Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and management of companies (enterprises), Administration, Transport>>Transport>>03.220.40 Water transport
Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A24 Classification Code
drafter:Zhang Rongjing, Li Ying, Fang Qing, Zhong Xiaolin, Huang Deyu, Bai Xueyuan, Lin Qi, Shi Wenlai, He Zhen
Drafting unit:China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding, China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company, China Ocean Shipping Agency Company
Focal point unit:National Electronic Business Standardization Technical Committee
Proposing unit:Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China
Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision
This standard specifies a naming system for establishing a unified description of freight and other charges related to international freight, and assigns codes to these descriptions. This standard applies to any description of freight and other charges in natural language or in code that appears in the exchange of trade data on paper documents or electronically. GB/T 17152-1997 Freight Charge Code (FCC) - Unified Description of Freight and Other Charges GB/T17152-1997 Standard Download Decompression Password:
This standard specifies a naming system for establishing a unified description of freight and other charges related to international freight, and assigns codes to these descriptions. This standard applies to any description of freight and other charges in natural language or in code that appears in the exchange of trade data on paper documents or electronically.
Some standard content:
GB/T17152---1997 The technical content of this standard is equivalent to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Recommendation No. 23 (1990 Edition) (UN/ECERecommendationNo.23, 1990) "Freight Code-FCC-Uniform Description of Freight and Other Charges". The first part of the background in the original text is used as the UN/ECE foreword of this standard. The chapter numbering of this standard is different from the original text. This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding. The drafting units of this standard are: China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding, China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company, China Ocean Shipping Agency Company, Water Transport Research Institute of the Ministry of Communications, General Administration of Customs, and Civil Aviation Science and Technology Research Center. The main drafters of this standard are: Zhang Rongjing, Li Ying, Fang Qing, Zhong Xiaolin, Huang Deyu, Bai Xueyuan, Lin Qi, Shi Wenlai, and He Zhen. This standard is entrusted to the China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding for interpretation. 317 GB/T17152—1997 UN/ECE Foreword Documents (such as railway or road consignment notes, sea waybills, air waybills, invoices, etc.) usually include various freight and other charges involved in the transport business. The terms used to describe freight often change with the different modes of transport and loading and unloading places. When only one mode of transport or one loading and unloading place is considered, the transport customer can usually provide the required information and the carrier can easily process the data. However, the emergence of multimodal transport between the parties and the development of electronic data interchange (EIDI) have changed this situation. In particular, for the automatic processing procedures based on trade data exchange, it is very necessary to coordinate the concepts and terms of freight and loading and unloading charges. This is closely related to the development of EDI standard message specifications. In 1986, the FCE International Trade Procedure Simplification Working Group agreed to take steps to unify the identification of similar concepts that have been expressed in various different ways so far. In 1987, some international organizations related to various modes of transport conducted a survey and deepened their understanding of the complexity of the work they were engaged in. In 1987, they decided to set up a special working group to continue the coordination and unification of the description of freight and surcharges related to international transport. The Working Group on Simplification of International Trade Procedures adopted the following tasks of the working group at its meeting in March 1988: "- Establish common concepts and terms for freight and other charges that appear in paper documents related to international trade or in the exchange of trade data conducted by electronic means. - Develop a code set for the description of freight and other charges that is simple and user-friendly. The results of the work of the working group have been submitted to the Working Group on Simplification of International Trade Procedures and were adopted at the 311th meeting of the Working Group on Simplification of International Trade Procedures on March 16, 1990. 3.48 National Standard of the People's Republic of China Freight Costs Code (FCC) GB/T17152 Harmonization of the description of freight costs and other charges1 Scope This standard specifies a naming system for establishing a unified description of freight costs and other charges related to international freight and assigns codes to these descriptions. This standard applies to any description of freight and other charges in natural language or code form that appears in the exchange of trade data in paper documents or electronically. 2 Referenced Standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards are subject to revision. Parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. ECE/FAL Recommendation No. 19 Transport Mode Code 3 Naming System for Freight and Other Charges 3.1 The naming system divides the names of freight and other charges into three levels: 1) Level 1: General category headings of charges; 2) Level 2: General descriptions under the headings of charges; 3) Level 3: Detailed descriptions. 3.2 Level 1 and Level 2 descriptions are independent of the mode of transport and the place of loading and unloading. Level 1 descriptions are suitable for parties who intend to deal with freight and other charges in the most general way. Level 2 descriptions meet the requirements of most buyers of transport services who need a stable set of codes for general freight and other charges at a sufficiently detailed level. Level 3 descriptions are suitable for parties who intend to deal with freight and other charges in a very detailed way. The natural language names of freight and other charges in levels 1 and 2 have been unified. See Chapter 9 of this standard. 3.3 In most cases, the detailed descriptions will change with different modes of transport or different places of loading and unloading. For the same concepts used in various detailed descriptions of multiple loading and unloading places for various modes of transport, unified common names have been developed and these common names should be used in trade data exchange in priority. For example: 1) Freight surcharge Sea freight: Container utilization charge Railway: Use tontainer (charge for))Shipping agent: Container usage charge Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on December 16, 1997 and implemented on August 1, 1998 GB/T 17152-1997 Uniform name: CONTAINER UTILIZATION CHARGE Container usage charge 2) Document fee Sea freight: Disbursement collection fee Railway: Cash on delivery (charge for) Highway Disbursement collection fee Aviation: Disbursement fec Freight forwarder: Advanced money commission Uniform name: DISBURSEMENT FEE Standby money If, for reasons of habit, you would like to use a detailed natural language description to describe a mode of transport or a loading and unloading location, you may use a specific description. To distinguish it from the generic name, this specific description may be supplemented by the transport mode or loading and unloading place type indicator given below. For example: 1. Container usage charge, DD (Container usage charge, DD)2. Cash on delivery (charge 20) for),20)3.4 The following indicators are designated to indicate specific modes of transport or types of loading and unloading locations: 10 Ocean transport 11 Ocean transport Ocean feeder freight Ro-ro ocean transport Short sea transport Rail transport Road transport Air transport Postal transport 60 Intermodal transport Fixed transport facility Inland waterway transport Loading location: Terminal/terminal operation DID) Loading and unloading location: Ship agent FF Loading and unloading location: Freight forwarder/forwarding agent 4 Coding system, nomenclature and scope of freight and other charges 4.1 In view of the effectiveness of natural language independence and the reduction of the number of characters, the natural language names of freight and other charges should be used in trade data exchange in preference to those used in other languages. 4.2 This code is called the Freight Charge Code (FCC). 4.3 The "Freight Charge Code" is intended to cover all descriptions of freight and other charges relevant to the exchange of international trade data. 4.4 It should be recognized that not all applications can be covered and some descriptions not related to international trade may need to be combined with the codes in this standard for domestic use. Therefore, additional options cannot be included in the internationally agreed code set and can be placed in the national code set. Disclaimer: The code values for domestic use are not guaranteed to be unique because the same code value may have been assigned in different regions. Therefore, if a national code set is to be used, care must be taken that information cannot be exchanged outside the specified area. 5 Structure and representation of the code 5.1 Each agreed name of freight and other charges is assigned a code representation of 6 digits. 350 5.2 The structure of the code representation is as follows: - The first digit refers to the charge title; The second and third digits refer to the general description; The fourth, fifth and sixth digits refer to the detailed description. GB/T 17152--1997 If only the charge title or the general description level is used, the following digits are all 0. 5.3 Each code value represents a freight or other charge. 5.4 When codes must be selected by the UN/ECE Secretariat, they may be considered as pending temporary codes. 6 Maintenance of codes 6.1 The "Freight Codes" are maintained by the UN/ECE Secretariat. 6.2 Requests for new code values, code changes or code deletions must be submitted to the UN/ECE Secretariat in accordance with the procedures of the valid UN/EDIFACT Reporter Working Body on Coding Matters. 7 Validity Freight and other charges may be expressed in natural language or in code form. Code form is recommended for electronic data interchange. The choice of description depends on the needs of the communication partners. Communication partners may also specify the use of code values not included in the total code set. 8 Examples 8.1 Usage of 1st level description: 100000 200000 400000 Cargo loading and unloading charges Transportation equipment charges 8.2 Usage of 2nd level description: 105000 201000 207000 401000 Pre-transportation charges Loading and unloading equipment rental charges Delivery charges Transportation equipment rental charges 8.3 Usage of 3rd level description: Note: The following code values are only examples and cannot be used for business purposes. Code 101123 102456 104567 105789 214345 301876 600086 Additional freight Rebate-total Additional padding charge Pre-haul road freight Re-weighing charge Preparation of certificate of origin fee Pilot fee 9 Unified description of freight and other charges Freight charge GB/T 17152---1997 Amount payable for the transportation of goods (from one place to another by any means), including: discounts, allowances, rebates, adjustment surcharges and surcharges related to freight Basic freight Amount payable for the transportation of goods (from one place to another by any means) excluding allowances, adjustment charges and any surcharges. Discounts/allowances/rcbatcsAmount deducted from freight. Adjustment factorsAdjustment factorsAmount of freight related to floating prices (such as bunker prices or exchange rates). Additional chargesAdditionals Amount payable in addition to basic freight. Prc-carriage chargesAmount payable for the pre-carriage transportation of goods. On-carriage chargesAmount payable for the on-carriage transportation of goods. Dangerous goods additional charge Dangerous goods additional charge The amount payable in addition to the basic freight for special management and/or special measurement of dangerous goods or articles in transportation. Freight chargcs specific The amount payable in addition to the basic freight for special management and/or special measurement of goods in unconventional transportation. Heating additional charge The amount payable in addition to the basic freight for special management and use of heating equipment in transportation and/or storage of goods. Cooling additional charge The amount payable in addition to the basic freight for special management and use of refrigeration equipment in transportation and/or storage of goods. Goodts handling charges The amount payable for loading, unloading or stacking of goods in transit bonded warehouses at locations determined by the buyer and seller and in free trade zones and other locations. Handling equipmcnt hire chargesAmounts payable for the use of handling equipment (e.g. forklifts, terminal/yard chassis, container cranes). Loading charges Amounts payable for loading or unloading cargo or containers onto a transport. Discharging charges Amounts payable for unloading cargo or containers from a transport, Shifting charges Amounts payable for shifting cargo or containers. Reloading chargesAmounts payable for reloading cargo or containers onto a transport. Receiving charges GB/T 17152 Amounts payable for receiving cargo or containers. Delivcring charges Amounts payable for delivering cargo or containers. Terminal activities charges Terminal/yard operation charges Amounts payable for special operations at container handling terminals/yards. Storage charges Amounts payable for storing goods or containers. Man hours charges Amounts payable for hiring special labor services. Labelling and markingAmounts payable for affixing (re-affixing) labels to goods before loading or after unloading. Sorting charge Amount payable for sorting goods before or after loading. Packing charge Amount payable for packing or repacking goods. Weighing charge Amount payable for weighing, supervising weighing or weight control of goods or containers, Miscellaneous handling chargeAmount payable for other cargo loading and unloading not specified. Documentation chargesThe amount payable for the preparation, processing and/or submission of documents or documents related to the consignmentTrade documentation chargeEnter the amount payable for trade documents. Transport documentation chargeEnter the amount payable for transport documents. Transport equipment chargesThe amount payable for the use of transport equipment (such as transport containers, trailers, railroad trucks). Transport equipment rentThe amount payable for the use of transport equipment. Customs charges The amount payable to the customs for customs clearance. Customs duty Taxes collected by the customs, Valuc added tax VAT payable. Other taxes and fees(eg consumption tax)Excise)Miscellaneous chargesOther amounts payable that are not specified. Transport insurance chargeTransport insurance charge is the amount payable for the insurance of the transported goods.Warehouse insurance charge is the amount payable for the insurance of the stored goods.Warehousc rcnt The amount payable for renting a warehouse. GB/T 17152—1997 Customs warehouse rentCus toms warehouse rentThe amount payable for the storage of goods in a customs warehouse.Handling assistance CustornsThe amount payable for customs loading and unloading. Administration fee Administration fee payable Disbursement The amount payable for the disbursement. Disbursement fee The amount payable for the disbursement. Surplus cast The excess cast paid. Freight code in numerical order 100000 101000 101002 101003 101004 101005 101006 101007 101008 101009 101010||tt ||101011 101012 101013 101014 101015 101016 101017 101018 101019 101020 101021 101022 101024 FREIGHT CHARGES BASIC FREIGHT Arbitrary basis freightMinimum freight Minimum freight Bill of LadingMinimum ocean freight supplementMinimum freight LCL cargoMinimum freight FCL cargoMinimum freight Supplement to minimum FCL freightFCL minimum revenue short fallExcess freight Excess freight over FCL minimumFreight free Accumulated freight Accumulated FCL minimumAccumulated FCI.maximum declared value Declared value charge Maximum freight FClmaximum all measurement FCLmaximum all measurement FCLmaximum multi rate measurement FCLmaximum mixed weight (freight tonnes) Basic transport cost Special freight supplement Contract price | 101037 101038 101039 101040 101041 101042 101043 101044 101045 101046||tt ||101047 101048 101049 101050 101051 101052 101053 101054 101056 101057 1 01058 | | tt | | 101059 | T 17152 --1997 Charges incomingAWBRail charges Freight till borderSeafreight Human remains ExtralorFCL-minimumSpecial cargo freight additionalInlandfreight originInlandfreight destinationThroughfreight Fxceed maximum Option fee Change of destination fee Inlandfreight rail Zone transport charges Inlandfreight truck Intermodal freight ExtratoreachconsolidatedcontainerminimutnCost increase charge Freight ex border Standard freight 1 Standard freight 1 I Standard freight I Standard freight I Compensation for deckcargo Compensation for tarpaulins Extra for separation in different holds Lying idle and/or sailing-followed by sailing Lying idle and/or sailing-if not followed by sailing Cost of transportation (sca, inland waterways, or air freight, or overland carriage)Transport-rail,road,waterRoad transport,delivery to freehouse ,including any urban area congestion surchargeCollection ex house.movenent including any urban area transport congestion surchargeDISCOUNTS/ALLOWANCES/REBATESAllowance-wool Allowance-containerAllowance-pallet Allowance-LCL Allowance-groupageDiscount-contract Discount-special project102013 102014 102015 102016 102017 102018 102019 102020 102021 102022 10 20 23 | | tt | | 102024 | 1020 44 102045 102046 102047 102049 102050 102051 102052 102070 102071 102072 1020 73 102074 102075 102076 102077 102078 102079 102080 102081 102082 102083 GB/T 17152--~ 1997 Discount-high commissionDisccount-productDiscount-product Discount-scholar./OnionDiscount-polato/onionDiscount-chemical contractDiscount-chemical contract1Discount-tractorDiscount-accumulatedDiscount-accumulated FCLDiscount-accumulated FCLDiscount-on hcavy lift additional Discount-on cxtra length additional Discount-on over length Discount-on ovcr height additional Discount-on over width additional Discount-on out of gauge additional Discount-FCl. Discount-groupageDiscount-CVV Discount-CVV Discount-temporaryDiscount-special heavy lifDiscount-charity Container reduction Commissions Forwarding agents' commissionForwarding agents' commission-defredPerformance bonus Unspecified reductionMeasurement reductionPallet/skid reductionSeafreight reductionFCl.abatement FCL freight reduction compensationFCLabatementrcpaymcntRebate-ImmediatetcRebate-special immediateRebate-contractRebate-contract Rebate-deferredRebate-deferred Rebate-special deferredRebate-loyalty Rebate-special commodityRebate-oncarriage woolRebate-wool shippersRebate-conference projectRebate-special Rebate-direct on seafreight | | tt | 103004 103005| | tt | ||10 3016 | | tt | | 103018 | 008||t t||104009 104012 104013 104014 104015 104024 104025 104028 104029||tt ||GB/T 17152 --- 1997 Rebate-direct on collect scafreightRebate-on loadingcostsRebate-minimumpallet/unit/skidRebate-charity ADJUSTMENTFACTORS BAF BAFpre·carriagcBAFscafreight BAF on-carriageBunker adjustmcnt rebateCAF Currency adjustment rebatcBunker/fuel surchargeSurcharge Surcharge on basic priceReduction on basic priceBad weather surchargeCurrency devaluation surchargcCAF/BAFEnergy surchargeBunker surchaige Freight surcharge(sea or inland waterways)Freight surcharge ADDITIONALS Dangerous goods additionalNon-conference surcharge Heavy lift additional Transhipment heavy lift additionalExtra length additionalOver height additional Over width additional Extra width surcharge Over gauge surcharge Out of gauge additional Day's port surcharge Department port surcharge Destination port additional (Origin port additional Anchorage operation surcharge(utport additional Direct call additional Container utilization charges Container service charge Equipment transfer charge origin Equipment demurrage Equipment transfer charge Equipment demurrage Equipment transfer charge destination14030 101031 101032 104036 101037 104039 104040 104041 104042 10 4043 | |tt | 064 | |tt | 7||t t||104078 104079 104080 104081 104082 104083 104084 104085 104101 104102 GB/T 17152-1997 LCL additional LCI, service chargeAdditional dunnaging chargeFCL additional Equipment detention chargeDrop-off charge SQSunpacking Weighing charges Warlike operations additionalWar risk additionalWar surcharge Emergency surcharge Area additional East mediterranean surchargeUnspecified chargesLCL service chargeoriginDirect outport additionalCongestion surchargePort surcharge Port charges Primage LCL service chargedestinationLCL port service chargeFCLport service chargeAdditional for extra loading/discharging sitesAdditional for extra sailing/detention costAdditional for loading/unloading at special placesAdditional for low waterAdditional for waterways with limited draughtAdditional on weight for special goodsAdditional on tariff for special goodsAdditional on weight for voluminous goodsAdditional per WT for dangerous goods: extra workAdditional for vermin, stench, dirtAdditional for extra labour due to type of godsCompensation for actual sailing in overtimeIce risk arrangementRange additional Collection (charge for) Ferry charges Scale fees Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.