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Stretch packaging

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 19785-2005

Standard Name:Stretch packaging

Chinese Name: 拉伸缠绕包装

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2005-05-25

Date of Implementation:2005-11-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Packaging and transportation of goods>>55.020 Packaging and transportation of goods

Standard Classification Number:General>>Marking, packaging, transportation, storage>>A83 packaging method

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Plan number:20010642-T-542

Publication date:2005-11-01

other information

Release date:2005-05-25

Review date:2023-12-28

drafter:Sun Kuilian, Wang Li, Li Xuelong, Li Weirong, Li Hua, Song Dachun

Drafting unit:Mechanical Science Research Institute

Focal point unit:National Packaging Standardization Technical Committee

Proposing unit:China Packaging Corporation

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

competent authority:National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the classification, requirements, packaging methods and markings of stretch wrap packaging. This standard applies to cargo packaging that uses stretch wrapping to wrap single, loose or combined products or fix them on pallets to form a whole transport order. GB/T 19785-2005 Stretch wrap packaging GB/T19785-2005 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the classification, requirements, packaging methods and markings of stretch wrap packaging. This standard applies to cargo packaging that uses stretch wrapping to wrap single, loose or combined products or fix them on pallets to form a whole transport order.

Some standard content:

ICS 55.020
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Stretch WrapbzxZ.net
Streich patkaging
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of ChinaStandardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Traditional packaging is a kind of anti-expansion packaging. It uses the elastic force of pulling to firmly bind a group of goods in an easy-to-carry unit, making it have good impact resistance and dynamic resistance, and is widely used in the transportation of various products.
This standard was proposed by China National Packaging Corporation
This standard was jointly approved by the National Packaging Standardization Technical Committee, and the Shandong Mechanical Science Research Institute was responsible for the development. Dalian Sanhe Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd., China Packaging Certification Center Co., Ltd., Mechanical Science Research Institute, Shenzhen Packaging Technology Testing Center, and Nanya Model Industry (Heavy Machinery) Co., Ltd. participated in the development. The authors of this standard are Sun Zulian, Tuli, Li Danglong, Li Weirong, Li Hua and Song Tairong. 1. Stretch wrap packaging This standard specifies the characteristics, requirements, packaging methods and markings of stretch wrap packaging (abbreviated as stretch wrap packaging). GB/T19785-2005 This standard applies to the packaging of goods that are wrapped in a single piece or a combination of pieces or fixed on a tray to form a transport unit.
2. Normative references The clauses in the following documents become the provisions of this standard through reference to the standard. For referenced documents with a specified date, all subsequent amendments (excluding those with a specified date) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the latest versions of these documents may be used according to the requirements of this standard. For referenced documents without a specified date, their updated versions are applicable to this standard. GE/T11 Empty package transport graphic punctuation
GB4122,! Packaging terminology
GB/T4768 Anti-repackaging
GB/T4857.22 Packaging for packaging unit cargo qualitative direct method GB/T4879 Anti-rust packaging
European packaging
Hot water packaging
GR/T1647 Pallet packaging
GB/T 16716
CB/T 18928
General Rules for the Treatment and Use of Waste in Packaging
Rejection Point Plastic Packaging Machine
BB/T0023 Ceramic Film for Transport Packaging 3 Technical Training and Definitions
GB/T4122.1 The following terms and definitions are established for this standard. 3.1
Stretching System
It is made of low-density polyethylene as the main raw material, under certain conditions of strength and tensile strength, through longitudinal and transverse tensile orientation, shaping, cooling and other treatments. The film has excellent tensile strength, tear resistance, and puncture resistance, making it an ideal material for wrapping. The damping tensile strength is generated by the tensile force between the packaged material and the film. The tensile value is generally increased to the standard tensile value. The adjustment range is %~0. After the pre-stretching value is reached, the goods are pre-wrapped. The tensile efficiency value is about 16%~300% as the standard tensile adjustment range.
4 Classification of stretch packaging
4.1 When the product needs to be stretched, the stretch packaging category requirements of the product packaging should be specified in the product technical documents, GB/T 19785--2005
4.2 The classification of stretch packaging should be determined by comprehensive factors such as the nature, quality, volume, shape, and circulation environment of the packaged object. Stretch packaging is divided into style stretch packaging, damping stretch packaging, and pre-stretch packaging: 4.3
Table 1 Classification of stretch packaging
Stretching degree specification
Medical stretching
5 Requirements
Degree-7 U20
Thickness b, x:n--2h μr
5.1General requirements
This is a hand-made film, which is used for a relatively small batch of goods. It can be used for slow packaging of goods with a relatively large sound. It can be used for packaging with a machine that is slow or only has a plate. The machine can select the film, but it is not allowed to be highly stretched to avoid causing the goods to break quickly or cause the goods to produce a high value.
The high-performance stretch film is used in the package shape and shape, and the base is %~3D), which is more multiplied and produces a negative load. It is usually a cross-type Kaisu package with a gradual stretching mechanism.
5,1.1 According to the requirements of the classification of the pull-pieces, the film and equipment are selected for color packaging to achieve the expected effect of the pull-value packaging. 5.1.? The stretch packaging is used on the outer packaging. When used, waterproof packaging, anti-fouling packaging, anti-rust packaging, anti-corrosion packaging and impact packaging should be selected according to the transportation requirements of the product, and they should comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T7350, GB/T5045, GB/T4579 and GB/T1765. 5.1.3 Stretch packaging should ensure that the packaging materials will not be damaged or destroyed during transportation. 5.2 Material requirements
5.2.1 Determine the breaking strength, breaking length, viscosity, tensile strength, elastic recovery, tensile strength retention, F-force value, mechanical properties, unit area mass difference, light transmittance, toughness, water vapor transmission rate, etc. of the stretch packaging according to the requirements of the product to be packed. Its physical and mechanical properties shall comply with the relevant provisions of BB/T0023.
5.2.2 The stretch wrapping of the main contact product shall comply with the relevant provisions. 5.2.3 The stretch film with a certificate number shall be used for packaging. The size and specification shall comply with the relevant provisions of B/T0023. 5.2.4 The stretch packaging material shall be disposed of in the packaging environment after use. The material treatment shall comply with the relevant provisions of CB/116. 6.3 Environmental requirements
5. 3.1 The environmental temperature of the stretch packaging shall be selected between 20%℃ and 40℃. 5.3.2 The environmental humidity of the stretch packaging shall be controlled at less than 5.3.3 The environment of the stretch packaging site shall be free of dirt and pollutants. 5.4 The equipment for the pallet system shall comply with the relevant provisions of GH/11898. 6.1 Stretch packaging preparation 6.1.1 The product to be stretched should be compatible with the stretch wrapping film for sensitivity to chemicals, light, heat, moisture and dirt. After packaging, the product packaging quality and appearance will not be affected. 6.t.2 Select the stretching force and amount based on the shape, quality, quality, extrusion and quality of the goods. 6.1.3 Conduct a trial stretch packaging to conduct a comprehensive performance test on the selected film to determine the packaging material used for batch packaging.
6.1.4 Carry out two or more (including two) stretch packaging on the product, and conduct loading and transportation trials to determine the final packaging method. 6.2 Pallet wrapping
Use stretch film and equipment that can meet the requirements of the ship to wrap the bulk goods tightly and fix them on the standard pallet. The pallet can be divided into spiral packaging (using narrow thin film to wrap the product) and frame packaging (using wide film to wrap the product). The performance of the packaging should comply with the relevant provisions of GH/15470.
6.3 Horizontal wrapping
Use stretch film and equipment that can meet the requirements of transportation. During the continuous transmission of goods of any total length, the stretch film will be stretched. Return to the system on the goods,
6.4 Roll-to-roll packaging
Use a stretch film and a device that can meet the requirements, and put the stretched film on two rotating rollers to shrink the goods longitudinally or longitudinally:
6.5 Ring-shaped packaging
Use a stretch film and a device that can meet the requirements, and place the special ring-shaped goods on the rotating roller, and pass the sea film through the ring-shaped goods to apply the system on the goods
7 Test method
According to the product's transportation environment plan (F/4A57 related specifications), select the entire packaging test. 8 Label
The packaging transportation mark on the outside of the stretch bag should comply with the relevant provisions of G/T191.
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