title>HG/T 20570.6-1995 Pipe diameter selection - HG/T 20570.6-1995 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 20570.6-1995 Pipe diameter selection

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 20570.6-1995

Standard Name: Pipe diameter selection

Chinese Name: 管径选择

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1996-05-02

Date of Implementation:1996-03-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:71.010

Standard Classification Number:>>>>P7 Chemical Industry>>Comprehensive Chemical Industry>>G04 Basic Standards and General Methods

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HG/T 20570.6-1995 pipe diameter selection HG/T20570.6-1995 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Selection of pipe diameter
Compiled by: Sinopec Beijing Petrochemical Engineering Company Approved by: Ministry of Chemical Industry
Implementation date: September 1, 1996 Compiled by:
Sinopec Beijing Petrochemical Engineering Company Zhong Shihuan Reviewed by:
Sinopec Beijing Petrochemical Engineering Company Yu Haohan Chemical Industry Department Process System Design Technology Center Station Gong Renwei 1 Scope and description
1.0.1 This regulation applies to process and public material pipelines in chemical production equipment, excluding long-distance transportation pipelines in storage and transportation systems, non-Newtonian fluid and solid particle air flow transportation pipelines. 1.0.2 For a given flow rate, the size of the pipe diameter is closely related to the primary investment cost (materials and installation), operating cost (power consumption and maintenance) and depreciation cost of the pipeline system. An economic comparison should be made based on these costs to select the appropriate pipe diameter. In addition, the restrictions of safe flow rate and other conditions should also be considered. The recommended methods and data introduced in this regulation are based on empirical values, that is, using a predetermined flow rate or a predetermined pipeline pressure drop value (set pressure drop control value) to select the pipe diameter, which can be used for estimation in engineering design. 1.0.3 When the pipe diameter is determined according to the predetermined medium flow rate, the following formula is used to preliminarily select the pipe diameter: d=18.81wo.5u
d=18. 81Vg 5u-0.5
d-the inner diameter of the pipe, mm;
W-the mass flow rate of the medium in the pipe, kg/h, Vo-the volume flow rate of the medium in the pipe, m/h;
p-the density of the medium under working conditions, kg/m; u-the average flow rate of the medium in the pipe, m/s. The recommended values ​​of the predetermined medium flow rate are shown in Table 2.0.1. (1.0.3-1)
1.0.4When selecting the pipe diameter according to the pressure drop control value (APn1oo) per 100m of calculated pipe length, the following formula is used to preliminarily determine the pipe diameter:
d18.16V.38po.173μo. 0332P8.207u—dynamic viscosity of the medium, Pa·s;
APnoo—pressure drop control value per 100m of calculated pipe length, kPa. The recommended AP100 value is shown in Table 2.0.2.
1.0.5Unless otherwise specified, all pressures in this regulation are absolute pressures. (1.0.4—1)
2 Common flow rate ranges of fluids in pipelines and pressure drop control values ​​in general engineering design
2.0.1 Common flow rate ranges of various media in pipelines are shown in Table 2.0.1. The material of the pipelines in the table is steel unless otherwise specified. The flow rates in the table are recommended values.
2.0.2 Pipeline pressure drop control values ​​are shown in Table 2.0.2-1 and Table 2.0.2-2. The pressure drop values ​​in the table are recommended values.
Characteristics of Common Flow Rates①
Saturated Steam
Saturated Steam
Superheated Steam
Secondary Steam
High-Pressure Exhaust Steam
Compressed Gas
Working Conditions or Pipe Diameter Range
When secondary steam is to be used
When secondary steam is not to be used
Exhaust pipe: Discharge from pressure vessel
Discharge from non-pressure vessel
P≤0.3MPa (table)
P=0.3~0.6MPa (table)
P=0.6~1MPa (table)
P= 3~30MPa(table)
Flow rate m/s
Oxygen generation
Semi-water gas
Natural gas
Flue gas
Lime kiln gas
Hydrogen-nitrogen mixed gas generation
Ethylene gas
Acetylene gas properties
Hydrogen chloride
Working conditions or pipe diameter range
P=0.05~0.6MPa( Table)
Pipeline length 50~100m
Inside the flue
Inside the pipeline
P<0. 3MPa(table)
Gas(steel lined rubber pipe)
Liquid(rubber pipe)
Gas(glass pipe)
Liquid(glass pipe)
Continued Table 2.0.1
Flow ratem/s| |tt||10~20
max 4
Methyl chloride
Vinyl chloride
Ethylene glycol
Water and liquids with similar viscosity
Tap water
Boiler feed water
Steam condensate
Superheated water
Sea water, slightly alkaline water
Oil and liquids with high viscosity
Working conditions or pipe diameter range
Glass pipe
Main pipe P=0.3MPa(table)
Branch pipe P=0.3MPa(table)
Viscosity 0.05Pa·
Viscosity 0 .1Pa·s
Viscosity iPa·
Continued Table 2.0.1
Flow rate m/s
Sodium hydroxide
Carbon tetrafluoride
Sodium chloride
Discharged wastewater
Muddy mixture
Working conditions or pipe diameter range
P≤0.6MPa( Table)
P<2MPa (table)
Concentration 0~30%
Concentration 88~93% (lead pipe)
93~100% (cast iron pipe, steel pipe)
(rubber lined pipe)
With solids
Without solids
Concentration 15%
Blower suction pipe
Blower discharge pipe
Compressor suction pipe
Compressor discharge pipe:
P10MPa (table)
Reciprocating vacuum pump suction pipe
Reciprocating vacuum pump discharge pipe
Oil-sealed vacuum pump suction pipe
Continued Table 2.0.1
Flow rate m/s
Water and liquids with similar viscosity
Working conditions or pipe diameter range
Reciprocating pump suction pipe
Reciprocating pump discharge pipe
Centrifugal pump suction pipe (normal temperature)
Centrifugal pump suction pipe (70~110℃)
Centrifugal pump discharge pipe
High-pressure centrifugal pump discharge pipe
Gear pump suction pipe
Gear pump discharge pipe
Note: ① The flow rates listed in this table should also be selected in accordance with the corresponding national standards. ② The oxygen flow rate shall refer to the "Design Specifications for Oxygen Stations" (GB50030-91). ③ The hydrogen flow rate shall refer to the "Design Specifications for Hydrogen and Oxygen Stations" (GB50177-93). ④ The acetylene flow rate shall refer to the "Design Specifications for Acetylene Stations" (GB50031-91). Pipeline pressure drop control value for general engineering design Pipeline category
Pump inlet pipe
Pump outlet pipe:
DN40, 50
DN100 and above
Steam and gas
Public material main pipe
Public material branch pipe
Compressor inlet pipe:
P<350kPa (meter)
P>350kPa (meter)
Compressor outlet pipe
Maximum friction pressure drop
kPa /100m
Continued Table 2.0.1
Flow rate m/s
Table 2.0.2-1
Total pressure drop
According to 5% of inlet pressure
According to 2% of inlet pressure
According to 3% of inlet pressure
Pipeline for transporting gas
Pipeline for transporting liquid
Pressure drop control value for every 100m pipe length (4Pu0) pipe
Negative pressure pipeline Note@
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