JB/T 10035-1999 This standard is a revision of ZB J42 041-90 "Thickness Table". During the revision, only editorial changes were made according to relevant regulations, and the technical content has not changed. This standard specifies the terminology, type, basic parameters and dimensions, technical requirements and marking, packaging, etc. of thickness tables. This standard is applicable to thickness tables with graduation values of 0.1mm, 0.01mm, 0.001mm, and measuring ranges of (0~1)mm, (0~10)mm, (0~20)mm, (0~30)mm. This standard was first issued on September 26, 1990. JB/T 10035-1999 Thickness Table JB/T10035-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
ICS 25.060.20 Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JB/T10035-1999 Thickness table Thicknessdiat gap 1999-05-20 Issued National Bureau of Machinery Industry 2000-01-01 Implementation JB/T1003S—1999 This standard is based on the thickness table of ZB[42041—90. The technical content of this standard is the same as that of ZB[42041—90, and only the relevant provisions have been re-edited. This standard replaces 2BJ42041—90 from the date of implementation. Appendix A of this standard is the appendix of the standard. This standard was proposed and approved by the National Standardization Technical Committee. The responsible unit for the development of this standard is the National Standard for Cutting Tools. The drafters of this standard are Hu Bingxue and Liu Jiyang. This standard was first published in 1990. ! Scope Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Thickness Table Thickness Dial gauje JB/T10035-1999 Announcement BJ42041-90 This standard specifies the terms, types, basic parameters and dimensions, technical requirements and markings and installation of thickness gauges. This standard is applicable to thickness gauges with a measurement range of 0.1mm, 0.01mm, 0.001mm and 0~1mm, 0~10mm, 0~20mm, and 30mm. 2 Definitions This standard adopts the following definitions: 2. Thickness gauge The thickness gauge is a kind of indicating gauge installed on a stand. The gauge is read by the measuring head and faces the measuring disk on the right. The displacement of the surface is used to measure the thickness of leather, building materials, plastics, etc. 2.2 Measuring depth 1 When measuring deep into the measured object, its center line will be the maximum distance to the measured edge (see Figure 1) 2.3 Indication error The difference between the indicated value of the thickness gauge and the true value of the actual separation between the two measuring discs. 2.4 Indication variability The maximum difference in the results when the same measured object is repeatedly measured without any change in the measuring conditions. Type, basic number and size 3.1 The type of the gauge is divided into type 1 and type 2. The type is shown in Figure 1 (only for explanation, not showing the specific structure). When the type 1 gauge is not in operation, the measuring head and the measuring station are in contact. When the type 2 gauge is not in operation, the measuring head and the measuring station are in contact. 3.2 The measurement and division values of the thickness attenuation are shown in Table 11. Approved by the National Bureau of Machinery Industry J999-05-20, implemented on January 1, 2000. JB.T 10033-E999. 3.3 The recommended thickness gauge measuring surface diameter and measuring depth are shown in Table 2. Table 2 Graduation value 4 Technical requirements Measuring diameter 1: 420 463: n, 2n $4: $6.3: 48: @10 4.1 The gauge shall not have external defects that may affect its performance. 16;32:125:250500;630 16,32,125,250 4.2 Under normal use, the movement of the measuring tool should be smooth and flexible, without stagnation. 4.3 The two measuring mothers of the serial scale should not have obvious misalignment. 4.4 The measurement of the type II thickness gauge should start from the end point of the required operation, and the overrun travel is shown in Table 3. 2 4.5 The width of the scale line on the dial is shown in Table 4. JB/T10035-[999 The pointer end should cover 30%-80% of the long bottom of the short scale line on the dial. 4.6 Table fragrance 42 0.10-0.20 The distance between the tip of the pointer and the dial should not exceed 0.70mm. 4.8 The surface stiffness K of the visual measuring surface is shown in Table 5, table 0.01:0.001 Overtravel 20.05Dial 100 divisions 20.10:Dial 200 divisions Dial diameter>42 0.15-0.25 0.15-0.251Dial 100 divisions width) 0.10-0.20 (Dial 200 divisions width) The hardness of the steel measuring surface shall not be less than 766HV (light HRC) The hardness of the stainless steel measuring surface shall not be less than 55IHV (4.9 Force measurement range of mechanical strength See the table. The flatness tolerance of the measuring surface and the parallelism tolerance between the two measuring surfaces must be shown in the table. JR/TJ0035-1990 4.12 The indication error and indication variability of the thickness gauge should not deviate from the provisions of Table 8. Table 7 Production 5 Marking and packaging 5.1 The thickness gauge 1 should be marked with: Tolerance Center ~ 10 Door - 20 a) Manufacturer's name or registered trade name: b) Maximum measurement application: e) Graduation value; d Measuring depth and width: c) Product serial number. 5.2 The packaging box should be marked with: a) Product name or registered trademark; h) Product name: ) Measurement range: Graduation: ) Measurement depth Display Www.bzxZ.net Public welfare Technical forced change 5.3 The thickness gauge should be rust-proofed and properly packaged. The product should not be damaged during transportation due to poor packaging. 5.4 The thickness gauge should be tested and certified to meet the requirements of this standard. The product certificate should be marked with: a) The standard number of this standard; b) Product serial number; e) Year and month of production. JBT10035—1999 Appendix A (Standard Appendix) Inspection Method This appendix is the test method for thickness gauges during delivery inspection and user acceptance. A1. Appearance Use visual inspection. AZ tide plate Use tool microscopic inspection. Surface roughness Use surface roughness comparison sample for comparison inspection. A4 brush force is tested by force gauge, A5 indication error is tested by inserting a gauge block between the two measuring blocks. The grade and nominal length of the gauge block are shown in Table A1. Table A? Asia gauge range A Measuring block nominal length 0.25; 0.5; 0.74\, 1 2.21 4.5: 7.7: 0 2.2: 45, 7.7; 10 2.2; 4.5; 17.7; 20 2.2; 4.5; 27.7,30 1) The gauge blocks with nominal lengths of 1.25mm and 75mm can be used for the same precision. A6 Indication variability Repeat the same measurement 5-10 times in each country and calculate the difference between the large and small indications of the measurement. A To determine the parallelism tolerance of the two measuring surfaces Place the gauge blocks at the 1, 2, 3, 4 positions on the edge of the measuring surface (see Figure A "), and read the readings on the indicator respectively. The maximum and minimum values of the readings are the parallelism tolerance of the two measuring surfaces. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.