GB/T 8355-1987 General technical requirements for electric measuring and control instruments for ships
Some standard content:
1 Introduction
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
General technical specifications for marine electrical measurement and control instruments1:1 This standard applies to marine electrical measurement and control instruments (hereinafter referred to as marine electrical instruments). UDC 629.05
621. 317.7
GB 8355---8.7
1.2 Marine electrical instruments shall comply with the relevant provisions of this standard, and those specified in this standard shall comply with the respective product technical conditions. 1.3- Marine electric instruments can be divided into measuring instruments (instruments for measuring temperature, pressure, level, flow, mechanical properties, etc.) according to their functions; a. Control instruments (controllers, regulators, etc.); b. Execution instruments (controllers, operators, etc.); c. Display instruments, recording instruments, indicating instruments, etc.) and other instruments. 1.4 This standard adopts the international standard IEC92-504 publication (1571) "Marine electrical equipment 504 Part 1: Control and measuring instruments". 1.5 This standard is coordinated with the following documents and standards: b. "Rules for classification and construction of seagoing steel ships" currently issued by the China Ship Inspection Bureau; c. "Type approval test procedures for marine electrical and electronic products" currently issued by the China Ship Inspection Bureau. GB479B.6 "Electrical and Electronic Products Application Environment Conditions Marine 2 Terms and Definitions
In addition to the original language of GB24228 Basic Environmental Test Procedures for Electrical and Electronic Products, GB247 Industrial Automation Instrumentation Terms, GB222 Mechanical Impact Terms, etc., this standard also adopts a series of terms. 2.1 Ship, esel
A transport, combat, or operation tool sailing or moored in waters. It is a general term for various ships, ships, boats, boats, and floating work platforms on water.
2.2 Marine electric instruments can adapt to the environmental conditions of the ship and meet the requirements of ship use. It is a measurement and control tool powered by electricity. 2.3 Moisture-resisting material The standard sample has been tested for moisture resistance as specified in the relevant standards (specifications), and its insulation performance is not lower than the specified requirements. 2.4 Mildew-resisting material mnteriai standard test materials are materials that have passed the mold test specified in the relevant standards (norms), and whose mold growth level is within the specified range. 2.5 Combustion-delayed materials are materials that have passed the flame retardancy test specified in the relevant standards (norms): materials that do not transmit rapid flames and continue to burn without growing more than the specified value of F. National Machinery Industry Committee 1987-12-01 approved box 3C
1989-01-01 implementation
Wbzsoso.cOn2.6 Immunity
Resistance to electromagnetic interference.
2.7 Conducted interference candttcted interference is the useless electromagnetic energy transmitted through the conductor. CB.8355-87
2.B Radio-frequency interference radio-frequency interference is the attenuation magnetic interference in the entire radiation range.
3 Technical requirements,
3.1 Sensitivity requirements
3.1.1 Operation
The operation of the electric instrument for skeleton should be simple and flexible. 3. 1. 2 Reliability
Marine electric instruments should have the reliability that is compatible with the systems they measure and control. 3.1.3 Stability
Marine electric instruments should be stable within the measurement and control range. 3.2 Design and structural requirements
3.2.1 The design and structure of marine electric instruments should facilitate testing, adjustment and maintenance, and should be repaired by replacing components or parts as much as possible.
3.2.2 To ensure good contact, the plug and the socket must maintain a certain contact pressure. The embedded base plate or printed terminal should be equipped with a locking device. 3.2.3 The electrical spacing and creepage distances of the electronic components and devices in the marine electric instruments should comply with the relevant regulations of the technical conditions of these components and devices themselves.
: 3.2.4 There should be sufficient spacing between the wiring of the marine electric instrument. Each external wiring should generally have an independent wiring hole, and all wiring posts should have clear markings.
3.2.5 The shell structure of marine electric instruments should be simple, and special tools should be avoided for installation and disassembly. The fastening parts should be tightly connected. The shell should have a clear and durable grounding mark.
3.2.6 When using a buffer or a vibration-damping base, there should be enough clearance between the shell and the base to allow full freedom of movement. 3.2.7 Measures to prevent condensation inside the instrument should be considered for marine electric meters. 3.2, 8 If marine electric meters are illuminated, the illumination should be good and should not produce shadows and glare. 3.2.9 The scale of marine electric instruments should comply with the general provisions of ZBY123 Industrial Automation Instrument Scale 3. 3.2.10 The rated values of the power supply voltage and frequency selected for marine electric instruments should comply with the provisions of Table 1. Table 1
Note: The data in brackets in the table are for export products and special requirements only. 3.2.11 The indicator light color of marine electric instruments shall comply with the provisions of Table 2. Rated frequency, Iz
50 or (60)
W.bzsoso:com child
Working state
3.3 Material requirements
Automatic switch disconnect
Automatic switch transfer
3.3. 1 Marine electric instruments shall generally be made of durable, flame retardant, moisture resistant, release resistant and salt spray resistant materials. Flame retardant materials shall be subjected to flame retardant test in accordance with the provisions of Appendix A (Supplement).
3.3.2 The electric wire of the electric instrument for marine use shall be of flame retardant type. To avoid possible interference: ~ Shielded and multi-strand twisted wires shall generally be used. 3.3.3 The conductive parts of marine electric instruments shall generally be made of copper or copper alloy, and the contact parts shall have excellent arc resistance, welding resistance and good thermal stability.
3.4 Performance requirements
The performance of marine electric instruments shall comply with the provisions of the relevant product technical regulations under normal working conditions and during their service life. 3.5 Working environment conditions
Marine electric instruments shall meet the corresponding requirements under the high temperature conditions specified in Table 3. Table 3
Environmental humidity,
>70℃ refers to the temperature near the machine, boiler, etc. at the installation site: 3.5.2 Low temperature
Marine electric instruments shall be able to work normally under the conditions specified in Table 4. Table 4 Installation location Outdoor and deck test room without insulation measures General room 3.5.3 Humidity General electric instruments should be able to work normally under the conditions specified in Table 5. Table 5 Environmental humidity, 3.5. 4 Salt spray Normal operation Continuous operation for 2 hours without failure Special provisions should be made Environmental temperature Relative humidity, % 95 20G For electric instruments installed indoors, the appearance of metal parts should comply with the provisions of Table 6 after the 48-b salt spray test. Marine electric instruments installed outdoors shall have no obvious corrosion or quality change after the salt spray test. 32
W. Moisture category
GB 8355-·87
Bottom gold
Ku and copper alloys
Copper and copper alloys
Qualification requirements
No white or gray-black corrosion on the main surface. No brown rust on the surface
No patina on the main surface
No screws on the main surface
No gray or light green corrosion on the main surface. No light green corrosion on the main surface
Marine electric instruments should have anti-mist fungi capabilities. After 28 days of long exposure test, the degree of mildew growth of insulating parts and coating materials exposed to the air should not exceed the requirements of Table 7. Bag 7
Long-term level
3.5.6 Tilt
Bacteria growth
Magnify 50 times to observe the growth
It is difficult to see the growth of mold seedlings with the naked eye. If the growth is magnified, it is necessary to increase the size to see the growth of mold seedlings. The sample surface should be covered with zero bacteria. The area is less than 25%. The marine electric instrument should be able to work normally at an inclination angle of ±22.5° relative to the installation position. 3.5.7 Swing
The marine electric instrument should be able to work normally at a swing angle of 22.5° relative to the installation position and a swing period of 10s. 3.5.8 Constant acceleration
The marine electric instrument should be able to work normally at a constant acceleration of 10 m/s* in the vertical direction. 3.5. 9 Vibration
Electric instruments should be able to withstand sinusoidal vibrations in three directions (unidirectional, lateral, and longitudinal) relative to the installation position. The perturbation parameters are specified in the table. The product should have no mechanical damage or malfunction during the test, and its performance should comply with the provisions of the respective product technical conditions. Table 8
Vibration parameters
Frequency, Hz
Tensile displacement value Tmm
Speed value, m/g%
Test 1
Note Test 1 is applicable to instruments installed in general cabins, ② Test 2 is applicable to instruments installed on reciprocating machines and in rubber machines, 2~25
Test 2
When designing the product structure, try to make its natural vibration frequency not be in the range of 2~1.00 If this requirement cannot be met, appropriate measures should be taken (such as using a vibration damper) to avoid excessive resonance values. The damper should be tested for vibration together with the instrument. 3.5.10 Electromagnetic interference
Marine electric instruments shall have the ability to resist electromagnetic interference as specified in Table 9. 33
W.bzsoso:com Electromagnetic interference name
Acoustic interference
Radio frequency interference
Power supply transient interference
Radiated electromagnetic interference
3.5.11 Sunlight radiation
GB 8355—87
Electromagnetic interference source value
Frequency, 50~10kHz, [interference voltage: 1.0V effective value Frequency: 10kHz30MHz, interference voltage: 1.0V effective value Pulse width: 100ns. Transient voltage: 2×power supply voltage, 500V Frequency: 30kHz~200 MHz; impedance field strength: 1.V/m or 10V/m Marine electric instruments should have the ability to withstand the auxiliary radiation intensity of 1.12kW/m, the allowable variation range is +10%, and its spectral energy distribution complies with the thermal effect and optical effect or degradation effect of sunlight radiation specified in Table 10. : Table 10
Spectrum name
Visible light
3.6 Power supply conditions
Being long, rm
(1. 28~0. 44
0. 10-~0. 78
0. 78~ 3. 00
Radiation intensity film, W/m
560(0. k)
492(0. 7)
.3.6.1 Marine electric instruments should be able to operate normally within the range of AC power supply voltage and frequency specified in Table 11. Table 11 Power supply parameters Note: “%” in the table refers to the percentage of the rated value. 3.6.2 Marine electric instruments powered by batteries should work normally within the voltage variation range specified in Table 12. Table 12 Power supply parameters Variation range, % Note: (1) When the instrument is not connected to the battery or when using a regulated power supply during power-on, the voltage variation range can be reduced to ±20%. “%” in the table refers to the percentage of the rated value. Error, duration. Marine electric instruments powered by DC power supply should work within the voltage variation range specified in Table 13. 3.6.3 Power supply parameters Note: “%” in the table refers to the percentage of the rated value. 34
Duration: 5
W.3.6.4 Power interruption
GE B355—87
Marine electric instruments shall be subjected to power interruption test, and the test results shall meet the following requirements: a: The performance after power failure and restart shall meet the requirements of the product technical conditions. All differential sequences and data of the digital system shall not be affected. 3.7. Insulation performance
3.7.1 Insulation strength
All suitable marine electric instruments shall withstand the AC sine wave test voltage specified in Table 14 for 1 min between the power line and other lines and between the power supply and the casing without breakdown or flashover. Table 14
Rated voltage, V
300≤6 600
3.7.2 Insulation resistance
Test voltage (with test), V
The insulation resistance value of marine electric instruments shall comply with the provisions of Table 15 before and after the alternating heat test, low-voltage test and salt spray test. The insulation resistance value of the factory test is specified by the strict product technical conditions of each door, Table 15
Rated voltage.V
3. Operating conditions
Test voltage (DC)
2 times of the rated output voltage, not less than
Before the test
Marine electric instruments should be able to withstand continuous impacts under the following conditions under packaging conditions: Continuous impact times: 1000÷10 times:
Acceleration, 100+19 m/s*
Corresponding pulse duration, 11±2 ms: Pulse repetition frequency: 65~100 times/min;
Pulse shape: approximately half-sine wave.
3.9 Shell Scratch Protection
Minimum Insulation Resistance, MI
Test Institute
3.9.1 The shell of marine electric instruments shall have sufficient mechanical strength. Its assembly shall ensure that the sealing structure and the functions of the internal components are not affected by the vibration that may be generated under the working conditions. 3 9.2 The type of potential protection of marine electric instruments shall be selected according to the needs of different products in accordance with the classification of shell protection levels in GB4208.
3.10 Explosion-proof requirements
The electric instruments of coal-fired ships shall comply with the provisions of GB3836.19 General requirements for explosion-proof electrical equipment in explosive environments> GB3835.2 & Explosion-proof electrical equipment for explosive environments Flameproof electrical equipment "", GB3836.3 Explosion-proof electrical equipment for explosive environments Increased safety electrical equipment*\, GB3836. Explosion-proof electrical equipment for explosive environments Intrinsically safe circuits and electrical equipment 1\>, and must have an explosion-proof certificate.
4 Test methods
4.1 Test atmospheric conditions
W.4.1.7 Normal test atmospheric conditions
GB 8355-87
When the test atmospheric conditions are not specified: All tests are carried out under the normal atmospheric conditions specified in Table 16. Table 16
For the deceleration, %
Atmospheric pressure, kPa
When a test product is tested for a certain time, the temperature and humidity should remain stable during a series of measurements under normal test atmospheric conditions.
4.1.2 Reference atmospheric conditions
The reference atmospheric conditions shall be as specified in Table 17.
Root humidity, %
4.2 General inspection
According to the provisions of, the design and materials of the product shall be inspected to see if they meet the requirements of the product technical conditions of each room.
4.3 Performance test
Marine electric instruments shall be installed in the correct position and powered on for various performance tests of the product. The test results shall meet the requirements of the product technical conditions of each room.
4.4 High temperature test
4.4.1 Place the marine electric instrument in the effective working space of the test box (room). The temperature at any point shall be kept within the specified range of ±2°C. The temperature of the test box (room) is raised from the initial ambient temperature to 55 ± 2 °C, with a heating rate of 0.7~1.0 °C/min (average value of 5 min), and maintained for 1 hour, and then the temperature is raised to 70 °C at the same rate and maintained for 2 hours. During the heating period, the relative humidity of the test box (room) is checked, which is required not to exceed 50% at 35 °C.
4.4.2 After the temperature of the test box (room) is stabilized at 65 °C, the product is powered on, and the performance test is carried out in the last 1 hour at 55 °C, and the action test is carried out in the last 0.5 hour at 70 °C. The test results should meet the requirements of Table 3.After the test, cool naturally to room temperature. The test process is as shown in Figure 1, performance test 1, and 4.5 Low temperature test. The test process diagram of high temperature test is as follows: a, sh, tt, and h. GE8355.87. 4.5.1 Place the marine oxygen-powered meter into the effective working space of the test chamber (room). The temperature at any point should be kept within the specified value. The temperature of the test chamber should be reduced from the initial ambient temperature to within the range of ±3°C of the specified test temperature. The cooling rate is 0.7~1.00/it5min average value and maintained for 16 hours. The test temperature is -25°C or -10°C. After the low temperature test is completed, the time for the test product to return to the initial ambient temperature should be no less than 14. 5.2 After the test chamber (room) is stable, it should be powered on. At the last 1 second of the test temperature, 5. Carry out performance test. The test result shall comply with the provisions of 3.5.4. The insulation resistance value shall comply with the provisions of Table 15. The test process is shown in Figure 2.
4.6 Alternating heat test
3. Temperature test
4.6.1 Place the electric instrument in the effective air of the test chamber to carry out two-cycle alternating heat test. The test chamber is from the initial environment temperature: rise to 55℃ in 3±0.5h. The relative condensation temperature is not less than 95℃. Keep it under this condition until 12℃. Then cool down to 25±3℃. The temperature time is 36h: the temperature of the test chamber is kept at the standard state for 24h. The first cycle ends and then the second cycle test begins. The test process is shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 Alternating sensible heating test process diagram (two cycles) +
4.6.2 The first cycle of the high temperature and humidity stage and the last 2 hours of the second cycle of the alternating sensible heating test should be energized for action test. Set Table 46.3 In the last 2 hours after the end of the test, take the test product out of the test box (room) and quickly restore it under normal test atmosphere conditions for 2 hours. In the last 1 hour of the recovery period, measure the insulation resistance again. The insulation resistance value should comply with the provisions of Table 13. However, it is allowed to wipe off the water on the surface before carrying out the full test. The test results should comply with the provisions of the product technical conditions. 4.7 Salt spray test
4.7.1 Electric instruments installed in cabins are required to undergo a salt spray test on metal parts; electric instruments installed outdoors are required to undergo a salt spray test on the whole machine
W.bzsoso: comGE 8355-87
Note: If the materials used for the parts have passed the salt spray test, they can be exempted from the test within the validity period. 4.7.2 Preparation of salt solution for salt spray test of metal parts The salt solution is made of chemically pure sodium chloride (ViCl) and distilled water, with a concentration of 5±0.1% (recommended). During the test period, the pH value is maintained within the range of 6.57.2 (at 35±2℃).
4.7.3 Salt spray test for components
The tested product shall be placed in a salt spray box at 35±2°C for 48 hours with the salt spray rate of 1~2mL/h·80ctu°. The spray shall not be sprayed directly on the product, but shall flow down on its surface. After the test, the salt deposits on the surface of the tested product shall be gently rinsed with warm water, and then rinsed in distilled water, and then restored for 1~2 hours under normal test atmospheric conditions, or according to the recovery conditions and recovery time of relevant standards. Finally, the tested product shall be inspected for appearance, which shall comply with the provisions of Table 6.
4.7.4 Preparation of salt solution for alternating salt spray test of the whole machine The solution is prepared by dissolving the following salts in each liter of distilled water. The maximum allowable error of the salt content is ±10%. During the test, the pH value of the salt solution shall continue to be within the range of 7.5~3.5 (at 20°C). Salt components contained in the beneficial solution:
Sodium fluoride
Magnesium chloride
Cas chloride
Magnesium sulfate
Sodium bicarbonate
Sodium bromide
4.7.5 Salt mist test for whole machine
Put the test product in a salt chamber at 15 to 35°C in a used state. Spray the salt mist with the settling liquid specified in 4.7.4 continuously for 2h. The settling amount of the salt mist shall be 1 to 2mL/h·80cm*. The salt mist shall not be sprayed directly onto the test product, but shall be allowed to settle on its surface. After spraying, the tested product is still moved to a wet heat box with a temperature of 40±2 and a relative humidity of 90%~95% (when transferring, the solution should be lost as little as possible), and kept for 7 days as a cycle. The cycle is called a test. After the last cycle, the tested product is taken out of the wet heat box (when transferring, the salt solution should be lost as little as possible), and restored for 1~2 hours under the normal test conditions, and then the test is carried out. The test results should comply with the provisions of the respective product technical specifications, and the insulation resistance value should comply with the provisions of Table 15.
Then, gently rinse the tested product with room temperature water to remove the salt deposits, and then rinse it in distilled water, then immerse it in water or blow it dry, and check the appearance. There should be no obvious corrosion or quality change. 4.8 Moss test
4.8.1 The test is carried out with the spore suspension obtained by culturing as specified in GB2423.16 "Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test I: Moss test method", or in accordance with the fungus species agreed upon by the user and the manufacturer. Note: If the integral parts and layer materials of the product have passed the anti-microbial test, the test is exempted within the validity period. 4.8.2 The temperature at each point of the effective test space of the zero bacteria test room (room) should be between 28-30.℃, and the relative humidity should be greater than 90%. 4.8.3 There should be no auxiliary air circulation in the fungus test room (room), and the air pressure should be kept away from the air. During the test, the air should be ventilated once every ? ? , and the temperature of the measuring point during the ventilation period is allowed to fluctuate between 25 and 32°C, and the relative humidity should be not less than 80%. However, at the end of the ventilation, the temperature of the measuring point should be restored to the value specified in Article 4.8.2 within 2 hours. 4.84 Use a nozzle with an aperture of no more than 0.5 mm to spray the mixed spore suspension in a mist form evenly on the entire exposed surface of the test product, and then place the test product (3 sets, 1 piece) in the test box for 28 hours. After the test, take out the eggs and check the degree of spore growth according to the provisions of the table. If performance tests are required, two sets of products should be tested. 4.9 Tilt test
For the front, rear, left and right of the correctly installed position, the power supply should be turned on for about 22.5° in each direction. The reverse action test should be carried out for 15 minutes each time.
4.10 Swing test
Put the marine spore tester on the sway test bench and turn on the power supply. Rotate the front, rear and right horizontal axes at 22.5° for 10 seconds each time and swing for 15 minutes. min, and conduct action test: it should be able to work normally. 4.11 Constant speed test
Install the marine electric instrument on the acceleration test machine, and conduct a test with an acceleration of +1m/s in the vertical direction for not less than 10x. It should be able to work normally.
4.12 Vibration test
4.12.1 The vibration test of marine sensing instruments shall comply with the provisions of GB223.10% Basic environmental test procedures for electrical and electronic products Test Fc: Sine vibration (sinusoidal) test method.
4.12.2 Fasten the product on the vibration table according to the normal installation position. If it cannot be installed vertically, install it through a shielding structure with sufficient rigidity to ensure the transmission of vibration parameters. If a vibration reduction device is installed on the ship, it should be installed together with the test. 4.12.3 Additional vibration test The frequency amplitude is selected according to Table 8. During the test, the frequency is changed evenly, continuously and slowly in three mutually perpendicular axes. 1: (where the axis should be consistent with the normal orientation of the instrument) to check whether there is resonance. The logarithmic sweep rate is 1: During the sweep frequency test, if a resonance point is found within the frequency range, then: 2. For test 1, the amplification factor (Q) should be measured. If it is greater than or equal to 2, it should be recorded. Resonances greater than or equal to 5 are not allowed to exist. b. For test 2: Resonances greater than 1.5 are not allowed to exist, and should be adjusted or vibration reduction measures should be taken to reduce it. 4.12.5 Durable vibration test
4. For test 1, each resonant frequency with an amplification factor greater than or equal to 2 should be tested for 2 hours on the axis where the resonance occurs. If there is no resonance.b. For test 2, after each scan is completed, a long-term vibration test with an acceleration value of ±4(m/s\) at a frequency of 30Hz for 2h should be carried out in three vertical directions.
4.12.6 During the test, the marine electric instrument is powered on and working, and there should be no abnormality or damage. After the test, general inspection and energy test are carried out. Its performance should meet the requirements of the respective user product technical conditions. 4.13 Electromagnetic interference test
Marine electric instruments should work normally during the following electromagnetic interference tests: a. Audio frequency conducted interference immunity test; h. Radio frequency conducted interference immunity test: c. Source transient interference immunity test 1. Radiation interference immunity test. 4.13.1 Audio frequency conducted interference immunity test according to Figure 1: Connect the circuit as shown in Figure 1: Input a high-frequency sine wave voltage with a frequency range of 5GHz~10kHz and a strength of 1.0V (effective value) on the power line of the marine electric instrument, and adjust it within the specified frequency range at a maximum rate of 0.005 steps/note. The signal voltage should be maintained at 1.0V (effective signal). In the case where the 1.0V (effective signal) level cannot be maintained, the maximum power of the power line can be increased as shown in Figure 5, but it should be limited to 2.0W. 4.13-2 Radio frequency conducted interference immunity test Connect the circuit as shown in Figure 5. Connect the power supply and the product to the isolated network to increase the impedance between the instrument power supply ground. The test signal generated by the signal generator has a modulation rate of 1KHz and a modulation degree of 30%: it can be in the range of 10kHz~-30 The test signal is scanned at a maximum scanning rate of 0.005 MHz/s within the frequency range. When the test signal frequency changes from 10kF to 30MT, the signal level drops from 1V (120dB) to 0.V (100dB) when input through the power line. When input through other lines, the input signal level is 0.1 V.
WW.bzsoso.cOm Various American standard industry data free download audio frequency gland
City power amplifier
Two breeding indexes epidemic seat
Limited business craftsman
Figure 4 Schematic diagram of audio conduction low-level immunity test circuit: D signal generator medicine output limit less than 1.00. AC medical attack and basic circuit voltage (test product does not note the diagram isolation transformer medical device should carry all the current and. Baiyun standard generator
Western matching
Electrolytic capacitor
(for DC power supply)
AC voltmeter
Intercept test product
Isolation network
Test product
Figure: Schematic diagram of high-level immunity test circuit for audio frequency conduction: 4. 13.3 Power supply transient interference immunity test The wiring is carried out according to the circuit shown in Figure 3. The interference pulse can be symmetrically input into the power line of the tested product through the isolation transformer. The transient voltage is twice the power supply voltage value, the maximum amplitude is 500V, and when the power supply voltage is less than or equal to 36V, the maximum transient voltage loop value should be limited to 100V. The pulse rise time is 5ng, the pulse width is 10Cs, the repetition rate is 50 pulses per second, and the interference pulse should be injected into each power line. The positive and negative pulses are 1min each.
W. Solution technology
Isolation transformer
Demodulation generator
Isolation transformer
GB 8355—87
Sensitive test product
ai Huanzhang class
o Power supply
Respective test product
h: Unknown type
Figure 6 Schematic diagram of power supply transient interference immunity test circuit 4.13.4 RF radiation electromagnetic interference immunity test Oscilloscope
Indicator precision
The test product should be placed in a shielded room with a plug-in cable. The cable can meet the frequency requirements and is located 1m away from the most sensitive side of the test product. The relevant signal lines (input and output) should be connected to the test product in the screen room. Signal lines with a length greater than 10m should be rolled up near the test product.
The test signal generated by the signal generator has a modulation frequency of 1 kHz and a modulation degree of 30%. It can be scanned in the frequency range of 30 kHz~200 MHz.
For the test product that is only subject to moderate RF radiation electromagnetic interference, the electric field strength it is subjected to should be maintained at 1.0 V/m. For the test product that is subject to severe radiated electromagnetic interference, the electric field strength it is subjected to should be maintained at 10.0 V/1. The maximum scanning rate is 0.0 V/s and the electric field strength should be adjusted within the specified frequency range. The electric field strength should remain unchanged at 1.0 V/1 and 10.0 V/11. During the frequency sweep, the scanning can be paused to adjust the electric field strength or change the oscillator and antenna position. 4.14 Solar radiation test
·The solar radiation test of marine electric power equipment shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB2423.24 "Basic environmental test regulations for electrical and electronic products Test Sa simulated ground solar radiation test method". 4.15 Power supply variation test
4.15.1 Marine electric instruments powered by a DC power supply shall be subjected to power supply variation test under the various combination conditions specified in Table 18 and Table 19. They shall comply with the provisions of 3.6.1.
W.The product under test should be placed in a screened room with a plug-in cable. The cable can meet the frequency requirements and is located 1m away from the most sensitive side of the product under test. The relevant signal lines (input and output) should be connected to the product under test in the screened room. Signal lines with a length greater than 10m should be rolled up near the product under test.
The test signal generated by the signal generator has a modulation frequency of 1 kHz and a modulation degree of 30%. It can be scanned in the frequency range of 30 kHz~200 MHz.
For the test product that is only subject to moderate RF radiation electromagnetic interference, the electric field strength it is subjected to should be maintained at 1.0 V/m. For the test product that is subject to severe radiated electromagnetic interference, the electric field strength it is subjected to should be maintained at 10.0 V/1. The maximum scanning rate is 0.0 V/s and the electric field strength should be adjusted within the specified frequency range. The electric field strength should remain unchanged at 1.0 V/1 and 10.0 V/11. During the frequency sweep, the scanning can be paused to adjust the electric field strength or change the oscillator and antenna position. 4.14 Solar radiation test
·The solar radiation test of marine electric power equipment shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB2423.24 "Basic environmental test regulations for electrical and electronic products Test Sa simulated ground solar radiation test method". 4.15 Power supply variation test
4.15.1 Marine electric instruments powered by a DC power supply shall be subjected to power supply variation test under the various combination conditions specified in Table 18 and Table 19. They shall comply with the provisions of 3.6.1.
W.The product under test should be placed in a screened room with a plug-in cable. The cable can meet the frequency requirements and is located 1m away from the most sensitive side of the product under test. The relevant signal lines (input and output) should be connected to the product under test in the screened room. Signal lines with a length greater than 10m should be rolled up near the product under test.
The test signal generated by the signal generator has a modulation frequency of 1 kHz and a modulation degree of 30%. It can be scanned in the frequency range of 30 kHz~200 MHz.
For the test product that is only subject to moderate RF radiation electromagnetic interference, the electric field strength it is subjected to should be maintained at 1.0 V/m. For the test product that is subject to severe radiated electromagnetic interference, the electric field strength it is subjected to should be maintained at 10.0 V/1. The maximum scanning rate is 0.0 V/s and the electric field strength should be adjusted within the specified frequency range. The electric field strength should remain unchanged at 1.0 V/1 and 10.0 V/11. During the frequency sweep, the scanning can be paused to adjust the electric field strength or change the oscillator and antenna position. 4.14 Solar radiation test
·The solar radiation test of marine electric power equipment shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB2423.24 "Basic environmental test regulations for electrical and electronic products Test Sa simulated ground solar radiation test method". 4.15 Power supply variation test
4.15.1 Marine electric instruments powered by a DC power supply shall be subjected to power supply variation test under the various combination conditions specified in Table 18 and Table 19. They shall comply with the provisions of 3.6.1.
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