Metallic coatings-Electroplated coatings of nickel plus chromium and of copper plus nickel plus chromium
Some standard content:
TeS 25. 220. 40
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Replaces GB/T 9797--1397
Metallic Coatings
Electroplated Coatings of Nickel Plus Chromium and of Copper Plus Nickel Plus Chromium(ISO1456:2003,IDT)
Published on October 12, 2005
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Administration of Standardization of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on April 1, 2006
GB/T 9797—20G5/ISO 1456:2C03 Foreword
Normative references
Technical spectrum and definitions
Information that the purchaser should provide to the electroplating party
Service article number
8 Sampling
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix (:
Appendix D
Appendix E
(Informative annex)
(Normative annex)
(Normative annex)
(Normative annex)
Service environment corresponding to various service conditionsExamplesMeasurement of pore density and crack density in chromium plating layerThickness measurement method
Ductility test
Determination of sulfur content in electrodeposited nickel layer
GB/T 9797-2905/IS0 1456;2003 This standard adopts IS01456:2003 (E) Metallic coatings Nickel + chromium and copper + nickel + chromium electroplating layers (English version). This standard is drafted in accordance with IS01456:2003 (E). This standard is revised as follows in accordance with IS01456: According to the existing domestic standard practice for coating series, "metallic coating" is added before the standard name; the prefix of the international standard is eliminated, and the preface of the Chinese standard is added: For ease of use, the Chinese standard that adopts the international standard is quoted; "this standard" is used instead of "this international standard". This standard replaces (B/T9797 -1997% Metallic Coating Nickel + Chromium + Copper + Nickel-Chromium Electroplating". Compared with (B/T9797-1997), the main changes of this standard are as follows: the introduction is supplemented;
- the description of the applicable scope is modified;
referenced standards are added:
terms and definitions are added;
information to be provided by the purchaser and the electroplater in Chapter 4 is revised: - the division of service condition numbers is revised; - the coating identification in Chapter 6 is added and the corresponding charts and notes are recompiled; part of the contents of Chapter 7 and Chapter 9 in the 1997 version of the standard are merged to make it clearer; - add: Appendix C. Appendix I), Appendix F, Appendix A of this standard is an informative appendix, and Appendix B, Appendix C. Appendix 1), Appendix E are normative appendices. This standard was proposed by the China Machinery Industry Federation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Enterprises and Non-metallic Coatings. This standard was drafted by: Wuhan Institute of Material Protection, Jianjiang Xinfeng Enterprise Co., Ltd., Guangdong Jinhui Electroplating Co., Ltd., and the main drafters of this standard: Jian Xin, Mao Zuguo, He Jie, Zheng Xiulin, Lin Yunfeng. The previous versions of the standards replaced by this standard are: (1B 9797-1988, G1/T 9797---1997. GB/T9797-2055/IS01456:2003
In the manufacture of parts, decorative inlays are plated; chromium and steel-nickel-chromium plating can be used to enhance the appearance decoration and corrosion resistance of parts. The corrosion resistance depends on the thickness and type of the plating. In general, multi-layer nickel can provide better corrosion resistance than single-layer nickel of the same thickness, and chromium plating in a microcrack state can provide better protection than regular chromium bonding layer. 1 Scope
Metallic covering
GB/T 9797-2005/ISO 1456:2003 Nickel + chromium and copper + nickel + chromium electroplated coatings
This standard specifies the requirements for nickel-chromium and nickel-chromium electroplated coatings on steel, zinc alloys, copper and copper alloys, aluminum and aluminum alloys to provide decorative appearance and enhanced corrosion protection. It specifies the identification of coatings of different thicknesses and types, and provides guidance for the selection of plating markings for electroplated products exposed to corresponding service environments.
The standard does not specify the surface state of the base metal before electroplating. This standard is not applicable to the electroplating of unprocessed thin plates, materials, wires, nor to the electroplating of patterned firmware or spiral springs. GB/T12600 specifies the requirements for copper + nickel + chromium electroplated coatings on plastics, and GB/T9798 specifies the requirements for the same coating without chromium surface layer.
GB/T12332 and (GL/T11379) respectively specify the requirements for chromium electrosensitive coatings for nickel-plated engineering. 2 Normative references ||t The clauses in the following documents become clauses of this standard through the reference of this standard. For any dated referenced document, its subsequent amendment (excluding errata) or revision shall not apply to this standard. However, the parties to the agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, its latest version shall apply to this standard. GB3/T3/38 Metal plating and chemical treatment! And related process terms (GB/T31381995, negIS2079:1981) G: B/T1955 Metal plating coating summer layer thickness measurement anodic elution calorimetric method (GB/T49551997, idtISO2177:1985)
(1 "52? Metallic coating (electrodeposited layer and chemical deposition layer) adhesion strength test method (GB/T5270--1985.e4+ 1S0 2819:1980)GB/T61612002 Selection and rating of metal and other inorganic coatings on metal substrates after etching test t1S0 10289:1999, IDT
G13/T6162 Microscopic measurement of cross-sectional thickness of metal and oxide coatings ((15/T61521986, V1S0):1463:1082)
Review of measurement methods for thickness of metal and other inorganic coatings (C: B/T6463-1986, c1V1S03882: GB/T6463
GR/T 6165
IS0 4541:19787
Corrosion test for metal and other covering layers (C0RR test) (GB/T6465-1986, cQVGB/T10125-1997 Corrosion test in artificial atmosphere - Mist test (V1S09227:1990) (3/T12334 Definitions and general rules for thickness measurement of metal and other non-inorganic covering layers (id1JS0)2061:1996) (B/T12509 Electrodeposited metal covering layers and related sampling procedures (GR/T12609:2005.19O1519:1980.17)
(G13/T 13714
GH/T 16021
Measurement of the thickness of nickel electroplated layers on micro-magnetic and non-magnetic substrates (G3/T13744--1092, i1S0236]): X-ray spectroscopic method for measuring the thickness of metal coatings (GB/T16921-2005, ISO) 3497: G13/193-19 Pretreatment of steel with metallic and other inorganic coatings to reduce the risk of hydrogen embrittlement (GB/TJ934-2C03, 1SO1)
GB/T9797-2005/1S1456: 2003
9587: 1999.1)T)
Treatment of post-coating steel with gold and other inorganic coatings to reduce the risk of hydrogen embrittlement (GR/) 19350-GH/T 19350
GB/T2C018 Thickness measurement of metal and metal-repellent coatings by 3-ray backscattering method (G3/T22C182005.1S03153:2000,HT)
1S09220 Thickness of gold coatings Scanning electron microscopy 1S010587 Metal and other inorganic coatings Plated and unplated external threaded parts Surface residual brittleness test - oblique stem method [S01S3+8 Metal and other inorganic coatings for beauty of appearance Determination and customary terms ASTMB76191 Multilayer nickel plating cumulative stop and potential difference simultaneous measurement method STEP test) 3 Terms and definitions
GB/T 3138, GB/T 4 The purchaser shall provide the electroplating party with the following information: 4.1 Necessary information: In accordance with the standard, please indicate on the paper: Marking (see Appearance requirements and finishing requirements) On the workpiece: When purchasing electroplated parts, use matte or satin samples for comparison, and indicate the main surface or inspection type (see 7.5). The full range of non-main table combined strength test method (see the allowable defects process! The main table sampling method is to reduce the hydrogen embrittlement test method () 4.2 Attached information to avoid the change is or can be carried out under the condition of water (see Section 8). When necessary, Shufang can also provide the corresponding terms of STEP test for this standard. tt||For example, please refer to the purchase order or engineering drawing and 7.1). Or the purchaser should provide the following confirmation! .1);
Provide the value of the pin mark
weight and the main surface of the sample after the weight is recorded:
tensile strength and thickness requirements of the surface area that cannot be touched by a 201m diameter ball (see 2): it is necessary to consult the forged copper base (see 6.12).
5 Service condition number
"Meet the finishing requirements The purchaser shall use the service condition number to specify the protection level required for the workpiece. The service condition number corresponds to the severity of the workpiece in the service environment and is divided into the following categories: 5-Extremely severe; 3-Very severe: Appendix A lists the typical service environment conditions corresponding to each service condition number. 2. 6 Marking 6.1 Overview G3/19797-2005/150 1456:2093 The coating identification specifies the coating thickness and type for each service condition number (see Table 1 to Table 6, various benzene), including the following components:
a) the term "electroplated layer", this standard number: GB/T9797, followed by a dash; b) the chemical symbol representing the base metal (or the main metal in the alloy base), followed by a slash, as follows: -Fe/ indicates that the base is steel;
zn/ indicates that the base is zinc or zinc alloy;
.-Cu/ indicates that the base is copper or copper alloy;
AI/ indicates that the base is aluminum or aluminum alloy.
If copper or a brass alloy layer containing more than 50% copper is used as the base coating, the chemical symbol indicates the base coating. When using a button base coating, the number after Cu indicates the minimum local thickness of the copper coating, in IL; when using a copper base coating, the lowercase letter indicates the type of copper; the chemical symbol Ni indicates nickel coating:
The number after Mi indicates the minimum local thickness of the nickel coating, in μ; the lowercase letter indicates the type of coating (see 6.3): the chemical symbol CI indicates chromium coating:
(The number or numbers after r indicate the type and minimum local thickness of the chromium coating (see 6.4). Table 1 Nickel + chromium coating on steel
Service strips
Partial marking
Fe/Ni 35d Cr mc
Fe/Ni 35d Cr mp
F=/Ni 40d Cr I
Fe/Ni 30dl Ch Ine
Fe/Niop tCr r
F=/Ni 30p Cr m?
Fe:Ni 30p Ct mp
Pe/Ni25d Crmp
Fe/Ni 25d Cr m
Fe/Nt 3Up Lr r
['e/n: esp Cr me
Fe/Ni 25p Cr mp
Fe/Ni 40b Ct r
Fr/Ni stb CI tme?
T'e/Ni 30h Cr mp
Service condition
Part identification
Fe/Ni 20b Cr r
Fe/Ni 20h Cr me
Fe/Ni 20b Cr n?
Pe:N 20p Cr r
Fe/Ni 20p Cr mg
Fe/Ni 20p r mp
Fe/Ni 2 0x tr r
Fe/N; 20s Cr me
Fu/Ni20s Cr mp
Fe/Ni-ob Cr r
Fe/Ni lop Cr r
Fe/Ni 1o Cr r
GB/T 9797--2005/1S0 1456:2003 Service condition number
Table 2 Copper + Nickel + Chromium Plating on Iron and Steel
Partial Identification
Fe/Cu 20a Ni 30d Cr mc
Fe/Cu 20a Ni 30d Cr mp
2Ca Ni2
/Cul 2aNi 30
/Cu 20a Ni 25p
e/Cu 2a Ni 25p Cr mp
Fe/Cu 20a Ni 30
FeCu 20s Ni 30
Service condition number
General identification
Fe/Cu 15a Ni ?d Cr r
Fe/Cu 13a Ni 20d Cr rc
Fe/Cu 15: Ni 20d Cr mp
Fe/Cu l5a Ni 25p Cr r
Fe/Cu 15a Ni 20p Cr m
Fe/Cu 15a Ni20p Cc Imp
Fe/Cu 20 Ni 35h Cr r
FeCu 20a Ni 25b Cr mc ||tt ||This bottom copper plating layer (flash copper) cannot be used for the extended wear acid-injected copper specified in 2. Service Condition Number
Zn/Ni 35d Cr r
Zn/ Ni 25d Ct Inc
Zr/Ni2ad Crm
Zn/Ni 35p Crt
Zn/Ni 23p Cr mp
Zn/ Ni 25p Cr u
Zu1/Ni 35b Cr me
Service Condition
Ni los Cr r
20h Ct mp
Stop flow and construction
Ticket mark
INi 25d Cr r
Avi 20d Cr mc
An/Ai20d Crtmp
Z/Ni 25p Cr 1
Zm/Ni 20p Cr mc
Z/Ni 35L Cr
Zu/Ni s5h Gr mc
Z1/Ni 25bh Cr mp
Zn/Ni 1Eh Cr r
Zm:Ni 15p Cr r
Zn/Ni j5: G1 r
Service condition number
Partial identification
Table 3 (continued)
Service condition number
Partial identification
Zn/NiSb Crr
Zn'Ni Sb Cr r
Zn/Ni sb Cr r
Note that zinc alloy must be plated first to ensure the bonding strength of the subsequent source corrosion layer. The bottom steel coating is usually obtained by electroplating from a chlorinated target solution. A non-alkali solution can also be used. The minimum thickness of the bottom zinc coating should be 8μm~10μm. For workpieces with complex shapes, the minimum thickness of this zinc coating needs to be increased by 5μm to ensure that the low current density area outside the main surface is fully covered. When the minimum copper thickness is required to be greater than 10um, the minimum copper layer is usually plated with an extended and leveled copper obtained from an acid solution. 20a Ni 20d Cr Int
Zn/Cu 20a Ni30d Cr inp
Zn/Cu 20a Ni30f Cr r
Zn/Cu 20a Ni 20d Cr me
Zn/Cu 20a Ni 20d Cr imp
Za/Cu 20n Ni30p Cr r
Zn/Cu 20a Ni 20p Cr 2c
Zu/Cu 20n Ni 20p Cr inp
Zn/Cu 20a Ni30b Cr me
Zn/Cu E0a Ni 30b Cr mp
Service conditions
Part mark
Zn/C 15a Ni25d Gr r
Zn/Cu 15n Ni 20d Cr ms
ZnCu leu N 2nd Ce mp
Zm/Cu 15 Ni25p Gr r
7n/Cu 15a Ni 2tp Cr me|| tt | Cr r
Zn/Cu 20a Ni10s Cr [
Znnu loa Ni 8b Cr r
Zn/Cu l0a Ni Sy ('rr
Zn/Cu10a NiSs Crr
Note: The zinc alloy head is plated first to ensure the bonding strength of the standard nickel coating. The bottom coating is obtained by electroplating from a hydrogenated electrolyte. Non-destructive copper electrolyte can also be used. The minimum thickness of the coating should be 8-10 μm. For workpieces with complex shapes, the minimum thickness of this steel needs to be increased to 15 μm to ensure full coverage of the low dielectric density area outside the main surface. When the thickness of the bottom coating is less than 10 μm, an extended, integral steel coating obtained from an acidic electrolyte is usually used on the bottom copper coating. 5
GB/T 9797--2005/10 1456:2003 Table 5 Nickel + chromium coating on copper and copper alloys Service condition number Service condition number Partial identification CurNi 3od Cr r Cu/Ni25d Crme Cu/Ni 25d Crmp Cu/Ni 30p Cr r Cu/Ni 25p Cr mc Cu?Ni 25p Cr np Cu?Ni 80b Cr mc Cu/Ni 30b Cr mup Cu/Ni 25d Cr r Cu/Ni 20d Gr rC Cu/Ni 20d Cr imp
Cu/Ni 25p Cr 1
Cu/Ni 20p Cr mc
Cu/Ni 20p Cr mp
Cu/Ni 30b Cr r
Cu/Ni 25h Cr mc
GaNi 25b Cr mp
Service condition number
Table 6 Chrome + chrome plating on aluminium or aluminium alloy
Partial identification
Al/Ni 40dCrmc
Al/Ni 40d Cr mp
A1/Ni 5ul Cr r
Al/Ni 35a Cr mp
Al/Ni3na (rI | | tt | 1
Cu/Ni 5h Cr 1
Cu/Ai ep Cr r
tu/Ni 5s Cr
Part identification
AI/Ni 20 C r
Al/N: 26d Gr the
A1/Ni20d Crmp
A1/Ni 25b Cr r
A1/Ni 25b Gr the
Al/Ni 25b Cr mp
Al/Ni 20p Cr r
Al/Ni 20p Cy n?
Al/Ni 20n Cr mp
Al/Ni 70e Cr r
Al/Ni 26s Cr me
When zinc or aluminum is used for the joint, in order to ensure the strength of the joint, the electroplating and base plating should be pre-treated. 6.2 Copper plating type
The derivative symbol "," indicates the type of coating, that is, ductile, integral copper plated from an acid solution. 6.3 Nickel plating type
The type of nickel plating shall be indicated by the following symbols: 6
"-" indicates full-bright deposited;
-p indicates mechanically polished dark nickel or semi-bright nickel; "-" indicates non-mechanically polished dark nickel, semi-bright nickel or satin nickel; "-" indicates double or triple layer nickel. For relevant requirements, see Table 7. Requirements for double or triple nickel coatings
Layer (nickel coating type)
Constant layer (s)
Intermediate layer (high sulfur)
Surface layer (h)
Sulfur content
Total (mass fraction)
0. 04 and -0. 15
GB/T 9797-2005/IS0 1456:2003Thickness point Percentage of total nickel layer thickness
aThe test method for elongation (or ductility) is specified in the Appendix. hThe sulfur content of the nickel layer is specified to indicate the type of nickel plating solution used. There is no simple method for measuring the sulfur content of the nickel layer. However, the method specified in the Appendix E can be accurately measured on specially prepared specimens. Usually, according to the provisions of GR/T6462 or STEI test method, after polishing and cleaning the parts, the type of nickel and the thickness ratio of the buffer layer can be observed by a microscope.
6.4 Type and thickness of chromium plating
The type and thickness of the chromium layer should be represented by the following symbols following the chemical symbol Cr: -r represents ordinary chromium (i.e. conventional chromium), with a thickness of 0.3um -mc represents microcrack chromium. When the method specified in Appendix 1 is used for reading, the sensitive part shall have more than 250 cracks per centimeter in any direction, forming a tight network structure with a thickness of 0.3Im on the entire surface of the sensitive part. Some processes require a vertical hard and thick (about 0.8m) chromium plating to achieve the necessary crack pattern. In this case, the coating identification shall include the minimum barrel thickness as follows: Crmc0.8): mP represents microporous chromium. When measured by the method specified in Appendix E, there shall be at least 10,000 microgaps per square centimeter of the plated part with a thickness of 0.3m. Micropores are not observable with naked or corrected vision. 1. In the case of non-conductive coatings containing Microporous finishes can be obtained by depositing a chromium layer on a thin nickel layer. This can be seen on 1, P or D type materials.
Note: mP or mP coatings may lose some gloss after a period of use, which is unacceptable in some applications. For microporous or chromium-free coatings (see Tables 1 to 6), this failure potential can be mitigated by adding a 0.5 μm thick chromium coating. 6.5 Marking
Example A coating containing 20 mm extended, 130 μm bright nickel and 0.3 μm microcracked chromium on steel is marked as follows: Electroplated coating GB/T9797-Fe/Cu20a Ni30h Cr Note: The document is the signing of the contract. The detailed product specification includes not only the marking, but also clearly indicates other requirements required to meet the specific product application (see Chapter 4). 7 Requirements
7.1 Appearance
There should be no obvious coating defects on the main surface of the plated part, such as bubbles, pores, roughness, cracks, local missing plating, spots and discoloration. The degree of coating defects that may occur on non-main surfaces should be specified by the purchaser. If there are unavoidable scratches on the main surface, the location of the marks should be specified by the purchaser. The appearance of the workpiece should be uniform, the color should be consistent with the agreed regulations, and it should conform to the appearance of the sample for comparison [see 4.1, door, 7.2 Local thickness
The coating thickness specified in the marking should be the minimum local thickness. The minimum local thickness of the electroplated layer is measured at ten points on the main surface that can be touched by a ball with a diameter of 20mm, otherwise it shall be specified by the purchaser. The coating thickness measurement should be carried out according to Appendix (insert) The method described in the test tape. t
7.3 Double and triple nickel coatings
The requirements for double and triple nickel coatings are summarized in Table 7. 7.4 Bonding strength
The coating and the substrate should be well bonded and should be able to pass the knife test or hot development test specified in (13/T5270). The coating should not peel off from the substrate and there should be no separation between the sensitive layers. Note: The electroplating party is responsible for determining the surface treatment method before electroplating to meet the requirements of this clause. 7.5 Copper accelerated butyrate (CASS), corrosion cream (CORR) and acetate mist (ASS) test The plated workpiece should be tested according to the brain etch test method given in Table 8 and the test duration corresponding to the service condition number. Special tests for certain months should be specified by the purchaser. Several corrosion test methods specified in GB/T6465 and GB/T10125 provide a means of controlling the continuity and quality of the coating, but the correlation between the duration and results of these tests and the service life of the finished workpiece is small. After the key parts are subjected to appropriate corrosion tests, they should be inspected and rated in accordance with the provisions of G1/T6461. The minimum rating after the corrosion test should be level 9.
The body metal
Zinc alloy, pin
And copper alloy, aluminum alloy
Table 8 Correspondence between magic corrosion test and service condition number Corrosion test duration/h
Service condition number
Indicates no test requirement
CASS test
CORR test
(GB/T 465)
Ass test
(GB/T 10125)
7.6STEP test requirements
When specified by the purchaser, the electrochemical potential difference between the multi-layer nickel plating layers shall be determined according to the STEP method specified in ASTMB764-94. In a three-base nickel coating, the STLP potential difference between the highly active nickel and the bright nickel is between 15mV and -35rmV, and the highly active layer (bright positive) is always more active than the bright nickel layer. The STFP potential difference between the thin nickel layer in the chromium layer (for example, used to produce micropores or microcracks) and the bright nickel layer is between 0mV and 30mV, and the bright nickel layer (bright positive) is always more active than the nickel layer under the chromium layer. It is generally believed that the STEP value has not been determined, but there is some consistency in the range, for example, the STEP potential difference between the semi-bright and bright layers is between 1mV and -200mV. The semi-bright layer is always more positive than the bright nickel. 7.7 Ductility
According to the method specified in Appendix L), the table shows the ductility or ductility of the semi-bright nickel layer and the copper base coating in the multi-nickel coating.
7.8 Stress relief treatment before plating
Steel parts have an ultimate tensile strength equal to or higher than 1000MPa (31HRC), and will generate tensile stress during mechanical processing, grinding, straightening or cold processing. When the stress is specified, stress relief treatment should be carried out before cleaning and metal plating. The process and conditions of stress relief heat treatment should be determined according to the requirements or the requirements of the purchaser (B/I19349). The oxide layer and traces on the iron parts should be removed before electroplating. For high-strength steel, it is more suitable to use Cleaning with non-electrolyte solutions and alkaline anodic cleaning agents and mechanical cleaning should be carried out to avoid the hazard of oxygen embrittlement during cleaning. 7.9 Hydrogen embrittlement elimination treatment
When the ultimate tensile strength of iron parts and surface hardened parts is equal to or higher than 1100MPa (31IIRC), such workpieces should be subjected to hydrogen embrittlement elimination treatment by heat treatment method according to GB/T19350 or the requirements of the purchaser. The effect of hydrogen embrittlement elimination treatment can be determined by the requirements of the purchaser or the methods specified in the relevant standards. For example, ISO) 10587 stipulates the requirements for screw2003 Thickness point percentage of total nickel layer thickness
a The test method for elongation (or ductility) is specified in the appendix. h The sulfur content of the nickel layer is specified to indicate the type of nickel plating solution used. There is no simple method to measure the sulfur content of the nickel layer. However, the method specified in the Annex E can be accurately measured on specially prepared specimens. Usually, after polishing and cleaning the parts according to the GR/T6462 or STEI test method, the type of nickel and the thickness ratio of the buffer layer can be observed by a microscope.
6.4 Type and thickness of chromium plating
The type and thickness of the chromium layer shall be indicated by the following symbols following the chemical symbol Cr: -r represents ordinary chromium (i.e. conventional chromium), with a thickness of 0.3um -mc represents microcracked chromium. When the method specified in Appendix 1 is used for reading, the sensitive part shall have more than 250 cracks per centimeter in any direction, forming a tight network structure with a thickness of 0.3Im on the entire surface of the sensitive part. Some processes require a vertical hard and thick (about 0.8m) chromium plating to achieve the necessary crack pattern. In this case, the coating identification shall include the minimum barrel thickness as follows: Crmc0.8): mP represents microporous chromium. When measured by the method specified in Appendix E, there shall be at least 10,000 microgaps per square centimeter of the plated part with a thickness of 0.3m. Micropores are not observable with naked or corrected vision. 1. In the case of non-conductive coatings containing Microporous finishes can be obtained by depositing a chromium layer on a thin nickel layer. This can be seen on 1, P or D type materials.
Note: mP or mP coatings may lose some gloss after a period of use, which is unacceptable in some applications. For microporous or chromium-free coatings (see Tables 1 to 6), this failure potential can be mitigated by adding a 0.5 μm thick chromium coating. 6.5 Marking
Example A coating containing 20 mm extended, 130 μm bright nickel and 0.3 μm microcracked chromium on steel is marked as follows: Electroplated coating GB/T9797-Fe/Cu20a Ni30h Cr Note: The document is the signing of the contract. The detailed product specification includes not only the marking, but also clearly indicates other requirements required to meet the specific product application (see Chapter 4). 7 Requirements
7.1 Appearance
There should be no obvious coating defects on the main surface of the plated part, such as bubbles, pores, roughness, cracks, local missing plating, spots and discoloration. The degree of coating defects that may occur on non-main surfaces should be specified by the purchaser. If there are unavoidable scratches on the main surface, the location of the marks should be specified by the purchaser. The appearance of the workpiece should be uniform, the color should be consistent with the agreed regulations, and it should conform to the appearance of the sample for comparison [see 4.1, door, 7.2 Local thickness
The coating thickness specified in the marking should be the minimum local thickness. The minimum local thickness of the electroplated layer is measured at ten points on the main surface that can be touched by a ball with a diameter of 20mm, otherwise it shall be specified by the purchaser. The coating thickness measurement should be carried out according to Appendix (insert) The method described in the test tape. t
7.3 Double and triple nickel coatings
The requirements for double and triple nickel coatings are summarized in Table 7. 7.4 Bonding strength
The coating and the substrate should be well bonded and should be able to pass the knife test or hot development test specified in (13/T5270). The coating should not peel off from the substrate and there should be no separation between the sensitive layers. Note: The electroplating party is responsible for determining the surface treatment method before electroplating to meet the requirements of this clause. 7.5 Copper accelerated butyrate (CASS), corrosion cream (CORR) and acetate mist (ASS) test The plated workpiece should be tested according to the brain etch test method given in Table 8 and the test duration corresponding to the service condition number. Special tests for certain months should be specified by the purchaser. Several corrosion test methods specified in GB/T6465 and GB/T10125 provide a means of controlling the continuity and quality of the coating, but the correlation between the duration and results of these tests and the service life of the finished workpiece is small. After the key parts are subjected to appropriate corrosion tests, they should be inspected and rated in accordance with the provisions of G1/T6461. The minimum rating after the corrosion test should be level 9.
The body metal
Zinc alloy, pin
And copper alloy, aluminum alloy
Table 8 Correspondence between magic corrosion test and service condition number Corrosion test duration/h
Service condition number
Indicates no test requirement
CASS test
CORR test
(GB/T 465)
Ass test
(GB/T 10125)
7.6STEP test requirements
When specified by the purchaser, the electrochemical potential difference between the multi-layer nickel plating layers shall be determined according to the STEP method specified in ASTMB764-94. In a three-base nickel coating, the STLP potential difference between the highly active nickel and the bright nickel is between 15mV and -35rmV, and the highly active layer (bright positive) is always more active than the bright nickel layer. The STFP potential difference between the thin nickel layer in the chromium layer (for example, used to produce micropores or microcracks) and the bright nickel layer is between 0mV and 30mV, and the bright nickel layer (bright positive) is always more active than the nickel layer under the chromium layer. It is generally believed that the STEP value has not been determined, but there is some consistency in the range, for example, the STEP potential difference between the semi-bright and bright layers is between 1mV and -200mV. The semi-bright layer is always more positive than the bright nickel. 7.7 Ductility
According to the method specified in Appendix L), the table shows the ductility or ductility of the semi-bright nickel layer and the copper base coating in the multi-nickel coating.
7.8 Stress relief treatment before plating
Steel parts have an ultimate tensile strength equal to or higher than 1000MPa (31HRC), and will generate tensile stress during mechanical processing, grinding, straightening or cold processing. When the stress is specified, stress relief treatment should be carried out before cleaning and metal plating. The process and conditions of stress relief heat treatment should be determined according to the requirements or the requirements of the purchaser (B/I19349). The oxide layer and traces on the iron parts should be removed before electroplating. For high-strength steel, it is more suitable to use Cleaning with non-electrolyte solutions and alkaline anodic cleaning agents and mechanical cleaning should be carried out to avoid the hazard of oxygen embrittlement during cleaning. 7.9 Hydrogen embrittlement elimination treatment
When the ultimate tensile strength of iron parts and surface hardened parts is equal to or higher than 1100MPa (31IIRC), such workpieces should be subjected to hydrogen embrittlement elimination treatment by heat treatment method according to GB/T19350 or the requirements of the purchaser. The effect of hydrogen embrittlement elimination treatment can be determined by the requirements of the purchaser or the methods specified in the relevant standards. For example, ISO) 10587 stipulates the requirements for screw2003 Thickness point percentage of total nickel layer thickness
a The test method for elongation (or ductility) is specified in the appendix. h The sulfur content of the nickel layer is specified to indicate the type of nickel plating solution used. There is no simple method to measure the sulfur content of the nickel layer. However, the method specified in the Annex E can be accurately measured on specially prepared specimens. Usually, after polishing and cleaning the parts according to the GR/T6462 or STEI test method, the type of nickel and the thickness ratio of the buffer layer can be observed by a microscope.
6.4 Type and thickness of chromium plating
The type and thickness of the chromium layer shall be indicated by the following symbols following the chemical symbol Cr: -r represents ordinary chromium (i.e. conventional chromium), with a thickness of 0.3um -mc represents microcracked chromium. When the method specified in Appendix 1 is used for reading, the sensitive part shall have more than 250 cracks per centimeter in any direction, forming a tight network structure with a thickness of 0.3Im on the entire surface of the sensitive part. Some processes require a vertical hard and thick (about 0.8m) chromium plating to achieve the necessary crack pattern. In this case, the coating identification shall include the minimum barrel thickness as follows: Crmc0.8): mP represents microporous chromium. When measured by the method specified in Appendix E, there shall be at least 10,000 microgaps per square centimeter of the plated part with a thickness of 0.3m. Micropores are not observable with naked or corrected vision. 1. In the case of non-conductive coatings containing Microporous finishes can be obtained by depositing a chromium layer on a thin nickel layer. This can be seen on 1, P or D type materials.
Note: mP or mP coatings may lose some gloss after a period of use, which is unacceptable in some applications. For microporous or chromium-free coatings (see Tables 1 to 6), this failure potential can be mitigated by adding a 0.5 μm thick chromium coating. 6.5 Marking
Example A coating containing 20 mm extended, 130 μm bright nickel and 0.3 μm microcracked chromium on steel is marked as follows: Electroplated coating GB/T9797-Fe/Cu20a Ni30h Cr Note: The document is the signing of the contract. The detailed product specification includes not only the marking, but also clearly indicates other requirements required to meet the specific product application (see Chapter 4). 7 Requirements
7.1 Appearance
There should be no obvious coating defects on the main surface of the plated part, such as bubbles, pores, roughness, cracks, local missing plating, spots and discoloration. The degree of coating defects that may occur on non-main surfaces should be specified by the purchaser. If there are unavoidable scratches on the main surface, the location of the marks should be specified by the purchaser. The appearance of the workpiece should be uniform, the color should be consistent with the agreed regulations, and it should conform to the appearance of the sample for comparison [see 4.1, door, 7.2 Local thickness
The coating thickness specified in the marking should be the minimum local thickness. The minimum local thickness of the electroplated layer is measured at ten points on the main surface that can be touched by a ball with a diameter of 20mm, otherwise it shall be specified by the purchaser. The coating thickness measurement should be carried out according to Appendix (insert) The method described in the test tape. t
7.3 Double and triple nickel coatings
The requirements for double and triple nickel coatings are summarized in Table 7. 7.4 Bonding strength
The coating and the substrate should be well bonded and should be able to pass the knife test or hot development test specified in (13/T5270). The coating should not peel off from the substrate and there should be no separation between the sensitive layers. Note: The electroplating party is responsible for determining the surface treatment method before electroplating to meet the requirements of this clause. 7.5 Copper accelerated butyrate (CASS), corrosion cream (CORR) and acetate mist (ASS) test The plated workpiece should be tested according to the brain etch test method given in Table 8 and the test duration corresponding to the service condition number. Special tests for certain months should be specified by the purchaser. Several corrosion test methods specified in GB/T6465 and GB/T10125 provide a means of controlling the continuity and quality of the coating, but the correlation between the duration and results of these tests and the service life of the finished workpiece is small. After the key parts are subjected to appropriate corrosion tests, they should be inspected and rated in accordance with the provisions of G1/T6461. The minimum rating after the corrosion test should be level 9.
The body metal
Zinc alloy, pin
And copper alloy, aluminum alloy
Table 8 Correspondence between magic corrosion test and service condition number Corrosion test duration/h
Service condition number
Indicates no test requirement
CASS test
CORR test
(GB/T 465)
Ass test
(GB/T 10125)
7.6STEP test requirements
When specified by the purchaser, the electrochemical potential difference between the multi-layer nickel plating layers shall be determined according to the STEP method specified in ASTMB764-94. In a three-base nickel coating, the STLP potential difference between the highly active nickel and the bright nickel is between 15mV and -35rmV, and the highly active layer (bright positive) is always more active than the bright nickel layer. The STFP potential difference between the thin nickel layer in the chromium layer (for example, used to produce micropores or microcracks) and the bright nickel layer is between 0mV and 30mV, and the bright nickel layer (bright positive) is always more active than the nickel layer under the chromium layer. It is generally believed that the STEP value has not been determined, but there is some consistency in the range, for example, the STEP potential difference between the semi-bright and bright layers is between 1mV and -200mV. The semi-bright layer is always more positive than the bright nickel. 7.7 Ductility
According to the method specified in Appendix L), the table shows the ductility or ductility of the semi-bright nickel layer and the copper base coating in the multi-nickel coating.
7.8 Stress relief treatment before plating
Steel parts have an ultimate tensile strength equal to or higher than 1000MPa (31HRC), and will generate tensile stress during mechanical processing, grinding, straightening or cold processing. When the stress is specified, stress relief treatment should be carried out before cleaning and metal plating. The process and conditions of stress relief heat treatment should be determined according to the requirements or the requirements of the purchaser (B/I19349). The oxide layer and traces on the iron parts should be removed before electroplating. For high-strength steel, it is more suitable to use Cleaning with non-electrolyte solutions and alkaline anodic cleaning agents and mechanical cleaning should be carried out to avoid the hazard of oxygen embrittlement during cleaning. 7.9 Hydrogen embrittlement elimination treatment
When the ultimate tensile strength of iron parts and surface hardened parts is equal to or higher than 1100MPa (31IIRC), such workpieces should be subjected to hydrogen embrittlement elimination treatment by heat treatment method according to GB/T19350 or the requirements of the purchaser. The effect of hydrogen embrittlement elimination treatment can be determined by the requirements of the purchaser or the methods specified in the relevant standards. For example, ISO) 10587 stipulates the requirements for screw1 Appearance
There shall be no obvious coating defects on the main surface of the plated part, such as blistering, pores, roughness, cracks, local missing plating, spots and discoloration. The degree of coating defects that may occur on non-main surfaces shall be specified by the purchaser. If there are unavoidable scratches on the main surface, the location of the marks shall be specified by the purchaser. The appearance of the workpiece shall be uniform, the color shall be consistent with the agreed specifications, and shall conform to the appearance of the sample for comparison [see 4.1, 7.2 Local thickness
The coating thickness specified in the marking shall be the minimum local thickness. The minimum local thickness of the electroplated layer shall be measured at ten points on the main surface that can be touched by a ball with a diameter of 20mm, otherwise it shall be specified by the purchaser. The coating thickness measurement shall be in accordance with the method described in the Appendix (insert). t
7.3 Double and triple nickel coatings
The requirements for double and triple nickel coatings are summarized in Table 7. 7.4 Bonding strength
The coating and the substrate should be well bonded and should pass the knife test or heat spread test specified in (13/T5270). The coating should not peel off from the substrate and there should be no separation between the sensitive layers. Note: The electroplating party is responsible for ensuring that the surface treatment method before electroplating meets the requirements. Meet the requirements of this clause. 7.5 Copper accelerated caseate (CASS), corrosion cream (CORR) and acetate mist (ASS) tests Plated workpieces should be tested according to the test method given in Table 8 and the test duration corresponding to the service condition number. Special tests for certain months should be specified by the purchaser. Several corrosion test methods specified in GB/T6465 and GB/T10125 provide a means to control the continuity and quality of the coating, but the correlation between these test durations and test results and the service life of the finished workpiece is small. Key parts are subjected to appropriate corrosion After the test, it shall be inspected and rated according to the provisions of G1/T6461. The minimum rating after the corrosion test shall be 9.
The body metal
Zinc alloy, pin
and copper alloy, aluminum alloy
Table 8 Correspondence between magic corrosion test and service condition number Duration of corrosion test/h
Service condition number
Indicates no test requirement
CASS test
CORR test
(GB/T 465)
Ass test
(GB/T 10125)
7.6STEP test requirements
When specified by the purchaser, the electrochemical potential difference between the multi-layer nickel plating layers shall be determined according to the STEP method specified in ASTMB764-94. In the three-base nickel plating, the STLP potential difference between the high-activity nickel plating and the bright nickel plating is between 15mV and -35rmV, and the high-activity layer (bright positive) is always more active than the bright nickel layer. The STFP potential difference between the thin nickel layer in the chromium layer (for example, used to produce micropores or microcracks) and the bright nickel layer is between 0mV and 30mV, and the bright nickel layer (early positive) is always more active than the nickel layer under the chromium layer. It is generally believed that the STEP value has not been fixed, but there is still some consistency in the range of application. For example, the STEP potential difference between the semi-bright and bright layers is between 1mV and -200mV. The semi-bright layer is always more positive than the bright nickel. 7.7 Ductility
The ductility or elongation of the semi-bright nickel layer and the copper base plated layer in the nickel coating is determined by the method specified in Appendix L.
7.8 Stress relief treatment before plating
Steel parts have an ultimate tensile strength equal to or higher than 1000MPa (31HRC) and will produce tensile stress during mechanical processing, grinding, straightening or cold working. When the stress is specified, stress relief treatment should be carried out before cleaning and metal plating. The process and conditions of stress relief heat treatment should be determined according to the requirements or the requirements of the customer (B/I19349). The oxide layer and any traces on the iron parts should be removed before electroplating. For high-strength steel, it is more suitable to use Cleaning with non-electrolyte solutions and alkaline anodic cleaning agents and mechanical cleaning should be carried out to avoid the hazard of oxygen embrittlement during cleaning. 7.9 Hydrogen embrittlement elimination treatment
When the ultimate tensile strength of iron parts and surface hardened parts is equal to or higher than 1100MPa (31IIRC), such workpieces should be subjected to hydrogen embrittlement elimination treatment by heat treatment method according to GB/T19350 or the requirements of the purchaser. The effect of hydrogen embrittlement elimination treatment can be determined by the requirements of the purchaser or the methods specified in the relevant standards. For example, ISO) 10587 stipulates the requirements for screw1 Appearance
There shall be no obvious coating defects on the main surface of the plated part, such as blistering, pores, roughness, cracks, local missing plating, spots and discoloration. The degree of coating defects that may occur on non-main surfaces shall be specified by the purchaser. If there are unavoidable scratches on the main surface, the location of the marks shall be specified by the purchaser. The appearance of the workpiece shall be uniform, the color shall be consistent with the agreed specifications, and shall conform to the appearance of the sample for comparison [see 4.1, 7.2 Local thickness
The coating thickness specified in the marking shall be the minimum local thickness. The minimum local thickness of the electroplated layer shall be measured at ten points on the main surface that can be touched by a ball with a diameter of 20mm, otherwise it shall be specified by the purchaser. The coating thickness measurement shall be in accordance with the method described in the Appendix (insert). t
7.3 Double and triple nickel coatings
The requirements for double and triple nickel coatings are summarized in Table 7. 7.4 Bonding strength
The coating and the substrate should be well bonded and should pass the knife test or heat spread test specified in (13/T5270). The coating should not peel off from the substrate and there should be no separation between the sensitive layers. Note: The electroplating party is responsible for ensuring that the surface treatment method before electroplating meets the requirements. Meet the requirements of this clause. 7.5 Copper accelerated caseate (CASS), corrosion cream (CORR) and acetate mist (ASS) tests Plated workpieces should be tested according to the test method given in Table 8 and the test duration corresponding to the service condition number. Special tests for certain months should be specified by the purchaser. Several corrosion test methods specified in GB/T6465 and GB/T10125 provide a means to control the continuity and quality of the coating, but the correlation between these test durations and test results and the service life of the finished workpiece is small. Key parts are subjected to appropriate corrosion After the test, it shall be inspected and rated according to the provisions of G1/T6461. The minimum rating after the corrosion test shall be 9.
The body metal
Zinc alloy, pin
and copper alloy, aluminum alloy
Table 8 Correspondence between magic corrosion test and service condition number Duration of corrosion test/h
Service condition number
Indicates no test requirement
CASS test
CORR test
(GB/T 465)
Ass test
(GB/T 10125)
7.6STEP test requirements
When specified by the purchaser, the electrochemical potential difference between the multi-layer nickel plating layers shall be determined according to the STEP method specified in ASTMB764-94. In the three-base nickel plating, the STLP potential difference between the high-activity nickel plating and the bright nickel plating is between 15mV and -35rmV, and the high-activity layer (bright positive) is always more active than the bright nickel layer. The STFP potential difference between the thin nickel layer in the chromium layer (for example, used to produce micropores or microcracks) and the bright nickel layer is between 0mV and 30mV, and the bright nickel layer (early positive) is always more active than the nickel layer under the chromium layer. It is generally believed that the STEP value has not been fixed, but there is still some consistency in the range of application. For example, the STEP potential difference between the semi-bright and bright layers is between 1mV and -200mV. The semi-bright layer is always more positive than the bright nickel. 7.7 Ductility
The ductility or elongation of the semi-bright nickel layer and the copper base plated layer in the nickel coating is determined by the method specified in Appendix L.
7.8 Stress relief treatment before plating
Steel parts have an ultimate tensile strength equal to or higher than 1000MPa (31HRC) and will produce tensile stress during mechanical processing, grinding, straightening or cold working. When the stress is specified, stress relief treatment should be carried out before cleaning and metal plating. The process and conditions of stress relief heat treatment should be determined according to the requirements or the requirements of the customer (B/I19349). The oxide layer and any traces on the iron parts should be removed before electroplating. For high-strength steel, it is more suitable to use Cleaning with non-electrolyte solutions and alkaline anodic cleaning agents and mechanical cleaning should be carried out to avoid the hazard of oxygen embrittlement during cleaning. 7.9 Hydrogen embrittlement elimination treatment
When the ultimate tensile strength of iron parts and surface hardened parts is equal to or higher than 1100MPa (31IIRC), such workpieces should be subjected to hydrogen embrittlement elimination treatment by heat treatment method according to GB/T19350 or the requirements of the purchaser. The effect of hydrogen embrittlement elimination treatment can be determined by the requirements of the purchaser or the methods specified in the relevant standards. For example, ISO) 10587 stipulates the requirements for screw9 Hydrogen embrittlement elimination treatment
When the ultimate tensile strength of iron parts and surface hardened parts is equal to or higher than 1100MPa (31IIRC), such workpieces shall be subjected to hydrogen embrittlement elimination treatment by heat treatment method according to GB/T19350 or the requirements of the purchaser. The effect of hydrogen embrittlement elimination treatment can be determined by the requirements of the purchaser or the methods specified in the relevant standards. For example, ISO) 10587 stipulates that the screw9 Hydrogen embrittlement elimination treatment
When the ultimate tensile strength of iron parts and surface hardened parts is equal to or higher than 1100MPa (31IIRC), such workpieces shall be subjected to hydrogen embrittlement elimination treatment by heat treatment method according to GB/T19350 or the requirements of the purchaser. The effect of hydrogen embrittlement elimination treatment can be determined by the requirements of the purchaser or the methods specified in the relevant standards. For example, ISO) 10587 stipulates that the screw
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