1-1996, the insulation resistance inspection shall comply with the provisions of 4.74. 5.2.5 According to the test method of 20.4 in GB/T5226.1-1996, the withstand voltage test shall comply with the provisions of 4.7.5. 5.3 Transmission test
5.3.1 Full-speed feed test
When the press is closed but not printing, use special paper or plate with a maximum sheet width of 90-120g/m2 with the specified maximum sheet width of the press, feed the paper under the rated printing seat of the printing press for not less than 100 sheets at a speed not less than 50% of the maximum printing speed of the printing press. The paper thickness shall be the limit value specified by the press, and the ... Test conditions
a] The printing environment temperature is (20±2), and the relative humidity is (60±5)%. b) Coated paper or offset paper with a printing pressure line of 90~120 μm: The paper requirements should meet the requirements of 0BT10335: The front side of the report is the maximum paper width of the printing machine.
c] The printing plate is a plate that meets the rated printing width of the printing machine. The printing plate used for the paper feeding accuracy test should refer to the requirements of [B434-1991]. The plate used for the printing force uniformity and pressure stability test is arranged according to Figure 1. There are a total of 20mm×5mm short solid printing test strips and 45~30 lines/m dots on the plate, occupying more than 60% of the dot area S, Sd printing ink flushing lead printing color oil rate medium and large! Ink stagnation, the ink should comply with the provisions of QB line 359-4, Figure
5.4.1 Comprehensive quality test
5..1.1 Overprint test of paper feeding stability of dynamic paper feeding printing machine (day) refer to JB door 5434-199! The format specified in Appendix A is printed with the first plate at the rated speed of the printing press. Then the paper printed for the first time is put on the stacking table again in the order of the first printing and the second plate is replaced at the rejection position of the printing press. The conditions remain unchanged and the second printing is carried out. 75 consecutive samples are randomly selected from the 300 samples. b) If the conditions specified in 5.4.1a) are not met, the test can be carried out at the rated speed of 80% of the printing press. Overprint inspection and calculation of paper beating and paper transfer precision a) Overprint and box density inspection and overprint, paper transfer density calculation should be based on the provisions of A2.3 of B5434-1991. The test should select the smallest one according to the provisions of and the overprint value formula ([) to calculate the overprint precision. When the maximum value of the error is +\, the minimum value is -3# and all are eliminated. After the measurement, recalculate the standard deviation until it cannot be eliminated. The average value is expressed by the code of each product index, that is, the paper feeding precision of the printing machine is the maximum value of the corresponding sample egg precision, and the result should meet the requirements of 4.5b:
4 overprint line margin accuracy, mm:
Sequence of the top of the color (=2, 3, ..·75
k overprint line position measurement point [Ka, b, c, (d) color number
b) verification and calculation of printing accuracy
Use a reading microscope with a graduation value of 0.01mm to measure the overprint test area a, h, c. () in the test of 5.4.21. The width between the cross lines is up to the limit value. According to the sample sheet, the accuracy of the set is the white fraction of this difference within the specified value of 4.5a). The accuracy of the printing machine is the maximum value of the corresponding sample printing accuracy. printing force uniformity and stability test. According to the form of the test plate specified in Figure 1, print once at the maximum printing speed 8 specified by the printing machine. Randomly sample 30 sheets from 100 samples, use a densitometer to check the uniformity and structure of the print force on each sample, check the color block density D of the rectangular solid test strip according to formula (2) to calculate the layer uniformity product: according to formula (3) to calculate the stability R of the printing machine! The printing force uniformity and stability are the minimum values ​​of uniformity and ink application stability of various small and medium-sized samples. The sales should meet the requirements of 1.5c. In the formula: Dw
Dm——the gradient value of the color block on the same sample: Dw
Dm——the density value of the color block on the same sample, E——the density value of the color block on the same sample: square
—sample order, (2-1, 2, 3-30)
test bar number (1, 2, 3..1
5.4.2 .4 Test and inspection standards: The sample screen area in the test, the result meets the requirements of 4.5d), Full-page solid printing test
Test with 50% of the printed quantity and high printing depth, the solid depth is above 1.0, check that the paper-gripping teeth are sufficient
5.5 Machine safety inspection
5.5.1 Test the machine's external light and transmission parts to meet the requirements of 4.8.1 and 4.82. 5.5.2 Self-contained printing machine changes to the provisions of 4.5.5. The machine should start, the paper collection table, the paper feeding table limit device, the automatic lifting device, and the tension control device should all respond sensitively. When these devices are activated by people, the machine should play a corresponding protective role. When the safety emergency stop button of the printing machine is touched, it should be able to stop, and the machine cannot run without manual assistance. 5.5.3 According to the provisions of 4.8.4, when the operation button is pressed repeatedly, the machine should not be able to start when the control is not reset. 5.6 The operating mechanism installed on the machine is repeatedly operated for more than 10 times, which should meet the requirements of 4.9. 5.7 Noise test
Run at the highest printing speed, use a common level meter A pressure meter to measure the noise of the machine part, the measurement point is 1.5m above the ground, four measurement points are 1m away from the meter, distributed on the symmetrical center line of the machine, and the maximum noise point is measured and the arithmetic mean of the five measurement points is the machine noise, which should meet the requirements of 4.10. 5.8 Appearance quality inspection
Visual inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 4.1-4.11.5 6 Inspection rules
6. 1 Delivery inspection
6.1.1 Each printing machine shall be inspected according to the provisions of 5.1:52, and 5.8. One printing machine shall be inspected according to the provisions of 5.4:5.7 for each printing machine.
6.1.2 For all inspection items, if a printing machine fails to meet the requirements in the inspection, it shall be deemed as an unqualified sample. If the printing machine fails to meet the requirements, the second printing machine shall be inspected in sequence for the item. If the second printing machine fails to meet the requirements, the whole batch of the printing machine shall be inspected. 6.1. Each printing machine shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer before it can be delivered. 6.2 Lift inspection
6.2 If there is any of the following conditions! , monitor and inspect the first machine or some machines in the first batch or some batches of production: a! Trial production and identification of new production stations or old products: b! After formal production, if there are major changes in materials, control and finishing; c) When the production is stopped for more than one year, the steel line will be inspected at least once a year: 6.2.2 Formal inspection will be carried out according to the provisions of this standard 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking
7.1.1 Each product shall have a label on the visible part, and its requirements shall comply with the provisions of GR/T13306, and its contents shall include: a) manufacturer name:
b) production number; bzxZ.net
() manufacturing date (or number) or production batch number. 7.I.2 Product packaging and shipping markings shall be selected correctly according to the relevant provisions of GB/T191. Products and packaging with obvious center of gravity away from the center shall be marked with "lift from here" and "center of gravity". 7.1.3 Transport packaging and shipping markings shall be in accordance with GB/ 10388 has US regulations 7.2 Temporary packaging
.2.1 Product packaging should comply with GBT13384. The machine should be wiped clean before packaging, and the exposed surface should be cleaned to prevent rust. 7.2.2 The printing machine packaging box should be covered with waterproof materials and securely fixed in the box. The accessory box and spare parts box should be fixed in the gap in the half box and clamped tightly. The box should meet the requirements of transportation and loading and unloading. 7. Each instant printing machine should be shipped with the following items:) Product certificate ||tt| |The number of product certificates should comply with the provisions of (14436); b1 product instructions
The general instructions for use of the product should comply with the provisions of GB 9964.1, c) packing list.
The product should be protected from the elements and free from restriction. When stored outdoors, the packaging box should be marked with a seal. If the validity period exceeds 2 days, the box should be checked before leaving the vehicle. If the product packaging is found to be out of date, it should be repacked. 4.
When transporting the product, it should be placed carefully according to the markings on the packaging to prevent collision:4. When transporting the product, please lift and place it carefully according to the markings on the packaging to prevent collision:4. When transporting the product, please lift and place it carefully according to the markings on the packaging to prevent collision:4. When transporting the product, please lift and place it carefully according to the markings on the packaging to prevent collision:4. When transporting the product, please lift and place it carefully according to the markings on the packaging to prevent collision:2 Paper adaptability test
Under the condition of the printing press with the pressure down and no printing, continuously feed not less than 100 sheets at a speed not less than 50% of the maximum printing speed of the printing press. The paper thickness is the limit value specified by the printing press, and the thickness is the loading value specified by the printing press. The paper thickness should meet the requirements of 4.4.
5.4 Printing test
5.4.! Test conditions
a) The printing environment temperature is (20±2) and the relative humidity is (60±5)%. b) Coated paper or offset paper with a printing pressure line of 90~120 μm: The paper requirements should meet the requirements of 0BT10335: The facing side of the paper is the maximum paper format specified by the printing press.
c] The printing plate shall meet the rated printing width of the printing press. The printing plate used for the paper feeding accuracy test shall refer to the provisions of [B 434-1991]. The plate used for the printing force uniformity and pressure stability test shall be arranged according to Figure 1. There are a total of 20mm×5mm short solid printing test strips and 45~30 lines/m dots on the plate, which occupy more than 60% of the plate area S. The ink for printing ink flushing is medium and large! The ink shall meet the requirements of QB 359-4. Figure
5.4.1 Comprehensive quality test
5.1.1 Overprint test of paper feeding stability of dynamic paper feeding printing machine (refer to JB 5434-1991) The format specified in Appendix A is printed with the first plate at the rated speed of the printing press. Then the paper printed for the first time is put on the stacking table again in the order of the first printing and the second plate is replaced at the rejection position of the printing press. The conditions remain unchanged and the second printing is carried out. 75 consecutive samples are randomly selected from the 300 samples. b) If the conditions specified in 5.4.1a) are not met, the test can be carried out at the rated speed of 80% of the printing press. Overprint inspection and calculation of paper beating and paper transfer precision a) Overprint and box density inspection and overprint, paper transfer density calculation should be based on the provisions of A2.3 of B5434-1991. The test should select the smallest one according to the provisions of and the overprint value formula ([) to calculate the overprint precision. When the maximum value of the error is +\, the minimum value is -3# and all are eliminated. After the measurement, recalculate the standard deviation until it cannot be eliminated. The average value is expressed by the code of each product index, that is, the paper feeding precision of the printing machine is the maximum value of the corresponding sample egg precision, and the result should meet the requirements of 4.5b:
4 overprint line margin accuracy, mm:
Sequence of the top of the color (=2, 3, ..·75
k overprint line position measurement point [Ka, b, c, (d) color number
b) verification and calculation of printing accuracy
Use a reading microscope with a graduation value of 0.01mm to measure the overprint test area a, h, c. () in the test of 5.4.21. The width between the cross lines is up to the limit value. According to the sample sheet, the accuracy of the set is the white fraction of this difference within the specified value of 4.5a). The accuracy of the printing machine is the maximum value of the corresponding sample printing accuracy. printing force uniformity and stability test. According to the form of the test plate specified in Figure 1, print once at the maximum printing speed 8 specified by the printing machine. Randomly sample 30 sheets from 100 samples, use a densitometer to check the uniformity and structure of the print force on each sample, check the color block density D of the rectangular solid test strip according to formula (2) to calculate the layer uniformity product: according to formula (3) to calculate the stability R of the printing machine! The printing force uniformity and stability are the minimum values ​​of uniformity and ink application stability of various small and medium-sized samples. The sales should meet the requirements of 1.5c. In the formula: Dw
Dm——the gradient value of the color block on the same sample: Dw
Dm——the density value of the color block on the same sample, E——the density value of the color block on the same sample: square
—sample order, (2-1, 2, 3-30)
test bar number (1, 2, 3..1
5.4.2 .4 Test and inspection standards: The sample screen area in the test, the result meets the requirements of 4.5d), Full-page solid printing test
Test with 50% of the printed quantity and high printing depth, the solid depth is above 1.0, check that the paper-gripping teeth are sufficient
5.5 Machine safety inspection
5.5.1 Test the machine's external light and transmission parts to meet the requirements of 4.8.1 and 4.82. 5.5.2 Self-contained printing machine changes to the provisions of 4.5.5. The machine should start, the paper collection table, the paper feeding table limit device, the automatic lifting device, and the tension control device should all respond sensitively. When these devices are activated by people, the machine should play a corresponding protective role. When the safety emergency stop button of the printing machine is touched, it should be able to stop, and the machine cannot run without manual assistance. 5.5.3 According to the provisions of 4.8.4, when the operation button is pressed repeatedly, the machine should not be able to start when the control is not reset. 5.6 The operating mechanism installed on the machine is repeatedly operated for more than 10 times, which should meet the requirements of 4.9. 5.7 Noise test
Run at the highest printing speed, use a common level meter A pressure meter to measure the noise of the machine part. The measuring points are 1.5m above the ground and 1m away from the meter. They are distributed on the symmetrical center line of the machine. Measure and patrol the largest noise points. The arithmetic mean of the 5 measuring points is the machine noise, which should meet the requirements of 4.10. 5.8 Appearance quality inspection
Visual inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 4.1-4.11.5 6 Inspection rules
6. 1 Delivery inspection
6.1.1 Each printing machine shall be inspected according to the provisions of 5.1:52, and 5.8. One printing machine shall be inspected according to the provisions of 5.4:5.7 for each printing machine.
6.1.2 For all inspection items, if a printing machine fails to meet the requirements in the inspection, it shall be deemed as an unqualified sample. If the printing machine fails to meet the requirements, the second printing machine shall be inspected in sequence for the item. If the second printing machine fails to meet the requirements, the whole batch of the printing machine shall be inspected. 6.1. Each printing machine shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer before it can be delivered. 6.2 Lift inspection
6.2 If there is any of the following conditions! , monitor and inspect the first machine or some machines in the first batch or some batches of production: a! Trial production and identification of new production stations or old products: b! After formal production, if there are major changes in materials, control and finishing; c! When the production is stopped for more than one year, the steel line will be inspected at least once a year: 6.2.2 Formal inspection will be carried out according to the provisions of this standard 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking
7.1.1 Each product shall have a label on the visible part, and its requirements shall comply with the provisions of GR/T13306, and its contents shall include: a) manufacturer name:
b) production number;
() manufacturing date (or number) or production batch number. 7.I.2 Product packaging and shipping markings shall be selected correctly according to the relevant provisions of GB/T191. Products and packaging with obvious center of gravity away from the center shall be marked with "lift from here" and "center of gravity". 7.1.3 Transport packaging and shipping markings shall be in accordance with GB/ 10388 has US regulations 7.2 Temporary packaging
.2.1 Product packaging should comply with GBT13384. The machine should be wiped clean before packaging, and the exposed surface should be cleaned to prevent rust. 7.2.2 The printing machine packaging box should be covered with waterproof materials and securely fixed in the box. The accessory box and spare parts box should be fixed in the gap in the half box and clamped tightly. The box should meet the requirements of transportation and loading and unloading. 7. Each instant printing machine should be shipped with the following items:) Product certificate ||tt| |The number of product certificates should comply with the provisions of (14436); b1 product instructions
The general instructions for use of the product should comply with the provisions of GB 9964.1, c) packing list.
The product should be protected from the elements and free from restriction. When stored outdoors, the packaging box should be marked with a seal. If the validity period exceeds 2 days, the box should be checked before leaving the vehicle. If the product packaging is found to be out of compliance with the regulations, it should be repacked. 4.
When transporting the product, it should be placed carefully according to the markings on the packaging to prevent collision:2 Paper adaptability test
Under the condition of the printing press with the pressure down and no printing, continuously feed not less than 100 sheets at a speed not less than 50% of the maximum printing speed of the printing press. The paper thickness is the limit value specified by the printing press, and the thickness is the loading value specified by the printing press. The paper thickness should meet the requirements of 4.4.
5.4 Printing test
5.4.! Test conditions
a) The printing environment temperature is (20±2) and the relative humidity is (60±5)%. b) Coated paper or offset paper with a printing pressure line of 90~120 μm: The paper requirements should meet the requirements of 0BT10335: The facing side of the paper is the maximum paper format specified by the printing press.
c] The printing plate shall meet the rated printing width of the printing press. The printing plate used for the paper feeding accuracy test shall refer to the provisions of [B 434-1991]. The plate used for the printing force uniformity and pressure stability test shall be arranged according to Figure 1. There are a total of 20mm×5mm short solid printing test strips and 45~30 lines/m dots on the plate, which occupy more than 60% of the plate area S. The ink for printing ink flushing is medium and large! The ink shall meet the requirements of QB 359-4. Figure
5.4.1 Comprehensive quality test
5.1.1 Overprint test of paper feeding stability of dynamic paper feeding printing machine (refer to JB 5434-1991) The format specified in Appendix A is printed with the first plate at the rated speed of the printing press. Then the paper printed for the first time is put on the stacking table again in the order of the first printing and the second plate is replaced at the rejection position of the printing press. The conditions remain unchanged and the second printing is carried out. 75 consecutive samples are randomly selected from the 300 samples. b) If the conditions specified in 5.4.1a) are not met, the test can be carried out at the rated speed of 80% of the printing press. Overprint inspection and calculation of paper beating and paper transfer precision a) Overprint and box density inspection and overprint, paper transfer density calculation should be based on the provisions of A2.3 of B5434-1991. The test should select the smallest one according to the provisions of and the overprint value formula ([) to calculate the overprint precision. When the maximum value of the error is +\, the minimum value is -3# and all are eliminated. After the measurement, recalculate the standard deviation until it cannot be eliminated. The average value is expressed by the code of each product index, that is, the paper feeding precision of the printing machine is the maximum value of the corresponding sample egg precision, and the result should meet the requirements of 4.5b:
4 overprint line margin accuracy, mm:
Sequence of the top of the color (=2, 3, ..·75
k overprint line position measurement point [Ka, b, c, (d) color number
b) verification and calculation of printing accuracy
Use a reading microscope with a graduation value of 0.01mm to measure the overprint test area a, h, c. () in the test of 5.4.21. The width between the cross lines is up to the limit value. According to the sample sheet, the accuracy of the set is the white fraction of this difference within the specified value of 4.5a). The accuracy of the printing machine is the maximum value of the corresponding sample printing accuracy. printing force uniformity and stability test. According to the form of the test plate specified in Figure 1, print once at the maximum printing speed 8 specified by the printing machine. Randomly sample 30 sheets from 100 samples, use a densitometer to check the uniformity and structure of the print force on each sample, check the color block density D of the rectangular solid test strip according to formula (2) to calculate the layer uniformity product: according to formula (3) to calculate the stability R of the printing machine! The printing force uniformity and stability are the minimum values ​​of uniformity and ink application stability of various small and medium-sized samples. The sales should meet the requirements of 1.5c. In the formula: Dw
Dm——the gradient value of the color block on the same sample: Dw
Dm——the density value of the color block on the same sample, E——the density value of the color block on the same sample: square
—sample order, (2-1, 2, 3-30)
test bar number (1, 2, 3..1
5.4.2 .4 Test and inspection standards: The sample screen area in the test, the result meets the requirements of 4.5d), Full-page solid printing test
Test with 50% of the printed quantity and high printing depth, the solid depth is above 1.0, check that the paper-gripping teeth are sufficient
5.5 Machine safety inspection
5.5.1 Test the machine's external light and transmission parts to meet the requirements of 4.8.1 and 4.82. 5.5.2 Self-contained printing machine changes to the provisions of 4.5.5. The machine should start, the paper collection table, the paper feeding table limit device, the automatic lifting device, and the tension control device should all respond sensitively. When these devices are activated by people, the machine should play a corresponding protective role. When the safety emergency stop button of the printing machine is touched, it should be able to stop, and the machine cannot run without manual assistance. 5.5.3 According to the provisions of 4.8.4, when the operation button is pressed repeatedly, the machine should not be able to start when the control is not reset. 5.6 The operating mechanism installed on the machine is repeatedly operated for more than 10 times, which should meet the requirements of 4.9. 5.7 Noise test
Run at the highest printing speed, use a common level meter A pressure meter to measure the noise of the machine part, the measurement point is 1.5m above the ground, four measurement points are 1m away from the meter, distributed on the symmetrical center line of the machine, and the maximum noise point is measured and the arithmetic mean of the five measurement points is the machine noise, which should meet the requirements of 4.10. 5.8 Appearance quality inspection
Visual inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 4.1-4.11.5 6 Inspection rules
6. 1 Delivery inspection
6.1.1 Each printing machine shall be inspected according to the provisions of 5.1:52, and 5.8. One printing machine shall be inspected according to the provisions of 5.4:5.7 for each printing machine.
6.1.2 For all inspection items, if a printing machine fails to meet the requirements in the inspection, it shall be deemed as an unqualified sample. If the printing machine fails to meet the requirements, the second printing machine shall be inspected in sequence for the item. If the second printing machine fails to meet the requirements, the whole batch of the printing machine shall be inspected. 6.1. Each printing machine shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer before it can be delivered. 6.2 Lift inspection
6.2 If there is any of the following conditions! , monitor and inspect the first machine or some machines in the first batch or some batches of production: a! Trial production and identification of new production stations or old products: b! After formal production, if there are major changes in materials, control and finishing; c) When the production is stopped for more than one year, the steel line will be inspected at least once a year: 6.2.2 Formal inspection will be carried out according to the provisions of this standard 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking
7.1.1 Each product shall have a label on the visible part, and its requirements shall comply with the provisions of GR/T13306, and its contents shall include: a) manufacturer name:
b) production number;
() manufacturing date (or number) or production batch number. 7.I.2 Product packaging and shipping markings shall be selected correctly according to the relevant provisions of GB/T191. Products and packaging with obvious center of gravity away from the center shall be marked with "lift from here" and "center of gravity". 7.1.3 Transport packaging and shipping markings shall be in accordance with GB/ 10388 has US regulations 7.2 Temporary packaging
.2.1 Product packaging should comply with GBT13384. The machine should be wiped clean before packaging, and the exposed surface should be cleaned to prevent rust. 7.2.2 The printing machine packaging box should be covered with waterproof materials and securely fixed in the box. The accessory box and spare parts box should be fixed in the gap in the half box and clamped tightly. The box should meet the requirements of transportation and loading and unloading. 7. Each instant printing machine should be shipped with the following items:) Product certificate ||tt| |The number of product certificates should comply with the provisions of (14436); b1 product instructions
The general instructions for use of the product should comply with the provisions of GB 9964.1, c) packing list.
The product should be protected from the elements and free from restriction. When stored outdoors, the packaging box should be marked with a seal. If the validity period exceeds 2 days, the box should be checked before leaving the vehicle. If the product packaging is found to be out of date, it should be repacked. 4.
When transporting the product, it should be placed carefully according to the markings on the packaging to prevent collision:! Test conditions
a】Printing environment temperature is (20±2), relative humidity is (60±5)%. b) Coated paper or offset paper with printing pressure line of 90~120 μm: Paper requirements should meet the requirements of 0BT10335: The front side of the paper should be the maximum paper width of the printing machine.
c】 The printing plate should meet the requirements of the rated printing width of the printing machine. The printing plate used for paper feeding accuracy test should refer to the requirements of [B434-1991]. The plate used for printing force uniformity and pressure stability test is arranged according to Figure 1. There are 20mm×5mm short solid printing test strips and 45~30 lines/m dots on the plate, which occupy more than 60% of the dot area S, Sd printing ink flushing lead printing color oil rate medium and large! Ink stagnation, the ink should comply with the provisions of QB line 359-4, Figure
5.4.1 Comprehensive quality test
5..1.1 Overprint test of paper feeding stability of dynamic paper feeding printing machine (day) refer to JB door 5434-199! The format specified in Appendix A is printed with the first plate at the rated speed of the printing press. Then the paper printed for the first time is put on the stacking table again in the order of the first printing and the second plate is replaced at the rejection position of the printing press. The conditions remain unchanged and the second printing is carried out. 75 consecutive samples are randomly selected from the 300 samples. b) If the conditions specified in 5.4.1a) are not met, the test can be carried out at the rated speed of 80% of the printing press. Overprint inspection and calculation of paper beating and paper transfer precision a) Overprint and box density inspection and overprint, paper transfer density calculation should be based on the provisions of A2.3 of B5434-1991. The test should select the smallest one according to the provisions of and the overprint value formula ([) to calculate the overprint precision. When the maximum value of the error is +\, the minimum value is -3# and all are eliminated. After the measurement, recalculate the standard deviation until it cannot be eliminated. The average value is expressed by the code of each product index, that is, the paper feeding precision of the printing machine is the maximum value of the corresponding sample egg precision, and the result should meet the requirements of 4.5b:
4 overprint line margin accuracy, mm:
Sequence of the top of the color (=2, 3, ..·75
k overprint line position measurement point [Ka, b, c, (d) color number
b) verification and calculation of printing accuracy
Use a reading microscope with a graduation value of 0.01mm to measure the overprint test area a, h, c. () in the test of 5.4.21. The width between the cross lines is up to the limit value. According to the sample sheet, the accuracy of the set is the white fraction of this difference within the specified value of 4.5a). The accuracy of the printing machine is the maximum value of the corresponding sample printing accuracy. printing force uniformity and stability test. According to the form of the test plate specified in Figure 1, print once at the maximum printing speed 8 specified by the printing machine. Randomly sample 30 sheets from 100 samples, use a densitometer to check the uniformity and structure of the print force on each sample, check the color block density D of the rectangular solid test strip according to formula (2) to calculate the layer uniformity product: according to formula (3) to calculate the stability R of the printing machine! The printing force uniformity and stability are the minimum values ​​of uniformity and ink application stability of various small and medium-sized samples. The sales should meet the requirements of 1.5c. In the formula: Dw
Dm——the gradient value of the color block on the same sample: Dw
Dm——the density value of the color block on the same sample, E——the density value of the color block on the same sample: square
—sample order, (2-1, 2, 3-30)
test bar number (1, 2, 3..1
5.4.2 .4 Test and inspection standards: The sample screen area in the test, the result meets the requirements of 4.5d), Full-page solid printing test
Test with 50% of the printed quantity and high printing depth, the solid depth is above 1.0, check that the paper-gripping teeth are sufficient
5.5 Machine safety inspection
5.5.1 Test the machine's external light and transmission parts to meet the requirements of 4.8.1 and 4.82. 5.5.2 Self-contained printing machine changes to the provisions of 4.5.5. The machine should start, the paper collection table, the paper feeding table limit device, the automatic lifting device, and the tension control device should all respond sensitively. When these devices are activated by people, the machine should play a corresponding protective role. When the safety emergency stop button of the printing machine is touched, it should be able to stop, and the machine cannot run without manual assistance. 5.5.3 According to the provisions of 4.8.4, when the operation button is pressed repeatedly, the machine should not be able to start when the control is not reset. 5.6 The operating mechanism installed on the machine is repeatedly operated for more than 10 times, which should meet the requirements of 4.9. 5.7 Noise test
Run at the highest printing speed, use a common level meter A pressure meter to measure the noise of the machine part, the measurement point is 1.5m above the ground, four measurement points are 1m away from the meter, distributed on the symmetrical center line of the machine, and the maximum noise point is measured and the arithmetic mean of the five measurement points is the machine noise, which should meet the requirements of 4.10. 5.8 Appearance quality inspection
Visual inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 4.1-4.11.5 6 Inspection rules
6. 1 Delivery inspection
6.1.1 Each printing machine shall be inspected according to the provisions of 5.1:52, and 5.8. One printing machine shall be inspected according to the provisions of 5.4:5.7 for each printing machine.
6.1.2 For all inspection items, if a printing machine fails to meet the requirements in the inspection, it shall be deemed as an unqualified sample. If the printing machine fails to meet the requirements, the second printing machine shall be inspected in sequence for the item. If the second printing machine fails to meet the requirements, the whole batch of the printing machine shall be inspected. 6.1. Each printing machine shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer before it can be delivered. 6.2 Lift inspection
6.2 If there is any of the following conditions! , monitor and inspect the first machine or some machines in the first batch or some batches of production: a! Trial production and identification of new production stations or old products: b! After formal production, if there are major changes in materials, control and finishing; c! When the production is stopped for more than one year, the steel line will be inspected at least once a year: 6.2.2 Formal inspection will be carried out according to the provisions of this standard 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking
7.1.1 Each product shall have a label on the visible part, and its requirements shall comply with the provisions of GR/T13306, and its contents shall include: a) manufacturer name:
b) production number;
() manufacturing date (or number) or production batch number. 7.I.2 Product packaging and shipping markings shall be selected correctly according to the relevant provisions of GB/T191. Products and packaging with obvious center of gravity away from the center shall be marked with "lift from here" and "center of gravity". 7.1.3 Transport packaging and shipping markings shall be in accordance with GB/ 10388 has US regulations 7.2 Temporary packaging
.2.1 Product packaging should comply with GBT13384. The machine should be wiped clean before packaging, and the exposed surface should be cleaned to prevent rust. 7.2.2 The printing machine packaging box should be covered with waterproof materials and securely fixed in the box. The accessory box and spare parts box should be fixed in the gap in the half box and clamped tightly. The box should meet the requirements of transportation and loading and unloading. 7. Each instant printing machine should be shipped with the following items:) Product certificate ||tt| |The number of product certificates should comply with the provisions of (14436); b1 product instructions
The general instructions for use of the product should comply with the provisions of GB 9964.1, c) packing list.
The product should be protected from the elements and free from restriction. When stored outdoors, the packaging box should be marked with a seal. If the validity period exceeds 2 days, the box should be checked before leaving the vehicle. If the product packaging is found to be out of date, it should be repacked. 4.
When transporting the product, it should be placed carefully according to the markings on the packaging to prevent collision:! Test conditions
a】Printing environment temperature is (20±2), relative humidity is (60±5)%. b) Coated paper or offset paper with printing pressure line of 90~120 μm: Paper requirements should meet the requirements of 0BT10335: The front side of the paper should be the maximum paper width of the printing machine.
c】 The printing plate should meet the requirements of the rated printing width of the printing machine. The printing plate used for paper feeding accuracy test should refer to the requirements of [B434-1991]. The plate used for printing force uniformity and pressure stability test is arranged according to Figure 1. There are 20mm×5mm short solid printing test strips and 45~30 lines/m dots on the plate, which occupy more than 60% of the dot area S, Sd printing ink flushing lead printing color oil rate medium and large! Ink stagnation, the ink should comply with the provisions of QB line 359-4, Figure
5.4.1 Comprehensive quality test
5..1.1 Overprint test of paper feeding stability of dynamic paper feeding printing machine (day) refer to JB door 5434-199! The format specified in Appendix A is printed with the first plate at the rated speed of the printing press. Then the paper printed for the first time is put on the stacking table again in the order of the first printing and the second plate is replaced at the rejection position of the printing press. The conditions remain unchanged and the second printing is carried out. 75 consecutive samples are randomly selected from the 300 samples. b) If the conditions specified in 5.4.1a) are not met, the test can be carried out at the rated speed of 80% of the printing press. Overprint inspection and calculation of paper beating and paper transfer precision a) Overprint and box density inspection and overprint, paper transfer density calculation should be based on the provisions of A2.3 of B5434-1991. The test should select the smallest one according to the provisions of and the overprint value formula ([) to calculate the overprint precision. When the maximum value of the error is +\, the minimum value is -3# and all are eliminated. After the measurement, recalculate the standard deviation until it cannot be eliminated. The average value is expressed by the code of each product index, that is, the paper feeding precision of the printing machine is the maximum value of the corresponding sample egg precision, and the result should meet the requirements of 4.5b:
4 overprint line margin accuracy, mm:
Sequence of the top of the color (=2, 3, ..·75
k overprint line position measurement point [Ka, b, c, (d) color number
b) verification and calculation of printing accuracy
Use a reading microscope with a graduation value of 0.01mm to measure the overprint test area a, h, c. () in the test of 5.4.21. The width between the cross lines is up to the limit value. According to the sample sheet, the accuracy of the set is the white fraction of this difference within the specified value of 4.5a). The accuracy of the printing machine is the maximum value of the corresponding sample printing accuracy. printing force uniformity and stability test. According to the form of the test plate specified in Figure 1, print once at the maximum printing speed 8 specified by the printing machine. Randomly sample 30 sheets from 100 samples, use a densitometer to check the uniformity and structure of the print force on each sample, check the color block density D of the rectangular solid test strip according to formula (2) to calculate the layer uniformity product: according to formula (3) to calculate the stability R of the printing machine! The printing force uniformity and stability are the minimum values ​​of uniformity and ink application stability of various small and medium-sized samples. The sales should meet the requirements of 1.5c. In the formula: Dw
Dm——the gradient value of the color block on the same sample: Dw
Dm——the density value of the color block on the same sample, E——the density value of the color block on the same sample: square
—sample order, (2-1, 2, 3-30)
test bar number (1, 2, 3..1
5.4.2 .4 Test and inspection standards: The sample screen area in the test, the result meets the requirements of 4.5d), Full-page solid printing test
Test with 50% of the printed quantity and high printing depth, the solid depth is above 1.0, check that the paper-gripping teeth are sufficient
5.5 Machine safety inspection
5.5.1 Test the machine's external light and transmission parts to meet the requirements of 4.8.1 and 4.82. 5.5.2 Self-contained printing machine changes to the provisions of 4.5.5. The machine should start, the paper collection table, the paper feeding table limit device, the automatic lifting device, and the tension control device should all respond sensitively. When these devices are activated by people, the machine should play a corresponding protective role. When the safety emergency stop button of the printing machine is touched, it should be able to stop, and the machine cannot run without manual assistance. 5.5.3 According to the provisions of 4.8.4, when the operation button is pressed repeatedly, the machine should not be able to start when the control is not reset. 5.6 The operating mechanism installed on the machine is repeatedly operated for more than 10 times, which should meet the requirements of 4.9. 5.7 Noise test
Run at the highest printing speed, use a common level meter A pressure meter to measure the noise of the machine part. The measuring points are 1.5m above the ground and 1m away from the meter. They are distributed on the symmetrical center line of the machine. Measure and patrol the largest noise points. The arithmetic mean of the 5 measuring points is the machine noise, which should meet the requirements of 4.10. 5.8 Appearance quality inspection
Visual inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 4.1-4.11.5 6 Inspection rules
6. 1 Delivery inspection
6.1.1 Each printing machine shall be inspected according to the provisions of 5.1:52, and 5.8. One printing machine shall be inspected according to the provisions of 5.4:5.7 for each printing machine.
6.1.2 For all inspection items, if a printing machine fails to meet the requirements in the inspection, it shall be deemed as an unqualified sample. If the printing machine fails to meet the requirements, the second printing machine shall be inspected in sequence for the item. If the second printing machine fails to meet the requirements, the whole batch of the printing machine shall be inspected. 6.1. Each printing machine shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer before it can be delivered. 6.2 Lift inspection
6.2 If there is any of the following conditions! , monitor and inspect the first machine or some machines in the first batch or some batches of production: a! Trial production and identification of new production stations or old products: b! After formal production, if there are major changes in materials, control and finishing; c! When the production is stopped for more than one year, the steel line will be inspected at least once a year: 6.2.2 Formal inspection will be carried out according to the provisions of this standard 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking
7.1.1 Each product shall have a label on the visible part, and its requirements shall comply with the provisions of GR/T13306, and its contents shall include: a) manufacturer name:
b) production number;
() manufacturing date (or number) or production batch number. 7.I.2 Product packaging and shipping markings shall be selected correctly according to the relevant provisions of GB/T191. Products and packaging with obvious center of gravity away from the center shall be marked with "lift from here" and "center of gravity". 7.1.3 Transport packaging and shipping markings shall be in accordance with GB/ 10388 has US regulations 7.2 Temporary packaging
.2.1 Product packaging should comply with GBT13384. The machine should be wiped clean before packaging, and the exposed surface should be cleaned to prevent rust. 7.2.2 The printing machine packaging box should be covered with waterproof materials and securely fixed in the box. The accessory box and spare parts box should be fixed in the gap in the half box and clamped tightly. The box should meet the requirements of transportation and loading and unloading. 7. Each instant printing machine should be shipped with the following items:) Product certificate ||tt| |The number of product certificates should comply with the provisions of (14436); b1 product instructions
The general instructions for use of the product should comply with the provisions of GB 9964.1, c) packing list.
The product should be protected from the elements and free from restriction. When stored outdoors, the packaging box should be marked with a seal. If the validity period exceeds 2 days, the box should be checked before leaving the vehicle. If the product packaging is found to be out of compliance with the regulations, it should be repacked. 4.
When transporting the product, it should be placed carefully according to the markings on the packaging to prevent collision:1 day dynamic paper feeding type printing exhibition machine paper feeding stability overprint test day) refer to JB door 5434-199! The format specified in Appendix A is printed with the first plate at the rated speed of the printing press. Then the paper printed for the first time is put on the stacking table again in the order of the first printing and the second plate is replaced at the rejection position of the printing press. The conditions remain unchanged and the second printing is carried out. 75 consecutive samples are randomly selected from the 300 samples. b) If the conditions specified in 5.4.1a) are not met, the test can be carried out at the rated speed of 80% of the printing press. Overprint inspection and calculation of paper beating and paper transfer precision a) Overprint and box density inspection and overprint, paper transfer density calculation should be based on the provisions of A2.3 of B5434-1991. The test should select the smallest one according to the provisions of and the overprint value formula ([) to calculate the overprint precision. When the maximum value of the error is +\, the minimum value is -3# and all are eliminated. After the measurement, recalculate the standard deviation until it cannot be eliminated. The average value is expressed by the code of each product index, that is, the paper feeding precision of the printing machine is the maximum value of the corresponding sample egg precision, and the result should meet the requirements of 4.5b:
4 overprint line margin accuracy, mm:
Sequence of the top of the color (=2, 3, ..·75
k overprint line position measurement point [Ka, b, c, (d) color number
b) verification and calculation of printing accuracy
Use a reading microscope with a graduation value of 0.01mm to measure the overprint test area a, h, c. () in the test of 5.4.21. The width between the cross lines is up to the limit value. According to the sample sheet, the accuracy of the set is the white fraction of this difference within the specified value of 4.5a). The accuracy of the printing machine is the maximum value of the corresponding sample printing accuracy. printing force uniformity and stability test. According to the form of the test plate specified in Figure 1, print once at the maximum printing speed 8 specified by the printing machine. Randomly sample 30 sheets from 100 samples, use a densitometer to check the uniformity and structure of the print force on each sample, check the color block density D of the rectangular solid test strip according to formula (2) to calculate the layer uniformity product: according to formula (3) to calculate the stability R of the printing machine! The printing force uniformity and stability are the minimum values ​​of uniformity and ink application stability of various small and medium-sized samples. The sales should meet the requirements of 1.5c. In the formula: Dw
Dm——the gradient value of the color block on the same sample: Dw
Dm——the density value of the color block on the same sample, E——the density value of the color block on the same sample: square
—sample order, (2-1, 2, 3-30)
test bar number (1, 2, 3..1
5.4.2 .4 Test and inspection standards: The sample screen area in the test, the result meets the requirements of 4.5d), Full-page solid printing test
Test with 50% of the printed quantity and high printing depth, the solid depth is above 1.0, check that the paper-gripping teeth are sufficient
5.5 Machine safety inspection
5.5.1 Test the machine's external light and transmission parts to meet the requirements of 4.8.1 and 4.82. 5.5.2 Self-contained printing machine changes to the provisions of 4.5.5. The machine should start, the paper collection table, the paper feeding table limit device, the automatic lifting device, and the tension control device should all respond sensitively. When these devices are activated by people, the machine should play a corresponding protective role. When the safety emergency stop button of the printing machine is touched, it should be able to stop, and the machine cannot run without manual assistance. 5.5.3 According to the provisions of 4.8.4, when the operation button is pressed repeatedly, the machine should not be able to start when the control is not reset. 5.6 The operating mechanism installed on the machine is repeatedly operated for more than 10 times, which should meet the requirements of 4.9. 5.7 Noise test
Run at the highest printing speed, use a common level meter A pressure meter to measure the noise of the machine part, the measurement point is 1.5m above the ground, four measurement points are 1m away from the meter, distributed on the symmetrical center line of the machine, and the maximum noise point is measured and the arithmetic mean of the five measurement points is the machine noise, which should meet the requirements of 4.10. 5.8 Appearance quality inspection
Visual inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 4.1-4.11.5 6 Inspection rules
6. 1 Delivery inspection
6.1.1 Each printing machine shall be inspected according to the provisions of 5.1:52, and 5.8. One printing machine shall be inspected according to the provisions of 5.4:5.7 for each printing machine.
6.1.2 For all inspection items, if a printing machine fails to meet the requirements in the inspection, it shall be deemed as an unqualified sample. If the printing machine fails to meet the requirements, the second printing machine shall be inspected in sequence for the item. If the second printing machine fails to meet the requirements, the whole batch of the printing machine shall be inspected. 6.1. Each printing machine shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer before it can be delivered. 6.2 Lift inspection
6.2 If there is any of the following conditions! , monitor and inspect the first machine or some machines in the first batch or some batches of production: a! Trial production and identification of new production stations or old products: b! After formal production, if there are major changes in materials, control and finishing; c! When the production is stopped for more than one year, the steel line will be inspected at least once a year: 6.2.2 Formal inspection will be carried out according to the provisions of this standard 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking
7.1.1 Each product shall have a label on the visible part, and its requirements shall comply with the provisions of GR/T13306, and its contents shall include: a) manufacturer name:
b) production number;
() manufacturing date (or number) or production batch number. 7.I.2 Product packaging and shipping markings shall be selected correctly according to the relevant provisions of GB/T191. Products and packaging with obvious center of gravity away from the center shall be marked with "lift from here" and "center of gravity". 7.1.3 Transport packaging and shipping markings shall be in accordance with GB/ 10388
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