GB 12528.11-2003 Cables (wires) for railway rolling stock with AC rated voltage of 3 kV and below Supplement 1: Cross-linked polyolefin insulated cables (wires) for railway rolling stock
Some standard content:
ICS 29. 060. 20
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Insulated cables(wires) for rai[way vehiclesof ratedvoltagesuptoand including3kvAmendment 1 : Cross-linked polyolefin insulated cables(wires)for railway vehieles
2003-06-09 Issued
People's Republic of China
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine
2003-07-01 Implementation
This supplement is a supplement to GB12528.1-1990 Cables (wires) for railway rolling stock with rated voltage of 3 kV or less for AC, Part
: General provisions. To supplement the provisions for cross-linked polyolefin insulated cables (wires) for railway rolling stock not included in GB12528.1-1990:
This supplement is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Electric Wires and Cables. The drafting units of this supplement are: Shanghai Nanyang Electric Materials Co., Ltd. and Tianjin Jinshan Electric Wire and Cable Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this supplement are: Zhang Guoping, Zheng Guojun 1 Scope
GB 12528.11—2003
Cables (wires) for railway locomotives and rolling stock with AC rated voltage of 3kV and below Supplement 1: Cross-linked polyolefin insulated cables (wires) for railway locomotives and rolling stock. This requirement specifies the models, specifications, technical requirements and test methods, markings and packaging of cross-linked polyolefin insulated cables for railway locomotives and rolling stock with AC rated voltage of 3kV and below. This requirement applies to cables for electrical devices in power distribution systems, control systems and signal systems of various locomotives and rolling stock and urban rail vehicles with rated voltage of 3k and below. It is particularly suitable for small spaces and occasions with low smoke, halogen-free and flame retardant requirements. 2 Normative referenced documents
The provisions of the following documents become the provisions of this supplement through reference in this supplement. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this supplement. However, parties to an agreement based on this supplement are encouraged to investigate whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version applies to this supplement. GB/T2951.1 General test methods for cable insulation and sheathing materials - Part 1: General test methods - Section 2: Thickness and overall dimension measurement - Mechanical properties test (GB/2951.1-1997.id11EC60811-1-1:1993) GH/T295I.2 General test methods for cable insulation and sheathing materials - Part 1 General test methods - Section 2: Thermal aging test method (GB/F GB/T 2951.2-1997, idt 1FC 60811-1-2:1985) GB/T 2951.4 General test methods for cable insulation and sheathing materials Part 1: General test methods Section 4: Low temperature test (GB/T 2951.41997.i 1EC 60811-1-4:1985: (GB/T 2951.5 General test methods for cable insulation and sheathing materials Part 2: Special test methods for elastomer mixtures Section 1: Odor fluorine resistance test - Hot extension test - Mineral oil limited test (GB/T 2951.5-1997, idt 1FX 60811-2-1:1986) GB/T 2951.6 General test methods for cable insulation and sheathing materials Part 3: Special test methods for polyvinyl chloride mixtures Section 1: High temperature pressure test - Cracking resistance test (GB/T 2951.6—1997,idt 1FC:60811-3-1:1985)GB/T 3048.4 Test methods for electrical properties of wires and cables-Conductor DC resistance test GB/T3048.5 Test methods for electrical properties of wires and cables-Insulation resistance test-Galvanometer comparison method GB/T 3048.8
GR/T 3048.9
Wire and cable
Electrical performance test methods
AC voltage test
Wire and cable
Insulated wire core spark test
Earth performance test methods
GB/F3956 Cable conductor (GB/13956-197, idEC60228:1978)GB/T4909.2 Wire test methods Dimension measurementGB/\F4910 Tinned round copper wire
Wire and cable identification mark Part 1: General provisionsGB 6995. 11
GB6995.3 Identification marks for wires and cables Part 3; Identification marks for wires and cables GB12528.1 Cables (wires) for railway rolling stock with rated voltage of 3 kV or less for AC - General provisions GBT17650 (all parts) Test method for gases released when materials taken from cables or optical cables burn (idtIEC60754) G171 (all parts) Smoke density measurement of cables or optical cables burning under specific conditions 1dtC61034) GB/T18380.1 Combustion test of cables under flame conditions Part 1: Vertical combustion test of single insulated wires or cables (GR/T 8380. 1-2001, i1 IEt: 60332-1; 1993) JH/18137 (all parts) Wire delivery tray TB/T 1484. 1-2G01 Technical conditions for ordering cables for railway locomotives Part 1: Rated voltage 3 kV and below cables Railway vehicles·Thin-wall insulation and sheathed halogen-free wires and cables NFF 63-808/3:1992
GB 12528,11—2003
3 Application characteristics
3.1 The rated AC voltage of the cable is 500 V, 750 V, 1 kV, 1.5 kV and 3 kV. The rated DC voltage is 1.5 times the rated AC voltage. The long-term allowable operating temperature of WDZ-LCYI-123.WDZ-DCY1/B-125 type cable is 125°C: The long-term allowable operating temperature of WDZ-DCYJ/B-150 cable is 150°C.
3.3 Minimum ambient temperature for cable use: -40°C for WTXZ.1XCYJ-125, -60°C for WTXZ.1XCYJ/B125, -60°C for WTXZ.1XCYJ/B150, 3.4 WDZ-DCYJ-125 cable can be used in oil-contaminated environments: WLZ-DCYJ/B-125, WDZ-DCYJ/B-150 cable can be used in environments with various types of oil pollution and non-high-pressure liquid pollution. 3.5 Allowable bending radius of cable equipment:
When the cable outer diameter (D) is 20 mm or less, it should not be less than 3D; when the cable outer diameter (D) is 20 mm or less, it should not be less than 5D. 4 Product model, name and specification
4.1 Product number, name Table 1.
Rated medium voltage
Product name
500V.750V, 1kV, 1.5kV, 3kV: copper core heat-resistant 125℃ cross-linked polyolefin insulation halogen-free low-smoke flame-retardant locomotive vehicle cable: copper core heat-resistant 125℃ high-strength cross-linked polyolefin insulation light halogen low-smoke flame-retardant locomotive 750
4.2 Cable specifications The structure size can be as shown in Table 25 Technical requirements
5.1 Conductor
Vehicle cable
: Copper core heat-resistant 150 high-temperature sea-sleeping cross-linked cycloolefin insulation low-smoke flame-retardant locomotive vehicle cable
5.1.1 The conductor of WDZ-DCYJ-125 cable shall comply with the provisions of GB/T3956 Class 5 soft steel conductor: WDZ-DCYJ/B-125, WI)Z-1>CYJ/B·150 cable The conductor shall comply with the provisions of B/T3956 Class 2 stranded conductor. 5.1.2 The conductor single wire shall use key round copper wire that complies with GB/T 4910. The conductor structure is as specified in Table 2. 5.1.3 The surface of the early body decay shall be smooth, without oil stains, burrs that damage the insulation, sharp edges, and protruding or broken single wires. 5.1.4 The conductor surface is allowed to have an isolation layer made of suitable materials. 5.2 Insulation
5.2.1WDZ-ICYJ-123 cable insulation layer uses 125C cross-linked polyolefin insulation material; WDZ-DCYJ/B-125 cable insulation layer uses high-strength 125 cross-linked polyolefin insulation material; WDZDCYJ/B-150 cable insulation layer uses high-strength 150℃ cross-linked polyolefin insulation material. The insulation thickness shall comply with the provisions of Table 2, and its average value shall not be less than the specified nominal value. The maximum point thickness shall not be less than 90% of the nominal value-0.1mm
5.2.2 The non-electrical properties of insulation shall comply with the provisions of Table 3. 5.2.3 The insulation surface shall be round, smooth, and without convexity. The insulation layer of WDZ-ICYJ-125 cable is black; the insulation layer of WDZ-DCYJ/B-125 and WDZ-IXCYJ/B150 cables is generally light brown, and the color can be determined according to the agreement between the supply and demand parties. 5.3 Finished Cables
5.3.1 Cable Outer Diameter
The outer diameter of the cable shall comply with the provisions of Table 2.
5.3.2 Cable Unevenness
The difference (value) between the maximum outer diameter and the minimum outer diameter of the cable cross section shall not exceed 15 MHz of the upper limit of the specified nominal outer diameter. 5.3.3 Conductor DC Resistance
The DC resistance of the conductor at 20°C shall comply with the provisions of Table 2. GB12528.11—203
S2'9 1 6'5
1- IX-7(1
021-51 -Tx,X1-20M
GB 12528.
S21-1A:X1 7IM
Original tensile strength [minimum]
Elongation at break (minimum)
Aging in air box/heat resistance
Wrap 3
125C grade is 158t×168 h.150T grade is 178℃: ×168 hTensile strength change rate (maximum)
Elongation at break (minimum)
Elongation at break change rate (maximum)
Voltage test after aging
Greasing mineral oil test
125 grade is 12 ×70 h15n℃ grade is 12 ×70 hTemperature tensile strength change rate (maximum)
Break elongation change rate (maximum)
Cable outer diameter change rate after oiling (maximum)
Voltage test after oiling
Fuel oil immersion test
70tx168 h
Tensile strength change rate (maximum)
Break elongation change rate [maximum]
Cable outer diameter change rate after oil resistance (maximum)
Voltage test after treatment
Odor resistance test
Good oxygen concentration:, 125%~0,03%3 h after
voltage test after treatment
temperature pressure test
125℃ level test temperature is 125±3℃:
150℃ level or test temperature is 150±3℃
indentation depth (maximum)
low voltage winding test (applicable to cables with diameter less than or equal to 12.5 mml) low temperature tensile test (40±2r applicable to cables with diameter greater than 12.5 mm)
elongation (minimum)
abrasion resistance
gas release test during combustion
halogen gas total volume (maximum)
pH value (minimum)
conductivity (maximum)
finished cable smoke density test (minimum)
single vertical winding (unburned minimum) Note: Requirements for mineral oil and fuel oil GH 12528. 1 Standard. Unit
No crack shoes
No breakdown
No crack
GB 12528.11--2003
No breakdown
No breakdown
No breakdown
No breakdown
No crack, no breakdown
Return 1000 times
GB 12528.11--2003
5. 3.4 Insulation resistance
The insulation resistance of WIZ-ECYJ-125 type cable and WIZ·IXCYI/B-12, WPZ-DCYJ/B-150 type cable with rated voltage of 3kV shall not be less than 10″·cma
The calculation formula of insulation resistivity is as follows:
p-insulation resistivity.ncm;
L-sample length, m
R---measured insulation resistance.α:
D-outer diameter of insulation layer.Inm;
d-inner diameter of insulation layer, mm
5. 3. 5 Insulation integrity
The cable should be able to withstand the power frequency spark test test voltage as specified in Table 1, Table 4
Insulation nominal thickness
Test voltage
5.3.6 Cable electrical performance
0.,381, 0
The electrical performance of the cable should comply with the provisions of Table 5. No.
20℃: conductor DC resistance
Voltage test
1. 0<.6%1. 5
Water temperature: 20℃+5℃, water connection time: 24 h, voltage application time: 15minTest voltage is: 2k (rated 500V cable) 3.5kV (rated 1kV.750 V cable)
1V rated 1.5V cable)
12 k (rated 3 k relay)
Breakdown test
Specimen length mi Immersion time 2h; water temperature 20℃±5℃ Breakdown voltage
Flashover minimum (rated voltage 500V cable)
Minimum (rated voltage 1kV.750V cable)
Minimum (rated voltage 1.5kV cable)
Minimum (rated voltage 1.5kV cable)
Cable surface leakage and discharge test
Immersion time: 1 Water temperature: 5℃
Test voltage (AC) 21
Flashover current (minimum)
Leakage current (maximum 1
1. 5-02.0 . 2.0-822. 5
: 0/km
Special table 2 Corresponding requirements
No breakdown
Conform to the requirements of Table 6
Cable condensation resistance test
The range of the specified test pressure
Cable insulation resistivity test
Table 5 (continued)
, unit
CB 12528,11—2003
The above 2, 3, and 4 items are tested on the samples after being treated with fuel and mineral oil. The treatment conditions are the same as those of 3 and 1 in Table 3: 5.3.7 Heat resistance
The cable insulation shall comply with the heat resistance test specified in 5.3.1 of NFF63-808/5:1992 standard. The cable shall withstand the effect of heat without cracks and breakdown. (The heat treatment conditions shall be as specified in Table 3 and the water immersion voltage shall be as specified in Table 5.) 5.3.8 Ozone resistance
The insulation of the relay shall have the ability to withstand good oxygen. After being placed in air with an oxygen volume concentration of (0.025~0,030)% for 3 hours, there shall be no cracks, and no breakdown shall be observed after being subjected to the water immersion positive test specified in Table 5. 5.3.9 Oil resistance After oil resistance treatment, the outer diameter increase of WLDZ-DYJ/B-125, WLDZ-ICYJ/B-150 type H cable shall meet the value specified in Table 3. WLDZ-DCYJ/B125, WDZ-ICYI/B-150 cables shall be subjected to the oil resistance test specified in 5.3.2 of NFF63-808/5:1992 standard, and the water immersion voltage test specified in Table 4. The cables shall be free of damage and breakdown. Oil resistance treatment conditions shall be in accordance with Table 3. 5.3.10 High temperature pressure test
The inner cable shall be subjected to the specified high temperature pressure test at the temperature specified in Table 3. The thickness at the imprinted part shall not be less than 50% of the average value of the thickness readings at the two nearby places not under pressure. 5.3.11 Low temperature winding and tensile test
When the cable diameter is less than or equal to 12.5 mm, the low temperature winding test shall be used to determine the dynamic bending property of the cable under low temperature conditions. There shall be no cracks after the test. WDZ-DCYJ/B-123, WDZ-DCYI/B-150 cables shall also be subjected to the water immersion test specified in Table 4. The cables shall not be punctured. The treatment temperature shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 3. When the cable diameter is greater than 12.5 mm, the low temperature tensile test shall be used to determine the mechanical properties of the cable under low temperature conditions. There shall be 20% elongation and no wrinkles. The treatment temperature shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 3. 5.3.12 Abrasion resistance
WDZ-DCYL/B-125, WDZ-DCYI/B-150 cables shall be subjected to abrasion test under the conditions specified in Appendix A of TB/T 1484.1-2U01 standard. The average number of scrapes per time shall not be less than 1 round trip. 5.3.13 Dielectric strength
The cable shall be subjected to dielectric strength test as specified in Table 6, and the cable shall not be broken down. 5.3.14 Surface leakage and discharge test
The insulation surface of the cable shall be subjected to surface discharge test under specified test conditions. Regardless of the size of the cross section, the flashover voltage shall not be less than 10kV, and the measured surface leakage current intensity shall not be greater than the value specified in Table 6. Table 6
Nominal cross section
2 --95
Maximum leakage current intensity allowed
G# 12528.11—2003
5 Moisture resistance
The insulation of the cable shall also be very stable under humid conditions. Under specified test conditions, the cable shall not be broken down when subjected to the DC test voltage value specified in Table 7.
Rated voltage of cable
Vertical combustion test of single cable
Apply voltage
Under specified conditions, the residual flame of the cable extinguishes itself after the fire supply is stopped, and the charred part is less than 50tn from the lower edge of the upper clamp. It is qualified. 5.3.17 Cable smoke density test
Under specified conditions, the transmittance shall comply with the provisions of Table 3. 5.3.18 Combustion gas acidity test
PH value, conductivity and halogen acid content shall comply with the provisions of Table 3. 5.4 Delivery length
5.4.1 The length of the coiled cable is 100m or an integer multiple of 100m, and the length of the island cable is not less than 10cm. 5.4.2 Short sections with a length of not less than 30 are allowed to be delivered, but the number of them shall not exceed 10% of the total delivery length. 5.4.3 Any length is allowed to be delivered according to the agreement between the two parties. 5.4.4 The length should be measured with a meter and the error should not exceed ±0.5%. 6 Test method
The test method shall be as specified in Table 8.
Structural dimensions
Conductor structure
Insulation thickness
Outer diameter dimensions
Gas performance
Project name
Conductor resistance test
Finished cable spark test
Finished cable transverse dielectric strength test
Impact voltage test
Surface discharge test
Insulation medium resistance test
Humidity resistance test
Insulation mechanical and physical properties
Tensile strength before and after aging
Breaking length after aging
Heat resistance
Article number
Test type
Test method
GB/T 2951. 1
GE/F 29S1. 1
(B/F 2951. 1
GB/T 3048. 4
GB/T 3048. 9
GB/T 3048.8
I CB,T 3018. 8
:CB 12528. 1 Appendix D | |tt | 63-808/5
Item name
Pressure test at low temperature
Low salt coil test
Low temperature tensile test
Sulfur fuel oil test
Mineral oil resistance test
Ozone resistance test
Abrasion resistance
Flame resistance test
Vertical burning test of single cable
Smoke density test
Test of gas released during combustion
, Marking corrosion resistance test
Table 8 (continued)
Article number
Note: 5,—Regular oil sample test. This supplement stipulates 6 months. 7 Inspection rules
Test type
GB 12528.11—2003
Test method
GB/T 2951. 6
GB/1 2951, 4 and GB/T 3048. 8GR/T 251. 4 and GB/T 348. 8
GB/T 2951. 5 and NFF 63-90S
GB/F 2951 5 and NFF G3-808
GB/T 2951. E and GB/T 3048. 8TB/T1484.1—2001A
GB/T 18380 1
:GB/17651(all parts)
GB/T17650(all parts)
: GB 6005.1
7.1 Products shall be inspected and qualified by the pre-quality inspection department of the manufacturer before they can be shipped! . The shipped products shall be accompanied by a quality inspection certificate. 7.2 Products shall be inspected and accepted according to the test items and test types specified in Table 8. The test types are divided into type test (code T), sampling test (code S) and routine test (code R). 7.3 The number of sampling days for each batch shall be agreed upon by both parties. If the user does not make any requirements, it shall be determined by the manufacturer. If the test results of the sampling test item layer are unqualified, a second test shall be conducted by repeated sampling; if it is still unqualified, it shall be considered as an unqualified batch. 7.4 The appearance of the product shall be inspected piece by piece by force (normal vision). 8 Marking and packaging
8.1 Marking
8.1.1 The outer surface of the cable shall be marked with the manufacturer's name or trademark, model, nominal cross-section, voltage level and other continuous markings. The marking method shall comply with GB 6995.3 8.1.2 The markings should be clear and not rubbed off. They can be wiped lightly with water-soaked cotton wool for 10 times and the markings should still be clearly legible. 8.2 Packaging The cables should be delivered in drums or coils and wound neatly and properly packed. The cable drums should comply with the provisions of JH/8137. Each package should be attached with a label indicating: a) Manufacturer name: Product model: Specifications, m; Rated voltage, or KV: Length, m;
Date of manufacture, year, use:
Number of this supplement.
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