title>GB/T 14853.6-2002 Determination of crushing strength of single particle of granulated carbon black for rubber - GB/T 14853.6-2002 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
Home > GB > GB/T 14853.6-2002 Determination of crushing strength of single particle of granulated carbon black for rubber
GB/T 14853.6-2002 Determination of crushing strength of single particle of granulated carbon black for rubber
Basic Information
Standard ID:
GB/T 14853.6-2002
Standard Name: Determination of crushing strength of single particle of granulated carbon black for rubber
This standard specifies the determination method of the crushing strength of a single particle of carbon black for rubber. This standard is applicable to the determination of the crushing strength of a single particle of carbon black for rubber. GB/T 14853.6-2002 Determination of the crushing strength of a single particle of carbon black for rubber GB/T14853.6-2002 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
1cs.83.040.20 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T14853.6—2002 ncqIS0/TR8942:1988(E) Rubber compounding ingredients-Carbon black, pelletizedDetermination of individual pellet crushing strength2002-05-29 Issued General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of ChinabZxz.net 2002-12-01 Implementation GB/T14853.6—2002 This standard is not equivalent to the international standard technical report IS01R8942:1958 (E) Rubber compound carbon black single particle crushing strength determination, national standard GB/14853.6-1 Rubber compound carbon black single particle crushing strength determination, and the main technical differences between this standard and IS0/TR8943:1988 are: This standard uses a sample with 6 or more parallel sides. This standard requires the use of a hammer with a grooved tip. When preparing the sample, this standard stipulates that the sample needs to pass through the sample divider "at least twice". The main technical differences between this standard and GB/T14853.6-1993 are as follows: In the reference standard, GB6779 is changed to G37781991. The precision chapter is modified to "Among 20 spherical particles or 20 non-spherical particles, the coefficient of variation can reach 30%. The carbon crushing strength value of spherical particles is higher than that of non-spherical particles. The ratio can be selected as 1.8. This standard is implemented from the date of implementation, replacing GB/T14853.6-1993. This standard is proposed by the State Bureau of Petroleum and Chemical Industry, and is sponsored by the Carbon Black Technical Committee of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Adhesives and Resin Products. This standard was drafted by: China Rubber Group Carbon Black Industry Research and Design Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Yi Jinming and Lei Anqing. This standard was first published in June 193, GR/T14853.E—2002. ISO is a world-wide joint organization that formulates international standards for national standards bodies and member bodies. 1. Technical committees of TS are selected: All member bodies with interests in the project have the right to join the committee. Member bodies that have contact with ISO have the right to join the committee. International biotechnology organizations of other countries may also participate in this work. The main task of the IS technical committee is to develop international standards. Under special circumstances, the technical committee may establish one of the following types of technical reports for publication: 1. Type 1: after the efforts and necessary support of the technical committee, the standard will not be issued: Type 2: when the technical report needs more time for exploration in the development of technology: Type 3: when the technical committee has received a technical report that should not be discussed, and the technical report is usually published as an international standard. Technical reports can be directly approved and issued by the technical committee. During the period of publication of the three nings, the technical reports of type I and type II shall be reviewed by the regional authorities and then approved as international standards. The technical reports of type I and type II shall be reviewed repeatedly until the numbers they provide are no longer reasonable and useful: ISO/TR8S42 and ISO/IR45 core cavity and the change shall be submitted to the technical committee for approval. This document may be issued in the form of technical report type 2, the reasons for which will be explained in the preface, National Standard of the People's Republic of China Determination of crushing strength of individual particles of pelletized carbon black for rubber Ruhber Compounding ingredieotCarbon black, pellelled-Delerminatinn nf individual pellet crushing strengthCB/T14853.6—202 neqSO/TRB942:1988(E recommended CB/T :1833. t—15 Note: Personnel using this standard should follow routine experimental procedures. This standard does not involve any safety issues in use. The user has the responsibility to establish appropriate safety and health measures and ensure compliance with national regulations. 1 Scope of application This standard specifies the method for determining the crushing arc of a single pellet of granulated butadiene rubber. This standard is also used for the determination of the crushing strength of a single pellet of granulated service rubber. 2. Referenced standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the text of this standard by being cited in this standard. At the time of publication of this standard, the versions shown are valid. All standards may be revised. When using this standard, the parties should consider the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. GB3714 Grey and black for strength test GB/5003.11997 Metal wire mesh test ISO331c-1.199c) 3. Method Use the sieving method to select particles of small size. The black particles are placed between two plates that can apply force for strength measurement. The force applied when the particles break is recorded. 4 Instruments and equipment 4.1 Particle strength tester: It can record the force applied when the particles break. The equipment should have the following features. 4.1.1 During the whole test, the two half plates should be kept horizontal. The upper plate should be in accordance with the test state so that the particles under test can be observed. The force applied at a constant speed is: ~25cN/. 4.1.2 The accuracy of the measuring system is 1 cN. 4.1.3 The bottom plate and the force alarm can be fixed firmly to prevent the tester from speeding up or moving at the moment before the test. 4.1.4 The instrument can be calibrated by a code or a dynamometer. The accuracy of the correct installation is required to be equivalent to the accuracy of the tester. : The load cell can be within 20G or installed as a single tensile strength balance. The force application device is placed on a flat plate. 4.2 Mechanical vibration machine. 4.3 Integrity: $200×25/1.4 and 200×25/1.7. R40/3 series in GH/6003.1. 4.4 Compensation bottom receiving plate. 4.5 Cross cover. The State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China No. 20025-29 Approved 2002-12-01 Implementation GB/I14853.62002 4.6 Product divider: The divider has two parallel phases, used to divide the black rod product into two parts. 4.7 Wire drum: about 300mm long. 4.8 Mirror mcmr 4.9 Mirror: The tip is covered with sponge 4.10 Seconds or timer. 5 Sampling Sampling shall be carried out in accordance with GB regulations. 6 Sample preparation 6.1 Pass the carbon black through the sample divider sieve at least twice to obtain a carbon black sample with a surrogate content of about 100%. 6.2 Stack the test sieves in the following order from F to top: bottom receiving tray, 4209×23/1.4 and 42C1×25/1.7 test sieves. Place about 1000×25/1.7 test sieves on the sieve belt and place the sieve assembly in the mechanical sieve machine, using a small amount of power to prevent particles from being sieved. 6.3 If a sieve machine with a percussion hammer is used, the percussion hammer should be in the stop state. 6.4 Take out the 920122/1.4 test sieve and place about 400 particles from the sieve into the shallow dish. Place the dish on the table and gently vibrate the shallow dish to make the particles roll to the other end. 6.5 Place the large particles in the matching display. 1 Use a brick code to calibrate the particle strength measurement to achieve the specified accuracy. 7.2 Place approximately 25 carbon black pellets carefully in the test sample for strength determination. Alternatively, take out the pellets from the center. 7.3 Connect the instrument according to the instructions and move all the pellets to the test chamber. Remove the test chamber and automatically record the results. Remove the remaining carbon black pellets and clean the chassis and pressure foot for the next test. 3 Results 8.1 Calculate the average value of the 20 pellets in N and calculate the value to the nearest integer. 82 If necessary, calculate other values, such as a high value, a low value, and a low average of the five layers of data. 9 Density 9.1 The coefficient of variation between 20 spherical particles or 20 non-spherical particles is less than 30%. 9.2 The spherical particles have a higher single particle strength than the non-spherical particles, with a total value of up to 1.3.1D Test report The test report should include the following contents: a) The standard number on which this test is based: b) The variety and standard number of the sample: ) Details of the equipment used: Instructions: Use single type, 2] [S08962 uses soft type, less modification is required, ) The speed of force applied GB/T14853.6 ) The average value of the test results of 2 carbon black particles, unit c! f) Other required test strength values |) Abnormal phenomena in the test: h) Operations not specified in the product standard; Test period. 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