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Specifications for operation and service of public resources auction center

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 39052-2020

Standard Name:Specifications for operation and service of public resources auction center

Chinese Name: 公共资源拍卖中心运行服务规范

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2020-07-21

Date of Implementation:2021-02-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, services, organization and management of companies (enterprises), administration, transportation >> Services >> 03.080.99 Other services

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Economy, Culture>>A10 Business, Trade, Contract

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

Publication date:2020-07-01

other information

drafter:Li Weidong, Yang Congjun, Hao Yuanxiao, Zhao Jing, Zhu Benxiang, Wei Fengnian, Zheng Xiaoxing, Kan Weihai, Hu Xibing, Yu Haiyang, Yin Houjun, Cui Haile, Wang Zhuo

Drafting unit:China Auction Industry Association, Anhui Auction Association, School of Economics and Finance of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Guangdong Public Resources Trading Federation, Shanghai Auction Industry Association, Guangdong Auction Industry Association, Anhui Hefei Public Resources Trading Center, Anhui Panlong Auction Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai Land Trading Affairs Center

Focal point unit:National Auction Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 366)

Proposing unit:People's Republic of China Ministry of Commerce

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation and National Standardization Administration Committee

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39052-2020.Specifications for operation and service of public resources auction center.
GB/T 39052 specifies the basic principles and requirements, locations and Facility and equipment requirements, online auction platform requirements, institutions and personnel, operational service processes, supervision and evaluation.
GB/T 39052 applies to the construction, operation and services of public resource auction centers, as well as the services of on-site auction enterprises.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For dated reference documents, only the dated version applies to this document. For undated referenced documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 2893.1 Graphic Symbols Safety Colors and Safety Signs Part 1: Design Principles for Safety Signs and Safety Marks
GB/T 10001.1 Graphic Symbols for Public Information Part 1: Universal Symbols
||tt ||GB/T 18894 Electronic Document Archiving and Electronic File Management Specifications
GB/T 32674 Online Auction Procedures
SB/T 10641 Auction Terminology
SB/T 10692 Auctioneer Operating Specifications
3 Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions defined in SB/T 10641 and the following apply to this document.
Public resources public resource
Public and public welfare resources involving public interests and public safety.
Public resource auction public resource auction
A buying and selling method that transfers specific public resources to the highest bidder in the form of public bidding.
public resources auction center public resources auction center
A service platform for on-site auction of public resources.
4 Basic Principles and Requirements
4.1 Basic Principles
4.1.1 Service Principle
The operation of the public resource auction center should use services to promote standards, improve efficiency, and ensure auctions The activities should be open, fair and impartial.
4.1.2 Principle of Uniformity
The operation of the public resource auction center should have unified entry, unified announcement, unified bidding, and unified supervision.
4.1.3 Principle of Collaboration
The public resource auction center should ensure the coordinated operation of online auctions and on-site auctions.
4.2 Basic requirements
4.2.1 The service place of the public resource auction center should be located in a location with convenient transportation and complete public facilities.
The construction and operation of the public resource auction center should meet the following requirements:
Have a fixed centralized auction place and corresponding facilities and equipment;
Once it is sound Operational services and internal management systems;
A network service system that guarantees information release, online auctions and regulatory requirements;
Technical and managerial personnel to meet business needs;
||tt| |There are funds to ensure normal operation of services;
There is a supervision and evaluation mechanism for operation services;
There is a sound safety guarantee system and emergency plan;
When business registration, Filing or assessment and other related requirements.
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, basic principles and requirements, site and facility equipment requirements, online auction platform requirements, institutions and personnel, operation service processes, supervision and evaluation of public resource auction center operations. This standard applies to the construction, operation and services of public resource auction centers, as well as the services of on-site auction companies.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Specifications for operation and service of public resources auction center2020-07-21 Release
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration Committee
Implementation on 2021-02-01|| tt||Foreword
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Auction Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC366). GB/T39052—2020
This standard was drafted by: China Auction Industry Association, Anhui Provincial Auction Association, Xi'an Jiaotong University School of Economics and Finance, Guangdong Provincial Public Resources Trading Federation, Shanghai Auction Industry Association, Guangdong Provincial Auction Industry Association, Anhui Hefei Public Resources Trading Center, Anhui Panlong Auction Group Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Land Trading Center. The main drafters of this standard: Li Weidong, Yang Congjun, Hao Yuanxiao, Zhao Jing, Zhu Benxiang, Wei Fengnian, Zheng Xiaoxing, Lan Weihai, Hu Xibing, Yu Haiyang, Yin Houjun, Cui Haile, Wang Welding.
1 Scope
Public Resource Auction Center Operation Service Specification GB/T39052—2020
This standard specifies the operation of public resource auction center Basic principles and requirements of services, requirements for venues, facilities and equipment, requirements for online auction platforms, institutions and personnel, operating service processes, supervision and evaluation. This standard applies to the construction, operation and services of public resource auction centers, as well as the services of on-site auction companies. Normative references
The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For undated referenced documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document Graphical Symbols Safety Colors and Safety Marks Part 1: Design Principles for Safety Signs and Safety Marks GB/T2893.1||tt| |GB/T10001.1 Public Information Graphic Symbols Part 1: Universal Symbols GB/T18894
Electronic Document Archiving and Electronic Archives Management Specifications GB/T32674
Online Auction Regulations
Auction Terminology
Auctioneer Code of Practice
Terms and Definitions
SB/T10641 defined and The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
Public resources
Public and public welfare resources involving public interests and public safety, 3.2
Public resource auction
A buying and selling method that transfers specific public resources to the highest bidder in the form of public bidding 3.3
Public Resource Auction Center publicresourcesauctioncenter Public resource auction service platform
4 Basic Principles and Requirements
4.1 Basic Principles
4.1.1 Service Principle
The operation of the public resource auction center should promote standardization and efficiency through services, and ensure the openness, fairness, and fairness of auction activities. Justice 1
4.1.2 Principle of Uniformity
The operation of public resource auction centers should have unified entry, unified announcement, unified bidding, and unified supervision 4.1.3 Collaboration Principle of safety
The public resource auction center should ensure the coordinated operation of online auctions and on-site auctions. 4.2 Basic requirements
The service venue of the public resource auction center should be located in a location with convenient transportation and complete public facilities. 4.2.1
4.2.2 The construction and operation of the public resource auction center should meet the following requirements: Yes Fixed centralized auction venues and corresponding facilities and equipment; sound operating services and internal management systems; guaranteed information release, online auctions, and network service systems that meet regulatory requirements; technical and managerial personnel to meet business needs; and guaranteed normal operation Funds for operating services;
There is a supervision and evaluation mechanism for operating services; there is a sound security system and emergency plan; it meets relevant requirements such as business registration, filing or evaluation, 5 site and facility equipment requirements ||tt| |5.1 The public resource auction center should be equipped with main functional areas such as auction hall, online bidding hall, registration and settlement office, public rest area, observation and monitoring room, office area and other service areas.
5.2 Each functional area of ??the public resource auction center and its facilities and equipment should be equipped with guiding, warning and informative signs that comply with the requirements of GB/T2893.1 and GB/T10001.1. 5.3 The setting of the auction hall includes but Not limited to the following: There are seats for no less than 50 bidders;
There is an auction table, recording seats and supervision seats; there are computers, printers, copiers, projectors or display screens, audio equipment, and recording equipment etc.; there are no less than three channels of high-definition monitoring equipment, one channel is dedicated to the auction table, and two channels are arranged diagonally to ensure that there are no blind spots in the entire venue and the entire process is monitored;
One has a pickup that can collect the audio of the entire venue; There is a backup power supply with a delay of not less than 1 hour.
5.4 The settings of the online bidding hall include but are not limited to the following: no less than 10 dedicated online bidding seats that are independently set up and equipped with corresponding terminals; there are auction tables, projectors or display screens, audio equipment, and recording equipment , monitoring equipment; there is a backup power supply with a delay of not less than 1h.
5 Registration and settlement office settings include but are not limited to the following: 5.5
There are seats for registration and settlement services for auction companies; There are electronic card reading equipment for ID cards;
There are computers , printers, copiers, fax machines, money counters, calculators and other office facilities and monitoring equipment such as recording and video recording; settlement equipment with card swiping and electronic payment
6 public rest areas, observation and monitoring rooms and other services The area should meet the use needs 5.6
5.7 The public resource auction center should promptly upgrade the facilities and equipment of the service location according to business development requirements. The retention period of audio and video materials of auction activities shall not be less than 5 years. 5.8
Requirements for online auction platforms
The online auction platform of the Public Resource Auction Center should meet the requirements of the auction The various needs of the parties participating in public resource auction activities ensure that the operation is stable, safe and reliable, and comply with the relevant requirements of GB/T32674. 6.2 The functions of the online auction platform include but are not limited to: publishing announcements;
display of auction objects;||tt ||One bidder registers and registers;
The bidder pays the bidding deposit;
Online bidding;
Synchronize the online and on-site auctions;
Record the bidding process;|| tt||——Publish auction results;
Generate auction transaction confirmation;
Online settlement.
6.3 The online auction platform should have a data interface to connect with the public resource transaction supervision system to achieve information sharing. 6.4 The information data and transaction records of the online auction platform shall be kept for no less than 5 years. 7 Organizations and Personnel
Organizational Settings
The institutional setting of the public resource auction center should meet the following functional requirements: Comprehensive coordination functions, including: administration, logistics, security, archives, etc. Management functions, among which electronic archive archiving management should comply with the relevant requirements of GB/T18894;
business management functions, which have the function of coordinating auction enterprises to enter and organize auction activities; information management functions, which have the operation and management of software and hardware systems Maintenance function; supervision and evaluation function, with the function of internal supervision and evaluation of the auction enterprise's entry activities 7.2 Staffing
The public resource auction center should set up corresponding positions according to the needs of each function 7.2 .2 Personnel employed for the position should meet the following requirements: be familiar with policies and regulations related to public resource auctions; be familiar with auction business processes;
Special positions should be equipped with personnel with special skills; and have business communication and coordination capabilities.
Run the service process
Auction target entry registration
Verify the auction contract entrusted by the auction company. 3
Verify that the auction object complies with the public resource entry transaction requirements issued by the public resource regulatory department. Verify that the property rights of the auction object are clear and should meet the conditions for smooth transfer after the transaction. 8.1.3
Accept the entry registration of the auction object,
Auction announcement and object display
Supervise and guide the auction company to publish the auction announcement on the media and information platform designated by the public resource transaction regulatory department, and display the auction object for no less than 2 days,
Accept inquiries from bidders.
Bidding registration
Cooperate with the auction company to conduct qualification review of bidders8.3.2
Encourage bidders to sign bidding agreements with auction companies. 8.3.3
Provide services for bidders to pay bidding deposits as agreed8.4
Auction bidding
8.4.1 Online auction, on-site auction or online and on-site simultaneous auction. The online auction process should comply with the requirements of SB/T10692, mainly including:8.4.2
The auctioneer announces the auction rules and precautions; the bidder logs in to the online auction platform;
The bidder bids online according to the bidding rules; the auctioneer confirms the transaction.
8.4.3 The on-site auction process should comply with the requirements of SB/T10692, mainly including: the auctioneer reads out the auction rules and precautions; the bidders bid on the spot;
the auctioneer confirms the transaction.
8.4.4 The auction results should be announced in a timely manner after the auction is completed. 8.5
Settlement and Delivery
Supervise the auction company and the buyer to settle the transaction price and commission and complete the delivery of the auction items as agreed.
Complete the relevant procedures such as returning the bidding deposit as agreed.8.5.3
9 Supervision and Evaluation
The public resource auction center should establish a supervision and evaluation mechanism, which mainly includes accepting business guidance and supervision from the public resource transaction regulatory department and the public resource transaction platform; establishing a standardized internal supervision system to ensure that the whole process is supervised; improving the external supervision system, regularly conducting service satisfaction surveys and third-party evaluations of service quality: establishing a quality feedback and complaint system, publishing complaint telephone numbers and online complaint mailboxes, and unblocking supervision channels; establishing an objective and fair supervision mechanism for the auction companies entering the auction site; Positive evaluation mechanism 4
Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Issuing the Work Plan for Integrating and Establishing a Unified Public Resource Trading Platform[]
[2015]No.63August 10, 2015
[2]Order No.39 of the National Development and Reform Commission of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China on the Interim Measures for the Administration of Public Resource Trading Platforms on June 24, 2016
[3]Notice of the General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission on Issuing the Service Standards for Public Resource Trading Platforms (Trial) of the National Development and Reform Commission of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Public Resource Trading Platforms[2019]No.509
April 25, 2019
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