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Calibration Specification for the Pulmonary Function Measuring Instrument

Basic Information

Standard ID: JJF 1213-2008

Standard Name:Calibration Specification for the Pulmonary Function Measuring Instrument

Chinese Name: 肺功能仪校准规范

Standard category:National Metrology Standard (JJ)

state:in force

Date of Release2008-09-27

Date of Implementation:2009-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Metrology and Measurement, Physical Phenomena >> 17.120 Measurement of Fluid Flow

Standard Classification Number:General>>Metrology>>A61 Chemical Metrology

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Quality Inspection Press


Publication date:2009-01-01

other information

drafter:Wang Huailing, Li Chunying, Zhang Conghua

Drafting unit:China Astronaut Research and Training Center, China Institute of Metrology, China Institute of Testing Technology, etc.

Focal point unit:National Physical and Chemical Metrology Technical Committee

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China

competent authority:National Physical and Chemical Metrology Technical Committee

Introduction to standards:

JJF 1213-2008 Calibration specification for spirometry instrument JJF1213-2008 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This specification applies to the calibration of spirometry instrument.

JJF1001—1998 "General Metrological Terms and Definitions"
JJF1071—2000 "Rules for the Preparation of National Metrological Calibration Specifications"
JJF1059—1999 "Evaluation and Expression of Measurement Uncertainty"
Standardization of spirometry, 1994 Update, American Thoracic Society. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 1995, Vol 152: 1107-1136
Standardization of spirometry, European Respiratory Journal. 2005, Vol 26: 319-338
When using this specification, attention should be paid to using the currently valid versions of the above-mentioned references.
1 Scope (1)
2 References (1)
3 Terms and units of measurement (1)
3.1 Vital capacity (1) 3.2
Forced vital capacity (1)
3.3 Peak expiratory flow (1)
3.4 Maximum minute ventilation (1)
4 General description (1)
5 Metering characteristics (1)
5.1 Technical specifications of spirometers (1)
5.2 Technical specifications of gas analysers (2)
6 Calibration conditions and equipment (2)
6.1 Environmental conditions (2)
6.2 Calibration equipment (2)
7 Calibration items and methods (3)
7.1 Appearance and functional inspection (3) 7.2 Vital capacity
(3) 7.3
Forced vital capacity (4) 7.4
Peak expiratory flow (4)
7.5 Maximum minute ventilation (5) 7.6 Calibration of gas analyzer
7.7 Repeatability of gas analyzer measurement (6)
8 Recalibration time interval (6) Appendix
A Format of original calibration records (7) Appendix
B Format of calibration certificate (inside page) (9)

Some standard content:

National Metrology Technical Specification of the People's Republic of China JJF1213—2008
Calibration Specification for the Pulmonary Function Measuring Instrument2008 - 09 —27 Issued
Implementation on 2009-01 01
Issued by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine JJF 1213—2008
Calibration Specification for the Pulmonary Function Measuring Instrument JJF1213—2008
This specification was approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on September 27, 2008, and came into effect on January 1, 2009.
Responsible unit: National Technical Committee for Physical and Chemical Metrology Drafting unit: China Astronaut Research and Training Center, China Institute of Metrology
China Institute of Testing Technology
This specification is entrusted to the National Technical Committee for Physical and Chemical Metrology to be responsible for the interpretation of this specification. Main drafters:
Wang Huailing (China Astronaut Research and Training Center) Li Chunying (China Institute of Metrology) Zhang Conghua (China Institute of Testing Technology) Participating drafters:
Lin Ruichu (China Astronaut Research and Training Center) Gong Lan (China Institute of Testing Technology)
Liao Junping (China Astronaut Research and Training Center) Yang
Yong (China Institute of Testing Technology)
3 Terms and measurement units·
3.1 Quantity·
3. 2 Forced Vital Capacity
Peak Expiratory Flow
Minute Volume
Measuring Characteristics
Technical Specifications of Spirometer
Technical Specifications of Gas Analyzer
6 Calibration Conditions and Equipment
6.1 Environmental Conditions
6.2 Calibration Equipment
6.3 Calibration Standard Gases
7 Calibration Items
7.1 Appearance and Functional Inspection
7. 2 Vital capacity -
Forced vital capacity
Peak expiratory flow
7.5 Maximum minute ventilation
7.6 Calibration of gas analyzer
7.7 Measurement repeatability of gas analyzer
8 Recalibration time interval
Appendix A, original calibration record format
Appendix 3 Calibration certificate (internal) format
JJF 1213—2008
1 Scope
Calibration specification for spirometry
This specification applies to the calibration of spirometry
2 References
JF1001-1998 "General Metering Standard STH
JF1071-2300 "Rules for Writing National Quantity Calibration Specifications JF10591999 Evaluation and Expression of Measurement Uncertainty" Standardiza.icnobspiromery
1994 Update,
Journal of Respirars
and Critic
Standardizafos bf spirometryeare Medicine
When using this standard, attention should be paid to the use
of the references cited above
with the current valid version
3 Terms and units of measurement
yitalcapactity, written v)
starting from the 1st point of the scale, the maximum amount of air exhaled from the lungs, or the maximum amount of air inhaled after a deep exhalation, unit: from a deep inspiration
liter (L).
3.2 Forced vital capacity (VC) refers to the maximum amount of air that can be exhaled during a deep breath, in liters (L). 3.3 Peak expiratory volume (PEF) refers to the maximum amount of air that can be exhaled during forced exhalation, in seconds.
3.4 ​​Maximum minute volume (MV) refers to the maximum amount of air that can be exhaled within a specific time during repeated and full exhalation, in L/min (L/min). 4 Overview
The spirometer is mainly composed of a spirometer, analyzer and other components. Through their combination, most indicators of respiratory physiology can be measured, such as vital capacity, which is used for lung function, minute ventilation, bronchial dilation test and respiratory examination. The spirometer part of the spirometer can be divided into a capacity measurement spirometer and a flow measurement spirometer according to the working principle. The gas analyzers in the respiratory gas analysis part can be divided into paramagnetic method, electrochemical method, non-dispersive infrared method, mass spectrometry and chromatography according to the working principle. The spirometer has a relatively comprehensive pulmonary function test function and can provide users with corresponding analysis data for clinical diagnosis and research. 5 Metering characteristics
5. Technical indicators of the spirometer
The technical indicators of the spirometer are shown in the table! Item
JJF 1213—2008
Technical indicators of gas analyzer
Maximum indication error
±3% or +0.0501, whichever is greater
+3% or +0.0501, whichever is greater
Most repeatable
(0~11)1/s±10% or =0.301./s, whichever is greater5% or 0.151/5. Whichever is greater
2501./min±10% or 15L/min: whichever is greater5.2 Technical indicators of gas analyzer
The technical indicators of gas analyzer are shown in Table 2. Table 2 Technical indicators of gas analyzer
Oxygen analyzer
Carbon dioxide analyzer
Maximum indication error
The above indicators are not used for qualification judgment, but only provide reference numbers. Standard conditions and equipment
6.1 Environmental conditions
6.1.1 Ambient temperature: (17~-40)℃: 6.1.2 Relative humidity: 30%~~95%:
6.1.3 Air pressure: (80~~106)kPa; Test signal
24ATS wave
26ATS wave
Sine wave
Measurement repeatability
6.1.4 Power supply: Single AC (220±22)V, 50Hz, power supply with good grounding wire: 6.1.5 No strong electromagnetic field interference, no vibration, no convection wind, clean and dust-free. 6.2 Calibration equipment
The measurement performance of the calibration equipment is shown in Table 3. Table 3 Performance table of calibration equipment
High steam pressure gauge
Standard breathing simulator
Measuring range
Peak expiratory flow rate (2~[4)1./8
Maximum allowable error
+0.5% (greater than or equal to 21.)
120ml (less than 21)
*The standard waveform recommended by the American Thoracic Association
(AT5) is adopted (24 FVC waveforms, 26 PEF waveforms). 2
JIF 1213—2008
All calibration equipment used in the calibration process shall be qualified through metrological verification and calibration, and can only be used within the validity period.
6.3 Calibration standard gas
Table 4 Calibration standard gas
Standard gas T
Weighted gas II
Standard gas III
Oxygen and carbon dioxide at 20% of the range, the rest are nitrogen. Oxygen and carbon dioxide at 50% of the range, the rest are nitrogen. Ammonia and carbon trioxide at 80% of the range, the rest are nitrogen. Uncertainty
1.0%, k—2
Note: The composition and concentration of the standard gas are determined according to the specific data indicated by the technical indicators in the instrument manual. The above is for reference only. 7 Calibration items and calibration methods
7.1 Appearance and functional inspection
7.1.1 The instrument should be accompanied by the manufacturer's manual, which should indicate the instrument name, manufacturer name, instrument model, instrument manufacturing serial number and manufacturing year and month.
7.1.2 The appearance of the instrument should be neat and tidy, without obvious damage, and the text and markings should be clearly visible. 7.1.3 The control and adjustment mechanism of the instrument should be flexible, the fastening parts should not be loose, and the switch action should be reliable. After the instrument is turned on and preheated until it works normally, all indicators should work normally and the digital display should show clear 71.4
7.2 The schematic diagram of the vital capacity
measurement device connection is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 Schematic diagram of the measurement device connection
1.-Measurement head of the pulmonary function instrument: 2. Swelling function instrument card: 3-Standard breathing simulator; 4-Wire According to Figure 1, connect the input port of the standard breathing simulator and the mouthpiece joint of the measurement head of the pulmonary function instrument so that the breathing tube and the output port are in a straight line and cannot be bent. Seal with a sealing ring to prevent leakage. 7.2.2 Record the readings of the atmospheric pressure gauge, thermometer, and hygrometer. 7.2.3 The turned-on pulmonary function instrument (hereinafter referred to as the instrument) is in a state of preparation for testing vital capacity. 7.2.1 Start the standard breathing simulator, input simulated breathing state, start the instrument at the same time, test lung activity, 7.2.5 Select 3 measuring points, measure each measuring point 3 times. Note the instrument indication corresponding to the measuring point Yvc.: 3
=1~3. The standard value of the measuring point is Yvc. Calculate the average value of the instrument indication corresponding to the measuring point Y7.2.6 Indication error
Calculate the relative indication error of vital capacity according to formula (6vYve-Yve×100%
Calculate the absolute indication error of vital capacity according to formula (2)8:oe-Ye-Yr
7.3 Forced vital capacity
7.3,1 See 7.2.1 for connection method, turn on the instrument only to enter the preparatory state of forced brain capacity measurement. 7.3.2 Select the order of forced vital capacity simulation waveforms (specify waveform number 14, 16524, or any other waveform number). Start the standard breathing simulator in sequence, output the simulated breathing state, and check the forced vital capacity. Repeat the measurement for each waveform number, and record the standard value corresponding to the indicated value YV of the formula. 7.3.3 Indication error According to formula (3), calculate the average value Yw of the forced vital capacity indication: Calculate the relative indication error of forced vital capacity: Calculate the absolute indication error of forced vital capacity According to formula (4), 7.4 Expiratory peak value 7.4.1 Connect the four waveforms 7.2.1, turn on the instrument, and it is in the preparation state of stable expiratory peak flow or the preparation state of detecting forced vital capacity. 7.4.2 Select the expiratory peak flow simulation waveform (specify waveform 5, 11, 12, and select any one of the remaining waveform numbers). Start the breathing simulator in sequence: simulate breathing, and detect the expiratory peak flow. Each waveform number is measured 3 times, and the corresponding degassing peak flow indication value Y = 1-3 is recorded. The average value of the expiratory barrier flow is calculated for the waveform number. The standard value corresponding to the waveform number is 7.4.3 Indication error According to formula (5), the relative indication error of the expiratory peak flow is calculated as: AWETROOOGY According to formula (6), the absolute indication error of the expiratory peak flow is calculated as OE = YPEE-YEE 7.44 Measurement repeatability According to the above measured data, the absolute indication range is calculated according to formula (7): ArerYpuFoa-Ypermt t||Where: YEE.max
YThe maximum indication in the link:
The minimum indication in the link,
According to formula (8), calculate the relative range APEE: B
7.5Maximum minute ventilation
7.5.1See 7.2.1 for the connection method. Turn on the instrument and put it in the preparation state for detecting the maximum minute ventilation. (8)
7.5.2Select the operation mode (see Table 5), turn on the standard breathing simulator, input the standard gas into the instrument, and its flow rate is approximately sinusoidal distribution, and measure (12~15)s. Measure twice for each group. Table 5 Standard breathing mode
Mode number
MVV standard value/(L/min)
Single discharge volume/
Speed/(times per minute
2.5.3 Record each group of corresponding indications of the instrument1MW indication error
Calculate the relative indication error according to the formula
6) Calculate the absolute indication value
According to the company
Calculate the indication average value
7.6 Calibration of gas analyzer
The measuring device is connected as shown in Figure 2
Decompression limit
Record the standard value YMVV.
Gas analyzer
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of connection of measuring device
7.6.2 Turn on the instrument and put it in the operating sequence of the measuring gas analyzer. Pass the mixed gas standard substance, and take the arithmetic mean value A of each mixture. Repeat the measurement of the indication error point 3 times according to formula (11). After the indication is stable, calculate the reading AA
Where: A The arithmetic mean value of the instrument reading: Ao The standard value of the standard gas.
7.6.3 Select the calibration standard gas (11) in Table 4 in turn
7.6.4 Re-enter the calibration program of the instrument gas analyzer, repeat the steps of 7.6.1 to 7.6.2, measure different gas concentrations, and record the readings after the indication is stable, and calculate the indication error. 5
7.7 Repeatability of gas analyzer measurement
JJF 1213—2008
Introduce standard gas with a concentration of about 50% of the gas flow, repeat the test steps of 7.6.1 6 times, read the value after the indication is stable, and calculate the repeatability of the gas analyzer according to formula (12). Repeatability is expressed as the relative standard deviation RSD of the 6 measurement results.
Where: A.--the value displayed by the instrument A is the average value of the 6 readings;
n the number of measurements.
8 Recalibration time interval
The recalibration time interval is determined by the user. It is generally recommended that the recalibration time interval should not exceed 1 year. The last calibration certificate should be attached when recalibrating.
Appendix A
Inspection unit:
Instrument name:
Certificate number:
Ambient temperature:
Appearance and functional inspection:
Vital capacity (VC)
Measuring point Yv-/1
Forced vital capacity (FVC)
Measuring point YF/L
Peak expiratory flow (PEF)
Measuring point Y/L
Original calibration record format
(Recommended form)
Calibration date:
Manufacturer:||tt ||Factory number:
Relative humidity:
Atmospheric pressure:
Maximum minute ventilation (MVV)
Measurement mode
Gas analyzer indication error
Standard gas concentration
Gas analyzer
Standard gas concentration
E repeatability
Instrument element
Instrument indication
Indication error/%
Average value
Measurement repeatability%0%, k—2
Note: The composition and concentration of the standard gas are determined according to the specific data indicated by the technical indicators in the instrument manual. The above is for reference only. 7 Calibration items and calibration methods
7.1 Appearance and functional inspection
7.1.1 The instrument should be accompanied by the manufacturer's manual, which should indicate the instrument name, manufacturer name, instrument model, instrument manufacturing serial number and manufacturing year and month.
7.1.2 The appearance of the instrument should be neat and free of obvious damage, and the text and markings should be clearly visible. 7.1.3 The control and adjustment mechanism of the instrument should be flexible, the fastening parts should not be loose, and the switch action should be reliable. After the instrument is turned on and preheated until it works normally, all indicators should work normally and the digital display should show clear 71.4
7.2 Vital capacity
The connection diagram of the measuring device is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 Schematic diagram of measuring device connection
1.-Measurement head of pulmonary function instrument: 2. Card machine of pulmonary function instrument: 3. Standard breathing simulator; 4. Wire According to Figure 1, connect the input port of the standard breathing simulator and the mouthpiece joint of the measurement head of the pulmonary function instrument, so that the breathing tube and the output port are in a straight line and cannot be bent. Seal with a sealing ring to prevent leakage. 7.2.2 Record the readings of the atmospheric pressure gauge, thermometer and hygrometer. 7.2.3 Turn on the pulmonary function instrument (hereinafter referred to as the instrument) and put it in the preparation state for testing vital capacity. 7.2.1 Start the standard breathing simulator, input the simulated breathing state, and start the instrument at the same time to test the lung capacity. 7.2.5 Select 3 measurement points and measure each measurement point 3 times. Write down the instrument indication value Yvc corresponding to the measurement point: 3
=1~3. The standard value of the measurement point is Yvc. Calculate the average value of the instrument indication corresponding to the measuring point Y7.2.6 Indication error
Calculate the relative indication error of vital capacity according to formula (6vYve-Yve×100%
Calculate the absolute indication error of vital capacity according to formula (2)8:oe-Ye-Yr
7.3 Forced vital capacity
7.3,1 See 7.2.1 for the connection method, turn on the instrument only to enter the preparatory state of forced vital capacity measurement. 7.3.2 Select the sequence of forced vital capacity simulation waveforms (specify waveform number 14, 16524, and select any one of the remaining waveform numbers). Start the standard breathing simulator in sequence, output the simulated breathing state, and check the forced vital capacity. Repeat the measurement for each waveform number, and record the standard value corresponding to the indicated value YV of the formula. 7.3.3 Indication error According to formula (3), calculate the average value Yw of the forced vital capacity indication: Calculate the relative indication error of forced vital capacity: Calculate the absolute indication error of forced vital capacity According to formula (4), 7.4 Expiratory peak value 7.4.1 Connect the four waveforms 7.2.1, turn on the instrument, and it is in the preparation state of stable expiratory peak flow or the preparation state of detecting forced vital capacity. 7.4.2 Select the expiratory peak flow simulation waveform (specify waveform 5, 11, 12, and select any one of the remaining waveform numbers). Start the breathing simulator in sequence: simulate breathing, and detect the expiratory peak flow. Each waveform number is measured 3 times, and the corresponding degassing peak flow indication value Y = 1-3 is recorded. The average value of the expiratory barrier flow is calculated for the waveform number. The standard value corresponding to the waveform number is 7.4.3 Indication error According to formula (5), the relative indication error of the expiratory peak flow is calculated as: AWETROOOGY According to formula (6), the absolute indication error of the expiratory peak flow is calculated as OE = YPEE-YEE 7.44 Measurement repeatability According to the above measured data, the absolute indication range is calculated according to formula (7): ArerYpuFoa-Ypermt t||Where: YEE.max
YThe maximum indication in the link:
The minimum indication in the link,
According to formula (8), calculate the relative range APEE: B
7.5Maximum minute ventilation
7.5.1See 7.2.1 for the connection method. Turn on the instrument and put it in the preparation state for detecting the maximum minute ventilation. (8)
7.5.2Select the operation mode (see Table 5), turn on the standard breathing simulator, input the standard gas into the instrument, and its flow rate is approximately sinusoidal distribution, and measure (12~15)s. Measure twice for each group. Table 5 Standard breathing mode
Mode number
MVV standard value/(L/min)
Single discharge volume/
Speed/(times per minute
2.5.3 Record each group of corresponding indications of the instrument1MW indication error
Calculate the relative indication error according to the formula
6) Calculate the absolute indication value
According to the company
Calculate the indication average value
7.6 Calibration of gas analyzer
The measuring device is connected as shown in Figure 2
Decompression limit
Record the standard value YMVV.
Gas analyzer
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of connection of measuring device
7.6.2 Turn on the instrument and put it in the operating sequence of the measuring gas analyzer. Pass the mixed gas standard substance, and take the arithmetic mean value A of each mixture. Repeat the measurement of the indication error point 3 times according to formula (11). After the indication is stable, calculate the reading AA
Where: A The arithmetic mean value of the instrument reading: Ao The standard value of the standard gas.
7.6.3 Select the calibration standard gas (11) in Table 4 in turn
7.6.4 Re-enter the calibration program of the instrument gas analyzer, repeat the steps of 7.6.1 to 7.6.2, measure different gas concentrations, and record the readings after the indication is stable, and calculate the indication error. 5
7.7 Repeatability of gas analyzer measurement
JJF 1213—2008
Introduce standard gas with a concentration of about 50% of the gas flow, repeat the test steps of 7.6.1 6 times, read the value after the indication is stable, and calculate the repeatability of the gas analyzer according to formula (12). Repeatability is expressed as the relative standard deviation RSD of the 6 measurement results.
Where: A.--the value displayed by the instrument A is the average value of the 6 readings;
n the number of measurements.
8 Recalibration time interval
The recalibration time interval is determined by the user. It is generally recommended that the recalibration time interval should not exceed 1 year. The last calibration certificate should be attached when recalibrating.
Appendix A
Inspection unit:
Instrument name:
Certificate number:bZxz.net
Ambient temperature:
Appearance and functional inspection:
Vital capacity (VC)
Measuring point Yv-/1
Forced vital capacity (FVC)
Measuring point YF/L
Peak expiratory flow (PEF)
Measuring point Y/L
Original calibration record format
(Recommended form)
Calibration date:
Manufacturer:||tt ||Factory number:
Relative humidity:
Atmospheric pressure:
Maximum minute ventilation (MVV)
Measurement mode
Gas analyzer indication error
Standard gas concentration
Gas analyzer
Standard gas concentration
E repeatability
Instrument element
Instrument indication
Indication error/%
Average value
Measurement repeatability%0%, k—2
Note: The composition and concentration of the standard gas are determined according to the specific data indicated by the technical indicators in the instrument manual. The above is for reference only. 7 Calibration items and calibration methods
7.1 Appearance and functional inspection
7.1.1 The instrument should be accompanied by the manufacturer's manual, which should indicate the instrument name, manufacturer name, instrument model, instrument manufacturing serial number and manufacturing year and month.
7.1.2 The appearance of the instrument should be neat and free of obvious damage, and the text and markings should be clearly visible. 7.1.3 The control and adjustment mechanism of the instrument should be flexible, the fastening parts should not be loose, and the switch action should be reliable. After the instrument is turned on and preheated until it works normally, all indicators should work normally and the digital display should show clear 71.4
7.2 Vital capacity
The connection diagram of the measuring device is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 Schematic diagram of measuring device connection
1.-Measurement head of pulmonary function instrument: 2. Card machine of pulmonary function instrument: 3. Standard breathing simulator; 4. Wire According to Figure 1, connect the input port of the standard breathing simulator and the mouthpiece joint of the measurement head of the pulmonary function instrument, so that the breathing tube and the output port are in a straight line and cannot be bent. Seal with a sealing ring to prevent leakage. 7.2.2 Record the readings of the atmospheric pressure gauge, thermometer and hygrometer. 7.2.3 Turn on the pulmonary function instrument (hereinafter referred to as the instrument) and put it in the preparation state for testing vital capacity. 7.2.1 Start the standard breathing simulator, input the simulated breathing state, and start the instrument at the same time to test the lung capacity. 7.2.5 Select 3 measurement points and measure each measurement point 3 times. Write down the instrument indication value Yvc corresponding to the measurement point: 3
=1~3. The standard value of the measurement point is Yvc. Calculate the average value of the instrument indication corresponding to the measuring point Y7.2.6 Indication error
Calculate the relative indication error of vital capacity according to formula (6vYve-Yve×100%
Calculate the absolute indication error of vital capacity according to formula (2)8:oe-Ye-Yr
7.3 Forced vital capacity
7.3,1 See 7.2.1 for the connection method, turn on the instrument only to enter the preparatory state of forced vital capacity measurement. 7.3.2 Select the sequence of forced vital capacity simulation waveforms (specify waveform number 14, 16524, and select any one of the remaining waveform numbers). Start the standard breathing simulator in sequence, output the simulated breathing state, and check the forced vital capacity. Repeat the measurement for each waveform number, and record the standard value corresponding to the indicated value YV of the formula. 7.3.3 Indication error According to formula (3), calculate the average value Yw of the forced vital capacity indication: Calculate the relative indication error of forced vital capacity: Calculate the absolute indication error of forced vital capacity According to formula (4), 7.4 Expiratory peak value 7.4.1 Connect the four waveforms 7.2.1, turn on the instrument, and it is in the preparation state of stable expiratory peak flow or the preparation state of detecting forced vital capacity. 7.4.2 Select the expiratory peak flow simulation waveform (specify waveform 5, 11, 12, and select any one of the remaining waveform numbers). Start the breathing simulator in sequence: simulate breathing, and detect the expiratory peak flow. Each waveform number is measured 3 times, and the corresponding degassing peak flow indication value Y = 1-3 is recorded. The average value of the expiratory barrier flow is calculated for the waveform number. The standard value corresponding to the waveform number is 7.4.3 Indication error According to formula (5), the relative indication error of the expiratory peak flow is calculated as: AWETROOOGY According to formula (6), the absolute indication error of the expiratory peak flow is calculated as OE = YPEE-YEE 7.44 Measurement repeatability According to the above measured data, the absolute indication range is calculated according to formula (7): ArerYpuFoa-Ypermt t||Where: YEE.max
YThe maximum indication in the link:
The minimum indication in the link,
According to formula (8), calculate the relative range APEE: B
7.5Maximum minute ventilation
7.5.1See 7.2.1 for the connection method. Turn on the instrument and put it in the preparation state for detecting the maximum minute ventilation. (8)
7.5.2Select the operation mode (see Table 5), turn on the standard breathing simulator, input the standard gas into the instrument, and its flow rate is approximately sinusoidal distribution, and measure (12~15)s. Measure twice for each group. Table 5 Standard breathing mode
Mode number
MVV standard value/(L/min)
Single discharge volume/
Speed/(times per minute
2.5.3 Record each group of corresponding indications of the instrument1MW indication error
Calculate the relative indication error according to the formula
6) Calculate the absolute indication value
According to the company
Calculate the indication average value
7.6 Calibration of gas analyzer
The measuring device is connected as shown in Figure 2
Decompression limit
Record the standard value YMVV.
Gas analyzer
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of connection of measuring device
7.6.2 Turn on the instrument and put it in the operating sequence of the measuring gas analyzer. Pass the mixed gas standard substance, and take the arithmetic mean value A of each mixture. Repeat the measurement of the indication error point 3 times according to formula (11). After the indication is stable, calculate the reading AA
Where: A The arithmetic mean value of the instrument reading: Ao The standard value of the standard gas.
7.6.3 Select the calibration standard gas (11) in Table 4 in turn
7.6.4 Re-enter the calibration program of the instrument gas analyzer, repeat the steps of 7.6.1 to 7.6.2, measure different gas concentrations, and record the readings after the indication is stable, and calculate the indication error. 5
7.7 Repeatability of gas analyzer measurement
JJF 1213—2008
Introduce standard gas with a concentration of about 50% of the gas flow, repeat the test steps of 7.6.1 6 times, read the value after the indication is stable, and calculate the repeatability of the gas analyzer according to formula (12). Repeatability is expressed as the relative standard deviation RSD of the 6 measurement results.
Where: A.--the value displayed by the instrument A is the average value of the 6 readings;
n the number of measurements.
8 Recalibration time interval
The recalibration time interval is determined by the user. It is generally recommended that the recalibration time interval should not exceed 1 year. The last calibration certificate should be attached when recalibrating.
Appendix A
Inspection unit:
Instrument name:
Certificate number:
Ambient temperature:
Appearance and functional inspection:
Vital capacity (VC)
Measuring point Yv-/1
Forced vital capacity (FVC)
Measuring point YF/L
Peak expiratory flow (PEF)
Measuring point Y/L
Original calibration record format
(Recommended form)
Calibration date:
Manufacturer:||tt ||Factory number:
Relative humidity:
Atmospheric pressure:
Maximum minute ventilation (MVV)
Measurement mode
Gas analyzer indication error
Standard gas concentration
Gas analyzer
Standard gas concentration
E repeatability
Instrument element
Instrument indication
Indication error/%
Average value
Measurement repeatability%2 The connection diagram of the vital capacity
measuring device is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 Schematic diagram of the connection of the measuring device
1.- The measuring head of the pulmonary function instrument: 2. The card machine of the pulmonary function instrument: 3- Standard breathing simulator; 4- Wire According to Figure 1, connect the input port of the standard breathing simulator and the mouthpiece joint of the measuring head of the pulmonary function instrument, so that the breathing tube and the output port are in a straight line and cannot be bent. Seal with a sealing ring to prevent air leakage. 7.2.2 Record the readings of the atmospheric pressure gauge, thermometer, and hygrometer. 7.2.3 Turn on the pulmonary function instrument (hereinafter referred to as the instrument) and put it in the preparation state for testing vital capacity. 7.2.1 Start the standard breathing simulator, input the simulated breathing state, and start the instrument at the same time to test the lung capacity mouse. 7.2.5 Select 3 measuring points and measure each measuring point 3 times. Write down the instrument indication Yvc. corresponding to the measuring point: 3
where = 1~3. The standard value of the measuring point is Yvc. Calculate the average value Y of the instrument indication corresponding to the measuring point. 7.2.6 Indication error
Calculate the relative indication error of vital capacity according to the formula (6vYve-Yve×100%
Calculate the absolute indication error of vital capacity according to the formula (2): 8:oe-Ye-Yr
7.3 Forced vital capacity
7.3,1 See 7.2.1 for the connection method, turn on the instrument to enter the preparatory state of forced vital capacity measurement. 7.3.2 Select the sequence of forced vital capacity simulation waveforms (specify waveform number 14, 16524, and select any one of the remaining waveform numbers). Start the standard breathing simulator in sequence, output the simulated breathing state, and check the forced vital capacity. Repeat the measurement for each waveform number, and record the standard value corresponding to the indicated value YV of the formula. 7.3.3 Indication error According to formula (3), calculate the average value Yw of the forced vital capacity indication: Calculate the relative indication error of forced vital capacity: Calculate the absolute indication error of forced vital capacity According to formula (4), 7.4 Expiratory peak value 7.4.1 Connect the four waveforms 7.2.1, turn on the instrument, and it is in the preparation state of stable expiratory peak flow or the preparation state of detecting forced vital capacity. 7.4.2 Select the expiratory peak flow simulation waveform (specify waveform 5, 11, 12, and select any one of the remaining waveform numbers). Start the breathing simulator in sequence: simulate breathing, and detect the expiratory peak flow. Each waveform number is measured 3 times, and the corresponding degassing peak flow indication value Y = 1-3 is recorded. The average value of the expiratory barrier flow is calculated for the waveform number. The standard value corresponding to the waveform number is 7.4.3 Indication error According to formula (5), the relative indication error of the expiratory peak flow is calculated as: AWETROOOGY According to formula (6), the absolute indication error of the expiratory peak flow is calculated as OE = YPEE-YEE 7.44 Measurement repeatability According to the above measured data, the absolute indication range is calculated according to formula (7): ArerYpuFoa-Ypermt t||Where: YEE.max
YThe maximum indication in the link:
The minimum indication in the link,
According to formula (8), calculate the relative range APEE: B
7.5Maximum minute ventilation
7.5.1See 7.2.1 for the connection method. Turn on the instrument and put it in the preparation state for detecting the maximum minute ventilation. (8)
7.5.2Select the operation mode (see Table 5), turn on the standard breathing simulator, input the standard gas into the instrument, and its flow rate is approximately sinusoidal distribution, and measure (12~15)s. Measure twice for each group. Table 5 Standard breathing mode
Mode number
MVV standard value/(L/min)
Single discharge volume/
Speed/(times per minute
2.5.3 Record each group of corresponding indications of the instrument1MW indication error
Calculate the relative indication error according to the formula
6) Calculate the absolute indication value
According to the company
Calculate the indication average value
7.6 Calibration of gas analyzer
The measuring device is connected as shown in Figure 2
Decompression limit
Record the standard value YMVV.
Gas analyzer
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of connection of measuring device
7.6.2 Turn on the instrument and put it in the operating sequence of the measuring gas analyzer. Pass the mixed gas standard substance, and take the arithmetic mean value A of each mixture. Repeat the measurement of the indication error point 3 times according to formula (11). After the indication is stable, calculate the reading AA
Where: A The arithmetic mean value of the instrument reading: Ao The standard value of the standard gas.
7.6.3 Select the calibration standard gas (11) in Table 4 in turn
7.6.4 Re-enter the calibration program of the instrument gas analyzer, repeat the steps of 7.6.1 to 7.6.2, measure different gas concentrations, and record the readings after the indication is stable, and calculate the indication error. 5
7.7 Repeatability of gas analyzer measurement
JJF 1213—2008
Introduce standard gas with a concentration of about 50% of the gas flow, repeat the test steps of 7.6.1 6 times, read the value after the indication is stable, and calculate the repeatability of the gas analyzer according to formula (12). Repeatability is expressed as the relative standard deviation RSD of the 6 measurement results.
Where: A.--the value displayed by the instrument A is the average value of the 6 readings;
n the number of measurements.
8 Recalibration time interval
The recalibration time interval is determined by the user. It is generally recommended that the recalibration time interval should not exceed 1 year. The last calibration certificate should be attached when recalibrating.
Appendix A
Inspection unit:
Instrument name:
Certificate number:
Ambient temperature:
Appearance and functional inspection:
Vital capacity (VC)
Measuring point Yv-/1
Forced vital capacity (FVC)
Measuring point YF/L
Peak expiratory flow (PEF)
Measuring point Y/L
Original calibration record format
(Recommended form)
Calibration date:
Manufacturer:||tt ||Factory number:
Relative humidity:
Atmospheric pressure:
Maximum minute ventilation (MVV)
Measurement mode
Gas analyzer indication error
Standard gas concentration
Gas analyzer
Standard gas concentration
E repeatability
Instrument element
Instrument indication
Indication error/%
Average value
Measurement repeatability%2 The connection diagram of the vital capacity
measuring device is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 Schematic diagram of the connection of the measuring device
1.- The measuring head of the pulmonary function instrument: 2. The card machine of the pulmonary function instrument: 3- Standard breathing simulator; 4- Wire According to Figure 1, connect the input port of the standard breathing simulator and the mouthpiece joint of the measuring head of the pulmonary function instrument, so that the breathing tube and the output port are in a straight line and cannot be bent. Seal with a sealing ring to prevent air leakage. 7.2.2 Record the readings of the atmospheric pressure gauge, thermometer, and hygrometer. 7.2.3 Turn on the pulmonary function instrument (hereinafter referred to as the instrument) and put it in the preparation state for testing vital capacity. 7.2.1 Start the standard breathing simulator, input the simulated breathing state, and start the instrument at the same time to test the lung capacity mouse. 7.2.5 Select 3 measuring points and measure each measuring point 3 times. Write down the instrument indication Yvc. corresponding to the measuring point: 3
where = 1~3. The standard value of the measuring point is Yvc. Calculate the average value Y of the instrument indication corresponding to the measuring point. 7.2.6 Indication error
Calculate the relative indication error of vital capacity according to the formula (6vYve-Yve×100%
Calculate the absolute indication error of vital capacity according to the formula (2): 8:oe-Ye-Yr
7.3 Forced vital capacity
7.3,1 See 7.2.1 for the connection method, turn on the instrument to enter the preparatory state of forced vital capacity measurement. 7.3.2 Select the sequence of forced vital capacity simulation waveforms (specify waveform number 14, 16524, and select any one of the remaining waveform numbers). Start the standard breathing simulator in sequence, output the simulated breathing state, and check the forced vital capacity. Repeat the measurement for each waveform number, and record the standard value corresponding to the indicated value YV of the formula. 7.3.3 Indication error According to formula (3), calculate the average value Yw of the forced vital capacity indication: Calculate the relative indication error of forced vital capacity: Calculate the absolute indication error of forced vital capacity According to formula (4), 7.4 Expiratory peak value 7.4.1 Connect the four waveforms 7.2.1, turn on the instrument, and it is in the preparation state of stable expiratory peak flow or the preparation state of detecting forced vital capacity. 7.4.2 Select the expiratory peak flow simulation waveform (specify waveform 5, 11, 12, and select any one of the remaining waveform numbers). Start the breathing simulator in sequence: simulate breathing, and detect the expiratory peak flow. Each waveform number is measured 3 times, and the corresponding degassing peak flow indication value Y = 1-3 is recorded. The average value of the expiratory barrier flow is calculated for the waveform number. The standard value corresponding to the waveform number is 7.4.3 Indication error According to formula (5), the relative indication error of the expiratory peak flow is calculated as: AWETROOOGY According to formula (6), the absolute indication error of the expiratory peak flow is calculated as OE = YPEE-YEE 7.44 Measurement repeatability According to the above measured data, the absolute indication range is calculated according to formula (7): ArerYpuFoa-Ypermt t||Where: YEE.max
YThe maximum indication in the link:
The minimum indication in the link,
According to formula (8), calculate the relative range APEE: B
7.5Maximum minute ventilation
7.5.1See 7.2.1 for the connection method. Turn on the instrument and put it in the preparation state for detecting the maximum minute ventilation. (8)
7.5.2Select the operation mode (see Table 5), turn on the standard breathing simulator, input the standard gas into the instrument, and its flow rate is approximately sinusoidal distribution, and measure (12~15)s. Measure twice for each group. Table 5 Standard breathing mode
Mode number
MVV standard value/(L/min)
Single discharge volume/
Speed/(times per minute
2.5.3 Record each group of corresponding indications of the instrument1MW indication error
Calculate the relative indication error according to the formula
6) Calculate the absolute indication value
According to the company
Calculate the indication average value
7.6 Calibration of gas analyzer
The measuring device is connected as shown in Figure 2
Decompression limit
Record the standard value YMVV.
Gas analyzer
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of connection of measuring device
7.6.2 Turn on the instrument and put it in the operating sequence of the measuring gas analyzer. Pass the mixed gas standard substance, and take the arithmetic mean value A of each mixture. Repeat the measurement of the indication error point 3 times according to formula (11). After the indication is stable, calculate the reading AA
Where: A The arithmetic mean value of the instrument reading: Ao The standard value of the standard gas.
7.6.3 Select the calibration standard gas (11) in Table 4 in turn
7.6.4 Re-enter the calibration program of the instrument gas analyzer, repeat the steps of 7.6.1 to 7.6.2, measure different gas concentrations, and record the readings after the indication is stable, and calculate the indication error. 5
7.7 Repeatability of gas analyzer measurement
JJF 1213—2008
Introduce standard gas with a concentration of about 50% of the gas flow, repeat the test steps of 7.6.1 6 times, read the value after the indication is stable, and calculate the repeatability of the gas analyzer according to formula (12). Repeatability is expressed as the relative standard deviation RSD of the 6 measurement results.
Where: A.--the value displayed by the instrument A is the average value of the 6 readings;
n the number of measurements.
8 Recalibration time interval
The recalibration time interval is determined by the user. It is generally recommended that the recalibration time interval should not exceed 1 year. The last calibration certificate should be attached when recalibrating.
Appendix A
Inspection unit:
Instrument name:
Certificate number:
Ambient temperature:
Appearance and functional inspection:
Vital capacity (VC)
Measuring point Yv-/1
Forced vital capacity (FVC)
Measuring point YF/L
Peak expiratory flow (PEF)
Measuring point Y/L
Original calibration record format
(Recommended form)
Calibration date:
Manufacturer:||tt ||Factory number:
Relative humidity:
Atmospheric pressure:
Maximum minute ventilation (MVV)
Measurement mode
Gas analyzer indication error
Standard gas concentration
Gas analyzer
Standard gas concentration
E repeatability
Instrument element
Instrument indication
Indication error/%
Average value
Measurement repeatability%2 Select the order of forced vital capacity simulation waveforms (specify waveform number 14, 16524, or any other waveform number). Start the standard breathing simulator in sequence, output the simulated breathing state, and check the forced vital capacity. Repeat the measurement for each waveform number, and record the standard value corresponding to the indicated value YV of the formula. 7.3.3 Indication error According to formula (3), calculate the average value Yw of the forced vital capacity indication: Calculate the relative indication error of forced vital capacity: Calculate the absolute indication error of forced vital capacity According to formula (4), 7.4 Expiratory peak value 7.4.1 Connect the four waveforms 7.2.1, turn on the instrument, and it is in the preparation state of stable expiratory peak flow or the preparation state of detecting forced vital capacity. 7.4.2 Select the expiratory peak flow simulation waveform (specify waveform 5, 11, 12, and select any one of the remaining waveform numbers). Start the breathing simulator in sequence: simulate breathing, and detect the expiratory peak flow. Each waveform number is measured 3 times, and the corresponding degassing peak flow indication value Y = 1-3 is recorded. The average value of the expiratory barrier flow is calculated for the waveform number. The standard value corresponding to the waveform number is 7.4.3 Indication error According to formula (5), the relative indication error of the expiratory peak flow is calculated as: AWETROOOGY According to formula (6), the absolute indication error of the expiratory peak flow is calculated as OE = YPEE-YEE 7.44 Measurement repeatability According to the above measured data, the absolute indication range is calculated according to formula (7): ArerYpuFoa-Ypermt t||Where: YEE.max
YThe maximum indication in the link:
The minimum indication in the link,
According to formula (8), calculate the relative range APEE: B
7.5Maximum minute ventilation
7.5.1See 7.2.1 for the connection method. Turn on the instrument and put it in the preparation state for detecting the maximum minute ventilation. (8)
7.5.2Select the operation mode (see Table 5), turn on the standard breathing simulator, input the standard gas into the instrument, and its flow rate is approximately sinusoidal distribution, and measure (12~15)s. Measure twice for each group. Table 5 Standard breathing mode
Mode number
MVV standard value/(L/min)
Single discharge volume/
Speed/(times per minute
2.5.3 Record each group of corresponding indications of the instrument1MW indication error
Calculate the relative indication error according to the formula
6) Calculate the absolute indication value
According to the company
Calculate the indication average value
7.6 Calibration of gas analyzer
The measuring device is connected as shown in Figure 2
Decompression limit
Record the standard value YMVV.
Gas analyzer
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of connection of measuring device
7.6.2 Turn on the instrument and put it in the operating sequence of the measuring gas analyzer. Pass the mixed gas standard substance, and take the arithmetic mean value A of each mixture. Repeat the measurement of the indication error point 3 times according to formula (11). After the indication is stable, calculate the reading AA
Where: A The arithmetic mean value of the instrument reading: Ao The standard value of the standard gas.
7.6.3 Select the calibration standard gas (11) in Table 4 in turn
7.6.4 Re-enter the calibration program of the instrument gas analyzer, repeat the steps of 7.6.1 to 7.6.2, measure different gas concentrations, and record the readings after the indication is stable, and calculate the indication error. 5
7.7 Repeatability of gas analyzer measurement
JJF 1213—2008
Introduce standard gas with a concentration of about 50% of the gas flow, repeat the test steps of 7.6.1 6 times, read the value after the indication is stable, and calculate the repeatability of the gas analyzer according to formula (12). Repeatability is expressed as the relative standard deviation RSD of the 6 measurement results.
Where: A.--the value displayed by the instrument A is the average value of the 6 readings;
n the number of measurements.
8 Recalibration time interval
The recalibration time interval is determined by the user. It is generally recommended that the recalibration time interval should not exceed 1 year. The last calibration certificate should be attached when recalibrating.
Appendix A
Inspection unit:
Instrument name:
Certificate number:
Ambient temperature:
Appearance and functional inspection:
Vital capacity (VC)
Measuring point Yv-/1
Forced vital capacity (FVC)
Measuring point YF/L
Peak expiratory flow (PEF)
Measuring point Y/L
Original calibration record format
(Recommended form)
Calibration date:
Manufacturer:||tt ||Factory number:
Relative humidity:
Atmospheric pressure:
Maximum minute ventilation (MVV)
Measurement mode
Gas analyzer indication error
Standard gas concentration
Gas analyzer
Standard gas concentration
E repeatability
Instrument element
Instrument indication
Indication error/%
Average value
Measurement repeatability%2 Select the order of forced vital capacity simulation waveforms (specify waveform number 14, 16524, or any other waveform number). Start the standard breathing simulator in sequence, output the simulated breathing state, and check the forced vital capacity. Repeat the measurement for each waveform number, and record the standard value corresponding to the indicated value YV of the formula. 7.3.3 Indication error According to formula (3), calculate the average value Yw of the forced vital capacity indication: Calculate the relative indication error of forced vital capacity: Calculate the absolute indication error of forced vital capacity According to formula (4), 7.4 Expiratory peak value 7.4.1 Connect the four waveforms 7.2.1, turn on the instrument, and it is in the preparation state of stable expiratory peak flow or the preparation state of detecting forced vital capacity. 7.4.2 Select the expiratory peak flow simulation waveform (specify waveform 5, 11, 12, and select any one of the remaining waveform numbers). Start the breathing simulator in sequence: simulate breathing, and detect the expiratory peak flow. Each waveform number is measured 3 times, and the corresponding degassing peak flow indication value Y = 1-3 is recorded. The average value of the expiratory barrier flow is calculated for the waveform number. The standard value corresponding to the waveform number is 7.4.3 Indication error According to formula (5), the relative indication error of the expiratory peak flow is calculated as: AWETROOOGY According to formula (6), the absolute indication error of the expiratory peak flow is calculated as OE = YPEE-YEE 7.44 Measurement repeatability According to the above measured data, the absolute indication range is calculated according to formula (7): ArerYpuFoa-Ypermt t||Where: YEE.max
YThe maximum indication in the link:
The minimum indication in the link,
According to formula (8), calculate the relative range APEE: B
7.5Maximum minute ventilation
7.5.1See 7.2.1 for the connection method. Turn on the instrument and put it in the preparation state for detecting the maximum minute ventilation. (8)
7.5.2Select the operation mode (see Table 5), turn on the standard breathing simulator, input the standard gas into the instrument, and its flow rate is approximately sinusoidal distribution, and measure (12~15)s. Measure twice for each group. Table 5 Standard breathing mode
Mode number
MVV standard value/(L/min)
Single discharge volume/
Speed/(times per minute
2.5.3 Record each group of corresponding indications of the instrument1MW indication error
Calculate the relative indication error according to the formula
6) Calculate the absolute indication value
According to the company
Calculate the indication average value
7.6 Calibration of gas analyzer
The measuring device is connected as shown in Figure 2
Decompression limit
Record the standard value YMVV.
Gas analyzer
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of connection of measuring device
7.6.2 Turn on the instrument and put it in the operating sequence of the measuring gas analyzer. Pass the mixed gas standard substance, and take the arithmetic mean value A of each mixture. Repeat the measurement of the indication error point 3 times according to formula (11). After the indication is stable, calculate the reading AA
Where: A The arithmetic mean value of the instrument reading: Ao The standard value of the standard gas.
7.6.3 Select the calibration standard gas (11) in Table 4 in turn
7.6.4 Re-enter the calibration program of the instrument gas analyzer, repeat the steps of 7.6.1 to 7.6.2, measure different gas concentrations, and record the readings after the indication is stable, and calculate the indication error. 5
7.7 Repeatability of gas analyzer measurement
JJF 1213—2008
Introduce standard gas with a concentration of about 50% of the gas flow, repeat the test steps of 7.6.1 6 times, read the value after the indication is stable, and calculate the repeatability of the gas analyzer according to formula (12). Repeatability is expressed as the relative standard deviation RSD of the 6 measurement results.
Where: A.--the value displayed by the instrument A is the average value of the 6 readings;
n the number of measurements.
8 Recalibration time interval
The recalibration time interval is determined by the user. It is generally recommended that the recalibration time interval should not exceed 1 year. The last calibration certificate should be attached when recalibrating.
Appendix A
Inspection unit:
Instrument name:
Certificate number:
Ambient temperature:
Appearance and functional inspection:
Vital capacity (VC)
Measuring point Yv-/1
Forced vital capacity (FVC)
Measuring point YF/L
Peak expiratory flow (PEF)
Measuring point Y/L
Original calibration record format
(Recommended form)
Calibration date:
Manufacturer:||tt ||Factory number:
Relative humidity:
Atmospheric pressure:
Maximum minute ventilation (MVV)
Measurement mode
Gas analyzer indication error
Standard gas concentration
Gas analyzer
Standard gas concentration
E repeatability
Instrument element
Instrument indication
Indication error/%
Average value
Measurement repeatability%6 Calibration of gas analyzer
The measuring device is connected as shown in Figure 2
Decompression limit
Record the standard value YMVV.
Gas analyzer
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of measuring device connection
7.6.2 Turn on the instrument to put it in the operating sequence of the gas analyzer, pass the mixed gas standard substance, and the arithmetic mean value A of each mixture. Repeat the measurement of the indication error point 3 times according to formula (11). After the indication is stable, the calculation of the reading AA is
Where: A The arithmetic mean value of the instrument reading: Ao The standard value of the standard gas.
7.6.3 Select the calibration standard gas (11) in Table 4 in turn.
7.6.4 Re-enter the calibration program of the instrument gas analyzer, repeat the steps of 7.6.1 to 7.6.2, measure different gas concentrations, read and record the value after the indication is stable, and calculate the indication error. 5
7.7 Repeatability of gas analyzer measurement
JJF 1213—2008
Introduce standard gas with a concentration of about 50% of the concentration, repeat the test steps of 7.6.1 6 times, read the value after the indication is stable, and calculate the repeatability of the instrument gas analyzer according to formula (12). Repeatability is expressed as the relative standard deviation RSD of the 6 measurement results.
Where: A.-the value displayed by the instrument for the first time A is the average value of 6 readings;
n is the number of measurements.
8 Recalibration time interval
The recalibration time is determined by the user. It is generally recommended that the recalibration time interval should not exceed 1 year. The last calibration certificate should be attached during recalibration.
Appendix A
Inspection unit:
Instrument name:
Certificate number:
Ambient temperature:
Appearance and functional inspection:
Vital capacity (VC)
Measuring point Yv-/1
Forced vital capacity (FVC)
Measuring point YF/L
Peak expiratory flow (PEF)
Measuring point Y/L
Original calibration record format
(Recommended form)
Calibration date:
Manufacturer:||tt ||Factory number:
Relative humidity:
Atmospheric pressure:
Maximum minute ventilation (MVV)
Measurement mode
Gas analyzer indication error
Standard gas concentration
Gas analyzer
Standard gas concentration
E repeatability
Instrument element
Instrument indication
Indication error/%
Average value
Measurement repeatability%6 Calibration of gas analyzer
The measuring device is connected as shown in Figure 2
Decompression limit
Record the standard value YMVV.
Gas analyzer
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of measuring device connection
7.6.2 Turn on the instrument to put it in the operating sequence of the gas analyzer, pass the mixed gas standard substance, and the arithmetic mean value A of each mixture. Repeat the measurement of the indication error point 3 times according to formula (11). After the indication is stable, the calculation of the reading AA is
Where: A The arithmetic mean value of the instrument reading: Ao The standard value of the standard gas.
7.6.3 Select the calibration standard gas (11) in Table 4 in turn.
7.6.4 Re-enter the calibration program of the instrument gas analyzer, repeat the steps of 7.6.1 to 7.6.2, measure different gas concentrations, read and record the value after the indication is stable, and calculate the indication error. 5
7.7 Repeatability of gas analyzer measurement
JJF 1213—2008
Introduce standard gas with a concentration of about 50% of the concentration, repeat the test steps of 7.6.1 6 times, read the value after the indication is stable, and calculate the repeatability of the instrument gas analyzer according to formula (12). Repeatability is expressed as the relative standard deviation RSD of the 6 measurement results.
Where: A.-the value displayed by the instrument for the first time A is the average value of 6 readings;
n is the number of measurements.
8 Recalibration time interval
The recalibration time is determined by the user. It is generally recommended that the recalibration time interval should not exceed 1 year. The last calibration certificate should be attached during recalibration.
Appendix A
Inspection unit:
Instrument name:
Certificate number:
Ambient temperature:
Appearance and functional inspection:
Vital capacity (VC)
Measuring point Yv-/1
Forced vital capacity (FVC)
Measuring point YF/L
Peak expiratory flow (PEF)
Measuring point Y/L
Original calibration record format
(Recommended form)
Calibration date:
Manufacturer:||tt ||Factory number:
Relative humidity:
Atmospheric pressure:
Maximum minute ventilation (MVV)
Measurement mode
Gas analyzer indication error
Standard gas concentration
Gas analyzer
Standard gas concentration
E repeatability
Instrument element
Instrument indication
Indication error/%
Average value
Measurement repeatability%
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