JJF 1008-2008 Pressure measurement terminology and definitions JJF1008-2008 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This specification specifies the pressure measurement terminology and definitions.
1 General terms for pressure (1)
2 Piston pressure gauge (1)
3 Liquid pressure gauge (3)
4 Elastic sensitive element pressure gauge (3)
5 Pressure sensor (6)
6 Digital pressure gauge (7)
7 Pressure transmitter, pressure controller (8)
8 Sphygmomanometer, tonometer (8)
9 Barometer (gauge) (10)
10 Dynamic pressure measurement (11)
11 Vacuum measurement (13)
Appendix 1 Chinese index (17)
Appendix 2 English index (21)
Some standard content:
National Metrology Technical Specification of the People's Republic of China F1008—2008 Pressure Metrological Terms and Their Definitions Pressure Metrological Terms and Their Definitions2008-03-25Promulgated Implementation on 2008-09-25 Promulgated by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine JJF1008—2408 Pressure Metrological Terms and Their Definitions JJF1008—2008 Replaces JJF 1008 --1987 This specification was approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on March 25, 2008, and came into effect on September 25, 2008. Responsible unit: National Pressure Metrology Technical Committee Main drafting unit: Shanghai Metrology and Testing Technology Research Institute Participating drafting unit: Tianjin Metrology Supervision and Inspection Scientific Research Institute Hubei Metrology and Testing Technology Research Institute In this specification, the National Pressure Metrology Technical Committee is responsible for interpreting this specification Main drafters: J.IF1008-2008 Li Meng (Shanghai Metrology and Testing Technology Research Institute) Dai Xiaohua (Shanghai Metrology and Testing Technology Research Institute) Participating drafters: Hu Anlun (Shanghai Metrology and Testing Technology Research Institute) Gong Fengshun (Tianjin Metrology Supervision and Inspection Scientific Research Institute) Wang Jinsuo (Shanghai Metrology and Testing Technology Research Institute) Fu Xiaowen (Shanghai Metrology and Testing Technology Research Institute) Zhang Liping (Shanghai Metrology and Testing Technology Research Institute) Zhou Yidong (Hubei Metrology and Testing Technology Research Institute) 2 General nouns for pressure Piston pressure gauge Liquid pressure gauge Elastic sensitive element pressure gauge Pressure sensor· Digital pressure gauge·www.bzxz.net Pressure transmitter, pressure controller· Sphygmomanometer (meter), manometer, Barometer (meter) Dynamic pressure measurement Vacuum measurement Appendix 1 Chinese index Appendix 2||t t||English Index JJF1008—2008 :(8) (10) General terms for pressure JJF1008—2008 Terms and definitions for pressure measurement 1.1 Pressure (engineering name) pressure is the force acting vertically and uniformly on a unit area. : The force is called "positive strength" in physics. 1.2 Differential pressure is the difference between any two related pressures. l:3 absolute pressure bsolutc prcssurc pressure with complete vacuum as reference point. 1,4 atmospheric pressure (also known as: air pressure) alniospheriepressuru pressure caused by the gravity of the atmospheric column on the surface of the earth 1.5 gauge pressure pressure greater or less than atmospheric pressure with atmospheric pressure as reference point. l.6 positive gauge pressure (also known as: stop pressure) ositive:pressure pressure greater than atmospheric pressure with atmospheric pressure as reference point. 1.7 negative pressure (meaning: negative pressure) ncgative prcssurc pressure less than atmospheric pressure with atmospheric pressure as reference point, 1.8 static pressure static pressureurc pressure that does not change with time or changes slowly with time in the field under study. 1.9 dynamic pressure dynamic pressure pressure that changes with time in the field under study. l.lo unit pressureunit The pressure unit in the International System of Units is N/m, also known as Pascal, abbreviated as "Pa" (expressed in Pa). Its physical meaning is: the pressure generated by the vertical uniform force of 1 Newton acting on an area of 1 square meter. 2 Piston gauge 2.1 [Simple] Piston gauge is an instrument for measuring force made by using the principle that the gravity loaded on the effective area of the piston by the piston and its connecting parts and special base is balanced with the force generated by the measured pressure acting on the lower end face of the piston. 2.2 Re-entral cylinder piston gauge with re-entral cylinder The pressure of the pressure-transmitting medium in the Lichuan piston gauge reacts to the outer wall of the piston cylinder to achieve the required piston system clearance and perform pressure measurement. 2.3 Controlled clearance piston gauge Controlled clearance piston gauge uses the first pressure source (also known as external pressure) to apply pressure to the outer wall of the piston cylinder, and closely cooperates with the pressure applied by the first pressure source (also known as internal source) to control the required clearance between the piston systems and perform pressure measurement. 2.4 Differential pressure piston gauge Differential pressure piston gauge uses two sets of piston systems and special bases to generate different pressures respectively to achieve differential pressure measurement. 2.5 "Simple! Piston pressure-vacuum gauge Piston pressure-vacuum gauge used to measure positive or negative pressure 2,6 Piston Pressure-vacuum gauge with liquid column equilibrium A pressure gauge made by the principle that the pressure generated by the additional liquid column is balanced with the pressure generated by the piston's own weight to achieve the measurement of positive and negative pressures from zero. 2.7 Piston gauge with multiplier Piston pressure gauge equipped with a pressure multiplier to measure high pressure. 2.8 Dual piston pressure-vacuum gauge Dual piston pressure-vacuum gauge A piston pressure vacuum gauge composed of a simple piston and a differential piston. When the two pistons are balanced in the working position, the positive and negative pressures are measured from zero. 2.9 Hyuraulic piston gauge A piston pressure gauge using liquid as the working medium. 2. 10 Gas piston gauge Pneumalic piston gauge Piston pressure gauge using air or inert gas as pressure transmission medium and working medium. 2.11 Ball pneumatic deadweight tester Gas pressure gauge made by using the principle that the force of gas acting on the effective area of the float through the nozzle is balanced with the force generated by the base. 2.12 Automatic mass piston gauge Automatic mass piston gauge Piston pressure gauge that allows the base to load and unload the gauge when measuring the maximum pressure. 2.3 High static pressure and differential pressure gas piston gauge High static pressure and differential pressure gas piston gauge Gas medium piston pressure gauge with two input interfaces of high pressure and low pressure, which is called a gas medium piston pressure gauge that measures differential pressure under high static pressure. 2.11 [Simple] Piston Piston Piston When measuring force, the piston pressure gauge is a round rod-shaped part that bears the force balance state. 2.15 Differential piston pressure gauge is a cylindrical stepped rod-shaped part that bears the force balance state when measuring pressure. 2.16 Cylinder A concentric cylindrical part that matches the piston system with the piston. 2.17 Piston system (also known as: piston and piston cylinder assembly) Pislon cylinder is a pressure measuring component composed of a piston and a piston cylinder that are precisely matched. 2.18 Special magnetic code mass set A base code that matches the pressure generated by the piston pressure gauge. 2.19 Piston pressure gauge base [verifier] 2 piston gauge plar form J.IF1008—2008 A base that can be installed with the piston system bracket and has the function of generating pressure. 2.20 Elfective area of the piston-cylinder The instrument constant of a piston-type pressure gauge. Its value is the sum of the geometric area of the piston diameter and the annular area of the piston clearance. It is usually used to determine the delay in the value transfer or value measurement. 2.21 Piston rotation duration The time for the piston to rotate freely under the conditions of specified load and rotation speed. 2.22 Drop rate The distance the piston drops per unit time in the working position under specified conditions. 2.23 Discrimination threshold (also known as sensitivity limit) The minimum mass value that can be detected when the piston gauge is in a state of force equilibrium. 2.24 Beginning balance method When calibrating the effective area of the piston, first use 10% to 20% of the upper limit of the piston gauge as the starting balance point, and then add corresponding codes to the standard pressure gauge and the pressure gauge to be tested to make the two pressure gauges reach equilibrium, and then calibrate the effective area point by point. 2.25 Direct balance method When calibrating the effective area of the piston, first determine the mass of the standard piston gauge and the tested piston gauge tray and its parts, then measure the height difference of the reference plane, and then calibrate the effective area point by point. 3 Liquid pressure gauge 3. 1 Liquid pressure gauge Liquid pressure gauge is a pressure gauge made on the principle that the pressure produced by the self-weight of the liquid is balanced with the pressure to be measured. 3.2 U-tube liquid manometer U-tubc liquid manomcter A liquid manometer with a U-shaped indicating tube and used to measure pressure. 3.3 One-tube liquid manometer A liquid manometer with a U-shaped indicating tube and a cup-shaped container, and the inner diameter of the single tube and the cup-shaped container are kept in a certain ratio. 3.4 Inclined micromanometer A liquid manometer with a single tube and a certain inclination angle to the horizontal plane. 3.5 Compensated type micro-manometer Compensated type micro-manorneler Small containers are interconnected, and the container moves up and down to compensate for the change of the zero-point liquid level of the small container to achieve the precise measurement of the liquid pressure of the small pressure. 3. 6 Micro-differential gauge Micro-differential gauge Liquid pressure gauge that measures the small differential pressure. 4 Elastic sensitive element pressure gauge 4.1 Elastic element pressure gauge (generally referred to as: pressure gauge) elastic element pressure gauge is an instrument for measuring pressure with elastic sensitive element as pressure sensing element. 3 JJF1008—2008 M.2 Bourdon tube pressure gauge Bourdon tube pressure gauge is an instrument for measuring pressure with bourdon tube as sensitive element. 4.3 Diaphragm pressure gauge diaphragm pressure gauge is an instrument for measuring pressure with diaphragm as sensitive element. 4. 4 Diaphragm pressure gauge capaule pressure gauge gage is an instrument for measuring pressure using a diaphragm as a sensitive element. A.5 bellows pressure gauge is an instrument for measuring force using a bellows as a sensitive element. 4.6 electric contact pressure gauge pressure gauge with electric contact is a pressure gauge with position control function. 4,7 capsule pressure gauge with electric contact is a diaphragm pressure gauge with position control function. 4.8 remote pressure gauge is a pressure gauge that can convert the pressure into an electric signal and transmit it to the selected pressure measurement point through a cable in time. 4.9 dual point crand dual lube pressure gauge is a pressure gauge with two pointers and two independent measurement systems. 4.10 dual pointer and single tube pressure gauge is a positive force gauge with two pointers and two independent measurement systems sharing a spring tube. 4.Il special gas pressure gauge sir A.15 Shipboard type pressure gauge A pressure gauge for measuring the pressure of the equipment on board. A.16 Breakcut pressure gauge A pressure gauge for measuring the breakcut pressure of the internal combustion engine. A.17 Ultra high-pressure pressure gauge A pressure gauge for measuring the pressure limit of 100 MPa or more. 4.18 Diaphragm pressure gauge isolation diaphragm pressure gauge A pressure gauge that uses a diaphragm device to isolate the medium of the elastic sensitive element from the measuring medium. 4.iy Sanitary diaphragm pressure gauge Diaphragm pressure gauge used in food, medicine, and biological product production equipment. 4.20 Vacuum gauge A pressure gauge that measures negative pressure or an instrument that measures the pressure of a gas or steam that is one atmosphere lower than the atmospheric pressure. JJF08—208 Note: Some commonly used vacuum gauges do not measure pressure directly, but measure other physical quantities related to pressure under specified conditions. A.21 Vacuum bag pressure-vatuum gauge A pressure gauge that measures positive pressure and negative pressure. 4.22 Bourdon tube pressure gauge, pressure vacuum gauge and vacuum gauge are generally used as working measuring instruments. Bourdon tube pressure gauges for measuring pressure can be divided into 1.0, 1.6 (1.5), 2.5 and 4.0 grades according to the accuracy level. 4.23 Bourdon tube precision pressure gauge and precision vacuum gauge are generally used as pressure standards: pressure gauges used for pressure value transmission: according to the accuracy level, they can be divided into 0.06, 0.10, 0.15, 0.25 and 0.4 grades. 4.24 Recording pressure gauge: pressure gauge whose pressure value can be continuously recorded on recording paper! 4.25 Micro differential pressure gauge: pressure gauge for measuring small differential pressure. 4.26 Sensitive element sensitive element is an element that can sense the pressure being measured. A.27 Elastic element elastic cicment An element that uses the elastic deformation characteristics of elastic materials to convert pressure into displacement, force, etc. 428 Bourdon tube (meaning: C-shaped spring tube or Bourdon tube) Potrdontuhe is a metal tube with one end closed, an elliptical or oblate cross section, and a shaped shape, used to measure pressure. 4.29 Spiral Bourdon tubc is a metal tube with one end closed, an elliptical or oblate cross section, and a spiral shape, used to measure pressure. 4.30 Electric contact device electric contact force gauge. 4.31 Diaphragm A metal sheet elastic element fixed along the outer edge. 4.32 Capsulc An elastic element formed by welding two metal diaphragms together along the outer edge. 1.33 Bellows An elastic element with coaxial spacing, circular shape, and axial expansion and contraction. A.34 Oil/gas, oil/water separator Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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