title>Specification for healthcare service of health-management - GB/T 39509-2020 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Specification for healthcare service of health-management

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 39509-2020

Standard Name:Specification for healthcare service of health-management

Chinese Name: 健康管理保健服务规范

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2020-11-19

Date of Implementation:2021-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and management of companies (enterprises), Administration, Transport>>Services>>03.080.30 Consumer services

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A20 Comprehensive Technology

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

Publication date:2020-11-01

other information


Drafting unit:Beijing Guokang Health Service Research Institute, New Era Health Industry (Group) Co., Ltd., China Health Association Health Service and Research Professional Committee, Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine International Service Trade Promotion Cen

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee on Standardization of Health Services (SAC/TC 483)

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39509-2020.Specification for healthcare service of health-management.
1 Scope
GB/T 39509 specifies the service safety, institutional management, practitioners, environmental facilities, supplies and utensils, and service items
of health management and health care services. GB/T 39509 is applicable to institutions that provide non-medical health management and health care services to customers.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 30443 General requirements for health care services
GB/T 3354 After-sales service specifications for health massage equipment
GB/T 33355 Safety specifications for health massage equipment
GB 37488 Hygiene indicators and limit requirements for public places
GB 50763 Barrier-free design specifications
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Health management
The process of monitoring, analyzing and evaluating the health of individuals or groups, providing health consultation and guidance, and intervening in risk factors that affect health.
Healtheare service of health-management
Services provided to customers by skilled personnel in health-management services using health management methods to achieve non-medical purposes, including maintaining body and mind, improving physical fitness, preventing diseases, promoting rehabilitation, and improving health levels.
Healtheare service institution of health-management
An institution with health-management qualifications and the ability to provide health-management services. ||
?? Technician of healthcare service of health-management
A person who has received professional training from a formal institution and has the ability and qualifications to provide health-management services and can provide health-management services.
Supplies for healtheare service of health-management
Articles used to provide health management and health care services, including instruments, equipment, raw materials, software systems, etc.
The standard specifies the service safety, institutional management, practitioners, environmental facilities, supplies and tools, and service items of health management and health care services. This standard applies to institutions that provide non-medical health management and health care services to customers.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Specification for healthcare service of health-management2020-11-19Published
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Service safety
Basic principles
Service taboos
Institutional management|| tt||Service personnel
Environmental facilities
7.1 Environment
7.2 Facilities
Supplies and appliances
Service items
9.1 In-store service
Door-to-door service
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Health Services (SAC/TC483). GB/T39509—2020
Drafting units of this standard: Beijing Guokang Health Service Research Institute, New Era Health Industry (Group) Co., Ltd., Health Service and Research Professional Committee of China Health Association, Shanghai International Service Trade Promotion Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Daqing Libo Health Management Co., Ltd., Shanghai Saiding Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Huimin Health Management Consulting Co., Ltd., Nanjing Jingchanhe Chinese Medicine Clinic Co., Ltd., Shanxi Ruizhi Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Luye Renhe Internet of Things Co., Ltd., Beijing Tongtai Chinese Medicine Research Center, Suzhou Xiyingzhou Health Management Co., Ltd., Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Guozhen Health Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Shandong College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qufu School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hubei Jiuchen Taoist Health Industry Co., Ltd., Health Guide (Beijing) Health Management Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Zhengyuanyuan Professional Foot Care Health Service Group Co., Ltd., and Zhongjianbiao (Beijing) Certification Service Co., Ltd. Drafters of this standard: Liu Ling, Wen Lin, Li Ping, Wei Hao, Zhang Lei, Shang Li, Zheng Shouzeng, Chen Diping, Gu Yihuang, Liu Zhanwen, Zhang Zhenjie, Jiang Haipeng, Gu Qun, Wang Ning, Shi Xiaoqin, Dong Jiansheng, Su Cuo, Huang Xiying, Li Yaozhou, Li Xia, Chen Chao, Li Ying, Zhou Liqun, Zhang Lixiang, Yang Kunrong, Zheng Yuanyuan, Yang Qiuli, Meng Fanli, Zhang Xiaojing, Zhou Xin, Tu Juanjuan, Han Yangbo, Zhang Jianxin, Zhu Lei, Liu Jie, Lin Guojun, Li Xiaoting, Liu Gem
Health management and health care service specifications
This standard specifies the service safety, institutional management, practitioners, environmental facilities, supplies and utensils, and service items of health management and health care services. This standard applies to institutions that provide non-medical health management and health care services to customers. 2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. General requirements for health care services
Specification for after-sales service of health massage equipment
Specification for safe use of health massage equipment
GB37488 Hygiene indicators and limit requirements for public placesGB50763 Barrier-free design specifications
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document
Health management
The process of monitoring, analyzing, and evaluating the health of individuals or groups, providing health consultation and guidance, and intervening in risk factors that affect health.
Healthcare service of health-management is a service provided to customers by skilled health-management service personnel using health management methods to achieve non-medical purposes, including maintaining body and mind, improving physical fitness, preventing diseases, promoting rehabilitation, and improving health levels. 3.3
Healthcare service institution of health-management is an institution with health management qualifications and the ability to provide health management services. 3.4
Technician of healthcare service of health-management is a person who has received professional training from a formal institution and has the ability and qualifications to provide health management services and can provide health management services. 3.5
Supplies for healthcare service of health-management Items used for providing health-management services, including instruments, equipment, raw materials, software systems, etc. 3.6
Door-to-door service According to customer needs, skilled health management and health care service personnel sent by health management and health care service institutions go to appropriate places designated by customers to provide licensed health management and health care services. 1
4 Service safety
Basic principles
4.1.1 Items that should not be provided should be implemented in accordance with GB/T30443 and related standards. 4.1.2 For prohibited items, please refer to the "Interim Provisions on the Provision of Health Consultation and Conditioning Services by Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners in Health Care Institutions". 4.2
2 Service taboos
The institution shall not provide services to customers who have the following conditions, including but not limited to: patients with major or critical diseases in the treatment period; patients with uncured infectious (infectious) diseases; patients without accompanying persons or the accompanying persons are not legally permitted, and patients who have no or temporarily no capacity for conduct, including: patients with unclear consciousness (such as drunkenness), minors, intellectual disabilities, mental illness, etc. 5 Institutional management
5.1 The institution shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T30443. 5.2 The institution shall have a business scope for health management 5.3 Only institutions with business qualifications can provide door-to-door services. 5.4 The institution shall be equipped with service personnel who meet the service needs 5.5 The institution shall have basic facilities and functions that meet the service needs, relevant management systems and equipment, and health management and health care service supplies and utensils (hereinafter referred to as "supplies and utensils").
5.6 The institution shall formulate service processes and specifications, train and supervise service personnel to work according to regulations, carry out work evaluation and improvement, and keep service records.
5.7 The institution shall have corresponding measures to identify and prevent risks and meet the requirements, including but not limited to: standardized and complete warning signs, risk warnings, etc., formulate emergency response plans, organize training and drills, etc. 5.8 The institution shall publicize service information in a prominent position at the service site, including: business qualifications, service items, taboos, charging standards, supervision and complaint telephone numbers, etc.
5.9 The institution shall take measures to properly keep the personal belongings of customers. 5.10 The institution may employ practicing physicians, etc. in accordance with relevant regulations to provide services or guide related services to customers. 5.11 The institution shall pay attention to the construction of health big data, information security and service management informatization of services. The institution shall establish a customer privacy protection system and corresponding guarantee mechanism. The customer privacy obtained during the service process shall not be disclosed or used for other matters outside the service items.
6 Service personnel
Service personnel include health management and health care service skilled personnel (hereinafter referred to as "skilled personnel"), management personnel, reception and consulting personnel and other personnel (such as logistics, security, etc.).
Service personnel shall receive induction and continuing education training. Only those who pass the assessment can be engaged in or continue to work in related positions. 6.3 Service personnel should be certified and healthy in accordance with regulations. Physical examinations should be conducted at least once a year. 6.4 Service personnel should respect customers' religious beliefs and customs. 6.5 Service personnel should dress in a standardized manner, wear uniform identification, and be neat and tidy. 6.6 Service personnel should be polite, speak in a standardized manner, and be responsible. 6.7月
Service personnel should maintain personal hygiene and not wear items that affect work or potentially cause harm. 2
6.8 In service.Service personnel should focus on work and customers and not do things unrelated to work. GB/T39509—2020
6.9 Skilled personnel should take health protection measures such as wearing masks and hand disinfection when providing services according to the corresponding requirements of the service items. 7 Environmental facilities
7.1 Environment
7.1.1 Service places should be divided into areas according to functions to meet service needs. 7.1.2 The indoor air quality of service places should comply with the relevant provisions of GB37488. 7.1.3 The sound environment quality of service places should comply with the relevant provisions of GB37488. 7.1.4 The indoor lighting of service places should be comfortable and meet the needs of services. Natural lighting should be adopted. When natural lighting is insufficient, corresponding supplementary lighting measures should be taken, and attention should be paid to environmental protection and energy saving. 7.1.5 The environmental sanitation of the place should comply with the national, industry, local and other relevant public place sanitation management requirements. 7.2 Facilities
7.2.1 Service facilities should comply with national and local regulations on construction, fire protection, security, health care services, etc. 7.2.2 Barrier-free facilities should comply with the relevant provisions of GB50763. Public areas should be equipped with video surveillance systems. 7.2.3 Disinfection, waste disposal, etc. should be equipped with equipment that meets the regulations, or be entrusted to qualified institutions for treatment. 8 Supplies and equipment
8.1 Supplies and equipment should comply with relevant national regulations on safety, hygiene, quality, etc., and qualified products should be used. 8.2 Disposable supplies and equipment should be used once and should not be reused. 8.3 Reusable supplies and equipment should strictly implement the "one customer, one replacement, one disinfection". Supplies and equipment after cleaning and disinfection should comply with the requirements of GB37488.
8.4 Disinfected and undisinfected supplies and equipment should be strictly distinguished, clearly marked, and stored in isolation. 8.5 Supplies and equipment should be used within their validity period, and products that have exceeded the shelf life or safe use period should not be used. 8.6 Supplies and equipment should be used correctly according to their instructions or relevant regulations. For example: health massage equipment should be used in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB/T33355.
8.7 After-sales service for supplies and appliances should be timely, effective, and comply with relevant regulations. These regulations include: product sales qualification requirements, health massage equipment after-sales should comply with the requirements of GB/T33354, and contractual agreements, etc. 9 Service items
9.1 In-store service
9.1.1 Service items
All or part of the service items in Figure 1 can be provided according to the customer's wishes. Silicon Kang Zheng Test
Establishment of security files
Cui Di Evaluation Station
Zuo Kang Yi Pre-
Figure 1 Health management and health care service store service project nKaeerKAca-
Stem stage effect evaluation
Tracking guidance
9.1.2 Project content Health monitoring
Health monitoring information and data should be able to meet service needs. Acquisition methods include but are not limited to: using the principles and methods of traditional Chinese medicine to identify constitutions and monitor health status; using modern health monitoring equipment and software to monitor health status; and providing medical or physical examination data by medical or physical examination institutions.
Establish health records
Establish customer health records, including but not limited to: general information, lifestyle (such as diet, smoking, drinking, sleep, psychology, exercise, social interaction, etc.), health monitoring data, health status (such as allergy history, contraindications, chronic disease history, family history), etc.
Health assessment
Conduct customer health assessment, divided into:
Health: health maintenance;
Sub-health: health care conditioning;
Disease: recommend medical treatment. Health intervention
Develop customer service plans, including but not limited to: Daily life: nutrition, sleep, psychology, exercise, etc.: Health care conditioning: technical methods (such as massage, scraping, cupping, moxibustion, acupuncture, fumigation, plastering, etc.), use of supplies and appliances, etc.; Others
Once abnormalities occur during the health intervention process, they should be stopped immediately and medical treatment should be sought if necessary. 5 Intervention effect evaluation
A comprehensive evaluation of the intervention effect should be conducted.
Health tracking guidance
A follow-up visit should be conducted to guide customers to consolidate the service effect. 9.2
Home service
9.2.1 The organization can provide home service to customers who have established health records. 9.2.2 A detailed, effective and standardized service agreement should be signed with customers who provide home service. The agreement should at least include: service items, service address, service objects, health status, personal and property safety, risk prevention measures, legal responsibilities and other matters, and services should be provided according to the customer's intervention plan.
9.2.3 Home service personnel should have professional skills in health management and health care services, common sense and ability in emergency response. 9.2.4 Customers who receive home service should be equipped with special insurance. 9.2.5 Service items and requirements shall refer to the relevant provisions of this standard for in-store services 4
[1] Interim Provisions on the Provision of Health Consultation and Conditioning Services by Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners in Health Care Institutions (National Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy Administration [2016] No. 2)
Establish health records
Establish customer health records, including but not limited to: general information, lifestyle (such as diet, smoking, drinking, sleep, psychology, exercise, social interaction, etc.), health monitoring data, health status (such as allergy history, contraindications, chronic disease history, family history), etc.
Health assessment
Conduct customer health assessment, divided into:
Health: health maintenance;
Sub-health: health care conditioning;
Disease: recommend medical treatment. Health intervention
Develop customer service plans, including but not limited to: Daily life: nutrition, sleep, psychology, exercise, etc.: Health care conditioning: technical methods (such as massage, scraping, cupping, moxibustion, acupuncture, fumigation, plastering, etc.), use of supplies and appliances, etc.; Others
Once abnormalities occur during the health intervention process, they should be stopped immediately and medical treatment should be sought if necessary. 5 Intervention effect evaluation
A comprehensive evaluation of the intervention effect should be conducted.
Health tracking guidance
A follow-up visit should be conducted to guide customers to consolidate the service effect. 9.2
Home service
9.2.1 The organization can provide home service to customers who have established health records. 9.2.2 A detailed, effective and standardized service agreement should be signed with customers who provide home service. The agreement should at least include: service items, service address, service objects, health status, personal and property safety, risk prevention measures, legal responsibilities and other matters, and services should be provided according to the customer's intervention plan.
9.2.3 Home service personnel should have professional skills in health management and health care services, common sense and ability in emergency response. 9.2.4 Customers who receive home service should be equipped with special insurance. 9.2.5 Service items and requirements shall refer to the relevant provisions of this standard for in-store services 4
[1] Interim Provisions on the Provision of Health Consultation and Conditioning Services by Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners in Health Care Institutions (National Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy Administration [2016] No. 2)
Establish health records
Establish customer health records, including but not limited to: general information, lifestyle (such as diet, smoking, drinking, sleep, psychology, exercise, social interaction, etc.), health monitoring data, health status (such as allergy history, contraindications, chronic disease history, family history), etc.
Health assessment
Conduct customer health assessment, divided into:
Health: health maintenance;
Sub-health: health care conditioning;
Disease: recommend medical treatment. Health intervention
Develop customer service plans, including but not limited to: Daily life: nutrition, sleep, psychology, exercise, etc.: Health care conditioning: technical methods (such as massage, scraping, cupping, moxibustion, acupuncture, fumigation, plastering, etc.), use of supplies and appliances, etc.; Others
Once abnormalities occur during the health intervention process, they should be stopped immediately and medical treatment should be sought if necessary. 5 Intervention effect evaluation
A comprehensive evaluation of the intervention effect should be conducted.
Health tracking guidance
A follow-up visit should be conducted to guide customers to consolidate the service effect. 9.2
Home service
9.2.1 The organization can provide home service to customers who have established health records. 9.2.2 A detailed, effective and standardized service agreement should be signed with customers who provide home service. The agreement should at least include: service items, service address, service objects, health status, personal and property safety, risk prevention measures, legal responsibilities and other matters, and services should be provided according to the customer's intervention plan.
9.2.3 Home service personnel should have professional skills in health management and health care services, common sense and ability in emergency response. 9.2.4 Customers who receive home service should be equipped with special insurance. 9.2.5 Service items and requirements shall refer to the relevant provisions of this standard for in-store services 4
[1] Interim Provisions on the Provision of Health Consultation and Conditioning Services by Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners in Health Care Institutions (National Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy Administration [2016] No. 2)
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